(Lovit), Nor? h.l*. Cherry Th?t the Jot Beaufort r of May. 1109. . . t Of land which was V. Crawley and taxed for 1908. which it described as l3oun.ded. an ?t by the east proof Of North creek, on the north by another braneh of the said creek, called Bailey credit, on the oast by tha Livermau land, now owned J>y. W A Win field, on the south by t^e Pate 0? Foreman land, now owned by the John L. Roper Lumber Company. The time for redemption - of the said laip d will expire on the SQ day of Jlay. 1910. This 28th day of January, if 10. W. P. BAUGHAM. XOTIC K OK MOUTe a recard-bre^Jcer. Be aure. atul see it for it will be worth your wNlie. Remember the orchestra plays each night with a change of program. It Is'easy to raise a smile on a dimpled fare. A Dangerous Mistake Washington Mothers Should Not Neg lect Kidney Weuknest* In Children. Moat children have weak kidneys. The earlleet warulng is bed-vetting. Later comes backache, headache, languor. 'Tis a mistake to neglect these troubles. * To blame the child for its own dis tress. Seek to cure the kidneys ? Save the child from deadly kidney llss, Doar.'s Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys. Washington parents recommend them. Mrs. D. H. Whitley. 214 E. Fifth 8t.,' Washington. N. C-. says: "Our little 'daughter suffered from weak kidneys for a long lime. After exer cising, she had bul little control over the secretions and this trouble caused me a great deal of annoyance. We gave her many rented ies.- but nothing seemed to reach the seat of the trou ble. At last, reading about Doan'a Kidney Pills and being much Im pressed with what was s&ld about them, I procured a box for her at the Washington Drug Co. They did her more good than any other rem edy she had previously used, strengthening her kidneys, relieving the backaches and improving her health in every way." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name ? Doan's ? and take no other. x The Emergency Remedy 'Vlck's Croup and Pnuemonia Salve will save sickness and suffering nnd dollars. Get Tick's? the old reliable. . 20c. 50c and $1.00. Hello. 8tranger! Do you j live In Washington? Only here trying to buy a house ! and lot? Well I saw signs at Baker's Studio, drop up and get pictures of *ome nice * residences for sale. Costs you nothing; yoar wife may like It. DOGARf ' 'S Drug and Seed Store SPECIAL ATTENTION Is called to our line of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR for LADIES at all (triced. . Spencer Bros. Exclusive agents for Paris Patterns STOP Your Cough iritb SVRt'P WH1TK PINE ami TAR - A coupgh If allowed to run may result lu very serious sickness, so at first sign of hoarseness or tickle { in your throat take White Pine and Tar Couph Syrup. There's noth ing better for Coughs. ' Colds, Bronchial Affections aud Lung Trouble, safe, pleasant. euBy to take. Stops tickle at once. PRICE IMC. Washington Drug Company. THE GAIETY! Prcgrani Changed Daily TH E WO?NI)F;RFUL RLRO TRIC MAGNET. r - ? ? ' Till; M.AHQl KKAOMtK CHARITV. ? ? HEAR HI NT IN Kl'SHI.I. ? ? ni?r ebkard. Handcolored. Follow the Merry Crowd | from 6 to 11 ociocK ~~~ anicr) LIGHT * Burns 5_ Hours (or 1 cent's worth of Gas It takes 3 ?t:n4?ril ea'bon filament lamps to Rive a 50-candle power light. *ATitn electricity n ' 0 cents per thousand^ watts, thev burn 5 bonr*for _ 7H cents. In one month ?'7 'l C the cost it T~_J It takes 2 open flame pas tip* to fcive a 50 candlepnwer light \V?th pns i?t fl.ti>j*r * * thousand feet, they burn 5 > _ _ hours for 6 cents. In one C J QQ f month's time the co*;t is . It takes I Wetsbach Junior to give a ID-candle power livht. With gas at fl.uo i t-r thousand feet, it burna 5 hours for 1 cent. Ia one month's time ine cu?t 30 Cts. Almost unbelievBhl*. isn't it ? Ye* tb- proof of it is easy. Buy one WeNbach Junior Li>?ht mid te>*t every cbtcu made for it. Then equip your entire home. Y?u'll save tre mendously on vour lighting bids, aud have a cheerful,, soft, mellow asa perfect Don't Economize cn Light ? Economize on Lighting Bills The Welabach Junior Light ckq ?m? of burtic. mantle anr? ch nej. taS lnci>n? h1nc r* at UkattOrrumi |u .^n i ' * l*? wortd WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER CO. AN OVERCOAT WITHOUT FIT W LIKE SOUP WITHOUT 8AIJV A fellow feels uncomfortable, loefrj* uncomfortable and is uncomfortable when his outer garment doeen't per fectly fit his form, no matter wbat the rest of his apparel may be. Oor specialty In tailoring for men is flne flt overcoats, dress, walking and busi ness suits. 1 H. B. GOLDSTEIN* Washington's Ijoral Tailor. NEW Canned Tomatoes 3 CANS FQR *"'75c Phon* ?. L. ARCHBELL Speclfttties'Cigars and Tobacco.' Leary Bros.' Old Stand. INSURANCE that protects your life ? not in come only. Gowan's Preparation in the home insures against pneu monia, colds, croup, soreness in lnnga and throat bj destroying inflammation and congestion. p sternal and penetrating. All fl.fo, K)?.,8i*. U t v sure today. In the horaA, nothing like for croup., pneumonia. Price. 25e. HARDY'S DRUG STORE; P. S ? Goose Grease sold here also* Barbecue! Barbecue f. Do you want a nice piece of Barbecue like our fathers used to cook many years ago? If so 'phone 14?? we will have it day and (tight. We have a barbecue pit on Market street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, where you can go by and see it cooked bv one - who knows how to cook it, and hove served the tr?de for aimy yeaw. ? Now if yoa wit goo d barbecue, we have it, and 'E know I will treat you right, wagon passes your door every day loaded with everything good ?t ?