term of the Sup trior Court for Beau fort county hu been ordered to W held at the courthouse la Washing ton. beginning Monday, May 9, 1110. for the transaction of criminal and! civil business generally, and that the ?aid special torn will hare all the, Jurisdiction and powers tjxat regular term# of the Superior court have. All persons and witnesses summoned at the regular or special term and offi cers or others who may be bound to attend the next regular term of the court shall attend the special term under the same rulss, forfeitures and penalties as If the. term were a regu lar term. "* ' "'r' : ' This April 5. ltlO. * GILBERT RUMLEY, I | ' I Clsrlf to BoardT NOTICE. North Carolina, Beaufort County. Superior court. May term, 1910. L.. W. Cook^va Neva May Cook. Defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled asi above, has been commenced In the Superior court of Beaufort county to secure an sbsolute divorce from the defendant; and the said defen dant will further take nojtee that he Is required to appear at the term of the Superior court to be held on the 11th Monday after the 1st Monday In March, It being May 23d, 1910, at the courthouse of said county, in Washington, N. C.. and answer or demur to the comply lnt In said ac tion, or the plaintiff will afrply to ths court for the relief demanded In said complaint This 16th dsy of March. 1910. GEO/ A. fkVL. Clork Superior Court NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of a power of sale con-' tained In a certain mortgage deed from Samuel Smallwood to John C. Rodman, dated March 14, 1907, and duly recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deed* of Beaufort county, In book 148 at page >46, the under signed will on Monday, the 2d day of ICay, 1910, at is o'clock noon, offer I for aale at public auction to the high eat bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door In Washington, N. C., that cer tain piece or parcel of land lying and being In the county of Beaufort and State of North Carolina, and In Washington township, and described and defined as follows, to- wit: Near the city of Washington at the suburb known as Ifrsshlngton Heights, being lots numbers eleven (11) and twelve (12) la* block number twenty-eight (28) acoordlng to Holes map of said property, a copy of which Is regis tered in the office of the' Register of ; Deeds of Beaufort county, and is hereby referred to for a more com plete description. This the 24th ddj of March, 1910. JOHN C. RODMAN. Mortgagee. W. C. Rodman, Attorney. NOTICE. Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the late Fran lea M. Kingsbury, deceased, all persona In debted to the said estate are required to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against (aid estate are notified to present them duly itemised and verified within 12 months from this date, as prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. This the 4th day of April, 1910. JOSEPHINE De 8. WHITNEY, Administratrix. MM**:" fcOBCHj. I have this day qualified before the elerk of the ?vperior court of Begu fort county as administrator a T. A. of the estate ot Martha A. Paul, de ceased. AU persons who may have.. Just claims or -accounts against her estate are hereby notified to file tW same with me duly tttmleed and veri fied within one year from this date, , aa prescribed by lair, else this notice will be' pleaded la bar of their recov ery. All persons who are Indebted to said estate sre requested to make im mediate settlement with me as ad ministrator. This 22d day of March. 1910. HUGH PAUL. Administrator. THIS IS FOR YOU. The time Is ont and X must have your taxes. Why not pafr without extra ooett I am now levying on . land for taxes and preparing my list lor the paper. Do you waat your property aftrejllsed with aa addition al oost of |tt If ao*.^epme la and settle a$ once. Positively 1 cannot wait longer. Thoee having no land may expect me to levy on their per sonal prpperty or to attach their wage*. I hope all who owe taxes will settle now and save th* cost and re Meve ml of an unpleasant dnty. Vejj respectfully, . *Lpt , CWO. E. RIOKS, Sheriff of Beaufort Co. March It. 1*10. !-?; NOVICE, Haying tfcla day auallfl.d u fcd ^tnlatrator of lie lata J. 1. Baalftei dmaaad. an jmmi hidtbteO to aaM ?u want, aad an ptntn haylM '?MMPakataM aald eatatt, ar? aotia*! m U> tba UDdefalBaad 1 MkMl>tl *>?atM ?M <Ma data or AbmM^rUI'H 1m tyc ?C * IKWW if* ;*?? 8 t J ;v-r i ? Make Your Sewing Machine Choice Tbmrm Im Only Onm "Bromo Quinine " That Im Laxative Bromo Quinine MB nm WOULD OMR TO iMMT A WOLD M Off MF. Always remember the fall name. Look for thij signature on^every box. 85o. iQ ^ you say. end therefor* do not need Insurance. Btit what guartfn tee here yon that your good luck will not turn tomorrow? INSURE TODAY with WM. BRAGAW & CO., *????? 1- W?rtancto?, s. c. BEGINNING TUESDAY, ALL Pattern Hats and Pattern Shapes Reduced SO Per Cent. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY MADAM H. LITTLER * The easy, light running Southern Furniture Company. When we say make your choice the Southern Furniture Com pany wo do 'so because we know from actual test ? from expe rience?that it is without exception the very best Sewing Ms chine that brains and the very best mechanical wkiil can pro duce. It's n time saver, a lab r sarer, snd does absolutely per fect work. ; H We. want yon to try a Southern Furniture Company ? give ?it a thorough test in your own home. If It isn't all that we claim it to be, your money cheerfully refunded. SOUTHERN FURNITURE CO. NOTICE OF 8AL*. By Tlrtue ot a decree of the Su perior court ot Boaufort county this] day Entered in a apodal proceed Ins' therein pending. ontlUed T. K. Wal ker and wife vs. Prank Cuthral! and others, which la hereby referred to. the undersigned commissioners will sell, at public auction, for oaah to the highest bidder, at the court house door In Beaufort oounty, on Monday, the 2nd day of May; 1910. two certain tracts or parcels of land whereof Alex Cuthrell died seised and pos sessed, situated In Richland town ship, Beaufort county, described as follows: " | lv All. that entry or grant to Alex Cuthrell, adjoin tag the Beaufort .and Pamlioo county line, for 2t?.?4 acres, the same bains grant No. 14.111, dated January It, 1901. and duly re their recorery. Thla the. 7th day of March, 1910. J. J. 8MITH, Administrator COURTHOUSE MEETING. A mass meeting of all good cltlsena and tax payers of Beaufort county la requeeted and desired by the Board of County Commiaaionera at the courthouae in Waahlngton, N. C-, on Saturday, April 13, ltlO, at It m.. to conaider and take some action showing the sentiments of the people in regard to thia question. Thla April 11, 1910. . \ R. R. WARREN. Chairman to Board of County Com miaaionera. ANNOUNCEMENT I will bo a candidate before the Democratic primaries and the next Pumocratlc District Convention, for the nomination as, ~ Solicitor of the First Judicial District of tbi* Stat* ! I request the sup past of all Demo crats. If nooUaatad and elected 1 promise to dlacharga the duties ot said Offlee, fairly nod impartially without fear or* favor. February 1, 1910. ? L 8'mmon& BANK OF, WASHINGTON. Washington, N. C.. April 1, 1916. The annual masting of the stock holders of the Bank of Washington will be held at tholr hanking house In this city at noon on Thorsday, May 5 th proximo. THOS. J. LATHAM. Cashier. I adjoining the entry first above re ferred to and the lands of Thomas Cayton, Warren and Calvin Tuten and others. We reserve the right to sell the said lands, either aa a whole ( or In parcels, aa may be deemed beat on the day of sale. Thla April 1, 1*10. A. D. MacLEAN, W. A. THOMPSON. Commissioners. Sooner or later the kind of man who punishes himself by eatlirg "brain foods" gets sense enough to quit It. In time it may be made criminal by ordinance or statute to perform any thing like Quiet or unostentatious charity. TO CUIUS A COLD In on* DAT Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists re fuBd money If it faU^ to cur*. E. W. GROVE'S tig? tore Is oa.flkcb box. 26* JUST RECEIVED ' A car of' Best Pat. Floor trade at Wholesale prices for cash. 'Pfapne 87. E. L. ARCHBELL Queen City . . . ,N Confectionery . (Formerly Wuhiojlon C?nily Kltchta.) The Best Home-made Candies and Pore Ice-Cream in ? ttac city. - " Personal Mention , Mr. L. H. Plnkhtti. of Norfolk. Va., a former resident of this city, arrived on the Norfolk ? Southern train this morning to spend a few day* in the city, the guest of friends. ? ? Misses Stella and Llda Sparrow, of Winsteadvtlls, N. C.. are vlaltlng Mr and Mrs. W. It Pedrlck. West 8econd ? 9 Mr. J. Mac Alllgood, of Jessema, was here yesterday. ? ? Mr. W. O. Montgomery, of Belhav- I en. was a Washington visitor this] morning- N Miss Augusta Oden, of Pinetown,| was In the city today. ? ? Mr. Charlie Brlnn, of 8wan Quar- ] tor, was in the city today on busi- 1 ness. ? ? , Mr. W. M. Chauncey returned from | Belhaven this morning. Rev. Q. W. Belk, of Wilson, ar- 1 rived hdfc today to attend the Albe- 1 marie Presbytery. ? ? Mr. Horton Cutler, of Jessema. was] in town this morning. * ? Mr. John Tankard, of Teatesvilie, | was on our streets this afternoon. ? ? I Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Pegram left j this morning for a week's visit to | Swan Quarter. Mr. T. D. Aldridge, of South Creek, | Is in the city today. ? ? Mr. A. M. Oumay left this morning | for Pinetown. ? ? Mr. W. M. Kear left this morning | on a business trip to Pinetown. ? ? Mr. E. B. Costens left today for| Roper. ? ? Rev. G. W. Belk, of Wilson, Rev. | D. McC. White, of Raleigh, and Rev. R. C. Deal, of Kinston, arrived in I the city this morning to attend the | meeting of the Presbytery. ^ m m Mr. Qeo. Allen, of Raleigh; Mr. C. A- Marslender, of Falkland; Mr. Hill, of Barum Springs Orphanage, and Mr. Dodson, of Kinston, arrived in the city this morning to attend the meeting of the Presbytery. HIS OWN FAULT. Poeticna? No. sir; I'm not getting stuff back from the publishers now. 8criptor ? Is that so? Don't forget, old man. that you u? always wsl ( com* to my stamps. ?Nervous Dyspepsia If Ton Hare it. Read This Letter, Ml-o-na in Guaranteed was taken last Augu&t with a severe stomach trouble. " The doctor iaald It was nervous dyspepsia. I took bis treatment four weeks, but did not (eel a tiy better. I took everything I beard of. The first day of J^ecember, 1908, I got a bo* of Ml-o-ftn, I took tbem that afternoon and theSiext day and haven't had one bit of pain in my stomach since the 2nd of Decem ber. 1 took five boxes. Feel well now, and sleep good. ? Mrs. M. E. Maxfleld, R. P. D. i. Avoca, N. "V. Ml-O-NA is surely the best pre scription for Indigestion ever written? I It relieves after dinner distress, belching of gas, foul breath, heart burn, etc., in five minutes. It Is guaranteed to permanently cure indigestion, acute or Qhronle, or any disease of the stomach or money back. MI-O-NA -atomach tablets are sold by Brown's Drug Store and leading druggists everywhere at 50 cents a large box. - The Emergency Remedy Tick's Croup and Paoenrtmla Salve will save sickness and ? ' dollars. old reliable. f Preventive of Scalding. A simple device Is Illustrated bt>re with. which may be used to tilt a ket tie in which vegetables or other food is being cooked, so that it may be FOR HK AD ACHE ? Hick's Capudlne. Whether from Colds, Heat. Stom ach or Nervous t roubles, Capudine will relieve you. It's liquid ? pleas ant to t*ke-? act# immediately. Try It. 10, 25 and 50c. at drug stores. CRYSTAL ICE CO., WASHINGTON. N. C. Kettle Titter. * drained without scalding the hands The device consists of a pair of wire arms, which may b? fitted to grip the edges of the kettle. These arms are provided with a pair of bandies, wblcb are crossed under the ball of the ket tle. a third handle may be seized in one hand, while the other two handles are grasped in the other hand. The kettle will thus be firmly gripped, and It may be tilted to any desired de gree with perfect safety. Vipers In France. Strangers are sometimes surprised by the fear of vipers which exists in some parts of France. These little venomous snakes are dangerous both to man and beast. Recently a move ment has Ix^n made to protect the vipers, on the ground that they render valuable aervlces in destroying ro dents, mollusks, and other small noxi ous animals, but a writer in the Jour nal of Practical Agriculture strenu ously opposes this, declaring that the services performed by the vipers are of small account In comparison with the accidents, frequently mortal, which they cause. He instances a lit tle neighborhood In the Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle. where the vipers became a veritable plague, and where. Inspired by the offer of a re ward, two hunters destroyed 12,000. An Electric Alr-Trsp. The Instrument used by Mons. Tela aerenc de Bort for collecting speci mens of air at high altitudes with the aid of sounding balloon consists of a very perfect vacuum-tube with a fine ly drawn-out end. Either the rise of the mercury In a barometer corre sponding with a previously determined | altitude, or the clockwork of the meteorograph forms an electric con tact, causing a little hammer to fall and break the end of the tube. Afr then rushes In. thereupon another electric contact, bronght about by the same means, allocs the current of a email accumulator to heat the plati num wire wound round the capillary tube to a red heat. This fusee the glass and again cioees the end of vacuum<uba. thus entrapping the Qavs No Warning. On entering the stable suddenly the bead of (fee houa# found the hostler and hla own y ouag son deeply engaged wlih the broken tall of a kite. ? "How t? it. WUllama." be began. se verely, "that I never find you at work when I come oat here?" 1 know," volunteered bis son; "It's on account of those rubber been you're wearing now." CAPUDLS'fi for "Thai CoaUa^ha/* Out utK lugou headache and nervous this m?rt?lnx?_ Hlcka' Capo dffie Just tba thing t< fit you for bUBineaa. Clear* the hea4 ? braces the nervee. Try it. At drug atorea IF YOU CAN GET Better Light] with a lamp that uses Less Than Half the Current what can you afford to pay for the new lamp ? The O.B. ' ' ? ' SOLE AGENTS FOR PARIS PATTERN? ?r ^ Summer U nderwear Before jrou make your purcluue* call and see oar line. THey are nobbj, wearable and Just the kind stylish men love to wear. H. V. D's. at i Me. Scriven'a at soc. to We, Knit V nderwear at 25c. to 00c. It will be a pleasure to show jon. SPENCE^BROS. K&fju. THY FUSSELL'S ICE CREAM The oldest establishment in America. -THK t'RKAM OF QTAUTY j Writ? or 'Phone -us? delivery promptly to any part of the city promptly to any part of the rity. WASHINGTON DRUG STORE GAS LIGHT Makes a store attractive at night It attracts the public. It stops the passer-by It holds attention. It shows the goods. It is always on duty. It gives the moot light, and the best light? and the cheapest light. Perfect store lighting at least cost Is obtained by using in candescent C*as Lighting in doors and outdoors. Washington Light and W aterCo. Can't help from g advertising to :>ome extent. I am trying to be wide awake ik my profession, am always looking t^the top of the hills, I want the best regardleaa of cost. You may keep your eyes on Baker's Studio, something is going on, soon will have a studio fitted up that Washington will be proud of. I am going u> try to turn out a? good work here as you can get anywhere. We have got things to do It with. We are going to show you a New York studio in a few days In Washington. BAKER'S STUDIO. I imi 1 TRY OUR Pitted Cherries For cherry roll, cherry tart, and cheJry pie they're de licioi/s. Walter Credle & Company 'Phone 80. i ir=im 1 Tonight at the Gaiety THK LAMP POST INSPECTOR ? ('oiuwJj. FAMILY OUTING ? Comedy. THK Bl'ltJKI) SECRET ? Dra matic* Sung, "< 'hriNtniHN Time* Year* and Yfarn A(to." FIXE BIOGRAPH TOMOR. HOW NIGHT. Follow the Merry Crowd BEET SEEDS and ONION SEEDS\ shonld be planted at once. Another lot arrived today. BOG ART, DRUGS and SEEDS Hick*' CAPl'DIXfi Cure? Sick Hea* icoe. Also Nerioua Heaaacho, Travelers* Headache and achee from Grip, Btomaca Troubles or Femaio trpu blea. Trj Capudlne ? lt'c liquid ? effects Immediately. Sold hr drug gists 10, 25 and 50 centa. RIGGS HOUSI WASHINGTON, D. C. The hotel "par excellence" of the National Capital. First-class iu all appoint ments. Opposite the U. S. Treas ury; one block from the White House. An illustrated Guide to Washington will be mailed, free of charge, upon re ceipt of two 2 cent stamps. 0. G. STAPLES, Proprietor. SPECIAL SALE OF HIGH-GRADE Enameled Ware 2 Quart Tapped Preserving K< 2 Quart IJpped Sauce Pan*, 1 Quart Pndding^Papg. 1 H Quart Pudding Pans, 2 Qhart Pudding Pan*, I Quart Bake Pans, 1 Quart Deep 8 tew Pans, 0-Inch Pie Plates, 10-Inch Pie Plates, 1 1-Inch Wash Basins. Each piece la warranted to bs strictly three coats, white lined,' enameled on outside in a beautiful shade ot dark blue. 8KB WINDOW DISPLAY FOR SAMPLES. J. II BARKIS PLUMBING hd k SUPPLY COMPANY ? ft * " f '''fa? ? > _ i) M,,M ] For only 10c. I each. ^ } For 15c. each.

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