WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. 'RDAY AFTERNOO; CRrtlCIZE In the trunk*. also. according to the police, vm evidence showing tbat the trio had planned a campaign of aafo-cracklng covering the entire aonth And soutbweet. Carefully kept ?, hooka contained Information ?rnlaf acorea of rich southern aouth western banks, with much a description, particularly re lag the mechanism of aafea. and watchmen. There were large unable to farnlah the 120,060 ball demanded of each when they were ar raigned before United States Coirt misniouer Shields.' The authorities today, asaert that they had a clew1 that would lead to the arrest of the' third of the trio, who escaped when the others were captured after a fight and a chase at the Grand Cen tral station. There was considerable crltlclsta made today of the fact that Fay's bail was fixed at only $20,0d0. It is believed tbat If ha can furnish a bondfman he will dlaappear ? and again the Ions chase will be on. A CORRECTION. In reporting Mr Quy Weston's tes timony yesterday a part of it was in advertently left off. It was as fol low#: "I saw a man behind a tre? In front " of Lillian Gray's. I walked up and found it was Carl Kelly. I asked him ? what he was doing there. % He repliSd, 'Sam has a gun and I am afraid to go In the house, but If he will come on the outside where I can get to him I wfll kill him,* and he further stated if I ever .catch him there again or if he crosses my path I win kill him." ' ' . ? I I j 1 V v t'.\" f L THBQML UU1< v?ndctn. Ml ?pUK>da of the French war between the blues and whites. Is a historical drama which purports to represent events during the war of 17?1. T hts picture Is full of action and keeps you Interested from beginning to enllr,,.?^i- - j Southern Sweden la one of thoee beautiful paaoramlc pictures which poaseasAa a richness of tints that oan not be excelled. The wonderful ef fects brought out In the rich sepia tones are wonders of photographic art. The water falls and mountain aceaery are truly wonderful. The Lore of Little Flora Is a won derfully impressive dim Oypsy life. The quaint dross of these people adttk . Ing much to the tone of the picture. One noticeable feature of the entire program for tbelght Is tfcs rich tone and coloring of*evtry_ picture which has never been excelled before. For a gOod allaround, program visit the Oem to^itht,, ? > '? 2. Aifit * 4 I - ; FUNERAL TODAY. The funeral of the late Samuel Tayloe took place from the Episcopal Church this morning at U o'clock. The interment was in Oakdale ceme tery. - TO RALEIGH Cart Kelly Carried to Th? prisoner Carl Kelly, ladloted tor tha murder of Samuel Tsyloe, waa [taken to Raleigh yesterday afternoon by Bherltr George B. Rich* for .ate keeplng-^raera was raasoa to believe that tt 'Waa not aafe tor Katly to ke I kept In prison la thla county aad for title the akarls decided to take tke prlaonar to aaotker couaty. Bo waa taken to tke depot In a cloeed car riage aad but vary few knew tkat ke ?Aad haea ?plrlte.i away uatU It h*d M ' Kelly la H> aafaly lodged taMfta Jail H-ilalelgh , tm masters aoad tor day tkat tke sMk* of U? as* tug boat man Kps on Lantern signal at ?aldalgkt waa practically won. Tif atrjka paralysed harbor traOc for several hours aad tke Mcgar ral* roads, which found themselves pow? arlaaa Ujho a barge. P't la aad their amptayea want back to wart. 1. 1 Captain Dow declared that tin New Tor It -Cautral. the Now Tork, New! Haven ft Hartford, the Pennsylvania all acoadad to the demands of tke atrlkara aad that within twenty-four hours kr confi dently expected the Ceblgh ValMy. the New Jersey City, the Lackawana. tha Baltimore ft Ohio aad the Ar btickle Company, of Brooklyn, to come Into line, ending tha strike. MORE HKHWRES Or CXHIN MKAU Raleigh. H. C... April 1. ? United States Marshal Dockery on complaint of pure food law Inspectors, today seised 1(0 bags of meal at Goldskoro In the hands of J. T. Olnn. and 50 bags of the Wilson Grocery Company, of Wilson, because It Is alleged to be made of damaged grain, the ship ments being respectively from B. IX Booth ft Co.. of PeteraburgJtVa. . *nd| [?? 8. lat at g?>elk; "Tn. whin will be proaecuted. FIRST PRKHBYTKR1AN CHURCH. There will be the usual services at the Pipit Presbyterian Church Bun day moraine and evening. The pas tor. Rev. H. 0. Bearigh/. will JJU the pulpit at both hours. At the morn ing service the Hply Communion will be celebrated art* ifc is hoped there | will' be a full. attendance of all the congregation. There will be special music by- the choir. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Rev. Thomas Green, of Pantego. will preach at the Christian Chun h Sunday morning' and evening. The pastor, Rev. Robert Hope, has gone to BatfiT where he will preach tomor row. The Sunday school and Bible claaa will meet at 3 o'clock. All in vited to !>q present stkmmers htorm tobacco PJiANT. Louisville. Ky.. April l.-r-Rlotlng broke out in the sJLrlke against the American -Tobacco " Company today. 81* hundred men. women and girls stemm^rs who are seeking a wage in- | ?crease, stormed the plant at Eigh teenth and Brodway. They attempt* ed to Inter the doors and start a; stampede in the factory, but were driven: back by the police. Several women were hurt by blows of clubs. There 'are pow about 3,500 on strike* ? j ' FIMSCOPAL CHURCH. \ Regular services at St. Peter * Episcopal Church Sunday morning and evening. On account of'the cele bration of the Holy Communion thare will be no sermon at the 11 o'clock service. Sunday school meets at 4 o'clock. All cordially invited to be present: h 1 : J * *rr? ? ? ? - ? \ warn 8KRMO.N . Tkaae who attended the eervloes at the Methodist Church last night heard a sermon they will long re member delivered by Rer. Mr. Smith. It was pronounced the beat discburse he has delivered since the series of meetings began last Monday. Much Interest Is fcelag manifested in the services and good congregations are attending each meeting- The after noon service is also well attended. A .goodly number of the young people were present last night. LADIES' IS MOBEJIBIEIIT Eruption of MmmtEtlM Incre? in* in Severity. A VILLAGE IS IN DANGER Catania, siciiy. April 1 ? tlon at Mount Rtaa today larr+Mid l> severity. In spite of an ocoaalooal slackening In the advance at M, (he rod hot stroeme gained fro und IMter than at any time In th* laM week. iwiiM Mij ,nm lh? vM?fx of Boreilo eald that aeirtfcly a sotrt Ml left there, ead that totr * euddea atop la the taw or m detec tion ot tSe Una could eawTthe town, oa wVtcb the two atreat*e had ad vanced for nearly two dan. at jtb* n>r of the pwaantry about the flora of Etna stoWf more pitiful dally. Regalna. another IdW# sorted today to, bo In <4aacer and Ihl plight of Nlcoloal WOT declared ao tetter. ? The crowds o^tourilta wl to came to rlew the spectacle hare been ma terially thinned by an eaoda* to Toar mlna, the reaort at which Theodore Roooevett was expected today. Many foreigners, howerer, are atlll hero.. * One of the slrbts that moat attract* them la the elope lmme?Js>te1y below the erater on Montr'Faggl. down which a cataract of crtlbeon. amoktng lara poura at a speed of >00 yarda a minute, fiore than 10 miles an hour. RECOVERS WATCH. ^Mt^J^E^Taylor plowing his ed tip a watch wbloh he lost three years ago. It was found to be In comparatively good condition. FIRHT BAtTIMT CHURCH. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; lesson subject, "The Power of Faith." Mr. S. Willis, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 a. m.; sermon Bubject. "The Scorn and Scowl of the Skeptic." Sunday school choir practive a.t 2 p. m. Evening worship. 8 p. m.; sermon subject, "Av Remarkably Well-edu cated Boy." The Lord's 8upper at 8:45 p. m. The Sunbeams will meet Monday afternoon at l o'clock. The Ladles' Aid Society will meet Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Prayermeeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Monthly ehurch conference Wed nesday evening at 8:45 o'clock. Choir practice at 9 o'clock. Tcachers' meeting Friday evening at 7:45 o'clock. MR. CLARKE I)EA1>. Mr. Austin Clarke, of Jacksonville, J every morning, a walk every day n rain or sunshipe, face massage wlh cold crami at alfljjht, ten minutes' ptfr slcal exercise immediately on rlsiig. friction of the hair to stimulate Is growth, will keep aay womacpfrie from wrinkles and will preserve tie contour of her figure." ? ?> . Red Lip Salve. Cinderella,? My lips aro pale purplish and not a good color. W< you recommend the use of a red ealv*? "v ? , - -it To redden the lips artificially w< detract from your look* rather n than pale and purplish Upa. You First Baptist Church, this city, Sunday,' April 17/ It will be welcome news to the Daily News readers to know that Rev. Mr. Mc Fariand, the eloquent and scholarly pastor of. the Baptist Church of Scot land Neck, is to .do the preaching. He will receive a warm welcome from tie citizens of the city. . He. has the reputation of boing a pulpiteer of magnetism. Rev. J. a. Sullivan is fortunate In securing his services. Mil. XICHOLSOX ILL. A telegram was received In the city this morning announcing the critical illness of Mr. B. B. Nichol son, of Airle, N*. C.. In consequence of this Dr. p. a. Nicholson left this afternoon for his bedside. Dr. sT T. Nicholson, Mr. B. B. Nicholson, of this city, and Dr. Jack Nicholson, of Bath, are expected to leave for Airle tomorrow morning. Mr. Nicholson is now in his 8 3d year. PAPER DELAYED. , On account of %two. members of the Dally News force being members of th^N^Vashington military company and hiring to be on duty all Thurs day night and part of the day Friday the regular issue of the Dally News was delayed yesterday. HUNGER INQUIRY Tbe CoMittM Meets Alter a Recces. t TODD WAS A WITNESS f* *?? It. HNriw VM?rVr ? TV, OkhtM Allom, ?"?* WMkh(U. tta Mm WltM. ? A Put Of nurta' TMtl. ??? DMM4 AMXher r?rt. Washington. April 1. ? The joint senate and house committee resumed 1U lnvestigstlon tills moraine of the Bslllnger-Plnchot controversy. Elmer E. Todd* United States dis trict attorney for Washington, was the flnt witness for Mr. Ballinger called by Attorney Vertrees. Todd la the pflteial mentioned by Gtavts as having been oonnected with the Wat son AUea Cots. Glavis also assorted that Todd had adrlsed him to delay #roseeotlba of the eaal dalmaats. [# Mr. Todd asld It was true that hn agreement had been reached to omit Mr. Baltlager's name from the Wat* son Allen case. He denied the state ment made by 8pecls I Agent Jones to the *Ce?l that he (Todd) had ad vised against prosecuting the coal claimants "became Judge Sanford was constitutionally opposed to land fraud cases and be did not want to be hnmlllatodf by bringing auch a prosecution before him." Mr. Todd said he never made any such statement to Jones. Judge San ford, he aaid. was not opposed- con-^ stltutlonally to land fraud cases. No such case which he had tried, he as serted. had ere/ been reversed by a hlgtyfcr court. Jndge Sanford. however, made a speech In which he criticised "theo retical conservation." Mr. Todd narrated the circumstan ces surrounding his failure to prose cute the coal claimants for fraud. Ha thought that "the cases did not comfi ?under the statutes wfjjch Glavis and Jones cltfed. He stated further, that Glavis' suc cessor. Special Agent Chrlstenson, had complained to him that certain papers and letters which Gravis had Were missing and the matter of he-i ginning criminal proceedings against Glavis was dismissed. I HYDROPHOBIA TO JIK TJlKATl-lffl . BY NEW METHOD. ' Ann Arbor. Mich., April ' 1. ? Dr. James Cumming. director of the I'as tenr hretitivte of the University of Michigan, today announced the dis covery of a new method for the treat ment of hydrophobia. The new treatment. Dr. Cumming says, eliminates many of the dangers attending the former methods and shortens the time of treatment by one week. Dr. Cumming uses a virus prepared from the Hpin'al tissues of a rabid animal. This is injected into the patient. The virus is said to have been used In several cases re cently with marked success. Halifax. N. C..' April 1. ? Eight Jurymen, who are to listen to the evi dence and pass judgment in the case of E. E. Powell, the Scotland Neck merchant, who is on trial here charged with the murder of Deputy Sheriff Chos- W. Dunn, sat in the Jury box this morning when court opened. The work of selecting the other four Jurymen was at once begun. Interest in the trial continues una bated and the court room today was Juat as much crowded, If not morfe so. than on the opening day of the trial yesterday. It was expected that the opening arguments would begin this afternoon. KOHL IBCH MASONS CONFER DEGREE SeKice Followed by a Banquet ? Covers Laid for 40 Persons? Was Much Enjoyed. One o/ the most impressive and In- ! terestlng feventa In local lodge circlet of the season took place at the Ma sonic hall last night, corner of Third and Bonner streets. The Royal Arch Masons. More Chapter, No. G3, of this city, conferred^the degree on W. M. Moore, T. C. Turnage and J. C. Galloway, all of Greentflle. This part of the progralh was wit nessed only by the members of the order resident of Washington and the visiting companion*. The ceremony of confirmation was solemn and im pressive and proved to be one In -which every member of the I^oyal i Arch exhibited the greatest enthusi asm. For weeks preparations have been going on for this auspicious event - ' This order In Waafelngton enjoys the reputation of being one of the moat thrifty organisations In. North Carolina. The member* composing the chapter are active and energetic and to thsih Is the chapter Indebted for ita will earned reputations After the solemn ceremonies of confirmation 'were completed a ban ~ rlwHIlfl quet was served to the members of the order and the visiting compan ions. Covers were laid for 40 per sons. It proved to be one of merri ment and pleasure. The following menu was served: - MENU Oyster Cocktail v Oysters on Half 8hell Crackers ' Pickles Cold Sliced Turkey Cranberry Sauce Celery Baked Hart . Asparagus on Toast Tomatoes and Lettuce Mayonnaise ? Tee Cream Aesorted Cake . , Macaroons Coffee Xeufchatel and American Cheese Toasted. Crackers ....... COMMENT ^ Of Uh ITWal I Editor Nave: 1 hare jut rod with much liwrwt and jilif ?ri thi ProcMdlnfi of tha last mutlii of tha Woman'! Betterment -Aaaoclatlon In Waahin(ton. Of all tha aaaocU tlohi In our town Inaucurated for tha nubile aerrlce. I know of aane more neceeeary or capable of perforata* mora efflctent aerrlce. There are mnny guaatlona which thla aaaocla tlon of women mar undertake 'and which come peculiarly within worn an'a sphere. 1 m?> refer to the Im porunt subject of sanitation and pub lic health, under which may be In cluded a municipal system of sewer age, mire crater, clean streets, a san itary market, and clean public build - Inga and homes. Attractive and well regulated playgrounds for the chil dren have conatltuted one of the ear ly purpose* of the aaaoclatlon, and 1 hare no doubt iLetr plans will soon be real tied. The feat home for our rural visit ore will prove a great com fort) and at traction. Other necessities will de velop as tbeae are"aupplied. All of them appeal to woman's natural love for eleanllaeea and beauty, and are the promptings of her desire to make the community happier and better. The beautiful pompenaatlon consists In the promise that abe who contri butes to the happiness and comfort of others will experience even greater Joy and pleasure than the recipients ! themselves. Every good woman in our town who wishes to drink at the fountain of genuine contentment should get in the procession and Join the Woman's Betterment Association. Very respectfully, J NO. H. 8MALL. Washington, D. C?, April 1. 1910. th?? gaietv. ? Numerous expressions of commen dation are heard today of last even ing's performance at the Gaiety. The -pictures -were superb and were thor oughly enjoyed by all present. As the Life of Moses series progresses they eoem to get better, and the one last night was certainly a master piece in every respect. The pictures for tonight are said to be high gjade,"* and a good show Is promised. The illustrated song for tonight is one of the pret tiest and most catch Mr. Whltten has put on since lie* lias been hpre. It is entitled "The Cook Bonk of Love." ar.d if the name implies anything, you should be able to get a pleasing recipe from- 1 h Is'aon s. 1 Mlas Mary .Elizabeth Thomas was the fortunate one last night, winning the handsome dish offered as a prize. It was a beauty, aird one that will be kept and appreciated. Don't forget that the Gaiety yill put on vaudeville all next week. The performers will arrive this evening, and judging from press reports they arc top notchers in their respective line?, Co;r.e out tonight ar.d sec a good show and hear some excellent music and good singing. ODDITIES IN THE DAY'S NEWS - A ginkgo leaf found 30 feet be neath the surface of a newly built railroad In Spokane, N". D., is esti mated to be 100.000 years old. Mary Davis, a 13-year-old school girl, who lives on the fifth floor of the house 'at 78 east One Hundred and Fifteenth street. New York, fell to the yard in the rear of her parents' apartment last night. She landed In a basket full of wet clotheB and escap ed with a sligfct bruise on her arm. The island of Aldabra, to the north west of Madagascar, is becoming smaller and smaller through the a^. tlon of the mangroves that grow all along the foot of the clifTa. They eat their way into the rocks In all di rections, and Into the gaps thus form ed the waves force their way. In the course of years they will probably re duce the Island to pieces. A well-known firm of Geneva watch makers recently constructed a stop watch which lOglHters tenths of sec onds. Hitherto the smallest fraction of time registered by any timepiece has been fifths of a second; and It. was commonly thought that smaller divisions could not be marked owing to the excessively sensitive mechan ism that would be required. Thia watch Is fitted with the anchor es capement, and it can be controlled either by hand or by electricity. It has been thoroughly tested, and the experiments have shown that Its reg istration Is perfectly accurate. FIRST RKRMON. 1 ?? The first of the aeries of educa tional sermoiu* during the month of April wilL be preached tomorrow n'ght a let he First Baptist Churth by Rev.. J. A. 8u!!'nn. The aubject of the sermon wl)l be "A Remarkably w?'i Educated 6 or " Mia lhry Wright and Mr. C. K Betta of the Washington rcMIc School fatuity, ?i!l aloft at thte fejrttee. All loter eate* In the oaaae of education are II NIGHT Of TERROR Two Wmk* and a ManaCoMl POSSES SEARCH FOR HB1 l ?pro?rtcd Wm*m are At tacked. Two at Whom are rriltM l?ar Bod, Of a Mm Fond oa the Springfield. Mass.. April 1 Day light today brought relief to Spring field after a night of terror In which a woman and a man were killed and another woman was, fatal!? shot. A double tragedy followed tke reap pearance of the maaked burglar who a jeer ago kept the city la panic for weeks. Confronting three, unprotect ed women In their kome. the bandit ?hot HIm Martha B. Blac ketone dead as she screamed and fatally wounded another. Mlsa Harriet Dow. a few hours later the body -of a man was found on the tracks of the Boston and Maine Railroad. The third woman threatened by the bandit, Mrs. Sarah J.. Dow, today declared her belief that the dead man was the murderer, but the police are inclined to the theory that the bandit. Incensed at having secured no money from the women, held up the msn and killed him, leav ing the body on the tracks where It was mangled by s train. An Investlgstion of the 4i0uee In which the women were attacked to day show that the thug protiably hid in a closet In the early part of the evening. When he suddenly appeared before the three, a slouch hat hid the upper part of his face and the lower pstt was masked with a handker chief. As he demanded money, Mlas Blackstone, who was a graduate of Smith College and a school teacher, fled In panic, screaming. She dropped with a bullet through her heart. Miss Dow. while her mother tried to calm her, jumped up and was shot through the hend. Then the robber fled to ward the railroad track. Within a short time posses had been organized and several suspects wej;e arrested. The {najori^v of them were released today.-' Hit ST METHODIST CHl'RCH. There will l>e the usual services at th?* First Methodist Church Sunday morning and evening. The pastor will preach at both hours. After the morning sermon #the Holy Commu nion will be administered. At night the subject of the discourse will be "Washington's l-ast Tragedy." The Sunday school mcciM a! 4 o'clock and Mr. E. R. Mlxou. the superintendent extends a cordial invitation to all to he present. Tlip Baracas are plan ning for a most interesting meeting. The orchestra wilf lender music as usual. . i examiner ciajses dank. Pilot Mountain Institution M;ulc l'n NHfc by Acts ??f Management, It Is Alleged. Winston-Salenv, Ai^il 1. ? Because, it is alleged, the interests of the de positors have been jeopardized by acts of the bank's management, the Pilot Mauntaiu Dank & Trust Co., of Pilct Mountain, was closed yester day by State Examiner Doughton. The bank's paid-in capital stock is $25,700. G. O. Key Is president and W. J. Swanson cashier. SENATOR DANIEI/H CONDITION 18 BETTKR. . ' * Daytona, Fla.. April 1. ? The con dition of Senator Daniel of . Virgin ia is better tonight than yesterday, but shows very little improvement over his condition four dayrf*ago, ac cording to an announcement made by Dr. Chowning. attending "physician. NEWS FROM NICARAGUA. New Orleans. April 1. ? Following the announcement of local represen tatives of the Nlcaraguan Insurgent movement last night they had had abandoned a proposed expedition planned to strengthen the Estrada army. It was reported that about 100 men had been recruited and were evincing a keen disappointment at rot being able to get closer to the firing Une. Oen. V. D. B. Gordon, who recently came to New Orleans In the lntereat of such an expedition, he atated at the time,, will probably return to the front by the next boat for Blueflelds. ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ? ? Gem Theater. ? ? Gaiety Theater. ? ? J. K. Hoy t? Underwear. 4 ? Rlggs House, Washington , D. C. ? ? Mother Oray Powders. ? ? Doan's Kldne/ Pill*. ? ? Cardul. ? ? Laxative Bromo Quinine. ? .........