WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA* THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY" 19, 191t, THE |/ANDERBILT MATTER Ur. rtw* awcMfe Or. oa' Ike Hoard o? WwitM Insnph G. Brown, of RaMgh. oo ComnTt^i Chattanooga; N. W. Davis. of Bsltl mow; Rev. A. J. LUMf. of Naah Tampa. Atlanta. Oa., Louisville, Ky.. 8a n Antonio. Texas. and Ashe viftfe. N. C.? want the naxt meeting. /The queatJon involvinc Vanderbllt University was settled when the con ference unanimously adopted the re port of the committee on education aSrmlng the Teport of the Vandfcr bllt commiaalon. - and elected Col N. E. Harris, of South Georgia confer BeiifB. A. God bay. of West Texas dorflerence. as trustees of Vanderbllt. Hereafter the bosfrd or Education of the general conference will' nominate and the ho*M of trust of Vautderbllt Today closed the session of the Washington Pnblto Schools for ths present ySSr. The commencement ex ercises corns of tomorrow morning and evening la the school auditorium. Tomorrow morning the annual ser moa. to ths graduating elasa will be" delivered by ifer. Mr. Brown, of Tar bora. At night ths graduating exer cises will take place, and the annual addrees. The public la cordially Invit ed to be preeent at all serrleee. Washington should fesl proud of the record mads by the public schools this year- The worfc accomplished J?aa been the best In ths school's his tory. This ym* new departments tton Is hsard on all sidea today for the Oem. The msnsgsmsnt never falls to plaaee And satisfy, and last night exceeded their former reputa tion In. this rots. The following pictures will bs ehown tonight: * "Ths Beggar's Repentance" is a strong dramatic, picture, well scted, with many pflrtty scenic effects. Other plctrteAto be ahown are: "Ths Story a Lag," a roaring comedy, and "The Rlae of Wllklns." Tonight's program bids fair to coma up to the standard of Inst night's plc turea. ^and wUhout doubt will bs yha. Urn't. ihfi prof?Mor of M tronomy In tha collect mesaroom a To Be Given tt School Auditor- 1 A Rich Treat Awaits All Who Attend the Commencement Recital at thei The following program La to be ren dered by Miss Lillian Bonner's muil eel class et the public school audi torium this evening, beginning et 8: *9 o'clock. Everybody haa a cor dial invitation to attend: 1. Duette. "Dance of the Demons." Edward Heist. Mbmo* Orleans end Bonner. .\*v ? y *?'_? / I. Solo, "Dears la the Oreen." Care Boha. Op. 117, No. it. Valee noble. Evelyn Roea. ? - / 8. Solo. "The Oetrleh." H. Bade- 1 man. Bertha Susman. 4. Duette. "The Weltaee." Press | er. John Keais Hoyt, L. Bonner. i. Solo, "Woodland Path." Walts. | A. Garland. Ethel Mlmn. 8. Solo, "The Lion." H. Eagle- 1 man. Cssals Martin. 7. Solo, "Forget-me-not." Walu. I Cerl W. Kern. Op. 82. Elizabeth | Tayloe. 8. 8olo, "Pleasant Thoughts." Polka. J. Thurman Wolcott. Eliza beth Car row. , (?. Duette, "Reverie. " L. Behr, Op. 684, No. 4. Mlra Arthur. L. Bon Id. Solo. Wedding March." H. Engleman. Margaret Wells. ? 11.. ho 10. ''Carnival March." Theo. j Bonheur. Elisabeth Simmons. H. Solo. "The Bumble Bee,'' Chas. | Lindsay. Janle Whitley. 18. Solo. "On the Height*" Cerl| Bohm. Henrietta Susmsn. 14. "Skipping Bong." Mia Bertha Suaman. Caaale Marti a. Tbel ma Buck, Evelyn Roes, Mlra Arthur, I Henrietta Sueman, Elisabeth Carrow, Elisabeth Slmmooa, Janle Whitley, | Ethel Mtxon. PART II Vocal .solo, --The Boeary." tfeyln.1 M Ms Anioe Bright Myrtle- EelCUn. rr Duette, "Jflonrtas Dance." Etude. Mettle and fetUabdlh Bright. 8. RecttaO^n. "Little Golden | Hair." 8allle Carrow. 4. 8oIo. "Serenata." M. Mosakow- 1 akl. Op. II. No. l. Rebecca 8i|? 6. "Lily of th* Valley." MaraprkaJ Sydney Smith, Op. 14. Margaret | Wllllama. '? ?. Vocal solo. "The 8wallow." Ro-| bene Carter. L 7. 8Wo, "Meditation." 8allie Car pf. Duette, "Quartet from Rtgolefe to." Verdi. Misses 8lmmons and ?r. . 8. 8olo, "Dance c o* th^. Marion ettes." Corlnne Bright. . . 10. "By the fclfkt the Silvery Moon. Paraeol and drill song. MMaee Carrow. Mclllhenny. Williams, Eck lln. Rumley, Shaw. Orleans. Welle, Carter, Nlcholeon and Tayioe.. General report of class and award- 1 ing of prizes. . BOAT r?LUB *????"? Drill by MiXoHhmu The Tar Heel Motorhoat club ot this city will (tn a squadron drill ??< parade on Pamlico rl.er Friday evening. May 20. between ? and 1 o'clock. All member, are eepectally urged to aaaaaMe at the Black bea con Wlow the Norfolk A Southern Railroad bridge promptly at ?. and the parade will be formed a few min ute, later and come ap the ri.ar.ln squadron formation. The public Is cordially InvttcM to wltneaa the pa rade from the county bridge. NEW BOARDERS. The Jail I, fast securing boardera awaiting their tors at the next ses sion of the Superior coort which con P neat Monday for a term of ^ ' When a detective seee an alrahipj aaUIng away, he la Justified in think-1 ing that there is something up of fine quality Batiste, See display in front case. dBIlEhS EXPLODE Seven Burst, Killing From 20 to 30 Workmen. ? t ? ? ? ? ?? - i. many others are injured The boUrrs In tl? Can?^'i Hhop u CMkm. Ohio. Explode With Unul. If K#ect ? One Mu to be WWI 1 1W Accident On, Caa Mll ?Hf.fr th. City. ? Canton, Ohio. May With a roar that ?u hoard thro* ate away a battery or aeven bollera at the plant ot the American Sheet * Tla Plate Co. exploded thia atlernoon killing twenty to thirty and Injuring about Bttl. Among the Injured art a half doaen who. It 1a said, will pvobablr die before mornlnc. other*, phyal clana Mr. cannot reeorer from their Injuries. Member! of the bereaved tamlllee rushed frantically to the plant and thence to hogpltals and raaUaaces near the ruined ahopa la aa effort to And k trace ot their lor*? ones It waa thought at * o'clock tonight that all the dead had b*ea naortd tram the debrla. It waa than stated that so tar aa known the dead anoaborOd -treaty but this 4ld oot Inslude any who had died at their homee after removal from tbs tulns. The body of ons man, unknown, waa blown through a house, over sev en hundred feet from the plant. The body entered the house from the east side aad continued la a straight line through a bad room aad oat of the other side of the house to Louis are sue. The torse of a aotA* r man sras fouad In the fcarden of a yard about Ave hundred feet west ot the scene. Arms, legs and paru of bodlea were atrewn about the neighborhood. The bodlea of eeveh taeir. mutilat ed beyoad recognition, were found In the north aad of tbe mill. "Xof~ Clod's sake hit me on the head ind kill me," erftad one work man to a mail who fosM him The Injured man had a a a rat torn OB and a great hole In his side. The plaat had Ave mills. All the employes working at mills Na 1 and I, S and 4 were either killed or In* Jured. while the a*+ <a mill No. i. farthest from the boilers, escaped serious Injury. Dlgpst Of Supreme Court decisions) approved by the . majority of the eo?rt: ?-> John T. Pullen and the Raleigh 8avlnga Bank m Corporation Com mission. All bank stock la taxable at Its fall par value, although the capital la In- j vested in North Carolina State bonds. I So much ol the surplus of the ! bank as la not Invested in the non taxable bonds of the State of Northj Carolina Issued In pursuance of th?| Act of tbe General Assembly of 1909 Is likewise Uxable. Under the express provision of said act so much of the surplus over and above capital, as is invested In such noa-taxabl? bonds Is exempt and the shares of stock must be valued a<S cordlngly. A DKLKOATE. _ / Mr. 8elby Jones left yesterday af ternoon for Washington City wberfc? he goes as a delegate to the World's Sunday 8chool Convention of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Jonef rep resents the First Presbyterian Sun day school, oftfcis city. The conven tion will open tonight In that city. CHAMBER OP OOMMKRCK. There wfll >e a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce at their rooms Friday evening All the members are urged to be present a a business of Imports n re is to be trsssac^d. * fO REBUILD HOME CHURCH. . . Winston- Sslem, May 18. ? Plsns were adopted tonight at a meeting Qt the congregation of the home Mor avian Church Ml Salem for an exten sive s Iteration and addition to the Venerable and historic church struc ture. The co*t of tile chsnges. 1a ctndlng a fins Sandsy school build ing, will smount to $50,000. Th? seating capacity of the church wltl' be increased V 1,120. This church was built In 1800 and has been the scene of the celebrated Raster services which are known sll bver the United Stater It is also well krown aa the scene ? of com mencement, exercises Of the Salem Academy and College. The plans for the improvements barmen lze with the simple architec tural lines of the old structure. A de mand for larger quartet* necessitat ed the change. . \ The Interior /will be remodeled throughout and* a new choir galiery wlll be built In which wlll.bf in stalled a $5, 000 '?organ which Is the gift of Mrs. Hannah Flowera. Th* Snnday school building will adjoin (he remodeled church and wlfc be J to It by a gallery. THRONGS PASS BIER A Hundred Thtmiad Were in Line Farly. f -4^ ? THE KlftG MUCH PLEASED : ? Thousands A ax loan to Pay a LmI Tittli of mnfrt to tiw Uaad Ktag flnma Btaad la liae aM Night eo M MA ?? W~ t ho Oppor tunity to PMI> Mot. LondOn, May IS. ? When the gfeat doors of Wesmtaster. Hall were thrown open at ? o'clock this morn ing more than ftfMtO persona were formed In a two thlle line, waiting for the opportunity to paas the bier of fcdwsnl VII wtoH Mr la lrinf la lUti for the trtbtftse or the people. Hundreds had Jispt all night vigils for the sake of Wing In the ran to day. Many whe w*re disappointed that eight, wbsfh the doors were closed while thousands still waited to enter, had rdtrtill hi line or near Westminster the J&ht through^ Hun dreds of Americana twday Joined the proceaphin that ctec* by the catafal que In steady ranh*. Promptly at Jhe. appointed hoar the streams wefq set la motion. The shuffllag masses, drawn from all classes of British society, took up their march through the historic hall at the rate of g.ftyt na hour. The coster froyt-the east end stood shoulder to shofclitr with the proe perous broker, tie flower girl of the streets became fibr the time the com rade of the upper middle class women of leisure. For once the caste bar riers of Brltatafjware broken down, temporarily at mast ? by sorrow for Edward the BetvVed's death. Hundreda of Mllce lined the streets about, from MllBank on the Thames embankment, Wfcpr* the line was formed, elgtrt abreast. 8t. James Phrk 'was lined with "Bobbles" but there wss little need ! for them. The silent crowds gave no hint of trouble. The sole danger lay In the crush. Many of the afaan.and women were in mourning. Hundreds wept. The sight of the sueot . throngs flocking through the ancient hall .praying as they. passed the guarded but' simple catafalque, la ova 'of the most linprea fir* futfy* ?a the day wore on the" cwWrtl In* creased. The authorities prepared for a great jam late In the afternoon, when the tforklng people would have opportunity to Join the procession. One of the principal topics amang the thousands along the embsnkment today Waa the message from King George In which he says he was much Impressed by "the admirable manner with which everything connected with Tuesday's beautlnil ceremony was carried out," and declared that noth ing could hare been better than the quiet dignity of the tribute thus paid to the memory of his belored father. MAYOR'S COURT Only OM C?n Before His Worship. Mayor Kterllag. Thin Morning at the City Hall. i . '? Woodboyse. a negro hailing from Elizabeth Gltjr, was before the Mayor this moiglng at the city hall, charged with stealing- a bicycle, the propertr of Mr. Charles F. Harris. The wheel wm taken last night from In front, of the Mc K eel-Rich srdson Hardware Company's store oa Main street. Woodhouse was. bound orer to the next tern of court* Falling to give bond he was lodged In jail. CONVENTION The Diocesaa Council of East Caro lina to Comrew In Wllmtngtea on May SI. Wilmington, May 18. ? The twen ty-seventh annual council of the dio cese' of East Carolina Episcopal Church win he held In this city, be girffiTYig Saturday. May 21. and con tiulng through Ihe following Tues day. The session will be heftf at 8t. John's Episcopal Church/ corner of Third snd Red .Cross streets, and it : Is expected that It will be dine or the most Interesting sessions in the his tory of the episcopal church in East ern Carolina. In addition to the 20 ! or more clergymen there will be about 1S6 "lay delegates. Rt. Rter. Robert 8 1 range, bishop of I the Diocese of Bast Carolina, will {preside orer the council, and the first meeting will be held Ssturday night. Sunday morning Rev. John H. Brown, rector of Christ church, at New Barn, will preach the annual sermon, and the same evening Bishop Strange will deliver hlB annual address to the council. , Rev. Robert w.'Patton. of the Epis copal Mission bodrd. with headquar ters In Atlanta, has boen Invited to dsllver an address Monday evening before the missionary meeting of the council. Tuesday morning a bhsi IKE BESTSF0R MAY Ex-President Roosevelt Spends a Quiet Dsy. UNDER PHYSICIAN'S CARE The Inclement Weather at iie First Funeral PafMiat of KXfcf Edward Irritates the Throat of Mr. Roose velt, Necessitating Him Remaiaiac Indoors Moat of Day . ^ London, May 17 ? Theodore Roose velt spent mott of today In Rooaevel tian rest. Ufcder the orders of Dr. Bt. .Clair Thomson, the throat special ist who attended King Edward -and who was 'requested by Ktnfc George to take Mr. Roosevelt's case, the ex p resident remained, comparatively quiet, amending much time at Dor chester House ' In attending to his correspondency. The raw weather that marked the day of Edward's first funeral pageant did much to irritate the throat of Mr. Roosevelt. Dr. Thomson. It was understood, did not regard the trou ble As serious, however. Mr. Roosevelt's cough remaHns moat annoying, nevertheless. Mr. Roosevelt mdde no attempt to see the mourning procession today, but Mrs. Roosevelt. Miss Ethel, and Kermlt were taken to a good posi tion at Carlton House, where seats were found for them on the terrace. Here they overlooked the cortege from the most advantageous position on the Mall. Many Americans went to the resi dence of Ambassador Reld today, seeking Interviews with Mr. Roose velt, but all were told that the ex president would not be at home all the week. Mr. Roosevelt hopes to be cured of his cough by Friday, when he must participate in the funeral pageant as representative of (he United 8tates. He also wishes to get his voice in good condition as soon as possible for the formalities of May 3f. when he will be presented with the free dora of the city of London at the Guild Hall. IjnLKTON COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT. The News acknowledges receipt of the following Invitation: ? The Facility and Senior Class request yodr presence at the Commencement Exercises May U to 26. 1910. College Auditorium Littleton, North Carolina. The program will be as follows: Senior Class Day; Tuesday, May 24. 6:30 p. m. Art Exhibit: Wednesday. May 25, 19 to 11 a. m. Annual Sermon, Wednesday. May 25, 11 a. m. Rev. R. V. Broom, Pre-| siding Elder. Elisabeth City District. J Graduating Exercises. Thursday, May 26. 10 a. m. Literary Address, Tkursday. May 26, 11 a. m. President W. S. Potest, Wake Forest College. - Commencement Recital, Thursday. May 26, 8 p. m. REJECT BIDS The 8?rert Improvement Committee Give Bidders Until Friday Night to Make Another Bid. Tbe Street Improvement Commit tee, composed of Opt. Geo. T. Leach, Dr. John C. Rodman and Mr. George Hackney. Jr.. met at the cltj hall laat night for the purpose of considering the bids as presented by the bidders for paving tbe different stfeets of Waahington. All the bids as aubmltted were re jected on the gronnd that they were far In exceas of the coat of paving an the committee see the situation. How ever, the bidder* are to be given an other chance and the time for con sidering same was extended until Fri day glght. As many as a doten bid ders have filed bids to pave the| streets. 1II8HOP HKN'DRIX TO PREMIDE. According to the p}an of visitation of the Blahops of the Methodist Epis copal Church, It will be pleasant news to the Methodists of thfe State to know that Rlshop E. R. Hendrlx, of Missouri, will preside at the next eee alon of the North Carolina Confer ence which. Is to be held In Elisabeth City, November 30. next. TRINITY'S PRESIDENT. Mr. James H. Southgate, of Dur ham, and Dr. W. P. Few,. a tnember of tl^e faculty of Trinity, are prom inently mentioned as successors toi Dr. J, C- Kllgo, the president who has been elected btshqp In hla ohurch. The election Will tal?e place In June. | Rev. Dr. J. c. R?*r?, of Charlotte,. is I also mentioned. PURCHASES GROCERY. Mr.* A- F. Ash bum hat purchased the grocery business of Mr. Noah Jackson, at the Washington bridge, will continue the same at th? I *?> arand. "huff \ ? . Vice-President Defends die New Tariff Law. PROTECTS LABOR, INDUSTRY The Tariff Mnmn a Protection to Labor and Industry. But Perhaps Make* the Hate too Law, He l>e claree? Criticiaee HooaevHt Mildly Bat Pralaca ML ? \ Kalamazoo. Mich., May 18. ? An other gun in th? Reubllcan congres alonal campaign in the central wett waa ft red her? today by Vice Presi dent James 8. Sherman. Mr. Sherman took the opportunity of bia appearance as chief speaker at the first anniversary celebration of the Lincoln Voters League to defend the tariff and answer the. critics of President Taft. He replied particu larly to the recent attack upon the President by Senators Dolilver and Cummins, of Iowa. Incidentally the celebration was also k boom for the aspirations of Senator Burrows for reelection to the United States Sen ate. The Senator was the other guest of honor. The Vice President held up the Payne-Aid rich tariff measure as a protection io labor and Industry. He I even sounded a warning agalnat the' revision downward In that measure.! saying: "I am not an alarmlat, but submit the question whether or not we have not gone far enough, pos sibly too far; In downward revision if we are to continue to give adequate and necessary protectlon"Tb*am_ own producers." * NO COMET Many Disappointed Folk In Wnahing ton Laat Night. For the benefit of those of our citi zens who on last night spent a sleep less night looking for the comet and expecting every moment to be anni hilated by Its tall, It will be visible again tonjght, so the astronomers say. It pan be best seen on Saturday night about one hour after sunset. JllLa Daily H?ws furnishes this In formation so our cltisens will not again spend tbe night looking and la thl* .country lajf alglJ^iJutVaa peea In Europe and Notwithstanding t&e fact, that this Information, was -given out several days a great many of the citizens In Washington, both white and black, sat up all night, and today dlsap polntment can be seen wrlttea on their countenances. Not only were the colored population wrought up over the comet's tall striking the earth, but the white people were ex cited also. Everybody last night was thinking and talking about the comet and between 11 and It o'clock laat night there were more people In the city awake than asleep. Their (Jisappointment is to be deplored. One good woman has spent several nlghta on the bridge endeavoring to dlacpv?V the heavenly wonder and laat night she made another trial ? of course she waa disappointed. It m^kes no difference how cast down she Is, all one has to do is to men tion the comet and Immedmtely her' face is all animation, life Daily Newsw isues her success next time In her effort. Perhaps she can see It Saturday night without spending the night out of bed as has been her cus tom lately, in one home of the city i there was a party of ladles and gen tlemen watching for Its appearance. How thankful all should be no harm came to, this old earth. THE SHOW The Hallie Mack Shows Not Up to the Mtandard of Their First Shown Last Night. Notwithstanding there waa a large house to witness the exhibition of the Hallie Mack shows last night, the performance was not so good as those of the preceding nights, and those present were somewhat disappointed*. The first two nights this company gave exhibitions, the audience was hearty !i? its approval. There will be another show tonight, and It will no doubt be an improvement. >a patlnee will be given Saturday afternoon. KWOVABLIJ AFFAIR. Quite a number attended the regu lar meeting at the Country Club at Washington Parle this afternoon. Mrs. N. 8. Fulford was the hostens. and proved herself a moat charming one. WILL CKLKBKATK. The "Le Llvre" Club, of Aurora, will celebrate the Mecklenburg Dec laration of Independence tomorrow. May 20. lMl, at the Academy, htr. Angus D. Mac Lean will address the club and the public. Everybody is cordially Invited to be present. A moet pleasant and profitable occasion MUSES IHHSWESS The Situation in China Not Yet Satisfactory. MANY DISQUIETING RUMORS The Hfrious Condi (ion In the Umpire Hna Caiued This Oovan IMBt 40 Request That lmmfdUt? Jlmuret be Taken to Stop the Anti-Foreign Movement. Washington. May 18. ? Foreigner* in Pekin are disturbed over disquiet In* rumors not unlike those that pre ceded the Boxer outbreak, according to a dispatch to the state department today from Minister .Calhoun. The consul body at Nanking has presented a memorandum to the viceroy calling his attention to the serious condi tion and emphasizing the importance of immediate meaaures to stop the anti-foreign movement. Mlniater Calhoun has asked the rear admiral In command of the American fleet In Chinese waters to hold a warship In readiness to pro ceed tc Kanklng In case of neceaslty. The state department denies the charge of the so-called self-govern ment society at Canton that Chinese Immigrants arriving In 8a n Francisco are subject to harsh treatment. CONVICTED The Prisoner Thanks Jury For Its y Verdict ? Sentence Was Not Pronounced. Washington, D. C.. May 18. ? JOhn C. Davis was thin afternoon convict ed by a jury In the District court on both the charge of falBe pretense and embezzlement. Sentenco was not pronounced by the trial judge, and following a theatrical display of reli gious fervor, the convicted prisoner was removed to the jail to await the disposition of a motion for a new trial to be submitted to the court by his attorney. Henry E. Davis. ?Jhe maximum penalty under the law for embezzlement Is ten years In the penitentiary.- and for false pre tenses three years' Imprisonment. The jury returned its verdict early thls afternoon. Davis proceeded to thank the jurors for their decision In this language: "1 thank you," gen tlemen, and 1 will see Mat yeu are 5596555^8^ best frtond. I desire to bear wttnses to His sustaining power. In the dark hours of Issti^iilght I promised the , Holy Spirit I would not be afraid to stand before the whole world and bear this testimony.*' Before being taking to the cell room, Davis, joining his hands in the sttltude of prayer, exclaimed: "Jesuo. I hav? said it ? ." Justice Stafford Interrupted him, and ordered him re moved from the court room. Davis, it Is estimated, swindled investors In the District of Columbia, for the most part women, ouf^of two hundred thoussnd dollars. It was shown dur ing the trial that he fraudulently ac cused about' twelve thoussnd dollars from Mla? Nellie McKeown. of Cin cinnati. Ohio, and from Dr. R. Lee Watktns. of Alezandrla, Virginia Davis is a native of Beaufort, N. C. His first financial venture was at Wil mington, N. C.. where he took ad vantage of his standing as a lawyer and church member to defraud a number of investors in that city. For this offense he was. sent to the Cen tral asylum for the Insane at Raleigh, where he spent nearly six years. He came from Raleigh to Wash ington, and established himself at the capital of the nation. His methods were very much the same be worked so successfully In, Wilmington. Ever since his arrest d4v!s has feigned re Uglous insanity. THE GAIETY. It will- be wHrt)me news lo the theater goers of the city to learn that the Oalety has for their approval one of the latest BJograph's for tonight. "The Tenderfoot's Triumph" Is the title of the picture and It Is a comedy that can't fall to please. There la no need to go Into details abdut a' pic ture when It Is a Biograph, the name ' alone la a sufficient guarantee of Its excellence, and this one ls"no excep tion. For a dramatic picture "The Rail way Mail Clerk" will certainly fill the bill. *This picture reproduces the greatest of all stunts of Oliver Perry, who lowered himself with a. rope from the top of a moving train, and. entering through a window, robbed the mall car. The film shows how the mall clerk was accused of the rob bery and how his faithful wife ran down the real criminals and secured'" their arrest. New Illustrated song for tonight Come out and see a good show. ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. + ? Gem Theater. * ? Oalety TMatsr. 4 !? J. K. Hoy* ? Hat Sale. ? ? Hyomel. + ? Mrs. Summers' Remedies. ? ? Cardul. * ? Mooter Qray Powders. cm

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