Tom the Clerk Of ?t Ba?ufnrt^ comi ty la tb? above eo titled actloa, I. Oeo. E. Ricks, sheriff of Beaufort wanty. . wilt oa . Monday, the 7th day of March, 1S10. at noon at the court house in sa(d county, sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy Mid execution, all the right, title and In terest which the said R. B. Hopkins, the defendant above named* haa in the following described real estate, to-wit: First Tract. In Richland town ship. Beaoffrrt county, on the east eidfc of South Creole adjoining the lands of Henry Emery, and bounded KjS'.*** follows: Beginning In Little Creek at Henry. Emery's cOrndr and Oregon; thence wltft the main road 70 yards to a stake, thence the course of the first line reversed to Little Creek, thence down Little ?reek to] the beginning containing 5 acres In cluding all buildings and improve ment* located on said lands. Second Tract. Adjoining lands of ' Joseph Smith, Roper Bros, and oth qj s, beginning at Burbage's Cross Roads, running with the Yeatesvllle to the James Bailey patent line, ce with the^ said line eastwardly j to the N. E. comer, thenco south wardly to the North Creek road, thence westwardly with said road to the beginning containing _?<> ??? more or lees, being th* same land conveyed by deed by J. H. Burbage to R. B. Hopkins, recorded In book | 150, page 109. in the Register's office of Beaufort . county, which "deed Is! hereby referred to as a more com | plete description. r _ _ I Tblsthe 2?tb'day of January, 1&10.' OEO. E. RICKS. 8herifT. Vaughan ? Thompson, Attorneys for Plajntlff.l RALE OF STOCK AND FIXTURES. -? By virtue of -the power conferred vpon me by a certain deed of trust fniw A. I, 1910, recorded In the office of the Resistor of Deeds for Beaufort coun ty, in book 159; pago 264, 1 will, on Tuesdav, the 1st day of February, 1)10, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at public auction, at the store on Main street heretofore oc cupied by A. G. Smlther, adjoining the store of J. H. Harris Pluniblng A Supply Company, all that stock of goods, wares, merchandise. Jewelry and other effects, transferred to me by virtue of the aforesaid deed of] trust, saving and excepting the book accounts and evidences of debt.' And by virtue and authority, duly vested in me, at the same tlmo and place, I will sell, for cash, at public auction, to the highest bidder, all of the fixtures, wall cases. tounters, par ?titlonlngs and the safe, contained In the said building; and such other property therein as belonged or be Thls 12th day of January, 1910. STEPHEN C. BRAQAW. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Beaufort county. Superior court. Isaac Buck vs. Interstate Supply Cor poration and F. J. Cunningham. McKeel-RIchardson Hdw. Co. vs. In terstate 8upply Corporation and P. J. Cunningham. By virtue of orders In the above en titled causes pending In the Superior court of Beaufort county, made at December term, 1909, of said court, the undersigned will, on Monday, tile '"-?th day of February, 1910, expose for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse 'door In said county, at 12 o'clock, noon, the fol lowing described real estate; Those certain trkcts or parcels of land lying and being In ths County of ' Beaufort and State of North Carolina in Washington township, and In that part of said county and township known as Washington Heights, com prising lot* 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, together with an allpy-way running across the end of said lots, in block So. 41; an<l lots 1; 2 and Z in block ?f Eaat. street, all of which Is set put' upon a plot recorded in the Regis ter's office of Beaufort CounJty, in Book 140, at "Page 552, and which Is hereby referred toj a more particu . lar description of which property Is as follows, to wft: Beginning at Abe corner of King street and Washing ton avenue, and running thence aTo^g and with said Washington avenue, Eastwardly, to the run of ftunyan's creek, about one hundred and sixty (160) feet; thence tyestwardly and paralleling the first line herein re . sifted s-} that t wll strike the dlvid " tog line betwewi lo.a 15 and 16, In block No. 41: thence- ruunlng a straight, continuous course across the South end of East street, and along and with t><j dividing line between lots Nos. 15 find 16 sad ? fcad 1$ to King street; thfnce Northwardly, along and with King street, to Wash ington avenue, the beginning. Also, immediately upon the sale of the real estate above described, the undersigned will, by virtue of orders la above entitled causes, sell to the If you want your full money's worth ?Let me tell you about the Maryland Casualty Company's Accident and Health Policies' "They are leadei leaders. CARL D. PARKER General Insurance? FourjYears '(Experience. " Havens-Small Building. 'Phone 85 After The Grippe "I am much pleased, to be able to write and thank you for what Cardui has done for me," writes Mrs. Sarah J. Qilliland.^of SUer City, ^N. ^ ^ ^ bad shape. Before that, I had been bothered with female trouble, for ten years, and nothing seemed to cure It "At last, 1 began to take Cardui. I have taken only three bottles, but it has done me more good than all the doctors or than any other medicine 1 ever took." m CARDUI The Woman's . Tonic For the after-effects of any serious illness, like the I , Grip, Cardui Is the best tonic you can use. 1 It builds strength, steadies the nerves, improves the appetite, regulates irregularities and helm bring, back the natural glow of health; ' Cardui is your best friend, if you only knew it Think of the thousands of ladies whom Cardui has helped) What could possibly prevent it from helping you? Remember you cannot get the benefit of the Cardui ingredients in any other medicine, for they are not for sale *- any drug store except in the Cardui bottle. Try CarduL ?M> ? m.n- ininn nm n . t? lor Sptdol /juItvOoiu. in<t M-cut book. "Hone Treatment lot Wocncfc" MM fcee "Moore's Modern Methods "g will improve yoftr office mcthod? AND SAVE MONEY. Let us send on approval this Two 5x8 B-dm \ 1000 Rko SUt. / WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS JAMES L. MAYO, /fU. *90 ' 114 EAST MAIN ST. WASHINGTON. N C. ' Jos . F. TAYLtiE % ? V' ? v * ? sells Everything Good to. Eat. described, ihe tinder sighed will sell, at public auction, for catb. to tke highest Vlflder. ' qu rstunt to hM or. dtors,. on the premises heretofore oc cupied by tW Interstate Supply Cor poration, on Wasblpgtpn Heights, tlf q following described personal property. towit-. About 7 00 Founds *fJails. SO Bags Ornent. f.-. Barr?J , o? dnwwWttfO Pounds Iron Bolts, about 6000 Feet of Sawed Lumber, about 1000 Ce ment Blockn ?nd 66 Half Block*. 1 Pump, and such <fther pem?nal prop erty as was heretofore levied tupon by virtue of a writ of attachment Is sued In these causes. This 7th 'day ol January. 1910. QUO. B. RICKS. Chcrlff Beaufort Co. Stephen C. Bragaw, - ^ " > Attorney for Plaintiffs. ; . NEW ' Corned Mackeral ? 10c.; 3 for 25c. Thone M. ' t.. .fin. . ? r. ? NOTICE. ' CUUIllJ. To R. L. Davis. , Notice It) lnreby clven: That on [the id day of May, 1S09. the under signed, at a tale to r ta?es by George E. Ricks, sheriff of Beaufort county, Worth Carolina, Dtirchkeed at aald a lot or partSl of land, situated In Pantego township, adjoining mil lock containing 1? acres and listed by ~Hd R. L, bavls. She taxes fi^r which Idland was solS' beinjflor tte year 108 that (he tlifte for redemption lller' the "? saje Vade hy thV.j^., Oeorge E. Ricks, sheriff, will expire | .on the 2d day of May, 1910. - Tils 25th day of January, 1310. E. H. MOORE. HILtat (1'RKtt AT HOME BV THK ^U-SOHITIDN MJCTJgOD. If you suffer from bleeding, iteh lng, blind, or protruding Pllos, send nwyour add rem. and J will tell you how to cure yourself *t~home by (he new absorption treatment; and will ?l tWs home trwit . for trial,, .Ith Personal Mention Mr. W. A. Thompson, of Aurora, was la the city thlf afternoon. RW. Joseph Fulford, of Mount Zion. jwas bare today. Mn John J. Jones, of South Creek, la In the elty. V % m '? Dr. A. K. Tayloe, of Belhaven. through the city this morning [on his way to Tampa. Florida, fie expects to be away for a period, of two weeks or more. , ? ? Mr. H. O. Mayo, v of Aurora, is c Washingtn visitor. ? ? Miss Nettie Pugh, of Baltimore. U the gueet of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Clark, West Second strett. MIes Pugh visited here several years ago and is most pleasantly remembered. ? ? Mr. W. M. Cooper, of Old Ford, was In town this afternoon. Did you see Mrs. 8weet and family at the Gem theater laat night? Bully, [wasn't It? Full of fun and laughter from start to finish. But those girls of Mrs. Sweet's were dalsle?. To night th^ Gem offers the following program: The Adventures of Fifine, comedy drama; The Qbdurate Fath ler. melodrama; The Gift of Youth, fairy story; A Secret, comedy; The Bank Messenger, melodrama: Ccu.-k Flghting in Seville (by request). In addition to the excellent music all who attend the Gem this evening will witness one of the most Interesting find laughable programs ever given at this popular place of amusement If you wish to spend an evening fisll of pleasure be sure and find yourself at the Gem. - ITALY A\l) SPAIN HIT BY STORM j Streets on Water Front of Naples !>e ?troyed ? Safety of Ship* En dunirrrml Naples, Jan. 26. ? Driven by the hurricane (he sea at several points has destroyed the streets along the harbor front. . Reports from the country around Naples describe violent hall and rain storms with a considerable (all of 6now. ? \ k The river Afno, in Tuscany, a des patch from Florence says, la rising at an alarming rate and a. number of villages have been flooded. Genoa, Jan. 26. ? The 'storm hete | took on such proportions as to threat- 1 en the safety of the steamers in the harbor. The residents of several of ? the suiSrb quarter* hate. left their homes, fearing that they would be| swept away. At places the sea wall has been broken down by the high | waves. Bilbao. Jan. 26. ? A fishing boat storm, eleven dten being drOwned. Attend the Gaiety this evening and see the (lrst-class performance an nounced In another place In the Daily News to be given. Such well known picture; as In' Little Italy, Biograph; The Spanish Marriage, showing Spain In all its splendor; Bunch fit Lilac*, hand-colored; Up the Mountains of Hong Kong, panoramic, should ap peal to every lo?er of good pictures. The management promises all who ?muu lUBH money b wonn and more too. They have presented no pro gram to surpass the one billed for I tonight. Remember the orchestra nightly and this feature alone is well worth the price of admission. . Re member the drawing takes place telao [jtonight at 9 o'clock. Investigation Is National Chl?*?e. HI.. Jan. *?.? That the government's investigation into the affairs .of the so-called beef trust, is Ltobe national, was shown today%fol [iS^ag tha questioning before ? ttre Pederal grand jury of ^Charles C. Snow, secretary and treasurer of the National Packing Company. It was learned that the books and other document^ of the following concenTs have been laid before the JUVj+Q' H- Hammond &, Company of Michigan. O. H. Hammond & Com pany of Illinois,. Hammond Beef .Company of Michigan,' Hammond Company ^ Colorado. Kam ?king Company of Philadel ?^Arnond Packing Company of Tole^7"ffttnmon(fT3raipany of New York, Ansclo- American Refrigerator Car , Company of Illinois, Fowler, ^ Hello, Stranger! ?)o you | live in Washington? Only L !??*? trying to buy a h^use 1 andlotT Well I saw a!g?a at Baker's Studio, drop up and ^t pictures of some nice residences for sale Cpsts 70* nothing;, your wifa may I, .. 1 K Packing Onfpany of Kabmi. Kaniu City Refrigerator Car Company of Kansas. United Draaaod Boef Com pany of Naw York. St. Louis Drossod B?f -4k Provision Company of court. Hutchinson Packing Company of Kansak. National Car Llna Com pany of New Jersey and ffte Provision Dealers Dispatch of Illinois. It was learned that eub^aoe^jxsd been Issued/ for employes and officer* Of Armonr ft company. Swift A Com pany and Morria ft Company. Besides Mr. Snow, those examined today ware Henry F. Mye. department manager for Armour ft Company, and .Everett Wilson, superintendent of branch houses of Armour ft Com pany. No information as to the line of Inquiry into the alleged price-fixing methods waa given out. It was learned that Diatrlct Attor ney Sims had arranged to carry on the probe for at least kslx weeks. QUESTION'. (Charlotte Observer.) Who would have thought that an old Nort^ Carolinian living in a lone ly farm house would at his deith leave * several millions of dollars worth of property to his heirs? But such seems to have been the case with the late Louis Hinton of Pas quotank county, who died a few days ago under auch circumstances. It is said he owned valuable real estate in nearly every State of tho Union. Be sides his real estate title deeds there; were found in his house a large num ber of personal securities, such as stocks and bonds of every kind, the certalned. but which are supposed to aggregate two million dollars or more. Hero the question arises: What real pleasure did this old man derive from his labors in amassing such u fortune? He posed as a com paratively poor man. and the many whom be could have aided derived no benefit from the accumulated wealth which did him ho good. It comes to his heirs now. but he would much better have used some of it in con ferring benefits upon mankind. icbr Professor T. Becker, of the Majestic Range, says CRYSTAL ICE will ten der your meats. 'Phone 83. Crystal Ice Co. 126 Water Street. CITY MA11KET. Eggs 28c Chickens, grown 25 to 20( Spring chickens.. 10 to 25c O. 8. hides Sc Green hides..... 7c Mixed wool 18 to, 20c Tallow 3 1 -?e Wool, free from burr* .20c Shwrllngi ....... .Tr 6 m iiu Lambskin 25 to 40o Corn 80c Lint cotton 1 3 l-2c Seed cotton 5.30 Bowels clogged, sick' headache, no fun is it* Why not hare that happy face, ^ red cheeks that come with good digestion. Hbllister'8 Rocky Mount* ain Tea makes tbe bowels work reg ular, natural, makes you feel like new. Take it tonight. Hardy's Drug Store. A LIVE WIRE. Realising that I have such a good opportunity to work the Real Estate business along with that of my pho tograph bU8lnees, I hare decided to take out a State, county and city license to do a real estate business. Any. property you have to dispose of give me a chance to sell it (or you. I shall make photographs of all resi dences or other prdperty, having them on exhibition in my studio, showing the property, where located and also how It can be purchased and on what terms. ! If interested call to see me at: my studio. Yoors truly. ' ? ; ? w. ii. baker. i Photographer & Real Estate Dealer. Barbecue! Barbecue! Do you want a nice piece of Barbecue like our fathers used to cook many years ago? If so 'phone 146? we will have it day and night. We have a barbecue pit on Market street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, where you can go by and serf it cooked bv one who knows how to cook it, and have served the tr?de for many years. Now if you want good barbecue, we have it, and you know I Will treat you right. Our wagon passes your door every day loaded with everything good . . I JUST RECEIVED A big line ofToile da nord Ginghims, Galatea ? Cloth. Linen Finish Saltings. Percmls in both ligte' apd dark, and ? full line of better quality ' ' ? Dress Goods And Silk in all shaUe*. Call in and let us show yam. ?*:!?? vlve agents for Paris Patter us. STOP ^ Your Cough SYRUP WHITE PINE and TAll A coupgh If allowed to run may result In rery serious sickness, so at flrst sign of hoarseness or tickle In your throat take White Pine and Tar CoUph Syrup. There's noth ing better for Coughs. Colds. Bronchial Affections and Lung Trouble, safe, pleasant, easy to take. Htops tickle at once. ' PRICE SBC. with Washington rug Company. THE GAIETY Program Changed Daly TONIGHT: IX LITTLE ITALY ? A my line Blograpb. Beautiful pe er y and good acting. bl'ANISH MAKKJAGE ? A ??f rich picture showing Spain ht ' all o t its splendor. Bl XCH OF LI LACS ? BeaaO ?ful hand-colored. UP THE MOUNTAIN OF HOftO , KONG ? Panoramic. Orchestra. Remember tonight Is FrIAaj ' night. *"* ; Follow the Merry Crowd I! (TfOffl 619 Hotloc^J Hours lor !c-khi:i ??? o.'-ji ?)! L;i?> TH E rrJ XIGHT '..mvr.t .. r i, 'RtK. it t j ? . 1 tin:* tu j. ? ?_? c : "Vilh * <*c:r.c'\ ?c.%t*.s ihiybutliS - 'fi ?tts. Inc-rt QO" ^ fTT tli-j cor.t is . . . . . y?r ta-^Jsacd It :nV??: 2 np?n P.?r.c it.*. ?! 1 1 > j .?? ? nndlef?w?T lijl.t W n c??s > . ti.? us?r?i feet. t'v?" li;;rn 5 hours f..p 6 (.MS.' 1 ? <:v Cr t: month'* tic:* ?he cm.; . . v/ ? ,Gu It takes I We!i>tiiip'.i Junf t *.?> i'.*? ? *;-eRna>? power Hirht. W :? i : >? '???/ ; v r 'ah(iuui<J ftrttt, it burn* 5 h<.?n i \>r l c r* ^ I a ot.o month's l me l'">? CO. I ' J- Q Almost unbelievable, Imj'I it ? Vv! l': t f r ? -f i i* rt. ??' l?uy cue Wrl-ibach Juv.ior Lit fct ? * '.I l?-: -y~r* ? for ?t. Then equij/.yoitr ei.'ire horn" ?-?u -iv? ir* r.iendousiv on yorr'lifihtsii;: ; .. cr..*.r?! coft, tueSlcw and jtcife^t li^h.. Don't Economic on LUvii ? Economize on Lfcr^Iis* fciii?. Th? Wetubwh Junl ?? Lirfct m-,. ?m?.f btrner. tunul* *i?S ?>,; ?- ? .... % ??r. i?S itcii'* h.irh nnd v~- L-e ? c * ? uvU to n-.y i-a* lixtu.v. . _Ti i,? . P-ice. ccnip'cis, in 3 bcrt, 53 ccs!s'ic^.-td -'eij.bEC. Lompr.; - lh? crViful . <*J bum inr. lunn ?1. imfco'4.**.-. ?t r - : tuii ;n u* r> c - tf J? fj U M f? P bi? HK' ? - ? wM&r* WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER CO. SUPERB SERVICE To Baltimore via Chesapeake SteamshipUne NEW BAY LINE "COLUMBIA" and "AUGUSTA.** DiniAfpoams o? Saloon Decks. Elegant Table D'Hote Dinner 75 cants; Club Br e*k fart, 25 to 6# cents. Polite attention and the very beat service ia WMf ar*jr. We solicit criticism of our service. Leave Norfolk, foot of Jackson at, dally except Sunday 6.18 p. m.; srrive Baltimore 7 a. ro.. connecting with rail for Phila., N. Y., and all points East and West. For all informa tion and reservation# address !/ , C. I- Chandler, G. A.; F. R. McMillift.T. P A., Norfolk, Va. Fills- your veins with rich, red blood. Gives you a hearty appetite, builds up flesh, makes you strong and rugged. HolllRter's Rocky Mountain Tea. greatest health builder. cents. Tea or Tablets. Hardy's Drug Btore. ' Tomorrow morning from 9 to 11 o'clock old maid's pictures, taken at half price; from 11 to 2 p. m., wid ows and widowers at half-price; from 2 to 4 p. m. widows and widowers. If taken together, made free. All .on posi cards. & - BaKETR'S STUDIO. A X NOV NCEMEXT. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for solicitor of tho First Judicial Dis trict of North CaroH?a, subject to tho action of the Democratic District Convention, and do earnestly solicit the support' of all Democrats In my behnlf. . NEW, , : j Canned Tnmatnp* 3_[CANS FOR 25c ? Phone JW E. L. ARCHBELL "" Specialties Cigars and Tobacco.1, Leary Bros. ' Old Stand. CROUP hknSP 'S?11 h??'? *""?* ?* b child ? llle: GOWANS PKFJ*AHATiOi ' **? ImLict relief and cenfect Jul nk il on? don't weaken the ?icr?rh ?*% 23c. AU dnitfafc.

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