VOLUME I. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. SATURDAY TEDDY THEIR SAVIOR Washington. Feb. IB.? Not hi Of Id the Heavens above or tn the earth be neath or In the waters under the earth can sere the Republican party now, except It be Theodore Roose velt y J . ? ? ? ? a .. ^ This is the concensus of opinion among that limited number of Amer ican statesmen who are grilling to talk, and even this impression, abso lutely unanimous and evidently sin cere. to Imparted In oonfldence and under the strict Injunction that no name* are to be used. This to the period tn our country's history when every man Is afraid of his shadow or of the sound of his, voice. * After all tie great game at Wash ington Is politics rather than business of the country. Interest to economic measures la in eclipse. The federal incorporation liberating amendment The rial* ration msasure seems assured, and notwithstanding Bailey's really great 'speech la opposition, the postal sav ings bank ssay receive a tranquil ma jority la the seaate. From the torret to fuadatloa stone If any ssaa doubt, that there to a try. he has oaly to stand here' at the center and catch the stores that are afloat In the winds snd burning the wires of the country. ? Nearly every Republican In the Sixty-first congress Is exhausting his political influence tn the endeavor to be put on the committee fo*welcome a distinguished American on his re turn to New York. And the average Republican In bottar housee Is In the attitude of being flat on hlB belly with his hand on his ear and his ear to the ground listen ing to the echoes of public opinion from home, and for the first tread of the lion hunter returning from Africa by the way of the courts and capitals of the Old World. It 1b a condition without a parellel In the history of politics In this or any other country. For the long dominant the Repub lican party Is at bay and fighting foT its Ufe. Roosevelt will try to rescue and >store the Taft administration. HOL1NA I'HE88 ASSOCIATION OA* 're on 'Kteoit ?n Qh The ex. North Care In Green gbok iltteea to Meet 8oon| to I>eelde Place, ecutlve committee Of the Una Pros* Association met -o on Wednesday of last uss arrangements for 1 meeting, time, place After the matter had ^red, It was decld t the Htifflne Ho week to dlst. the next annua of meeting, etc. fully coni!& ed to meet again a *?1 in Greensboro i" March 16th, at lJO o which time it is eipev Place and date of the ant t'on will be selected. hare been mentioned at k !?""*?!*??? and th? c. th?e other* th?t *11 ?P ??' b. ronaldered ,t a.. IO?in? were preeent at the coM n"*"n* week: Rev. J. a .. klnson. D. D.. n t c. *' 'dock p. m., at Had that the tual conven jral places which to 'alms of * come next fol ?U ????PS p m pia j. B. sherrlll. I The matter of arranging the pro gram for the meeting was consider ed. It br probable that, In addition to the essay* of editors, u usual; there will be addresses from throe of the State's prominent men, an educator, a lawyer' and a minister. The proo pect U that the press association this year will be one of the most enjoy able and attractive yet held. PH I LAT H K A-BARAC A SOCIAL. ? ? ^TE^-Phllatbea class of the First Baptist Church 8unday school will en tertain the Baraca class o fthe same school Monday night, at the home of the pastor, Rev. J. A. Sullivap, 815 1 West Second street. The first lioor will bo devoted to the business work i of the Phllathea class, after which |<] the social features will be Indulged. a i until intuitu The Arroyo Grouads Off Ocra coke Beach. SEVEN FEET IN SAND , - 1 Ship, the Arrojd, Totally TojwI oa Hie Beach u Ocre coke? Loaded ^yjjth 10.000 Tow ot Ore?She Carried a Crew of S3. : ; rrss Wilmington, N. 0.. Feb. 25 ? Cap tain W< A. Iiuidin, matter of the tug Alexander J odm, returned -to port today and reported the total de struction on Ocfaeofcs Beach of the large steamer Arroyo, This vessel grounded off Ocracoke two daya ago. The tug Jonea was summoned from Wilmington and arrived at the acene yesterday morning. The Arroyo was found deserted and Captain Bandars assumed charge. A short time there after the captain and members of the Arroyo's craw approached from a neighboring life station and ordered Captain Bandera and his men to leave the steamer. This was done by the local navigator aad the steamer waa left to ita fate. The large v easel waa buried seven feat on the eanda and waa lying broaiMde an the beech. The ablp had sis feet of water In the hold aad waa fining fast- when the tag Jones left' the vicinity to return to this city. A strong northeast gale has prevailed dn the eoeat today. It la certain that the Arroyo Is a*r pothlng but wreckage aa the ahlp wen feet disintegrating when the tug left the scene. The Arroyo wsa loaded with a car go of ig.OOft tone of iron ore eonr ?lined frees Santiago* Coba. to Phil adelphia The ahlp was owned by Harriaan * Company, of OUagow. Scotland, and #ae built In thet city ten yare ago. The vesaal la probably lnaured but nothing conM be ascer tained aa to the carge being covered with Inaurance. The Arroyo carried a crew of thirty-two men and waa a very available steamer. ? The fleeter of the Jonea etated that he left the crew of the wrecked elaamer at the Ocracoke life saving statfew. *. *. The Preeldeat Nominate* a New Maua For Dlatrtct Attorney la Thia District. ? ? * President Taft haa sent to the Sen ate* the name of Herbert F. Seawell. of Carthage. N. C., to be*. United States District Attorney to Succeed Harry Skinner, of Greenville, the present Incumbent. The determination of the Presi dent to name Seawell in place of Mr. 8klnner has been surmised for sev eral weeks. ! FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The paator, the Rev.. H. B. Sea right, will fill his regular pulpit Sun day morning and evening at the usual ' hours, which the general public has a cordial invitation. Sunday school I meets at 3 o'clock, John B. Sparrow, services Is the singing by the choir. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at the usual hour. All cordially in cited. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. The pastor. Rev. M. T.^PIyler, will! fill his regular pulpit Sunday 'morn- 1 Ing and evening at the usual hours. His subject for the Morning hour will be "The Devil's First Failure." At night the fourth sermon of the series on the sinners of the Bible wit! be de livered, topic, "An Obstructive Sin ner." Sunday school meets .at 3 o'clock. The orchestra plays. Every body cordially Invltdd*. Capt. James H. Harris will teach the Baraca class. All Invited. THE CONDUCTOR'S REVENGE. A well dressed man entered an Orange street car the other day. ac xccordlng to a story that Is going ? round# of the atreet c^r men. *n& ded the ' conductor a ten -dollar The con doctor was unable to * It and he let the man ride *he next day the man pfesent me hill, and again the con / unable to change It, for 1 evidently found a time *d be aure to catch the tut much change, thought the conduc ted $10 worth of idy for the man b ''aahed the bill. itter good-na the car, hla with the Mil. changi free. lx ed the aa. ductor -wai the man hat when he woti^ >?' ' ! conductor with* "I'll fix you." t tor, and fat obUa nickels and waa m when next day he V The man ttf)k the nl*. luredly and aoo^ left >ocktfla fairly bulglni ilckela. The conductor wad? ileaaed with hl? "coup* (ay. when he learned I ras worthless ? Newark lift MIH HEWS OFFERS TWELVE FREE TRIPS ? ? ? ?f- ? ? ; Party of 12 Will Visit Ocean View, Washington, D. C., and bther Places? A Most Flattering Offer. *" : OPENS MARCH 1ST AND CLOSES JUNE 25TH AT 12 O'CLOCK - Under PertOOfll Supervision of the Editor and His Wife? Read the Conditions and Requirements Stated and Then Begin to Work? Reward Is Well Worth Striving For? Any Lady May Enter. No Restrictions as to Age, ctc.? Twelve Prfaes Given and Twelve Young Ladies Are to Be the Winmers? It's Up to You to Wake Up at Ouce; If You Don't Succeed it i? Your Fault Twelve ixnoit are going to spend a week of pldgsure sad travel this summer as the guests or the Wash ington Dolly Now* They will visit Washington. D. C? Baltimore, historic Fortroas M?ure?, Poh.t, the Old Soldiers' Home at Hampton, aoe the largest shipyard in the world at Newport Mews, the navy yard at Ports mouth. the latest hattkahlpe? absolutely free. What a trip f?r any young lady to erwve. Twelve are gulag. Yon may iy?one of the number. But whit aro the coaditlons? everyone asks. Well. y<)iu mirst do some work ? aot bard, laborious work.' Just a little hustling, that's nil. The prise is easy of attainment; It's no game of chancer nothing hat what Is fair and right. All will hare *n equal show; ewly the ones who do? the ssost hustling will get there. The man ager haa thought for somaetlme he would like to show his appreciation to the patrons of The Hews In a ma terial way. Ho has wrestled with the probleai agMdlously, reacWag the conclusion after mature Oeilbera tioa that the ptaa ho Is sbowt to announce Is th? very best solVrtfcm. No paper ln? this sestlen haa ever attempted such aa offer; In fact, no Journal In Eastern Carolina bos presented such an offer to its coasti tuency. But as to thO plan. Kre It ii: " ' *- ? ) I A free trip to Waahlngten, p. C.; Baltimore. OBi Potat\and Oceaa View next summer to twelve young dies residing lif Bee u fort end Hyde eountiee. T^ trip*n to be glwa? to one person In each of ahe lag townships of the two cotnrtfes, vis: Bogpfort County ? Washington, Chocowfalty. R I extend, Pantego, Long Acre, and Bath. * County^? 8waa Qnsrter. Fairfield, mmd Lake iUndln* Ten free tripe. BM wait; this Is not all. In addition to the ten townehlpe above enumerated'.. The Doily News offers s trip afao for each of the' towns of Washington sad Belbavew. Persons competing fler the trfp Ip these reopectlve tow* and iowssMps most reside within the Corporate Rmlts of the town or the rtos of the township to which they dsslru to I Any lady of good character pea enter the raed. The contest for these trips will begin on tH?- ffrsc dfcy el March, lilt. and posftfeefy closes ffatarday. June ?j>. at It o'clock p. m This free trjp offer Is ma fnnovattoa' to intern North Carolina Journalism, for It affords those successful .the opportunity of seeing something of the woefcl? one of the very best? of educators. The management f s determined to spare no expense In eeasumaaaUng ibe pleeanre of those who shall be so fortunate* as to win out. The itfnorasy is already mapped oat; oil that remains Is for those, wfsh lag to take advantage ofT iMa great offer to etart working. No one eoold conceit of' the many induceoseata to the offer The Daily New* - presents unfess they have been and' sees pertomfty. Washington. D. C., the first stop, a tour of which win prove interesting to nay oae. The trip dowg the Chesapeake Bsy froas Baltimore will be a dbllgftt fnl one. Ocean View is one hf the most ItberaUy patronise* summer resorts sa ?he Atlsntlc coast. PVeos the time the season opens to Che close, towiists gather there from every Bute In the Union, Attractive amysements are In full Msa? aff sessoo? the bathing facilities are unsurpassed ? angling not excel Ttetf? the hotel where The Dally News guests srIH be enooooeed has cuisine famed ami noted. The most fastidious epicure loves to partake of the viands nod delicacies from Ita festive board. Not only wlff the guests of the paper be permitted to enjoy the many and sundry pleasures this resort affords, but they will visit Fortress lfonroe. that tnfregnable wall of defence oC Uncle 8am. At Portsmouth-, the navy yard, where the mammoth "Sattfeshlpa are repaired, will be visited. Just thtak of ft ? free ? abeofutefy free. All necessary expenses paid by The Dally News. Are you going? AO wo stated In the outset, twelve persons will constitute the party, as there are a similar number of prises. The entire party will be under the control and pfRsonal direction of the editor of the Dally News and his* wife.- Mrs. Bfla Phillips Mayo. Thlfc announcement Is made so as to allay alT fears or apprehension: en the pa^t. of any young lady hesitating entering t&e cog test for fear of taking the trip unattended. This announce ment within Ita^H assures the success of -the. tr.ltfi f?r the edlfor and Mrs Mayo will leave no stono un turned to render the paper's guests every courtesy. NotcMy'll The Dntly News??la* t*antu>UQfe J he editor's Intention to personally attend the party, but the paper feels that those entering the contest will do ra with a greater will and determination when this fac^ffc known. Again, do you expect to be one of the party? Of course you desire to learn how to go, and already you are eager for the contest to open. To be suc cessful it's votes you want, and votes you must have; the more votes you rerelve the greater your eltarnce of being one of the winners In The Dally News Free-Trip Contest. / - REQU JRKMK XTffc. No one will be allowed to enter In any district except the one in which she resides. No votes will be transferred from one contestant to another. Married ladles are not barred. Write The Dally News for receipt book. } No votes will count on which the envelope 'bears a postmark of later date than 12:30 p. in.. June- 23. 1!>!0. Send in subscriptions soon as taken. You can solicit subscriptions anywhere. . To have your name entered Into the contest it is only necessary that you send in the name of one new -j. subscriber, paid tn advance. No trip will be awarded In any District unless two or more contestants are entered. Tec thousand extra votes will be given to each person whose name is entered prior to -April I. On that date the names and votes of each contestant will be published. h r SCHEDULE OF VOTES. Three years $9.00 12,000 votes. Six months $1.50 1,200 votes. Two years 6.00 7,000 votes. Three months .75 500 votes. One year.,..- 3.00 3,000 votes. One month 25 . [00 votes.. For payments on account and advance subscription by those whose names are now on our books, will en title the person securing the payment to votes as follows: Three years $9.00. 6,000 votes. Six months $1.50 60ft votes. Two years 6.00 3,500 votes. Three months 75 250 votes. One year 3.00 1,500 votes. 9ne mont& 25 50 votes. No one In any Way connected with The Dally News will be allowed to compete. No printed form for Totes required. For further Information, address The Dally News Trip Contest Manager. -I AT THE OEM THEATER. - One of the most_delightful and In teresting programs ever shown in this city was that at the Oem last even ing. Those present were simply car ried away with the excellent perform ance. Tonight the following well known pictures will be presented: The Ship Owner's Daughter, melo drama; TIs Now the Very Witching Hour of Night, Hamlet, Act 3, See no 4. comedy; How Grimes Collected .Hit Rents, comedy; A Night In Dreamland, a fairy fantasy. No bet ter performance has been scheduled In Washington by any place of amusement and the Oem la to be con gratulated on what they hare in ks^>ip for tfcelr patrons tonight. Ev ery one shoultf hvall themselves of the opportunity to see this first -^taas entertainment.. It will pay each and every one. In addition to the fine program, the orchestra plays a high class program. The Oem Is ths place to go If you wish to see something above the ordinary. It v^ll be the place tonight TEACHERS' MEETING: All the public school teechejrs of the county of Heaufort met Iq! regu lar monthly session at the public school auditorium this morning. A most. Interesting program waa car ried oat.- A full report of their pro ceedings will appear In Monday'* Dally News. S ? ? ' J* jpf1' ' 1 * -rx-:- '? . WALKED FIFTEEN* SHIJSS TO* GET MARKlEl). Duquoln. 111., Feb. 25. ? Rather than delay bis wedding by waiting last Mght for a train that was lade, John M. Miller, a farmer living Ave miles from this city, walked- five, miles to Plnckneyville to get the li cense and 10 miles to this city with the thermometer near zero. His. marriage to Mrs. Mary' A. Ter ry took place on schedule time, but to get back to his home, where a re ception awaited them, the bride and groom were compelled to walk five miles through the lack of any con veyance. /L N. A ?. CASE ARGTED TODAY. . Richmond, Va., Feb. 25. ? The ap peal o^ Frank 6. Zell et als, appel lants frdm the decision of Circuit , Judge Wadding denying them the right to InterveneMn the sale of the property was argued in the United 8Utea Circuit Court of Appeals here this morning, Circuit Judges Ooff and Prttchard and District Judges Boyd and Dayton being In attendance. The cauas was argued by Thos. Learning, of Philadelphia, and R. T. Thorp, of Norfolk, tor |he appellants, and by Edward R. Balrd, Jr.. of Nor folk, and T. L* Chadbourne. jr.. of New York city, for the appellees, and submitted. The courts* decision will probably be given tomorrow. ?? .. iV Ml HDKItKI) WIKK AXI) HID BODY. Guadalajara, Mex., Feb. 25. ? To secure fifty pesos In bills that the woman had on her person, Zeferlno Gonzales stabbed his wife to death "Wednesday. Then with a butcher knife and an axe he cut the body *mo bits and carried the ploces to a dry bed of a river near his home. The- noise made by animals fighting over the body attracted attention | and resulted in the discovery of the! irlme. Gonzales will be given a speedy trlal and following his conviction a speedy execut'fn. COURT ADJOURNS. The February term of Beaufort County Superior court adjourned this afternoon for the terta. Judge Ferguson has made a' most favorable Impression on the attorneys and liti gants. r SCHOONER VENl'8. The schooner Venus, of Lake Land ing, N. C., Capt. William C. Payne, in command, arrived in port thla morning, having on board 1.400 bushels of corn and 400 bushels of peaa. HELD LUCKY NUMBER. Mr. 8. C. Pegram held tbe lucky number at the Gaiety theater laat night and received the beautiful haa4-cotor?4 plate. ? THE VftNGELETTERS Historical Commission to Pre , serve Tbem. i MRS. VANCE SANCTIONS Anyone Having Let Zcbulon B. Vaote nlr.tr With Mecrrtarjr H. 1). W. Connor ? ' The Conrimw Ion AVant* to l*ubll?ti the Letttrs. To the People of North Carolina: The North Carolina Historical Commission li making a collection of the letters and papers of Got. Z. B. Vance, with a view to their pre servation and publication. Tfrraigh the cooperation of Mrs. Vance sev eral thousands of such documents have been secured, making one of the most Important manuscript collec tions ever made by the State. The pablication of these papers will do more to establish the State's Con federate history beyond dispute than | any other collection In existence. Bat. unfortunately, this collection contains but few of Governor Vance's > own letters, most of those in the col- I rertfea oeing letters received by him. I It Is most important that the publi- I rattan should contain as many of his own Tetters as possible. < The Historical Commission, there- 1 Tore, take? this means of requesting those wfto possess fetters Of Governor I 7ance t? turn them over to the com- 1 mission, either for permanent pre- < servatfes or for copying. No letter >r paper Is so unimportant or trivial I tint that ft niay have Its place In such 4 t collection; and, we think, the per- i josneT of the Historical Commission 1 [s sufficient guarantee that no lm- ' jroper use- wfTl be made of any let- < ter or paper. The publication has < the sanction of Mrs. Vance. ? Nor Is the pabllcatlon a private en terprise undertaken for the purpose 1 5f making money. It will be Issued t by the State as other State printing, t und Its purpose Is to perpetuate the t fame of North Carolina's best beloved ion, to extend the reputation of the i State, and to make available for the < historian the material for riludylng her history during Its greatest epoch. Any person, therefore, who pos sesses a letter or other document of Governor Vance will render a. service toi his memory and ^jxthe good name tfr the State by cooperating with the Historical 'commission in this work. Due credit will be given to all who help to forward this work. All com munications should be directed to the Secretary at Raleigh. ?The North Carolina Hlstorial Com- , mission. J. Bfflfc^Grlmes, Chair man. R. D. W- Connon. Secretary. FIRST BAPTIST (lltlUH. A great day Is promised ~at~the | First Baptist Church tomorrow. Sun- 1 day school meets at?!*:45 a. m.. S. ' P. Willis, superintendent. Subjecr of lesson "False and True Dlsclple ship." The pastor preaches at 1 1 a. m. and 7:304>. m. Morning subject. "In Tnm Day." Evening subject. "No Night in Heaven." The Sunbeams meet at 4 o'clock Monday. After the" regular prayermeeting services Wed nesday night the regular monthly church conference will be held. All strangers In the city are cordially In vited to be present at any and all services. Polite and attentive ush ers. Seats free. Good music. AT THK GAIETY. I Beginning, tonight there will be ad ded another feature at the. Gaiety, the celebrated baritone. Charles P. Whit ten, will Appear in Illustrated ??cngs nightly. His voice has a na tional reputation and all lovers of musjp should hear* him. beginning with 'tonight. The following program is billed for tonight's performance: A Well Earned Medal; O. You Dog gie; Under the Stars and Stripes; Marvelous Garlands, bandcolored; A Bad Bargain. All of the above is in keeping with the high reputation the Gaiety is making In Washington. A large crowd were present last night and each and every picture was high ly applauded and justly so. The handsome prize was awarded last night and there will be another next Friday night. In addition to this high class performance for this even ing* the nrchestra will produce an other of their excellent musical pro g*-*ms. This alone is well worth the admission. Follow the merry crowd tonight to the Gaiety. You will be the winner If you do. ^bnUOTIAN CH1RCH. Regular services at the Christian Church Sunday morning and even Ink the usual hoar. The pastor, Rev. Robert Hope, will preach at both service. Bible achool and Be claaa meeta at 8 o'clock. T. W. PhlUlpa. auperlntendent. All hare a cordial Invitation. . v., - ?I RIOTS STILL HUGE Cars Are Wrecked And Many People Hurt ICEMEN ARE DYING HrTeacn] Strike Hu Been Ordered And the Time For Coming Out J* NaM to be Hand.;? The Kloten. Seemed to be t owed bjr the Mate I"tollc* ? M?nr Amain. Philadelphia, Feb. 25. ? Despite the presence of the "Black Hussars" rioting broke out (? the street car strike again today. Many persons were i win red, several ears wrecked snd a pefleeman was terribly beatfn. He was taken to a hospital in a dy ing condition. The PWTadelphln Rapid Transit Company seat out mere cars th&n ex pected. causing a mix-up in the police plans. The riots were generally In cited by boys today, Ijater in- the day the company be gan the running cars wit hoot guards. Early riots cTurfng tW morning had caused fear of a recurrence of the hard battles of the last few days., but mi the crowd's scattered" to tfiefr work the excitement died down. Three hundred police in the north Bast section' were- given time to rest, the first opportunity in 3(T froors. The- transit company efaim they have engaged enough competent men to operate- altnost the regular sche lule of cars. With the rioters of tfte city ap parently completely cowed by the 'Black Hussars," the sboot-to-klll men of lkbor troubles In the State of Pennsylvsnlii'.'rhe PhllkdeTpfris Rapid transit Company today began Its campaign to crush absorutety with >ut hope of recovery the street car smployea uniojj. The Amalgamated Association of Jtreet Railway EnrplPyes recognises :he aim of tbe corporation, and t> itrainlng every effort fbr a fight to '.he finish. As a result a general strike of anion labor in Philadelphia has been *alled. PROGRAM A M?y Interesting rntnm Pran. '?*^^F?nK?rro*v .lftrnKjoa ? Her. Robert Ape Hpe?*. ? /? Tile (oIIowIbs program will be car ried out by the Young Men'? Chris tian League Sunday alterTtoon at the Chamber of Commerce rooms at 4:16 o'clock: Opening hymn. So. llf Prayer. Hymn No. 10G. Scripture Reading. Hymn No. 130. Prayer. Collection a nd offer! or.v.y Address Rev. Robert Hope. Sub ject. "The Words of Life." " Prayer. Hymn No. 131. Benediction. The music will be furntshed by the League orchestra under the super vision of Prof. Will E. Smith. Ev erybody cordially inxlted to be pree ent at these services. NO NIGHT IN HEAVEN. The last of the series of sermon* on "Night Scenes in the Bible" being given at the First Baptist Church on Sunday nights, will be delivered to morrow night. The series seems to have been much enjoyed. The sub ject for tomorrow night Is "No Night In Heaven." V ~ HAH SYMPATHY. The many friends of Mrs. M. Cher ry will regret to learn that her moth er. Mrs. Foley, lost her residence In the Greenville Are this week. ?ST. PETER'S CHI RCH. Rev. Nathaniel Harding, the rec tor. will hold morning and evening prayer tomorrow morning and even ing with sermon, at the usual hoars. Sunday school meets at 3 o'clock, C. H. Harding, superintendent. Dally services at 5 o'clock, Wednesday and Friday, services held at 10 o'clook. Bests free- Delightful music. I . Ta ^ New Advertisements ? in Today's New? ? ? Oem Theater. ; ? Gaiety Theater. wj ? Wright's Tailoring Parlora ? ? | ? Easter 8ulta. '? \ "ffiB ? Paso Ointment. ? J as. E. Clark Co.? 811k. ? ? J. K. Hoyt ? Waists. +J ? Cardui. ? Parisian Sage. ? Doan's Kidney Pllla. ? Laxative Bromo Quinine. ? ^ ? Vkk'a ???.?!? <