old blown up pine.'- a corner; thence In an easterly direction wltb the line of marked trees through the Wolf Pond to tk? B. F. Plnkham corner t I thence In a southerly direction wltb \ a line 61* marked trees to a corner ?ear the old watering hole on a small branch; thence with the said small branch to the beginning; containing one hundred and ten acres, more or leas, being the same tract of land conveyed by William Pinkham to Major Plnkham by deed dated May 5, 18*7, recorded In the Register's office of Beaufort county in book 32. page 468, to which reference Is here by made. This 14th day of May. 1910. HARRY McMULLAN, y - . *v ^.i THhiji||>?Iiissi ' To all to whom theae presents may come ? Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion^ by dhly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution, thereof by the unanimous consent bf all the stockholders, de posited In my office, that the Wash ington Drug Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal offioe is situated on Main street, in the city of Washington, county of Beaufort, Bute of North Carolina (.W. C. Rod man being the agent therein and In charge thereof, upon whom process ?say be eerred), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Re Tlsal of 1905, entltlted "Corpora tions," preliminary to the Issuing of thin Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Qrimes, Secretary of State of the Bute of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the 36th day of March, 1910, file In my* office a duly executed and attested consent In writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholder* thereof, which said consent and the record of the pro- 1 ceedlngs aforesaid are now on file In I my saJd office as prorlded by law. In Testimony Whereof, *1 hare hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, st Ratelgh, this 25th day of March, A. D. mio. J. BRYAN ORIMB8. Secretary of Bute. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE. North Carolina, Beaufort county. Fanner B. Oullford va. B. F. Hollo welL By virtue 4>f an execution directed to the underfilled from the Superior court of Beaufort county. In the above entitled action, I will on Mon day, the ?th day of Jane, 1910, at ~2 o'clock ny at the courthouae door Id Boaufort county, eell to the higheet bidder for caah to eatUfy tald execu tion, all the right, title and Interest which the aald B. F. Hollo well, the defendant, hae In the following real estate, to-wlt: . Flrat Tract A certain tract of land In aald.^unty, and in Richland hownahlp, and more particularly de scribed aa follows: Beginning at B. M. Thoth peon'a ao^thweat corner of the Heber Rlvea tract, and running aouth 2 degreea weat With' the road to Frank Whlte'a northwbet 'corner; thence east *lth Frank Whlte'a line 16S polea to South Craek; thence with the creek north td B. H. Thorn p aon'a corner of the Heber Rlvea tract; thence north 84 weat 155 polea to the beginning, containing 73 acraa mote or lcri^. Second Tract On tl* aouth aide of Pamlico river and eaat aide of South creek and bounded aa follows: Beginning at the main road In Jamea Deal's- line at or near Eddie Rives' corner; thence with the aald Deal'a Une to South creek; thence the va rloua courses of aald creek Richard Windley'a line; thence with aald Wlndley'a line to the main road; thence 1th aald void to the begin ning, containing 72 acrea, being the same mora or less. Saving and excepting from the second tract, above described, the following; Bounded on the south by 8. Deal; on the west by C. A- Hollo well; on the north by a tract of land, which waa allotted to B. F. Hollo well In his bomeeteed; and on the east by Quia awamp road, Ming three pieces of land or cuta out of the aeo ond tract, which 11a nearest to the Oum swamp road. . This the lad day of May, Itlft. OBO E. RUSKS. Sheriff. ?t the t?rm of the Superior Court o( Mid county, to (m held on the elev enth Mood.J .Iter the ttnt Mornl.j In March, 19 JO. It being the 13rd d?j of May, 1910. at the Court House of ?ai<l cou fkU ilk Washington. N. C., and answer or demur to the com plaint In said actios, or tbe plaintlB will apply to the court lor the relief demanded In aald complaint. This the 2 tod day of April. lJlp. . GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk of Superior Court. NOTICE. J Under and by virtue of the author tly vested in me aa receiver of the Atlantic Manufacturing ft Stave Co. (having been duly appointed receiver of the same'by His Honor Garland S. Furgerson, Judge presiding over the] courta of the First judicial district, on April 22, 1910), 1 will, at the courthouse door in Beaufort county, on the ,6th day of June, 1910, at 12 o'clock m., offer for sale, to the high est bidder for cash, the following res J estate &nd personal property: All that certain piece of land lying and being in the county of Beaufort and State of North Carolina, situated just aortheast of and outside the cor porate ^mlta of the City of Washing ton, and being all those several lots oi* parcels^of land constituting a part of the property well known as "Washington Heights" which lies on on the west or southwest eidfc of Maple street; that la to say those eev-j era l lota or parcels of land which are Included In the division of "Washing ton Heights" ind'caied upon the re corded map thereof as blocks Thirty. Thirty-nine and Forty, extending from. Maple street to Runyon's creek and from Penn avenue to the line of 8. Flemmlng. Together with all the Improvements placed thereon and be longing to the said Atlantic Manufac-J turlng ft Stave Co. Also a right-of way conveyed by 8. Flemmlng and wife to the Atlantic Manufacturing ft Stave Co., a full and complete de scription of which may be had on re ference to a deed recorded in the Register's office of Beaufort county in book 154, page 3. Also the following articles of per sonal property: Two boilers, 100 h. p. each; 1 At las engine, 75 h. p.; 1 Drag saw; l Defiance bolting saw; l log jack; 1| Greenwood atave cutter; 1 Green-' wood equaliser;. 2 stave trucks; 2 bolt trucks; l standard -dry kiln; 16 dry kiln trucks; 4 Wlddowson stave jointers; 2 sets pipe dlee; l pipe cut ter; 3 cant hooks; 1 pair log tongs; 1 crow bar; small amount of wrench es, nails, etc.; 13 floats 30 mill run staves; 3 wheel barrows; f grind stone; l forge; l anvil; several pul leys and belts for ..same; saw dust conveyer, etc.; 2 log cars; 1 office desk; l stove; 1 bundle ewaste; l; bundle stave twine; number of shov els, staves, forks, logs and all other personal property of whatever de scription belonging to the said Atlan- ! tic Manufacturing ft J3tave Co. . This the 3d day of May, 1910. Receiver Atlantic Manufacturing ft H. C. CARTER, Jr. Stave Co. . ? NOT1CK OF BALE. By virtue of the power of sale con- 1 talned In a deed of trust to me, ex ecuted by Prank Eborn on November 15th.- 1909, and. duly recorded in tbe register's office of Beaufort county In book 147. page 148, which Is here by referred to, I will sell at the Court House door in Beaufort county, for cash to the highest bidder, on Satur day, 91st day of May, 1910, at noon, all that lot or parcel, of land in the City of Washington, N. C., beginning on Harvey street at a stake, and run ning eastwardly with said street to the main road; Whence with the said road westwradly to ^he corner of Miles, Hill's lot; thence with Miles Hill's line to the beginning; being i the same conveyed by A. D. MacLean and wife to said Frank- Eborn by deed duly recorded. * This April 10th, 1910. O. RUMLEY. DI88OLUTIONOP -4 l00PARTXRR*HII\ Tbe copartnership heretofore ex isting between T. A. Brooks and J. T. Pollard, under tbe Arm name BROOKS- POLLARD COMPANY, has been dissolved, by mutual consent T. A. Brodka succeeds as sole owner of the busineaa and asset s, and . J. T. Pollard retires from the business. All debts due the firm are collectible by said T. A. Brooks an4 all Indebted- j ness of tbe Arm Is assumed by him. f. T. POLLARD. Brooks-Pollard Company. T. 'A. BROOKS, this 97th day of April, 1910. NOTICB OP SALE. Under and by virtue of the power) of sale contained in a mortgage deed, executed by N. L Sawyer aad wife Acaio Sawyer, to W. 8. Rlddlck, dat ?4 Mar >1. MM. i?4 duly rocordad la RacUtor'a aBoa of Hjrda count*, la book it. PM* 1*1. tfcfefc 1* fctra br rotarrad to. I will aoll at mblle auctiaa- for oaak. to tha klckoal I * C. 8. D?tU- firm < ?Me of the public ?la* a weaiwardly follows: Beginning at dltcb. on (he nortb road, thence run N^C> direction to Frank Water*' line, tbence north to tbe old Davit' line; tbence about a north Mat direction to tb* bead of "Hone Run" branch at the corner black fum; tbence north 150 poles; thence ?est 47 poles to the line between said. W. A. Rasa and C. 8. Darls; tbence south with aald line to C. S. Davis' northwest corner, a farm ditch; thence with said ditch to the begin ning, containing 6* acres more or lesa. This April 11, I- W. 8. RIDOMtTuortgicM. Br Jas. McCoy, Assignee and Owner of Debt. By Norwood L. Simmons, Atty. NOTICE. North Carolina, Hyde cSunty. In the Superior court The Stats Board of Education against Pennsylvania Company for Insur ance on Urea and Granting Annui ties, WUUam Oswald Dundas, Eliza Dundee Oldham, Harriet Dundee Oldham. Agnes D. Seddinger, Thomas Dundas, James Dundas, Marie Turley, Charles Dundas, S* ! rah Ddndas Johnson and husband N. B. Johnson, the unknown hairs of John Vaughan, Robert Porter and Benjamin Kugler, and the stockholders of the Nortb Ameri can Land Company, whose names and number 'are unknown. The defendants above namtfl will take notice that an action entitled as above haa been commenced in the Superior court of Hyde county to re move cloutT' upon title to a tract of land situated in said county, owned by plaintiff, and for the""p*jr poee or excluding defendants, who claim an lateral in said land, from any claim or^terest therein; and the said defendants will further take notice, that they are required to ap pear at the next term of the Superior court of Hyde county, to bt held on the 10th Monday after .the 1st Mon day In March, the same being the nth da y o\ May, 1910, at the court house of said county, In SwAn Quar ter, N. C-, and answer or demur to the complaint In aaid action, or tbe plalri* tlfT will apply to the court for the re lief demanded In said cothplslnt* *^Thls 13th day of April, 1910. % H. J. SPENCER. Clerk of the Superior Court of Hyde County. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In the" mortgage deed executed by William Clark and Wflletta Clark, his wife, to W. J> Norfleet and N. G. Norfieet. dated July 8, 1907, and duly recorded In the Regiater's office of Beaufort coun ty, in book 147, page 170, which Is hereby referred to, we 'will sell at public auction for cash to tbe highest .bidder at the courthouse door in Beaufort county, on Monday. 23rd day of May, 1910, 12 m., all that tract or lot of land situate In Beau fort county, town of Belhaven, de scribed in saldTnortgage as follows: Adjoining the lands of^orfolk & Southern Rallroan Co., and others, hounded as follows, vlt: Beginning on the main publicX?*<V''?5feet soutk^ 62 east from the foot of the J. A. Wilkinson street or road, and furth er-known as ScrougeJlown road, run ning with said main road about south 62 east 55 feet; tbence north 47 east 260* or to within 350 feet of the Bul lock ditch, thence north 43 west 5(> feet thence south 47 west to the be ginning ; containing half acre, more or less. Being the same land con veyed to the said William Clark by deed bearing date the 3rd day of Oc tober, 1901, from Eddie Hargrove, and duly registered la the office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort county, N. C., on the 17th da&sof Oc tober, 1901, In book 112, of Deeds, on page 146, etc. This ApMl li, it 16. W. J. NORFLEET, N. O. NORFLEET, Mortgagees, By Norwood Simmons, Atty. NOTICE. North Carolina, Beaufort County, In the Superior Court. Amelia Smitl^ vs. John Henry Smith. to the defendant aboVe named: ? You are hereby notified that the above entitled action has been Insti tuted against you in the Superior Court' of Beaufort County, North Car olina, for the. purpose of obtaining an fibeolute divorce; that the com plaint baa been filed therein, alleging statutory grounds which entitled the plaintiff to auch divorce, and that the summons In said action is returnable Into said Court, before the Judge thereof, at the Court House In Wash ington. N. C.. on the eleventh Mon day after the first Monday of Mareh, It being the ftftr* day of May. lftVo. when and where you are commanded spsfil tb. r*lM tkeniB 4*MDd 4 mm. >irH l?t? <ur * H.v. .. M. ? 3 i _? Miss Mm Ayerp returned horn* last night from Greenville wflere she has b?M the ivMt of Uim Wbiehard. ? ? Mr. W. M. Chauncey la back from Greenville where he has been on bual neaar He Is constructing a barge there for the Cabinet Veneer Co. v ? Rev. J. A. Sullivan, pastor of the First Baptist Church, returned yee terday afternoon from Baltimore, . where be h&a been attending the Southern Baptist Convention. ? ? Mr. David Tayloe is home from Bingham School, Mebane/v. C. ? i ? tt * * The many friends of Capt. T. W. Tilghman, of Wilson, are glad to ?*e him la the city. \ * * > Mr. J. P. Tayloe has returned from Swan Quarter. ? ? Mr. C. T. Cherry, of Pinetown, was here today on business. ? ? Mrs. Agnus Wlnfleld, of Leecbville. Is the guest of Mr and Mrs. Jehu Foreman today, East Main street ? ? Mr. John Satterthwaite, of Leecb ville, is in the city. *. ? Mr. J. W.Burbage. a' prominent merchant of Bath, was on our Btreets today. ? ? Mr. J." T. Wallace, of Bath. Is In town today on business. ' ? ? ? ? * Miss Nellie Miles returned this morning from a visit to Yeatesvllle. Mr. J. C. Duke and son, Frank, of Pantego. are In the city. Cosmopolitan Candor., "I suppose you "saw many strange people while you were traveling around the world.** ? Tee,** replied the candid man. "I suspect that some of those foreign peo ple looked as queer to me as I looked to them."? Exchange. CIVILIZATION. Hie old Hindoo taw in his dream the human race led out to its various fortune*. First men were in chains, which went hack to an iron hand. Then he saw them led by threads from the brain, which went upward to an unseen hand. The first was despotism, iron and ruling by force. The last was ov ulation. ruling by ideas. ? Wendell PhSpa. A NOTICE. Sealed bids for erection of tobacco warehouse must be In by Thursday night. 19th Inst. A bond of 9S0C will be "required Af* part? 'who is awarded contract GEO. T. LEACH, 19 J. F. BUCKMAN. Nasal Catarrh Henry L Brltton Says it is Eauy to Get IUd of. "My head, nose and glands leading to my eyes and nose were stopped up and swollen, I tried several so-called catarrh cures, but Hyomel, used thor oughly did the curing. There Is Toothing too good to say in favor of (feromel. It^ayed my nasal satarrh." ^Henry L. Br it ton, Froet St, Eaton Rapids, Mich. Hyomel (pronounced ^Hlgh-o-me) eyres catarrh, because ~tt gets where the germs are, and destroys them. It Is maik of Australian eucalyptus, mixed with other dealing antiseptics. When breathed over the irritated and inflamed membrane, it gives re lief In. two minutes. Used regularly for a few weeks it will build up and heal the germ in fested' membrane and drive out ca tarrh. If you Own a small Hyomel pocket inhaler, you c&n get a bottle of Hyo mel at druggists everywhere, or at Brown's drug store for only 50 cents. ?If you do not own a Hyomel inhaler, ask for a complete outfit, the price is $1.00. It Is guaranteed to. cure catarrh, coughs, croup or sore throat or money back. J u?t walk UP. and. get a peep. You don't know how things leok. P!c turea, pictures, everything pictures Pictures of loved onea, .pictures of facea that make homes happy. At Baker'a Studio. Rocky lounhln T m Nuggets I gapestssB B55aca 11,1 ?***?> let lorn.35 cent* * box. Omiim di?i? Xrr I Hoown Duca Compawt, ItedUoa w" 40LOEJI NUGuETS FOR SALLOW fSOPU DB. HARDVU DRCO STORK ' NOTICE. Contractors who desire to bid on tobacco warehouse will nuke sealed bide. Mid warehouse to be SOiJOO ft. with M ft. driveway on aide ? a total >4x100 ft. under one roof. See M. M jonee for apeclflcationa. cap. T. LEACH. ? Tfcs pi tapir f*e?d man or woman seldom "shine* is society." A tace broken out with eruptlana or sons la rapolstr* ?o erftrfced' Tkere'e nol neod of wearing suck disfigurements. M IMItsUr-a Rocky Mountain Tea aleass ?? . the *eryt completion Hardy's Drui SLor*. ^ ? " ~ '.VWf- * SP "5K ? 1 ? ? * I C E <? Ice aent out of town by freight, 1?y expresa and by boat Your order* given prompt attention. 'Phone 83. CRYSTAL ICE CO., WASHINGTON. N. C. Wben out morning J ant before auo rt*e we swept down oo Turner v II le. taking tbe place by surprise, we fouud three locomotives sod twentj frtlglii cars stand log In the mllrv?a<- utl ? train was made up. lo ? with, troops, and I. bs ring been a locoutotlv. engineer, was pot lo tbe cub Befor* starting tbe geoernl said to me:/' "Sergeant. tbe auccess of tbls ezpe dltion depends opoo you. Golooel Pur ker Is In command, but bas nothing to do wltb running tbe train. That's In your band?. As soon as tbe Conied era tea know we're here they'll send u \ force to cut us off. But they'll need the bridge at B.. and 1 want you to get these men there before daylight In the morning to burn It. But you must keep a sharp lookout for snags. Tbe j citizens on tbe line you will pans over are all boetlle. and they'll strain every nerve to wreck your train, itemem ber, not only tbe II res of tbe men In tbese cars, but tbe safety of the whole command dejteuds upon you." Tbe first ten miles we did by day* llgbL Then It grew dark^ and 1 hud nothing to see by but tbe lantern, which lit tbe track dimly. My bend waa thrust far out t|)e cab window, and my baud Was on the throttle. Twice 1 stopped her within a few feel of a tie wedged In between a rail and tbe ties, and once I bumped a tree that bud been felled across tbe track, having not quite stopped before reach lug It. On au elevation I struck a junction and a lot of people standlns about staling pt us as we passed. I didn't like tbelr looks. But tbe tele graph wires bad been cut, and I didn't see how they could send word abend There were half a dozen freight cart on a sidetrack, but no locomotive. Soon after leaving the Junction I shut off steam and let her roll down the long declivity. I was nearly at the foot on a abort upward grade wben I .had a break? tbe engine waa only (It for a Junk heap? and spent half no hour at a standstill while I patched It. As 1 remounted tbe cab Corporal Bob Jenkins, who was acting as fireman, pointed up the hill with a look of bor for. 1 saw a bright light, and a mo ment later a short string of freight cars sbot from out a cut. I knew at once what tt meant. Tbe citizens hi tbe Junction had started tbe csrs I had aeen on the sidetrack. first having se< them afire, with the hope that tbej would amasb ua oo catching us and If there waa anything left of our train , burn 1L 1 Jumped Into tbs cab and pulled tbe throttle. The grade behind us wasn't less tbaiJ 30 degrees, and tbe fire train waa com lng like lightning. 1 had a few trait1' lengths to go on nearly a level, tbei a straightaway track oo a slight d. dine. Tbe lire tralu waa coming nt . rate of a mile In forrr4)ve second*, ait* tbe best my old wbecter could du wn a mile lo two minutes. ' If I couldn haul away far eoougb before the ??n behind reached a place where i|h would lose momeutum they would m oa. Then began tbe race of my life could have stopped, let the own out ? the cars and permitted the siiiu?Im. but the bridge wouldn't be biiriotl ui< our force at Turnen llle wouid !*? Off. 1 rememl?ered tbe (treasure ot tt. hand tbe general bad giveu me. ami tightly grasped tbe throttle. resolv* to get away from those fire tars ?. get wrecked. I held my eye* froot. while Bub Jen kins kept me posted on the lire turn "They're galulug <?u u? mtghi.v fa*r "Only a uille uwuy!" "They'll catch ua sure!" "They're coming like * streak of lightning!" These were th? unasauring words Bob gave mc wbtu my locomotive puffed and sputtered and dragged along at what seemed to ua a snail's puce Then suddenly turning a curve I saw a light ahead. Great heavens Were we to have fire both . In from and behind us? Running on u straight track. 1 suw met* kindling n siuuji bridge. They bad got the tire welt going, but 1 didn't liellere they bao burned the stringers shftlclently to lei us down. At any rate. I determined to risk It. leaving on full spend -I couldn't pur on any more? I dn?bcd Into tbe flames. My locomotive cross ed safely, and I was congratulating myself that tbe tralu was all ovet wben 1 felt n shock. We went a short distance and stopped The bridge had gooe down under th< last two cars. Several men were bud ly Injured, but no ooe killed. All wer< got out before tb<* tire car* plunged In on tbe wreck tfnd stopiwd tjiere tr mingle their burning wltb that of tbt other material. Tbe men of tbe last two cars got ioto those cars that bsd crossed, parry lng the wounded. I mounted my en glne, and we steamed ou for the rest of the night, reaching tbe bridge st B- Just before daws. . My work wa? done. I Jeened out of tbe cab window watching tbe men carry tbe wood and petroleum sad distribute them alone the structure. Then soddenly there ws? ? flash, and from ete end to tbe othM j all mm aflaaae. I never looked at de ! "traction before with stofc comfort and delight. " > ? 1 ' . . WM'lpN Ml ta MAp I get s Will Wonders . Never Cease? *? Was Almost DMd. When the Root J alee people were here hundreds of people flocked to tho dm# store to see them and set some of the (Test remedy, sad sfter they left Urn greet sale of the rem edy continued hecsuse of the many remarks hie cures it made. Many names of people living In this locality who were cured by taking s few hot ties of Root Juice were published In this psper. The remedy la such s health-promoting agent thst It cre ate? great xecitement la every city In which it is Introduced. Mr. Albert Timllck, of Cantrell, Ilk. wrote and ?aid: "For a number of years I suf fered with a severe stomach trouble and tried msny kinds of medicine but none did me sny good. I was almost dead when I started on my first bot tle of Root Juice, but as soon ss^I took three or four doses I began to feel better. Four battles of the Juice made a complete cure of my troubles. I now have a good appetite and can eat anything I want. Before I took Root Juice I could not digest the lightest food, it would sour on my stomach and I would bolt fearfully. I digest everything I eat now. It has certainly worked wonders for me." Root Juice is a great healing tonic to the stomach, bowels, liver and kidneys. It is sold for 91a bot tle. Three bottles for $2.50 at Har dy's Drug Store. Dsssrt G?m?. In 1880 a hunter iu the uorthwest of New South Wales wounded s kaugn roo. The unlmal went off tl^'?ugb the mulga and the salt IiumIj uiNT pace too fast for the hunter lo follow and wus soon out of sight. The buuter was a bushman and did no; despair. He fol lowed i lie bluod trail, hopeful of a ulsjrt weurcli uiid a *|icerijr bag. At one poiut cf the pursuit It msy be that the trail grew faint aud necessitated a closer inflection. Anyway the hunter stooped and picked up u piece of stone. This be examined. The red spot was not on It; It was in ittpjt was not blood that he' saw; It was opaL 8ucb was the beginning of the White Cliffs opal flelda. Lincoln's Fsss. As a rule. Abrnbam Lincoln's fee >7 ere lees than those of otber lawyer* of bis circuit. Justice Davis once re mo nut rated w1tb him aud Insisted that he was dolug a grave injustice to hi* associates at tbe bar by charging so little for bis services. From 185U to IStiO bis Income varied from $U.00U to ! $3,000, and even when be was recog i ulzed as one of the ablest lawyers of tbe state his fee book frequently shows charges of $3. $5 aud $1 for advice, al though he never went into court for less than $10. Dnrlng that period be was at the height of bis power and' popularity, and lawyers of lens stand Ing and talent charged several time* those amounta.? -The True Abraham Lincoln.** . & Choice - Cut - Flowers \ l?oee% Carnations, Violets and Val ?iej our specialties. ^ Wedding Bouquets In all of the newest styles, floral designs and bou quets arranged In the most artistic -styles at short notice. Shade trees, Rose Bushes, Climb* Ing Roses, Evergreen Shrubbery and Hedge Plants In great variety. Mall, telegraph and telephone or ders promptly executed, by J. L. O'QUINN & CO. FLORISTS TTALBIGH^N. C. r- v* v^bh The Gaiety ?p? ? ? i ii i THE HOUSE OF NO REPEATERS" -L-. : ! THE CLAY BAKER ? A story I of absorbing Interest. ? KASLUV THK Hl'BSTITTTB? Roy Norton'* SUrveloM^ KoaUstic Drama of Rocky Mountains. Illustrate*! aony, "Mary Yon Are a Hit OtH Now." ii Follow the Merry Crowd Try our GENUINE Potted Tongue] 5c. Can. Walter Credle & Co. 'Phone 80. how much light an electric lamp will give without trying it. The G. E. Tungsten Wm) I in a standard 16 c.p. bulb gives twice at much light ai the ordinary lamp and uses 20% less current. The Quality of Lifbt is Uasarpasasti We can improve your light' ing and /aw you mtmsy. Ask us to-dty about Taofsten Lamps WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT. Office City HalL i Hicks' CAPL'DINK euros Sick Head 1 acne. Also Nervous Headacbc. Travelers' Headache sod aches fi oin Grip, 8tomacu Troubles or Feins''; trou bles. Try Capudins ? it'e liquid ? effects Immediately. Sold hv drug-" Klits. 10. 25 and EO cents w/^ Call "Ironclad" Galatea ?V e Cloth at 15 cts. per yard; Flaxon at l?c.; Linon at 10c. A full line of Standard Dress Ging hams at 10c. Oldest Millinery House in Beaufort County. T. W. PftlLLIPS & CO SUPERB SERVICE To Baltimore via Chesapeake Steamship Line NEW BAY LINE "COLUMBIA" and "AUGUSTA. ' DininCrooms on Saloon Decks. Element 1 ehW ?> Lct? Cir I er 75 cents; Club Breakfast, J5 to 60 cents. Follte ctt< mien and ihe very best service In e very way We solicit cr U left m of cur teivice. Leave Norfolk, foofof Jac kson St., daily except fcucdjy 6.15 p- m.; arri>e Baltimore 7 a. m., connecting with rail lines for Phil*., N.Y., and all points Efctt and West. For all informs 1 tion and reservations address C. I. Chandtot. G. A.; F. R. McMIIUn.T. P. A., Norfolk, Va. SAVING * MONEY Is comparatively easy after.it is once fairly started. Here is a pointer for you: YOUR SUPPLY checks up tolerably well. Considering the hearty eaters at your table, it's a wonder you keep as well stocked as you do. FOR FINE GROCERIES when the larder is getting empty, come h$re Our finely assorted stock is suffic ient, and your trade is desired. JOS; F. TAYLOE, ! The Quality Grocer. 'Pbooe* 133 tod 134 yim

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