WEDNESDAY. MAY 18. 1910. ?n _ will be continued at regular subscript tion rates untU notice to stop la rat calved. - , If you f educational achieve ment,. strength of religious training knd of purity of our Ideals and Ideas/ Outranking in Importance all other agencies connected -with the advance of Christian civilization, the teittor and the preacher have played a piaseball between the Pan tego and Pungo teams. In this game much enhuslasm and "rooting" was evident. The game was prolonged until 5:30, the result being in favor of Pungo. On Saturday evening Mr. gave a North Pole entertainmed the High School building. One-'fu of the proceeds was given to| school. Miss Blanche l^atham spent Saturday morning to Sunday after noon with Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Latham. P. H. S. THK PARSON'S \V1FB TOLI> HER. The wife of a clergyman of a cer tain suburban parish was mending clothes the other day when a visitor was announced. The hostess went on with her sewing, for the caller was a well known parishioner. After awhile the visitor glanced toward the sewing table and exclaimed: "Why there are some buttons ex-! actly like my husband had on his last winter suit. They are an odd kind of -button* too. When did .you get them?" The clergyman's wife smiled rogu ishly. "In the collection basket," she answered quietly. "I found a good many of the same kind. I am paving them up for possible use/' I The caller changed the subject as hastily as she could and somehow or other she did not stay very long. ? Boston Traveler. RIVER R6AI> STATION NEWS. We sincerely sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mayo and hope they both will entirely recover In a short time. The many friends of Miss Lula Willis, who is recievlng treatment at the Washington Hospital, will be glad to learn thta she is improving.. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Alligood visit ed Mr. and Mrs. A. B._AUlgood? on Red Hill road last Tuesday. Last week Mr. L. M. Sheppard shipped a large lot of beets from thin staion. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Alligood spent last week in Washington. Mr. A1U-| good is a Confederate veteran. Mrs. J. B. Sheppard and child, of' Washington, were guests of Mrs. J. A. Alligood Saturday night. Mrs. Ellas Sheppard' and child are spending this week with friends at Pinetown. Mr. and Mr 8. Henry Mich were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Carmer Alligood Sunday. Mr. Nelson Sheppard. of Bunyan. waB a guest of Mr. L. M. Sheppard Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Sheppard and child, of Washington, Mr. J. A. Alligood and family, and Mr. James Asby and fam ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Woolard and Mrtf. Ellen Wool ard at Hall Swamp. Since an electrical storm last week! we have had several days of winteryj weather. ^ r Several of our residents were visit-! ors in Washington last week. Misses M61lle Whi taker and Loesle Congleton, of Slatestone, were at River Road Saturday. NOCOMIB. As time rolls cm, the sUll small voice of conscience la apt to become ?till smaller. tu4 hat* adtarttM/ ul w? wll )mcnm* tb? popul*u?e ?t tu tain Hi M?atr, wtlii VKt ?r timfaw. id* tto 0??Iit * of HaMMnrna ^ ? ? . *. *.> i? Ty-r-p-g See A. C. HATHAWAY at once. "? - " OWN YOUR OWN HOME In WASHINGTON PARK we help you. FOR THE CHILDREN The Pugnacious Jay. The bluejuy 1* a handsome bird, with a roost dlscordaut volte and with an* other pecullsrlty not so well known? he Is the most perslsteut practical Joker la tbe feathered kingdom. One of his favorite tricks is tu conceal him self In a clump of-leave* near the spot whore small birds are accustomed to gather and When they ure enjoying themselves in their owfri fashion sud denly frighten them almost to death by screaming out like a hawk. Of course they scatter in every direction, and when they do so the mischievous rascal gives vent to u cackle that sounds very much like u laugh. If be confined his prank* to such Jokes as this, however, be would uot beSftch a bad neighbor to birds smaller than himself, but wbeo be amuses himself by breaking the e^gs in their nests and tearing .the young to piercs with bis bill he becomes it pestilent nuisance, and tbey often cpmbine their forces to drive him out of the neighborhood. They do uot always succced. for be is as full Qf flght us of mta-bief. but a severe conflict teaches bim that they, too. have tbelr righTw." aoA' this in duces him to mend his manners. Wise M?n of Gottiam. A "wise man of Gotbaui** is a fool, but the phrase thr>*igh the real wisdom of tbe I i.n.l lived in the English towu of Got ha in. Tbe story goes that King John Kuginnd once visited tbe town wlthTh^ Intention of seeing u castle t tuit lu> thought of tak ing for himself. I tut tbe Gothauiite* did not care for th?- nearness of royal ty and tbe cx|teu*e they would l?e put to if tbe.kiug should have it house there, ami so they cooked up a scheme to drive hlui away. When the king arrived with Ids coui|Ktuy ??f followers and rode through the total he saw all the Inhabitants of><}otbum going about tbo most foolish of tasks, each |terson with a silly smile on his face. The king was disgusted vt^th them. Ue would not live among'craz.v people, and so be rode on tbroggb tbe town snd did not stop for tbe-cnstle. Then tbe wtse men of Gotham, still smiling, but not lo s silly fashion, ^old one an other that there were more fools that passed through Gotham than remain In it? Chicago News. t-Olt PKVKKlMH.NbM* AGUINO Whether from Mslar;oufc^condltlons, Colds or overheating, try Hicks' Cap udlne. It reduces tbe fever snd re lieves the acblog. It's I'uuld ? 10, Zfi and so rents, at drug stores. . WO*. whlcb cab be exprwed In two: Ad uprtnlv of mlad or body? 8 A* Decrepitude] D K. An English *ounty? 8 X. To nipuiT/ X L. A lady's Christian name? L N. A lady'e Christian nam*? K ,T. To lay forcible bands on? CO. Require* replenishing? M T. Words containing three tetters whlcb con be expreaeed In one: An Insect? B. , A river? D. A bird? J. A garden vegetable? P. -v A Chinese bererage? T. A tree? U. ' . ^ Partnership. A doctor in Canada givea an Inter- 1 eating Instance of a partnership be- ' tween two animals? a coyote, or prai rie wolf, aud a common badger. It la common, be say* for theae two crea* tures to go ont banting together, and be haa often aeen them In bin district hunting for the small ground squirrels that lire In burrows below the soil. Their snug llttfe homes hare always two entrances, and while the coyote watches one of them the badger digs down from the other, so that which- j ever way the poor squirrel tries to es- 1 cape he Is certain to mak?*? men I for j one of his foe*. \ Spanish Proverbs. It'a a long step from saying to doing. While we are ufeleep we are all equal. By night all cats are gray. One swallow doea not make a ram mer. Hunger Is tbe best aauce In the world. Great deeds are reserved for great men. Each of ua tbe son of hla own works. He that rails is ready to forgive. Many a one goes for Wool and cornea back aborn. There's no book so bad but haa some good In 1L? Cervsntea. Questions and Answers. Why la It a pleaaure to meet a rich man? Because be la a capital fellow. Why la a policeman like a rainbow? He appeals wb^n the storm la over. What Is tbe easiest way to keep gas from escaping In your bouae? Omit to pay your gaa UU. What la tbe best form for a soldier? Uniform.' What prescription is best for s poet? A composing draft. When doee a cat become larger and smaller? When let out at sight an taken in in tbe morning. Once in a great while a man's self res pftt keepa him from enjoying life. 2 Absolute Essentials for a properly kept lawn and flower beda ate an up-to-data lawo mower and a good garder hose, as grass will grow and you* lawn will look ragged, and often rain does not come wtten needed. Come see onr large stock of IJose. Reels, Sprinklers. McKEEL-RICHARDSON HARDWARE COMPANY A PIG'S GREASED TAIL ? i 'I his-is :i tnr,ij p-oposition to hang on to, but ii vu ? <1 a Gas Range in your kitchen, 'hj*" king proposition will be , one that j ort il hang on to f or life. * Seethe Washington A UHE Or NBW t, POOKBTKNIPK IN a*ner can h ave tame News office and pay ad. and Identifying PAPERS WANTKT5? THE MANAGE ment will pay Be. each for copies of the Dally News of March 25. All persons having copies of this Issue will pleace bring them to this office. CALL AT BAKER'S STUDIO AND make an engagement. Everything new. Phone- *51. JCST RECEIVED, NEW CORNED Portsmouth mulletts, at E. K. WUlls. 20 FOR SALE ? A FEW BUSHELS OF Russell Big Boll Cotton Seed, by H. B. Mayo. The Call Of the Blood for purification, finds voice In pim ples, bolls, sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth patches and blothes on the skin ? all signs of liver trou ble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills make rich red blood; give clear akin, rosy cheeks, fine complexion, health Try them. 25c at all druggists. A Cohan ? Harris Song Free. "May Moon" Is the nsme of the big song hit of the Cohan & Harris min strels. presenting George Evans and his "Honey BoylT during their recent run In New York. The words are by Earl J, Ben ham and the music by Billy J. Vanderveer, two well kaown song writers. By special arrange ment the words and music of this pretty love song will be given next Sunday with the New York World. Qambtfl*. Gsmboge is vm of (be artist's most Important yellow*. It la the gum resin of a Jres which beara yellow flowers and leathery, Uurvl-ilke leavea. Tba name of tbe pigment Indicates tba country from wfclcfc' If comes, for gam bote is simply s corraptlob of Cam boja or Cambodia. In 4bls far rasters country tbe tree grow* wild and aheda those sticky tears wbtcb belp tbe arttat to paint tbe sunrise and tba autumn tlata of tbe woods. Gamboge was brought to Europe by merchants from tbe enst toward tbe end of the sixteenth century.? London Answsrs. ?assy Food. An anecdote which we think ought to be made public and to enter Into history la b?M>y presented. s A cei*" tain man bad been;dotnir s great deal I of ' work. He was contemplating un dertaking still store, and a frlmd ob served that Jf^e worked to? hard lie would break down. "Me!" be said. "Me brvaK down! I don't drink tbeui cocktail*. I don't smoke, and 1 don't eat none of that sassy-food." In.oitr opinion tie cnm* rery near analysing ??>rrectly ' the source* of bla strength. ? Collier's Weekfy. * ^ v " * ? . . ; INFLUENCE. He who wnha to exert a uy fal&nfiilenceim?t be caieful to insult nothing. Let him not be trembled by what teetm abwnd. bat let bin coMtqite hit energie* to the em boo of whit ? good. He moat not 4omWi. but build. He iraut rabe tnu li ? where mankind m?v eoaa *pA partake ot the pure* KOncf. mere will be * rilled meeting of th? atackholders Of tbe i'lrrt National Bank of "Washington, N. 0.. Tuesday. -May !?, Hl?. at u o'clock, noon, for tbe purpoaa of Toting upon an In creaae *bf tbe capital atoek of aald bank. A. M. DUMA Y,, Cashier. Theijraergency H.S.WARU JUNIUS D. can WARD &JGR1MES ATTQRNEYS-AT-LAW Couiu. jJ, ? ,*wl ' r>'^VV \1V?S( John H. Small, A. D. Marl inn Harry McMullan small, Maclean & McMULLAN v attornhys-at-laVW Waah: Ingt on, North CaroUni. W. D. GRIMES ATTORkEY-AT-LAW Washington. North Carolina.' \ Practice* in all the Cout 4. Win. B. Rodman. Wiley C. Hodma. RODMAN & RODMAN Attorneya-ot-Law Washington, N. C. ? 1 W. M. BOND, Edaatoo, N. C. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS ATTORN*. YS-AT-LAW Wuhlintm, North Caratlaa. / Practice In all CousM. W. L. Vauchaa W- A. Thompano V A UGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORNEY8-AT-LAW Washington and Aurora, N.'.C. (Practice in all the court IH.(C. CARTER, JR.,1 VTTORNEY-AT-LAW, Washington, N.^Cv OfficelMsrket.Street EDWARD L. STEWART I Attorney-at-Law.]?j| (Office over DaliyfNewii.C Washington, N. C. COLLIN , H. HARDING| v ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Offic* Savins* A Tro?t Co., Building Room. 3 mod 4. W/ HINCTON, N. C. ^ - STEPHEN C. BRAGAW - 'Attorneyjand Counselor lat-law/. Washington, N. C. NICHOLSON ?c DANIEL 1* 8! Attorneys- at-Law| j IPracTice ln|All|Cour?? ' Nicholson HotelJBuikling Business Cards G. A. PHILLIPS & BRO., FIRE Andj Plate Glass' INSURANCE. A NOTRK DAWk LADY'S APPEAL To >11 knowing rtltrm of rbeuma tlna, whether muscular or o( the Joints, eclattca, lumbegos, backache, pains la the kidneys or nenral*l? pains, to write to bar (or a bom* treatment which ha* repeatedly cured all of thsae torturea. She teal* It bar duty to seed It ta all sufferers FREE. Top ears jrosraeiE at home a* * thousands will teatlfy ? no change of climate balai aeeeasary. Thla sim ple dlworary banishaa tha urle acid