* ?? NO PICES " " mortgage deeds, which said mortgage deeds were given by Robert H. Brink ley and wife, Mary Ann *Btfnkley , to W. L. PrWott, Alexander White Jto W. L. Prlrott, and Peter Albrltton and wife to W. L. Prlrott, all at which mortgage deads are dated July 29th% 1907. and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for e Beaufort county In book 143, pages 375, 37-3 and 390 respectively; the undersigned will, on Wednesday, the ?th day of April. 1910, at 13 o'clock noon, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, at the courthouse door in Washington, N. a, the following described real estate: " Robert H. firlnkley tract. Lying and being in Beaufort coun ty, Pantego township: Beginning on Alvin 8atchwell** line 40 feet north 43 west froai said Alvln Satchwell's northeast corner and 150 feet from his northwest corner, running^ with his line and John R. Collin's line south 48 east 100 feet Thence north 47 east about 120 to the public Yoad, thence with said road about 120 feet to a point where a line running north 47 east from the beginning will In tercept. Thence with said line south | 47 west to the beginning. ' Alexander White Tract Lying and being in Beaufort coun ty. Pantego township: Beginning at John Hushes' line on the main public road, running with said road north 63 west 50 feet to W. Paxton's line, < thence with said line south 47 west to J the Norfolk & 8outhern R. R. Cov's line, thence with said line to John Hughes' line, thence with his line morth 47 east to the beginning. Peter Albrltton Tract Lying and being in Beaufort coun ty, Pantego township: Beginning on | a ditch at William Stanley Tiler's northwest corner, running with said ditch north 4S west 50 foet, then<s soujth 47 west 200 feet, thence south I 43 east to Stanley Tyler's southwest corner, or 50 feet, thence with Tyler's line nortb.47 east, 200 feet ?o the be ginning. This 7th day of March. 1910. W. L PRIVOTT, Mortgagee. Stephen C. Bragaw, Attorney. v NOTICE OP HALE. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed made by R. B, Hopkins to Nor wood L. Simmons, March 26, 1908, recorded In book-152, page 40, Reg ister of Deeds office, Beaufort coun ty, N. C., the undersigned will on the 28th day of March, 1910, at 12 m., at tbtf courthouse door of Beaufort county, sell at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described tracts of land, con veyed in said mortgage^ in Beaufort | county, North Carolina: -1st Tract. Adjoining the lanfa of Joseph Smith, Roper Bros, et sis. Beginning at Burbage Cross Roads running with Yeatesvllle road to James Bailey patent line, thence with the said line eastwardly to the north east corner, thence southwardly to the North Creek road, thence west it ardly with the said road to the be ginning, containing twenty acres mora or less. Being tie same laid conveyed by deed by J. H. Burbage to R B. Hopkins and recorded In book 150, page 109, In Register of De*d* office, Beaufort county, H*jC. In* Tract Adjoining the lands or Henry Emery and bounded as fol lows^ On the side of South creek, I beginning on Little Creek at Henry Emery's northeast conUr, thence with said Emery's line south' $ l-il west to the. Main road, thenea^wlth said Main road south 74 1-2 east 70 yards, thence parallel with Henry Emery's line north 2 1-4 east to Lit tle Creek, thence down said creel to the beginning, containing five acres. Being the same land conveyed by J. T. Barber to R. B. Hopkins and re corded In book 160, page 90, Regis ter of Deeds office, Beaufort county. This February 21/1910. ' 1 ?? CO WELL, SWAN A McCOTTER CO.. | Corporation, Assignee of Mortgage* and Owner of | Debt NOTICE. Having ^hls day qualified as ad ministrator of the late J. J. Smith. I deceased, all persons indebted to satd | estate are required to make immedi ate payment, and air persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned within 12 monthB from this daie or this notice will' be' plead In bar of their recovery. This the 7th day of Mascb, 1910.;] J. J. SMITH, Administrator.] NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the partnership of 8mall & Begart, con "dufcted by Robert C. Bogart and Rob ert W- Small, has this day been die The business has been pur-, by Robert W, Small who will | ' conduct the same. All per Indebted to the said firm will e settle with Robert W> Small, and all amounts owing by tbe said firm will be paid by him. This March 10, 1910. ROBERT C. BOOART. ('? ROBERT W. SMALL. TV'tfce Physician v and Undertakers of tb? Git;. I .want to call your attention^) THE COMING OF MARCH always Brings danger? from fire*. Every facility for your protection is ifforded by our agency. See us today. , XVM. BRAGAW & CO., ? , First Insurance Agent! in Washington, N. C. SERVICE To Baltimore via Chesapeake SteamshipiLine N*W BAY LINE "COLUMBIA" and "AUQUSTA." Din I a groom s on Saloon Decks. Elegant Tabl? D'Hola Dinner H cents; Club Breakfast, 15 to M ccnts. Polite attention and the v.ry beat service In every way. We solicit crltlciem of our aet vice. Leave Norfolk, loot of lackaon at., dally except Sunday -4. 1 B p. to.t arrive Baltimore 7 a. m.. connecting with rail lines for Phila.. N. Y? and all point* Eaat and West. For all informa tioa and reservations addresa C. I. Chandler, C. A.; F. R. McMIUIn.T. P A.. Norfolk, Va. | It Comes Where Least Expected Several handsom^&fldings burned at Gregnville. Insure Today and don't take chances C.D.PARKER FROM NOW AND DURING THE REMAINDER OF THE SEASON WE SHALL HAVE FRESH ARRIVALS EVERY THURSDAY OF THE VERY CHOICEST FRUITS, ETC., SUCH AS APPLES, BANANAS, GRAPES, NAVEL ORANGES, LEMONS , and CELERY These weekly arrivals will insure koo?1 stock all the time, nn?T~/ we shall be glad for 70a to give us your orders for such. Having taken the agency for the famous brand, "Maxwell House," Coffee, we shall sell that to the exclusion of all other 3fic. Coffees, or 3 Lbs. for $1.00. We have reduced the price of O' Dona hue's "Fifth Avenue" Coffee (from 3ftc. to 20c.), until we can clear our shelves of this brand. ? % ?. Agent \ tor "Town Talk" Flour. JOS. F. TAYLOE, THE QUALITY GROCER. BICYCLES ! BICYCLES ! We are aole agents tor the RACYCLE, HUDSON, IYER - JOHNSON andvMADING STANDARD? the best wheels. FORbASH OR CREDIT AU klBt^of repairing a specialty. Bicycle fixtures in stock. 114 MARKET STREET. , . v,Jf J . 1 ' D. R. CUTLER. WHAT WE ARB DRIVING at Is this: We har, the largest as sortment of bolt,, books, hinges, n?fli, screws, tools, thelf a^>nlld ?ra' hardware of the Vary beat grades that you'd care to see. No use to you or ua to bother with "seconds" or "thirds"? "the best la the cheapest" every time. That hare. McKEKL. RICHARDSON HARDWARE COMPANY '? - ' : : ' QUICK COOKING la <n: great demand for early break fas ta. That demand is eas ily met by the cook when gaa is the fuel ? no long watts for fire to "come up" ? up when the match is struck, down when the ? valve is turned off. For speedy service in the kitchen let us put in a gas range and conneot your pipes with our street malhs free. WASHINGTON LIGHT *' WATCH COMPANY ~ f same offence and floe on the clerk to Issue * rift* permit without haying the doctor's certificate. and at tame time compolla ma to enforce the law under same penalty. I therefore take thla ;nethod to notify those respon ?Ihla that I shall be compelled to take ?teps <0 enforce the observance of abors law. C. H. STERLiNd; ? ? *uSm t' i V NOTICE. To C. W. Norman: Notice la hereby given. that the un dersigned at a sale for taxes held by If H. Hoberson, tax collector, for the town of Aurors, on tho* 8rd day of MayM 9 09, purchased a parcel of land which waa llated by d W Norman tor the years l?07 and 1908, which is described ae follows :: One lot oa Mala street Jn the -town of Aurora. The time for redemption of tfca said land will expire on the Sfd day of May. iflf. . r .i; :3 ^ T. THOMPSON. Agent This 86th day of *afcv?aiy, 1919.. 'liaS^ST v By virtue of the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of trust, duly executed by Ormand Powers to A. Mayo, trustee, dated the 29th day of January, 1908. and recorded in the office of the Register "'ot Deeds of Beaufort county. In book 144, page 5, the undersigned will, on Monday the 4 lb day of April, 1910, at noon, offer for sale at public auetlon for cash,! at the courthouse door in Beaufdrt dounty , all that tract or parcel of land described 1ft said desd of trufct, It hue ing the land whereon Ormand Powers last resided, and known as the Sam uel Purser tract, containing SO acres mors or less, and adjoining the lands of *f bos. Caton and others. ? Default having been made In the payment ot the debt secured by said deed of trust, said sals is mads at the request of the owner of the debt. This Sd day of March, 191*. - t* Li"l TA..MATO. Tru.te*. V.Whw * TbompwD, Atto TMM. ? ? ? r ? ? '? How >? wrnM kick ir tk?lr wira -r- r I 1 - Personal Mention I Mr. W. L. Vaughan returned today from Belhaven. m m ? Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mayo, of South Creek, are Yls'.tlng In the city today. ? ? -~ Mr. J. F. Tayloe returned this morning from a business trip to Bel haven. ? ? Prof. Will E. Smith returned today from Aurora where' he went to In struct the band. ? ? Mrs. S- L- Gardner, of Vandemere, passed through the city this morning on her way to Wllllamston. ? ? Mr. R. A. Q. Barnos returned today from a business trip to OoldBboro. ? ^ Dr. H. W. Carter returned this morning from a business trip to New Bern. 1 ? ? 0 Captain J. M. Wallace returned yesterday from visiting at Wvsock ing, Hyde county. "? ? Mrs. A. R. Styron and son have gone to Florida to si>end several months visiting relatives and friends. ? m Mr. Jarvls Sugg Is In the city. % ? ? Mr. George Paul, clerk of the Su perior court. Is out of the city today on business. Mr. C. J. Klnnln, of Ransomville, was here today. ? ? I Major W. C. Rodman has been In, Raleigh for the past two days at tending the meeting' of the State Democratic Executive Committee, of which he is a member from this dis trict. Mr. J. C. Meekins, Jr., left on the : Norfolk ft Southern train this morn ing for 4 business trip. ' * ' . Mr. Thad Sparrow returned home last evening from a business trip to Norfolk and other points. ? ? Postmaster Hugh Paul has return ed from a business trip. ? ? - t Miss Bernlce Harding, of Mont gomery, Ala., a daughter of Mr-Wal ter Harding, Is in the city, visiting the family of Mr. H. E. Harding. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. ? Fate is a fickle goddess who laughs at mortals for believing !n her. A woman feels kind of disloyal to' her family when she ?ays any pray- , ers for herself. Vanity is mostly letting people see what you feel about yourself instead^ of keeping it secret. A pessimist is always calling your attention to the unusual amount of | sickness there is in the neighborhood. Food Fermenting Causes Indigestion "I got a box pt Mi-o-na tablets for a distress In. my stomach, and the first dose relieved me, and after I! took the fourth I have not felt any more of It. I think It fa a wonderful' medicine.'* ? Hiram Shultx, Watseka, III., July 27. *09. ,If your stomach is out of order or distressed, no matter from what cause. Mi-o-na stomach tablets will give instant relief, and if taken reg ularly, will cure indigestion, acute or chronic, or money back. Every sufferer, from stomach trou ble, gas, belching, sour stomach, ner vousness, dizziness, and biliousness, should get a fifty cent box of Ml-o-na stomach tablets today and start treatement. In three days' time the stomach and bowels will be thoroughly purl fled, and sour stomach and distress | will vanish. Continue the treatment for two weeks and the stomach will become so strong that It will be able to digest the heartiest meal without distress. Sold by druggists everywhere and by Brown's Drug Store. Booth's Pills best for constipation, 25 cents. YOU MAY CUT OUT THfc AD. HR LOW IF IT STRIKES YOU FAVORABLY. ? My Dearest Frlend: ? I am In receipt of a small jtooto of ^ours you sent me soim time ago. I think lots of lt? but 'it In too small and poorly taken. - Won't you sur prise me In a few days by sending me a alee, well-gotten ap photograph of yourself? ? I will appreciate It very much. " " - Truly wfc. f ICE Why not be comfortable? If it is ice comfort that you need you can have it by getting our pure refresh ing Crystal Ice. Out-of-town orders nice ly bagged am. packed P'hone 83. CRYSTAL ICE CO., WASHINGTON. N. C. Notes and Comment Of Interest to Women Readers MR8. LEASE HA8 TONED DOWN. Noted Western Woman AgltatoX It now Lecturing. Mrs. Mrfy Ellen Lease of Kansas, who for many years spoke of popu lism, spiritualism and other "Isms," and who has been characterized as "the political carrier pigeon of the Sunflower State," Is appearing In a brand-new role. Once^high priestess of the populist party, Mrs. Lease is now appearing under the direction of the lecture bureau. One of her lectures Is entitled "America and the Americans." In giving it recently her talk was of a I ? 1 ' - ? v " II Mr*. Mary Elian Lease, patriotic nature, . and <n her speech there was little to Identify her as the same woman who turned the politics of Kansas upside down, who made and unmade Senators and Representa tives, jrho caused the Supreme Court of her State to reverse ?ta decision on the mortgage tax law. That the United States is facing new problems and Is In tbe midst of an era when the question as to wheth er this nation will continue as a re public or follow In the footsteps of so many ancient governments, that labor-saving machines have proved ? menace and that the bread line is a disgrace to .modern civilisation were some of the things discussed by Mrs. Lease. 8he talked of '.he Star Span gled Banner, of "the Doundleaa prai ries of the West." of tbe "nation's great undeveloped wealth." "Oh, I've toned down in my old age^* she told s reporter after the lec ture, "but I feel as strongly on reform Issues aa I did years ago. This, how ever, is a conservative age. and I find that It is not best to be too radical. Then, too, it would not fcp proper to discuss such things in a school room." Secret of Empress's Beauty. The German Empress Is said by art- I lsts to possess the finest shoulders of any woman in Europe. 8he gives the ' credit to a soap manufactured exclu alvely for her. ^lT^oap has a deli ciously refreshing odor, and the Em press believes It is beneficial to the muscles while acting aa a tonic to the 1 cuticle of the face and neck. The Empreaa usea peppermint aa a dentrl flee. New-mown hay 'a her favorite handkerchief perfume, and once a day her rooma are sprayed with cologne. The Empresa powders her hair freely, aa ahe naturally la not pleased by the promiae of being pre maturely gray. The chancea are she would submit her hair to the peroxide bath, biit the Emperor will not permit !L Dyed hair Is one of bis pet aver sions. although curiously enough he does not object to powder. Helen Keller Writing of Nature. Helen Keller haa settled In a new summer home near Brunswick. Me., and hai> taken up the work of writing a book on nature study. Mlaa Keller haa been Interested In nature studies for many years, and she Is sure her book will bold Interest to' othem than the blind. Although ahe cannot see a fipwer or hear the rustle of the wind In the trees, she haa gained the knowledge of what they mean to those gifted with fill the senses. The trAh is ahe entera into nature In all Its moods with more sympathy and understanding than ninety-nine in on* hundred of those to whom darkness etfmes only at night. She has aettled on a farm which she calls Linden Grove. Her mother la with her, and also her lifelong frienda, John Macey and hla wife. The J. H. Simmons Marble ?nd Granite Co. 1 t MONUMENTS Notice ! Our Dress Goods stock for the Spring is complete, and is far superior to hereto fore, in colors, quality and prices. We hive also added to our Dress Goods de partment for this Spring, Ladies' Ready to-Wear Goods, such as muslin under wear and shirtwaists and skirts. Drugs, Medicines, Prescriptions. Toilet and Rubber Goods. Washington Drug Store. Now'b the time to take Rocky Mountain Tea. It drives out the germs of winter, builds up the stom ach, kidneys, and liver. The most wonderful spring tonic to make peo ple well. You'll be surprised with re sults. Hardy's Drug Store. A REWARD ! I will give any musician a reward of $10 who will find and show me an er ror in my tuning. H. B. VANHOOK Professional Piano Tunej-, Address 509 W. Second St. Choice - Cut - Flowers llottes, Carnations, Violet* and Val ues our specialties V.'eddlnfc Bouquets In all of the newest styles, floral designs and hou> quels arranged In the most artistic styles at short notice. Kliade trees. Rose Hindies, Climb ing Roses, Evergreen Shrubbery and Hedge Plant* in great variety. Mail, telegraph and telephone or* ders promptly executed, by J. L. ti'QUINN & CO. FLORISTS, RALEIGH, N. C. - T. J. HARDING - Contractor and Builder. Both Wood and Brickwork. Estimates and Specifications Made. Washington. N. C. ENNETT'S PREPARED Agricultural Lime makes every acre count and ivery testimonial good. Pre pared for all soils and all crops. Write us for prices and testimonials. AGRICULTURAL UML CO. New Bern, N. C. Tonight at the Gaiety THE DIKE'S I 'LANK ? An ex cellent Itlogruph film. ? ? ? TALK OK THK 1IAC KWOODS. ? SellK dim. ? ? ? VP THK NORTH POLK, HOW I CO<>KKl> I'KAHV'S KFXJ OItl>? Fine Comedy. ? ? ? Illustrated Ming, "Tin* (iarilen of n?y Heart." ? ? ? TWO PHIZKS TONUaHT. Liullrs' aiul Oentk. Follow the Merry Crowd / The average mau is o self-satisfied about his understanding public af fairs that he will decide a thing la unconstitutional when he has never read a line of the constitution. Seed Irish Potatoes and Garden Seed Any variety. 'Phone 89. Walter Credle & - Co. - SLEEPING ROOMS Six newly furnished. Cleanbeds and linens. First-cluss Cale at tached. Table supplied with best the market affords. Cuisine an >urpassed. Meals at all hows. T. 0. SPARROW, Fortescue's Old Stand. MUSIC LESSOHS Beginning with February 18 1 will accept a limited number of pupttv o? the Violin, also lessons in Harmony Theory and Transposition, Instruc tion at your residence. Have studied under the following eminent teachers and virtuosi: Herr. Henry Shradleck, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Herr. Leopold Lichtenberg, New York City; Sig". Marco Fonari, New York City. Additional information desired may be obtained by writing (encloainf; starjp), L G. Schaffer ' P. O. Box 75. Washington, N. C. TAX NOTICE ! Notleo Ib hereby given that the lands hereinafter described, showing lo cation and to whom belonging, will be sold at the courthouse door in the city of Washington, N\ C.. to the highest bidder at public auction on Moo day, the 4th day of April, 1910, for taxes for the year 1909-10 due there on. unless paid before date of sale. WHITE. Mrs. Florence if. Corson, part of lot, Wiswall 3.43 L. A. Green, 1-2 of 35 and 41, B.O.P 19.25 R. F. Oalnor, lot No. 16, P. T 2,6.15 A. nr Styron, 1-2 of 44. B. O. P. tt.38 J. M. Doughty. 1-2 lot, B. Vllle <?.-45 COLORED. s Clarence Blango, 1-4 of 5S. V. N. T .'S.90^ Sarah Warren, part of 78, O. T. \ 4.3# Mary Joyner, 1-4 of ?7 and 78 G.T -. s8.48 Jim White. 1 lot, Wiswall ^ ..... . 6.45 Warren Watklns, I lot, Pate 8.61 Alice Washington's Eat., 1-8 of 60. M N. T 4.f7 Pat?..w.. of Mt, B. 10.88 Byrna ? ..r 4 68 ir., l-f of 90, O. J... A 7 28 I of lot. Eason 1.88 -2 lot of B. Vllle 18.88

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