LECAL NOTICES SoKcE North Ctrollu, Bltutort County ?nperlfrr court. Mar t.r?, 1?M. - ?WtaM.1 , Cooperat* Comnawr. Mom Planing Mill Co., W. C. Ha.Mll, Beverly O. Mom, McKaal-Rlchard on Hartfwara Co., and Mutual Ma chin* Co., Ii AttaaUo Manutactur lns ft Stavo Company. Notice la harabr (Ina. that an ac t|on, as above entitled, bas been com menced la the ? Superior court of Beaufort county, for the appointment of a receiver of "the defendant cor porajdjgn. above named, and that lum moi(a t5fc?*in was duly issued on the 16th day of April, 1910, of which the following Is a true copy: The State of North Carolina. to the Sheriff of Beaufort County - ? Greeting: You are hereby comamnded to summon Atlantic Manufacturing and Stave Company, the defendant above named, if it be found within your county, to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior court at a court to be held for the County of Beaufort at the courthouse in Wash ington, on the llth Monday after the first Monday of March, 1910, It being the 2 3rd day of May. 1910, and an swer the complaint, which will be deposited in the office, of the Clerk of the Superior court of said county within th4 first three days of said term; and let the said defendant take notice, that If it fall to answer the complaint within the timo required by law, the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fall not, and of this sum mons make duo return. Given Under my hand and seal of ???r\ ^o.urt, this 10th day of April, 1010. (Signed) OEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court. This 26th day of April, 1910. , GEO. A. PAUL, I* * Clerk Superior Court. rwricE. North C.irolin.i," Beaufort county. Superior court, October term, 1910 E. S. Wooferd vs. Annie I*. Woolard. Defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above bas been commenced in the Superior fourt of Beaufort county to secure as absolute divorce from the defendant, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is- required to appear st the term of the Superior court to be held on the 7th Monday after the 1st Monday, in September, It being October 24, 1910, at the court house of said county, in Washington, N. C., and answer -to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demsnded in ssld complaint. This 6th day of May, 1910. GEO. A. PAUL, Clerk Superior Court. NOT ICR. North Carolina, Beaufort County, In the Superior Court. E. T. Jennette and F. T. Woolard, formerly partners, trading as & T. Jennette ft Company, vs. Ohio-Indi ana Milling AssocUtua^. To the defendant above named: ? You are hereby nodded that, upon application by the plaintiffs in the| above entitled action, an >ttai:hment has been Issued ant of this Court against your property within the State of North Carolina, alleged to consist of a consignment of one hun dred barrels of Queen City flour in the hands of Atlantic Coast Line Rail road Company, at Washington, N. C.,1 and that notice has been issued to said Railroad Company, as garnishee, to appear and answer what property it has in its hands or under its con trol belonging to you. which attach ment is returnable into this Court at the May Term, 1910, thereof, to be held at the Court House in Washing ton, N. C., on Monday, 23rd day of May, 1910, when and where you are commanded to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs which will be filed during the first three days of said term.. You are further notified that the plaintiffs claim an indebted ness against you of Three Hundred <ind JPifCy ($850) Dollars for breach of contract in the salq and delivery of . two hundred and ten barrels of flour and damages for defective and under grade'flour delivered. it being further alleged that you are a foreign cor poration, none of whose officers or agents can he found In .this State af ter due diligence. Given under my hai^d and the seal of said Court, this AprireOth. 1910. I (Seal.) GEO. A. PAUL, Clerk Superior Court, CERTIFICATE OF DISHOIATtlON. . State of North Carolina, Department of State. To All Whom These Presents May Come ? Greeting: - Whereas. it appears to my satisfac-j tlon, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings ?or the voluntiry dis solution thereof by the ^nanimou^| content of all the stockholders, de posited In my office, that the Carolina Bowling Alleys Company a corpora- j tlon of this State, whoso principal of- 1 flee is situated in tho City of Wash- 1 ington, County of State >tl North Carolina (C. M. Little, jr., be-| ing the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process n.ay be| served)', has compiled with the re quirements of chapter 21, revlsal of 1105, entitled "Corporations," pre liminary t<r the lssuin^of this certif p*. * ieate of dissolution, New, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the Bute of North Carolina, d ? hereby certify * that the said corporation did, on the 28t> day of. April. 1*10, file In my of fice a dull executed and*tt*ted con Mat in writing to llic dilution rf FOR SALE CHE. A Liddell engine, It order. Inqulre^tilcK. Bug Poisoo, Cf S. Meal WM. BRAC unto let tttjr kind ana 4?nd ftp o t Bctml K?l,.st Kalel*. tils BSIh <i%j of April. A. 1?10. t. BHYjHTCHtlMBa. f G..1 ' V To all to whom these present! may coma ? Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary die glutton thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Wash ington Drug Company, a coiporatloo of this State, whose principal offlco is situated on Main street, In the city of Washington, county of Beaufort. State of North Carolina (W. C. Rod man being the agent therein and In charge thereof, upon whom process May be served), ban complied with tho requirements of Chapter 21, Re vlsal of 1905, entitlted "Corpora tloas," preliminary to the issuing of *1i!b Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore. I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of Stato of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 25th day of March," 1910, file in my nEce a duty executed and attested i-onsont in writing to the .dissolution of said corporation, executod by all .te stockholders theroof," which said consent an J the record of the pro ceedings aforesaid are now on file In my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 25th day of March, A. D. 1910. (Seal.) CERTIFICATE ( J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of Stato. NOTICE. North Carolina. Beaufort County, in the Superior Court. r Amelia Smith vs. / 'John Henry Smith. To tho defendant above named: ? You are hereby notified that the above entitled action has been insti tuted againkt' you in the Superior Court of Beaufort County, North Car olina, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce; that the com plaint has been filed therein, alleging statutory grounds which entitled the plaintiff to such divorce, and that the summons In said action is returnable Into aaid Court, before the Judge thereof, at the Court House in Wash ington, N. C., on the eleventh Mon day after the first Monday of March, it being the 23rd day of May, 1910, when and where you are commanded to appear and answer the said com plaint within the time required by law, or the plaintiff will apply to th^ Court for the relief therein demand ed. i Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this 10th day of March, 1910. * GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court. NOTICK OF SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in the mortgage deed executed by William Clark and Willetta Clark, his wife, to W. J. Norfleet and N. Q. Norfleet, dated July 8, 1907, and duly recorded in the Register's office of Beaufort coun ty, in book 147, page 170. which Is hereby referred to, we will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the courthouse door in Beaufort county, on Monday. 23rd day of May, 1910, 12 m., all that tract or lot of land situate in Beau fort county, town of Belhaven, de scribed, in said mortgage as follows: Adjoining the lands of Norfolk & Southern Railroad Co., and others, bounded as follows, viz: Beginning on the main public road 55 feet south f. 2 east from the foot of the J. A. Wilkinson street or road, and furth er known as Scrouge town road, run ning with said main road about,, south 62 east 55 feet; thence north 4 7 east 360 or to within 350 feet of the Bul lock ditch, thence north 43 west 55 feet thence south 47 west to the be ginning; containing half acre, more or less. Being the same land con* veyed to the Bald William _Clark by deed bearing date the 3rd day of Oc tober, -1901. from Eddie Hargrove, and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds 'for Beaufort county, N. C., on the 17th day of Oc tober, 1901, In book 112, of Deeds, on page 145, etc. -This April 18, 1910. ? W. J. NORFLEET. N. O. NORFLEET. .Mortgagees. By Norwood L Simmons, Atty. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a mortgage deed, executed by N. L lawyer .and wife Ar.nle Sawyer, to W. 8. Riddlck, dat ed May 91, 1908, and duly recorded In Register's office of Hyde county. In book' 10, page a8J. iftnjflfls here by referred to, I will sell at pnbllc auction for cash, to the highest. bid der, at the courthouse door In Hyde county, on Monday the l?th day of May. 1910, at it ml, all that tract of, lapd, situate in Hyde county, in Cur rituck township, described Jn said mortgage as follows: Beginning at <X 8. Dnvii* farm dltefc; on the north of the public road, thence run % VP til second hand; good ind Hulls, Land Plaster. AW & CO., >tKWuhlagtoa.N.G. ? ???lw?r4ljr dlrecllqp to Prtnk Waters' line, thence north to t be old Davis' line; thsnee ' about a north east direction to the head of "Horse Run" branch at the corner black gum; thence north 150 poles; thence east 47 poles tf the line between said W. A. Ruse and C. 8. Davis; thence ?oath with said line to C. B. Davit' I northwest corner, a farm ditch; thence with aald ditch to the begin ning. containing 82 acres more or less. This April 11, mf. W. 8. R1DDICK, Mortgagee. By Jas. McCoy, Assignee and Owner of J>ebt. By Norwood L. Simmons, Atty. NOTICE. North Carolina, Hyde county. In the Superior court. The State Board of Education against Pennsylvania Company for' Insur ance on Lives and Granting Annui v ties, William Oswald Dundas, Eliza Dundas Oldham, Harriet Dundas Oldham. Agnes D. Seddinger, Thomas Dundas, James Dundas, Marie Turl^y, Charles Dundas, Sa rah Dundas Johnson and husband N. B. Johnson, tho unknown heirs of John Vaughan, Robert Porter and Benjamin Kugler, and the stockholders of the North Ameri can Land Company, whose, names and number are unknown. The dofendants above named will take notice that an actlop entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Hyde county to re move cloud upon title to a tract of land situated in said county, owned by plaintiff, and for tho pur pose of excluding defendants, who claim an Interest In said land, from any claim or Interest therein; and the said defendants will further take notice, that they are required to ap pear at the next term of the Superior court .of Hyde county, to be held on the 10th Monday after the 1st Mon day In March, the same being the 16th day of May. 1910, at the court house of said county, in Swan Quar ter. N. C., ind answer or demur to the complaint In Bald action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded In said complaint. ' This 13th day of April, 1910. H. J. SfENCER, Clerk of the Superior Court of Hyde County. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE. North Carolina, Beaufort county. Fenner B. Guilford vs. B. F. Hollo well. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior court of Beaufort county, in the above entitled action, I will on Mon jffay, the 6th day of June, 1910, at .2 b'clock m., at the courthouse door in Beaufort eounty, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execu tion, all the right, title and interest which the said B. F. Hollowell, the defendant, has in (he following real estate, to-wit': First Tract. A certain tract of land in said county, and in Richland township, and more particularly de scribed as fallows: Beginning at B. H. Thompson's southwest corner of the Heber Rives tract, and running south 2"<legree8 west with the road to Frank White's northwest corner; thence east with Frank White's line 163 poles to South Creek; thence with the creek north to B. H. Thomp son's corner of the Heber Rives iract; thence north 84 west 155 poles to^tfie beginning, containing 73 acres more or less. Second Tract. On the south side of Pamlico river and east side of South creek and bounded as follows: Beginning at the main road In James Deal's line at or near Eddie Rives' corner; thence with the said Deal's line to South creek; thence the va rious courses of said creek Richard Wlndley'a line; thence -"with said Windley's line to the main road: thencc with said road to the begin ning, containing 72 acres, being the same more or less. Saving and excepting from the' second tract, above described, the following: Bounded on the south bv S. Deal; on the west by C. A. Hollo well; on the north by a tract of land, which was allotted to B. F. Hollo well In his homestead; and on the east by Oum swamp road, being three pieces ofvland or cuts out of the sec ond tract, which lie. nearest to the Gum swamp road.' This the 2nd day of May, 1910. GEO. E. RICKS. Sheriff | THE BEST WORK FOR THE LEAST j MONEY NOW TO BE HAO AT THE J. A. Harmon's Shoe Shop , Give your work to home people, and get tthe best for your money. Remember, our .work speaks for It self. We defy competition in gj^ces as well as work. Only tbe best ma terial need. Giro as yoor work. We will please yon. If not, no pay. i. A. HARMON, \ Over T. W. IfUlUpe' * Oo. ??????? i !_ Personal Mention Mr. Herbert Jordan, of Long Acre. *m * pMMnger on the Atlantic Coast Line train this morning for Pactolus. ? ? Mr. J* G. Nelson, of Chocowinlty. was In the city today on business. ? ? Mr. E- L. Dawson arrived In the ;lty today from a business trip. ? ? ? Mr. C. E. Waters and T. R. Tyre passed through the city today from Concord, where they attended thei meeting of the I. O. R. M. ? ? Mr. W. H. Hobbs left this morn ing for Gates county, in response to a telegram announcing the death of hlB mother. ? ** ? Mrs. Geo. Hackfcey left this morn-! ng for Norfolk. * ? Mr. J. C. Meeklns returned thin morning froih a business trip. ? ? Dr. H. W. Carter returned this itorning from New Bern. ? ? ^Mr. R. A. G. Barnes le^t this raorn 'ng for Plymouth. ? ? Mr. W. G. Sawyer and daughter, >f Jessama, are In the city today. ? ? Hon. H. S. Ward returned last ev ening from a professional trip to Manteo. Sheriff Geo. E. Ricks returned yes terday from Norfolk, Va. ?' ? Mr. Will Watson, of Swan Quar ter, Is In the city today. ? ? Rev. Milton A. Barber returned to( lis home In Raleigh yesterday, v ?>. ? * ? Mrs M. P. Watson loft for Oriental I his morning. ? ? Capt. Wesley Peoples, of Bath, is a] Washington visitor today. ? ? Miss Bettle judklns, of Pantego, 1 irrlved In the city this morning to. rlsit Miss Golda Ricks, on East Ser-j >nd street. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Steam, of, Mew Bern, are the guests of friends ind relatives in the city. ' ? ? Mr. E. H. Whitley left this morn ng on a business trip to Vanceboro. / * * Mr. Tilman Paul returned this morning from a visit down the coun try. # # * Mr. R. L. M. Bonner and daughter. >f Aurora, arrived in the city this morning over the Washington and ^andemfre raUroad. ^ __ ROBBERY The Store of the JefTeroon Furniture Company Entered Wednesday Night ? Nothing Mimed. A thief or thieves entered the store of the Jefferson Furniture Company on Main street Wednesday- evening. The entrance was accomplished by breaking the lock on the front door. So far the Messrs. Jefferson have been unable to miss any article. There is no clue as to the guilty parties. CHILDREN OF CONFEDERACY. All members of the Children of the Confederacy who have not flags to use on Memorial day can secure one by applying to Mrs. H. R. Bright and paying a fee of 5c. for same. AH members of this order are requested to meet at the First - Presbyterian Church Tuesday morning ( Memorial day) at 9:30 o'clock, for the purpose of taking part in the exercises of the day. A full attendance of the ohll- , dren Is desired. Stomach Feels Fine Dne or Two Mi-o-na Tablets l>rlve, Away Distress From Stomach. j Get a 50 cent box of Mi-o-na tab lets today and learn for yourself how j sasy it Is to put your out of order ttomach in perfect condition. Ml-o-na stomach tablets gt^e in stant relief ? and do more. They build up the stomach so lulckly that in a few days belching, sourness, heartburn, heaviness, bll ousnesg, headache and dizziness will entirely disappear. Ml-o-na stomach tablets are g'.;ar inteed to cure indigestion and all ttomach U1b or money back. "I have . been troubled with my stomach for two years. I tried ev jrythlng I heard of. Ml-o^na stom ach tablets dW me more than $25.00 worth of good. They are the best in [he world." ? Dennis Stephen. Soud srsport, Pa.. Feb. 1, 1910. - Fifty cents for a large box of MI >Tna at druggists everywhere, and at Brown's Drug Store, who guarantees hem. The Emergency Remedy Vlck'a Croup and PoufnonU Wn will km rirtnm ud MffarUlt aad dollar*. Vl&'i <h? *14 nllabla. aoe. Mk art *1.00. <*> 1 C E ^ AH OIT-OK-TOWN CV8TOMKR of our Crystal Ic# arat ua a miai|i that b* liked our Crratal Ice aad that he would order from us this muoq as in th? put 'Phone 83. CRYSTAL ICE CO., Washington; n. c. He Didn't Fit Br OSCAR COX Copyright, lino, by American Prm ? Association. billy Burtcn was tbe noil of n well to do merchant in tbe cast. When a boy Billy showed predilections for a wild life and wheu he vy tifteen nil sway from hoiue, He was gone se* erul years before bo was beard from snd^hen wrote bis fattier that he was in New Mexico earning u living as a cowboy. This wns something of n rellcf-botb tbe hearing from blui and bis assur ance that be was at least earning ai: honest living, ills father had dreudc.l lest be bad becu hauled and his moth er lest be had slept out on d:iuu ground and caught bis death of Ills father secured a correspondent lu the region where Billy puuehed <ow and paid n man to go over and sec what kind of record the boy had be hind bltn. The reply was favorable, and Billy was Invited to come home on a visit. He accepted. "Oh. Billy." cried his mother. "how could you leave us all tbi$ white with out a tvord?" ? "Ucv'Uou I've pot a live wire in ur somewhere, mummy."* , "Oh. lie's nil right." said the fstbet "Time enough yet to polish bi'n ut> Hew old are you. Dill?" "Tweu:y." "But you don't know anything." sigh ed 'the mother.- "You've u&i been to school." *'I was all right for mbooling ^i)n u ,1 rau away.*' "He's grot something better I ban ranc-ed edueni Ion? splendid health." said tbe father. Mr. Burton tried to Induce bl* *on !?? leave bis business and take bis place, bnt Billy suid tbnr he would wreck the concern. His father Insisted, and hi* mother begged. So Billy agreed to t/y He started 'n. but be didn't enjoy tbe work. Tbe walls of tbe building .'j> closlng blm were too narrow for him One day Billy met a man on the street that be bad supposed wm Jail ont In New Mexico. AccottlD# blm. be said: "Hello, Pete*. When did you got out V' The maa-Tooked at Billy sharpiy "When did you get out?" be asked. "Oh. IT* Billy replied, taking notice that th? man had mistaken him for one of bin prison mates. "I broke JatI aome time ago."* "Must Ik. brought a lot o' ?wng with you. seelu' I be Hue clothes you -got oo." "Floe clothes nre lying around loose In this country for t Lose who can keep out of jalL" "8ay." aald tbe uinn^n a whisper Tm looklu' for a crib to crack. Can j you put me on to one dead easy?" "Sore*" replied Billy. "I'm going to I try one my bo If tonight. I'll take you I lu for half tbe plunder. 1 know all about tbe people. I got a room there , myself. What I waut is aome feller for me to let In and carry off tbe 'wag. Are vou with me?" "You bet! I'm awful dowu at tbe heel. Haven't bad a bite since yester day." "Very well. You come to No. 308 Center street tonight. Fine bouse, rich people. You'll fltid tbe front door , unbooked. Strike it about 1 lu tbe morning. Have u cart two doors away | '.o carry t be silver." And so it .was arrauged. That night BIHy aat up reading till "after 12, o'clock, tbeu switched off tbe electrK ligtn and waited. He bad left tbe front door unlatched for Pete and felt oo doubt that he would turn up. Sure enough, a few minutes ii fter the docks I bad struck 1 Billy heard steps below. ' Going diswii soft lv. be heard u move ment In the dining room itud saw the , (lath of a dark lantern on the side board. Then lie saw fete pull out a ? drawer w here be doubtless expected U And iIIivl Billy switched on tbe licht for tbe wb<;le floor, fete turned toward him j and saw bis pal covering blm with a revolver. "JVUat's It mean?* asked fete. | aghast. -n menus that I've got you 'where, yon j>uce thought you bad me- Do you remember the kid you tried to swear awa.v for* horse thief? I'm that | boy five years older. I'm glud of a , chance to gel eveo. f ut your revolver on the table. That's all right. Any more? t?ot a wagon outside? Glad i you brought it. Walk out aud we'll take a drive So the police station." Billy landed Ills man and weut home ind to bed. The next morning he was awakened oy a hcreaio below. Itunnlug down stairs, be found bis mother, who had gone early to wake the servant, look ing with horror at Pete's revolver I / lug on the dining table. "Oh. tn^boy," she cried, "the house has been robbed'. Look what they left! It's a wonder we haven't all been murdered." ' \ ' Billy looked at the revolver he had forgotten to remove the ulgbt before Rnd cursed himself for a fool. He knew thsu bis mother would never Bleep serenely again If he didn't ex pialu. So lie confessed bis part In tbe transaction. "Oh. pilljr she cried/ "How did you dsro ex|?ose your poor father and mother to su?h a danger." "Danger! Just think, mummy, how iead easy it was for roe to get even with a man who once came near hang ing me." After a conference with tds wife Mr. Barton concluded to set Mb got ap m a rancher ta Mew Mexico. BO* " f T* .*"? \SUBMAB1NE WITH FINS. Mmm That Can *i? er SlnU / WhM Not Under Way. 'British aaral authorities tko other day uaalued a new submarine in t anted by it Mlddletoa wblcb will ?Ink or rtaaJo th* waiar at wiU wltb out forward or backward motion. Tbo new Teasel La provided with two "flu*" os each aide aa well aa a pro peller. The propeller abaft can be :arned at an angle, directing the boat to port or starboard. tbua doing away wltb tbo rudder. Tbe flua are curved flexible metal platee and, like the pro peller. nre driven by electric' motor* running from accumulator*. Tbeae Una are able to propel tbe boat by tbelr motion, making tbe vessel look Uke ?ome large Sab swimming gracefully. By bending tbe fln? Into ftoo correct poeltlon tbe boat goes under and trav el* at any deptb below tbe aurface of tbe water. There la no "porpoise" mo tion, aa In so niuuy t? jlmmrlue* when running under water. Tbe moat interesting feaMre of tbo boar is its ability to sink or snlnu Tbe mod. I was loaded with weight* and tank is> the bottom of tbe shallow i?ool where it was shown off. then the fli?? were set to correct |iyrfTMon for rlMing, and In b fe\. second* the submarine had come direct to ifiio surface of t.'io water. By working NrtMina r.t n dif ferent ntigtv the vessel *Unl: like a stone. The whole uf the movement* were governed by electricity. PALACE FOR Ht!3 HORSES. Mr*. Htrrim.-.n Plar.ning to Build Costly S'-jble t? Chclter Fifty. Mi's. Mary W. liarrjuinji. widow of E. II l!:trriui;::i. curr/lii-i out his Idea*. Is pluiiiiiit^ oue of the nw POKlJy :i;:d lijUgliU;* .-i ! stable* ever ?MVeUd .in New V . state It Is to ftmi'l til the foot n| the iii'Mliied rail* ror.d Will.; I j I *::iN t" l!;e *1: :ilii on which the I! '?:l. I* luiiit una. u. w. uaiiiiiuan on tbe Harrlman estate at Arden, N. ?. The flrst story will be of cat stone. Hulf timber work will add to tbe attractiveness of tbe second story and gables. The stable will be 103 feet long and 1M feet wide. The ap proach to tbe front entrance will be through an open court niuety feeHj square. There will be accommodations for. nearly fifty horses, spacious carriage and harne&s rooms, a workshop, gar age and a hospital for Etck horses. The second story will contain living apartments for grooms and stablemen. It Is a great pity that the chap who Invented trouble didn't take out a perpetual patent on it. When a woman hears a disagree able thing about a man At her^c nuaintance ahe usually passes it along with a little more added to It. IIOCCO. NK'AfjA IjIl'ZZf, Violinist and Harpist. Hid ill* I'htKrniii Tonight : * ? THK HLl'K SWAN INN. THB AlKOIJATJC FLY; KING ? . >TTO\. Change of Vaudeville Tunlght. You Cannot Tell how much light an electric lamp will give without trying it. The G. E. Tungsten Wot.) in a standard 16 c.p. bulb gives twice as much light as the ordinary lamp and uses 20% less current. The Quality oi Light is I'niurputcd We can improve y our light ing and save you money. Aak ui to-day about Tupgitea I atapt WASHINGTON KIJCCTKIC HI. A NT. Oflice city HaU. . FRESH CEREALS ? Just Arrived ? Cream Fa rina, Cream Wheat, Pearl heat, Cream Hominy, redded Wheat, Post Toasties, porn Flakes, Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat and Oatmeal. Walter Credle & Co. 'Phone 80. FOR FEYKRISHNtgiS and ACHING Whether trooi^Malarlous <*bndltlona. Colds or overheating, try Hicks' Cap udlne. It reduces the fever and re lieves the aching. It's liquid ? 10, 25 and t>0 cents, at drug stores. C/ill "Ironclad" Galatea ? ? " j^ClI Cloth at 15 cts. per yard; Flaxon at 17c.; Linon at 10c. A full line of Standard Dress Ging hams at 10c. Oldest Millinery House in Beaufort County. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO SUPERB SF.RVICF. To Baltimore via Chesapeake Steamship Line NEW BAY LINE "COLUMBIA" and "AUGl S I A. ' Dint. grooms on Saloon Decks. Elegant Table IVHote Dinner 75 cents; Club Breakfast, 25 to 60 cents. Polite attention and the very bes* service in everyway We solicit critici.sm of our scivicc. Leave Norfolk, foot of Jackson St., daily except Suncav 6-35 p. m.: arrive Baltimore 7 a. m .. connecting with rail "lines for Phils., N.Y.. -nd all ro:nt*East ami West. I-'or all informa tion and reservations addresK C. 1. Chandler. G. A.^F. K. McMHIin.T- P. A., Norfolk. Va. SAVING * MONEY Is comparatively easy after it is once fairly started. Here is a ^pointer for you: YOUR SUPPLY checks up tolerably well. Considering the hearty eaters , at your table, it's a wonder you keep as well stocked as you do. FOR FINE GROCERIES when the larder is getting empty, come here. Our finely assorted stock is suffic ient, and your trade is desired. . JOS. F. TAYLOE, The QuaUty Grocer. 'Phones 133 and 134

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