WASHINGTON, NORTri CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. MAY II, 191f. leu and the couple- were beaten and < ?hot to death. The slayars got only $100. The police hare thrown a dragnet over the olty for two men who called I at the home of Dr. Ctnnon which la at It Wett 122nd street. ? When i told that Dr. Levln^waa at hone, the men fled from the front door. 1 The InveatlffaUaa today revealed the fact that ttus death struggle of Do- i man ? who was but 22 .years old. and i had been employed by Dr. Cannon only a few days ? was heard by a lit- I Us girl. i Thirteen-year-old Helen Ham mond, daughter of a neighbor, called at the Cannon house at 2:29 and 5 < o'clock yesterday afternoon with a ' bunch of flowers for Miss Julia Free- i born, a school teacher. Who. with a sister of the physician, was the only othar occupants of_ the h?t?e*. Mis* Free born" end Miss Cannon, alto a ? teacher, were both abeent at tbe thfta of the doable crime. The first tlmd ^ the- child- oallad she heard a door In- j side the house shut, but no on^ an- i awered her ring. The second time 1 she went to the bseament, Accord- i ing to the atory she told the police i she heard a scuffle upstairs and a mo ment later a gruff voice which was not the? butler's commanded, "Qet away from that door and stop ring ing; there'* nobody home." ? * Frightened the child ' ran away. ; When Dr. Cannon returned home soon afterward, he found the bod lea 1 of his housekeeper who had been in his employ 2S years, and the Hindu, lying within a few feet of each other. "A canvass of every pawnshop of 'New York and the surrounding is under way, in the hope of tracing some of the ftOO worth of loot se cured by the murderers. The police place little faith in this angle of the search* however. j- GAUBTY TONIGHT. / Tonight the Gaiety offers lu pa trons another film d'art, entitled Joaeph 8old B y His Brethren. This picture Nti forth the story of the Jewish youth Joaeph, who is baaely sold Into captivity by bis self-seeking brothers and destined to avert from Bgypt Immediate disaster by wrest ing from the unknown the secrets of Pharaoh's dreams. The different sts res of the upward trend of hla career tn the land to which he was a stinger are unfolded one by one, and combine to mako one of the moat Intensely Interesting pictures of its kind erer produced. His Hunting Trip Is a tremendous ly funny comedy, and embraces a good atory. It Is a burlesque on Rooserelt In Africa and la one that can't fall to pleaas. , ' Come oi)t tonight and see these excellent pictures. Good muslo and cool, comfortable, roomy seats. > - Messrs. ? C. Mayo, Marshall Shep ard, Rayfleld and O. K. Mayo, of 8outh Creek were In the city today. AFTERMATHS rncldeota of HmotUI Dm/ la w ash lifton m Keen by the Ml/ News Reporter, It WW a great sight to see those H?d heroes partaking of the bounti ful repast prepared an 4, served by the rood ladies yesterday at the armory. It did the Dally News man's heart rood to witness the sAae. Although :hey are all bordering on the river Lbey are still young In patriotism tad levotlon to their country and are as >ver ready as yore to defend, the flag, rhe deportment of the crowd la the Irmory where the dinner was served was noticeable. Perfect order reign-' ad aad everyone present seemed to think It was the best dinner yet ?erred to the veterana. Judging from the way la whtefc It was put away we Lhlnk tike opinion holds good. The Washington L.lcM Infantry, under the comamnd of weut b. B. Roes, certainly made a moat attrac tive appearance. The Washington Concert Band received much praise for Its fine music. Both organisation! were highly comfnended for. the part Lhey assumed in the day 'a fceremo ties. Every one Is complimenting the Sjie address made by the orator of the day, Hon. J. Bryan O rimes. The iddress has never been surpassed io Waahlngton on a similar occasion. He comes from the right atuff. He Is the son of the late Major General Bryan Grimes, one of the bravest sad most fearless Confederate officers in the service. His memory* will ever be kept green by our people. Indeed throughout the entire Bouth. The music by the choir and thf Children of the Confederacy waa much enjoyed. They all sang with iplrlt and enthttalasm. , 1Po ,M Um old soldiers trq^dligtVf the oemetery yesterday to aid in dec prating graves of their sleeping com rades was a sight soon not to be for rotten. They all entered Into the lav wltft the spirit of youth. ? Al though seme hare reached their three ecore and ten they did not fal-^, ter on the way, but were there' with the rest of the company. UNIVERSITY NEWS. The University annual, the Yack sty-Yack, has arrived and is ready For distribution. It. is a splendid rep resentation of college life and in"ev trj way worthy of the University and the 8tate whose seal It bears. The boolc is dedicated to the late J. W. Qore, C. B.. former head of the de partment of physics and a professor much loved Vn the 8tate. One of the reatured articles Is a ahort history of the University by Dr. Kemp P. Bat tle, ex-president ol the University, the entire oontents are of a high class. The drawings, charactertures, poems, sketches, drags and humor Set-offs, are breesy with interest. Ev ery department of the Univer?ity and svery activity of student life has its place. The YacketyYack of 1909 was ad judged by a critic of college annuals to be one of the three best in Amer ica. -The J. P. Bell Co., -of Lynch burg, publishers of many of the lead ing college annuals, considered the 1909 Yackety-Yack to bf the best book ever Issued from their press. The 1910 book Is considered to be even superior to the 1909 book and will perhaps be the flrst cholesjn the AlkAmetican grotjp of college 'an nuals. ^ B. Joseph Nixon, a member of the senior class, has won the prlxe of $60 given by the North Carolina So ciety of Colonial Dames for the beat essay on a subject relating to the colonial history Qf North Carolina. His subject was "The Early German 8ettlers of Lincoln county. 'J 8. P. Teague won t^e^ecotjd jWe of f|6. Brevard D. Stephenson, of the so-; phomore class, won the Ben Smith Pre&ton 'Memorial Cup for the Mat work of a journalistic nature by an riuslin Underwear " 'Special showing of exceptional values in Ladies' Muslin Underwear. See Window Display. m GUEST OF KAISER ?y*. ;?? . .. ? ? ? Teddy and Wiffiam Take Each Other's Measure. HOCH AND HURRAH! Th? Emperor dm the BooMrelu -a Warm WelcwutfSWMi Bvl UUI* , KrlOmcr M Form.il i, ? Tbr Kx Pr*lKe*t Warmly Greeted at th? tttaUim by AnHni. Berlin, May 10.? Theodore Roose volt, advocate of in tenia tlonal-pe* P. I. bat haa HOLD CONFERENCE Confers- With the New Uaf. .? ? v . , assumes' ENTIRE CONTROL ? > The Fclltiral Vlewe *C the Ruler are KM Knows Hat (t t. Mlmd Hiat Both Partlee will Hmatai Mra l*or Awhile? Cmnra Prise to be Prtece t Wale* Without im*.,. ,r ? nsr* - London. lUr 10 ? rWhllf the bodr or the UM Sine E4*?r?l VII lar en cased lu lu leaden doffla if tuo throne room o( BuekUsbam ft lace todaj. Klas George V took ap the reins oqrrornaent had held hie drat official congttatlun with the premier of Great Brftthk. V Prime Minister Asqnltb. ?ho ?r rtred here 'fro* 8paln late last night, tbli moraine hastened to Marlbor ough House; where he was received without delgy br. the new Kins, prior to sutqomnlng the cabinet for a spe clal meeting. The long fight over the 1909 bud get, and the' period, of speculation marking the monEha preceding Ed ward's death, have left the money marked In ao^h a state, It Is known that -ealy- eagofal political manage ment can atert finantf*! trouble. The political events of the next few tnontha will Vg governed largely by the attitude of Kin# George, whose political standpoint - hah never been known to the general public. From all that can be ascertained, it is be lieved that Oeorge favors tb? tor lea even to a greater extent than did his father, and It Is probable tbst he will throw every obstacle in the way of curtailing . the veto powers of the lords, at }east until thft*>t>rflA|em has been pressed to a nation fa a gea eralefce&m. ^ No sooner was the splendor of yes terday's proclamation ceremonies past. It was learned tpday, than an egrogtous blunder was discovered, which, it was declared, might neces sitate the repetition of the entire ectacle. Thla was the absence TrorrT e official printed proclamation, as read by the heralds of the worlds srmong the king's titles, "and of the British dominions beyond the seas.'*! This term, formally proclaiming the ruler's title to Jurisdiction over but In the official copies used In the proclamation of the accession of Ed ward VII. Although the form of George's proclamation was. supposed to have been Identical with that of his father, the omission occurred not only In the document read to London, but ni the official copies used In the provincial cities. A high court offi cer today declared that there seemed little likelihood of avoiding a repe tition of the parent and ceremony, if George were to reign legally, but that an Investigation had been begun to ascertain If the heralds Included the phrase verbally, in spite of Its absence from the printed documents. The privy council was today noti fied of a meeting with the object of finally and officially selecting the new titles of the royal family.- It is still undecided whether Queen Alexandra will take the title of queen mother or queen dowager. To the people she will probably rer main Queen Alexandra till her death. The crown prince. It Is believed, will become the Prince of Wales with out delay: All this, however. Is officially In the hands of the earl marshal and the privy council. BQI'NI) OYKR TO COURT. Charles Barborfr. colored, who wss arretted near bnnyan last Saturday on the charge of kldna^plag, steal Inland threatening people*! life. was given a* preliminary hearing this morning at the city hall tofofe Jus tice of t$e I^eace S. L. WUlard. of WnhlafBbcA^t^wnsMpt He *as in dicted In two cages, carrying con cealed weapons and stealing a gun. The lustlce bound him over to court In the sum of $250 In both cases. Falling to give the bond he war lock ed In Jail. Mr. J. J. Laughlnghottae, |^perln tendent of the state prison, at Hal-; ?Ign, is in the city today on business < tackle, will again. coach the Carolina football team. The --Annual game with Virginia has bean arranged for Thanksgiving. Other games will be wl Davidson and Georgetown. SUPERIOR COURT Many Cases Were Difyoaed of Yesterday hjr the Court. THE KELLY TRIAL TODAY A True BUI Do Boa Returned for WUUrtn Im For Murder. But the Widtor ton Notice He Would Omly Ask (or ? Verdict la the Mae oo4 Degree. " Stat? tb. George ft^oore, W. W. Hooker, surety. Judgment absolute agalaBt the surety for the amount ef bond, $25 and cost. State vs. ,J. C. Peele. larceny. Nol pros with leave. State vs. Joe Edwards, Richard Moore and Claud Hill, disturbing school entertainment. Not fullty. 8tate vs. MaeSparrow and Phillip Keys, affray. Nol pros. State vs. Tobe Fletcher, retailing.' Guilty. State vs. E. L. Brooks, assault with deadly weapon. Pleads guilty: flne $25 and cost. State vs. Nina Williams and Beta Fuller, assault with deadly weapon. (Oilty. Judgment suspended by each paying one-half of the coBt. State vs. William Lee, murder. True bill. A verdict for murder In second degree will only be asked for by the Solicitor. State vs. William Skipper, carrying concealed weapon. Guilty. State vs. William Skipper. Jail breaking; two bills. Guilty In both cases. State vs. John Ward, larceny. Guil ty. Four months on county roadt. m- State vs. Z. M. Potts, T. J. Hard ing. Lester Simmons. M. C. Cutler,' Ed Mathews, Clifton Standi!. R. l>.^ Paul, gambling. Plead guilty, Judg ment not yet pronounced. State vs. John Williams, forgery. Pleads guilty. Six months on county roads. State vs. J. H. Hardlnson. retail ing. _Not guilty. GRAND LODGE Ii?e 'Charitable !lrotherhooKHH* meeting. Captain George J. Btuddert return ed this morning from Swan Quaker where he attended the stockholders' meeting of the Mattamirakeet rail-, road. There was no bualnees of im portance transacted. .The stockholders decided to hold another meeting In Swan Quarter on next Monday, at which time a board ot directors will be elected. jkilA. 1 \ .i .. t?h.. ?' tfi'lili' tSflifcr- T je^orfooT ' of the HperiaJ Hhoot Yea [ terday Afternoon. The Washington Gun Club bold a special shoot yeaterday. The follow ing score waT made: Sh. Bk. J. Hodges 15 is C. B. Sterling 29 50 L. A. 8ne and everyone are Jubilant ovbr the prospects for a first-clans or ganization In that neighborhood. The next meeting of the union will be held on Friday evening. May 30. FOIt mLTlMORE. Rev. j. a. Sullivan, pastor of the Flrai Baptist Church, left this morn ing for Baltimore to attend the Southern Baptist Convention. Mem bers of his church kindly placed in his hands a purse sufficient to defray his expenses. Rev. r. E. Hoffman will have charge or nis work durlnl" his absence. , MOTOR BOAT RACK*. The motorboat races on the river yesterday afternoon were witnessed by a large number and all who saw the races state It was one of the most interesting and thrilling srenes they have taken part In In quite awhile. The Dally News will give a full1 ac count of the regatta In tomorrow's paper. IMPROVING. The many friends of Editor James L. Mayo of the Dally News and Mrs. SUyo, will be glad to learn that they aiti^Jfoth on the road toward recov ery. While they are still confined to their home unless nothing unforseen happens they will be out within the next few days. . ASSISTANT COI'NMKL Mr. W. M. Bond, of Edenton, N. C.. has been employed as assistant coun sel to defend Carl Kelly, whose trial is now In progress at the courthouse. MAYOR'S (WRT. > The following cases were disponed j of before thrf mayor: State vs. Bertha Brown, drunk and j disorderly Sunday afternoon^ Fined $10 and cost. The mayor warned her not to appear before him again. The defendant Is the woman who stirred the city of Raleigh sometime ago with her exploits as a breaker of the law. She is now proprietress of the Washington House, this -city. State vs. Charles Hill and Henry foirganus. Running a disorderly house. The Judg'ment was^mtspended provided the defendants left the city within the next 24 hours. XKKI>KI> IMPROVRMKXT. The fenders at the corner of Glad den and Second streets, placed there by the Atlantic Coast Line officials to keep teams from driving on the side walk is an improvement long needed. The fenders will do much towards femedylng the nuisance. WANTIirH-YOVNO MAN. EXI'KRI enced salesman, for Eastern North Carolina; good salary with ex ptfhaes paid. Give references, stat ing , experience; reply, confidential. Address, Wholesale Grocer. J2?. care or . Vtr?ldl?n-Pllot. Norfolk. yfri I. WHOLESALE ARflEST ? Sensation Occurs in the Town of Kimton. J _ > * BLIND TIGERS ARE RAIDED The lMectirr Wu Ostensibly Or***. ***** ? Society ? Sweep Caught the Chief Offender* and Some PrumlenC MerrluwU are In cluded in the Haul. Kinston, May $. ? Quite a sensa tion was created here this afternoon when a detective made a wholesale arrest of alleged blind tigers, getting about all of the moat prominent al leged offenders and among them some prominent merchants. For about two weeks the detectlre has been here with a companion os- * tenslbly organizing a secret society. Today, having got his ducks In a row, he went before Justice of the Peace Peebles and swore but wsrrants for Mab l^aroque, Jr.. W. W. Tuten, Charlie Waller. Henry Williams Walter Fields. Paul Bond and two^ women of the Sugar Hill district. Mabel Paige and Hattie Johnson. The first three nsmed waived ex amination and were bound over to court under bond. Williams, Fields and Bond will be tried by Justice Peebles tomorrow, and the two women have their trial tonight. All or t he^men were running near beer saloons. The first named is n brother of the mayor of the town. This sweep gets the chief offenders, and it is certain that tiger hunting will be very poor for a time, at least from now. MANY VISITORS A ln easy payments. ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ? ? Gem Theater. ? ? Gaiety Theater. ? ? J. K. Hoyt ? Corsets. ? ? 8pencer Bros. ? McCall patterns. + ? Hassell Supply Co.? Buggies, &c. ? k ? Bloodlne. ? ? Mother Gray Powders. ? ? Cardul. ? ? Do&n's Kidney Pllla. ? ? Mrs. Summers' Remedies. ? ? Woods' Seeds. ? ? Wm. Bragaw & Co. ? Insurance. # ? Goose Grease Linament. # ?* J. L. O'Qulnn. Florist ? Bulbs. ? ? Hyomel. ? ? Chesapeake 8teamahlp So. ? ? ? ?????????????? VIOLIN LESSONS For rates and other de tails address me, inclosin a two-cent stamp. L G. SCHAFFLR, Washington, N. C* > . ' 5 ; f./. - -? v' '^iiWian