Why and How Much ; Dirst of all, we don't want to carry a single . r Ladies' Trimmed Hat over, and in order , not to do so we are going to offer a line of Hats at unusually low prices. I $7.50 to $10.00 Values for $4.75 ? ? -J See windows for display. | $4.50 to $6.00 Values for $.2.98 Extra values at $1.98, $2.48 and $3.48. (Ready-to-wear and Hack Hats at prices that will suit. Extra line of Children's Hats reduced. Prices' marked on every Hat shown in Window. Look. - J. K. HOYT, WASHINGTON'S GREATEST STORE ClTl" market. (Quotations furnished by H B. Mayo ? 6 Company.) Jfeaawhx 27c Ifcgs' .1 16 ft 17c Tallow 4c Chickens. grown, each. ...30(3 45c I Spring chickens 15 & 25c B8TINY ? A verjr flne BloRraph. IMc turvsque Western scene tlmt will surely pleaie. ? * ON THE IUYEK BANK ? Hne dramatic picture. This Is a (iHumont of unusual inter est. A BEAT IN TTHE BALCONA A comedy which is in keep ing with the rest of a really flne program. We always furnish an amusing, instructive program ; Good seats, polite attendants. WASHINGTON HOSPITAL ' inr i A well-appointed Sanitorium for the treatment of all surgical cases in a sanitary and .up-to r da'te method. Skilled physicians ' and nurses. All the latest appli ances in vogue. For informa * tiori write DR. D. T. TAYLOE, J ' Chief Surgeon. HAMMOCKS Nothing Nicer on a Warm Day. reclining in an easy, comfortable Hnmomck. Yon know this, bat do you know that OUR HAMMOCKS mre> equipped with every utility to add to your rest and comfort. , W? have all the latest style* and can furnish In a variety of tasteful color*. RRAfi I>ANI>IKS FROM 91.00 AND UP. J. H. HARRIS PLUMBING & SUPPLY CO. i ? . ii i ? I *??! f O?ercome W?. J?"?: P?* "LIFE SAVHM to fflrla at i 1' ? ? . 1 1 i iY.i'ju 'I FOR LOADING ANIMALS. A Handy. Bully Mod* Contrivance it Semetlm.a of Great UK. Perbapa !I?I former hu occantoo thorixlog Inspectors to kUI all such i animals that are fafind "doctored" or: i badly lame or diseased.? Rural New Yorker. \ Worse Than Ballets. Ballets have often caused less suf fering to soldiers than the enema L. W. Harrlman. Burlington. Ida., got In the army, and gn?tred wltto, forty years, "tint Bucklan's Arnica Salve cured me when all else failed." he Write?. ^ Greatest healer for Sores, Ulcera. RoUa. Burna, fcuta, Wdtmda. Bruises and Plies. 2 to at all r? If tested for sugar bj the aaofe polarlacope methods. The ability of a weed grower to maintain high quality In tbe root la one of the moat Important condition! hi tbe ee tabllshmeut and maintenance of the beet aeed industry, says the year book of the department ot agriculture. more than 7 per cent in the sugar con tent, while the shape, color and fen oral hablta of growth' remained the same. The Importance of selecting the seed for sugar content cannot be orer- , estimated, and, because of the impor tance of this work and the difficulties attending it, sugar beet seed growing can be carried on successfully only with , special e^lpment, bj the ex-" erclse of tb* greatest care and conse- J quently at considerable expense. Chsreoalaa a Fertiliser. Charcosl has but Uttle plant food, yet It usually shows remits. It fires light soils 'a- darker color, thus m?htng them warmer. It also makes soils porous end Increases their power' to bold water. Charcoal is a fine ah* sorbent for gases. When worked into the soil it will no doubt prevent the escape of some of the ammonia formed when organic substances decay. Fpr these and other reasons Charcoal * will help, especially on light soils.? Rural JTew Yorker. HS'-dBj Planting Watermelons. Watermelons should not be planted until sll danger of frost Is orer and | should be planted In hills about i feet apart each way. . The more mod ern method of watermelon culture is to plow out the rows one way. ffil the trenches with manure, thoroughly mix the manors with the soil t? the trenches by ruaninf back sod forth with a scooter plow, then throw the soli back again and plant the i the had thus foroed -Orange Judd I ... FASM sores. Few farmers know the ussms of one tenth the wssds and frassss that grew on their farms. Mere knowledge In this direction would help. When you give the hoy a calf to-j raise don't pocket the money as i as It Is sold. That might teach the I little fellow to be dtsboneft ? prominent dairy Journal dedal** | that the dual purpose roar Is a failure | ?in the dairy herd. The dairy type enw is decidedly foe moat profitable. It Is better for both mare and colt for the latter to come tn the spring. If Is the natural growing season and causes lass, friction and hardship. . A hog tbst weighed 1.O0B pounds 'alive and l?88n pound* when dressed was recently slaughtered in England. It was a Jersey red boas, two and one half yeara old. Market products must l?e ' viewed from the buyer's side and not your own. You think to sell a two pound male chick Is waste, but the customer .will pay more, then than after, ha Is fed two or three additional months. ? ri tons Will B? Mere. ArrapgtmpoU are beiDff made at tbe Initiative of Lord Lonsdale for a party of English sportsmen to come to Amer ica tp see the Jeffries-Johnron fight. Tbe idea la to gat together a sufficient number of men of me ana and poaltiofi Interested 1b tbe prise ring to make tt worth while to charter a special steam ier from Liverpool re New York and engage a special train for tbe ran across the continent. . to arrlre aft the journey's sod on tbs very day of the fight and.retdrn eastward the follow. Ing morning. A number of youqg bloods are highly enthusiastic about tbe scheme. ' ^ v - Hsrry Davie Holds Hecerd. Veteran baseball players were betng /Hsi i? fl rsceotly with Oeooto Mack, the msnsgsr of the Athletics, as ?m of tbe oraefaa. "Harry Darts hoMs s record that no other ball player tm Joys." t eatd Mack. "What to WT aaksd CmpJm Bin Dtaesa, fa rutty a Washington pttcbsr. "Why. be la the only sei si* tug Amsrkss leegne tn Mer ef tsama prior te 1900 who hi still playing his regalar position with the club he was a member ef when the pennant wan won." aaa#?Nai Mack, and no one dl^md him. Far Ne Psnlsa. ham Polo dab of Lsadsn hare taken ato f to roioo * Mn? of Mb 000 to bo TMt< la tnMa for (ho mh>?m o( pooloa and tboto- con dutai tbo trip to tbo OoMod St. too to tar tbo IptoraottoMl pot# eop. no ptay OHUItob ? roopocaitil. for tliolr own tt|W Tbo food for tbo unboai ?f poctoo 1. to bo eollod "tbo ioorin lotornationol pot* cop fKutmj food." Coy 0*4 HoK to Coaoh. M Coy. wbo eaptataod Talo'. toot boll olovra loot yaar. will ho tbo IMWl head coach neat Call. The assistant heed conch will be HsnryvUllbert Holt, 1910. whose' home la In Grand Rapids. Holt played In the back field last yenr.? Harvard to ^Brop twrlmmlMf. At o focont mooting of tbo Harvard athtottc comiutmo tt wa? rotod. oo tbo racoBtnoodatSofl of Mr. Oarcdon. tbo irradnMte troaauror of athMpoo, that tbo Bottom awlmmlog loom po afar. from tb* lotonolloKlato Iraswo. ? Is edltlr solved when you provide your kt&hen with a Kas range jjur lns the heated tent, if she "laves" you and you are obliged to do your oyrn cooking, you will hardly blame Iyer. when you hare to suffer the dis comfort* of a cod Are during tbe Summer months, fcas Is clean, eco nomical and crfmforttblA, and you 4on*l n. wllh Colt?d Wlrelen Tele?r?phy aua mir ?nodern convenience (or th* pl#iMmt and comfort of the travels. Leaves except Sunday*, aa follow*. Portsmouth 6.30 P. *f. Norfolk . 6 2o p. M. Old Point 7.S0T. u. Reamer* arrive Norfolk . 7.0o A. M. Connecting with all lines South and tVe?t. Ticket* sold to all point*. North, Eaat, WMt and Canada. For Information as to tickets, stateroom reservations. etc., apply by 'photo*, fire or letter to ? .? !'r W. BBOW.1t JR.. Southern Paaaen?er Agent. 16? Muln . street, Norfolk. Va. * - ' ? ? ... f ANNOUIHlKMfc.VT % 1 hereby announce my candidacy for eoUeltor of the Pint Judicial Dis trict of North Carolina, subject to the action of the Democratic District Convention, and do earnestly solicit the support of all Democrats la my behalf. ; V ' " '? .V. January 13, l?*t. B. A. DANIEL* Jr. rn^f-arH I ^ [? .!.? ?? ?* ?v 1 i "t ,51' * ' jfuVBMHbMNWNhf.'ffB ? 7 V I 'm1 f