ALL SIZES 25c. and 50c. The Gloves that will wash. J. K. BOYT ? Washington's Greatest Store. When a mail becomes unfortunate 111# fair weather friends think they have done their duty when they say: "Ain't It a shame!" bids, nM warehouse to tie 80x100 ft with 14 fl Mriway on tl4?-H total ?4x100 ft. under one roof. 8ee M. M Jonee for s*icijcatlQiU "Tbe Wood Is the life." Jf jro?r blood Is Impure, sluggish, too thin or too tbick. you cant b^ setting the most out of life. Let Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea make, your blood rljfht ? make -tlfe more worth ttojfetas. Har ^ ffiHE GEM 1 HEATER INDUSTRIES OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ? Industrial. ? ? FROM SHADOW TO BUN SHINE ? Western driuiu. e e ASCENDING THE JURA MOUNTAINS? Scenic. e e THE OOLDKN LILLY ? Dra matlc. We always furnish ?n amusing, instructive program; Good seats, po lite attendants. 3 WASHINGTON HOSPITAL ii me A well-appointed Sanitorium for the treatment of all surgical^ cases in a sanitary and up-to date method. Skilled physicians and nurses. All the latest appli ances in vogue- For informa tion write DR. D. T. TAYLOE, Chief Surgeon. A PIG'S GREASED TAIL * This is a hard proposition to hang on to, but it you instal a "Gas Range in your kitchen, the cooking proposition will be r' one that you will hang on to for life. > See the Washington Light & Water, Co. Attractively Priced Underwear Nainsook Underwear, full-cut shirt and drawers, 3 pieces, $1.00; also boys' size, 2T?r each. Men's Balbrigg an. 25c, 50c, 75c garments, all sizes, up to 50. Boys' Balbriggjin, a goo d value, 25c garment. We are showing full line Ladies' Muslin Underwear, lace and embroil try trimmed, 25c to $1.50 garment. Child's Muslin Drawers, tucked ok hemmed, 10c each. J. F. BUCKMAN& SON HAM MOC K S Nothing Nicer on a Warm Day thus reclining In no easy, comfortable Hamotmk. You know this, bat do yoir know thnt ' ' . ' 1 OUR HAMMOCKS are equipped frith every utility to add to yonr rest and comfort. % ? We bare all the latent style* and can famish In a variety of tastefvl ?*?. .O J ?i . ? ? ? ? *#* i i fOO .. Ii ' ? , <1 ?i I i|EAIi RANAIRH FROM ?J.OO AK? CP. i' J. H. HARRIS PLUMBING & SUPPLY CO. eeercb tbe pockfttk V , J Bat the ioo?t Interesting thloga that CM la to old ckdbm are old letters Few old clot boa men pay any ettaa Hon to tbem. burning them without reading tbem. I alwaya read tbem. Poaslbty tbora may ba something Is tbem to raodar tbem valuable. I har? found latter* j>t tbh kind that woulo have paid ma wall were I disposed tt '*r J blackmail, bat 1 am not In tha? bu-lness. . - ? I onca bought a coat tbat had a let tar In a aide pocket aaalad and with a a tamp oo U ready for mailing. The envelope waa not aolled. Ttm letter bad evidently been placed In the pocket for delivery hi the mail, forgotten, the coat bung ap without being worn again and eventually aold to me with* out being examined bj the acller. I constituted myself a dmd letter eOce. opened the envelope and ran* the letter. It waa from a wife to her buaband. offering to "make up" aftoi a quarrel. Sbe proved conclnal vety that be had been mletaken In the mat ter be bad agalnat bar. rowed that aha had alwaya loved him and woald never love any one else. Sbe begged him for the aake of their children to come to her and ba reconciled. I wondered what had been the re ault of the failure to mall thia letter. I became Interested In the poor wo maa, who might have been eu (Taring from aoma one'a carelessness. a a wall aa ber husband and Innocent children, for there la nothing more melancholy than the caae of a child aeelng tta father and mother qnarrel and finally *e pa rate. It appeared likely that the writer moat have given It to tba man who bad worn the coat to mall and be bad neglected to do ao. 1 felt that I would like to wring bla neck. It occurred to me that, being an old clothes man, 1 bad never bad any op portunlty to do any one a kindness. I couldn't gtve money, becauae 1 made onlj enough to keep the wolf from the door. If 1 gave to anj one I took awaj from what my wife and children needed. So It occurred to me to find this couple between whom the letter ahould have paaaed and deliver It Perhapa they did not need It; pcrhapa they had been reconciled In another way: perbapa they had been divorced and one or both married again. Then the remarriage of a parent alwaya aeema to me a far more terrible herit age to the children than the parenfa death. The latter la an awful bereave meat. hut the former la a living horror. Aa th? letter wna but a year old I hoped that I would not be too late la delivering It to at least nave the little one* from tbla laat ^opeleei condition I didn't know bow to go to tirork to And either of the parties, ao 1 went to the poetofflce and asked for advice^ The Interview resulted In my writing a note to tbe man whose letter I bad. advising htm of the fact that a letter tbat mlgh| be of Importance to blm had come Into my poaaeaatoo. I ad dressed tbe note aa tbe letter had been addressed, and tbe poetoAce men agreed to deliver ft If tbe man could be found. Within a couple of weeka a gentle man came Into my shop with my note In hla band, saying that be waa the man to whom It waa written. "Save you a wife?" I aaked. "No," he answered bitterly. . "Are ycKi divorced ^rom a wlfaT* Tea." "Are either you or your wife mar> rled again?" -No." I drew a sigh of reMef and handed blm bis wife's letter written a year before. He eeemed much affected, not apeeklng for acme time after reading it. and I caw- tears standing In- bla eyes. I waa curious to know what feeling would be npperraoat In his mind, for be would surely give expres sion to it This is the. first thing be said: , -I'll kill that InfenHrt*. fallow If I hang for ttf ' "What infernal fellow?" "The stupid Idiot that waa given this letter to peat." He had bla eyes on the letter, but at thia point looked up at ma and con tinued : "And now, my good man. I wlah to reimburse you for aoy expense yoo have Incurred In thia matter, beside giving you a suitable reward." "There baa been no expenae. As to the reward. my plessnre in having done one set 'without pay In my con tempt Ibis Ufa la a far greater reward than any you could offer. Let an old riot bee man have this satisfaction. I beg af yoo. One thing I pk? let me see you remarried." He want away, and the vary next day sent me word to come to bla house at 8 ia the afternoon. J went there and waa the only person present be sides ths couple and tbe man who mar tied tbem. Whan tbe ceremony waa over a door waa opened, and In ran n bappy lot af children, who bounded into their father's and mother's arms. And I? what a happy old ekrthaa maa waa J ! r V,. ? Callad Trstalka fey Alatita Urn Mwi It? Namad MoKinlay by W. A. Olakay? Sid* Light! an tha E?pWfWe? That ?imM th. Tap. Mount licKlatejr. which baa recolly b*n acalad by ao ax [wd Idea Mat from Kalrbanka. 41uU. and coamuM bj Tom Llayd. auoda la Um CMtar of , ?WW H'KIHLIT. close range. la 1806 "W. A. Dlekej crowed orer from tbe Copper rlret coon try and, with tbe wonderful cour age and Indomitable will of the Amer ican proepector. launched a frail craft on the treacherous water* of th* Su ?hitna riT*r. HI* Journey down tbe river to th* *ea took him paat the aootbern foot hill* of th# Alaskan range. Seeing Bo 1* boy ?>f th* flr*t time, be named It Mount McKloley and estimated Its height ijlth remarkable accuracy at 20.000 feet." The lender of thai Fairbanks expedi tion was Tom Lloyd. lie set out with William R. Taylor. Charles McGonlgls. Robert Horn. Charles B. Davidson sod William Lloyd. Dartdaon 1* ao expe rienced dell engineer. He. with Mc Ooolgle. nndertook before tbe expedl tioo started on Its ascent to survey tbe mountain from tb* base in order to <Ufcortr what wa* tbe most likely means of ascent. Tbe man who put op the moft?y for tbe expedition were William McPbee aod August Peterson of Falrbanka. reached the enmrfilt by July 4. Tbs party l*ft Fairbanks Dec. 22. 1900. It was praeed *d by Pater Andersoo, who started some weeks before It to estab lish a camp In tha Mount Mc Kin ley territory. Tain Lloyd at th* momeat he left dkl not Intend to begin tbs flaal climb an til soma tlorfe tn May. OaaWad to Ceek's Ms#*. Tbs Cook *sntto?si*/ was *tiu hot when tha party loft Fairbanks, and ft was tateoded to find .out whether tha summit showatf any erldeuee* of Dr. Cqok*s slslt Tha msqpbers determined also to try to use bis maps. By tha middle at, February Lloyd and his party raachad a height of 12. .000 feet. Tom Da I ton, the messenger whom Lloyd ssnt back from there; re ported that tbe chief of tbe expedition bad found conditions ao fheorable that ha had dsrided in press en Immediate ly without returning t D Fairbanks, as bia original. pis as coo temp Is tad - The as laid oat was to se tabilah a aftw aloof tba route. I^oyd thought that there wae no advantage J a taking the risk of a hot daab for the summit. He had a ramp at , Moose . creek, called Spruce cabin: another about ten mile* from the baseVenhipt another at tbe 5.000 foot lerel. and a fourth 12.000 feet Up tbe mountain. v' Da I too *4ld that Lloyd had reported to him that the crust waa se Arm, so ?aatly better tbsn be expected when be started dot. that h* would preas on forthwith, ^fb? partjft we* already en gaged -In parking its provision* an* camp duffel from tbe 5,000 foot leret to the camp higher* ui>. '/V " Lloyd sakt that be expected to ranch what Dr. Cook' christened "tbe top of tbe conttaM fef by Merck 20. No trace of Dr. Ca^k s ascent conk) he found on either ^*ak. and no reo vrde w*r* discovered! . Mount McKlnley terminates In twin peeks of sqaal height, one somewhat rogndsd and covered with snow, tha other oss^sasi ef hers and win?swe0( see our 1 Wagons Hand !? Gladly Kxteaded by a Wariifai|ton There are may enthusiastic clth sens In Washing prpeared to tell their experience tor the public good Tes timony from euch a MMpee te the beet ?t evidence, and^wflf Vrp^re a "help ing hand" to scoree of readera. Read the following atatemeat: Jackaon Baxter. 424 Bonner St. Waahlngtoa. N. a. asys: "1 auffered from kidney and bladder trouble for a long time. The kl^uejr accretions were very acanty at tlmea while at others profuse, and the paaaagea wer* attended with pal a. I had eevere backaches and conatant. gnawing pains through my kidneys. 1 waa feeling miserable when 1 heard,aboat Doan'a Kidney Pllla and 1 procured a box at the Washington Drug Co. They gave me such great relief that I oh talned a further supply and aince hare almost entirely disappeared. I heartily recommend Doan'a Kidney Pills to anyone troubled with kidney complaint.'* / For aale by all dealers. Price ft? cents. Foeter-Milbura Co.. Buffalo. New York, aole agenta for the United Statea. Remember the name ? Doan'a ? and take no other. ~ 8traw hata will -soon be coming out on top. When two fat,men collide there is a msss meeting. The cyclone will never become popular aa the national air. He la a poor convict who can't af* ford a watch antLxbaln. It takee a lot of pluck to aeparate an oetrich from his feathers. Never proclaim yourself a failure. Leave that to your friends. Root Juice Is Doing It Score, or Local People PraislBg II These last day* of the Root Juice demonstration* at Hardy's drug store It Is hard to get the great medicine In fast enough to supply the demand. She has treated with doctors for months at a time and took, many kinds of medicines, bkt was growing worse all the time. Of late our neigh bors hare been talking to much about Root Juice and telUng of the wonder ful things It Is doing that she decid ed to try It. She has been using It but a short while, but Is almost en tirely free from pain and Is gaining in strength very rapidly. 1 dont* be lieve she would have lived three three months If It hadn't been for Root Juice." Those who. hare not visited Hardy's drag store during the past three weeks can hare no Idea of the number of people that have ex pressed themselves as wonderfully benefitted after taking the * J nice a short while. Many have called to re port a complete cure, and many era have said: "I am fast .recovering health under the Juice treatment. The great remedy Is so soothing, healing and strengthening to the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, that It seems to cause every one that takes It to feel better in a very few days.- We are told that the demon stration will cloee next. Saturday night, and until then the Juice Is sold tor fi a : bottle or three for 12.60. The people at the laboratory At Port Wayne are often behind with orders as much as two weeks. Those who are Interested In the remedy should go to the drug store and listen to the reports of the doiens of people thst are calling dally. Among the many to testify to the great good Root Juice Is doing here in -Washington was a well-known business msn who said: "My wife has been a long sufTerer from cstarrh of the stomach, bowels snd bladder; her kidneys were so bsdly deranged, she suffered a great deal with pains In the small of her back and stomaeh and bowels, her tongue was badly tfoated snd she sl wsys hsd s bad taste in her mouthy she was very nervoun. sleep did not refresh her. In fsct she hsd s Q msay pslns snd they were frequently no severe thst she couldn't"^ tell whav pert of the. body pslned the most. *: ' ram cubed at homk by thk ABSORPTION METHOD. If you suffer from btwdtni, Itch inc. blind, or protrudlac PJlae. eend ma rOur addreea. ul 1 win tall you how to ton yourself mtjiomn by the new absorption treatment: ul will >i? ml some of Il)li home treet ment free for trial, wlfh reference, trom four own locality If reaowted. immediate relief ?n? permanent tun uautd. Send BO , money, but tall Other, at tbl. offer. Wrfta today td lira M. fiummav,, Bo* P. Notrt ? ^ The hotel "par excellence" of the National Capital. First-class Ki all appoint ments. Opposite the II. S. Treas |ury; one Mock from the ?White Howe. An illustrated Guide to WaahinKtM will be mailed, free otyebatfe, upon re ceipt of .two 2 cent stamps. O. G. STAIiES, HOLL'aTBFVo Mdn lanMiTMN|f*li SBiESS&S1''' c*ass?i raw market. (Quoutlona furnlahad by H 8 Dim | * coamr.) Baaawax v. 17c B?a . t ..'. ., .I?0l7e Tallow ..J 4c Chickens, iwwb, aacb 10* 43c Sprint chicken* , ii .t<OJ6c Docka ...10025c Oaeae ........ 4*?(?c Green salt bfdea. lb. ...... . 8c Oraan bldaa. lb (c Dry bldaa, .if ?1*H? Wool,, frea iron bum, lb. . . He Wool, burrr 10917c Sheep aklaa MO 70c Lamb aklaa ltOHc Sheerltaga ??l?c Corn, btubal 70*7>c Electric Sitters ?owaed wkca a?ai>UUm dw Uk la aarraaa praatratloa add f ? ill wiibniain they ai* the mprama lamed j, aa fhnnaanda have taatUed. te to th? best BxdidM mr sold ovt a drafg tot 'ft flouapu. The painter wbio tell from a Im der w4nt down with fljrtils color*. rhe Sky .Mao," "Rout I ledge Rides Atone,' TheVolce in the Rice/ The Qreen Mouse" and ithers are among the lat est miction. For SALE or WM. B. HARDING rtrat J udlctAl District of thU 8t?t. t request tke support ot ill Demo* enu. If BQKluted sad elected I pronlee to dlnkars* the <uU<s of ?aid Ode*. fairly mod Impartially without Fatr or favor. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOB THE I ver- Johnson, Reading Standard ?the beat wheels. FOR C ASH OR CREDIT ssy 114 MARKET MW?. ' '> D R. CUTLER. For results try a Daily News Ad

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