WASHINGTON DAILY NWS Eutored an second- c las* mtltirt Au*uat 5. 1903, at the postolUce at' WaahlnRton. N C.. under the act of Mtrv.tl S. 187 9/ PUBLISHED RVtCUY AFTBKXDaX-^ EXCEPT SrND,\Y. \ No. 114 East Main Street. " N L. M Wo. Telci FMUor iih?V Proprietor, htine No- 2IXK Si r.Sl Bll'i'OX HATES: Ojiu -Month S .25 lour Month.-* l.i'O Six Months . " 1 SO One Ywr ... . . 3 0 1> Subscribers desiring -the papeF-dis* soutinued will please notify thls'ofllcc i on date of expl"at*'on,- otherwise. It ' will be continued at regular subscrlii- ? ?Ion rates uct.l police to slop is re-, celved. If you do riot K?-t Th?? Daily N*?vw*' promptly telephone or write the nnn M?r, and the conol&int will receiv?*| Immediate aitxcticn. u Is our detire . to pleaBo v.",!. - WASHINGTON. N* C* . DEC. 3'J let THE NEWS FOLLOW. Parties joavtnK town ahould not f&ll to let The N??ws follow them daily with the news ct Washhik'nn fnvb and crisp It will prove a valuable i # companion, read in ff you like >i let- 1 tet from home. Those at the sea nhoro or mountains will find The! . New* a mo*C welcome and interesting ; ^Iplto: vi st i;i; L AH articles sent in The News for publication r>?mt b?*. si^ucd b^ rire wrlf*?r. otherwise tb?v will not be published. THE I'OWEIC or EX AMI'I.E. Kxery ubsoivar.t man lias noticed] ike tonujiiuii .?>1 iiu^iovtimunt. li? i*i ro^ftaiuly manifest Im; itsdi in ewryj dcparrmont 01 life. i one person! in a neighborhood berotiny active in' Ihv improvement of it-;.-* premises and! frafflMiiiatt ly tTio?>* near Uim wiii ue- j p:n ;<> :?nrtaV? ?.*' M* nndl ?it will \v but a i^hort time until ' " thought wilt l?e<-nme manifest in luv. ^worfc of his neighbors. f^ruw vnitlor? which are fortuuatel ?-HOUgh 4l? P! '? ??' H ? f**W -ffrOgrt-SSlve ] men arc ? ?????tain to pvjnr, but nil wltli whom theyf ? niiii? iii contact: and even contact! does not limit th?? good wbirb they accomplish. People who have been broadened in their thought by im mediate association with tho man who is ' accomplishing something worth while, mil) imbibe his spirit, develop their own abilities, ajid In torn, become examples or inspira tion* to those to whom the man con stituting the primary force is & totaj stranger It is an influence. .which broaden*, like the wares which widen from a stone thrown into the ?ea. until the circles approximate the in finite Hnudreds of cltletr in Che United States today have been built by m*r. "ufacttrrlnir industries. In a- maJori-'( tv of jnstance* it might be gaid.thnti Their 'natural advantages went no , greater than those of thousands ofj oTher localities which were- never, utilized, but because' of thejr enter-' pfifH? frtrd push whiefc chanced to find > expression in those particular place?., thev bx Atnc thr'.vir.g venters of pros- i perlty. They bee \ma.- tenters of manufa<- \ ?urlnp interest "oe-au"* on" or two , ;rv of. Mi.'cf i-.r ';r.' ;K.?.C "Sine. Others , wa:? h'* I tliph?' eompUtrh i\k .^.mething in a similar ; direction?" Th-is the impulse rom-!-, muhicatvd 1tsel' to others. j farmer e-i r surreedrrt tn pro--^ ?n-' ??factor. livery success impels Home ' ^ other man io Ify to reach the samel v results, and every determined trial ] j, strengthens the man who makes the [ _ effort. Kvery field of labor whether | of muscle 'or of mind...ha< felt thei; Impetus of thi* Xoroe. The man w ho undertakes to ac quire &n education must realize that j it can only be obtained by years oft1 ? patient industry, and he who would J' make a financial su?-' ess in the ordl-J"1 nary^lir.es of bo^ine-iB must be"\r > - mind that ps rule those who be- ? < ome wealth; .-nar* from a* :-:tr.alM foundation. All great fl:lnj> :n th?i- Inclplencyj had small beg*'nrir.c?. Whatever one I man has dnrie you ;?-'irn to ?io if you I only know how t'o begin ? ? r. mi a 'sr-r.w ir 1 position Uf v.i:, i l.<-He' in " f.e's [ 1 own ability, a:?l .i v.-iStinenofs tol ???- 9T/ tr.r-nS. -ft \> om> iTe. lu^ *:^LOM.QQJL Tblr* I'laes matter costs. %li. 000.0 OA) more i i halt- -it yields. The franking prlv-'J lcg?' of Congressmen coats $.">00,000 | and tiiat of the departments $2.225.- '? '?oo. Again a total lots of 19S.000.- J 'Mtu ify> vast porflt ot' $>O,Oo0,GQu on ; !-t 1 ??r? l-.? os a deficit or $1 T.47U.770; i : ? rtiiii delicti Powtmuiiior , 'leneril llitcSrock rn his annual re ?A |.:r".',iy : a ; umiv.uU.hs bVVihr ;-a> a higher rate, than uewjg&pers. ?>r that a zone tariff .should bo estab lished ar.d second-class postage, rol !ected aecordi.mL..ta. leiigth ,of- 'haul? t*~oth these measures are objection* able. Neither is n^essarv. No on*> wiU deny*, that American magazines taken as a class are educa tional: that their circulation is good for the country. It is upon that ground that such matter Is carried, iH'Jctr cost; and upon that ground it is ? ar.ried at a loss by every post office in the world. If "the assump tiou is wrong we may as wjill abolish the c1a?*iAcation altogether and vharge what the trafllc will hear." Ih;i before doing this there are three thiucs the PottoSBre Oepa/t m en t mighty try:" 1 introdmc more business-like methods in -the depart aicti ' . partiru larly reforming fhe payments to rail Iroadrt for carrying ntrib. ?J. Make lYngroKs and the depart ments pay ]uwtnx iiiiki ine\it;>ldv rmisp Vtx rapid ?'xt?'n.sio;?. It will grow . U must cr?. v.- It f.lis a need which vot . -a frel. It will soon he costing oOo.tioo or -.000,000 uiilesa com mon sery?- ;?:mps to the -eatce. With a pan els- pAct. rural free del] very would in time pay for itself. As to 1 t?e need ? If a vote could be taken on the question "Shall we have the par ? ids post?" the answer would be "yes" tyy an overwhelming majority. Why propose remedies which in volve the reversal of Ctvp edui'allunat potlcy of many rears of national de vylopmtftit-when a method of decreas ing the deficit, lies in sight, plain. practical and progressive.? Why not a people's pos'tofflce. serving the peo ple. better than now It serves them. Instead of a post office serving them worse? ? New _Yorw World. All statistics and reports are to the effect that every year there is an Increase In the nuprter of people woh take their owji-'fireF. These un happy people ?fe not K?4t?d to na tionality. sex or even a ??*. but from various conditions of life they are reported. The Baltimore Sun dis rupting the subject nays: tftwt huuI'Io ir? n mnnt werioot? ertme t)otk agirtnst Ood and human society. por on** who has any real faitTT-ln [Jori and HIjJ Providence, who be ievba that ihe Almighty placed" ITS' pere for a definite purpose, insanity $ the only pa.*sah!e excuse for the i t. No man. however heavy his I Airt!er>-. : a mora) right toihmwl t|:.v I'.- ! r. tf.; c r-T- :?:?.! V 1 '? ? ? - " ::E \'.f ? ? h: He ?!? ?: u"'-| nels rail. . IK DiVi. ? first I he be ?i mrorp of grave TsToydTry io~7,' ' l'ls 'the tn??a?l of something after death, the S-J*- ? rotintry from -whoeej oi:rn no traveler return*;' * that! ;iakes uft rather bear those ilia we | ave than fly to other? that we Uuow[ oi of.* THK r.%?ftK*i. \* gathered and aummailzatl hy it e New York Herald, the views of arious prominent men on the causes ?ehlnd the increased ' o?t of living re as follows: 1. Wasteful an.d^lnadeqtiate farm ir you suffer with indigestion, con ization. feci mean and cross, no trength or appetite, your system is mhealthy. Holliater's Rocky Moun ain Tea makes the system strong nd honlthy. ST?c cents. Tea or iab-1 ?*?. Hardy's Drug Store. ? Ai'l'lllNK lor "That ileniljuiie." Out last nrght? Headache and | iiervt'iis this morning? Hicks' Capu- . line Just tbe tUng tc fit you for [ busm'VJs. Clears the hea'l ? braces j 'he ifi?rvesl Try It. At drug stores. ? Scif kj lea CuggetJ i A Out? MV'o.ije !or 0?r? Ps?p1r3I. . ? ti>r CiTh itfuniriTii, *n?Tljrci !rf forri..JV raUun-j which add nothing directly o the food wo\lih of the nation. w. The tendency oa tl\e pr.rt of *r*nt industrial i-ontV^Honx to tee?y prices. particularly prices for the great staple*. constantly going up- : w i rd 4. The tariff, which directly r.nd .La-..- 1 :> forrr toward the a:l van'-enent of price*. * \viiu;i: widows^ Moxi'Y koKs. New York has "at hint begun talcing an Intelligent interest in ronipensa tion to victims of industrial accl* deniR. A rommirslon appointed by t!jU-leg1;0uure h.t* been investigating the cubjcct. Here is one thing It dis covered: A great many of th?* larger em ployers make out insurance against damages arising from accidents to their workmen. Several companies make a specialty of writing such 5n suraivFe, For a pfven j>rem!um-* he company "assumes nil or the employ er's liability in retard to damages' resulting from accidents. Of" the money tf.at the employer thus |?ays| to the company. 4 0 per rent goes for the general expense* of the company while I* per cent more i:? absorte.r in -Hie -expenses of1 fighting ar.106' which' t he insured employer pays on account or pergonal injuries t h roiMh . aggiflcats r orphan". it Is true. .as *? v. s . . t . j ? *-p so m? 111! e s r.rgr. that settlement of damage claims l?y means of a lawgult is the mereyf lottery. a fradulent eUTm. wpe< ially If pr?>*-ed ??>* a woman,' ntav be awarded .* ' ?iv? Judgment. A just rlaim may be thrown out on a t?u-hni?*alitv. Hut wby leave it a lottery? Why not follow the example of every other civilized nation? OmnTTKS IN THK H.WS \KMM. John Carroll, a farmer, near Mont vllle, X. J., killed a nine- pound rooster on Sunday morning for the family dinner. In the gizzard of the bird be found Q UlliU' Htuue. a bleb a Jeweler told him was worth $75.. B. K. Denver, an aged farmer, of At hoi. Hasp., was canjrbt by hii? finger -?4pii la a foldlnr heri juid, with !>(? toe* barely touching the -floor, was held with a rice-like grip for an hour before his predicament was discov ered. ^ While Ed. Chaffer, who runs a stage coach between Winsted, Conn.. A DOIHTjK hkai^kr. Sam Bernards great comift soug hjj t(rom l yhe Gjrl_ and t he Wizard" - the one ne sings to" encores every IT i k fit"! words and m usTr free "with ' New York Sunday -WorM January 2. J On January ft there will be in Sun World a word booklet containing the opening chapters ofl Anna Kathfcriife Green's detective) rnaF'et plece. "The I .ea'ven worth , fas^r" Amariea's most famous deter-; tixe Htory. This story rc.r.taiits over! lOo.O words, and wiil i.e ,-omplete! f?T - Iff tt*f * it. I ? riiuce J TO t't'llK A rOl.l? IX.ON'R l?.\Y 1 Fake T.AXAT1VK BRO.StO Quinine! rabifcis. Druggists refuii money If it ' rails to <**%??? E. W. GCOVE'S signa- , u.-e is on tacb box. 2f>c. i Humanity's Best Gift from mi. (let n pharmacy iitul medicine Is Vlrk's Croup un?I l'neutuonhi Salve. Saves hcrtou* and often ? fotaj KlcknettM. Helleves t 'roup In IB minutes. ni|w in bud Colds, Pncumoniu, Bronchitis, etc., with ea?e. 3 ."Jr. Mk- and 91 jars. ihmi/iiii m ? ?a? hk I The Homesite- Beautiful ? Gome Lets go to Washington Park hy the Pamlico. pTYD- *'gct>nt* Street Lot.-tewU Matn Rtrret Home. Mar jALL ket Street Home, "^tifrd Street Hoiuo. Valuable Wharf l?roperty? Farms 'In ilyilc, lleaufort nwl Wit CoustiM. ? ? ? .. A. C. HATHAWAY; Washington, N7C. 7 coil Wood SMl'.IBERS N. V . COTTON EXCHANGE liino W. C J . LEON WOOD & CO., BANKERS and BROKERS STOCK-., IKrNBS.-COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLUME S TREET, CARPENTER BUILDING. NORFOLK, VA. - * I Private Wires to N. Y. S'ock- Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade and other Financial Centers. ; correspondence respectfully solicited. Investment and Marg;nai accounts given careful attention. New Year Greetings Wq, riinnof trll yen all that we have good to eat. Tliereftrnr \\ <* e\;emt tTT roa n TTrrvt rnrdrnt- tttvitt?thHt-4<*- visit .. cur at1/! 'See frit yourself. services. Two n?Koiin. two phoncH, and plenty of polite clerks, and *!li> \M!t rto ht*1>tnt-fo tint! 3 uii nro pluanctl. JOS. F. TAVlOE. t THE QUALITY GROCF.R. 'Phones 123 and 124 Three Deliveries (rind Sandisfteld. was driving in at blinding snuvfstorm a fox Jump od on" the seat bes'de him. The ex hausted 'animal "dropped to' the bou to ml of the coach; and' after about 10 minutes' rest jumped out and dls ! appeared. An Illinois farmer has produced an almost rnhless corn Tho ? n?w torn la described as having each ker nel growing on the parent stem In stead o?- adhering to the cob. The -grower says that he eliminated Che cob by taking the top of each ear and setting only the very top kernels. Ha erneclB to ??v-!vi- a perfec tly cob less com shortly. POIWKD PAIUOHAPHH, Few people llsteij^tQ^pulyiije.. unless Ihi-r ?r> II J ; An unloaded gun In a bad thing for a fool to fool with. Otir ideal of a good man Is one who merely thicks bla smear words. Few people can talk on all sub jects. yet a lot of them attempt It. Possession may be nine points in law, but wlf-possession Is all of it. I A mail feels a grievance either be [ cause he has nothing worth, taxing Lc-vbecausc he haa a u ^ I on 1^. . FOR WEHTKR.V HOME. Mr. Henry P. Bridgman, of Denver, Col., who has been vigliinK his father And mother. Mr. and Mr*.- Seth HritUman. for the past several weeks, "teft Tuesday for his far away adopted Western home. Mr. Bridgman holds responsible posit ion in one* of thT leading banks of that growing and ^hriv4ntr-rHy.- Washington boys al ways make good wherever they go. Hla many - friends- were -ulad U> se*? him looking so well. Qt'IKT HOMK HDDDIX;. Miss Gertrude Hardlson was united In marriage in Mr .Iphn h last evening at 9 o'clock, at her home on East Seventh street. Only the im mediate family and a few friends were present at the ceremony, which waa performed bv th> ft. v Hope, pastor of the Christian' Church, this ci^y. The young lady la well known and liked by a large circle of frlenda in the city. The groom is a popular salesman with the firm of Bowers it Lewis. PILES Cl'RKD ra 0 TO 14 DAYS PA ZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching. Blind. Bleed jog or Projrudlng jMlea ^n 6 to 14 Pale-Face d Women , You ladies, who have pale faces, sallow complexions, dark circles under eyes, drawn features and tired, wqrn oat expressions, you need a Ionic. 'Hie tonic you need is Cardui, the woman's tonic. it is the. best tonic for women, because its_ingredients dtl! ;,i-K?iiliuilly adapted i?r woman's needs; ? They act en ? the womanly organs and help to give needed strength and vitality to the worn-out womanly frame. Cardui is a vegetable medicine. It contains no min erals, no iron, no potassium, nolune, no glycerin, no dan gerous, or habit-forming drugs of any kind. It is perfectly harmless and safe, for young and .3 use. CARDUI The Woman's Tonic "After my doctor had done all he said he coutd for me," writes Mrs. Wm. Hilliard, of Mountainburg, Ark., "1 took Car dui, on the advice of a friend, and it helped me so much. "Before taking Cardui, 1- had suffered from female troubles for five years, but since taking it, 1 am in good health. "I think there is some of the best advice in your book thatl ever saw." Your druggist sefls Cardui. Try tt Write to: T.a&eV Advlinry Dept. Ou?unoo?* M?d.c!ne Co.. CbatUoonj*. Tenn.. for Sptc?cl tostrxciwna, and 64-page book, "ItoiccTrc&UBcot lor women.'' (cat tree. Fowle Memorial Hospital Surgical and Medical Cases. Visiting Physicians and Surgeons ' W. A. fllount. M. D. I S. T. Nlcholecn, D.* u . >ri v y r? A. Xfahota;n,' M. I\ W. P. Small, AI. 1). J- I*. NiU?oIson, \t. D.*1 L.iiiO. ti. ulajuu M: )> J no. C. Kodtuan, M RATES,. waaBafcfel rs-^SfflESS-^i ri ti r> n ri ??????/> OPPtj^tlNITtES RATE, 1 cent per word. Estimate six words to the_ llne.^nd inclose payment with copy. An?\ver* to ads. may be necplved at this office. To iiwMtr* prompt attention all ad-en ttseroents should be In business officc by 12.45 m. Ads. by messenger, te!c -Hhone or givon carrfnl attention. tIAVE YOU A CHILI. * TO 1G years oW? $2.60 per vwW "Bt - ed In Building and, Los n r ock mt 111 enable you to five that'*. VI, ! a college education. Jesse R.;*? | and Charles FJemn>lng. ?oltc"nr!\| THE JAM 108 K. (XAUli CO. H . itt on sale a large assortment of Em plrQ art rllvor. It Is strictly hlgl grado, equcl to Sterling in oeaut; and wear, but half the price DELU THR^T;WKI,KR, OFFKR.V china, cut glass. (Jet prices before ? buying elsewhere SPECIAL VALUES IN BLANKETS prices *1 9i to *1?. Ideal Xnas gifts, James fi. riarka. | HELL. THK JEWELER, HAH J| HT received a ^imw lot of -watches. ! Jewelry, etc* A i O){ MIE \|;\\ | Year: Keuol v\cd?_:Tiuu. r win ?ny? m<7?c money in 1910 than 'I did In 1 9&9. Uott 1. Br ta!tmg out snm?> | Building and Jioan stock, payable weekly. Jtniic 'Itofld or Charles t'lcrnming r, |,| irl] you irev; HKAlTllHIi TWO KESI denmi- ?cr rent- 3i roilli^i foil standing pine, gum. cypress, poj> 1m r, ash and oalTTimber; six cheap" mules for Bale, j. K. Darnnport. Pactolus. N. c. 1 SPHC1AL VALUKty IX BLA.VKBTSl at Clark Co.'s. TWO DUMB *111 W WW WALK. Bargain*. See me before January j let. J no O. Urtfav, Jr. ?y Ferce of Circuroetaneea. ivlnrari " said ' lav of the Jeweler's shop, aa the plat* glaas wladow shivered Into a milMo* fra*tu eo t ? end the chauffeur and hie machine began to nee tie behind the counter, "that the taxicab has cone to atay.". " ; ? '1 shouldn't " wonder!" said Uncle Jerry Peebles. "If there wai some 'thing in this idea that the condition of a mac's teeth has a whole lot to do with his moral character. The big fceet liar I ever knew. la iay life wore ] ? full set of false teeth." Efforts Not All Wasted. A Geneva ear and throat specialist declares that Owning is helpful; In fact, that It is one of the most bene ilclal forms of exercise. Horeafter j ?pe&gm vim ar? a iiuib suj uu ciu? j Quence may know that at least they do some good to toeir auditors.. . MTOCKBOLDKR#* MEETING. The rejrJlar-ttwnunnneenng of Uhe [stockholders of the Home Building &l^oan Association will bo held at ? tfoj banking housa of the Savings A Trust Co. oa Thursday. Jjnuarjr J7, 1910. at 4130 p. m. ^ JNO. B. HP ARROW. Secretary. A Card of Thanks - V . .. ' To all, both young and old, I wish to thank you all for your past patronage and also the present. To start this happy New Year you had better start it right. Remember, CLEMMONS' RESTAURANT treats ev erybody white. . Now, when you start a new year, don't make a I flaw, when CLEMMONS' VEGETABLE I WAGON > comes right to your door. Garfield Clemmons' Great Restaurant I 'Phone 146*? that's us. Buy Your HORSES and MULES Professional Column 8PBdAliUm H. W. CAFTER, M Frmcllce Llpilted to DImmm of Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat houra; 9-12 A. M. Cor. Main and I-TTVM. GtaSd?n Sts. , PHONB 66. - VVasblngtoi N. G. Dr. I. flOlarfty PRACTICING PHYSICIAN ; SURGEON f Wjuhlngton, N. C. * W H. SNELL Dentist. ;>iuce corner of Main and .tospass Strooto. Phono KM) W^shington, N. C-. H. S. WARD Jl'NH.J. IJ. I.MMU WARD & GRIMES ATTQRNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, N. C. We practicc in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and the ' Federal Courts. Jfiho ri. SmalL_ a n Mnrrnan. ? . *? Horry McMullan. '? SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW >v aatiingtonTNoftlf Carolina. w. D. 'GRIMES ATT ORN?Y -AX-LAW Washington. North Carolina. Piactices in all the Coui?*. ?Vtn. U. Rodman. Wile/ C. Rodman. RODMAN & RODMAN At,torneys-at-L-.w * ^Washington, N. C. VV. M. BOND, fvdenton. N. C. n'OR WOOD L. SIMMONS - BQND-& SIMMONS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW "WaaEIHSfoh. North Carolina. ? . Practlc# ia all Couita. W. L. Vau?han W A. Thonp^ VAUCTIAN &. THOMPSON ? ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington aod Aurora, N. C Practice 1a all the H. C. CARTER, JR., -ACTQRNF.Y-AT.UW Washington, N. C. - Office Market Street. EDWARD STEWART ? ^ttoraey-at-Law.] ? Office over Daily New*. Washington, NTq,.. COLLIN H. HARDING ATTORNEY -AT-UW, . Officc Savings & Trust Co., Building Rooms 3 and 4. WASHINGTON, N. C ? - STEPHEN C. BKAGAW . Attorney and CounseUlE ? at-Iaw Washington, N. C. ? NICHOLSON & DANIEL [ Attorneys at-Law Practice in All Courts >3* - Nicholson "Hotel Building Business Cards G. A. PHILLIPS & BRO., - FIRE And Plate [Glass INSURANCE For FIRE INSURANCE ' f see a J. and P. B. MYERS ' The J. H. Strumous Mflrftlc " (inH ri and Granite Co. ? MCWS^-i-s PHwand WnrtcflW WASHING ION, Nv C. WFr-^iSiriiDP OMbbju