white goods -mm OF SNOWY WHITE * .jrJ'JWM Comprising all the Spring's Newest Novelties. - [Prices 10c. to 59c. Yard. Ji^ HOVT Washington's ? " ^ * *? GreatestStore Watch This Space for thq. announcement for February Edison, Amberol and 2-Minute Records, This list will no doubt surpass all others. A full list of rec ords to select from. Ed ison Machines on easy payments. The Edison never fails to make the home cheerful. Pictures frame d on short notice. RUSS BROS. I . .f> < ' , '..?N ?'I The Gem _ w\ Theater MARIE ANTOINETTE? Historical drama. ^ j I'LL ONLY MARRY A SPORT? A comedy. THE VENDETTA ? Drama. CLARENCE AND HIS CIGAR ETTE ? Farce comedy. THE LAST CALL ? Drama. POXW 4U X* AWAY WITH THE MILK CART? Comedy. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY | ? Comedy drama. We carry a complete line | of Standard Watches ? as well asfeverything be found in|an up- 1 to-date Jewelry Store. - -Repairing n specialty^. R. L. STEWART, ? JEWELER . A'atch Inspector for the N. Jt S. Railway. SAVINGS AND TRUST BUILDING Don'tibe Chained to the Kitchen Here are to bp found lots of labor saving devices ? kitchen helps nt small prices. So many that we won't name any. Come In and look around and sare lots of kitchen drudgery. McKKEI.-HK HARDSQX hTrdwark COMPANY ?"Moored Modern Methods" will improve your office methods AND SAVE MONEY. Let us send on approval this equipment : Two 5*8 Buaders \ 1000 Record Shert* I /^Oioice o! 40 form*) ( <? "7 ? C '2 Vol. C*bu*? (lof hold -, $ * ? V 3 iX boolu) \ 40 Alphabetical Im WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS JAMES L. MAYO. I 114 EAST MAIN ZT WASHINGTON. N. C. ?red it Th0, Alter having mliee out to mi In -a which ?? la turn aided by ? au.ali | iaaoloM lauacb. by u I 4?tU which thoy had helpful near Ik* mouth of the bay. three Amorl CV* eaceooded la laadlas the largeod opoclmoa of tho ray family of Hah ? aaoa at Maataaltto. Mexico. . The monster measured Marly SI feet %pm Up to tlpof 1U enormous flappei-s and was alleged to welgb slightly leas I ban a ton. Its mandlblee. which were tightly closed. measured a meter and fifteen centimeters The fish was apparently sleeping on some low flat rocks when discovered and harpooned. It made off no fast with the small fishing boat that the launch went to Its assistance, and for a mile thereafter, the fish carried both boat and lautach in easT tow. It m not overpowered until several bar poona had been landed well In Its | body. ^ Mombasa. You possibly think of Mombasa, | where Roosevelt landed, as a sbrt ol pioneer outpost on the eflfce of the world. As a matter of fact, Mombasa was on the map 200 years before Columbus discovered America, and It la a somewhat prosperous city of 27, 000 people. It is the terminus of the Uganda Railroad, and has a Bteel pier and stone wharves. The protective citadel, which still stands, as a part of the town's fortifications, was started by the Arabs in the seventh century. You may not havo heard much *A Mombasa, but it Isn't because it is ? new r,tY. hllll> tO TnaVa nn a on/I nf g . railroad or a landing place for ex Presidents. For Insomnia. For insomnia try this simple rSm edy: Have a barber chair rigged up in your room. Then, when unable to go to sleep by 1.30 a. m.. send your motor car for your favorite barber. When he comes, have him give you a thorough shampoo. If not sleepy then, repeat, and continue treatment until put to sleep. If the treatment fails to do this in five hours. Just take look at the bill. Cant About Advertising. There is a great deal of cant at the ' present day about advertising, emit- , ted by persons who are very keen to ' get all the advertisement they can. I and to get it for nothing if possible. | Qttlet-peopie, ?tw HsWHe<w> waat . to advertise themselves, are much less censorious. Glove Cutting. Glove cutting Is purely a hand trade. No machine could cut out a glove properly, for the simple reason that it could not distinguish between good and bad, thick and thin, pieces of leather. Each .piece of leather i Quires special treatment in shaping, I and therefore the cutting can never | be mechanical. ? ? The Date of Christ's Birth. It Is known that the Christian era, | based on the birth of the Saviour, is older by several years than the time assigned in the calendar; but the pre cise year in which Christ was born has never been finally determined. Lieut.-Col. G. Mackinlay. has recently Investigated the question anew, and has stated his conclusions in a book, for which Sir W. M. Ramsay has writr ten a preface. The date on which he fixes for the Nativity is 8 B. C., ao bates his reasoning on the assumed association of John the Baptist with periodical "bright shlnings" of the planet Venus, the suggestion being tbat these special apparatlons of Venus are the groundwork of the story of the "Star of Bethlehem." ^ Bail-Bearing Motors. British engineers anticipate that | one of the most Interesting features i In the manufacture of electrical ma chinery during the present year will be a greet increase 1n the use of ball bearings. Several types of motors have already been placed on the mar ket which have ball bearings. Among the advantages of such bearings la the relatively small amount of lubrication required for motors fitted with them. It Is considered also that: such motors I should furnish a better , output^ than those having ordinary beaiinga^Bx* I perlments have been made in Europe on the application of ball bearings to traction motors', "but In this ease the conditions are not so favorable as 1a that of motors for use In factorlea. ^SSXtjJs&z bercolosts Bxblbl tioo to be phown la this city la the model teat und at the Printer's Home. This model wWa first shown at the International Con gress at Washington. and la now traveling with the exhibition of tho National Association. Through the cooperation of the 45.000 union printers th*re Is main tained at Colorado Springs, Colorado, a home unique among the humanita rian lnstlutlons of the world, a model from which other unions and frater nal organisations have copied meth ods. The Ufcton Printers' Home Is supported by; a fifteen cent monthly ^ assessment, which means that each \ member of the international Typo- J graphical Union gives to the home I one minute of his working time every day. This yields an annual Income of 190.000 for maintenance and Im provements. The original $10,000 gift by O. W. Chllds and A. J. Drexel arid the Julia A. Ladd 91,000 endow ment, are the only contributions ever accepted. o Since the main building 'was dedi cated May 12, 1802, the growth of the home has been surprising^ ,ln those seventeen yqars total expendi tures have amounted to $8, 000, 000, and the property today Is valued at $1,000,000. The average number of average cost per resident a month be ing $30. Where 20 years ago there was nothing bu? barren prairie the grounds have been converted by Ir rigation and landscape gardening In to one of the continent's beauty spots. There are now six buildings. Includ ing tho heating plant, laundry and dairy. * Of recent years the management has devoted increasing attention to the treatment of tuberculosis and the methods employed In its successful battle with the "white plague" are attracting attention all over the coun try. A special commission made a study of the disease and adopted the most approved and scientific methods | of fighting -It. The results have been go satisfactory that the convention voted down a proposition to trantfT9r | the sanltorlum to Arizona. The tent 1 colony Is an Important factor, and the offlclale^of the l?*lon are author ity for the statement that fully 50 per cent of the patients who have had the advantage of tent life have recov ered health and strength, and re sumed business duties. The per centage would be higher but for the fact that too many are not &ent to the Home In the earlier stages, when they are almost sure of permanent recovery. A MISSISSIPPI JNTHUSIAST Mrs. Lena Gresham. of Clinton, Tell Ourjleaders About Clinton, Miss. ? "Thanks to Cardui." writes Mrs. Lent Gresham, of this place, "1 have been greatly relieved." "I suffered for three Years from female Inflammation and had taker! medicine from four different physicians without much benefit. "I have received more benefit from I seven bottles of Cardui, than from all the ' physicians." -?* Just try Cardui. That's all we ask. It speaks for , itself. It has helped so many thousands, it must be able to help you. Trying Cardui won't hurt you. It is jsafe, harmless, gentle in action, and. purely vegetable. If you are weak, tir^d, down and out, try Cardui. If you are sick, miserable, and suffer from womanly pains, like headache, backache, dragging feelings* pains ia lide, arms, legs, etc.? try Cardui. It is the medicine for all women. It is the tonic for you. DepJ . Qutu PHONE 327. E. R. MIXON & CO. , Hew to Improve a Flock. It often happens that one who haa heretofore kept only mongrel fowle becomes convinced that he should keep a pure breed, but for some rea son he finds It Inconvenient to aecure the same. The cost in many cases la too much, snd. though he would like to have better fowls, he feels thst he ?annot afford it. In such cases we would suggest a gradual improvement, a building up. as It were, of the mongrels he has. ' X male bird of some good breed will give him the first year half breeds, and these mated with a pure; breed will the next year further im prove the" flock, and so on for a* few years, when he will have a good strain of pure bred fowls. Begin next year to get on the light road for arpflt Just in Time Sonle Washington People Mny Wait _ Till If^-Too l^u-- ? I Don't wsit until too late. Be sure to be In time. Just in time with kidney Ills Means curing the back -Before bsckache becomes chronic; Before serious urinary troubles set ln- jJ Doan's Kidney Pllla^wWao this. Here Ib testimony to prove it. Mrs. J. S. Stokes. Twelfth and Evans Btreets, Greenville. N. C., says: "For some time I suffered severely from kidney apd bladder complaint. My kidney* were weak and Irregular passages of the secretions from these organs caused me great annoyance. I also had bearing-down pains through my " abdomen and sharp, shooting twinges across my loins. There was a sensltveness over my kidneys and at times my limbs pained Intensely. I Anally read of Doan's | Kidney Pills and was so much im pressed that 1 procured a supply and hsgan thalr the pains in my sides and limbs, and resored my kidneys to a normal con dition. At present 1 am feeling bet ter In every way. I give Doan's Kid ney Pills the credit for this great im provement." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents ftfr the United States. j Remember the name ? Doan's ? I and take no other. CITY MARKET. Eggs Chickens, grown SB td 10< "Spring chickens 10 to 2Se< O. b. hides gc Green hides. 7c Mixed wool is to SOe Tallow 1 -Jo Wool, free from burrs I0e 8heerllngs ...? to 10c Lambskin IS to 40e Cofn . . .. 80c j Lint cotton 13 i-2c Seed cotton ....... 6.50 mektikg of stockholders. ; A meeting of the stockholders of the Savings ? Trust Co. of Washing ton. N. CLV will be held at their bank ing house, on Taen!ay,~F*bn2ar7~16, 1?10, at SO o'clock, p. m.. for the election of directors and such other business aa may properly come be fore the meeting. J NO. B. SPARROW. ' Secretary. Men's Fine Shoes! Dorsch Tilt Korrect Shape 1 E. L. BROOKS' SHOE STORE Shoe Co. r o Teachers of Beaufort County I turn m ??pply at ItedUUon." Regular price IIJD, special price to teachers, . ll.Oo WM. B. HARblNG Pictures Framed to Order. TO THE PUBLIC I aollcit your ?ulxrrlptlim. to all paper. .ml periodical*. and am now In position to aerre jrou. Alao ul adding toll liar Stationeries. Vonr wanta ran br (Mil/ supplied bx W. J. RHODES I 'Plione MO. > Imperial Cafe - headquarters for meals AND QUICK LUNCH Oysters served all styles, day or night. One of Norfolk's best cooks employed. ?Phone 92. W. J. FLOYD & CO. THE GREAT . American Shorthand Business College DURHAM, N. C. A high-grade Business Training School, endorsed by leading business men, that qualifies men and women for EXPERT work in the CommercialWorltL ? ? - OIT.P A R TMB.MTS Bookkeeping. Banking, Expert Accooatiof. Auditing. Shorthand, Type writing, Telegraphy, Pen Art. Special Preparatory Department. Expert Faculty ? Railroad Fare Paid ? Positions Secured. We also teach by MAIL. ' First National Bank of Washington WASHINGTON, N. C. Capital Stock, *50,00?. ' ... Surplus Funds and Profits. $40,000. Accounts of Individuals and Corporations Solicited. OFFICERS? C.M. drown, Pre ident; John B, Fowle, . Vice-President; A. M. Dumay, Cashier. DIRECTORS-Geo. T. Leach, D. M. Carter, W. E. Proctor, C. M. Brown, W. E. Swindell, A. M. Dumay, F. C. Kugler, J. B. Fowle, W. H. Whitley. Sftft Packages ?f JUU Merchandise will be given to the First 500 Customers Free!

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