"The cause of all the discord and dlsastlsfactlon and resentment are not In New York and Massachusetts, but here In Waahington, where con trol of affairs has been turned over without reservation to men whom the public has refused ' to trust and to predatory interests against the exac tions of which the public Is appealing for protection." It is the Washington correspondent of the Republican Philadelphia North American who writes thlB. * President Taft has not only allow ed himself to be guided largely by Aldrlch, Hale. Elklns. Cannon and men of their type, but has been ex ploited as their champion. Though it did not meet his demands and was merely a compromise in which the high protection "standpatters" re tained the advantage, the Payne Aldrich Tariff law has been warmly defended by Mr. Taft. He has gone out of his wfly to eulogize Senator Al drlch. and only a few days ago he was Induced to go to Aldrlch's own home and there again Identify him self with the Rhode Island Senator and declare his bill "the best tariff law ever framed." "If this strange face-about is due to Mr. Taft's theory that he is the head of the party aryl therefore chargeable with all its acts," excfblms the New York World, "it Is the most surprising Instance of ?elf-sacrifice that oul political history affords! The people were willing to acquit him of the tariff fiasco. He has made It his own. They were Inclined to believe that Payne and Aldrich had fooled him as well as them. He has done his beet to ahift the blame from their shoulders to his own." Mr. Taft seems not to understand that Aldrich and his clique of reac tionary Senators are as thoroughly discredited in the public mind as are Cannon and the old machine that has ruled the House. The great masn of Republicans are quite as "Insurgent" as the Democrats. The Chicago Tri bune ha? polled the Republican and independent editors of the country. It finds In the east 789 against Al drich. Cannon and the high tariff, and only 197 sustaining them. In the Went 77.1 per cent, are against them. 2 2.9 per cent, for them; in the South 62.8 per cent, opposed to them. 37.2 per cent, upholding them. New Eng land shows the greatest surprise, only 39 Republicans and 3 independents favoring the old leaders and policies, while 184 Republicans and 57 inde pendent announce thenfselves as "in surgent." In Ohio such progressive Republi cans us former Secretary of the Inte rior (Jarfield and ez-<3qv, .Myron tJ Herrick are sp*^Ung out boldly | against the extravaga>?*Nt the high I tariff, the reactionary tendency of the I Taft administration. "?*V All thin is in the highest degree significant. Mr. Taft seems deter mine^ to Identify hlnmelf and his ad ministration with Aldrlch, Cannon, Hale. Payne, Lodge and the old "boss es" and "reactlonarins" of the Sen ate. He heard from some of the vot ers in Massachusetts a few days ago. He will hear from the rest of the country next fall, ? Baltimore Sun. >IK. K(M)HKVKI>T'H fNTHXTIONS. Emerging from the wilderness at Khartoum, Mr. Roosevelt at once crashed IntQ politics, like a black rhino Into a greenhouse, by praising British rule ? in Khartoum, ho lately redeemed by the money and blood of the Egyptian nation! The Nationalist preK*, which has read the Declaration of Independence, murmured. Then the Colonel called the Cairo editors together for a Son day lecture pn religious tolerance as enforced "when I had power In Amer-? lea," and by Hell Roaring Jake and others In Samar. ' ,, .?? It may have be?n a Coptic Chris tian whoce ancestor# welcomed Am 'r the "Arab after Intolerable persecu " liOM fry Christian Greeks who re minded Mr. RooMvalt. of the excel . * lent uutplt at toleratloa set by tke HoIufMdua durtaa mom ol l.??? yearn. No adit or uM what aCalr ol tkelr visitor >u Bsyptlan pontic*. All won plauo*>to aw*t wc greet a maa Aa oka said. amMn to tka Londoa Mall, "ha doaaa'l kaow what ha la talklafl about, bat ka means wall." Yesterday Mr. ltoosfnt made another qaaar rapiach on Eflyptlan politics to the students of the unl*er altir. la addreasla* the BasUak upon tar la reform and the budset. adrlaU* the mack upoa tke sequestration of church property and Instructing the Prussians how to keep tke Poles la subjecttoa, Mr. Kooeeeelt will doubt teea ooatlaue Ms- nasal poller aad coauMnd kla views to bla flattered bosu by lf*ora??e aad good Inten tions ' .... ? ?' THE POLICY OP U?K , Col. Oordea, with hjl "I lose eT arybody." has areatsd- the whole eouaur aa noone ka# done since Lin coln said he~e*6eulto Join a church vhlek would t halM^^or lu ssotto. "Lose of Maa.': TT^eai^retalon "I lore eeerybodj'/-^r4?l'nohle saying aad worthy fleneraj stf^tactt whlcJj^lt I *s receive*; but what d?M it involve? Is it. any mora than & poetical figure? Has It realty any practical application? If so, what la it? : Love Is a quality. It is an attri bute of humanity, and as ..we have u? deratood/TtTTt implies' reciprocity. Swenentnwlt. says, "Lov* la life"; that la It one did not love something: he could not live; Yet, still, what does It Involve? Is It simply to remain a subjective Qual ity or is it to be an active principle? A person may be very unlovely, and utterly incapable of responding to your love, and yet you may practical ly love him. You may pity him, you may yearn to do him good.- You may be willing to do nearly everything or anything to better him and yet you might not be able to associate with him. You could not live in the name house with him. This puts a face upon this loving business, this fraternity sentiment, these brotherhood obligations that, when carired out to loglcal-^aequence, will clear up many of the confusing notions which men have of their rela tions to each other. More later. MINISTER AS EDITOR. | The other day in California the Rev. Maicoltn James McLeod, a Pres byterian clergyman, who soon will undertake ministerial duties for a New York congregation of large wealth, edited one issue of the Pasa dena Star. He entered the editorial offices with the young vigor of an un daunted conviction that nothing in I the nature of the newspaper business presented an obstacle to a man of in telligent theories, even though the details of execution were unknown to him. i Mr. McLeod did his day's work, and the profession observlng*(he fruit of the labor of the amateur can say that be did it well, but here is the ex pression of his revised convictions: "My time is now almost up as I pen thiB last line; my head is almost paralyzed; my brain is befuddled, and I am free to confess that 1 am right glad to vacate the holy spot. Such rush and riot and disarray. Such a jumble and potpourri. It strikes me as the daily effort to bring order out of chaos, and to do it lightningly quick, I am reminded of the memor able words, * The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit moved upon the face'-iof the waters." Never shall I criticise news paper men more. I shall pray for them. They will have my heart's for bearance henceforth tfnd forever, the hardest worked, shortest lived, poor est paid brain workers on this old world of ours." Heterodox as it may be. one is al most forced to believe that the same law of selection which In the long run puts men into the work for which* they are best fitted and gives that work the best available may even operate in the production of news papers. We do not wish to be rash and will not Insist that thiB is bo, but we gather that it Ib the new belle( of the Rev. Malcolm James Mel^eod. ? Chicago Tribune. HIJNII TKtKRS. This Is the way the blind tiger op-i erates in Boston, the quoted matter being from a New England paper: "The Boston police thought It ex-j pedient to examine the interior of a lodging house 'kept by a lady' a few days ago. Among Its other furnish ings they found a five- foot shelf of books. Ha titles did not corr^pond Don't Get Run Down Weak and miserable. If jnou have Kidney or Bladder trouble. Dull head pains. Di?.zlncKR, Nervousness, Pains in the back, and feel tired all over, get a package of Mother Uray's Aus trnllan-L^af. the pleasant herb cure. It never falls. We have many tes timonials from grateful people who have used this wonderful remedy. As a regulator It has no equal. Ask for Mother Oray's Australian-Leaf at Druggists or sent by mall for SO eta. Sample fr?e. Address, The Mother Oray Co.. LeRoy, N. T. ^ , to tko* ptmctim ?r Pr kut BMoa poKomlil^I'eTor literary, bo T h ... Hunt far > moment to pornae (tko literary tome. o* o took froa tko ekelt t volume wkleh vu alleged oo IU back to ko DuU'i Inferee.' At he grimti It. to It (prune opoo tad dkoloiod. not aay eoM typo preoent ment of tko Infernal refloat, kit tko ml thing in tko diwo ot ? kottlo ot boot 'rod ojro'. lntereated, ko MM further Tko tnklo of ooatoou of 'Bllnkotk and Hor Ootdon Gordon' woo rook and rye. 'Tk* People'i Homo PkjroJoioa* ond *Tfeo History ot Oor Country' were Jlkowloo lacking ?_ L/tor?ry Bootoo la otlll literary. otod in tko operation ot kor blind tiger eetabllahmenta ? Raleigh Tlmee AFTER EMJCAtiON. Mm bore wko oro , Inclined to ImosUo that making ? fortune will brio* more Into their llru than edu cotlon could ' poaalbly contribute will tttf wttk'lntereot ond prom tko otory ot > millionaire wko >t tbo no of 41 kM entered college. Tbo Baltimore Nowo iui: aewldea of tkt TallM of IS od ucatioa It gtvea by. Daniel , Waldo j Field. millionaire allot manufacturer, jrho hat entered harvard at the age of 45 years. He la one of Uie many 'gelf-made' men of thit country of opportunity ; he la oat of x?tT eotriu ?Jesa 'examples' pointed out 10 the youth of every generation. "Yet Mr. Field la conscious of a (great lack? the Jack o< an T#du cation. He began at an *ppra?t)c^ became a factory foremjuy established hit own factory, accumulated a million or two and extended hlB activities Into other lines. He still needs the education he filled to acquire when a boy. And. i unlike mott.men, he Intends to hart It. Like many othera who pass be* yond the accustomed period when ed ucation it acquired, he regreta that he did not try harder in his younger days to accumulate knowledge. He sees the need of It even now, and. further, he ventures the suggestion that 'the day of the succesful busi ness man who began as office boy Is over.' He addB that a uew genera tion of business men is being trained in rhe BcUrtrtiflc principles of manu facture and commerce, and, conse quently, the boy of the future who depends upon the traditional ladder of success, and sneers at school train ing, will find that It is difficult to climb to great heights. "Just because great men of past genecations struggled to the top with out an education it is not a certainty that It can be repeated over and over again in the future. Education 1s being more and more recognized as essential to success." IS THIS RIGHT? One Mr. Shemwell of North Caro lina wantonly qhot $ citizen who was ta peaceful performance of bis avo cations. The criminal was convicted by a jury and sentenced by the court to a term of imprisonment. Gov. Kitchln suspended the sentence on a surgeon's certificate that the convict was In bad health and needed treat ment at Hot Springs to fit him for. life in jail. Whereupon Shemwell stayed at home and walked the streets as usual, trusting to his wealth and influence to enable him to defy the law with ..impunity. Months have passed. The outlaw Is still at liberty. Further clemency is asked for him on the same old plea and the Governor is urged to com mute the punishment to a fine. Why should the Government ask or care whether Shemwell Is a well man or not. He showed no concern for the health of his victim when he riddled him with a pistol ball. He has had too much consideration shown him already and Governor Kitchln will have hard work explaining his len iency to the satisfaction of a consti tuency which is lawabidlng and looks to the protection of the law against just such outlaws as Shemwell. ? Vlr ginlan-Pllot. IX MKMORIAM: J AM KM K. HHKI' HERD. He slept ? and came the Infinite Pros-, "TtfctTJe. Ot all life's tangled meshes wrought' aright; Of Equity and Justice wherein "a lit tle child shall lead them." "The still small voice" quelling the voice of might; He slept ? and as by habit long d? rec^g His soul slipped out unto the Goal he loved ? So flimply with a good life's quiet dig nity, He entered the Courts of God. The Federal administration ex claims In horror when a Bogota mob rises against a street railway owned by Americans. Now we wonder If no foreign money has been invested in the street railways of Philadelphia whose property hps been destroyed and business interrupted for months? What would be done If the govern ment of these foreign Investors "is sued an ultimatum" after the man ner of Mr. Knox to Nlcaraugua? ? Florida Times-Union. TO CURE A COLD Df ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists retam? money If it falls to cur*. E. W. GROVE'S algpt tnre to on each bo*. Ik. SUPPORT THE CHAMBER OF COMMBRCB aar.d help advert '?e, and we wll Increase the population of our town and county, making batter bualnesa. Join the Chamber of Commeroe. i FtfcMING ?East of and adjoining Wi ; " FOR SALE CHE See A. C.J HATHAWAY at once. OWN YOUR OWN HOME jl In WASHINGTON PARK, we help yon. 1. UoHWood MEMBIM N. -V. COTTON EXCHANGE CoU if. LEON WOOD & CO.. : il ? .^ANKERS umI BROt mrOCKS, SQMOa. OOflTON, GRAIN ai 7i plume rrakir. ca*i*ntsrbihlot>i(G, Hour***., va. ^ r.- r- _-W _? -ii. j mk ? - -a ' respecouuy soockm, ovodmr mm nhimi -i - C. a. MORRIS & CO., BROKERS " ? if J ? . WHOLESALE FRUITS ANDfPRODUCE \ stssm C*bb?*fMd Potttoes. - Get Your orders eome along. ? 0 tf - ? * -?? : n I I f% II Jl MM I* ? fine city and ber schools and col Mm- MM MM ImM ,eKps occupy a place In the forefront of AMERICA'S BEST. Thoe. E. Cupper, incorporated Accountant and Auditor, member of the National Aasociatlon of Accountants and Bookkeepers and the North American Audit Society, la the man at the head of the popular American Shorthand & Business College, Durham, N. C. This insti tution it one of the most talked of in Durham today, and is being regarded as a standard of Business Educational excellence. Ita peerless work is due to untiring efforts of an EXPERT FACULTY of established reputation. These Experts dan make an expert of YOU bo that you can easily win promotion and success. Wherever you find an "American" graduate you find a man or woman Occupying a good position at a good salary- What this school Is doing for oth ers it can do for YOU! - : / , [ The special rates to out-of-town students the "American" Is now making should appeal strongly to every thinking man and woman desirous of securing the BEST in Business Education. It will PAY ANYONE to investigate. For full information concerning the Book keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Penmanship courses, etc., address, AMERICAN SHORTHAND A BUSINESS COLLEGE, Bos 140, Dor ham, N. C. Practical Demonstrations # in Loose Leaf Bookkeeping, fC- i we will give free of diuge instructions in MOORE'S MODERN METHODS of Accounting and Record-Keeping AUo ? copy of Moor*'* Modarn Method*, ? 160 p??e book iDuxrat m( 40 difcRot li jpt and record fotim aad rrpliinirn bow they are wed. Call at our Store ? Phone for the Book, anyway WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS JAMBSL VAYO, P-k PW. 2S0 114 CAST MAM ST. WASHINGTON, N. C FOR SAIJS ? TWO VACANT LOTS, "one on But Main street and one on Eatt Second street; also two rest dences, one on Market street and one on East Second street. Apply at feaker's Studio. FOR HA LK?8H INGLES UF A Lb sizes from 3 to 6 Inches; both hearts and saps; prices satisfac tory. Address T. A. Brooks, Bath, N. C. apr28 BELL, THE JEWELER, HAS JUST received a new lot of cut glass and Sterling silver. 2 WANTED ? ONE MILK OOW. MUST be fresh to the pall and part Jer sey. J. Haven*. PILING FOR SALE, OR WILL FUR. tilsh pile a'nd drive them. W. A. Blount, Jr., Chocowlnlty. 1 FOR SALE. '?.Hi acres virgin pine, cypress a gum timber on rail rand, near Ne bern, North Carolina. -? ? * ^ r> ? - " - r Tkm la t lnM truth .wUrljlaa tha -tact whloh- Ok* itrmr o f Ugao da haa]?? proejalaad, namatr.that tiM IIMI rW^M >Ka B|fca<|| M . - . : ? '.Ml fair *** laaa MWl Uiej irt. Among nU.thn Wlotl, trtbaa. h. Mjn. a MttM MTM of morality ax HU; wb?T?u thoaa who hm tinji bMB *VaaHr afdlcUd to nuUi ?ml ara of Mtortaualy lu haMta. It la th? MM mufhf. ClothM. < couraa. U*a thai* DMa In apeh want] ar, aa ?a ara andurlng hara ui Ml but who haa not iatM and i (ha hl? tump line over the average portace ranked low around the camp Are. A Chippewa has, be^a known id carry a barrel of tfttfc two mllse.^wlth frequent rests, of pouree; and one smilingly bet s impound ?tan that to Could carry him Ave miles omr a logging trail sad Mk set him down once. Some of thene men would pack S00 pounds, and It la said sometimes 100, but thejr were unus uni ty powerful men snd Working .under keen Mvafrj? the only rivalry which oould bring any honor la their < try? thai of physical prowess. .. ? >> ? ?? l ha*., . ? . Thf_ French Pesteffloe. The Freucbpoeial sytsm was In* augurs ted In the reign of Louis XI., but the first director general was" ap pointed by Louts XIV. He farmed the office, paying 1,060,000 franca a year for the privilege. This method continued until the revolution, when the tanner waa abolished sad the con trol was given to ten maaagers elect ed by universal suffrage. That plan did not work very satlafastorlly and the office of director-general was re vived under the Consulate The office of under secretary for postt and tela graphs, held by M, Simyan, was first created In 1877, abolished in lt7f. and revived again tea years later. ?Hfleh Terminal Unit. "British Terminal Unif is used to measuring the quantity of coal, after analysing the composition of snlpbur, hydrogen and ether elements con tained, The unit Is need by maay Mnny n man who expects to. go to] benven pays out a lot of good money ] for fire Insurance. ? ... ajt Ma ... W. L. ViuiBfamo W- A. Thompann VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORNEW-AT-UW WaUmtoa ud Aurora, N. CA Fractlcr la an tba cmrt*. . H.;C. CARTER, JR., \TT0RNEY-AT-LAW. Washington, N. C. Office Market Stfiet. JOHN H. BONNER.! Attoroey-at-Law.| Washington, |N. C. - EDWARD L. STEWART, Atforney-at-Law. (Office over Daily New*, Washington, N. C. COLLIN H. HARDING y ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office Stvlao * TnwtjCo., Roomludl. IW/ " "IINGTON, N. C. . STEPHEN C. BRAG AW ? Attorney and Counselor-] ? -