* Sc. yard I Imitation Torchon, Linen Torchon, V?L Lace and BmdingB. Best -values ever shown. L J. K. HOYT Watch This Space for the announcement ; for February Edison, Amberol and 2-Minute r Records, This list will 1 no doubt surpass all others. A full list of rec ords to select from. Ed ison Machines on easy payments. The Edison ! never fails to make the home cheerful. Pictures framed on short notice. HUSS BROS. The Gem ? . - Theater THE ADV&TCBE8 OF FIFINK ? -A comrtv drama. THE OHDURJTE FATHER? Mel odrama. the GIFT OF YOl'TH? A fairy etory. A SEl'HET? Comedy. the BANK MESfl&NGER? Melo drama. <27. 2E?y$ With than with Midi Of our bottling, tad you will have the laugh on those who flrtt laughed ?t you. BOTTLERS OF PEPSI-COLA. WHOLESALE GROCERS, as we /will tell at most any price to E. R. MIXON & CO. TUl nair * or* man who dropped 40 feet onto a pile of soft bread and escaped unhurt Is not the first to be ?ared br having a pile or dough to fall back on.? Indianapolis News. Asking for What Ope Want*. Young Harry la very fond of pie. Reoently. while saylsg hie prayers, he gave birth to ths follow lag: "Give aa tth day our dally bread? No. pie! #e!" ? JudgeT^W An leotated People, now much remains to be done So fore we ahall hare a complete knowl edge of the Inhabitants of our little planet la Indicated by the failure of Mr. Alanaon Skinner of the American Museum of Natural History to Into communication last summer with thfc Naakapl Indians of Labrador. He "fchd supposed that they could be reached by way of the west ooast of Labrador, but found It to be Impos sible. When drfren by starvation In win Lei*, they so to Nltchequon, In the Interior, 65 days' Journey by canoe from Rupert's House on Bast Main Hirer. Otherwise they are confined to the interior of Labrador proper, "held back on the eaat and north by the Eskimo. ' on the west by the Northern Cree, and on the eouth by the Montagnala." Dangerous' Oil Wells. The question of underground con nection of petroleum supplies bids fair to be an important one to Mexi can and possibly Texaa owners of wells and land. At last accounta the Mexican 8an Geronlmo Held waa In flames, and the Are waa steadily spreading. It became volcano-like at last, npd in a great explosion blew off the top of a hill. Horn far it .will ex tend and what effect it will have on ; the oil-producing territory it under* mfaes are questions which are being asked with not a little anxiety. People easily constipated dread the winter'. Nothing but .hard, coaree meals. No fruits, no vegetables to keep the stomach active. Your best relief, your greatest friend now Is Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea, the world's tonic physic. Do It today. At Hardy's j)rug Store. PILES CURKD IN U TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMKNT la guaranteed to cure any case of Itching. Rllnd, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days, or money refunded. 50c. Sour Stomach Mi'0>na Pats the Stomach In Fine Shape In Five Minutes. If your stomach is constantly kick ing up a dlaturbance; you fe?l bloat ed and distressed; If you belch gas and sour fodfl Into the mouth, then you need Mi-o-na Stomach. Tablets. Mi-o-na stomach tablets give In-; stant relief, of course, but they do! more; .they drive out the polaonons: gases that cause fermentation of the food and thoroughly, clean, renovate and strengthen the stomach so that It can readily digest toxf wk^out arti ficial aid. Mt-o-na stomach tablets are guar anteed to cute indigestion, acute or chronic, or money back. This means that nervouanees. dizziness v and bll iousness" "will disappear. Druggists everywhere and Brown 'a Drug Store sell Ml-o-na for 60c. "I waa undfr the care of four dlf ferent doctors during nine months and waa cured of dyspepsia by Ml-o na." ? Mr. Joseph Ofondine, 107 fountain street. Fall River, Mass. Booth's Pills for constipation ? 25c. ? MEETING OF 8TOCKHOLUER8. A meeting of the stockholders of the Savings 4 Trust Co. of Washing ton. N. C.. will be held at their bank ing house,, on Tuesday. February 16. 1?I0. at ?( :?0 o'clock', p. m.. for the election of directors and such other business as mar properly cotae be fore the meeting. JNO ' B SPARROW. Dorsch Til * Korrect Shape E. L. BROOKS' SHOE STORE Formerly Knight Shoe Co. . To Teachers of 5? ? j' 7.V .?S}t ' . ? , Beaufort County I Ii>t? ? supply of "Hamilton's ? Recitation." Regular price *1.33, . special ptkt to uadrn . M.00 WM. B. HARDING , ncmrrg (T?Bicu w StfUry I JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME I received my jnigulna just in time to ?ve several subscriptions from being sent off. As I am now 'in the News business help me to push it to success. W. J. RHODES 'PboM 1*0. HEADQUARTERS for meals AND QUICK LUNCH Oysters served all styles, day or night. One of Norfolk^ best cooks employed. ?Phone 92. W. J. FLOYD & CO. , THE GREAT American Shorthand Business College . DURHAM, N. C. A high-grade Business Training School, endorsed by leading business men, that qualifies men and women for EXPERT work in the Commercial World. DEPARTMENTS Bookkeeping. Banking. Expert Accounting, Auditing. Shorthand, Type writing, Telegraphy, Ped Art: Special Preparatory Department. Expert Faculty Railroad Fare Paid ? Positions Secured. We also teach by MAIL. v First National Bank of Washington ^ WASHINGTON, N. C Capital Stock, *5?,0M. Surplus Funds and Profits. $40, Me. Accounts of Individuals and ? Corporations Solicited. OFFICERS? C. M. Brown, Pre . ident; John B. Fowle, | Vice-President; A. M. Dumay, Cashier, DIRECTORS ? Geo. T. Leach, D, M. Carter. W. E. Proctor, C. M. Brown, W. E. Swindell, A. M. Dumay, F. C. Kugler, J. B. Fowle, W. H.Whitley. WE ARE PREPARED TO DO First-Class Printing of Every Description on Short Notice. SENJPLUS YOUR NEXT ORDER Tomorrow, Saturday, will be the 2nd Gift Day, and promises to be the bi|Ke8t yet. 500 Packages^* fmerch^ndise which are displayed in our window will be given Eree to the first 500 purchasers. No 'wo rrairofShoes. I package has desirable merchandise ot different value. If you are lucky yom may gctJhr|4. pa r * . : , ? || While They Last /I Few Specials. ! | fh 150 Boxes? 3 Cakes in a Jk>X? Witch Hazel, But- 1Ap termilk and Glycerine Soap, to go at, ? box, . lvt. UStSlSHZSZ 74c. | Ladles' $1.25 Um- OQ. brellas to go at . . O yC J Special lot of Children to $1.00, to close at $1.29 I Qcrned S. Oalfc 6$i i's Shoes, worth 75 cents J ? t?? Wgh-AAT c/.Q7H/f:**S ? ? itHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIM' I" HI