The Endless Chirm ^ of Embroideries EMBROIDERIES POSSKHfJ A!* ENDLESS CHARM AND AN UNLIMITED U8EFILNE88. ? , THE THINGS TOW CAN UO? THE -THINGS YOU CAN MAKE? -WITH ?.THE8E FAIRY LIKE CREATIONS OF NEED LECKAFT ARE WITHOUT NUMBER. HOYT Washio8ton's ' Greatest Store CALL FOR Horse Shoe OVERALLS AT RUSS BROS. CUT FULL LIKE PANTS. HORSE SHOE OVERALLS MAKE WORK A PLEAS URE. RUSS BROS. The Gem Theater A SOMNAMBULISTIC HERO ? A good melodrama. . ?, HIRED, TIRED, FIRE1>! ? Splen did comedy. NEVER AGAIN* OR I CAN'T KEEP COOL ? Comedy. A COUNTRY GIRL'S PERIL ? A comedy drama. Drawing for 'the Cut Glass Row I tonight. New Orchestra selection#. The pro. fftam and iikikIc thin evening la nure to please everybody. BEYOND the SHADOW OF A DOUBT there is no light or fuel that is used | in the modern home that is as satisfac tory for all around cconomy and ex-^ cellepce as gas. It is tho housewife's c<ytTmt and cconomy of labor in the kliCTien, Tt~ is ciean and economical in your rooms for heating, and is the ight par excellence for the ^ousc. WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER COMPANY WHITE SLAVE BILL PASSED BY \ ' THE HOC8& Washington, Jan. IS.? By viva voce rote the House today passed the Bennet-Sabsth " white slave' bill." The "whita clave" bill is the n?9ult of an Invest lea tlon of traffic In alien women, made by the National Immi gration Commission. Provision is made for the deportation and exclo sloh of immoral aliens and for the ex clusion and punishment of their pro curers. Traffic In Immoral women becomes subject to the restriction of Interstate commerce laws. MEAT TO GO HIGHER. Denver, Col., Jan. 12. ? Harold Swift, of Swift & Co., yesterday, In discussing the cost of living, said: "Prices of meats . are very high now, but there Is every Indication that they will go still higher. This { Is attributable to the high price of corn and the consequent scarcity of live ^tock. As long as the scarcity continues it Is well to educate people to use the cheaper cuts of moat. These cheaper cuts are Just as good and more wholesome If proporly pre pared." Mr. Swift admitted that the retail dealer Is making a large gross profit on ^neaL NORFOLK SCHOONER SUNK. Highland Light, Mass., Jan. 12. ? It was fortunate that the schooner Si_M._BIrd, Norfolk for Boston, with coal, was near Pollock Point light ship last flight when she sprung a leak and sank, for the crew and the captain's wife were enabled to reach the lightship after a short but hard row In theft yawl boat Today the revenue cutter Qresham came along and taking off all hands, started for Provincetown. The S. M. Bird registered 4 30 tons/ . . .V*SC? ' I ???-! FIRST R LAC KHAN' I) CONVICTION |;.?; nrMORTHt'AR^H?k Raleigh, N. c.. Jan. UWeift Wll klns, of Goldsboro,s wbo vr&e a blackhand > letter to a ' merchant named CalUnto at' Orecnaboro. threat ening death If one hundred dollars waa not placed under a railway croaa Ua, ^a convictetf and eentenced to fourteen months in Atlanta prison. This la the flyat blackhand conviction In North Carolina. NANCV M. GAS KILL DEAD. ? Pusaed Away Yesterday at Her Resi dence After I*>ng IllneeN. Mra. Nancy M. Gasklll, wife of Mr. Waiter Gasklll , died R h$r residence yesterday morning. At the time of her death she was In her forty-second year. She had "been a great sufferer. She waa a woman highly esteemed. Mrs. Gaaklll was a devoted wife and affectionate mother. The funeral took place this morning and the ln lnterment waa in Oakdale cemetery. The Daily Kswb expresses sympathy. NOTED MOONSHINER PLEADED GUILTY. Raleigh. N. C.. Jan. 13. ? In the Federal court today Eben Caglc of Rockingham county, known as tho King nf Moonshiners gnri for eight _ years had been sought by rovenue ofBcers, pleaded guilty and was given twelve months sentens^^i} the At lanta penitentiary. __ HOLLISTER'S Rock* Mountain T#a Nuggets . ,.or Indirection, Lire* Impure Breath , Sltiirgl .h lio^vel*, Ile&U^cbe IUiRoeVy Mountain Tea In taV le* form. A cent* a bo*. <-c?u itie made jy Dullutu D&ve Con pant. Modi_.oa, WU GOLDEN NUGijET"; FOR RAILPW PFOPLS DR. HARDY'S DRUG STORK First National Bank of Washington WASHINGTON, N. C Capital Sock, $50,000. Surplus Funds and Profits. $40,000. Accounts of Individuals and Corporations Solicited. OFFICERS? C. M.Brown, Pre ident; John G. Fowle, Vice-President; A. M. Dumay, Cashier. "DIRECTORS ? Geo. T. Leach, D. M. Carter. W. E -Prrwtnr, C. AT Rrnwn, W. F.. Swindell. A. M. Dumay, F. C. Kugler, J. B. Fowle, W. H. Whitley. Sew 'We carry a complete line of ? > 1 Standard Watches ?as well as [everything else to be tound in an up to-date Jewelry Store. Repairing a specialty. R. L.STEWART, __ JEWELER. ?Vatch Inspector for the N. &S. Railway. SAVINGS AND TRUST BUJLDING Spring Opening EMBROIDERIES Monday, January 17th. A cl as of Embroidery shown "lowhere else in this city, and an assortment extremely large and vacifidr-will be placed on sale. Everything from the most dainty baby sets to handsome, elaborate flouncing* and all-overs will . be shown. Considering work and quality, "pur prices are lowest Jealousy 1b a key that opens more wedlocks than all others combined. A man can't get ahead in this world unless he's born with one. New Garden Seed ? JUST RECEIVED ? Any variety. 'Phone 80. Walter Credle & Co. Tho early edition catdhes the hook worm. A white lie Is seldom as white as It Is whitewashed. }leavJ7rSTMss^ rathor harness for heavy ".vo:"; -likes up a gootl part of our t'me ami at tention. Harness of all l:'ciis for farm work ? ploiifrhin::, fc'trruTlng, car: nntf Avason hauling, .etc., etc. "Mado to last" tells much of the Story; our prices tell (he rest. Farm ers and truck&cn will And Just tho sort of harness they seek here. McKEEL-BlCHABDSllV HARDWARE COMP^KY To Teachers of Beaufort County I have a snpply of "Hajallton'a " Recitation." Regular price $1.23, ' special ptjce to teachers, . 91.00 From rheumatism, aches and pains. Your system will be free. If you'll but take a nightly drink. Of Holllster's Rocky Mountain Teo. Hardy'a Drug Store. ? Comfort Shoes We carry a complete line of COMFORT SHOES In Lace, ltutton ami Elastic. E. L. BROOKS' SHOE STORE Formerly Knight Shoe Co. WM. B. HARDING Pictures Framed to Order. Begins Next Monday, January 1 7, and Lasts Six Days, All the Week Ji ? B? ? ? - - Set of Majestic Ware PIC N'EYER-BIRN COOKER. STEAMKB, CTLUTVPEB AND DRAlNBt? The PwformM rv?t? cecter.haa small T??t which adnAts water at I be bottom. Nothla* can barn. Food oaabi^Ud cmt k!^ Ji on same time draining off all the water. The Steamer or Cullender shown nn be used as an ordinary Cullender. It alao fitTon top of main i ?? MAJE5TK [MAJESTIC TOWEL POO CAN HJ&NISH Rtscavoit? FLUSH WITH .T{? ? Of RANGE CAM FURNISH RIGHT HAND FLUSH RE5CRV01R tiii: MAramo ik-o*. ah Coppor NlrWrl-plato<1 Tea Kettle. Ilnndsnmelv nirkelad on outa'de, tinned oo Inside. Tlir. MAjrSTM) Extra Heavy Stamped Iron Murblt-? Ized Kettle, <-ompieio with cover and handle that holds on co?-er. J. H. HARRIS PLUriBING & SUPPLY COMPANY . *? j . ? . 'j - Ovifl^lUW >>:??? " -tS?E?= MAJESTIC DEMONSTRATION

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