ILUME I. .bound and followed a trail to the orange frore of William Woolej, w*ere young Hanchett waa employed After a ?a refut Indication the boy was placed tinder arrest Til -tit* room van found Moody cloth In* and INDICTED Mn: [M TO PIECES \Vh?> Wan RcRnrdcrt x a h In Reformatory Saved \ cngeame IbtcsUk* r Takes Mace Today. ' i id. Fla.. Fell. 14. ? Following tag of the horribly mutilated of 14-year-old Mary T^ddor. at home of her father at Olenwood yesterday aftornoon. Irrln Haachetf, a 16-year-old white boy. waa arretted . this morning. He waa Immediately "" io sheriff to escape tlie enraged posses of dtlsehs who ware In search of the murderer. Additional details rerotred hare lug the arrant are horrible In A bicycle, which the girl was riding, was found a hundred yards from where her body waa discovered. Indicating that sir assailant bad struggled with Mr-for this distance after kaaoklag her froa) the wheel, la the body of the girl <5 wounds were dlacorered. As waa literally I cut t? piece. ? '"A That the girl's had oth er motives than oorl# Is believed from the condition of her .lotting. 8he had haw beaten about the fane before Msg stabbed, aa brulaes !* dieted. Following the organisation of t)M posses of cltlsena In search of a sa te have committed the HUnr aad |Mm> aTCrama'a Cap. j T^"** v WKh Tfcsassetsss. - *1*. ?**? 1 4,--The chief to?ll rpatarday waa thaiatt (hat tM gradd Jury brought la hUla against <?? in-OTt mayor of Ob# WW. C '? HoCJrthy. aad aba Ald.rmaa i. * Wa<4*tt, f U. Oreres. 8. JU IlUrdt. Eugene .WUMaaa, W. T..BII1 aa4 ? B Tooker. aa employe of .-the AU-af the abadatgra charged . Witt Tlolath* the atty charter aad alas ?action 1171- pf th* rods wbtch praMMkn certain persons <opa buy ing and selling (a the olty. The hill ?Na brought In lata aad all of the ahove gentlemen Instated on aa, Im mediate trial, bat. aa It W?s aot poa ?IMa the e?ort wha ?t oace asadf to get the Ooreraor to caH'a special term of court to try the uaaea. . In aoma circles light I*. made of th? - cases bat la others they ars looked upon aa eery serious Bitter. Most of the ambers of the board of al dermen are la bualneaa aad hare at tlmsa sold goads of oae kind or an other to the city and thus the la^lctr meets none about. GRAND JURY -?V T"l The following cltlaeaa of tha cnaas ft are .erring as grand Jurors for,ihls C. F. Bland, foreman: William H. ? the FOR AID | fjss |KjgF;j ?,* Madrts Evidently Deeply Orer Recent Movements of Ilevolutnlonsry t'orcn ? Iton't lymtor Amerlcuii Property U the Plea of the Comul. Mshsgus, Feb. 14. ? President Mad rls aud the members of the govern ment are seriously concerned orer the recent report of the taking of Maugalpa by the Insurgent general. Chamorro. but whatever they hare learned concerning the details of the revolutionary movement In this dla trlet, they have not permitted any of the facta to leak out, preferring ap parently to stand on the first an nouncement that, the government's troops had withdrawn from Matagal pa, and that therefore no realatanee offered to Chamorro and '?? This has given rise to various ? mors that ttje government la making an attempt to surroond Oenersl Chamorro, who. unless kls.pncrM* la ".tared* la likely to reach Manag within a short period Heavy artillery Is being mounted oa the hills commanding tHe city ft Matagalpa, and as the revolutionists are without large guns. It Shelter ed they must eventually he dlalodg ed. General Chsvarra has occupied Aoeoyalla. shout nine mllea from tie town of Matagalps, and General La re4a. General Ramies and General lops from Acoyaps and arecloslaf oa the revolutionist general, Who la now said to hare with Mm Hearty of twenty hours, has reached Mana gua and has made aa a?peai to the American ' consul^ Joe OUraree. tc prevent the destruction of Aaerfcin property. The consul haa espjrseed the determlaatlos to re tarn with the courier tomorrow and Investigate the conditions tor hlmaslf: _ roar of Wsshlagtoa's Wei Ksovs B '.?* Captain Wilson T. farrow. Dr. J:| M Gallagher. Postmaster Hugh Paul J aad Mr. Smith Paul. four, of Wash ington's popular cltlses their birthdays yeaterday. Tha t News wishes for sach and every i many happy and Joyous returns. It I is needless to state they were vaien ? iA ORDUt IJiAGLE. The city Law and Order League] win sseetls the hall of the Kalghts of Pythla, over the Candy Kitchen. Wed nesday evening at 8.30 o'clock. A full attan dance of tha msnhen and all others interested l..n*ue,ted. ?? ^ ; '? ? ? ?' . y . ,, r s '?"A .-mm ?m Ik* ~~ ^paaa ^^pdda sad director af tha sea Si 4k sea's wlla ho ?M^ aa S wKm] i tWrtwr??lras..frisc3| r~ T?niV?r ITI* If~" ,6,1 ">rtu ? , {?' .1 ?' Washington. FeD. 14 ? -The Ballin geNPlachot Investigating committee resumed Us hearings this morning alter a recess ot a week and what Senator Nelson hy seen Ot to char acterise as "the other side" was gl??i an Inning. "The other side" Is recognised as the Balling, t wd ot the controversy. When the Investigation began the Secretary of the Interior who. through his letter to 8enator Jonoe. of Washington, has asked for an in members of the comstittee are law yera. the rule* of ertdsas* have aot been closet y followed gad there has been little or no objection to the In troduction of snylltlng which h*d the most remote heating upon the snhftsct of the lnlntry. Henceforth with "the other aide" to object and cross-examine. It is believed that the hearings will have more of the na ture of a court marttaljrwlth the *?e brer* of' the committee acting as the judges and Jary. j n (IMMit R. <??vt* and any wttnhsses he may bring forward to substantiate hla statements-or who may throw farther light upon the action of the general land office with reference to the Alsksn coal claims, before It takes up thst part of the investigation relating to Mr. Pinchot and his former ssaletants, Messrs. Price and Shaw, and the forestry ser vice. Whether jhe committee will sank to probe the affairs of the land office beyond the* matter of the cosl claims will depend very largely upon what additions! testimony regarding the alleged mlscoaduct of Mr. Bel linger 1s offered by Mr. Glavts orj thoee who are associated with klSK. The scope of the committee's author ity ishroad aad ejteada to all the do Inga of the land office. If It deelree HONOR THE GRAY WILL LIKELY PASS tion of natural resource* seems to mark thepe u subjects for eatjj con sideration by CoaffMM.1. i * Especially is-thls true fof the rea son that measures to carry out these party pledges hare reached advanced staies before the appropriate com Crawford. The Democratic member ship has not tfeen' determined defi nitely. hot the Indications' are that Senator Simmons of North Carolina and Senator Clarke of Arkansaa will he aaked to oilciate on behalf of the minority memberahlp. The question of whether the House committee on ways and means will undertake the Investigation of the high coat of llTing. In riew of (the ac tion of the Senate, la still undeter mined. There 1a no general demand for a rival inquiry and the Indications are that the House will be willlng to lea re the whole subject to the Asnate. WW' H10.08S.OM sad tho Indira Ml!. - Th? B4lUoc?r*Plficbot inTMtiit Uo? U Ktwdoled {or resumption i? Borrfw. fMn> t? Imporunk burlili ttao ?t both ?Mii If di Cwltatt at tkaatlailatatratloB r*tl nU Mil. ttTOlTtBZ Us prohlMtloa fit trsaaaotloaa Ju tntarea of pradocta Of thaaotl on ilbck eiclm(? wilt 6* reMmoi tomorrow' BADLY BURNED FORWRECK VICTIMS And Other Vessels Hur ry to Srre The 88 Left. DEAf H LIST IS 158. Hop? That the Remainder of the fa sengcrs Wl|l Re Able to Hold Out t'atll Akl Comw ? Torpedo Hosts Mare Gone to the 8cene ? Mope Have 5k?n Reported. Valparaiso. Chile, Feb. 13. ? Qn re ceipt of the news that the steamer Lima had been wrecked on a reef In the Huamblln 'Passage, in the Strait of Marellan, and that 88 persons had been left aboard, the Chilean govern ment dispatched, the cruiser Mlnistro Zenteno to the rescue. Following are five steamers which the Pacific Navigation Company ordered to pro ceed aC top speed to Magellan. The fat* of those who were left behind by the British steamer Hatumet. which rescued 206 of the passengers and crew, will not be known until the Flntstro Zenteno, 'which carries urlre Yoss. arrives there. * There is some hope that the remain der of the passenger* sad crew, on the Una may be able to hold out IC aid reaches them quickly. The Hat test; after ufeing off 805 persons, was compelled to prooeed to Anoud on account of (he danger of \plng *Wept upon the rocks by the storm] that prevailed at the time. Pal ma. Mand of Majorca; Feb. 14. ' ? The supposition that the French Trans-Atlantic Company's steamer General Chansy's boilers exploded af ter she struck on the reefs, near the Island ef Minorca. Thursday night. Is based largely upon the character of the wreckage of the ship, which was reduced almost to kindling. The mind of Marcel Rode!, the sole sur vivor, Is still far from clear. He re members little of the disaster except that he was washed off the deck. Then he lost consciousness. The work of sslvage and recover'y of the bodies continues but is greatly retarded by the high sess. Among the bodies washed ashore was a wom an with a baby clasped In her arms. ? Paris, Feb. 14. ? Although a spe Clpl dispatch from Toulon says It is " ** -jjbggs survivor* fr* | on a neighboring island, no confir mation of this can be obtained. >The offlclal loss is how given as 158. A flotilla of six torpedo boat destroyers | sailed from Cannes at daylight at top speed to the scene of the Chnnsy wreck. Bordeaux. Feb. 14. ? The coasting vessel Sprelan, hailing from Tregu ter, went ashore today on the lodges at the month of the feeronne;-* Four of the crew were drowned MAYOR PRO T EM. Clerk W. B. W ladle/ Prodded Over! the Trials at Trlbslatle* Hall This Morning. Mayor C- H. Sterling has gone down In the sound looking ^fter his fishing bustaeas. The several cases at Tribulation Hall this morning were adjudicated by City Clerk W. B. fsltlon as 3usfI&Tdr~a^~potfc?r+ The *??*? Ik- which the causes were baa died l^the clerk Is to be com-! OAlKTY. The performance at the Gaiety this Ufirehlng promises to be one of the f greatest ever' given In a moving pic ture show In Washington. The vau deville artist" last night simply captl vated the audience, and Judging by 'their high class show last night the Gaiety will be packed this Evening. Tha*. Great Freeman In his Hindoo sack mystery, will-be one of the fea tures. The only 'Kenneth, In his mind reading, is well- worth the ad mission fee Maria Danle In her late songs wand dances, should attract a large number. Prof. Booker, the clown magician. Is superb in his act. is addition to ? the show of these clever artists the Gaiety will show on canvas The Cardboard Baby and The Ordeal. The orchestra will render Its flrat-olass music as usual. The Gaiety should be a mecca this evealng for the merry crowd. Folloi^ them. VALENTINE NIGHT TK. lm o4 Ik, CUj Arm t* 1, Ow lilMlHI I'fO, IMr D?T*I* ?Mt 1M Night. ; TtMniir ?u Valentine d.r *nd Young Amorlo* imM to Ik, Tut lmprOTem?Dt otpr pre"4l?t otct rtomM of. this <U)r Whll, th? w?re ? llttl? bol.t-roo. they ?M no ?tert?l 4.?M? to prop. nr. M hu tholr cu, torn heretofore The N?*. wuhe, to emtneaun* on their toot XttTtot lut GIRL HOMED Another Murdw Mystery ol Atlantic City. MYSTERY SURROUNDS CASE Y oamc tun Wnl U> lb* l?aac<; ?' A?" lulk rl(| Front Which Hie *"**1 M 8ee? \ajm I'onliul of a Married H Hu Disappeared. ( ? Atlantic City. K. J.. b. l'--f Every clt7 U> the east ?u notified to il.; to hunt down William M. Beyle* ? married man. and hi. younger brother. Arvii. who ware last am In company with pretty-U-year-old Jane Adama. whoae body waa found on the beach here yaaterday clad In a ball gown, with a wound over the laft eye that penetrated the rtull. Thla girl dlaappeared after a dance at the mil lion dollar pier on February 4. The following day her mother obtained 'a warrant for William 8eyler. charging abduction. Up to the time of the finding of the glrla' body ther? waa no auaplc lon that aha we. dead It Waa be lieved that .he and William Seyler bad eloped, but the foaaoa tor Arris Seyler'a disappearance waa a mya tery. Ths Mt was found la the sea erase pn the beaeh near Harrtaburg avenue. In Veator. by the crewot ?' trolley car. Har clothing waa tora. her face battered, both eyaa being blackened and there waa a dee? bole over her laft eye. which the surgeons who examined the body believe waa made before abe waa thrown Into thai water. Mta* Adams donned her best finery and trlnkete to go to the ball on the pier On the evening ef February ?. She waa accompanied by har lj-year ol&alater. "Alloei ind William and Arvis Seyler. The younger iliter say? all went to the dance on the pier and after ward walked to the end of the "tinc ture. extending 1.000 feet over the breakera. A half hour later ahe started to. return to the dancing pa vilion but WlUlam Seyler Induced her (liter to remain wttb him. The Adama family atata that Alice ? ad her eecort returned home and the fcsthsjcjfrkod the Wharaabotttt of the elder daughter- learning that aba waa in company with the young mar ried man .he hastened to hie home, where ahe found both brothers. Bbe accused William of knowing her daughter's whereabouts. -liter in the night Mrs. Adama. still alarmed, made a second visit to the Seyler home and declares admit tance was refuse?. On the following day Mr. went before Mae'?tVate Donnelly and obtained a warrant for the arrest of WlllUm Seyler. While the search waa being made for William 8eyler It waa discovered that his younger brother. Arvis. had also rlsappearod. No suspicion was entertained that the girl had met a .tragic fate until the body was discov ered. KKJOVABliS UOCAHION. The social by 'the Lend-a-Hand Circle of the Presbyterian Church laft evening was a most enjoyable affair. "Quite a number were present. No social t n notion of the season car ried with it more merriment or pleas ure. Quite a nice sum waa reaUtad by (he society for the church. 1 ' ? ???? " * '')? I* 100 K1LLBD OR ^OCJnMOK 1 V. * ? VV* ' London. Feb. 1 4.? A. dispatch from Canton say* one hundred have been killed or wounded In ^ pitched battle between Chines* sailors, and rioter* whbsa they tended to quell. The City la closed to foreigners for three day*. Hundreds of tlittoM -havf fled- to Hong Kong as anti-foreign feelings is strong. V* ' AT THE GRM. The performance at the Oem the ater tonight promises to. be ofce of the most interesting and amusing ever shown at this welK known the ater. Such well known pictures aa The New Hired Girl, comedy; ? The Squally Beach, comedy; The Witches' Kiss, hand colored magic; The Binds Oo to the Competition, comedy; For Castle Tom, melodrama; The. Lost Melody, comedy, are among the films to be preseatbd. TheOest has never offered a class of pictures mars plead ing or Instructive and all those who attead thla evaalag will be highly pleaded. The orcheatra has arranged to give a ftrst-ctass musical pevform, snce. The latest selections la inuMc win be readerad. A great time la ex pected at tha Oem tonight. Win yod be oae to enjoy It- Oo. you'll ant re gret it. '-V* KIWOKWl ARRIVKR. * ~ The schooner Kama A. Faul&nfef? Capt. E. A. Lamore. arrived la port today with t.000 tubals of com for the Havens grist mill ^ | * a| o 8 BESS ? ! WORK :ee negroes ilfi After They Had Robbed -or Beaten Him. JAIL BREAKING The Great Freeman, now showing at ths Qalaiy >?!*?>?* his ura? *114 . - mysteries, and who has attracted- and' mystified the entire civilised world. will do a trick tomorrow afternoon between l and 2 o'clock that every citizen of the city and county should see. He is to be securely locked In one of the steel cages of the county jail by SherifT George E. Ricks, left alone, and he Is to make his exit the best way he can. How he Is going I to secure his release is known only to himself. Professor Freeman has accomplish ed this feat In a great many States of the Union, and no doubt hts trick will be seen by a large number to morrow. Remember he Is placed In a cell by the sheriff, handcuffed and shackled, and It remains for the pro fessor to get out. Everybody Is, In vited to watch how It Is dons. Free man will again be the attraction At the Gaiety this evening. Anyone hav ing handcuffs or shackles and doubts the professor's ability to release him self from them are cordially Invited to give him a trial any night at ths Gaiety this week. ODDVTIRa Of TM MFH I At his Use stock sals la Gerys . villi. P?u. Blmer Mumbsuer bed ts kill A suspicious looking lean cow to disarm farmers; suspicions as to tu berculosis. They were convinced, as ths bovine stomach ooattlaed Mils, stats and, stones as big as sralaat*. b nails had penetrated , stomach and had entered Hsg^rstown, Md.. Feb. 14 ? Robbed und bestan by three maslcod men. bound hc^d and foot and * hts head thrust lnto>> biasing furnace, from which he was withdrawn only be cause the door was not large enough to admit his shoulders, and then placed on the fly wheel of an engine, which was afterward started, but from which he fortunately fell at the first ?re voliitlon. John G. Nelbert Is In a pi table and serious condition, though It Is believed that he will re cover frbm his terrible experience. Nelbert, who Is engineer of a grain elevator here went to the engine room early this morning as usual aad started the flee. Shortly thereafter three men. believed to be negroes, entered the room and attacked him. Ho is a powerful man, and for a time kept the three at hay. but was finally overpowered and $10, all the money he had with him, was taken. HI* as sailants st temp tod then to hide tkelr ^rime by cremating him. His hesd was forced through the furnace door. The robbers then placed the body .of the unconscious cnglneor betweon ^he spokes of the fly-wheefand set^e engine In motion, evidently tellerlAff that Nelbert would be torn to pieces. But at the first revolution of the big Vfbeel the engineer slipped to the floor. He was found still unconscious some time later. There .is no. clue to ? the identity of the robbers. bo* for the In Liverpool has light device Ib dropped Into the acknowledg the Baptist has intro tbe ln whls men sing Is said to bs

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