w^m rofdery Robes PINK, BLUE and WHITE. . Very Handsome Designs Just the thing (or a dressy summer dress. J.K.HOYT, WASHINGTON'S GREATEST STORE Established 1MO. BAI^IMOIU: STEAM PACKET CO. OLD BAY LINE STEAMERS ..FLORIDA, VIRGINIA & ALABAMA Finest United States Mail Steam ers South of New York, equipped with nnlted Wireless 1V?legraphy.and every modern convenience for the pleasure tojl comfort of the traveler. Leaves 4allyi except Sundays, as follows: ^J^rt^mouth 5. SO P. M Norfolk 6.30 P. M. Old Voint 7.30 P. M Stealers arrire Norfolk . T.OO A. M. i Connecting with all lines South and West. Tickets sold to all points. North. El St. West and Canada. For Information as to tickets, stateroom reservations, etc.. apply by 'phone, wire or letter to J. \Y. BROWN. JR.. Southern Pnssengpr Agent, 109 Muin 8tre#t, Norfolk! Va. rPHE GEM 1 HEATER t'AMILLK Alexander Duiuhn' Masterpiece, the flnewt Pa t he picture of a year. ? ? KATAI. FASCINATION ? A*Mne love story. ? ? GETTING SQL' ARE WITH THE I N VEXTOR? Comedy . ? ? LIST RATED SONG, by Mr. Sooner. We always furnish an amusing, instructive program; Good seats, polite attendants. i. I I WASHINGTON HOSPITAL E BE I A well-appointed Sanitorium for the treatment of all surgical ] cases in a sanitary and up-to date method. Skilled physicians and nurses. All the latest appli ances in vogue. For informa tion write DR. D. T. TAYLOE, Chief Surgeon. HAMMOCKS Nothing Nicer on a Warm Day than reclining in mi en sr. comfortable Humomrt Vou know tikis, bat do 7!o|>.c nt of nrk -ns and body. No w "'WD pqu?Is them. Cannot do harm? lift .t r?V',l, !t?l,''X MY MAI1- HolV MOTT St Mill y Z>hlat .llOWf, h?.N>rii<>9 a ?i!nsurp b* driitr.'i^l*- I>1? CONFERENCE ^ ? Will Cegtm ut AahevllJe 7 jf j T lUkhop* ' ( Ashveille. N. C-, Way 3. --Prow all part? of tfc* country wh?ro there la a conference of the Methodist Episcopal ' Church. South, delegates have poured 1 Into the elty today for the Quadren- 1 nlal General Conference, which be- ' gins Its three weeks' session tosior- 1 row morning at 9 o'clock. Bishop* Wilson, Hendricks. Key. Candler, Morrison, Hoes and Atkins are here, but Bishop Pitsgerald, It Is { feared, will not arrive, as he Is very feeble. Fourteen extra Pullmans have arrived in (he city, each with Its , full quota. Qolng several miles opt from Asheville, each train was board- , ed by a reception committee and the , handling of the delegates was thus , greatly facilitated. The headquarters of the confer ence are at the Battery Park Hotel where all of the bishops and conne$ tlonal officers and about two hundred 1 of the delegates are stopping. The delegates of the North Carolina and Western North Carolina conferences arrived today and are at the Battery Park Hotel. Everything Is In readi ? ness for the opening session. The address of Bishop Wilson, con curred In by all the other bishops, will be delivered at the morning ses sion and It is expected that besides discussing the history of the church. Its progrees In recent yeafs, etc., he will touch upon Bome of (he more im portant questions that will come up . for discussion. His address will probably contain a recommendation as. to the number of bishops the con ference should elect. A meeting of the Board of plica tion of the church was held this aN ternoon and their Yeport complied la I to be made to the conference. N? Toadying. Among the good old troys of "merrte England" Is tbe tendency to demoCTScy prevailing in her boys' schools. ? Par ents can be assure*!, it is* said, that no pampering will Mil, to the lot of their sons, however exalted may be their rank or great their possessions. An English pap^r tells the story of an i Indian official of high rank calling j upon the bouse master in a famous ! public school, where a young prince, i sou of u rajah, was being educated, j This official brought a special message I from bis master, the rajah, to the ef ; feet I bat he wanted no favors or ex j ceptionnl treatment of any w>rt ex : tended to his son on account of bis ex ? alted birth. ; "You may set tbe mind of I he rajah at rest on tlmt score." said the house master, struggling to keep back bis smile before the dignified anxiety of tbe Indiau official. "If the authorities were inclined to discriminate In the prlncc's favor, the boys of the school would set tbe matter right. Among them generally t lie rajah's son an swers to ihe name of 'Nigger,' and I understand that with bis intimates he 1* familiarly. known as *Coai Seattle.'" Sinister Motives. Two men - William Jone-^ and John Smith? were neighbors and deadly en emies. They often crossed swords in court and out of it. and Jone*, being what might be called more clever than Smith, invariably got the better of tbe encounter. In tbe end so cowed was Smith that the slightest move on ths part of Jones made him nervous and auspicious, and with the remark, "I wonder what object he bas^ln this?" be called up all his re;er^rYacultles to combat the fresh attack which poor Jones never contemplated. One day a friend called on 8mlth and greeted him with: "Well, old man, have you beard lbs news*' "No," sild Smith. "Whit news 7* "Jones Is dead. He died last night at midnight." replied ths other. Smith paused, drew a hard breath, raised his baud to his .forehead sail thought, then blurted oat: "Dead, did you s?y? Jones dead! Great heavens: I wonder what object be has to tblsr LlflhU Hie In ? Oil*. ;? X write dfe oil* who haa amoked id hi* tim? nor* male bM than moat people, ud It will ba understood haw I rflftrd tha ba* drlv*r'? ability in lighting h pi pa A gal* may ba blowing, tha bor**a requiring ap*ctar atteatioa, hie laft *7* engage* on th? redaction of tba omnlboa in a bop windows, a paa ?ianf Inquiring who won tha Darby la 1894, constables leaning direction* with tha right arm, a fara hailing him from tha pavement, and amid all thaaa distractions ba can atrlka on a wooden match, lmid. It in tha curve of hla band and the tobacco la well alight. Aiao while hat* are blowing about tba afreets In the manner of leavea In au tumn bis headgear never goen from Its place, rarely move* from the angle de cided on the flrat Journey. 1 have al way* assumed that he take* it off at night before retiring to rest, bat to part* with It must mean a terribla wrench.? London Expreea. A woman 'a idea of a good photo graph of heraelf,ia one that show* as much of her neck as possible. A PAIR OF GLOVES. i >vr, - . ? r%? Impudent ?tor# People Would il*i Tako Them Back. Mrs.- Plnfcerton's first question wo i boot tbe gloves. "Did you exchange them?" the asked. "No." "Old Plnkertou.,-1 didn't." ?There." she complained. "I might tare known yon vrould forget It. Bow rsretesa! I tohl you the rery last thin* before you left the bouse to be sure to Attend to It. Really, I don'^ aee how men can be so thoughtless^ K "I didn't forget." said PlnkertooL "I tried to change them, but yCbMf wouldn't take tho things back.1" "Wouldn't? tske? th*tn? back?" she mid. -Why ?They said they Vrere soiled." "Soiled ? Well, of all things! If tho* ire they got soiled In their own store. I didn't soil them. 1 have nerer bad them on my hands. I couldn't get tbera on. They were half s size too small. They gave t at tbe wrong nun> ber.. Why didn't you tell theni ?&>?" "1 did." , "Whom dkf you tell r "Tbe clerk and the floorwalker and everybody who would listen to me." "And what did they say?" "They laughed." "The Impudent creators*: I'll nerer buy a cent's worth in that store again, you see If I do." v "That's Just what I said." Plnkertoa put In. "I said you never would." "And what did they say to tbat?" "They laughed again." "Well, that settles It. 1 never will buy anything there now. Where are tbe gloves 7*c it ? '? "In my pocket." "Let me bare them, please. Boiled, indeed! I'll see If they are." _ ?** Mrs. Pinkerton unwrapped the pick* age. As she took, out tho gloves she blushed, slightly. '*** "Well." she said. "Welir echoed Pinkerton, "Whsfe wrong?" ^ v'V:j "N-nothlng much." she said, "only this is an old pair of gloves. 1 cleaned them last week with gasollue. I made a mistake and :>ent them back Instead of the psir I bought yesterdsy."? New York Herald. THE BLACK BASS. Mysterious Habits of the Fish Thst Puzzle the Naturalist. Why the black bnss bites on one day ?nd refuses every bait the next; why he takes helgrstiiltos and only hel gra mites on Monday, gratishopiiers on Tuesday and frogs on Wednesday; why he bites only on dark days for a fortnight and tben shifts his biting humor to (lays bright and breezy; why you fiud Li 1 in today on sandy botton nud tomorrow on mud and tbe day after on the rocks, ure baffling traits of tbe bass that relate merely to bis sporting relations with the angler. But there ate other mysteries that puzzle the .naturalist aud bear on the organic life of tbe flsh. Up in Maine are two bass rivers not far apart. In one tbe flsh run often to four, even to Ave. pounds; in tbe other rarely above a pound and a half. In one of tbe largest lakes of New Hampshire the writer's score for a whole season on?*e niQ up lo 39ft flsh. Food was evidently abundant, for the bass were "chunky" and tbe vlscares thick with fatty tissues. Yet the post mortem showed In tlie stomach only glutinous, unrecognizable white mat ter. and the largest bass of tbe whole season drew the scales st.but a pontic and three-quarters. What did those bass live on. and why didn't they grow bigger? Again, in the uplands of Con necticut are two large lakes some eight miles apart. In the one bass are of ten caught In winter lee fishing: In tbe other lake almost never In winter, though In Its open summer waters bass fishing Is tbe better. Remember ing that Ibe bass are supposed to hi bernate and In fairly deep waters, would not that fact argue In tbe late sesson darker oetwgrd hues and deep er bronzes? Yet the hesd of s large bass hatchery has observed s silvery chsnge of the bass at the approach of winter when his habit and habitat woald Imply the etact reVerae.; Such a fw: a few of-ibiKaJisVo&ieal ewlgmsa of tbe biilcir*?iti'tetttiififtfce him and hte lparsflois* ??' latsrakanfr STtfly for thst ep mm -minded Angler wW W?Ml tfc* naturalist-. wKh the spaftamsa ? OotWS Weekly. Would' yor bare better health, more strength, clearer skin, stronger ?erres, more elastic step? Use Hol llster's Rocky IfbdiUIn Tea/ the srest vegetable regulator and tonic. >ne 16c package makes 10G cups tea. Hardy's Drug Store* For results try a Daily News Ad. a" s i ? j V ? ? r. PLEASE REMEMBER WE ARE THE RELIABLE BUGGY DEALERS Everything up-to-date. We sell Buggies, Surrfes and Wagons? and if your vehicle goes wrong we will repair it for you at a Reasonable Cost ' SEND US YOUR WORK. KF . "Y ... V \ jSiKJO HASSELL SUPPLY CO A .Great Blaze Of Cogrictlon Uweeplag Ortr Waah la* A. M. DUMAY. Cashier. Worn? TUan Bullet*. Bullets have often caused teas suf fering to soldiers than the srteiu IL. W. Harrlman, Burlington. Ma., got Id the army, ami suffered with, forty /ears. "But Bucklen'a Arnica Sal re cured me when all else failed," he writes. Greatest healer for Sores, Ulcers, Bolls. Burns, Cuts, Woundb, Bruises and Piles. 2 be at all drug gists. riggs house WASHINGTON, D. C. The hotel "par excellence" of the National Capital. First- class id all appoinf ments. Opposite the U. S. Treas lury; one block frcm the ' White Home. An illustrated Guide to Washington will be mailed, free of charge, upon re ceipt of two 2- cent stamps. O. G. STAPLES,^ Proprietor. HOU'STIB'. R?cky Mountain T?a P?gg?tj _ . tor l.n P,,** MnWwi H? W> ?M ImmW Vt?*r. AiMpltefoi "Towtlpatlcl, Indlymioo, Utct and Miner Pimple*, Enmu. Import Blood, tun Breath.HlncaUb Bowel*, ud BwIucm. Ita Boo *jr Mountain Ttalota^ Vrt torm. 'M cent* * bo*. Onnlii* and* by Hotxirru Daco Coar**T. MadUoo. WU. MLaca mrtfn fo* mum fa ru DR. BABUJ1I DBBO STORB C1TI VMAUKKT. (Quoutlou furnished by H B. Hire * Coapn r ) Be?awax ?*. IT; UK* ....... i V 17? 18c Tallow ;... t 4c Chicken*. grew*. OTCb S0O4Cc Spring chicken? .1*?|Se MMa ::rv ??OJic a?M 4??J0c Green ult bides, lb. ...... . te Green hides. lb M Dry hides. lb. t-l/vT. .MOOtSHe Woel, frek ftoai burrs, lb. . . t*? Wool, ' harry . 10?17c 6hee? skins .MOltc Uab skim ICOSOo FVT5^v,?5r^D| "> th? beat madicir ?m ? dm ccfaf ? < are the newest and beat money can buy. We call your attention especially to our Boys' Pat. Leather and Gun Metal PUMPS in all sizes. E. L. BROOKS' SHOE STORE Have your Pictures Framed NOW I Don t wait until they be come soiled, WM. B. HARDING A|*nt for OUVEB TtRVKmn. - Our window of Missed, J Children's and Roys' SHOES & * the behalf. January 18, 1110. B. A. DANIEU ANNOUNCEMENT I will be a candidate before the Democratic primaries and the nest iJumocratlc District Convention, for the nomination as Solicitor of the Plrst Judicial Dtatrtct o^this Scat* I request the support of all Demo crat^ If nominated and elected I promise to dtacharge ihe duties of said ofDce, fairly and impartially without fear or favor. Fet>fuary l. ltio. f NORWOOD L. SIMMONS. FOR THE At tHe Gem