WASHINGTON^ NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 18, 1910, A uLllH Mttimb Women's CM. Are Beta, ta vk* tnT>l?il]pSpe^l Wofk. AGAINST WHITE PLAGUE OOTL1NB8 OFFERED BY CIVIC COMMITTEE AT THE MKT ING RMKHtLY HELD IN C AMBRIDGE, MAM. Cambridge. Bh?, Feb. 18.? All over the country women's clubs are being invited to take up special work against tulgerculosU by Mrs. Rufus P. WlllUhnt, chairman of the Board ol Health Department of the Clile Committee, a native of Teaneaaee. but long resident of New England. Mrs. WllHams offered the follow ing simple outlines at the great club meeting In Boston: 1. Use every method to impress the tact of the curability and preventa bllity of tuberculosis. 2. Place thp General > Federation wall card. >. Urge the establishment of san atoria for Incipient cases and hoe 4. Urge the State Board of Health to issue publications snd assist In the distribution of them. \ ft. HoM public meetings having for their object the Improvement of local health conditions. 7. Organise anti-tuberculosis and visiting nurses associations. 8. Create and circulate State ex hibits. j. ' ? - ... - COUNTRY CLtTB HHCHFTION. Quite a Number Braved Weather aad Spent Pleasant Evening. * Quite a number Of people braved the threatening weather yesterday; to drive out to the Country Club (or the afternoon. Mrs. H. W. Carter was the hostess, and Misses Mary Carter and Bess Conoly served tea and wafers to the guesta ? who amused themselves at games, or admired the beautiful view ef ttar wfbtf-mflM river, swept now and then by oc casional showers of rain. In spite of unfavorable condition the guests were able to reach borne between ehowers. snd the afternoon was a most delightful one -to all present. I . NEW MILLINER Miss. Mayuic Burbank to Be Head Milliner at the James B. Clark - Company Store. The James E. Clark Co. wish to an nounce to their friends and patrons that the? have mado Miss May me Burbank. of this city, head milliner of their millihenry department. In aplte of the fact that we employed a Philadelphia trimmer last /Reason Miss Burbank did twQrthlrds of ?)1 the trimming, as her work was more desired by all our customers. We resllse that she's Unexcelled In this department, ,,as milliners are born and not made! But in order to give our customers the latept styles as well as the best work, we Have given Miss Burbank a season In Bal timore. Philadelphia and Ndw York. We feel It unnecessary to say a great deal about Miss Burbank'^ work,1' as the people of Washington know full well her ability. We In tend to have the best display of mil linery this spring we have ever had and know with Miss Burbank at the helm the great ship "8uccess" will safely sail Into out port. THE GAIETY. Interest In the performances at the Gaiety continue, at fever heat and large crowds flock nightly to witness the excellent acts portrayed by the different stars. I^ast night Tl^e Great Freeman performed an exceptionally hard feat, In full view of the audi ence, that of releasing himself from a maniac's stralghtJackeL . It took about 16 minutes' hard work for him to dO the stunt, but he did It, and no one was surprised at the feat, for all fcave ceased to wonder at-the mar velous things this truly wonderful man can do. Prof. Kenneth gave . some more clever demonstrations of mind reading, finding hidden articles, etc. Miss Marie Danle was exception ally entertaining in her "kid" spec ialty. and her other songs were both " new and pleasing. Miss Dante la cer tainly a winsome little soubrette^ To* night the Gaiety offers a strong bill by the different vaudeville artists, and excellent pictures, so come out and onjoy yourself. ? .... PANTS FACTORY. \\ .J , Mr. H. B Ooldsteln placed his or der today for 10 machines tor the la .tatlatlon of Ma Pant, fatter,.. The ? plant win be ..or .paratlo. nENSATION tlie Sokfirr Who Aided Stone wrfi Jufcw Ucrted. FOUND BY JUDGE B. F.LONG TELLS HOW HE DIBCpVERED THE OONFHDBRATE gdLIDIBR WHO * : BORE WOUNDED GENERAL OFF THE BATTLETIHLD. Winston Salem. N. C.. Feb. 18.? Judge B. F. Long, of Stateevllle, who Is presidios over the ?Ivll term of Forsyth superior court here this week, hs* related to some of his lawyer friends how he accidentally discovered the Identity of the man who bore Gen. Stonewall Jackson off the battlefield when he was shot at Chancellorsvllle on the night of May t, 1863. Tho man's name Is Cappe. He is a realdent of Onslow, and was one of two defendants In an assault case. Mr. Capps' counsel explained that the two defendants were Confederate veterans. Judge Lone questioned Osppe and learned that he be loo fed to the Thirteenth North Carolina ambulance corps on the night of May 2. when Jackson was shot. "The firing was pretty hot at that time," aald Capps, "but after getting directions, I Immediately went and found the wounded offlcer and bofe him off the field with the assistance of others. It proved to be Stonewall Jackson." - There w^s a, sensation tn the court room. adddd'the judge, when this revelation jfess made, and at his sug gestion Mn two fray-haired veterans ?hook hands and became friends sgain. The warrants against them were promptly dismissed. BIRTHDAY The Pupils of the WmMwi^S Public Schools Anuglai a Most At tracting Program. >**1* n ?s.r.y '? v ****** Active preparations are l>elng made for a moat interesting oelebra tlon of George Washington's Blfth dsy by the pupils of the Washington Public Schools.* The program that Is being arranged will be Instructive snd Interesting. The exercises are In charge of Mrs. William R. Bright, which In advance; assures its success. Some of the city schools' brightest scholars will take part In the exer clses. A full program will be pub lished lster In the Dally News. THE GEM THEATER.^ 4 Before the Mast, melodrama; An Affair - of Art, comedy ; The Whole Worl^I^n, drama; Thelleyss' Heart, a French dram*, repeated by request. Is the attractive bill scheduled for the Gem theater this evening. In ad dition -to this fine program the or chestra will give Its usual fine musi cal program. The performance last night at the Gem was w lip eased, by a large dumber and every one present were' highly elated. No such pictures have ever been seen In Washington produced by any moving picture show. The Gem Is certainly making good at each performance. The man agement select* -pictures thst are al ways pleasing. The Gem Is the place to spend an evening full of pleasufe and interest Attend this popular place of amusement and be amply re warded. The show tonight at the Gem Is Well worthy of patronage. A MYSTERY W. H. Sanford is Still, Missing, His Whereabouts Having Not Yet Been Ascertained. The disappearance of Mr. W. H. Sanford still continues to be a mys tery. NUs whereabouts Is still un known. As reported in the Dally News Wednesday he has \jeen miss ing since last Monday. His'daughter wired herd yesterday from Elisabeth City that hb had not been seen In that locality. The latent tldirigs of Mr, Sanford comes from Pactolus. The section master of the Atlantic Coast Line states that he saw Mr. Sanford walking on the railroad track Monday between 11 and 12 o'clock- 8lnce that tlmo nothing has been heard from hfm. fttn wife has been vttitlfcg relatives fnd friends- at Elisabeth City for some weeks and Mr. San ford's daughter left here Wednesday for that place. Mr. Sanford has been employed at the Eureka Lumber Confeany. for some y*ars as sawyer and prqved to be <* moat excellent employe. He was quiet, and unasstimlng. Why he should have left In such a raysterleua manner cannot be understood. His disappearance has occasioned no lit Newly-Born Babe Thrown From Car ? Hottsfeas, WAS WHITE MALE INFANT 1*8 HEAD WA8 HI1WI OPEN AXD ITS BRAIKK WAS BOlTltRUI ALONG THE TRACK FOB "SfcVKRAI, YARIW Thomaaville, Feb. IS. ?This morn ing Coroner Peacock received a tele gram from Lin wood stating that a dead baby bad been foand between the two tracks half a mile -below Hoi tabu rg towards Yadkin river. Dr. Peacock went to the scene and held sn Inquest and the following was the finding ofHhe Jury: "That the white male Infant bad been dropped or thrown from some moving northbound train and' that ?aid infant came to Its death from having been thrown or dropped from the trsln and striking an ex\4htion cross-tie. That said Infant was new ly born and had not been bathed or dressed, That said infant came to Its death at the hands of some un known person, said person being on une of the early northbound trains.". The county and railway authori ties will juse every effort to hnd the guilty party. Pfesh blood marked the place, showing that it had been killed only a Short time. The head was burst open and its brains were scattered tor about fifteen feet be* ?ide the track. When first found two buuards -were found estlng and lighting- Over the body. NEED MORE MONEY Mate's Appropriation Is the Smallest ForXntaber of Trqpps in the Uakm. ( The State only appropriates $27, 000 a- year for: the Natlonsl Guard, snd this Is nol4 enough. The Untied Stat** ?rovM? lutruc tion and transportation and food for the troops when on duty,' but the Btate must provide for quarters, that Is. armories,' and fer the care of prop erty, which is now worth over $4,000 to each company, yet the State gives to a company only 9850 a year. Now vastly greater care la required for U. 8. government property than ever be fore. "Then, too, North Carolina has more troops than any other State in proportion to appropriation ? over 8,~ 000. There could be a school for of ficers here If the 8tate had themeans to meet certain expenses of It, tAit the needB for the United States ap propriation are so great that the Guard eannot afford to pay all the funds out of -the latter. ? Raleigh cor respondence VlrgUUan-PIfet. SUCCUMBS TO INJURIES. Tlfton, Ga., Feb. 18. ? David A. Hines, of L4noolnton, N. C., who was fouhd In the woods near here robbed and with his skull crushed in yester day. died this morning. BETTERMENT ASSOCIATION. The Woman's Betterment Associa tion wllfc meet at thq^ublic school auditorium next Monday afternoon' at S o'clock. Full attendance of the members is desired. MATIXEK TOMORROW. The Gem theater tomorrow after noon promises to be of unusual in terest. The people continue to come in crowds.- It was quite noticeable how . many -of the grown people took advantage of the fine program last* Saturday. Remember the entertain fcient will begin at 4:80 o'clock. Nurses will be aUowed with the ch|l- , dren who need some one with- them. The price to everybody is 5 cents. Four reels of the 'finfest pictures will be shown. The following are the sub jects: Two Memories, A Honeymoon With Auntie. The Worm will Turn. Fol lowing In Mother's Footsteps, Cricket on the Hearth. CHtLD Dil AD. Mr. J. F. Buckman is tn receipt of a telephone message from Mr. G. D. Canfleld, of Morehead City, announc inf that he wilt bring his chUd here for burial tomorrow. The remains are expected to arrfre on the Norfolk and Southern train. Mr. Canfield la a former /etfdent of this city and bas the sympathy of the entire commu nity. ? * ? *?i ? ' JCDOE WOMACK NKAR 1>KATFT8 door. Raleigh. rib. !?.- Thorn*. n. *?Kt Is dying of Bright', dlma* ?t Rei hoapluf here, to which he wu SEYLORS ARRESTED Win Be T*c? B*i to" New THREATS AGAINST THEM NOT L'RING OF PAPCR8, VET KNOWN WHfcWy OR NOT THEY WILL OO HACK WIT HO l"T PROCURING EXTRADITION PA Atlantic City. N. J.. Feb. 18.1-Two detectives are in Petersburg to ar range for the extradition of Will lam and Orris Seylor, tbe two brtthers arrested there In connection with tbe death of Jane Adams, the trillion dollar pier mystery victim In this city on February^. it is not yfet known here weather the men will waive extradition but it is believed that their, family < vise them to do so. The two era will not be brought back Immediately, however, as there 1b j considerable feeling sgalast and tbe authorities do not wish to cause further excitement at the pres ent time. held In formal session until the two men are brought back and the evi dence against them will be Immedi ately presented to tbe panel.0 There are rumors heard on every side against the brothers and the greatest secrecy will be observed In making the plans for their return. , y Chief,' of Detectives Whalen is gtv ?n all the credit for the capture of the two men. After careful Inquiry he decided that they had probably gone either to Delaware or Virginia. They were traced to $rllmlngton, DeU, and from there to* Petersburg. Chief Whalen said today In reference tc the men waiving extradition, "We will bring them"- back, so ther might as well coxae firxf as last." When the news of the capture of her husband and hla brother had been- broken to the wife of William Seylor, she broken down and^ cried piteously at first, but later Ijecame ^ flirt "Oh, my poor WllV fiviah that I couUUBawlth you," she sobbed. Then, tunnng defiantly, she said, "I tell you he is as Innocent as I am. I would :.not believe that he had any thing to do with Jane AdamB' cfeath unless he told , me so with his own lips. , He certainly will be able to prove that, he had nothing to do with the death. I cannot explain why he ran away unless it was that he bad ?no steady employment and became disheartened." THOSE INTERESTED The Committee on Decoration* Ask the ? Loan of Picture*, E?c? ? For Celebration. The committee on decoration for the Washington Birthday celebration to be held in the school auditorium Tuesday at 12 o'clock, ask the loan of pictures, flags, swords, guns, etc.j Sjny war relics suitable for decora-' tlon. Those who wlO help In this mat ter please communicate by phone or otherwise with Mrs. W. R. Bright, rhalfman. * have the articles on Satur day. morning, as the decoration must be done on that day. NT|ie..BpieBuH Old- World Roads. "The country roada of Central Eu rope are so magnificent that "they mske our highways seem barbarous," said Mr. A. J. McCallum, of Phila delphia.. "I traversed, many sections of Ger many nqt. lQag since In an automo bile, and never did hare such a glrol ous outing, all due to the smooth and thoroughly built roads. The psople over there enjoy them quite aa much as tho American tourists, and Cheer fully pay the taxes necessary to keep their highways In prime condi tion. "Indeed, I believe there is more of civic pride in Europe than with us. -As an Instance, you will never see a scrap of waste paper lying in a street or in one o* the parks of their cities. Their streets are kept In much cleaner cpnditfcn than ours, and no obstructions of Amy kind are allowed. Tbs horrible ? billboard nuisance Is notrhere tolerated." Investments la Good Roads. In the policy of solid road build ing that has been Inaugurated la sdversfr-Mtates It Is the first cost of laying a firm roadbed that causes the rural taxpsysrs to gasp at tbe largeness of the ftgures. They hava become so accustomed to spending money In annual driblets for repairs (hat a big, round lamp sum 'to 'be used at once Is a change In method a little too violent te without jm*e doubts and fears, it l? difficult to get sway from the balUf tk?t ttaa anno,! repair, moat ?? ???* ? "-lit, that *" built. 'a for SHORT (N ACCOUNTS Chfk of Robeson Superio^Court OTHERS' FUNDS INVESTED THK FIXANCJE COMMITTER FIND* W. H. HUMPHREY KHOIIT I!f HIS ACCXJlf^'TH ? SHORTAGE CREATES EXC1TBMENT. Lumtyrton. Feb. 18. ? The report of the board of auditors of the finan ces of Robeson county has Just J>een completed and contains some start ling flnds^ta regards the clerk of the superior court's office. The report ahows that Clerk W. H. Humphrey owes the county over $12,902.26, tfhich Indebtedness Is covered In part by notes, mortgages, etc., made pay able to himself, the amount-et-cash on hand being $1,566.15. The finding of the board shows that the clerk has as receiver Invest ed funds so held by^lm in open notes secured by mortgages payable to him personally which he has not the least right to do. It Is further shown that Mr. Humphrey has Invested funds be longing to other parties In his hands as clerk of superior court in the way above mentioned and has collected and appropriated to himself Interest on sums so Invested except those held by him as receiver. The difference In the clerk's ad mitted indebtedness and assets ex hibited by him is $549.32, but the board declines to allow said assets to offset the indebtedness to his of fice as his securities are such as are not prescribed by law. MEETING There Will Be mi Important Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Toaigtit. Every member of the Washington' Chamber of Commerce is urged to be Wawt .at thf meeting this evening. Quite f number of Important matters ore tea be transacted, among them the agrlcmtural fair for Washington this tall mjs the duty of every member and eaermcitlsen Interested to be on hand. Landsman an& Sailor. To the landsman the sea must al ways possess, dangers that to the sail- ; or appear only as casual pbenomena upon which to exercise bis sklK.'Ths prayerbobk has a special petition for the safety of those wbo go down to the sea in *h!ps, and evgry one who ventures to leave the shore goes forth with a consciousness of awe at his own daring. Yet In tbe Intricate com plexity of modern civilization safety on land and safety at sea have walk ed by no means with equal step. Every morning brings us some story xtt death or accident on land, while the tfreat passenger ships come and go In monotonous regularity, bringing no reports more stirring than those of high sees that have kept them from -^Baking new records. With the present msdness for speed and Its attendant recklessness, our Streets demand constant alertness, ff one would qross them with ssfety. Speed st sea has come through larger snd more stoutly constructed ships. So the familiar old story of the sailor man at sea in a storm who, serene In I his consciousness of ample sea room, piously ejaculated. "God help the poor I folks ashore to-night!" is not wholly fantastic. Imitation Pstlns. The best method of obtaining a coating resembling patina, according to the Metallarbelter, Vienna, Is to Immerse the article in a solution of nitrate of copper and then to plnce It while still wet In a chamber contain- 1 ing an abundance of carbonic acid. The fermenting room of a brandy dis tillery la specially adapted for this purpose, aB, besides containing car bonio acid. It has a rather high tem perature, which materially aids the formation of the coating. In this case the development^ the grefen incrus tation may be observed from diay to day; if after about a week the object has not yet obtained the proper color It must be agaia dipped in the kbove solution, and this operation repeat ed till the desired shade has been acquired. As the formation of patins under these conditions proceeds In the same way as in the open air, but mpre rapidly, a handsome and perma nent coating can be produced by this maaa*. A "Calico* Road. Des Moines. Iowa, . is to build a mile of experimental roadway to de termine the beat method of construd* tlon. One section will be of concrete, another of flag covered with broken ?tone, etc. A local newspaper faceti ously refers to it aa a "oalloo** road.' Need Qood Foremen, In macadam work, as tn*Xl other construction work, there should be a competent foreman et superintendent In chsrge. * - " Lees ?f Railroads. s ou y are n Kng TWO ARE DROWNED Flatboat Goes to die Bottom at HM1* Ferry. WHITE MAN AND NIT** TWO MEN ATTEMPT TO CROH8 ROANOKE RIVER WITH DROVE OF HOR8KS AND MKET WITH FATAL ACCIDENT. Scotland Neck, N. C., Feb. 18. ? There was a Had and distressing ac cident Sunday at Hills ferry near Palmyra on the Roanoke river. In which two persons were drowned, a white man named Octavius Ryman, son of Mr. E. Hyman, of that place, and a colored man named Richard Whcdbee, of Portsmouth, Va. Ed ward Boswell. who was taking a drove of horses from Rocky Mount back to Virginia, was transporting his horses across Roanefc^ river on a flatboat. He was accompanled'by the ferryman, Frank Slaten, Whcdbee and Hynpn. It is said that the fer ryman and the young white man were somewhat under the Influence Mqupr. and by irregular handling the yhorses all gathered to one corner of the flat, which caused It to dip water and sink. The ferryman and the horse drover succeeded in getting to shore, but Whedbee was drowned at lonce. The young white man was rescued into a small boat but In some way the boat failed to get him to shore and he was drowned. His body was soon recov ered. but the colored man's body had not been found at last hearing from the scene of the disaster. Young Hyman was 29 yeariL old and- unmarried and his uiHfljkly death cast a gloom over the coitoiu nlly In which he lived. He was quite tall and It Is said that a day or two before his death, standing near some very long burial caseB, he remarked thfct they might Bave ope of them for him. The horses which went down with the flat were saved and the drove passed through Scotland Neck later in the day presumably making their way to Weldon. where they might cross the Roanoke River on the coun ty bridge. Mr. Boswell remained at Palmyra until yesterday, making vain efforts to recover the body of the colored man who was drowned. EXCITEMENT .lolin Hawkins Arrested antl Brought to This City For a Hearing. ? Now Under Bond. Much excitement prevailed in Bel-] i haven yesterday until the arrest of John Hawkins. On Wednesday he had taken possession of Mr. W. M. McKinney's drug store and was for tified with two pistols, defying arrest. He would pei ir.lt people to enter but ?kept; them from approaching him. He was finally decoyed to the door and arrested by .M. M. .lone* and R. I-.. Surles and then takgn before M^ J. A. cLlgb. recorder, and ti^ed for assault with deadly weapon on Ed McCoy and W. M. McKlnney and for resisting an officer. He was bound over to court and bond fixed at $1200 in default of which he was commit ted to jail. This morning application by his attorney, N. L. , Simmons, -was made before Judge J^ergerson for writ of habeas corpus and a reduction" in the amount of bond. Upon the hearing boad was reduced to $300 which, It Is said, he will be able to give. The troublew as the result of an affray between Hawkins and McKln ney the day before. It is Indeed fortunate that no se rious crime was committed. The beautfrul girl tiptoed Into the library, where her father was reading the sporting page and nursing a gouty foot. "He? he has come, father," she faRered. ''Who has co mo 7" roaVed the old gentleman. "Why, George. "What! Didn't he promise never to cross, my threshold again?" "He? he didn't cross your threshold, pa. He stepped through the trapdeor on the roof. Vou see. he came In his airship." ? IMPROVING. The many friends of Mr. R. F. But ler, the assistant at the city postoflce, who was painfully hurt on yesterday bybeing struck In the forehead with elrtixe. Is getting on as well as could be expected. If nothing unlorseen happens he will be. out' again In a few day*. V * r Personals ? Mr. 8. a. Gay ot Beaver Dam. was a Washington visitor today. Miss Mabel Wat klna left for Nor folk yesterday. ^ , Mr. Job* K. Hoyt and Mr. I.#H. Morris lure expected home this even U. from Norton oi.rk.u. SITtlffl SERIOUS in t ie City S Paris, Feb. 17. ? Unprecedented % storms lashed Prance today, adding to the havoc wrought by the tempest* of the- last three days. Landslides and avalanches In the departments in the Alps endanger towns and tourists resrts. Winds of cyclonic force have blown down several bouses in Mar seilles. Snow has derailed trains. The only relieving note in the reports that came in today was the lack of rain in the valley of the Seine, and fall in the river at Paris. When dawn came the crest of the third flood this disastrous year was past. The situation in the city, nev ertheless, was serious. Suburbs that escaped in the second flood were In ters of Crenelle, Javal and _ Passy Btreets are yet under water. In some places to a depth of more than three feet. At Ivey and Corbelt vast areas are deserted and there Is grave dan ger of the collapse of houses whose foundations have Seen sapped again and again by the fluctuating rivers. Champigny. Rry, Varcnnes, Nogant and St. Maur, all suburbs, have been invaded by the last inundation. The Tood problem is again paramount. As sach hour brings fresh news of the devastation wrought along the rail road lines on which the city depends Tor its supplies, the seriousness of the predicament becomes more ap parent. In the refuge camps on the out skirts sufferfng Is Intense, and in the refuges- opened within the city con gestion Ib great. Although the au thorities by now have the distribu tion system on a well work I basis, the menace of lowered supplies today made at aptmrent that 'hatt ratloVs will soon be the order unless there Ic a quick return for the belter. . BISHOP STRANGE Ik Delighting the People of Norfolk With HIn Sermons and lectures. The Rt. Rev. Robert Strange, bishop of East Carolina, is in Nor folk. delivering a series of lectures, and also preaching in the different Episcopal churches. The reports In the Norfolk papers are most compli mentary to this gifted divine. He' Is taking the city of Norfolk by storm. Bishop Strange is a speaker of mag* netlsm and always attracts his hearers. ?OV. K ITCH IN I'ARlkOXH MA XV. Raleigh. X. C.. Feb. 17. ? Governor Kltchin pardons Sudle Hannon. a young woman from Concord, serving four years and nine months sentence in the state prlsflff for manslaughter. The Governor says that at the time the girl killed the man Stacks she was only H years old. that she would be released by July if she served the' full sentence, with good behavior de ductions of time, and that several hundred citizens, including the 12 jurors, the judge and solicitor recom- ? mended conditional pardon, and that owing to her youth he considers the conditional pardon proper. I >fvSPERAIK>ES RAID HOTEL. New York, Feb. 17. ? Two despera does. with drawn revolvers, raided the Llbby F. Waverly hotel on the Bowery today, shot down and fatally wounded Frank Devlin, a guest, who when they demanded money for drinks was only able to produce a dime, and then held up and robbed the clerk of the night's receipts. Less than $10, all -told, was the result of the holdup and murder. The men ran out of the hotel after the shoot ing -and disappeared. Devlin died soon after reaching the hospital with out making any statement. ** * 1 New Advertisements ? ^ in Today's News ? ? Gem Theater. + ? Gaiety Theater. ? ? E. R. Mlxon ft Co. + ? E. Ia Brooks' 8 hoe Store ? Tilt ?.

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