, LEGAL NOTICES ?1 UVI wuus tethlni Ikat I hare nek ? ?ao4 ? I'poflunity to work the Rati butt tautecaa ?low with that of mr pho tograph bultm, I kir? decided to Uk. oat a State, county and city I to do a raal mUU buai*ie|. Any property you bar? to dispose ?f glvs me a chance to nU it for you. | I shall make photographs of all tost- 1 Peaces or other property, havia<| Ibem on exhibition la my utudfo, showing the property, where located and also how It can he purchlsAI] m4 od what terms. K interested call to see me at a studio. Tours truly. W. H. BAKER. Photoiprapber * Real Estate Dealer. | DISSOLUTION NOT1CH. J To whom It may concern: ' This Is to certify that the copart nership heretofore existing under the "firm name of B. T. Jennette ft Co.. and being composed of EL T. Jennette and Frasler T. Woolard. has this day by mutual consent, tffe^n dissolved, | IB. T. Jennette withdrawing from the firm. All outstanding obligations of the copartnership will be paid by Frailer T. Woolsrd and all accounts due the firm will be received by the said Woolard. This the 4th day of, January, 1910. . I . E. T, JANNETTE. I F. T. WOOLARD. ' noncK. I All persons having left repair work | at A. 0. Smlther's Jewelry store can1 ' obtain same by celling at R."L. 8tew; art's jewelry atore, In 8avings ft I I Trust Co. building. January 7, 1910. i STEPHEN C. BRAG AW. I ? Trustee. NOTICE. I North Carolina, Beaufort count/. To Annie E. Dupeyand Geo. R. Du-| pay, Annie E. Green and Alexan-I der Green, Gertrude' Howard, P. i hi. Howard, FennerStlckney andj , J. B. Stlcknay, I That on the 3d day of May, 190!#. the undersigned, at a sale for taxes by George E. -Ricks, Sheriff of Bea-i ferf county. North Carolina, and on the Gth day of April, 1909, at a sale for taxes made by Jos. T. Ross, Town Tax Collector for the town of Wash ington, N. C., purchased at said sales a "lot In the town of -Washington, N. C., ontbe north side of West 8econd street, listed by Fenner B. Satther thwalte, and the same on which the ?aid Fennei B. Sattherthwaite then resided, and now resides; the taxes for which the said land was e:?ld be ing for the year 1908; that th3 time for redemption under the saMd 9 aad if to ? King street; thence Northwardly, along aad with King street, to Wash ington avenue, the beginning. Also, Immediately upon the sale of the real estate above described, the undersigned will, by virtue of order; in above entitled causes, aell to th# highest bidder, for cash, at public auction, at the Sheriff's Office In I * Beaufort c??at3r, Four (4) Office I . Chairs, Four ( 4) Stoel ^balrs. One * Wi C 1 ^ **? T 'V p * t % ** m t *96 7 BURSTS-*ftN KILLED! ^%7r^r*>yir"k h"4 ft 10,7 happ*n at YOU .jmiU any day. We write Steam Boiler Insurance, Health and death Insurance. WM. BR AGAW & CO., mm lAtur?)Ke Areata to Washington. N. C. , |Our Friends ADVERTISE US PRICES HAVE BEEN SMASHED ON OFFICE DESKS We have a large assortment of Flat and Roll Top Desks on hand that we are going to sell at great saving to the purchasers. If you contemplate buying a desk of any kind, now is your chance to save money. Remember we are the leaders in all kinds df Furniture and Home Supplies. SOUTHERN/^ FURNITURE CO. WANTED Your Insurance during 1910. General Insurance ? FourJYears'fExperience. _ 11 Havens-Small] Building. . 'Phone 85 J0S.F. TAYLOE 1 , sells Everything Good to Eat. poration, on Washington Heights, the following described personal property, towit: _ About 7?t Founds Nans, 10 BAfes Cement, l Barrel of Cement, 700 Pounds Iron Bolts, about 6000 Feet of Sawed Lumber, jfbbut 1000 Ce ment Blocks and && Half Blocks. 1 Pustp. and such other personal prop erty "as was. heretofore levied upon by virtue of a writ of attachment Is sued In these causes. This 7th day of January, 1910. OBO. E. RICKS. 8heriff Beaufort Co. Stephen C. Bragaw, Attorney for Plaintiffs. XOTICE OP BALK. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior court of Beaurort county, in an action entitled J. D. Pj-e.vatt vs. Mutual Machine Company and W. C. Rodman, the undersigned will on Mohday the 7th day of February, 19 id,' at 12 o'clock, noon, offer for sale at public auction at the court house door of Beaufort cOWhty, a certain automobile now in possession of the tald Mutual Machine Com pany. Terms of sale cash. W. C. RODMAN. * Commissioner. This the 18th day of January. 1910. XOTKte-OF S.VIiE. By virtuoof the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust from C. O. Hardy and wife, Laura J. Har dy, to J. T. Wilkinson, trustee, dated J November 1. 19Q5, and fluly record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Beaufort county In Book 136. Page 46, to which reference Is uereby made, (he, undersigned will on Monday, the 7tH day of February, 1919, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Washington, at publlo auction, offer for sale for cash the following described property, to wit: In the town of Whltleysvllle, it jel ng lots Nob. 69 and 61 fronting on Bridge street 105 feet and running back 210 feet, containing one-half an ?era. - This 2?th day of December, 194)9. J..T. WILKINSON, Trustee. Vaughsn' & Thompson, Attorneys. ? ? .. * ? ? r~ KXKCUTHIX NcWH'K. Having qualified asCv?x?cjbrix to che will of Allen SUUot. diseased, late of Beaufort county, North Caro U to aoUfr *11 perwwu b? .?( elites icmlut tbe of uM jrf-.lMtOW'Vuiu. Br nnnw ?m bw fttatdM lakrM their ncdteifu All htihi Indebted la .Mid Mttl NOTICE. ^All persons having claims against wp partnership ef F.Q. pau] & Brother, which were la existence at the time of the death of F. O. Paul, which was on December 30, 1909, are hereby notified to exhibit the same to Tillman Paul, surviving partner of said F. G. Paul ? Brother, within twelve months from this date, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in-1 debted to said firm are requested to make immediate settlement. This January 4.* 1910. TifcLMAN PAUL. I Surviving partner of F. <3. Paul & 1 Brother. ? Notice of sale. By virtue of the'power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust from J. W. Murry to W- C. "Rodman, trus tee. dated the 19th day of September, 1904, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Beaufort county, In book 130 at page 232, the undersigned. will on Monday the 14th day of February, 1910, offer for sale at public auction, for cash, all that certain tract or parcel "OX land, situ ate, lying and being in the county of Deaufui't, Slate oT wortn Carolina, and in -Richland townahip, beginning on the road leading from *J. W. Mayo's to Spring creek, the thiril line of Zedekiah Mixon patent crosses the same, thence eastwardly' with said road 14 chains, thence north 80 3-4 west 14-two 28-100 chains, thence south *7 3-4 wect 14 chains to said Mixon patent line, thence With said -line south 20 3-4 eaat 14 clialns, to the beginning, containing 20 acres niorfe or less, being the same land described in the aforesaid deed of trust. Terms of sale, cash.' This the 0th day of January; 1910. W./C. RODMAN, Trustee. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The business heretofore known as Caton A PrescoU, of Pre?*>U, N. C.. has this day been bought by E. C. Caton.. Any bills due by said firm will .be^jfpld by E. C. Caton, and any indebtedness due .the firm is payable to B. C. oitton. A ??, > ? wasr-i rt?eotl. s. c. Tak* UX1T1TI BROMO Quinlna d. Personal Mention Mr. Snowden Skinner, of Beaufort. N. C. *4i the |UMt of Mra. J. B. Moore Uat evening. Ho la ob bis way bono from Wast Point where be ptood examination for entrance into Ibe United States military school. ? ? > Mr. and Mr*. Louis Claytor, of I Kin* ton. C.. who have been tboj guests of Mr. and Mr*. M. Cherry^ East Fourth street, hare returne^Cbj their bom? T 1 Mr. B. B. Rosa, sr., of Bonnerton. arrived In th?f tsity this morning on the Washington tc Vandemere train. Mr. W. H. Albert, of' Norfolk. _ former townsman, arrived In the city fast night on the Norfolk and South ern. He expects to return to his home tomorrow. . Mr. J. E. Turnage. of Chocowintty. | was a Washington fIsltor today. ' ' i Mr. C. P. Aycock. of Pantego, is] in the city today, on business. ? ? Mr. B. A. Daniel left this morning 1 for Plymouth on professional busi-| p.ces. Mr. Jarris Suggs left this morning | for Mackey's Ferry. e ? Mr. H. Susman kill this tnorning | for Elizulieth City on business. - ? '? Mr. O. H. Jackson left today fori Hoke where he will spend a few day6 ] among friends. Mr. Thomas Jackson left today for | Hoke. f TM Mrs. Charles B. McKeei, of Colum bia^ and Mrs. Fountain, of Tarboro, were in the city today, the guests of friends. Ex-Lieutenant Governor F. D. ' Winston, of Windsor, N. C., arrived in the city this afternoon on his way to Bath, to attend the Convocation of Edenton. Rev. Mr. Gordon, of Williamston, | was here this afternoon. Mrs. Fred W. Hoyt, of Wllllms-j ton. Is the guest of friends. ? ? MArle Antoinette, historical drama; I'U'Only Marry a Sport, comedy; The Vendetta, drama; Clarence and His Cigarette, farce eomedy; The Last Call, drama; Ponto Run Away With .he Milk Cart, comedy; Honesty Is the Best Policy, comody drama, is the program scheduled .to. .to exhibited at the Gem theater this evening. The class of pictures to be shown tonight certainly hid fair to he pleasing . meritorious. Drama, comedy and ( ised. and all who are so fortunate as J to attend wiy be more than repaid. In addition to the fine array of pic-i tures the orchestra has arranged to present a fine and attractive musical program. The Gem tblB evening *111 be the place for the pleasure seeker, j If you are interested In a better! fire department come out tonight' and hear J. D. McNeil, at Chamber of Commerce rooms, at 8 o'clock. WKhuH Mm*. Bulb baa no rhyme. Culm. cuap, rv comb, gu!f. month. doth, amougvt, art other rbytneleas worda bnylng tbe aound of u as In bat Few patrician word* In t!ie language have thla vowel aouml. to commonplace and with do*, dignity; hence poeta turn to It only for blood, ilood and a few similar tur bnJent in ouoay llablea. Tbey use Jt efteu. however. ' ixi forcing tbe accent from the antepenultimate syllable to the Anal, where It* unpleasant sound la ; earners lo * life la ?:shty good," aald Brother 1 IMckfcy. "How come?" !i **Welli de new* la dat (J/'hiwyers! what ww tryiu* ter git de Jcfy ter bang blui ao confused in* tnfxed up 1 natters dat de Jury went In an* took J an* hang Itae'fr- Atlanta Conatltutlon. ! Another Bond Burden. Jollet. III.. was one of the flrat cltfee ! to engage In municipal lighting. A gas plant wee Installed In 1887. bonds to the amount of *30.000 being issued. It proved a financial failure . and after eighteen months the city tras glad to torn the plant over to a company .which' agreed tr? assume the bonda In exchange for a twenty-Are year fran ihisa. Mt mOMb PROGRAM AT TRR 1. March. "The idol lmn.m 3, Walt*. "Tho Bisk." 3. lBMracuo, "iBdleuna." 4. WtHi, 'JLote Eternal." ?. Medley overture. Albert Von TIlxeFs kit of 191?. , 5. Incidental music. 7. ' "Car- Barllck- Acid." (Request.) I. Violin and piano. t. "Pq II* Prim." If. March. "Unele Sammy." ? Fine program of pictures promised toel*bt. See ad. FIRBD ON FROM AMBI HU. ' Wilson, N. C., Jan. . 25. ? Sunday nlgbt W. C. Pearson, policemau at Black Creek and so'n of the mayor of the town, made a social call near Seven Bridges. On hla return home, while between Mr. Henry Meuchew's residence and Seven Bridges, he was fifed on from ambush. Ninety-^lgbt shot were found Imbedded in hla per ron/ and the tires on h!s bicycle which he was riding at the time, were badly punctured. There Is a party In the neighbor hood* who has, on two occaalons, threatened to kill him, and this par ty was at a house* where Mr. Pearson and bis lady friend called Sunday night. but who left the premises Boor after the young officer msde his ap pearance^ ^ r The people of Black Creel- towji jfckip ar* naturally aroused over the matte? and have sent over to Tat iiroro for lioodhounds tc put on the tra!l of vllllan who fired the coward ! ly shot. l^ater. ? The dogs were put on the trail between d^ie and two o'clock this attorccon. * The/ took a scent which led to the homs of Willie Lad caster. where that >oung man was arrested, brought to WUson and is r.o* iftthd custody .of the sheriff. caster, brother to Willie, ?vKf^Trested tonight and is held in BlalraCreek. where a preliminary 1 fca^g^rlU be held tonight. Dcpu tv Sheriff Rowe took Willie over n ( laelc Creek to be vresent at the "OI,l? NICK" liOSES, Washington, Jan. 24. ? The case of the Old Nick Williams Company, of Yadkin county. North Carolina, vs. I the United State?, Involving a charge against the company of defrauding the government out of a tax on spir its, was decided by the Supreme Court of the United Stales today un favorably to the company. The Court of Appeals of the Fourth Circuit, dismissed the appeal to it because the writ of error was not is sued within six months from the en try of the adverse judgment of the trial court, and that ruling was sus tained. In the lower court the com pany was sentenced to pay a fine of [t r..??oo. PREBLRH HAFF. OUT OF STATE. _ Norfolk, Va.. erty forever so far as the law is effective for his confinement In Vir ginia unless he should return to this State. There is no law which p 4cm Us ex traditlon from one State to another Tor insanity. Heebies was acquitted of murder when the trial Jury here found him to have been insane on the day that he killed his wife in Nor folk last May. The Jury also found him to be insane at the time of his I trial and upon thiB finding Judge Hanvkel ordered him committed to the Eastern State Hospital at Will iamsburg. from which institution the man escaped after picking his way through two supposedly secure locks while all guards were on duty. John Armstrong (Chandldt) Chal oner while confined In a New York asylum escaped and came to Vir ginia. There was no law under which he could be extradicted and carried back to New York and lie Is today living as a citizen of this State. When Candler applied to the Federal court for immunity from arrest when he went back to New York to testify in a civil suit there in wn* in terested It was denied him. Stomach Troubles #5et Kid of Tliftt Sourness, Cins and Indigent ion. When your stomach Is out of order or run down, your food doesn't di gest. It ferments in your stomach and forma gas which causes sourness, heartburn, foul breath, pain at pit of Ktomach and many other miserable symptoms. Mi-o-na stomach tablets will give joyful relief in Ave minutes; If taken regularly for two weeks they will turn your flabby, sour, tired out stomach into a sweet, energetic, per fect working OfiCf You can't be very strong and vig orous if your food only half dite3ts: Y*>ur appetite will go and. nanaen, dizziness, biliousness, nervousness, aloK headache and. ecnutipatlon will Mi-o-na stomach tablets are small and easy to swallow and are guaran teed to Danish indigestion and any or all of tfee .above symptoms or money ?> ? "vvv . Fifty ?iMU a large bo*. * Sold fcy druggists everywhere and by Brown's Store. For constipation there is no rem-] Mr ?? sstlsfytM M Bootk's Fille? | JtJST RECEIVED A bis Une ofToile du nord Gingbim*. Gibtra Cloth. Linen Finish Suiting*. Percals in both light and dark, and a full Une of better quality Dress Goods And Silk in all shades. Call in and let us ahow yom. Spencer Bros. Exclusive agents for Paris Patter m. Prescriptions We are agents for Vinol, the great tonic reconstruct or. Sold under an absolute guarantee, Nyle's Kidney Pills. Each box must satisfy or money is refunded. Pure Drugs, Toilet Ar ticles, Cigar???d Soda Wa ter. WASHINGTON DRUG COMPANY THE GAIETY Prcifran Changed Daily TONIGHT: A THAI" KOR SANTA < LAl)S I ? A very fine Biogiaph for [ the childreb. Sure to ple?M old and young. FKNTON OF THR 42*D ? A ; fine historical drama, one that has ne*er (ailed to please. i T ? - . J r THK WONDKHS OF NATVRB \ ? An educational film. w Benefit Thursday night tor * the Washington Volunteer % Hose Company. Mlustrated X Bongs. Prices the same. * Follow the | Merry Crowd | -J There's a simpler and a cheaper way to handle ynur nffirg detail. show Moore's ? Modern Methods will save you money ? ANY BINDER and RECORD SHEETS ON FREE TRIAL Phone for a Catalogue WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS JAMES l_ VAYO. P?k. PU??? 200 114 EAST MAIN ST. WASHINGTON. N. C BE DOUBLY WISE Save your money and have a good light. How? By us ing gasasanilluminant, for it's the cheapest, and at the same tiuie the best, of mod ern methods of lighting. It will afford us a pleasure to install gas in your home at an early day. Please call and ask particulars. WASHINGTON WATER At I.KiHT COM PA XI* 1'IHb your veins with jlcli, red blood. Hives 'you )sp hearty appetite, builds up flesh, makes you strong and rugged. Ho' lister's Rocky Mouutain Tea, greatest health builder. . 3."?' cents. Tea cr Tablets. Hardy's Drug Store. Tomorrow morning from 9 to ^ o'clock o|d maid's pictures taken at half price; from 11 to 2 p. m.. wid ows and widowers at half price; from 2 to- 4 p. m. widows and widowers. If taken together, made free. All oM poet car*. - * BAKER'S STUDIO. 1 | ^XNOINCKMENT. I hereoy announce my candidacy for solicitor of the First Judicial DIb trtct of Nortti CaToliha, subject to the action of the Democratic District Convention, and do earnestly solicit the support of all Democrats in my behalf. ? January IS, 1910. E A. DANIEL. Jr. m , STOCKHOLDERS' >|KKT!X?. . meeting of the itaw BuliaiM 111 b? held at tba bullae bauM at tb? Saylno * i ?? OllXll. l?pl? ??. i?l?. at cat ?. m. JNO. B. SPARROW. NEW Canned .Tomatoes 3 (C ANS FOR 25c Phone J97 E. L. ARCHBELt Spfciilties'l.'igars and Tobacco.} Leary Bros. ' Old Stand. EXPOSURE breeds cold#, pains in the lm*s, then pneumonia. Gowan'a IW . aration g?TT? quick relief by dm ?troying inflammation and con gestion. Act# likr magic foe crocp and coughs. L.xternal and penetrating. Bay todav and tr4 secure. Alldrugfiists. $3 OO.GOr. 25c.