. of the Bu ? Wecis! proceeding , " county, on Monday. 7Ui day of March. 1?10. ,t noon, for partition among the several tenant. In wmmon crltert follow,: .. J. A" ,h,t entfy or grant to Ale* ^mUcl l0lnln,! "" "?<"ort and C?"fty "BM' ,or ?**?? ?U 'dattd * ?r"lt N?' 14'" 1 ? d,lted *"<wy K. 1 902, and Of B?aTfor?M ln 148 **""? ??? oi Beaufort county In Book 114 p.-o ?V. wh,eb her.by'X^'''' tr*" <* ?*?->? copuifl *y more j,r lew. con 1 T^a ?bJr R' ?- ??'on and wife to aald Al? Cutjirell by deed dated rebru ROgtatert "i. r*cor<"Hl "> "M ?. J ' ? <>?<? In Book 1?0. Paso , ??, %h,eh <* l?rsby referred to. ad i?J w."1* UikU ot } '? Edwards, j Ad? Mitchell, Warren and CalTin I Trften ?d other., and lying on the east side of Durhan^'s creek. ?. All that tract of land, containing ?' known a. th. iJL?!rwn.lnct^ OOI1T"e4 br ?? D. X to mli *?? Outhrell. adjoln '* '"'7 Bnt ?bove referred to ?nd the lands of Thomas Caton. War ren and Calvin Tuten and others W* reeerre the rifht to sell the either as a whole or^ri " m?I ?>" ?*??? beet on the date of sale. ,? This January J5. 1?10. W. A, THOMPSON, L A- D MACLEAN, ' Commissioners. NOTICE OP 8AUe" North Carolina. Beaufort county. In the Superior court, Ohaa. 8vn. ti r. b. Hopkins. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Clerk of Superior court ot Beaufort coun ty to the above entitled action, i. ceo. ' ",*r"r """'ort county, ?111 on Monday, tke 7th day ot' MArtb. 1110. at noon at the eoart honee In said county, sell to the hlgh mt Wad,,r 'or 'cash to satisfy aald ?Mention, aU tke right, title and In !*""* -I" a B. Hopkins, tho defendant above named, has in tM' fallowing described real estate to-wlt: ? T?*?- In Richland town ship, Beaufort county, on the east ?Ida of Booth Creek adjoining the Innds of Henry Emery, and bounded ?? follows: Beginning in Little Creek at Henfy Emery's running with Emery's line t^the main road leading from Aurora to Oregon: thence with the main road 70 yards to a stake, thence the course of the first line reversed to Little Creek, thence down Little Creek to the beginning containing 0 acres In cluding all buildings and improve ments located on said lands. Second Tract. Adjoining lands of Joseph Smith, Roper Bros, and dth? era. beginning at Burble's Cross Roads, running With the' Yeatesvllle' road (o tho ilsmo^ Bailey patent. lino, tbepee with the aald line eastward!/ *> the.N. E. corner.- thence south' wardly to the North Creek road, .theAce weywardly with' aald road to the beginning containing- to acres more or lasa. being n.e same land conve/jjd ,by,d<>e<j b r'S. H. Burbage to R.'B. Hopkins, recorded in book 150 p^re ia?. * tb??e*lst?rl prtce" biJH' W hen?y referred to" as a mon com plete descrtitVn.. , V,\ k Ttya tho 27^h day of January, 1910 _ ? ' !9fP H- ItlCltB'fbherML Vaugh** & ^Thompson, i ' Attornys for Wlntyg. ' ? ,> kxkcutohs MJTU*:. Having qHiillfled as executor M the will of W. C. Malllson.^decoased, late of Beaufort county, North Caro lina, this' la 'to notify all persona hav ing claims Against the estate of s%ld deceased tp exhibit them to the un dersigned on or. before the -3d day of Jannary, 1911. or Oils notice WttI be pleadeflMn'bat ottptir fqcover/. ' AJJ This 3d, day of January/ 19 10. V. C. MALLISON, Execufor of Vtf. C. Malllson, Dec'd ? 1 < ?. i 'W '* '* xotick. To Mary Eason, Agent: " , Notfco Is hereby given: That the undersigned at a sal/e for taxeB held by C. H: Hoberson, TAXCollect^i4 "for Auror# Graded School District," on th* 3d day Of May, *1909, purchased a tract of land which was lifted 'by Mary Bason, agent, and taxed fqi the W*t 1908, which in described as fol lows ft Flra acres Holmes land. The. time for redemption of the satd land will expire on the 3d day of May, ltlO. f This 9th da^TFebruary. ISIO. ft BONNER. I AHT CALL FOR TAXBB. To the Tax Payers of Beaufort Coun ty. Taka Notice: . That all landa la Beaufort county on which the taxes are not paid on or before March 1, 1111. will be adver tiMd m ?c"rd,? " u": *" fOR GOOD FARMING: ; Selected Seed and Good Fertilizers are necee- , You can get both from Win. Bragaw Is it not time you were ordering today? - WM. BRAQAW &^CO., i Flr?t Insurance Afc?nt? in Washington, N. C. | . Office Furnitu||H All the latest styles of Desks and Office Fixtures are now be ing displayed at our store. We have Roll-top Desks and Flat-tops, Revolving Chairs, and Cabinets, etc. The. Workmanship is First class, the finish is attractive and the price will vcertainly be in keeping with the times. - Southern Furniture Co. Headquarters for Furniture. If you want your full money's worth' * f' ? Let me tell you about the Maryland Casualty Company's Accident and ' Health Policies. They are leaders. CARL D. PARKER General Insurance ? Four Years' Experience. Havens-Small Building. 'Phone 85 I ? s u?. , ?: i . , ft ? _1 FOR CLEANLINESS AND SAFETY * .. use GAS for your table lamps. Accidents cannot happen from overturning, nor will you* walls and ceilings be soiled or discol ored by smoke. With the new burner devices and Improve ments, it makes a light that is unsurpassed for brilliancy. WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER COMPANY We \yill have to arrive Monday or Tuesday of n^ct week, a CAR SNOW DRIFT LARD To thdse wh'ft.will send us orders to be shippeiuptwa arrival will give special prices/ : E. R. MIXON & cb * y i ; ft } , ? the taxes.'** ,> Ver^ reepectfcnlly.^r I I / ' x ~ * OBO E: r*CK& LM , * v.. Sheriff Beaufort Coqhty. ,'. "j, ?? North ? Carolina, "04aufort county. To\^.lL<D*vlfL- . , r" Notice is "lrereby fhven : That on the 3d day of May, 1909, the'underj signfed, fct a. sale* for -taxes by -George IE. Ricks, sheriff of'Beaufort county. North Carolina, purchased - at said safe a lot or parcel 0/ land, situated j in Pantego township, adjolnitc ^Bul lock containing.! 0 acres and listed by said R. Lk t>avis. The taxes for *hich said land "was sold being' /or the*jrear 190fc that the time for jredWmptlon under the sale made by the said George R. Ricks* shorlff, will expire on the 3d day of May. 1910. ZThls 25th day 'of January. 191(1. E H. MOORE. ' N(1TICK. To Mary Eason: 2'' ^ Notice is hereby given. That tho undersigned at a sale for taxes held ty,C. R. Roberta, "ttax Collector "for Aurora traded School District'," on the 3d day of May,- 1909, purchased a tract 'of land which was listed by Mart Bason and taxed for the year 1908. which is described as follows: Fife acres home. ? The time for redemption of the said land will expire on the Sd day of May, 1*10. *hls 9th day of February. >1?1?. OIXON * BONNER/ Rocky Ita^TMfauth Don't "Get Run Down Weak and miserable, If you have Kidney ork gadder trouble; Dull h?:il pains, Dizziness, Nervousness, Pains In the back, and feel. tired all qver. get a -package of M6^(f Gray'a A\ls tralian-Leaf. the pleasant herb cure. I p. never# .falls, .have fjnany tea-, tlmonlals from grateful -p.eople who have Ubed this wonderful remedy. As a regulator it has no equal. Ask f>>i Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf ?>t Druggists or sent by mall for'50 cti: 1 Sample _free. A^ress,? Tho Mother tGray Co., LeRoy, N. Y. *' , 1- ? ; Barbecue I Barbecue J ?- ? Do you want ? 'nice piece of Barbecue like oqr fathers used to cook many, years ago? If so 'phone 146? we will bave.it day and nigMU ' We have a barbecue pit oo Market street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, where you can go by and see it cooked 6v one who knows how to cook it, and have served the trade for, many years. , Now if you want good barbecue, we have it, and yo& know I will treat you right. Our I Personal-Mention 8. ff. Spruks, Scranton. Pa.; N. A. WeUs. Wyaluslng. Pa.; Theo dore and Edmund Ryman. of Penn sylvania. stockholders of the Eureka Lumber dompany, are in the city, attending the annual meeting of the company. ? ? Mr. John Wilkinson, of Belhaven. was a Washington visitor this morn-| LXUU ? ? Mr. VC. John left a few days ago for j Havana, Cuba. He is thinking of k>- | eating there. ? ? ? Capt. and Mrs. John K. Hoyt ar rived thia, morning from Beaufort. Capt. Hoyt. who Is Just recovering from a serious Illness, will stay some time in the city at the Washington Hospital for treatment. ? ? , Mr., Floyd Alligood left this morn- J lng for Rocky Mount. ? ? ? Mr- W. T. Hudnell, of Royal, Is in j the city today oi^business. Mr. Chas. Powers, of South Creek, | Is in the city today. ? ? Mr. Claud Roberson, of, Aurora, IsJ in the city today on business. * * 1 Mr. A. J. COS ?eft tbl? mornirig for| Plnetown. ? ? 4 ? * Mr. W. E. Davis left this morning) for Norfolk. i ? * Mr. R. R. Fleming, of Pactolus, N. C.,- was in the city this morning. ? r Mrs. A. A. Springs, has gone to Car thage, N. C.. to fettend the funeral of her sister. THECANNERS To Guarantee the Purity and Whole- | ?omeness of Canned Fruits and Vegetables. Atlantic City, N. J., Feb. 15. ? The| National Canners' Association their convention today decided to is sue a trade marlf and guarantee of purity to go on every can of the pro ducts packed by members of the : socitaloa. ?" This trade mark Is sug gested to assure the consumer that the contents of the can on which It appears Is absolutely pure and to be sterilized and preserved solely by heat. " n The subject of guaranteeing the purity and wholesomeness of canued fruits and vegetables has been the principal topic of the convention and at every mention of the plan to put a guarantee on each can has met with cheering enthusiasm. r It is planned that members of the association using the trade mark are to pay approximately one cent a case on the goods they pack and sign a bond by which they agree to forfeit "VlOOQ in case of vlpla.tion of the as surance made. The money realized in this manner, estimated at approxl' mately a quarter of a million dollars is.to.be ysed in advertising in the newspapere and ?magazines to' assure th* consume^ that cannedjfr.ults and vegetables are absolutely/ pure. SUPERIOR COURT t V- *?? Many Cases Weroi-iyipmcd at by ?Judge FerjcerHoiv y?V??i(liiy in February ^crji 'of 4? *iyf StatG'V's* Thfjs^ ?HeiJIdick; facing to lidt'ppl). ,.Nol pros with leave. ? .State vs.' Sam '.YV liking; failing 'to list pollj ?&y} prds' with leave.' J,- ^ State "Vs. 'Henry Crfrrpw; failing' tp i / ' Last Call for Taxes This is to notify all. persons that unless they settle their taxe3 by the Cttit Monday March I shall be com pelled under, tfco law to udvertise. All those arrears should call and settle at once in order to avoid extra cost. This Is the last notice. ? W. B. WINDLEY, ^ , City Clerk. CURE A COLI) IN ONI? DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets, pruggiita ret u ad money If it | rails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture it on fffob bo*. 2 Sc. ml bay a bottle of Gowau'i I Preparation and be prepared for ICE! I1COXOMIZK. P?t CRYSTAL ICE In your refrl|erator to kerp left-over food. It wi"! save you both in baying and coolting. Crystal Ice Co. 126 Water Street. Washington, N. C. list poll. Nol pros with leave. Atate vs. B. H. Graham and Cbaa. Williams; failing to list poll. Sol pros with leave. State vs. B. H. Graham; carrying concealed weapon. Nol pros with leave. ? x?. State va. J no.. Henry Pollock; as fcault and battery. Guilty, eight montha-on county roads. Stata-_jjr^Kobert Bragg; larceny. Nol pros. State vs. Sam Gaddcy et al. ; Injury to property. Plead guilty, prayed for judgmeitt continued. _ State va. Wm. Johnson; larceny. Not guilty. State vs. Wilbur Peacock; retail ing. Not a true bill. * State vs. Jno. Kinion; resisting of ficer. Not guilty. State vs. Jno. Mack; larceny. De fendant pleads guilty, six months on cquuty roads. State vs. Jeff Davis; retailing. Not guilty. State vs. Jno. H. Pollock; house breaking. Pleads guilty, judgment suspended. State vs. Alex Watson: carrying concealed weapon. Guilty. By Force of Circumstance*. 1 mm convinced." said the propria tor oY the jeweler's shop, aa the plaW glass window shivered into a million fragmenta and the chauffeur and hi# machine began to neetle behind ?ht counter, "that the taxi cab haa coma to it *y." Uncle Jerry ?hinka IW? do* " "I shouldn't wonder.** said Uncls Jerry Peeblea. "if there was some thing in this Idea that the condition of a man's teeth haa a whole lot to do With his moraki character. The big teat liar I ever knew in my Ufe woia a full set of false teeth." Efforts Not All Waated. A Geneva ear and throat specialist .{eclares that yawning la helpful; in vact, that It la one of the most bene flclal forms of exercise. Hereafter apeakera who are a little shy on elo quence may know that at leaat thef do aome good to toelr auditors. Food Fermenting Causes Indigestion "I got a box of Ml-o-na tablets foi n distress in my stomach, and tlu hr?t dose relieved me. and after 1 took the fourth I have not felt any more of it. I think -it is a wonderful medic.'ne." ? Hiram Shultz, Wataeka 111., July 27. 'Op. If your' stomach is out of order oi dSstrft?ed, no matter from wliai cause. Ml-o-na stomach tablets "wil give instant relief, and if taken ret? ularly, will cure indigestion, acute o chronic, or iponey back. Every sufferer from stomach -i^qu ble,. gas. belching, sour stomach, r.er. [ voushcss, dizziness, -and billousnes? should get a.- fifty -cent 4>ox of Ml-o-hi >|oma<*h tablets -today and xtart : treateme^t. ?? In three days' time the s to mart and bowels will be thoroughly pjri fied., and- and 'distrust! will .vanish. ?????. ? /j Continue the .treatment for tw< weeks and the stomach ?-will bcromi eo strong ibat it?wrll he-able to diges the heartiest meal without distress Sold by drug&ists everywhere and bj Brown s Drug Store. Booth's Pills best for constipation 25 cents. ? -> ? ? ; ? i. CITY MAHKBT. 'ECSS K 20i Chicken*. urown 25 to 30< ! Spring chickens 10 to 25c! Q. s. hides So ' Green hides 7o ! tflxed wool 1H to 20c Tallow ? jT Wool, free from burnt . 2'>c Sheerllnjcs tn iflf j Lambskin 25 to 40c i Corn . . soc Lint cotton 13 l-2c Setto cotton . ^ .5.50 I | The Emergency Remedy viekl Croup MmI Pnufmonln i ....... ?SPECIAL ATTENTION Is called to our line of j MUSLIN UNDERWEAR for LADIES at all priced. Spencer Bros. Exclusive agents for Paris Patterns! Now is the time i jto make your garden 4 liujr your wmIi from us ? they mre now and rflUble. I<et uh nho?v you ottr lino of So*|>. You are not impor tuned to buy when you are looking. Washington Drug Store. THE GAIETT1 - Program Changed Daily CARDBOARD MAI1Y ? A ?iOi? ?tory. THK OBBEAb? A ?r??t Bio. iCrupli picture. THK liHKAT KKKKM A doo sarjt mywtery in fall view of the nudlenre. THK ONLY KKNNKTW ? MM* reading. <3 MARIR 1>AX IF? In new noHga ' und dances. # PRoV. POKHKK? The clowa niuKiclan. ? ? ' m Follow the Merry Crowd A nVCTUD C served in all styles by the Noted UIO 1 EdW^Chef? RIC ARD BONNER. MEALS AT ALL HOURS [ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION? TRY US I ?PHONE 327. T wice as Much Light for Same Money < is obtainable by using MAZDA TUNGSTEN Lamps for Electric _ Light. THKY AIJK MARK IJKK )NV OTHER I Ml \\ X i ?KS( "EXT I.AMP, WITH THIS MFFKUEXC/K, THAT THK WIRE Fl LA. UK XT l.VSIRR 1* COMI'OSEILOF A HARE METAL CALLED Tl XGSTKX, WHICH KADI* ATKS TWO OH THIiKK TIMKS AS MICH LlC.H i . WITH THK SAMH J I AMOI XT OF (TURF.XT, AS THK ORDINARY CARIIOX FILAMENT. 'JM Wli AUK l?L?ASKI? TO A OMSK VOL* 'THAT i'.\ HKASOX OF BK?J CKXT LMPROYEUKXTS IX 'THE.MAXl FAOTI RK OF THE MAEDA j I.AMPS. A XH Al.so RY REASOX OF RECENT RKDVCTIOX IX THK 9 PRICE OF THF.1SI? LAMPS, WE ARK ARLE TO SI PPlA' Ol R CL'3TO-aI MFIRS ^ITH LAMPS AT THE FOTJiOWIXCJ PRICES: < * -$g 40 . Watt 32 C. P. 60 Watt -50 C. P: 100 Watt 80 C. P. 250 Watt 200 C. P. 1 WK HAVE EVGAOED THE SERVICE* OK AN ir.H MINATlNU EX PERT PROM THE OEXKRAL KlJtOCTRIC CO.. WHOSE SKRV1CKH ARB ? OFKRREI) TO Ol'R CtWfSGQw W1THOI T (HAROK. a i "ifi Ask us to show you the General Electric Mazda Lai its Economy to you. Washiugton Municipal Ek ^ 'Phone 393. prove THE UNION GROCERY CO'S. CAFE

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