i tracts or parcel, nc Cnthr?ll died township. Beaufort county, and des cribed as follows: 1. All that entry or grant to Alex Cuthrell, adjoining the Beaufort and Pamlico county lines, for 222.44 acres, the same being Grant No. 14,- J ~ 811. fifftM Janusry 22. i802. aud duly recorded in the Register's offlce of Beaufbrt county In Book 114, Page 237,/whlch is hereby referred to. 2.' All that tract of land, contain lag 44 1-2 acres, more or less, con veyed by R. O. Caton and wife to said Alex Cuthrell by deed dated Febru ary 7, 1908, duly recorded in said Register's o?ce in Book 120". Page 352, which is hereby referred to, ad joining the lands of J. J. Edwards, Ada Mitchell,- Warren and Calvin Tuten and others, and lying nn the east side ot Durham's creek. 3. All that tract of land, containing 50 acre?, more or less, known as the J. D. Purser, tract, conveyed by J. D. Purser to said Alex Cuthrell, adjoin ing the entry first above referred to and the lands of Thomas Caton, War ren and Calvin Tuten and othets. ' We reservs the right to sell the said lands either as a whole or in parcels, as may be deemed best on the date of aale. This January 2G, 1910. W. A. THOMPSON. 1 '""A. D. MACLEAN. " ; : ' ? " " /? Commissioners. NOTICE OP SALE. North Carolina, Beaufort county. h? the fleperior court. ? * ? Chas. Swan, vs. R. B. Hopkins. By virtue of an execution direoted. to the undersigned from the Clerk of Uie Superior court of Beaufort coun ty In the above entitled action, I, cfeo. E. Ricks, sheriff of Beaufort eounty, will on Monday, the 7th day of March, 1910, at noon at the court house In said county, sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and In terest which the said R. B. Hopkins, the defendant above named, has la the following described real estate? to-wlt: First Tract. la Richland town ship, Beaufort county, on the east side of South Creek adjoining the lands of Henry Emery, and bounded as follows: Beginning in Little Creek at Henry Emery's corner and running with Emery's line to the main road leading from Aurora to Oregon; thence with the main road 70 yards to a stake, theaee-tfeeeourse of the first line reversed to Little Creek, thence down Little Creek to the beginning containing 6 acres In cluding all buildings and Improve ments located on said lands. Second Tract Adjoining lands of Joseph Smith, Roper Bros, and oth ers. beginning at . Burbase's Cross Roads, running with the Teatesvllle road to the Jamqs Bailey patsnt line, thence with the said llae eastwardly *jo the N. E. corner, thence south wardly to the North Creek road, thence westward iy with said toad to the beginning containing SO acres more er less, being the same land conveyed by deed by J. H. Burbage io R. B. Hopkins, recordsd in book -M0, page 100, In the Register's olfice <Jf Beaufort county, which deed is hereby rsfsrrsd to as a more com plete description. This the 27th day of January, 1910. GEO. E. RICKS. Sheriff. Vaughan 6 Thompson, Attorneys for Plaintiff. EXECUTORS NOTICE. Having qualified as executor to | the will of W. 0. Malllson, deceased, late of Beaufort county. North Caro lina, this la to notify all persona hav ing clalma against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 2d da y of January, 1911, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Al) This 3d dsy of January, 1910. F. C. M ALLISON, Executor of W. C. Malllson, Dec'd . v xonci.. To Mary Basorf, Agent: Notice Is hereby given: That the undersigned at a sale for taxes held by C. H. Roberson, Tax Collector "for Aurora Graded School District," on the 8d day of May, 1909, purchased a tract of land which was listed by Mary Bason, agent, and taxed for the year 1908, wblch Is described as fol lows: ':Jr. V- ?) I Five acres Holmes lan<k The tlm^ for redemption of the Mid igaa*wlH Mpirwun the 8d day| of May. 1910. This 9th dsy of February. 1910. ' DIXON * BONNER. LAST CALL FOB TAXES. To th? T?x P?jerm'o( Beaufort Coun- | IT. Take Notice: axes are not paid < t, 1810, will be ? i Cobblers. The best second ook your orders with us now. eal and Hulls, also Gufcna for ops. BRAG AW & CO., ice A|(?nU in Washington, N. C. Our Friends ADVERTISE US PRICES HAVE,BEEN SM ASHEDJON OFFICE DESKS We have a lmrge UMrtawnt or Flat and RoU-Tj^ Desks on 3 that we are going to sell at great saving to the purchasers. >u contemplate buying a des k of an y kind now is your chance are money. ^ ? Remember .we are the leaders in all kinds of Furniture ?*> SOUTHERN FURNITURE CO.J if I/ah uiani ti ywil Want your full money's worth ?Let me tell you about the Maryland Casualty Company's Accident and ??I Health Policies. They are leaders.) CARL D. PARKER General Insurance ? Four Years' Experience. Havens-Small Building. 'Phone 85 to Farmers.and Truckgrowers | . , i We wish to sttttOOBce that from nowwe ranr-flit your orders ! for Seed Irish Pols toes and Onion Sets at the lowest possible prices. ? i ' ' r : 4*? HfJ The price for Onion Sets will be regularly 10c. per quart, while the potatoes will be sold at the lowest market prices. JOS. F. TAYLOE Agent for "TOWN TALK" FLOUR ,u,,l "MAXWELL HOUSE BLBND'^>F|*EK. the taxes. Very respectfully. GEO. E. RICK8, Sheriff Beaufort Comity. February 4. 1910. NOTICE. 0 North Carolina, BeaufoH county. To R. L. Davis. Notice la hereby given: That on the 3d day of May, 1909, the under signed, at a sale for#taxes by George E. Ricks, sheriff of Beaufort county, North Carolina, purchased at said sale a lot or parcel of land, situated In Pantego township, adjoining Bul lock containing 10 acres and listed by ssld R. L. Davis. The taxes for which said land was sold beln* for the year 1908 that the time for redemption tinder the sale made by the said George E. Ricks, sheriff, wlirexplie on the Sd day of May, 1910. This 16th dsy of January, 1910. E. H. MOORE. ~ NOTICE. To Mary Eason: Notice la hereby given. That the undersigned at a sale for taxes held by C. R. Robe r 30 n, Tax Collector "for Aurora Graded School District," on the 3d day of May, 1909, purchased s tigct of land which was listed by Mary Bason and taxed for the year 1908, which is described as follows;. Five acres home. t The time for redemption of the said land will expire on the day of May, 1910. This 9th day of February, 1910. DIXON A BONNER. NOTICE. To Mary Eason, Agent: Notice Is hereby given: That the undersigned at a sale for taxes h6ld by Oeo. E. Ricks, Sheriff of Btaufort county, on the S4 day of May, 1909, DurchaMd a tract ol land which wan The time for redemption of the ?aid land will expire on the 3d day of May, ltit Thla 9th day of February, 1910. DIXON ft BONNER. ANNOUNCEMENT. I will be a candidate before the Democratic primaries and the next Democratic District Convention, for! the nomination as Solicitor of the I First Judicial District of this State. I request the support of all Demo crats. If nominated and elected I ! promise to discharge the duties of said office, fairly and Impartially without fear or favor. ? February l. 1910. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS NOTICK. To the Physicians and Undertakers of the City: I want to call your ' attention to Ohapter 722, Laws of 1909, regard ing the immediate filling out of death certificates. Failure to do this is a misdemeanor and subject offender to a fine of $50. and the law makes it same offence and fine on the clerk to issue- a burial permit without having the doctor's certificate, and at same "c^mpells mo to enforce the law under same penalty. I therefore take this method to notify thoefe respon sible that i. shall be compelled to take steps to enforce the observance of above law. C. H. 8TERLJNO, Mayor. Some poor people forget their own misfortunes in gloating over thetrou bles of the rich. A sidestep in tljne savee many ?< Mr. L. B. Roddltt. of ^dv?rd. * a Washington <laltor yeaterdajr after- | DOOB. J \ 1 V. 5' ' ' ? ?' ? il ? Re*. Dr. rJ. N. H. Summerell, who spent the day in the city yesterday la the Interest of Davidson College, returned tq bla home on the after noon Norfolk and Southern train. H la numerous friends here were glad to see him. ? ? - Mr. W. B. Wlndley . of Belhaven 1,8 1 in the city today on business. ? ? Mrs. J. W. Mlxon and children, of i South Creek, were iE tne city yes- 1 terday. Mr. C. P. Blan<l*~^rettmxed thisj morning from a business trip to Hert- j ford. ? ? . ? ?. Mr. W. M. Bond passed through I the city this morning on his to | bis home in Edenton. i Mr. B. P. Suggs, of Greenville, is| In the city today. ? ?* Hpn. H. S-. Ward returned tbls| morning from a business trip. ? ? Mr. Benjamin Bell is in the city. ? ? ? Mrs. Herbert Bonner' has returned from Raleigh where she went to at tend the funeral' of the late Judge James El Shepherd* ?? ? Mr. N. 8. Fulford returned home j this morning from a short business j trip. V , : T M CARD OP THANKS. I wish to express my deep appre ciation and thankfulness to the ladles and gentlemen fof the city who have so recently asalsted me In my home. heart. They will ever be remem- J bered. A. M. MOORE. When a girl marries" for money she is satisfied to get what money buys; a man w^nts the money he marries. / Melon cutting Is always out of sea- j son for the fellow who never gets a | slice. r* LastCallforTaxes This is to notify all peraona that PunTeas' IK ey settle' their taxes by the first Monday in March I shall be com pelled under the law to advertise. All those in arrears should call and settle at once in order to avoid extra cost. This is the last notice. W. B. WINDLEY, City Clerfc-H Cur^Your Kidneys No Need to Take Any Farther Risk*. Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, back ache, urinary disorders, lameness, headache, languor, why allow them selves to become chronic Invalids, ! when a certain cure Is offered them? Doan's Kidney Pills is the remedy to use, because it gives to the kidneys the help they need to perform their work. .. - If you have any, even one. of the symptoms of kidney diseases, cure yourself now, before diabetes, drop sy or Bright's disease sets In. Can Washington residents demand more convincing proof than the following: John O. Latham? 907 Cotanch st., Greenville, N. C., says: "Doan's Kid ney Pills in my case far surpassed any other, kidney' remedy I had pre viously tried.' For some time my kidneys were disordered, the secre tins from these organs being too frequent and painful In passage. When I read of Doan's Kidney Pills I waq so much impressed that I pro cured a box and began their nse. They went directly to the seat of my trouble and gave me relief in a short time. My kidneys were soon restored to their normal condition and 1 felt better In every way." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn C8?T Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name? Dean's ? and take no other. OAPVDIXE for 'That ilemlju he." Out last mgnir Headache and nervous this morning? HJcka' Capu dloe just the thing tr fit you for business. Clears the hea4 ? brace* the nerves. Try it. At drug stores. SORE THROAT: often l^ods to eomethinj? worse. #4iran'| Preporat ion gives quick ?dief for sore throat, honr^enc?*. croup, cokln find pneumonia by des t rovi Uffi n fl a nrraa t io n andco*. gestion. Keep it in the home lor / emergencies. Externa] and peoe trstte*.* 8*5. All . ICEl ' ECONOMIZE. Put CRYSTAL ICE ! In your refrigerator to keep left-over J food. It will mm both la baytag aad ? cooking. r Crystal Ice Co. I 126 Water Street. . j Washington, *S. C. DKAIXIXG SWAMP LANDS. J .. < There Is no doubt that the drain ing of swamp lands should go hand ' in hand with the irrigation of arid lands, and what has been done in the West can' be repeated in the 8outh 1 with possibly even better results. What can be accomplished [n the way of the draining of the swamp lands of the South, Is suggested in a letter from former United States Sen ator Marion Butler, of North Caro? Una, to the Washington Post, in which he says: "There is more land in the South and Southwest capable or drainage than there is land in the West cap able of irrigation. Besides, the work of drainage can be done cheaper than * the wprk of irrigation, and when it is dontf tho lands will bo more valu able. "The Bwamp lands have a deep alluvial soil that will require no fer tilization, and will bo practically In exhaustible in productive fertility. When once this land Is drained none of it can become valueless, as has often happened in the West on ac count of the rising of alkali. "There are only about C, 000,000 acres of land In my State of North Carolina now under cultivation, out of a total of over 31,000,000 acres. The 6,000,000 acres now under cul tivation are very largely* upland with a thin soil, which is soon elhausted, and requires constant and liberal fer tilization. There are at least 3,000, 000 acres of swamp land In that State alone capable of drainage. The reclamation of these 3 .000.000 acres ? would more than double the pro3u<> ' Ing capacity of the tillable land of the State. "What Is true of North Carolina in this respect is true to a greater or less, extent of every other 'Southern State. There are 600,000,000 acres of land In the South, but there is to day less than 150,000,000 acres un der cultivation. The acreage In these States capable of drainage would be worth more when drained than all of the land now being cultivated. "A system of drainage under na tional'Teglalation, similar to the irri gation laws, including the Cary act, under which lands may be taken up i and reclamation projects developed by private capital, under State sup erlvison, would soon reclaim an area of Inexhaustible soil 1q the South larger than the territory of the French nation, and would support a greater population." Those who rail at religion the most offer the most comfortless substi tutes. CITY MARKET. Eggs 20c Chickens, grown ,,t| to *0< Spring chickens 10 to 2 Be O. 8. hides 8c Green hides 7c Mixed wool 18 to lOo Tallow 8 1 -to Wool, free from burrs ..80c Sheerllngs fi to 10c Lambskin ...IB to 40? Corn.. t 80c Lint cotton 13 l-2c Seed cotton 5.60 FOR HEADACHE ? Dick's Capudlne. Whether from Colds. Rest. Stom ach or Nerrous Troubles. Capudlne will relieve you. It's liquid ? pleas ant to take ? act* Immediately. Try R. 10, 25 and 50c. at drug stores. When Rubbers ? ? Become Necessary And you shoes pinch, shake Into your shoes alien's Foot-Ease, the antisep tic powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting, sweating feet, and takes the sting out of corns and bunions. Just the thing for pstent leather shoes, dancing parties and for Breaking in New shoes. Many people cannot wear heavy BtotHftag^ comfortably without shaking Allen's Foot-Ease Into the shoes. Sold every where, 25e. Sample Free.^, Address; Allen 8. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y. Don't accept any substitute. [The Emergency Remedy Tick's Croup and Pnaemonla Salve wlB save sickness and suffering yil dollars, Get Ylck's ? the old reliable. ?20c. OOc ud $1.00. Hello, Stranger! Do you live In Washington? Only here trying to buy a house and lot? Well I saw signs at Baker'a Studio, drop up and get picture of some nice residences for sale. Costs yon nothing; your wife may like It SPECIAL ATOmON """"' y b called to our line of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR for LADIES ?' at all priced. Spencer Bros. Exclusive agents for Paris Patterns! STOP Your Cough rritb SYRUP WHITE PIXE and TAR A coupgh If allowed to run may result In very serious sickness, so at first sign of hoarseness or tickle In your throat take White Pino and '-Tar Couph Syrup. There'a noth ing better for Coughs, Colds, Brdnchial Affections and Lung Trouble, safe, pleasant, easy to ^take. Stops tickle at once. PRICE 23C. Washington Drug Company. r DON' Walk or Ride. Talk Over The Tefephone. You can have a Telephone put In your houie in the city or at your farm at a very sur paaaingly low coat, and aave many a long drive and per haps a life by being In direct and Inatantaneoua touch with your Doctor. Grocer, Mer chant'and Brolctr, Weather reports and mar* ket quotations can be secured daily. Interested parties are re quested to communicate with Mr. D. W. Bell, M'g'i CAROLINA TEL. AND TEL. CO.,' Washington, N. C. This proposition will inter eat you. and It would be well to investigate before the ap proach of the cold Winter IDE HOLLISTER'o Rocky Mountain Tss Kuggofs A Busy Med'rtre tor Busy People. Brtng? GclCan Heilth ami Roe?oS VI |or. Aftpewtftcfor 'oTIHt IlKltlllll, IlHliprM ion, Lire? uxl Etducr Pimple*. Kvzrmu. Impure Blood, B?<l lirMlh.SlTiffglth How?Om. llrutirDt wl B^-k?ri,e. It* Ror Icy Mountain Tc? in i?> let form. 36 rent* a box. t >rnuin i made ay Qr>x.Ltrrzu Dncu Coxi-akt. Madi?o.-?, Wis. SOLOEN NUOSETS FOR SALLOW -EOPLS DR. HARDY'S DRUG STORE NEW Canned Tomatoes 3*[cansifor 25c Phone \VJ S E. L. ARCHBELL Specialties^ igars and Tobacco. Lcary Bros.' Old Stand. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce my candidacy For solicitor of the First Judicial Dls sction of the Democratic District Convention, and do earnestly solicit tho support of all Democrats In my t>ehalf. January U, 1910. E.*A. DANIEL. Jf. it haa caused mora laughs and irled more t4ars, wiped away mora Useam and driven away m^e feara than any other medicine. It's Hollls t?r'? Rocky Mountain Tarn', thirty ?THE GAIETY \ Program dunged Daily ! thhe PINKY RIDGE FKl'n. f THE CONSPIRATORS. WEARY WAGGLBS' nl'S* l?A V. S(nfial by request, "LIKE OF MOSES." , 4 REELS TONIGHT. * See our beautiful present in Brooki' Window for (h? lucky one Frid*y ? night. A upecial picture for the chil dren Friday night. Punch and Judy. Follow the Merry Crowd WHAT W'K AltR DRlVlNG at is this: We have the largest as sortment of bolts, hooks, hinges, nails, screw*. tools, shelf and build ers" hardware of the very best grades that you'd care to see. No use to you or ui to bother with "seconds" or "third?"? "the best is the cheapest" every time. That here. McKEEL-RICHARDSON HARDWARE ^COMPANY > LOW RATES TO New Orleans, La., Mobile, Ala., AND Pensacola, Fla. FOR MARDI GRAS FEBRUARY 3 TO 8, 191?. Tickets on sale February 6-7, 1910, with final limit to roach original starting point not later than midnight of February 19, with priv ilege of extension to March 7, 1910. ATLANTIC COAST LltfE R- R. CO. For Information address nearest ticket agent, or T. C. White, General Passa**"* Agent, Wilmington, N. C. W. J. Craig, Passenger Trafflc Manager, WUmlngt<&, N. C. FREEl A beautiful Art Calendar that cost, us 20c. each given jfitb each 25c. Box Station ery. Only 17 left. | BOGART'S Drug and Seed Store I It's equal as a curative tonic does not exist. So perfect is its medicinal action as to challenge the Hdmiratlon of all. Such, Is Hollistcr's Rocky Mountain Tea. the world's regulator, Hardy's Drug Store. Barbecue I i | Barbecue J i Do you want a nice piece of Barbecue like our fathers used 1 to cook many years ago? If so 'phone 146? we will have it day atidnight. We have a barbecue pit on Market street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, where you can go bund see it cooked bv one who knows how to cook it, and have served the tr?de7or many years. Now if you want good barbecue, we have it, and you know I will treat you right. Our wagon passes your door every day loaded with everything good' to eat. Our restaurant is still . on Water street, with every thing good to e?<. Garfield ClemmoM,

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