.v, :? HINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. APRIL 23, 1910 VOLUME U Is an Undertaking Between the United States Depai .ment,pf Agriculture and University of Wisconsin. . ? iji * "Washington, D C.. ABTrt - Ati event t>f importance to tie wood-fct lng in dustries of the country and to 'engineers la the\ompletlon of the . Forest Products Laboratory at Madi son. >yis. June 4 baa been sec a a tl?e date for the formal opening. Thtt laboratory has-been -established to aid, through experiments and demon ' atrations, the lessening of waate In the manufacture and use of wood - It -la a eocitwrattve undsi taking- bt ? tyeon the U. B.. Department of-^gri rulture and the University pf Wis consin. The State has erected for the pi^JWBe a new building , at the unj ^ertib'^ind will furnish' also the light, ?heat, and qO^rer. The Department ot. ARri(-iilture?)pp4flV^(l the equlp ? ntent and apparatus -vrHt -maln taln the fore? of thirtj-ftve ?j.iprty persona required to carry on the work. Through this arrangement, the United States has secured ? per haps the largest and Mat equipped wood feting laboratory In the worlii. A number o f vacancies in engineer ing positions in connection with the *:*8fk w!U"be filled Jn nW_**d June. (Among tteea *rey>opmoa of engineer in w^6d prestation; engineer In timltor testing, and* chemical engi neering, , Theee positions will he gl.TCn Ho meitwltti a'hasls of ttforouih engineering- training. or, two or thxfe years' experience in practical work. ; T hela&o ratory will be priepald to make testa on the strength and other properties of wood, io investigate the processes of treating timber to pre vent destruction of decay and other cause*, to study the savlhfr' ot wood refn&e toy distillation yionwi. to ex amine the fiber of vaftous woods for paper and other purposes, and to de tremine the .Influence of ths micro scopic structure of < wood, on Its char acteristics and properties. Facilities are at hand. In fact, for almost any kind of te*t on wood that' practical conditions fluy require. dumber manufacturing and Wt>of using Industries a.re k'JSriljr ihterested In t?e work) on account of its pries tlcal bearing on reducing' waste of wood ? u> them a subject of vital con cern... Already they. ha.vcA proposed many experiments and supplied much testing material, which la awaiting at teatlon. * '*? <:;r ? ' ?./, | flaay prominent men of seat the congregation. The sieging le by the Sunday school choir was a fea ture of the service. The solo by Miss Mabel Pipkin, "My Mother's Prayer.*4 and chorus by the choir, was much enjoyed. Rev. R. ' M?Flflfchd preached a most aiipettft^g^ermon or\ the text "Whosoever Will," 'fed seefn ed to impress the congregation vfrr deeply. ' Tho church if looking fontfhrd, to the s^vices tomorrow with much ex pectancy. Mr. McFarland will speak at the hour for the Sunday school les son. The school will assemble promptly at 9:45 o'clock and the. classes will meet for marking the at tendance, taking the collection, and ldoklng after other matters- perfain ihg to the classes. They will then reassemble in the main room, and af ter a short song service, Mr. McFar land .will address the school. Jt is safe to say that he will have some thing of especial interest. to say to aU those present. The mothers and fathers are urged to pome out and enjoy the meeting. Those not mem bers of the School who desire to come in time for the address can come in >au late at id: 10 o'clock. Mr. McFarland will preach at both tlie morning and evening hours. At the evening service, the church- will take its annual offering for Foreign and Home Missions. ' - . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. There will be regular services at the First Presbyteria Church Sunday morning and evening at the usual hours. At the evening hour the pas tor. Rev. H. B. Searight, wftl deliver a special sermon on Education. His subject will be "Relation Between the Home an*op*evapd hla com ing to WMMwon^rwVajS hailed with pleaa^aif Everyone cordially Invited to all jervlces. * There wttt'fre a?clai Mm ic. FIRST MKT HOW HT CHURCH. * At the 11 o'clock flbhrlce tomop* rowmornlnf'at thla chorch. the baa tor. Re jr. Mr. Plyl^r; will deliver mi educational' nirtnon. and , his Bubject will bo "TJ*e Peraanal youcb." Ev eryone Interested In .the canee Qf 0(j. ucatlon la urged to be preaeiu on this occasion. At nl?ht t her pastor will de liver tenth serofdt la the aeries on the Sinners of tthimblef Tomor row nlgbl tbertpjytWwUil? " "A Cruel Sinner." Ther'e will te gdpd m ilslc at Sunday ,schodKjpj|ipro?iptlj; a'tl4 o'clock. The BatyMUupT Phliathea claaaes meet at U411 t^iy hour. The Orchestra will play/fi'^Tapal most at fk 0 IB mnjfti. ,^4p, ^ Attractive floral Displays TOR THE HOME GROUNDS EFFECTIVE USE OF SPIBAE. ? - ~ ~ I 77i ??-V* '? w" ***? ?* - MB*-'- r yy "-aKP^aHy*fWf OOLEAS, C ANNAS AND GERANIUMS. n ORPHANS Hinging Class Gives a Most Creditable. Performance Lust Night. f The public school auditorium was well filled with people last night to ! hear the concert rendered by "thei singing class of the Oxford Orphan [Asylum. .The entertainment was con sidered one of the best ever given iii Washington by representatives from' thts woTthy institution. The follow ing children composed the class: Frances Ex.um. Nina Qatlin. Lena Hartsell. Flora Hutcbins. Essie Mor ton, Wllrna OBborne. Vlrgie PerryJ Olivia Rogers, Effle Settle,, Isabel Smith, George Daniel, Sam Gup ton', Gr&dy Morris, Edmund Parsons. The entertainment' consisted choruses, recitations, duets, declama tions, etc". One of the most attrac ts and interesting members of the1 class was sweet little Isabslt Smith, a woe lUUt tot who took the-?fadience by storm. xYlthougti you as In years, j not quite 'eight years of age, she >1?ou1d put to shame ona much older, ftfer rendition of^ihoB(|fcto Seng was one of the hits of tV6 oVenlng. She appeared to advft?jta^e in aevernl other selections. The entire perform ance was most creditable and reflects no little credit on this well known In Btituion. Quite a nicf sum whs real ized for the asylum., . ; 7 ? In the last three, months of last' yeat-t^e railroads killed 1,099 peo ple and injured ' ln~auy re duction, being made in' this death rate by tU$*ns of bet{W appliance** and botter handling of trains? Not much! [For the last ilyree monlhs of'the year pr*ti?>u8 only ?98 wer* killed and That is making pro i n th? Awro?g^direct ion. ? ' lalgh men are sq ricVfhey can evon^ o be t'nited States Senators. TO ADJOURN EARLY The Republicans Want Congress to Adjourn. PROSPECTS NOT BRIGHT Word Uiii. lleen Heat Froui lU-puhli can Headquarters for llotii Hmiwn of ?onKrrut walk and listen. Motft of the patrolmen are young j fellows- wLu, think ibey?have fallen j Into a snap, but after a few months .the lonelieiiess them nnd they depart. There Is nothing to do but 1 walk, walk, walk, except when a i ?break is found Then itlls a hike to thu near oat telephone atifl a hurry up j raTffor Tfit WTnW*?ll*f in!Ot$ng j happens then all the pi pa line walker i 'need do Is t" All out a blank report ! J with "nothing doing" orf it and mail J It to headquarters. Tht^sheep'horder has his doc? j>ud , his sheep, the army sentry Ills fre quent reliefs, and the track walker1 hears companionable sounds ami gets I many glimpses of-llfe. Hut the pipe I patrolman go.ts nothing but monotony as the line follows neither wagon ; read nor railroad, but makes a bee line across the flat country. former regulars In the 1'ulted Stale*! army. men familiar wltl; tin dreary routine of western frontier pests, [have tried it and thrown up the Job I after a i weeks. One of them said. I "When I go bughouse 1 am going by the regular route." I The pipe line walker gets to see. | walking and sleeping, only the same blur of- trees and land, and then, as the leak he is always listening for seldom happens. It gets on the nerves. Ev ery lime the trees rustle I hp ihlnkl It is a break ahead. It is! the nervpus anticipation thai breaks! him down. Finally he begins to pinch himself, to see if he is plive. and then to talk to htmself so that he can hear Then it is time to hike Jo the tele graph office and wire his resignation. ] mi \TKh r.\ii.\<;it.\]?Hs The man with the long head is able I to use it on short notice. What we know Is one thing aWj what we think we know is another . I Gr^jrt-thiofcs can be accomplished by ifreat men with but little effort. VIOLIN LESSONS^ For rates and other de tails addrfess me, inclosing a two-cent stamp. L. G. SCHAFFER, j Washington, N. C.I *? ? i WORK IS PUSHED Twenty-Six Bodies flUve Been v Taken From Mine. - ? < 1 ? . ? LARGE PARTIES At WtjRK It is Expert**! the tufted States Mine Workers will Mukc Large Vontrl. butkuis ti> the Families of l>c?d Miners ? Itiriniiigliam Contributes Liberally to the Unfortunates. Mulga. Ala.. April 22.? Twenty-six bodies had^been recovered from Mul ga mones at n o'clock today and the rescue work was being pushed as rap idly as possible. It was said tke men in charge expect to have everyone of the 4 3 victims of the Wednesday night's disaster out of the mine. by midnight Water Is rapidly rising In both shafts but arrangements were quickly made to pump the water out as fast us it rushes In. It was said that the overflow of water ueually fol lows such explosions and that the rescuers could cope with the situa tion.- The bodies of the dead are be ing turned oved to Ensloy undertak ers as soon ad taken out and Iden tified. Coroner Brasher Is Investigating the cause of the disaster. P real den f T. L- Lewis, of the Unit ed States Mine Workers of"Amerlca, has wired hqre for details of the ac cident arid It Is expected that organ ization will make a large contribu tion to the families of the dead men. The citizens of Birmingham district are taking up collections for the re lief of the beroavod families and the sum has already assumed substantial proportions. KMKiKAI'll IMH'lil.KHKAIlKll TO. NIUHT AT GAIETY. ' Tonight the Gaiety heads its pic ture program with a Blograph double header, of the very latest pictures Is sued by this celebrated company, be ing only released. March 3 V\ "The Smoker." portrays the com plicated situations^ arising from a man trying to keep a promise to his wife to quit smoking. He finds lie Is not able to keep his promise but does not want in -disappoint her. and the I way it fatally turns out is, of course, satisfactory to bc?ih sides. 1 "Hi* Last Dollal*." shows Hank In had when he look a young lady friend into a swell restaurant who was pos sessed with ?| champagne thirst, while he only. hajiyn beer c>ti>itaL . ? fl^h eonvedv. A <' " - Mr. and Mrs- i.Ju U. Hoes will give another hunch of conn comedy, to night, entitled "lin?tua nn HI* Way io Washington to Have His Patent Pusher Patented " Needless to say they will "make pood" as all who have seen their work for the last two nights agree that they have about the only "real" vaudeville that has been In Washington this season. "Shfikey Kyes" will he Mr. Whlt -i ? H-' - offering this exeniut and it 1? line that can't full to ph*:ise. PI. AN To \|?|? \YIX<: To llAI.KIIill l l-rttKIIAI. lll'IMIIXO. Italplfh. April -There in much encouragement here now over the outlook for securing a much needed enlargement for the government building. Something like was expended during the past year on the renovation of the building and the installation of an electric eleva tor. Now the p]aut> are being drawn for a wing to be nddod to the west through the rear of the present court yard. The department of Justice and the postoffice are both up against the necessity of much more room than this w?ng will provide. lhat will take ull the com elt out of a silly woman. _ ? NEW AOVKRTVSEMENTS. ? p Gem Theater. * ? Gaiety Theater. 4 ? -I. K. Hoyt ? Corsets. + ? Old flay Line 'Steamers. + ? I. H. Harris Plumbing & Supply ? ? Co. ? Rooting. 4 ? Southern Furniture Co. ? House ? ? Furnishings. 4 ? Mother Gray Powders. + ? Parisian Sage. + ? Cardui. 4 ? Doan's Kidney Pills, ? ? Laxative Bromo Quinine. ? How to Get New Boarders! Write to the people of thlsclty who live In boarding. houses ? ? them a want ad message. Toll them something vital about your Boarding Uouae ? some fart that looks big -to boarders ? some things that would Interest ycti if you were reading the boarding ad$., with the "m'trtlng" spirit moving within you. 4? J EMPHASIZE something in your ad. location of your house ?If that's' desirable. Sixe or furnishings of rooms ? the cooking ? ybur tertna: ? thodern ConVenletaces of your house? anything j , thaj might beaded fling-fart with a boarder. THEN ? order more- tSSffi ohe inaortion of your adl