THE WEATHER WASHINGTON NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON. APRIL 28, COMMENCEMENT I Will Take Place This Y< guished Speakers 1 Commencement this year will oc cur on May 20. The officials are pe culiarly fortunate In- the selection ol speakers for this occasion. The sermon wUl be delivered by Rev. Bertram E. Brown, roctor o* the Episcopal church at-HTarboro. ' Mr< Brown has a wide reputation as a schoffcr and speaker. The hour for - the sermon will be It a. m.. May SO. The literary address will be deliv ered by H<hj. A- B. Martin, or Wash ington, D. G. Mr. Martin was (or some years State superintendent of public instruction in 8outh Carolina. He is now connected with the, Department of Agriculture in the National Capi tal." Superintendent Newbold says II PUBLIC SCHOOL ar on May 20th. Distin lave Been Selected. T"5 'he had the pleasure of hearing Mr. I Martin In Charlotte, N. C-? last Jgn f nary ,;and that he la a moat lnterest [ ing sure, and will please our people. | The hour for the address U 8.30 p. m.. May SO. Immediately following the address a brief report of the -year'* work'wfM be made by the superintendent, and the graduating exercises will occur. An interesting musical program for each service is belngarranged by the music committee, composed' of Mr. ; Betts, Miss Bonner and Miss Moore. Miss Bonner's final music recital will be given on the evening of M*y 19. at ^8. 30 o'clock. Everybody la cordially invited to attend each of these services. , CAKDPARTY AT BELHAVKX. Mr?. W. T. Marsh was at home to her friends In Belhaven last evening entertaining at cards. Delicious and tempting refreshments were served. The following were present: Miss Myrtle Swindell, Miss Mattle Topping. Miss Ethel Swindell. Miss Grlftn. Miss Olgs smith. Miss Moyer. Mrs. e C. Smith, Mr. Virgil Walker, Mr. C. C Smith; Mrs. 1: 8. COX. of New Bern. Miss Llxsjp Rogers. Ral eigh. No social function hss occur red In Belhaven this season that car ried with it more pleasure snd en joyment. POU TAX A!f II VOTING. The State constitution has provid ed that those who wtsk to vote In the fall elections must 'pay their poll tax on or before th* Ant dsy of May. The sttornsy-ge serai has recently de cided that as May l falls on 8unday this year voters, i legally consider Monday as th+int day. thus givng them s day of grace, so to spesk. TVs payment of poll tax on time lh an important matter] and evry man who has not attended" to ft should do so at once. Losing of the right to vote by not psylng this tax within the k.pevilled time does not work re lief from Its psyment. It Is still due snd collectible just ss If there were, no such provision in reference to tin "f realise. Were thaesss* otherwise ?nefe might be soma sllxti'--mo*lVe for 'some people not' paytng It? thoi^ who are willing- to relinquish the right of suffragfc In order to save a small sum. CRIME OF OLD AGE. The United States government dis charged two of the oldeet men In the customs service yesterday. Benjamin P. Small. 75 years* old. and for more thsn thirty years In the service, was the ftrst man to go. He was old and bUT-^iltlived his usefulness, so he wudhcMtpl. Will had f68 fcom tag. and whea be was handed the few dollarwand toM that his services were no loafer needed, he broke 4?wn and cried. He has sa Invalid wife. Dur ing the last few monthf he had b??D abaant rVon| bis Inspector at *tfte sucar refinery, on account of .lck naaa. ' Snail when a young man waa proralaent hi mrate. Ha waa a man or again In tkat Stat*, and waa the proprietor et the Arlington Hotel In Carson la the early daya. , HI. char acter waa tested In the dai* when dis honest "ana were In the local custom ? mruraKmnam ? * au Theater. 5 ? ? Oalaty Theater. ? * 3- K. Hoft-Ladlea* Shirt Waists. ? ? The Hub? Man's Clothing. ' ? ? LnMliTe Bromo Quinine. ? ? Thome.' S aid i?c Store ? Open- ? ? ? ? #. U O'Qulaa, Florist? Salha. ? VIOLIN LESSONS ?For rates and other de rails address me, inclosing a two-cent stamp. L. G.SCHAFFER, Washington, N.C. house and hundreds of thousands of dollars war? made by handling con traband opium. At that tlqpe Small was In the Treasury Department, where he remained until recently, when he was made an Inspector on the docks. Perkins H. Bagley was the second old man to go. Bagley Is ?T years old, and has also been serving the United States government over SO years. He Is a veteran of the clrll war* and for many years has been a night, inspector on the water front. Bagley has also been HI at odd times during the last year. ? San Francisco Call. - NAME OF PEACH. ? Washington. April 2?. ? The mag nificent new marble palace of the In ternational Union of American Re publics ? within a stone's throw of the White House ? was dedicated 1ft the name of universal peace today. President Taft Joined with Andrew Carnegie, with Secretsry of State Knox, with Senator Root and with Senor De La Bara, the Mexican am bassador. as representative of the Latin-American, republics. In prophe cies of peace*among the 21 American republics and pledged themselves al ways to strive to bring 'about that happy state. Mr. Carnegie expressed the hope that some day Canada; .With $he consent of QceafcTBrltaln, would Join the fathlly oT" peaceful' American republics. The new building, the gift of Mr. Carnegie, won the admiration of . all the distinguished company that passed within the bron ie grilled por tals both at the dedicatory exercises this afternoon and the reception to night, at which' President Taft and Mr. Carnegie headed the' receiving party. "I esteem it as great honor' to the United State* of " America," said the President dt . the dedicatory exercises, ?.'that the otjie? 20 Amerfean' repub lics should d^cld^ that. this, home of the lnternatlofad union ? should be ; here onrthls soil. , As the ?Jd*r sister of the republics, we tak* great pride In tlat fact. As the order .fitter we also are anxious that each member of the family, should know that we be lieve in absolute equality in every | member of the family- There is' noth ing In preference that we Insist upon, because of the fact that we are, the older nation and for the time being can coont more noses.'* President Taft referred to tfie work that Secretaries Blaine and ftoot had done to bring about a greater bond of friendship among the American re publics. He congratulated the other American republics upon the progress they have made In the past two de cades, not alone lq the matter of com merce, but toward a peaceful settle ment of all disputes. "It goes without saying," he added, in conclusion, "that In the foreign policy of the United 8tates, Its great est object Is peace ajaong the Amer ican republics. We 81 republics can not afTord to have any two or (three of us quarreling. We must stop. The organisation and work of this bureau of the republics Is doing much in that direction But Mr. Carnegie and I will never be satisfied until 19 of us can Intervene by proper measures to suppress a quarrel between any two of us." v The President paid a personal tri bute to John Barrett, director ef the PARASOL SALE STILL GOING ON They must be all we ciaim-and mote, If you could be governed by the judgment of the many who have already viaited this sale-for they have ad mired and bought. But we have a plenty more for a day or two. COTTON IS RUINED Fully Half of The Young Growth . is Ruined. SO STATES THE REPORT ? ? rf Many Planter* In the Southern jjUlea Have Abandoned Efforts to He plant Cotton, and Will Make Corn MMd-CoKoi Mills Now to the Rescue. i ?New Orleans, April 27. ? That fully half the young cotton throughout tfce entire belt haB been ruined. bfr frolrt. la the conclualon from reports re ceived today. In the eastern and tl}ci northern parta of the belt the early crop haa been entirely ruined. Ib. Louisiana and aouthern Mississippi the. damage will not be ao heavy, al though many plantera have deter mined to abandon efforta to replant cotton, and will make corn Instead. 8everal polnta In aouthern and cen tral Mississippi report that farmers fear that what cotton they could (Hant would be so late It would be rained by the boll weevil along In August. The reault will be diversi fication and the abandetng of cot fht:- ? I > }. ? The firayfeports of the famine In cottotfTRffa is the only feature of the frost damage that has been modified. Cotton aged mills now say they have to ore cf a aupply than waa first be lieved. Many, mills are placing their seed on Lhe market for planting and have quit grinding - : . ' ? ? ' LARRUM MARRIED MKX. Eighteen society women of Pitts burg have bit on a novel method for putting en end to flirtations by their husbands and other married men. They have started an agitation to have a law enacted compelling all married men to wear a wedding ring as a symbol of the marriage tie. Thus, they argue, ail members of the female sex will be able to tell whether a flirtatious glance comes from a mar ried or an unmarried msn. In this agitation the women of Pittsburg pay a very, subtle qompll ment to their own sex. taking it for ggk^te^ that none of their kind would flirt with A married man. The j>is paiohe* do not state whstfct Jt la pro posed to have the plain gold ''band, which is suggested, burned into ythe flesh so that it will not come off. or merely worn in the usual manner. Unless the burning process is adopt ed we timidly express the fear that some husbands ? not all, of course ? would feel st liberty when embarking on flirting expeditions. This fear, however, arises from a cynclsm which , we hope, is not universal. ? Washington Post. PARENTS' DAY ...?* "*?" * ti Artfve PreptraflMi Are Being Made I -.fir the Exhibition Next Week. The pupils and teachers are setting ready for the exhibition next we?ek. May 4, 5 and 6. It sjlU be encourag ing to see all the citlsens be present sometime during the exhibit. Those who hate children In school will most surely attend.' l>ecauae of .the lifter eat they naturally feel la the .prog ress of their children. Others will, not have this attachment to eaaae them to attend, but It Is hope^att citizens, both ladles and gentlemen, will visit the' school on one of these days. The chil4ren are working hard in anticipation of having yqu vlslt ttaen^H Will you disappblnt then? THRKK REELS At THE OEM. Don't be angry with your next door neighbor just because she has been telling you about the fine program seen at the Gem last night. Profit by last night's loss, and join them to night In a pleasant hour, down at the Gen*. Yo.i are always sure to come away aatlsfled, and feel like the going was worth your while. "The Hand of the Heiress," a dain ty bit of acting depicting a wealthy American girl with sufficient Indepen dence to refuse the* foreign title her parents proposed buying for her. "Loving fiearts," a pretty story well acted, which repreeenta ..a love letter dlscsrded by the author of a story uniting eight lives before the discovery Is made that It ta merely a bit of fiction. It's a lively roman tic little farce "Betrothed" Is a magnificent drama with' an unlimited amount of beauti ful scenery not to be excelled. "Fishing industry at Gloucester, Mass.," Is a most Interesting Indus trial picture showing the different phases of this the oldest Industry. Can you Imagine a more varied pro gram.? The best of mtplc, both vo cal and instrumental. bureau, declaring that he. waa bom foe the work aad that he hoped' he would live long to carr}- U forward. The <*rementes were atteaded by of _?h. formtok th. ? HlfMPtte BILL To b? Discussed at Sdiool ' Auditoriutr r~prr FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 29 h ./Tt ? "* - Joint TJebate Betvee? V<reenrill? and Washington High Srhoola ? Green ville Has the AA rauttlve and Wash ington the N'efatlre in the Contest. PnnOiM to Be livf;. ' Are you in favor of* the Humphrey Bill now pending in Congress being enacted hi to law? This bill is intend ed to pdy a subsidy to ship-builders ostensibly for carrying our mstTs on the teas TtJla question will 1m discussed in tfce debate In the Public School Au ditorium Friday ernlng, April 29. at 6.30 o'clock. Charlie ICeeklns, grade 7 A. snd Enoch Simmons, third year In the High School, will represent Washington High School in this de bate. These boys are las say fhat this unfair bill should not W made a law. Two boys from the Oreen ville High School are coming to champion the aflraative side of the query. Thirty or 40 people are coming froih Green ville to encourage their boys. Now It Is up to Washington people to come out In large numbers and help by their presence and sympathetic in terest to win the debate for Wash ington. Our home boyjf will be great ly encouraged If you Will be present at 8.30 when the debate beglnd. I TWO CAUGHT Two of the Escaped Prisoner* Vfave Bwn Rfcipturol. Another one of the prisoners who broke the County Jail last Monday i yesterday, being C. L.. Norris. charg ed with an aasault with deadly wea pon on one Thomas Carrow, at the house of Clarfc Bell. W. H. MoFarland ?u re-arrested on Pearce street yesterday. Thus two of the escaping prisoners have been j apprehended. A News representative : in talking to the captured prisoners this mornlg learned that their work of escape st n&oi Monday night, and the opening was msde large enough between 2 and 3 o'clock. The bricks were first re moved by means of a large pocket knife belonging to William Skipper. The knife was found to be inade quate. so the bars in the bedsteads were brought into play. With two of these the prisoners succeeded in mak ing the* hole large enough to escape. ! After the four had gotten out they | went to the docks and secured a boat tied to the wharf near the Havens grist mill. They all four rowed own to wsshlngton Park, where they loit ered all day. When night came on j two of them struck the "gravel train" and two decided to visit Washington snd see what was going on. McFar land and Norris state that they pa raded all the preset pal streets and were not molested at all. Some time during the night Norris decided to return to Green vUlg^srad McFarland got as .far as Grlmesland, where be gayevout from walking. He then re turned to Washington and was "squealed on." the Consequence being he is now behind, the bars awaiting his regular trial at -the next term of court. Skipper - is still at large, as well as the one from Washington county In Jail to serve s sentence of two years for wlferbeatlng, etc. Norris says he did not want to make his escfpe. bnt Iras compelled to. No ttace of Skipper or the Wash ington county man has as yet been ascertained. HOUSE OF NO RBFKATER8. The Oalety Theater gives no re pesters, snd those who sttended the first-class performance last night are today more than complimentary in their praise. All the pictures exhibit ed are the very latest and not over three weeks old. Tonight two fea ture pictures are scheduled. **Ai It Is In Life,'* Blograph, has already schleved a national reputation, snd the mansgement Is to be congratulat ed on securing It so early for Wash ington patrons. "In the Frosen North' 'has so far startled .the entire country. The scenic effect and cli maxes of this panoamlc picture have never been surpassed in North Caro lina.^Ehe Illustrated song tonight is Your Mother. Who Do You Love'W It Is needless to state that Mr. Whltten. the great Southern ten or. will deliver the goods In this pop ular and thrilling melOdy. Altogeth er the Ostety abould he a Mecco for a first -class performance tonight. Since the present management has been in charge the oalety has been liberally patronised, caused no doubt by the high-class performances that have been given nightly. A rich treat awtka all who attend this popular place dLstfauaement this evening THE TWO ; Large Congregation at First Baptist Church. H# t WILL CLOSE FRIDAY NIGHT The Hfrrlce VNtetUy Afternoon Wm Much Enjoyed ? Friday Night Will Close the Meeting ? Rev. Mr. Mr Farlaad Han Accomplished Much Good In Washington. The large congregation at the First Bapfnt Church was profoundly Im pressed with the thasterlv sermon preached last night by Rev. R. A. Mc Farland on the Bubject. "The Two Ways." The minister graphically de picted the way of the many in the broad way leading to destruction. He called attention to the classes of per sons In that way, and declared that not only the heathen, but Americans. North Carolinians, Washingtonlans, and evn persona in the congregation before him were going this downward path. He then turned to the other paft of the subject and showed the advantages of the other way, the company there, the satisfaction, the end of that way, with nil the glory of the departed. At the conclusion of the sermon, the minister Invited those who desir ed to come Into this way, and three persons came forward for member ship Into the church. The service yesterday afternoon was very tender.^ Mr. McFarland chose as his subject. ?4Heaven." Those presnt spoke in the highest terms of this sermon. The revival meetings, which have been very successful, will come to a close tomorrow night. Mr. McFar land will preach tonight, tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night. The Court? 80 you ask divorce from this man on the ground of mental In capacity. What proof have you that he's Insane? The Woman? Who said be was Insane, your honor? Tbo Court WWhy. you say he Is mentally Incapa ble. The Wumrfu ? Yes; incapable of nnderstandlutr that I'm boon. Field and Nye. Eugene Field was a great lover of >>ld books and quite a collector of tbeu^- "Hia mesas were Rot nileqimtal to his desires. however, and on*' .3? Tbij quaintest proofs of this wns ;i slip of paper fouud by n purchaser of an ohl volume Id Field's handwriting, evi dently nn Impromptu verse: Kind (ritnd. for roodntn' uk? forbea: To buy the book (hou flndest her#, For when I do obtain the pelf 1 mean to buy the book myself. Another bit of rhyme whkh Is thor oughly American la in the preface t? one or Bill Nye's books. It runs; Go. little beoklft. co. Bearing an honored name. Till everywhere that you hs?*^ *?i! They're glad that you lievo came. Caster Oil. The castor bean Is a native of India Tbe United Stales produce* most of the coarser kind of oil, while ail tbe finest comes from Umip. t;oiQinoo cas tor oil Is of hu ugljfc green lab tinge aa'di has to be allowed to stsnd Id tbe son! to bleach, but tbe Italian article ls< beautifully clear when first cold drawn. Cold drawn oli la tbe beet. II ( to got by crushing the fresh seeds be tween steel rollers. The castor oil plant can be (rows In England, but there It la an annual. In southern Italy It becomes a tree twenty feet high and strong enough for a child te climb op Into It A CORRECTION. In firing an account of the datf when the time for beatowlng crosses of honor for Confederate veterans ex pires. the Dally News had It 1910. It Bhould have been 1912. We trust all Interested will bear this In mind and govern themselves accordingly. CHILD DEAD. Orethe, the 14-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Flynn, died at the home of her parents on Pearce street yesterday afternoon. The remains were taken to 'Pamlico county this afternoon for burial. .o ; APPENDICITIS. Dr. Jack Nicholson has returned from Bath, where oil Manday he op erated on Mr. Jack Meeklns, a young man of 20 yeara of age. for appendi citis. The patient Is getting on nloe lly. ?. * a .> BOUND OVER TO COURT. Lewis Barrow, colored, of Cboco wlnlty was frag before Justice of the Peace A- Mayo this morning, charged with retaUing. 'Ha was bound over to the\nert term of court In the sum of HOOT which he failed te give. The defendant la now In Jail. y* The schooner Mary. Oaillard, Cspt O. N. Howatd, afrfW Jn port this morning, consigned to B: R. Mixon 4t Co., loaded with merchandise Jl'DO EH FOR DEBATE. The following will act as Judges for the Joint debate at the school au dltorinm tomorrow night between the Washington and GrMinrille High Schools: Rev. M. Taplyler. Washing to*; prer. H. E. Aurtln. Or?m?lllo. J.K. HO YT'S HURRY-UP ; SALE. Friday, April 29, Saturday the 30 & Monday, flay 2nd. SEE WINDOW Lasting two -Minutes only No 'Phone Orders Filled V. A.1^ 5c. Pearl But tons, only 3 doz. to a customer, lc doz. 2.30 P. M. 12 1-2 ct. 40 In. White I^awn, only 10 yards to a customer, 4.30 P. M. 25c. Silk and Satin ribbons 9? yard 11 A. M. 15c "Long Jet Hat Pins, only 2 to a customer 5? each 3.30 P M 15c Kimona Crepe ? Extra Special r Si yd 5.30 P M 15c Pillow ca ses, 45x36, only 4 to a customer 9? each For any time during the sale some other Bar gains for you 30c. I>r?w Goodx, Fancy 8?c. Yard. 10<?. Ginghams, l>re**, 8 1-Jc. Yard. 10 ^sd !2 i-2c. Cotton l>rc*n (Joo<I?, . , . . . 8 l-8c. Yard. 17c. (ilnghani, 83-inch 18 l-2c. Yard. $1.25 and 91.80 EM Hprcada, 1 1-4 98c. 40c. Tab!? Dam auk, Blrached 2&c. Yard. $1.25 and $1.30 Mu.Iln M?wn. Oftc. Bach. SPECIAL HURRY-UP PH1CKH ON ALL LAM KM' MCITK, SK1RTM AND HATS. J.K.hOYT WASHINGTON'S GREATEST STORE ? Watch for Saturday's Big2 . Minute Bargain Sale

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