prScaiuous Philadelphia. Pa., March 14? ThU city la menaced by famine. Within 24 houitt, labor leaders declared to day, the city's food supply will be cut off. Many workers in the food de livery lines quit today, without wait Ins for night, when, in obedience to the call of the Central U?bor Union, all mu?t cease work. In every dis trict today householders laid In sup pllea as for a atflg*. No fbllk, bread, groceries, or meat will be delivered or sold tomorrow by organtiod clerks or drivers. If the plana pt the labor union leader* meet full aiifce? . A hanger strike will be In ful| swing. * j ' Tho general strike today changed from \t sympathetic demonatratlon to a strike for higher wages la every in dustry. The order of" the committee of tea. direct! ag the workers light, that, shou uT the car strike not be eeC tled, every union In the city would formulate demand* tor higher wages and better conditions, became oper ative. While business men and city offi cials expected there would be a rush on the part of the atrfklng employes to take *9 their old Jobs today, the tenth day of the general sympathetic strike saw leas than SO returning to work. These were the employee of a small mill la Keaelagton. * TW general * strike Is extending ?4*riyt* ill tmlba men not ber*o?. fore Stated la the gomral atrike or (TOXICJHT AT THIS GAUCTV. The' following pictures will be shown *t the Gaiety theater tonight: Course of True Love "Yfllograiih). Oon't fallto see this Plctufre, iC front, 4 of the b?bt ever shAtn In the city. Burled 'Alive (dramatto) Ranch ' King's Daughter (dramatic ). An Af ... ternoqp?Q(f, Mr. Whiten will ' sing "Christmas Time Seems ^X.earsand Xpv* ^ray.". Illustrated. There will be (wo frrlxe nights, Thus^^d Friday. Gentlemen's drawing Tbotp^ay night, ladles' drawing Friday night. Don't fall to r MM your coupons and be* on hand at 4, tl|o4ra?liit^-L^d|es,.-prl^m?ty pair pt shoes la Brooks' window. Oentle men's prl*e*Young's hst, from Bow , e re-Lewis Co. These, trluU ?rs some thing thst' will do you some good. y\ Don't fsll to 1^ V fcAP^rtry ?ltfct St the Gslety tod save your coupons tot *he drawing. Don't fail to see the program for tonight. Good music and eonga every night. The Illuatrat ed songs sre making Quite a hit., the laat evening calling for .sev eral encores. SaeLATioRa iiihholvkii Rev. H. B. 8oe tight, put or of the Flrat RB?kyt?rl?n Church, returned bom* laat evening from Tarboro where U mt to attend a epoclal mooting of Albemarl* Preebrtery. The Preebrtery. ma called together for the purpoee of dleeolvlng the pas toral relations between Bar. R. W. Alexander and the Tarboro Preaby terlan Church. Mr. Alexander haa accepted a call to a church . In' Sa ht. pAn.^ p. ie. fcmrwm. There will bo divine eervlcea In St. Paul a p. E. Church Wednesday oven lag at* T:?0. Evening prayer and The ladles ot the city are today realising the expectations of many weeks ? witnessing the several mil linery openings at J. K. Hoyta. Jaa G. Clark Company, Bowers-Lewis & { Co.. and E. W. Ayers.' Prom the hour of the openings s| steady stream of ladles have been ] calling at the respective stores, view ing the magnificent display of thel latest Cads and effects In patterns and domestics. All day there Wm! hardly standing room and a lerga number of bats were sold on the spot. Of course the spring bonnet will be large ? this fact has been known for sometime. The styles seemed to be up to their usual standard of attrac tiveness. No town In Norjh Carolina affords a more varied or better as sortment of hats than Washington. AH thei millinery stores here seem to be par excellence In this role. The patrons appreciate the efforts of the buyers- by patronising them gener ously. There should be no kick com ing this seaaon In Washington by Any lady complaining she cannot be suit ed when she attempts to purchase her spring bonnet. There are little hats, big hats, broad hats, deep hats? all kinds of hats for every day In the week. AJl the openings will continue, through Wednesday and all tha Calling to see the display today can f do so tomorrow. f WILL RET IRK. After twelve years service to thel 8tate as a member of the North Caro- [ llna Corporation Commission. Hon. ft L. Rogers, of Ftanklta. Macon county, decides that he win not stand | for renomlfiatlon gad flection. SENATORIAL BEE. The aews Is sent out from Waah Ington City that Bx-Gofernor Rdbe* Glenn will be a candidate to Sucoeed Senator Lee ft Overman, when bis term of oMcm expiree. clkvMland corn anw. | l m the cefetset. The State 8uperiatendeQi haS^jljS received from 8upeclat*ai*ntB.T. Ot tho Boy.' C?D> Club* for Cleve 4o??.tousty, Over llM in rt+m* ?ens of Cieroiaii* eouptr. ?.d Suence la ? Imu latin* InterOOC til llffi proved method. In ?*rkult*re l>1>I Unit$d( State* received a most fljKiering re-' ceptioa. TARHEEL Pl?ITIVE IH ( , [ . AKH|CHTEJ> IX WE8T VA. Blueftald, W. Va., March ET Inline, kald" to be- wanted' at .Iffcfr ory. N. a. Cor alleged embezzlement of ft, 900 from the Potomac Fertili ser Company and also for nelli^g liquor without a license, waa arrest ed here tonight by, Chief of Police Newklrk, whom he tried to ^ahoot, hut was prevented doing so by the arrival of another officer. Three hun dred and eighty-five dollars wan found on the prisoner. Ha declares he will qot go back without requisi tion papers. He ? will probably be held here for carrying a revolver. It is understood a reward of flfto la of fered for hla capture. SHflllTS ASSAIIINT nujmmni Golds boro Man Fires Three Tiroes With Gwi > ^ ? - *..? RED UGHT DIST., BRAWL ?.?- . ?, . \ 'j.-y, " * r ? - *4? 1 Coming Out Heeond Ik*t la n SnsrtcV fight, Henry Tew, of Oofdshoro, Secures Platol ami Put Three Bui leu In MonJecal KmKh ? Tew Suc ceed* In Making His tiscapc. Goldaboro, March Jd ? -Thia after noon about 4 o'clock Henry Tew, a young white man of thfe city. shot Mordecal Smith, another young white man of Mount olive. three times with a pistol, one of the balls entering hla cheat and paaalng through hla lungs, one through hla neck, coming ont be hind hie left enr. and .the third through hla left hand. ? The trouble first of iglnated In thtf "red light" district known as "Greasy How" when the above men became Involved In a row. Tew being seriously cut acroes hla ahoulder. After he waa cut by 8mlth Tew left the scene of the first trouble and went to the house of his brother. Mr. Ed. Tew, a member of the city police force, and upon finding the houss looked up. opened one of the windows. He waa bleeding very free ly at this Juncture snd blood was dripping from the end of hla outer coat .upon the floor. Entering the room occupied by his brother he ae cured a revolver and went In search of Smith. Tew was going In the di rection of the Southern warehouse when he saw Smith coming down the railroad on a bicycle, whereupop he Immediately opened fire on Satlh, ?hooting at him aeven tlmea. The first f#ur shots did not take effect, the last three being the ones that reached their victim, who fell from tps bicycle when the last shot, which passed through his neck,, was fired. After emptying the chamber of his revolver at Smith, so witnesses any. Tew walked oft la the direction of hla kerne, and Mother party who wit nessed the Sheeting states that the gash m Tew*e hack was about four or five Inches Long. snd plelnly visi ble through hla outer clothes. t'p to this hour Tew |s still at large, hat It Is thought 'ty-saaay be will surrender or be ijnUmafl by the seilaed nature ef hie wfrttd. J*, jtkta^ that pussies local physicians la how young 8witn walked a distance of &Q1 a mile ml\ ft r he was ihot, and also ahowed con lilr brevet"* k message from the hos pital at 9 o'clock reports Smith In a serious .condition, hut It la thought that w$li recover. ? Another shooting affray occurred in\t}te'Bame locslfty ss the above af fray, Saturday sight at a late hour. >drhen one of the women in 'a house of Ill-feme shot a young man by the name of Watson In the sbdomen Physicians .removed ;the -bullet, and tonight Wataon la considered out of -danger. When the woman was ar rested : she qfated that Watson was trying to raise a disturbance In her house, and when she ordered him to leave he refused to go. whereupon she used her gun for protection. GKKAT COUNCIL. ? K * At the meeting of Tau Tribe, ImJ proved Order of Red Men, last even ing, Messrs. W. H. - McDevert and Otth| aM. Wlnfield were selected as delagatea td the Great Council which meets at* Contord. | MRS- COZZENS DIES 'Om of Waahlngton'a OliWst Cttteena Fell oa Sleep Yesterday Evening. Fuacral This, Afternoon. After a lingering lllnesa of ovar si* weeks suffering from pneumonia, Mr*. Attaints Cossens paaaed away yesterday evening at 7 o'clock at the real dance of Mr eon. Alderman Ed ward C ozena. Weft Third street. Mrs. Corxena waa born in Chocowln Ity. but from girlhood has been a resident *f this city. She waa a de voted and consistent member of the Freawill Baptist Church. She was a woman tbatjdid what she could for others and now that she is gone many tears of lore are shed on her bier. The following children survive her: Messrs. Edwhrd and William Cossens. Miss Julia Cossens aod Mra. Annie Satchwell. The funeral was conduct ed at the residence this afternoon at 4 o'clock, by Rev. Robert Hope, pas tor of the Christian Church. The Interment was In Oak dale cemetery. The Daily News extends sympathy to F AIRFIELD NOTES. Dr. H. G. Harris waa called to Elis abeth City recently to be with hia Ut ile eon. John, who waa taken sick while visiting that place with hla mother, Mrs. Rans. Mr. T. J. Mann, of Lake Landing, I waa In town recently with horaea for | sale. * Dr. R. N. Cartwrlght and J. A. | Mann recently returned from the I North with horaea %nd mules for] themaelvea. Mr. and Mra. Guy Guthrie, of En- ) gelhard, Were! visitors at thla place | recently. Rev. J. L. Rumley la about the hap- J pleat man In town. It la anothe; nice I boy. Our people are very busy preparing I the landa for planting corn which) usually begin* about March 20. Aim oat everybody have had thej lagrlppe. and one occaaionally haaj the pneumenla. The surveying crowd are now lay ing out the Mattamnakeet drainage dlatrlct and running llnea to ascertain the acreage of each one in the dla trlct; When thftr project la pot Into affeH Hyde county will excel any county In the State as corn and cot ton producer. * Tho regfadln^ of the rallrvad goea on and ere long wo hope to hear thej trala coming In. Wish this road could be an Independent line to[ Washington. N. C Mfa*,!VTary Caller la here soliciting I for' the Raleigh Branlng Times. fhe| imfr* .. Walter Spencer, ^hO has beea si for sometime, ts better. Mrr H. C. Carter recently bought a nice pair of mules from Mr. T. J. | Mann. Mr. T. C. Mann hsa sold several I nice horaea and mulea during the| vhm. x. HAS GONE NORTH. Mrs. J. U. Edwards. of Edward, haa gone |o Northern markets, where she will purchaae 2 complete line of millinery, dry goods and notiona for the spring season. Her store haa been enlarged, and she has secured the services of Mrs. N. T. Litchfield, an experienced and tasty milliner, who will be In charge of the milli nery department, where the latest and most atylish creations in ladles', mjases' and children's headwear will be^ supplied at the lowest possible prices.. The average man never makes the mistake of underestimating hla 1m- 1 portarifceV" Market House a Monopoly and a Disgrace; Sale of Fresli Meats Should Not be Restricted i.-i - ,i.< ? The resolution introduced at the last meeting of the board by AJder man W. M. Chauncey to repeal the meats to. the market house owned by the city should have received the sup port of every aldenb^ present. This ordinance fosters ? monopoly which feeds upon the earnffcgs of every man, woman snd child in the city. When we say monopoly. mean thst. and nothing lass. There Ik no trust or combination In the United Statea which affects tha people of Washington so much as the one in our midst. .C'v; J-. : Competition is stifled, therefore the omtn* of a msrlret which would be a Credit {lpstoad of a disgrace) to tho cjty la discouraged. A proposition was before the board at its last meeting which if accepted vonM bin cln? Ih. cltl.en, of tk?
are ^ the Aldermen not ~as\gullty of ftetflect of duty as the CouM^ Com missioners In not prbvldtng a suit able courthouse? The same rule should apply. ? The argument is advanced ? that If you do away with the market house the city will lose the revenue. This is all done for the effect It may have upon thoee who .do not think for themselves. If buteherf fere licensed KILLED BY UK AUTO M. W. ChHftenbuft. of Char lotte, Run Over ? r NEGRO refuses to talk ... .Machine Owned bjr Mr. Jeremiah OoH ??d Drlren by Negro Ran Over and Killed Mecklenburg lamifi ? Ne gro Arretted and Placed In Jail Affair Came* Marti Incitement. Charlotte. March 14.? While walk In* up the street at Derlta, sis miles north of here Saturday evening, Mr. M. w." Chriai.mbury. a farmer of tlia, Derlta section, was struck by an au tomoblle driven by George Evans, a colored chauffeur, and received Inju ries from which he died about an hour later. The machine was owned by Mr. Jeremiah Golf, a prominent citizen of this city, and at the time of the accident ^cdntafiied Mrs. 0 off and' Miss Ellen Norfieet, the latter <.! Winston Salem, who was coming to visit Mrs. Goff The latter went bill In her new CadlUat to meet her aoc tti.e ner a spin Irto the city. The young lady bad Just got off the -train and Into the automobile and the party was returning to the city when the accident occurred about 300 yards from the depot. Mr. Chrlsten bury was coming meeting the auto mobile and turned to his right just an the chauffeur steered his machine to his left. Mr. Chrlstanbury wss knock ed down and dragged twenty feet be fofe his body became disentangled from the wheels. The ladies got out and remained at Derlta while the chauffeur came on lo Charlotte ana was arrested as soon as he reached here, the officers having been Inform ed td be on the lookout for his num ber. He was locked upon the charge of murder. The collision occurred about 6 o'clock ahitf the Injured man died at 7:16. As soon as he learned of the acci dent Mr. Golf ^reftt out to Derlta in order to render what assistance he might but all efforts to save the man 'a Ufe were la sain. Four doc tors worked on hl^n. His Injuries were mostly Internal, and whan pick ed- up be was bleeding profusely from the pose and mouth. A portion of his coat was torn from him by the auto mobile dragging; him o?$r thq ground. The negro refused to talk more than to say the affair was an accl? dent, and at first would not give the ?*cars h^s asne. Bye-witnesses said the negro was* tolas at- -a very ran id speed when he struck Mr. Clrfiite bury and that he did not blow his horn. Mr. Goff stated that his chauf feur had the machine on low gear and was not going over Ave miles au hour. The negro had been with his P rep ent employer only about" three weeks but Is said to have given good serv ice. Ho formerly worked at the Bar rlnger garage where he learned his trade. k The man . whs was killed was a farmer and lived about three miles from Derlta. He was about 50 years old and leaves a wife and seven chil dren. IS IMPROVING A telegram was received by Mr. W. P. Morton yesterday stating that the condition -of 'Mr David P. Blount, who is ill with pneumonia at his hthne in Norfolk, Is more favorable. His many frietiAs in his old home will be gratified to learn of this news. t; SU1CIDK In ?'Flt of I>espondenry Wilson Clt lien Takes HI* Own Life. Wilson, Mrach 14.? A- tragedy ter rible In all Its details was enacted thhi morning about eleven o'clock on Park avenue, when Mr. A. IH Branch (son of Mr. A- Branch, de ceased, founder of the Branch Bank ing Company) in a lit of despondency died by his own hand. %'? The Instrument used was a double barreled shotgun, which he placed under his chin and polled the trig ger. The shot ranged upward, com ing out at the top of his head, caus Ing Instant death. Where the shot entered under his burned, part of his loosened, and his brains the wonnd In hfsliead. A lady who lives nearby heard the LATEST FAD The Millinery Shows at Brook*' Shoe 8to& ud I>r. tialltffhfr'i Caique and Catch jr. The talk of tb? town today la the millinery displays at Brooks' Shoe Store and Dr. J. M. Gallagher's. Last evening and today pedestrians and others have loitered in front of theafe stores admiring the styles and fash Ions. Mr. Edmund Harding Is the trtlatlc milliner at Brooks' store, but Or. Gallagher had to display his head gear himself, as on account of the storm his milliner was delayed, how ever. thl? 4IH not dahir klm blbltlng the styles of 1^60 and i860. Mr. Hard inf. (be trimmer at Brooks' store, hat certainly demon strated his skfTI as a hat decorator ; for his styles sflHVn are unique and catchy. Inasmuch as the ladies of the city are being afforded as never j before such a variety of hats to select I from, these two places of business wished to afford them greater oppor tunity for the coming season. The display is well gotten up snd miAHftT ^en to be appreciated. 1 RIVER ROAD STATION* NEWS The angel of death has recently entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wlnstead, of Bunyon, and took away their Infant son. A lovely little girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Alllgood last Saturday. The Magnolia school closed last week. One evening a few dayB pre vious to the closiug the pupils gave a candy pjirty at the school houtc, which was very much enjoyed by those present. Mrs. J. B. Tetter ton and children, of Jessama. Mrs. Flave Alligocd raid children,, and Mrs. J. II. Slwppard and child, of Washington, visited Mrs. Nelson 8heppard at Bun) an last week. Several of our residents attended the school picnic at Plney Grove. Masters Modle, Raleigh. Albert and Harlla 8h*ppard visited Master Her bert Alllgood and other friends In Washington Sunday. Misses Minnie and Wavle Alllgood were guests of Misses Sadie and Rutb Alllgood Sunday. Mr. J. B Respess and family.,. of. Broad Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. Pip pin. of Banyan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Alllgood Sunday. Mr. ani Mrs. H- A. Alllgood. of Red Hit) road, were guests of their daughter. Mrs. J. L. Alllgood, Sun day. Mrs. R. L. Woolard continues to be very 111. Two of Mr. L. M. Sheppard's chil dren hate been very sick, but are aaw rwwvafeacsnt, . Kocofitls visited friends at Biia yon last week. Last Saturday the angel of death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hollowell and claimed their' daugh ter, Miss Mary. . who had bfcen very ill for two woekfc.' Rev. Mr. Dixon conducted the" funeral services Sun day afternoon at ? Asbury Chu^ph. The interment was in thej church yard. \Ve. sincerely sympathise with Hie bereaved f9mllv* fcrid friend*. ? V ?? ^,i.NodOMI8. ARRESTED Small Colored H?y Airmtfd Tlila Mortolitg'by. PolJ^eman Pedrlck Vor *? tempted-, Larceny.' 'Thomas Washington, a small col ored1 lad, attempted. to commit lar ceny In the ofBre of G. A. Phillips & Bro., but failed. In a short while afterwards he wan found in the q?ce Of E. Peterson Company where* he again attempted theft. ' Tho? negro was held and the officer notified. He Is now lif jail. MAYOR'S COl'llT YKKTKRRAY The following cases were disposed of by the mayor yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock : State vs. Josephine Credle and Julia Credle. disorderly conduct. The mayor divided the coats, amounting ?to $2.35, betweea them. There was no Jlne. State vs. VV B Alllgood. drunk. Fined |l and casta. State vs. Glf Clark and Joe Loach, disorderly conduct. Clark flned 91 and coats; Loach flned 92 and coats. BOX PARTY POHTTONKI). On account of rain the box party at Pinevllle School House, Dlatrlct No I, was postponed until Thursday night, Mareh l?.' The public ir cor dially invited to attend. ORR LOIKJF,. There will be a regular communi cation of Orr Lodge A. F. Sc. A. M., No. I04^nt their ball, corner of Third and Bonner streets this evening ?t 7:80 o'clock. All vlaltlng brethren cordially Invited. On oceonnt of the Incletnent weath er the recital and box party adver tised to take place at Carolina Inatl; W* tofnn Up* night It will Uk? pin qpxt frMw ???? l?(. Ittnfc It. iWtsWfUrlUd. WEEK IN CONGRESS Debate of Court o* Commerce to Begin " "*K ? CHANGES MADE IN v BIL! fill Other legislation Sidetracked to (lire Way to Administration Rail* road Bill ? Many Matters Are 8(111 Pending in the Hhurp I**"*1 Washington, March 13. ? Although Identical when introduced In the two Houses of Congress, It is now evident that the measures to create a court of commerce and amend the inter state commerce laws will bear little resemblance to each other when deliberations of the two bodies hare been concluded. While the opposition to the admin istration bill was not strong enough to amend -t^e bill In the Senate com mittee, it Is now conceded that sev eral Important changes will be forcen' on the floor. The debate on the bill will begin either today or "Wednes day. Senator Cummins will open the discussion In support of certain changes advocated In the minorlty report of the Senate committee. He may speak for several days. Prac tically all of the "Insurgent" Sens tors and many Democrats will speak on the railroad bill. No one esti mates that the debate will be fin ished In less than six weeks. An effort will be made by the House committee on interstate com merce to report the bill this week and It Is probsble therefore that de bate on the ssme subject will proceed simultaneously at both ends of the Capitol. Railroad BIU First. Statehood legislation, which has passed the House, and postal savings bank legislation, which has passed the Benate, both have been side tracked for the administration rail road bill. The postal savings bank bill. In view of the fact that hearings have been ordered by the House com mittee on postofflces and post road*. ' nil! hot reach the floor for severs! weeks and in all probability not until the present session draws near a close. In the House there are pending many matters that wfll call oat sharp debate and there is a disposition on the part of man 7 members to let some of them, fo by the hoard. Those Include the ifondell hit) to permit the homestead entry of the surface coal lands, which would Involve 30, 000.#00 or more acres; ship subsidy, a subject ft I led with oratorical dyna mite; the construction of two bat tleships, which may be a feature of the naval bill; and the question of authorizing the issuance of certifi cates of indebtedneKs' or bonds to the amount of- $30,000,000 to complete reclamation projects. NO KM A LI, POX. Dr. Joshus Tayloe, the State small pox expert. In response to a wire went to Ocracoke Saturday morning to Investigate the smallpox reputed ?to be there. He returned this morn ing. The doctor states that he made an examination of the suspect but could not pronounce the case small pox. ?? * AN IXI?IAX lilt 1 1 >K. At the Ge mtonight will be shown An Indian Bride, a 'sensational West ern dTamk by the Bison Stock Co., assisted by Young l>eer, the famous Indian actor, and Red Moon, the pretty Indian maiden. This well known company of performers were recently taken to the BilBon Ranch, near Los Angeles, Cal., and are now ,/ producing some of the finest Western ?* dramas ever put out by a motion jjic ture company. This picture holds yojL_fipelIliound from, beginning to end. An Escaped Lunatic Is a com edy picture, which will set the audi ence laughing and keep them at it until the picture ceases. In present ing A Hunt For Berlin Jack the Rip per you find a picture that compels attention by its absurdity and keeps up a roar of laughter by its pure fun. Good humor seems to grow as the picture progresses and results in hearty laughter. The photography of thlse pictures cannot be excelled, and our patrons can rest assured they will witness pictures never before shown in Washington.