ast Edition >N, MARCH 5, I91? ? FROM PulSOU Ymm( Pfcyaidai Took Overdose BATTENED AT HENDERSON ... J 1 I'UrtWlU., Vk DIM X ?1.I..1 Took of Drat aad DM M. t?>F Wae la ym T Iiiihi Cqb* ? tU? a Ba? FTRHT METHODIST CHURCH. Regular services at the First Meth odist Church Sundef morning aad evening. Preaching morning , aad evening by the pastor. Her. M. T. Ply ler. After the morning sermon the holy communion will be celebrated. At night the pastor will deliver fifth iormon of the hHm an the .In* nere of the Bible. Th. .object (or tomorrow evening I. "An Sinner or Deetlnr Tr.mblee In the B.lence." Thto win he ole of the Detroit, Mich.. March 3. ? Dr. Oeo. A, Flitch . fsu*t~**ftty today in con nection wltfc the death last summer Of Maybelle Millman. of Ana Arbor, dtspiembering* the girl's body aadl throwing It Into 'Scorse creek, was locked up la the county Jail durliig the afternoon pending the effort* of 'hie counsel to obtain a stay of pro ceedings. The case will be taken to the snprene court. "* Dr. Frttch took the decision of the Jnipr calmly but his ^Ife, on hearing the news fainted. She was in a semi* conscious condition for several hours. It took the jury fifteen minutes to agree that May belle MtUmna met her death while Dr. Fritch waa perform ing or attempting to perform a crim inal operatloq. Thomas Leach, a chauffeur, testified at the trial that he had driven .Fritch at midnight to Corpse aad had seen the physician throw three mysterious fafks into the creek near the spot where two sacks' containing portions Of the girl's body were discovered in September. A third sack was recovered 10 miles far ther down the Detroit Hver on the shore of Grosse Isle. Grace Martha Henalng. the dead PINCHOTON STAND Waahiafton. J>. C . March 4 ? Olf ford Pinchot, the depo#e? chief tor letter, took t.he witness stand for j crow-examination by Attorney Ver trees. when the Ball! nger- Pinchot la vestlgsttoa committee resumed Its in quiry this morning. Mr. Vertreea began br askfng the Itnaaa what there waa of his own personal knowledge barring all hear say. Inference, and conclusion, which showed official, misconduct on thw part of Mr. Balltnger a a secretary or Commissioner in reference to lands in Alaska. Mr. Pinchot replied that his knowl ?*? of Bellinger' a conduct with ref erence to coal lands in- Alaaka cafne to him principally through the state ments of^others, including Mr. Bal 11 nger himself. Pressed Tor a more direct answer Mr. Pinchot asked permission to re fer to a list of charges which he had prepared against Mr. Ballinger. This permission waa granted and alter ex amining his papers, Mr. Pinchot said his 'first-hand knowledge of Mr. Bal llnger'a conduct in the matter of the coal claima was contalned~ln Mr. Bel linger's letter of November jg tp the President. This letter Mr. Pinchot contended deceived the President. Mr. Vetrees then took up Mr. Pln chot's "reprimand" of Price and 8ha^r, which the attorney referred to aa "solemn and painful" on the part Of Mr. Pinchot. "Tell us," said Mr! Vetrees, "what you did in that connection." I called 'Mr. Price in," replied Mf Pinchot, "and aaked him to describe what he had done and what Shaw had done. He did so at some length. I told him his action was not defensi ble from the point of view of rela tions between the departments and I did not approve of it. I administered J to him a reprimand and it extended [to Mr. Shaw, wboee activity waa that THE GKM THEATER. . The show at the Gejn theater last night was far above the average given at this theater. Everybody present waa tarried away and today the high est commendation la heard. Tonight the following program Is advertised: An Arahjan pilgrimage, scenic: Three Chatterboxes, comedy; The Two Pigeons, hand colored; Unknown Tal t. comedy ; Spanish Army .pano ramic; Poor Little Pig, comedy; A True Happiness, handcolored. No better program baa ever been presented at this popular place of it. Every picture la a fea ture. In addition to the fine plcturee to be ahojm th? orchestra will reader another of their excellent programs. Tbe Oem has been liberally patron- 1 in mate* b?|we?n the ladies aad *entle ***** il? ?Uy IOM- It hM been rumored that for weeks tfcs would-be speller* Mv^' WATWuralag the mldalgfct oU famil iarising tbmiiMm wtth that little Blue Btek Speller com plied by oU Noah Webster. The fua&y P?rt about It all la that those who studied the hardeat fall soonest to the coatest, and today It ta.aot dlfllcult to locate the disgruntled. Such words as "dorsal" (tbe edi tor's), "Inthrallment" (the report er'?), "molasses" (tbe orof easor's ) . "Indorsement" (the lawyer's), "com modious." etc.. were nriseed as clear aa a mile. Tbe guilty partlcf were such well known papple as Superintendent Na than Newbold, tbe baad of the Waah lngton Public Schoola; Alonzo Du may, cashier First National Bank; Jlmmte Mayo, editor of the Dally News, and many others. All of those who were sent to tbe foot of tbe class last night are now wondering how It happened, but as the schoolmaater In timated, the old faahloned way of spelling was the rule, of the evening, and not tbe Roosevelt form. The audttortum waa well Ailed whaa the aohoolmaater with the old time rod, donned In a neat flttlng cut- ( ?w*j> and waU^croomod alda whl.kar, I aacanded the plaUorm. la a raw aatk-l wm r salts me and I 4Mtr? ?? the scholars to spelt that w*qr. WfdOaT can anything about Vrtbr. W6^ oester f* Teddy tRoeeevelt-^ we -shall coafne ?obr examination strictly to the Blue Back, the standard of other daft, aadtlf It were the ataadard^now no doabt there won id he more good apettere aad leas had ones. Without sar more introduction the schoolmas ter' thundered in sonorous, toaes the namea of Lonnle Dumay and Bpple Piyler aa leaders of the hoys and gtrM respectively. After they .had taken thslr places the masten- gave notice that a fine of 25 cenys would he charged against any girl whoiw name was called and failed to respond, and a fine of 60 cents against the boys. It was also announced ? that *when the first supply .was exhausted freeh re cruits would be called. The first class was composed of the following: Elisabeth Betts. Katie Bonner, ' Annie Jariva, Mrs. W. R. Bright," Ida Grimes, Elizabeth War-j ren, Cora Hodges, Lillian Campbell, Francis Dally, Junie Grimes, Johnnie' Arthur, Jlmmle Mayo, Henry Sea-! right, Llndsey. Warron, Nathan New- ' bold, Walton Carter /jbHanie McLean and Henderson 8nell. Henderson was delegated as head of the class and was given the op portunity of opening the ball, and he did it like a veteran. We can't say whether he had been preparing him self or not, but the first word given him he squared himself and struck it right between the eyes. His success In mastering the word brought forth loud applause. In a few minutes such words as lethargy, sorcery. Imagery, emery, dorsal, lnthrallment, were given at a rapid fire rate and the number in the class had noticeably diminished. This state of things! seemed to please the schoolmaster! very much. Notwithstanding the' good deportment of the claaa the schoolmaster did not talce any chaaoes, hut kept his long switch of the peach variety firmly in his gr*bp ? this precaution for any cause of emergency aa to misunderstanding, etcy Soon the word "enamor" waa^ gtftn. It fell to the lot of Henry] Searlght to do the spelling Henry] placed an "u" la the word, atad with a sgille Schoolmaster Bra caw gave a merfy twinkle of his eye and whis pered, "Henry, you can retire. I never expected 'you* to mlas that word." But Henry seemed to protest. For a moment he could not balleve hi k ears. "Enamor?" Why of course the proper way to spell that word la "en amour." But the master told Henry he was confining himself to the Blue Back, and hence was sorry tof inform him he was wrong. The speller re tired amid cheers, and rumor aaya he le still thinklag how It was 'done. "Spoil dorsal, JlaaUa." thqiiderad th? taachar. "Don*!," ww Ut. ?aMk eoJ^fcr*1, WW? ?erfW he tksngftt It Matin ??Joiii4i. 3 our ned and alt were1 treated to iream by furnishing the necessary where with. At oae tUa* the entire public school 'force was pitted against the men, and the careful observer could see they were sharper than the boys, for they had prorlded themselves with a prompter. The prompter was right on deck and nerer failed to throw It Into the boys. The boys seemed to set the hard ones and the glrlg.the light ones. l*ne schoolmaster Is not to be blatne? ? .anaesthetic, and It Is alleged that she has never recovered from the effects of It. The case promises to be one of unusual Interest and strong counsel has been retained on either* side. Representing the plain tiff will be Messrs. E. T. Cansler. W. C. Maxwell and Morrison. Judge P. L Osborne, TiHette ft Guthrie and Mr. John A. M^Rae will represent the ssnltorlum. \ It is hardly thought that the case wlir be ready for trial at the term pf court which convenes March 14 and It will probably brf* continued until the April terns. "Why do joi refuse me an later tW?, Mr. Ootrox. I onljr wantedfto ??* TO. how you MriMd rour B>.t RESCUED IT SEX _ _ . .???* Korea, Fr r WAS BOUND TO NEW YORK *** ** ?? n?w? ?ir ssrVlee betwwm Llbau, Russis. ' htftf tfcls port for a number of yeftrs. ' 8he-ls of 6,188 gross tonnage, 409 feet In length, <9.6 In width of beam afrd-4rew lt.8 feet of water. She sailed from Narvik on February 15. The Caledonia is on her way from Qlaagew to New York wltfi 320 cabin and 400 steerage passengers and is due .here Monday. She is the fastest ship' of the Anchor Line. DIE CAST All Efforts at Arbitration by the Workmen Hu Ho Far Been Refused. ? . Philadelphia. Pa., Match 5. ? Be tween 50.000 and 75,O0O union work ers are on strike, one hundred differ ent branches of industry arc affected and a renewal of rioting in which two men w^ce shot is the situation which confronts Philadelphia towards day light. The sympathetic strike which was called by the Central Labor Union and the Allied Building Trifties Coun cil in an effort to foree the' Philadel-, phla RapiQ; Transit Company to ar bitrate the differences with its strik ing employes, ,is in full swing. The labor .bea^frs' claim it will gather force, /*" ? The police "are apprehensive as to the outcome. With thousands of men idle, forced to quit their usual vocations as their leaders allege, be cause of the obstinacy of the officials of the Rapid Transit Company, It will be an easy matter to fan the spark of discontent into a flame of law lessness. The night's rioting, the most se rious of which occurred in Kensing ton mill districts, Is looked upon by | th^ police officials as the forerunner of what may be expected Saturday. Director Clay, however, has no hesi tancy in declaring that he haa enough 1 men at his copmand to crush, any uprising. The Rapid Transit Company stated that every effort will be made to maintain trolley service. Cars will be dispatched from all bams, they state, at as near regular Intervals as possible, and will be increased if po lice. protection Ib given. Men are Just as llckle as women, but they have fewer opportunities to show off. OAIKTY TONIGHT. The performance for tonight at the Gaiety promises to be one of the fin est that they have ever shown on the screen. Judging from the attendance Uat night everybody seemed to be *leaaed with the pictures. The draw ing took place at for the beau tiful vase. Mr. ifardlsoru bald the lucky number. This Is the third time ha has oaptared the prtia. All lovers of good pictures and music should man HALIFAX SEISM , : ? ; Eanged Mm Stoat* F?at After] NONE OF WOUNDS FATAL 31 Menhwt M Wt Wltb MmW Tr??u? Wlm. tOWMt M Rltchla A?k* His t? II.. cm. belted Hi VtMb ??wll| be chosetr and all the latest fixtures necessary for the successful prosecu tion of the tonsorlal business will be used. Mr. A- B. Draughan and others are the promoters. FIRST PRKHR YTER I A N CHURCH. The pastor. Rev. H. B. Sebright, will fill his regular pulpit at the First Presbyterian Church Sunday morntag and evening. There will be special music by the choir. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. All strangers In the city are cordially invited to at tend. Seats free. f ^ New Advertisements ? in Today's News ? ? Gem T Boater. + ? Gaiety Thaotor. ? ? Parisian Sage. ? ? J as. E. Clark Co.? 8llka and ? ? < Dress Goods. ? O-.^Mtalngton Light * Water Co. ? ? ? Gas. ? ? 9. K.% Hoyt? Millinery. SklrU. ? ? Wright's Tailoring J?arlors ? ? ? Wool Teat. ? ? ? D?i'< KI4MT Wlto. ? ? Uwr,- ' - ? J.