WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA!" T UESDAY AFTERNOON. MAY 17, 191# w~< Of Minder With Life Imprison- 1 meat Penalty. ? HIS WIFE BREAKS DOWN After Deliberating Sixty Hour* tl Jury fo the Hyde Case Ftarf the Accused Guilty and FU tl?e Punlah ; meut at Life Imprisonment ? To Jail Without Bull. Kansas City, Mo.. May IS ? Aflur I deliberating sixty hours, the Jury li\ | the trial of Or.' B. Clark Hyde today ] found him guilty of murdering Col. \ThomaS H. Swope, the millionaire I and philanthropist, with a sentence ] of life Imprisonment Thus ended one of the most re- 1 markable murder cases of a decade, in which It was charged that the i tor planned to secure the Immense Swope fortune by killing off his wife's entire, family with disease germs and aubtle poison*. As the Verdict of murder In the N first degree was announced by th? foreman of the JUTy. Dr. Hyde bowed hte-head. His wife brok^ Into sobe and tried to rush to his arms as he stood in the dock- / The verdict was returned at 1 tilt o'clock. Dr. Hyde sat motionless during] the reading of the verdict, which was | as follows: "We, the Jury, find the defen dant guilty of murder in Che Ar?t degree as charged in the indict ment. aad assess his punishment at imprisonment In the 8tate penitentiary during his nstursl life. noouragement to t|M stroqg, I brave woman who sat at his side. At l?.16 o'clock the the Jury rap-l ped on the door or Its room to indi cate that a verdict had been reached. From almost the first the majority, It was learned earlier in the day. l-d -been overwhelmingly in favor of con viction, so that when It became kjiown that an agreement had been reached it was generally supposed , that the State had won Its case. ? Judge Latshaw bad been In the court room since early morning, px peeling hourly .that an agreement would be reached. With Dr. and Mrs. Hyde sat Mrs. Hopkins and Miss Hyde, the sisters of the physician. Prosecuting Attor ney Vigil QofhUing and Ja Reed were fn their placca early and! the court room was thronged with ] spectators and crowds pressed Into the aisles to hear more distinctly the | reading of the verdict . Every eye, la the court room was turned on the physician. His faoe was as Immovable as ever. He scanned the* faces of the Juron, heard their words snd then turned to his wife. -g: Mrs. Hyde had ale^t UttJe during the time the Jury had been deliberat ing oh the verdict. 8he waa tmme- j dlately taken Into afi ante ro^m, where sobs that shook, her frail body couM be hfehrd in' 'iM ^otirt room Dr. Hyde chewed gum la a nervosa fash I611 whlte he waited tor the tr* port of the jury hut his Jswi i ened suddenly as his fate was ? and evSn a few words of comfort for his wife were not forthcoming. jtffc'Saas.ssi hall and treatdfrllke every other < Dr. Hrde cannot be admitted to haH.* said the Judge. ?*T shall ml ve his attorneys full limit within which to mala'- their motion for a new tr)al. the schooner Mary Gal llsrd, Geo. N. Howard, captatn. arrived in tfort yesterday wtt* a consignment of aier . chandlse for the wholesale, firm of E. R. Mixon * Co. out LODGE. There will be a regular comm t?l-| cation of Orr Lodge' No. 104, A. F. 4 A. M.. this evening st 8 o'clock. Vlsltlog brethren cordially Invited to be present A woman would rather be a man's] COMMENCEMENT The Washington Public Hchonia Win Clo? ua Friday. tUf an. Wtth " Inlrrwtu, Pn.gr.rn. ' ?/ -* * ^ L Everything points to ? The Daily News baa already pub lished the names of the graduating MH-Md the speakers. /*VftT sen of Washington la cordially invit ed to witness the exercises. THE HOU8B 'OF NO'fUiPBAIKRH. The Gaiety, offers Its jytWona for thla exsal^g' the following pictures: "The Rlvsl Cooks," s simple spring concoction, guaranteed to dispel aU tired feeling. "The Alrshsp Galse." and "The Ranchman's Wooing." both comedies, the latter being a real Western com edy of high order. Illustrated song "When You're Won the> Only OlrL You Lore In This Wide. Wide World." sung by M*. Whitten. He will sing a new lllus trsted song esch night Don't forget we hsve threp comedy pictures for to night snd good songs. , ' SKW BISHOPS. The General Conference of the Methodist Church now In session at Asherllle. have decided to elect ssren new bishops. The election started yesterday and the result of the lint ballot was the election of Her. Col fins Denny. D, p., L. L. D.. of Nash ville. Tenn ; Rev. J. C. Kilgo. D- D , L. L. D., president sf Trinity College. Durham. N. C.. and Rev. W. B. Mur rah. D. D.. L. U D.. president of Mlll ssps College. Jackson, kiss. A . . !?v- x ATTK.NI> HKRVICE. The improved .Oftfer of Red Men attendant. Peter's Episcopal Church last Sunday evening In s body, at which tiafe the rector. Rev. Nathaniel Harding, delivered to them a special sermon. The dls?vura*.*is muph ?n" Joyed by essry ismbnr of the tribe. MR. MacLKAN TO 8KAK. Mr. Augus D. Mac Lean will apeak at Aurora, thla county, next Friday njght. the occasion being the ; cele bration of the Mecklenburg indepen dence. A rich treat awfUta the citi zens of that community. v. MOTHKK ILL. Mrs. John T. Bell In reeponse to a message announcing the precarious (Condition of her mother, left thla af ternopn for ?eateavllle. It la to be hoped she will And her better. BIG YIELD Big Cora Yield Premised For the Old North State. Raleigh. Msy 16^-The State De partment of Agriculture eatlmStee that the corn, acreage In thla State this year will be S. >00,000, as com pared with 2,894,000 last year. The corn yield last year was estimated to he 48,686,000 bushels. The oat crop thla year la estimated at S00.600 seres, with s 96 per cent condition, sa compared with laat year, when the Acreage was 1*6.000 sad the ylett something like:. 1.1U.0S0 bumhela. The department estimates (We the fruit crop condition for North Caro Una at n per cent-.M compared with' laat jreah The vegetable conditions are (Inured aa something Jlke 80 tor efnt In condition. The boys' com elub Intareat that has spread throagbi. out the 8 tat. |a t.rj greatly qulcken. Ing Interest In thla .Uple crap, which la already or at laaat equal Impor tance with North Carolina farmer* with "king cotton." ? DELKUATErt ARRIVING TOR COTTQM MKN'K I'OMKNTIOV. , | Charlotte. Ua; V* ? S*?era\ hun dred delegates are already In the city to attend tbeaanul maniin r of the Amsrbsit-CaMoa Msnjiktiyrer.' As sociation. Great Intereet centers la the addrcM at President Parker (o raorro-pt, in which ho Will pay hta re speeta to the - method, of the Now York cotton exchange^ Orer l.##0 delegates will attend =: Mrs. w. R. Pedrlck returned home thla afternoon from Wlnsteadrllle, whercehe attended the Parker-Spar row wedding on th?Uth. ' Ptra \oriK Corsets In the bestfi mri? stylish shapes, made A of fitte quality Batiste, See display in front case. TO PRISON Hire*. lTbKmera Wee* Taken to the SUIe Penitentiary *>jr Sheriff lUeka VeatenUy Afternoon. , Sheriff Qeorge E. Rlcka and Depu ty Claud Roheraoa took to the peni tentiary yeaterday afternoon rla the Norfolk and Ho iu hern train, three prisoner,. Carl Kelly, under aeatence of 14 yeare; Henry MoFarland. aen tenced for 2 years for larceny and jail breaking; William Skipper, een teheed for 1 rear for larceny and Jail breaking. The sheriff and hi*" deputy are "ex pected to return aometlme today. INSTITUTE Coauneareaaeat Bxeedeee to TuW| Place N'wt Friday Morning and Evening? All Iwvlted. The commencement exercises of! the Caroline Institute will uke place at the sohool building. Old Ford, next Friday. At if o-'eldek la the morn ing the annual addreee will be deliv ered by B. A. Daniel. E*Q.. of Wash lngton. A most elaborate program has been prepared for the e renin*. Everybody cordially Invited to be |UMWML ' ? .C?l w MART MWKR8 RESUME WORK. ? - Dee Moines. Iowa, May 16? Seven teen thousand Iowa mine workers to day resumed work after s suspension of ovet s(x weeks. As a result of concessions granted Che miners, the Wbr*to#p , haver* advanced the price of; all coal mined In the thirteenth lows district two cents a ton. MTH ANNIVERSARY BATTLE OK NEWMARKET* ? ? * m " ? Lexington. Va.. May 16. ? The fof-"i ty-elxth anniversary of the battle of Newmarket was observed today *t the Virginia Military Institute by a suspension of duties. Memorial ei erclsee were held at the Cadet Cem etery. ' - ^ . ? ? v i- . 11 ? : ? MTWTEBIOI'H ROflBKRIKM. .Durham, May 16.? -The officers have been watching for strange look ing men who are believed to be pros fesalonal crooks and robbing after the manner of the gentlemen highway men of the eighteenth century. Friday night the long distance tel ephone booth at the union station waa robbed of $?, a imall amount In it. bu.t aa element of greet boldness entered into the work. Sunday night snother public booth bed a near rob bery and one~of the Yale locks is re ported to have been picked. Suspi cion has thus far not rested upon any person In the town. CRBMTABLK BUILDING. Now that the annex and stora^ room erected by the Washington Horse Exchange, has v been completed U presents a most creditable appear ance and adds cpnslderably to the ap pearance Of that part of the city\ TO RIMIAR STANDARD OIL AND TOBACCO CASBB NOV. 14. Washington. May 16. ? The Su preme Court of the United States to day fixed November 14 as- the date for the reheerlng of the Tobacco and Standard OH casee. A!* KUTHQI AKK AT OiSOBOE. i St. Thomaa, D^ftr. I.. May 16. ?A sharp earthquake waa^ felt aC George town, the capital of British Qulneau. ^ iWd jyhl" thoeks j Uci-.XWS.TAX OX itfcJlORK |R . OpmntCTIONAV. i W*Wq?W;.ft. C ..l*M,l*._Th? statute of Kentucky passed March S8, 1906, levying a license tax on liquors was declared to be const! u tlonal today by the Supreme Court or the United States. The court also upheld the law ap plicable to "double stamped spirits." ARRANGING FOR LONG FLIGHT In thk hocth. Montgomery. Ala., May 1?. ? W. R. Brook llna and 8. C. .Crane, attaches of, the W right flying machine party. In camp here, returned last night from a trip down the Alabem* rirer, spying out a route for a long flight later In the month. * The distance la aerenty miles and will be the longest erer tried In this country. The ob jective point will be Benton. Ala., and the cltlsena of that ylclnlty are al ready beginning to arrange a recep tion Orvllle Wright, who leftxthe camp HI days ago In charge of W;' R. Brooklna, 1ms advised &Is trial 'run In order to show what the machine can 'do. V ' V \ The river will be followed so that la c*ae of accident the machine can be Janded In the water ff there are no open fields near by. . ??7 ' ' - STIU, ptPROtlNO.^.: ? TW condition- of Mr. E. B. Moore becomes more fprorable daily and, unless nothing unforseen happens, within the next few weeks It la ex peoted he ?W be able to get p\:t r7? ^ ; i , . v . Nobody, ever has a word of aym pathy' for ?a" dogcatcher ^lt (jn'tMlBcult to lor. rour n*l*l> PUIS' ARRANGED ' King's Body Will Be Removed | Today. THE CEREMONY IMPOSING The Will Lie la Stat* Pit til I When tin* Funeral Will the Klagtiom London, kay i?. ? The official pro gram for ibe removal of the body of Um ipte Kin* Edward from Bucklng > bam palace to Westminster Hall on next Tueeday was issued tonight. It fhowa that the removal will be at tended by jb military spectacle only 1ms laaprssftlve and Imposing than the funeral itself Follow V#. the casket, drawn on a gun carriage, will walk King George, tho royal princess and all the kings and princely; gnests, together with the members X)f the late "king's houae ym4 grooms in Wait tarles, naval officers mother's household. * procession of nine carriages, with the queen mother and aU the imperial and royal ladiea Upon arrlntf at Westminster Hall thfe king's company of the Grenadier Guards, who will havo charge of the casket throughout the Ceremony, will place ttaebofly upon the catafalque for lylng-ln-etate. AU the regalia being placed upon the casket, the archbishop of Canterbury will then conduct a soman service in the pres ence of the-?j*yal mourners. after which the ptfblle lylng-ln-state will begin. v The details of Friday's ceremony are still Incomplete, but it has been decided that bluejacket* will draw the gun carrtoge with the coffin to Windsor, where the last solemn serv bebeM. King Genr^ queen ?iec over the body In the throne room | at Buckingham Palace. Solemn services were again held in I the churches throughout the King- 1 dom today/ in* George. Queen Mary, the >n M-fh, rorit f?tntly ' prtfAttJnltht .1 a sotann aer lod?y ./ . GOQP SI SHOW The Hallie Mack Allows* Initial per formance Waa a Moat Creditable One and Pleased All. One of the best shows to visit Washington for the price Is the Hallie Mack Shows. The tent was crowded last night to witness the opening per formance and every one present, were highly pleased. It seems almost be yond conception to imagine how such ia : creditable performance cfin . given for the small admission price of ten cents, whan one takes Into con sideration the many high-class artists employed. Every act Introduced -last evening was meritorious and received a hearty applause. Nothing Is said or done to otfend. The entice per formance from beginning to end, is clean. If the remaining ^perfofm ances scheduled for the week com- 1 pare anything with the one of iast ] night the company should be gener ously patronised, and no doubt *U1 be.^ There were quite a number of ladles .present - lgst night. Another performance' will be given tonight. Show , starts promptly at 8: SO. Sat urday afternoon a raatlnfoe will ? be give*. three rkeia Tonight the Gem will have an un usually strong program of three reels covering six subjects, of .great lnter eat. The Painter's 8weetheart is pnsj of Pathe's beautiful colored pictures. This well known firm have Indeed done themselves proud in this pro-j ductionwh^fc J?,on$ of great beauty.) Flcte Jpartupe. Is** qomedy plctyre *? K - JA',... -* V?nd white Dm hu k ?OtlO? plctu^. la ? hllfbt little In It ?r" of a Mr. Hot a pretty and fa? who endeavors to | I outness of a seaside In 'his comnanv bv. a mrti^^ili ?>chance acquaintanc e "A Ctwe tor Timidity la one of tbt?c snappy cbmeWiOfryed In the liveli est way, and-eertain to amuse any audience. Unlweky Fisherman is a jatory of a Qsherman's unlucky adven tures Which will cause many a laugh. The Pathe players excel In pictures, 6t this kind and this is no- exception : to I the rile. Ascrobatlc ExerrlMa by CalibrlH Dwarf la m? interesting pic ture, giving exhibitions of novel a)id complicated acrobatic stunts with numerous acta not commonly seen. This Is without doubt one of- the strongest programs presented ?t.the Gem. In weekB and not to bo excelled. ' NT ATE conductor, rushed up to the Southern station In an automobile and snatched a 30 months-old child from the arms of Its mother, returning to his machine and dashing away. This wis the sequel to- a.< quarrel, between himself and wife last week over tjie- custody of the child. The wife had sworn out a warrant for her husband for disorderly conduct- She had ftart^d to Oxford with. the child when the fatlrer' seised it. Whisnaat has not ye t been located. Mrs. frbisnant was too hyeterfeal I to give a description of the eke/ but | declared she Intended suing for dl vorce. *1- -? ' ' ?? > EDITOR OCt After being confined to Ills home, for a week as a result *f a runaway Editor James l. MaytySTUhe, Daily News, ui otit yest , t\ the de light of hie many 'friendk-^rs I Ma>o la Still confined to M\hotne is rapidly recoverlftf? ^ Kl BONNER! urt Note* of Interest From This Propn. slve Her t ton of County. Quite an enthusiastic crowd assem bled at the school building at Bon nerton. on the evening of May 5, to hear Mr. T. B- Parker, of Ralelgb. and Superintendent Vaughan, ol our county, speak In behalf of local school tax. The speakers were intro duced by Mr. \V. M. Butt, acme:nber of the Board of Education, of this counl/. Mr. Parker gave us a most excel lent talk o*n what local school taxa tion has done throughout the State, and urged upon the people the neces sity of higher education, and showed them the many advantages derived from good schools in a community. After bis address. Superintendent Vaughan, In a plain and practical manner, explained to the people- why. he thought It was so necessary for them to vote for the local school tax. He then referred them to communt* ties In our county where local school taxation has been established and spoke of the great work they were accomplishing. The election was held on Monday, May 9. for "the local school tax of Bonnerton. but was defeated by s very small majority. Although the election defeated, the people are still very much enthused over the cause, and hope to have it carried yet On Friday evening. May 18. a play,, "Maidens All Forlorn." was given, under the auspices of the Bonnerton Betterment Association, after which refreshments were sold. The pro ceeds sre to be used to help purchase patent desks for the school building. They roallze^^0.60. *21,000 APPROPRIATION J FOR CAPE FKAR MO HTM. I Washington. D. C.. May 1$. ? Sen ator- Overman has secured the pass age of his 'bill appropriating 921 .000 for Improved lights for the Cape Faar river, notwithstanding the nrrfortn in the recommendation of the department of ocmmerce and la bor that the lights were desirable but not absolutely necessary. Senator Overman saw Mr. Mann, chairman of the house committee on Interstate and foreign commerce, to which com mittee the bill had been refe'rred, and disabused his mind of the impression that the lights were not needed. He told him that Admiral Marix had stated that no aids were absolutely necessary, but that this one was as much needed as any aid to naviga tion could be in his opinion. Mr. Mann promised Senator Over man to do what he could to have the bill reported favorably by the com mittee. Senator Overman took this matter up last year with the light house board and called attention to the fact that the people of Wilming ton have asked very few favors of the board in the last 40 years, and that they were entitled to the lights. The bill* has now passed and the approp riation will be aval^ble. SALEM COLLEGE A Washington Young U(lj a Mrmbcr of (iraduallng ('Ins*. - ??' 'Miss Caddie Fowle, of this place. Is a member of this year's graduating clas? of Salem College" Winston Salem. N, C. The exercises attendant upon com mencement here promise an unprece dented measure of interest* in that a number of Innovations in the nature of outdoor pageants are being plan ned by the young ladles. The beau tiful campus and grounds are pecu liarly adapted to theae charming snectacular afTalrs, and the girls are brimming with enthusiasm In their preparation" The exercises begin with a recep tion on Friday, May 20, continuing through the following Tuesday, when graduation ceremonies will hold the boards. One of the days included will be devoted to pageantry and an other to the reunion t>f the colle^fe alumnae, many of whom reside in Washington. BANKRUPTCY HKARIXG. Mr. James R. Qasklll, referee in bankruptcy, of Tarboro, arrived In the city last ntght for the purpose of hearing the bankruptcy matter in the case of W. B. Adams 4 Son FOR HY!>K COURT. Judge Ferguson. Solicitor H. 8. Hard, Mr \v. M. Bond and others, left yesterday afternoon for Swan Quarter, where court wll| convene this week. -^XH'RT NKJKT WKKK. The rfegfrjar May term of Beaufort county Superior court convenes In this city next Monday for a session of thr?* weeks. His Honor Judgo Fur geson will preside. The *rsu twd weeks will be for the consideration of 'THE HISLLET COMET j_ >. Earth Will Pass Through et'i Tail Tomorrow Night. CONCENSUS OF OPINION V 1*1 tor From the I'pper Air Will Be Studied by Astronomers and Scien tial* Withiu tiie Next Four l>?y?_ Thau Hands of Teleacopes Will Be Trains on the Comet. London, May 16.? There Is no danger to the earth or the life upon It animal or vegetable. In Halter's comet. This la the concensus of opin ion among Europesn scientists. The majority of them declare It Is highly improbable that there will be any perceptible effect when the earth speeds through the comet's tall for two hours on Wednesday night. Extraordinary preparations for the observation of Halley's comet, the most famous of the erratic members of the aolsr system, are being taken throughout Europe. The advance of science In the last 75 years, or aJnce the comet last whirled by the earth, is illustrated in the present day facil ities' for Its study. At Paris. London and Berlin as tronomers. in the next four days, will -make ascension by bslloons to stady the visitor from the upper air. Thou sands of telescopes will be trained upon it. and the prectroscope and all the other amazing instruments of the 20th ^century astronomer, will be brought Into play M close range. If the tall of the comet extends 16. 000.000 miles beyond the head. It will sweep over the earth. Estimates plsce the length of the tall, propelled away from the sun by the force of the latter's heat, at from 20,000,000 to 46.000.060 miles. ^The passage through the tall begins at 11:30 p. m. Wednesday. On Saturday the comet will be nearest the earth, distant then only 14.300.000 miles. The length of the tall hks fluctuat ed. according to scientists estimates According to Senor Mlquez of Madrid. It lengthened from 23.612.000 miles to 49.981,000 miles In a few hours on May 13 and 14. Senor Mlques agrees with many others that the tall contains no deadly cyanogen gas. FIHSON RK( 'OltDS. Hum HmiUn-w Hare Hwlveil A not I. - The May list of records surpasu anything that have yet been listed in their popular catalogue. The May Ust of records is truly representative of what the Edison is offering the rpuslc loving public each successive month. Charming sentimental num bers, ragtime melodies, band and or chestra selections, sacred hymns Iti duets and quartetts are found 1q pro fusion and splendid variety. Record 414 "I V^Bh That You Was My Gal. Molly" i T?fr Snyder), sung by Man uel Romaln. A pretty sentimental song, plaintjve In melody 'and refresh ingly different in style of composition from most songs of th'at type. 8ung with One expression. Orchestra ac companiment. Record 421, "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" (Gus Ed . wards), sung by Ada Jones and mal* 'quartette. a delicious "rag" sung, with a hypnotic rhythm that Is sim ply Irrlsistible. One of the season's "hits," sung, whistled and danced everywhere. Delightfully rendered. A record that a phonograph owner cannot do without. Orchestra ac companiment. Record ^32. "The Cubanola Glide" (Harry VonTllser), by Collins and Harlan with New York Military band. Another "rag" selection of such be. witching tunefulness that It will con tinue Indefinitely in popularity. An ideal two-step. First played through out by the band, then rendered as a coon duet. A charming record. Rec ord 420, "The prnna Dona ? Entr' Acte" (Victor Herbert), by Victor Herbert and his orchesra. A record whose bewitching tovelintss of rhy thm and finished artistic treatment will endear It to every trjie music lover. One of the very best orchestra numbers In the catalogue. Record 419. "Beautiful Beckoning Hands" (John R. Bryant)t*by Edison Mixed Quartette. Among the many choice selections In the sacred catalogue this number Is distinguished for its beauty of ar rangement and rendition. Sung with organ s^ompaniment. The numbers mentioned above can without exag geration be classed among the most enviable ever added to the' catslogue. To the man of a family who Is not iware of the wonderful entertainjgjh* possibilities of the Edison phono graph, the collection will offer a sur prise quite aB pleasing as It will be complete, but you will not be sur prised that It is strengthening Its hold upon the affections of the pub lic as an ideal entertained In the , tiome. % ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ? w Gem Theater. ? ? Gaiety Theater. ? ? J as. E. Otark Co. ? Cora* Sale. ? ? J as. E Clark Co.? Kuppehbetm- ? ' ? er Clothes. ^ ? ? Washington Light & Water Co. ? er Shipment. ? ? Gas. ? ' ? Jv K. Hoyt? Barettea ? Cardal. ,i ? ? ? ? Doen's.KMtaar Fill*