WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Bhtered ?> aecond-claaa sutttr ***** t 6. J?o$. at tha poetofflce at Washington. X. C.. under the act of March I. is?*. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT 8UNDAY. No. 114 East Main Street ' i? L MAYO. Editor and Proprietor. Telephone No. 290. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Month.,,...... $ .25 Foor Months 1.00 Hz Months 1.50 One Year 3.00 ? ??? ? Snhscrlhera desiring the paper dis continued will plesse notify this offlce on date of expiration, otherwise. It will be continued at regujar sutwcrlp m ratee until notice to atop Is re IriTod. i II you do not get The Dally News promptly telephone or write the man ager, and the complaint will receive Immediate attention, it Is our desire to please yon. WASHINGTON. N. C.. JANUARY 14. LET THE NEWS FOLLOW. Partte* leaving town should not Call to let The News follow them dally with the news of Washington freah and crld^ It will prove a valuable companion, reading to you like a let ter from home. Those at the pea shore or mountains will find The NewH a most welcome and Interesting visitor. MUST bf; signed. 'All Articles Bent fb Tbe X >ot tto rtcfct Some women are disposed to look down on other women with too pal pably , condescending Indulgence from the heights of their own calm perfections ? and the result la the lnt ter through self-respect and dignity are .diametrically opposed to the former. No wo$S*n. be she high or low, f# quite 'ndlfferent to a man who ad mirers her in a hearty, wholesale way wh.ich he does not try to conceal. Women, as a rule, are too feminine not to like tho incense of devotion, when kept, within certain limits. There is an 'old negro saying that "When the devil la In a woman, she always ^peaks the truth." It is a pity that some of our female acquain tances had not Bome of this kind ol devil in them? PAPER FROM BAQA88E. Qrest Results Claimed for s Trinidad Invention. Consul-General Richard Guenther, of Frankfort, furnishes the following In formation, published In a German Journal, concerning the invention of a Trinidad planter for the manufacture of paper from sugar-cane bagasse: For a long tilde the bagasse had been experimented with in order to make cellulose out of it for paper manufacturing, but without success. It is now reported that a Trinidad sugar planter has. after several years oT experiments, arrived at the con clusion that a superior article of paper can be made from the bagasse of sugar-cane, as also of the bagasse of other plants of that district. It - !b stated that he has erected paper works in connection with his sugar factory at an expense of 985,000. ? The bagasso. after having been three times ground and pressed in sugar presses, is carried, automatical ly. to the paper mill and is there treated by a process of the Inventor. It is then belled for several hours, passed rotating millstones, put into the usual machines for manu facturing paper pulp, and afterwards out up under hydraulic pressure. Coronation Lunches. The most unceremonious coronation snack upon record Is undoubtedly that piece of cold chicken which was thrown to and devoured ? bj the late Lord Gwydyr in the gallery of West minster Hall 89 years ago. Bur even the anthorlzed refreshment of the highest personages is apt to be rather Unconventionally served on these oc casions. Queen Victoria tells in her Journal how, after she had been crowned, she "repaired with all the peers bearing the ragalia, my ladies and trainbearers, to St. Edward's efeapel. ae It is called; but which, as Lord Melbourne ?aid. Was more un like a chapel than anything be ha4 ever seen; (or what was called an a> tar was covered with sandwiches, bet ties ot win#," etc.. etc. Lord Met bourne took a glass of wine, but the queen does not say whether she took any refreshment herself. ? Loo (too Chronicle. The WM?m Madl. Two persons took trouble tn vala and need fruitless eodeavors ? he srbn acquired wealth wifeout ecjoyinc it, and be who taught wisdom wtthowt practicing It. How muck so ever you may study science, when you do aot act wisely you are Ignorant. The beast whom they load with books Is not profoundly loaraed; wbat know eth bis empty skull whether ke caxrteth firewood or books.? Prom the OuHctnn of Muale-Huddena Sheik Baadl, Twelfth Century. Te Be Looked At. ""Of course, madam,. I would aot be ?xpeeted toyflght the Ore?" "A "Certainly not." "Nor sweep ths floors?" "Certainly not." "Nor attend to lbs door?" "Of courae not." "Nor to wait on table?" "No; 1 want none of these things* said the lady with her sweetest smll* "The only thing I require a servant for is to look at her and for this you are too plain."? Royal Magazine. Wears s Bonnet of Her Own. Adelberg is a town In Suffolk, Eng. Wnad. that is not worth much, the men being fishermen and the women keep ing lodging bouees for those who come from the cities for (he change of cli mate. The mea are. possibly, too busy to attend to civic affalra, at any rata, they elected a lady mayor. Mrs. Gar rett Anderson. M. D. 8bs te a wooaa In every sense of ths word, and would not wear the eocfced hat tfcat mayors are expected to wear. bu{ purchased In London a black bonnet Instead. Advantage of tfce Lower Berth. "I aee that the Pullman Company If goiag'to make a difference in ratea b? tween the upper and lower berths." "Yes. and I suppose the lower berth wfjl be the higher priced one." "No goubt." "So that the man who sleeps In the lower berth will have to pay some thing additional for the chance of get* ting bis face stepped on by the man ?n the berth above." TO THE PUBLIC. I have purchased the entire stock 1 of A. P. Karrea, formerly known as Washington CandyV-KKfchen. and will continue to conduct the business at the same location. Your patronage will be appreciated and prompt serv ice assured. J. p. KARRES. A King's Miik. The practice of hiding moDay away Hn all manner of o?t-of-tfc#-way cor ners Is by do maans modern. tm Us old days, according to "Qlsanlngs After Time," as erst rstoptacles wees often ma dv In the bedstsads, and con tributed both to safety and romance. Unjust Bargains Condemned. There Is ao worn spscisa of usury than an unjifet way of bar gains, where equity la disregarded on both aides. All bargains. In which one party strives to maks gain by .the Ion of the other, are here condemned.? Calvin. 8sys fths Grouch. Woman can maks or break a man, an' when It's lssp year she gin'lly makes him first an' breaks him after ward.? L*>a Angeles Express. HYACINTHS AND ALL KINDS OF FALL AND WINTER BULBS We have a fine assortment. Plant early for the best results. Send for new price list. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS Wedding Roquets, Fioral Designs, and Flowers for all oc^glon*. Mail, telegruph and telephone orders will be promptly filled by J.L. O'QUINN & CO., ~ 1 FLORISTS, ItAI.KlOH, X. C. 'Phones 140. PRUDENCE says buy a bottle of Gowan'i Preparation and be prepared tor croup, colds, pneumonia, coughs nnd sore throat. Cowan's pre vents and cures by destroying inflammation ant) congestion. External and penetrating. $1.00, 60c, 25c. Ail druggists. One box cigars free. See Hardy's llmg Store ad. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROUO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falls to curs. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 2 6c. In olden times doctors bled people to rid them of rheumatism, aches and pains, later they rubbed with salves snd -liniments. Now Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea does the work through the blood, the surest, safest and only way. Cure yourself. Begin tonight Hardy's Drug Store. SORE THROAT often leads to something worse. Cowan's Preparation gives quick relief for sore throat, hoarseness, croup, colds and pneumonia by destroying inflammation and con gestion. Keep it in the home for emergencies. External and pene .tratinjf. 91.00, 50c. 25c. All druggist* DON' n Walk or Ride. Talk Over The Telephone. Vou can have a Telephone pot In your houM In the city or ?rt your faro at a very aur paaalngly low coat, and aave many a long drive and per haps a life by being la direct and instantaneous touch with your Doctor. Grocar. Mer chant and Brokt r. Weather report? and mar ket quotation* can be aecured daily. ~~ Inte.-cated parties ire re quested to communicate with Mr. D. W. Bell, M'g't CAROLINA TEL. AND TEL. CO.,1 ^Washington, N. C. This proposition will inter est you. and it woutd be w.elf to Investigate before the ap proach of the cold Winter months ^moi IDE AN OVFRCOAT WITHOUT PIT IS LIKE SOUr JVITHOUT SALT. A fellow feels uncomfortable, looks , uncomfortable and la uncomfortable when his outer garment doesn't per fectly fit hla form, no matter what the rest of hla apparel may be. Our specialty In tailoring for men la fine fit overcoats, dress, walking and busi ness suits. , fcfecotnsgm., V.; ' ' , : wish to ooutlnus. It wffl ocwt yoaonly about lfeentas week or Iw than two omtsadj will no* Interfere with rou r work or occupation. MmImiw mm -< Ha? . toll tan be ?uffeclf y<*? wteh, and I will Mod yoa the treatment for your can*. t-ntlrvly frre.ln vWn per^y rotnrn mall I wlU also ^ndyoQlraKwrt my book -jfUl WllWm l#n?r as^Datonrj Illustrations ahowlnf whr women suffer. and how tW can eaSlyeura them at home. Every womanshould hare ft, and learn to KM tar herself. then when the doctor Too must h?T? an operation/' you can decide for .yotxntelf . Thousmnda of women have ihera^U,* with my home remedy. It cure. M m Mt 1 I if tl?l?i i * ? | gcpple home tr? etHient which speedily and eff ectoally curea Leneorrhoea, Green ftckiw Painful or Irregular Menstruation in young Ladles, Rumpneee and health always reeolti . ^hererer you lire, I cy> refer you to ladles of your own locality who know and will i The Homesite Beautiful ? Come Lets go to Washington Park by the Pamlico. , ^ eon Wood| MEMBERS N. \ . COTTON EXCHANGE Jama. W. Cjile J. LEON WOOD 6CO> BANKERS and BROKERS STOCK*. BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN aud PROVISIONS. 73 PLUME STREET, CARPENTER BUILDING, NORFOLK, VA. ,? Private! Wire? to N. Y. S'ock Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago Boapd of Trade and other Financial Centers. correspondence respectfully solicited, Investment and Marginal Accounts given careful attention. FREE TO Y01HIY SJSTER erlng from Weman'^AUirSantsl'* rr in?nu? MM IrtilMalreaUT nma^ s ... strons p ?? Narroos Hawlaek*. Travelers' and actus fro? OrJp, 9to?nacn Traublaa sr Panh tm. h4*?- Try ?w ?? tea Mquld? e??t* lamadlataij. Sold br dru? ? T. J, HARDING - Contractor and Builder. Both Wood and Bricicworit. Fmim.it. and Specifications Made. Washington, N. C. THE MOST ELABORATE LINE OF embroidery, ever shown In Wash ington will be on sale at Clark's beginning next Monday. SPECIAL VALUES IN BLANKETS at Clark Co. 'a. " 1 ; ANYONE WISHING TO LEARN telegraphy can enroll now. Lea sons every night from 8 to 10 p. m. W. S. Green. -? . IX) ST ? ONE WATERMAN POUN tain pen. Finder please return to Dally News office and receive re ward. 10 ANY LADY OA* EASILY MAKE from $18.00 to |25.00 per wee* working for mo quietly la her own home locality. This is a bonaflde offer? one which will pay yon to1 Investigate, even if you can only ' spare two tours ?er dajr. No In I* vealment required. Turn your spare time Into money. Write me at once for particulars. Address Mary B. Taylor, Box SO. Woman's Building, JoUet, Illinois. >Bros. Co. NICE, FINE, RIPE BANANAS? -THE 26c-a-doxen kind, now 16c. At Jos. F. Tayloe's. i FOR SAI? ? A ens, from S5 to 60 Mrs. A. C. Hathaway. , Phone stone and my home, 416 East Sec ond street. Finder please return to News office. Visiting Physicians and Surgeons W. A. Blount, M. D. 8: T. Nicholson, M. D. Ira M. Hardy, M. D. P. A. Nicholson. M. D. W. P. Small, M. D. J. L. Nicholson. M. XX Jno. O. Blount. M. D. Jno. C. Rodman. M. D. RATES Private Rooms, $15 to 25 per week. Wards, large and airy, fit per ... ,, , Mn JULIA a. sunn. Fowle Memorial Hospital Surgical and Medical Ca&es^ - H. W. CARTER, 'M. Q Practice United to Dlaerfaei of the Eye. Eer, Nok and Throat. HoumkupAsf. g SJSSir phone u. WutSwNc: Dr. I. M. Hardy PRACTICING PHYSICIAN SURGEON DR. H. SNELL Dentist. Office corner of Main ?nd Res pass Streets. Phone 100 Washington, N. C. ATTORNEYS H. S. WARD- JUNIUS D. -GRIMES WARD & GRIMES ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW Washington, N. C. We practice In the Courts of the First ? Judicial District, and the Federal Courts. ? ? .? John H. Small, A. D. MacLcan, Harry McMuQan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & J McMULLAN * ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. ?? w. D. GRIMES attorney-at-law Washington, North Carolina. Practices In all the Com .a. Wm. B. Rodman. Wiley a 1 - RODMAN & RODMAN Attorneys-at-Law Washington, N. C. W. M. BOND. Edenton, N. C. NORWOOD U SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. Practice in all Couits. ? W. L. Vaughan W- A. Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORNBY?^T-LAW Waahlastoa and Aurora, N. C Practice 1? ail eke coerta. H.C. CARTER, JJL.\ \TTORNRY-AT-LAW, Washington, N. C. Office Market Strict. EDWARD L, STEWART Attorney-at-Law4 Office over Dally News, Washington, N. C. COLLIN a HARDING ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. office SevloMfc TnatCo.. Bttlidlek Rooraa 3 and 4. W ASHINGTON, N. C. - STEPHEN C.BRAGAW ? Attorneyjand Counselor* at-law, Washington, N. C. NICHOLSON & DANIEL | |Attoroey?-at*LiW ? Practice ln|AU Courts NichobonfHotegBuL Business Cards C.A PHILUPs at BRO., FIRE And Plate Glass / (TRANCE. ' Uuy Your HORSES aid MULES front GEO. h. hill; The J. H. Simmons Marble and Granite Co. MONUMENTS WBIIE-BAMMTSof :!