-?II-1 ' ' ?' ixwi-*. IGf ON, NOR' **<V~ i'UiTi 'KtWf* i? ? AJFTERNOdN, JWm .b jml ,tbe con tmlivntO ftnaVff (kbooV KTg/VrX^e Methodic Bucd?y fchool to reHrfStted by tlfo mktt jfttMnj uab#r p'osant li itftf*** ??] WiMi thn aitf .Manawttt - tfdrnttr ; Ob account of th? jifWreM ?< . aaatosuMj..K"S ther? will to ff*> i moetlnf of the Voung Mon'il.dUniko Ue??u0 gua '"W Conference H igifjfS ifrresvC. miKciHT;' portant conf^li^c ? :^|? tilP ntrlke tfm Mreit shortly before It ?Uirtod oot as II* trip.' m? MM I her **#'?? #(?>? hd'ffUMd t|ra. bdub '(fee ?fcr Whlok W gone Ml * tMofc <K?"ai?i MmuwDen ?he nplof ion ooeurred. TIm imwiiu ni oon iuctor. wi?-iut Jw Irmiuu of *? *?re, aUm?t?f /WUnJ??4. T*??> U tie ttrnn* womi*. ?n4.J?HI>ou?h j.Ue u tour Hq*itrur 6di: Fftfflt gitJHtiinl?* # 8*Ksi picture, Well dbarrke^KHs: turfjtitl that <""?** p*?b*bt th*: world! NOt all persons can tr**el and en job tfcwse iiwili, bt all haw au ?wuf tunlty to vlJNPtttyK scenes In motion Mm&yi ? ? >, (or . ; mirably In performing I Good For a I matlc dim holding the ai hound (com beginning t C"j7/M'QTrr THE DEMoSAr^idtos I A Gr??. tW i. *w fcr Drmdcnt^ ? <* o. <Af of die Roaxt? iim UUA'lnio^tt ? ^ . -'f flgBK** aPSl ~7T, - Tr od by the fight of the regular Re pub P*P*TF?FBW peaker Canjoo. the Iniu genu and Democrat* imalotatned the aeaaion throughout the night ul *4 ministered * hear/ Mow to Speaker Cannon by proxy. Although- lackla* if HU?ntl?f &j *M< ??tb; WfTO#WiWTR$?wnt*UT. Dal ian. to whom Cannon had glren the ehalr. and ordered the arrest of all out a | iei io? xicpuDiican siaea Bergeantal Iszmxim: proapect of a Quorum within a ahort time, the all night session ? the moat flght-agalnst "Uncle Joe" waa waging sented a aolld front, determined to put.throuch *t last their demanda for light and the outcomo of the unreat ,?? hu nfftr^in The Democrats, after voting down repeated efforta to reacue during the publicans and they raged and storm ed at laWto In W?0*.avof W? have them brought back. A number of the lnaorgeota remained In the 5?Sto&m ma flee tan (or the little bead at r?*?a wiwitaHi II Mil ?i tivkj, OtikIIj c?nx> to tfc? inOripg toiMn igm, \ccept'jm M c u.?WSAit !KjO(*G **wWl '?> HIWMiNlwIni uff" to the Unak ot HO ineiuhete Uf'Ulll ilUBUIJ ?lUBllj P.M...al. is f make rto. 4o( .ifp imi i.l i? ferred consideration ot my resolution | IHliyouu orro^ *Tb?r tMnre tr Tim af ?illdly and uabrfchew now Just where tMyj stood- 24 houra ftffo." ' ! f Worn artd haggard T|W unshaven {fee drawn and pale and his ejrea enta whteb haa *hld Uj power In the Hogs* ttai the most drsmatjc peiio tory. made thfgi declarifc lately after the^Houae ) I adjourn. He; Hjaytelfi' Daily 'ConT< I LABOR PARTY It Mar be ioaaei to Combat Rt i Li ill linnt ? IDEA CAUSES MUCH ALARM ? -'V i 'iu* . .v.,. rr> \ ??' .'????.J' I n.;..lillr?'. ?'- - ? at |->ll.ilil ihT?* ? * *? ? phl^ lute No M?<e to ttMtl. Mrtke . nd >Ali*. t'ato* Hifcr. Dcctare Mm to iur* for WWMttm of NMr " nHth-CoatnAm I. HrM :. 'V,-- *-nrt : ?. !| Philadelphia, March IT? Dtssatls ftctloir among political leaden to day Hwna to assure the formation of s state tabor party to combat the Republican tleket< at Hie polls next Nttveabsr. With the worker* throughout the State antagonised by the attitude of< the Phllstfelphla au thorities toward the oar strike aad the- general strike and' the State Re publican leaders so far Inactive, linlen leader* today declared that the time tor: the,; drfanisatlon of a hew K rtr was ripe, whd that <b? oppor tunity, wault?- be seised. 10 . ^confersoee' scheduled for ? today between 'State1 > Treasurer ? John < ?. Bheats and labor loaders la declared to bO'tho forerunner- of a break Into the old tlase political ranks. Sheatz Is said* te> have come - to discuss the formation < <o2 artWenr part? ; with John, Ji- MUrpky, .president of'.lhe ? Central j Labor -Union, m ,urtir.io<ir j ? The. 'prospect- of such a move and at a -general' strike 'has- caused OOr sraOr Stwart great alarm.' according' to authentic reporter cir injur* ? vTbe, political phases Of ? the strike today for the first time became dom inant.' With the4. home-coming of State .Senator -Mctfiohol, Republican Drganlsation leader of Philadelphia, from hit Florida fishing trip. It was leclared HMte djteps would toon be ufam: W bwaf-^Jbout peace. A conference held early this mfcrn int ^WMkln4Jt<onlb?twpeu,.9iefxa^r JSMTOlMOn*,^ Stmtea (S?4?^tor Penrose had an Important bearing on the IHMiF'tWUintt. ft 'witf 'Authorita tively reported horo today. Daniel J. MeMMMh- Un BeMIWI brother; KU4aUwl?iC*mi<?*4 J?a?pU Btwera. Ma ?lerbtot conirMi,. ?1|? itMM IIM l ????I* . u,'. I MjM k.?m If 9t! MblttTdtlOT II it fc Kceyttto to. both aid r.,-' ?M all the f uw.ulUtlon .-..'v. The commercial Interealu that $ai* beta w?W?f tor ?j?*ttl*iaent t?dar E*Ua*aM>t?M> " dtactnu furtUw.O?? iv.lt wal hflfufceneed ?1??. t*aC*?olty>r meetitigi.would b*i<u>)d tpd*y , nr. REV. ROBERT STRANG E, D. D. Fvir H?ly Wwk putiop gUaagar-wUl twdnct *>? alwlH ?> 8t, -Peter'* Chttrch. The opening service will be held at 8 o'clock tonight Tomor row, palm. Sunday, the Bishop wHl preach- both morning and night, and ?ft?raoon at 5 o'clock will hold a service for manonly. a moat .ajrdUi invitation Uk. hereby *> afcta atteatfBkitthsetJfafe vf?" ' ' WrJ^ . 'SSv ie iit the Flames - ? ? tttttt n - ? FIRST EXECUTION UNDER NEW LAW I ? ,a ,, I,;- . ?? V1,,,! 1..., .. Waiter Mormon, Netro Aaaatat ?>* "wflfi GM, H(f? 'fcaalty in the Death r' penitentiary. " +<**** ?? *** ? IK' ' ?! -' DOOMED MAN'S ?*/TH CLOSED IN HIS LAST MOMENTS ?!**.??* t|^ f M d ?!/,?, tl'.W UH'OirmH m. rw aecu^cu,^ c-*r <*? *?, t-- -*** put, .? tM'a?. rriM"TMml>r MormlBg ? 8bl CHw WM IUpU? ? CMM ,I? 1-, Msat^.nBHRa?s^ -VI) Requlrta* ftortn Mta>M BfHWfMMW * ? Walter Morrison was electrocuted at the 8tate prison yesterday ' morn ing at JO: 17 o'clock. This was' (be first execution under the new law In this State. In about seven minutes after the current was applied life wss pronounced Extinct. The execu tldn wis witnessed by shout thirty people and officials. The doomed 'man *?s accompanied to the cfralr by Father Tho ' body was not claimed by any ohe. Morrison entered the death cham ber' carrying a cruclfW' Itt his right hand with tears in his eyes ind piray Ihtf, '?"fibrt1,1 save'j O'Lord Save ine." lie had the "appearance of being cm Ihe yerge'Wfa collapse anttrwas sbp ported by the' guard# as ne Was hur ried forrf*rdf to the chair; During the'prefmrfcttbns-fbf the electrocution MortSdfc still prayed. His lips could be 'fcfeen- moving: 'Two current* were' representatives of the strikers and of ihe RspId "transit Company. ' Hundreds of police were concen trated Oddity In l,ogan Square, where the union heads had announced a labor celebration at St. Patrick's day. Early in the day crowds begitn' to form, but tbe police kept them mov ing.^"' ' ' '? . ' ? Senator McXIchol's home faces' on , the square and ft was deblared * to day that the'xb'eetlnfc 1iad beeh balled fLS a protest against the stand of the local ' politicians, Including Senator fcrcNfchei. i"?-' ??'ssii1 ?- 1 .m; TO HOtil) IUG REGATTA. to itvf ac* nr. i-. ?. ? .t',- " \. National AmbdatlM Anstetr OaM ?M W-n mil Hportlng K Tent. 1 1 wi *i ? ,,.<r -.n (.v ? kii'v . '? N?w Tork. Wmk* i?? ton. tow,. WvrcMUr. 8?rtn?fl?W di?tn^o?t%'?J!r/v?K3fiM9St of tb. Nation*} tiwj; p*rw*fto. w4c> '"rtfl ty Mr, -WB^Te l.tk Mtkr- ...prwjjm ,wiy, be succeasftyl in the contest and that jthfi big .ft^ent 'wiil^b^ helduiuiW' atjspice^ of the ' Pofoia^c Bctaf ???'; a-*, ii . . A* tWfc fefatta Ij.to Aujericawhat! th^.J^enl^y Is to England. It aUriacta ^rg^.fifoV^ ynj* cgoji ot the .United Staffs atyl ?ajnada. In.aaniVdb' as H.'s a <}<^>Jtear |n* which the Nfrln-j . nersJs ?eV cld$,ih? chainplcmahlps. TJie re^a^ta, will be held at a date 40 be defiled on later, but it'*rlllj positively jftkP place between J^ty *30 and August 10. The last,. regatta, was bqid at 'De troit and K is" estimated that 100,000 persons lifted t|ie shores each day' to* witness the pick of American an'd 'Ca* , ,nadlan oart=ipcn In competition: There la some talk of 'offering In ducements, to 'the^,' famous Belgian j ?ightf three 'times winner at Henley, v tqj cpjpe jtp this country tor the re . 1 y'.X necessary before the pbyklclana pro nounced tta Mvy flMtf An?r beiftg taken; fr<r? Ah# ph?tr Jfca Mj was carried to anadJcdnlnf-roWai where the cstholh? btirlaf *a? read WMW , . M M i *??*?? ii?"' , !?'?: ,<??? .The. crime for which Morrison paid the penalty* was that' lo? : committing rape on a Croa tan girl by the uatae of Polly Roge*? in May of. last year. The crime caused considerable feel ing among the Iadlaft and could they ha ve gotten hold '6jt Morrjaon they would doubtl^ have 'juia4e quick work of film. A warwt ww sworn out and when the oOeera ap roached Mbrribbh lie bat-Headed him self within a houae and held the offi cers at bay a short with a gun. He was finally arrested . after hard work, , Every effort was made to save him from .;doath , but without avail. He never enjoyed a good reputation. - PRKNIIYTFRIAN CWTRlPH. ; ? ' Regular services at tWi Fltut Pres byterian -i Church " Snrtday ? morning. The pastor. Rev. H. B. Sought; wHl preach at it a ' m.' At hlght: Mr. Oeorge W. CraMree Wtll' deliver a lecture, to which the publt* Is Invited to attehd. Seats free Md polite aarhera. : ? .* -i. vJt' . PICNIC^ EteretV. School C^fbntn It* Con maarenwnt? M*. XVI? Slouuoas . . . tl?e Orator- . Than- wu * Dtenle ([Ttfn'at1 Br?r ?tt'? Khoolhoo?* y?eH??y. MlM>rmt MVMI d ?Mftf H'WttwiM'WiWk ku DM'WWliWIy htn <tuct?l WWIWWli t?r *ow. tk? -tmi/Mf: ? ? ?*?. Nor ? ? . ) I IfcfllM itor P" ?' nig vow Mr* tiffc lad 'aivMfr'tftii bfcywt o ilay *n the ffcrtt: Me of th* 1denjpftTott** reaolW"tnMla tlrs 1 tn Ml ?f the rViral 'pe^il#?lt?-te the clttOL' That agrtmntfre I# the foun dation Stone or com mere NO I ?ra- and that iris- Becoialifg dally uron?e ttlen ?f?e. 'la' *onrthsft>n slilwil' the ?fhitrier : tei s thy On tlfe farm from if <eftinnfer?tal a\idr?f mbVil Standpoint. * After" r*e wddveas >Mt >finemblcd Wrbftrtld 'the festive boaTd and enjoyed the 'dellcldus r^psSi that had been bo tweir ^pr^psrred -hy the <ladiM of the "neighborhood. Aft?#r Ml* had enjoyed ittdf d(n her Mi*. Sfrnmorfs was again requested to address tbe'Ctewd.- He fceuKebusly ? responded. u*' He then vfftdehh half 'hduf address on "edu cation in the Rural Districts, showing tta ' Ti'rogrosu In- the' State' and this county* for the1 pant decade. Mr.1 Spar row1.* the teacher. then -made an acj fdtm, thanking the parents for their aftfr 'and' help during the' term. At the' close of the address all gave the ladies a vote of thaofcs ^a*d, left for th^ir respective homes, m *? ??)? To Lecture at Presbyterian Church Tomorrow Night There -will be a lecturo Sunday ftTgTTT af*"Ttn?-Pre?byt?rtan Gfcturab by 6M>rg4 W. Oabtree,- evangelist, trav eling for the American, Prison Evang elist. Society. Subject of address. "Prison Reform-" Mr. Crebtree has been traveling for some time among, the different pftvons of the -United article, and preaching an unknown quantity..,,, i u There wl||. alao. be % lecture to young people Monday night, at ,7 ;10 o'clock at the .finhlls *ctaool building by Mr. Crabtree. Subject "a, Utd in the WoAderful Laxnp.;' TQung men and girls, are Invited, together ?with children old. enough to appreci ate a lecture- No admlasioa. charged , but all- *r# requested to, bring a little ehange for the prison , mission work. This talk, la to raise the^ jporgls and principles Of the young and to, show the dangers of the ptrsTa^llng vices. **New Advertisements ? 'O Todaj's News 9 Gem Theater. ? Oalety Thsetaf. ' u ? W right's Tailoring Parlors ? ? Easter Salts. ? Dom's Kidney Pill* ? -Mother Gray Powders. ? hiftiw.wiir, ? J. K* Collar*. ? ft PrUq ^lp,- ? toa MjMMuit iin*1 uW' ?UK & ****** x

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