?N. MAY 33, ?ll COMMENCEMENT The following program of the ?erenty-tblrd annual commencement of Davidson- College, May 19 to June 1, 1910, has been received: Buaday, May 19.? U a. m.. bac calaurpate araoii, fey Rer. Ift. E touttn*, JK TV* tiU. *. annual sermon bjfure the Youhg ? ?"?Lncrr^roa-ReT' H Monday. May 10. ? 10 a. m.. claw day exercises. \J:10 p. m., meeting of the executive committee. 8: to p. m., re-union of the literary societies, alumni orators, Phi society, Chaee Drenlsar, 'Msq.1 N. * C. : Bu. society, L. T. Mills, III, 8. <* t Tuesday, Ma y fl. ? 9 a. m., annual meeting of board of trustees, is m., annual address, President 8. C. Mit chell. Columbia, S C. 2:10 p. m.. alumni celebration. Class reunions. 4:10 p. m. gymnatlc and musical entertainment tn honor of alumni. 8:19 p. m., oratorical contest be tween literary societies. 10 p. m.. alumni reception. Wedneeday. June 1 (commence ... mentday).? lOlIO a. m.. graduating eaerclsea. 8:?0 p. m.> reeepUon by UMr*i7 ?ctett?a and fraternities. * AT THE GEM TONIGTt 8 KUEBLH ? nl*ht? H 7 4)4,1 fm adwMi something good. In fact, no better nmm Baa mr.bM* preaented it UU popular plajbouae. TIM audlaace ?bowed Ita jHinlilh and highly complimented the performance. To mtokt the following plctuVee will ha ehowo: "TMe Maid of tU Moaat alae," Wee tern dram*: "0*?r the AP pea Ilea la Italy." one of thoee de lightful acaalo filma: 'Tke Reckon ing" a beautiful Blogr.ph; "Father Wit tn Blame." a comedy, aad "A Boae of the TenderMn," a phaee ol Hew York Ilia apaeMIIr written (or this Kdlaon production b 7 E. W. "Townaend. author of Cklmmle Fad den The Oem la the place for aawant. aad you are Invited to be Ita gueet attar .upper tonight Three reels of ptaturee will be akoWa each night anal aomethlng latereetlac U promlaed . for each evening. Now that the children an free from etudy the Oem specially eaten to the lit tle patrona, aad they will alwaye aaa the beat at plcturee. \ .HKTHOIIIHT PICNIC. Tke Methodist Bandar achool will hare their aanaal picnic at Mverslde Park- near Thursday. Tl>e flat wiu leave Fowl., dock promptly at 9 .... ? ? :* ,1 LAIME$ SHEER HOSE The Sheerest and Finest Hose at i .25c., 39c. and 50c. They are the famous "Gordon Dye" brand? the ac ? -i*-. knowledge*! best', Men's All Pore Silk Sox, ! ." 50c. /I f*> S7J/) / v?r Oas woman was injured. but not eevereiy, and hundred* tainted sad were carried out bf policemen. Bre men ind show people. The Ore to thought to here eUrted from a lighted match that w*a drop ped by a boy In the bleachem. The hlaae started on any rope and climbed to the rfof>rhich bunted as If It had been troeted\w11h oil. The flamee epreed faaLfeedlng on acre-wide atretobee of dry cloth and the painted poeta. '.v 'V. In an incfodlbly abort time the whole of tbe main top was ablase The wind. eddying under the aide ableto ensure the city a^horitlee that ; only a single spectator had been hurt, and 'that whtte a few of the clreus people bad been Injured by falling debris, none of them was In a serious condition. While eo?M of the circus staff, aid ed by performers. pollcpmen and cool er headed cltlsens, tried to reetraln tbe rush, tbe canvasmen and animal trainers, working with the discipline . Barber. New parishes ? Be T- B, 8 Ijlasller. Meiers Oecar Hardy arvi J J. Crocj UllnUUd ^tiainMa- Rer ^.^Il' Noe. M eaera. W. R. Wtnstead and Perry Renfrow. 4 Following the ^neetliig of Council several standing committees held meetings In the vestry rooms to dis cuss matters that will be touched \?,wx? In tkslr -eporta. The visitors are being entertained In the hones of the member j of Wil mington Episcopal churcnea and sre being extended the 'true Cape Fear hospitality. The Indications point to onn of the most sucamlul meetings ever held by the Council. The first shipment of new potatoes ?u Mid on thla market Saturday. They wore shipped by Mr. D. W. Gas klll. Mauls Point, and H. W. Clark, of South Creek. Mr. W. BL* Swindell was tha purchaser at |2.60 per bar rel. This' would Indicate that thq price wlH feeulow this season. At the meetl ng of the Young Men 's Christian League 8unday afternoon It was decided by the members that herearter they ?#uld attend the fefv loe la shirt sleeves. This order was made so as to render the spectators more comfortable durlag the warm months. Att#r tonight the gymna sium will be open to the members. Yee lerda y afternoon Rev.. M- T. Ptyler made a moet excellent talk on the '?NfWrDO*." Mr..Plyler always CARNIVAL. A, carnival show passed through the city on the Norfolk and Southern road yesterday for Oreenrllle where thftf exhibit this week. ^ ^ - ^jSSmSmSw^- , Mr. E. W. Aj?n.hti km making extensive improvements .1$ .his home on Market street la the way of palat, etc. It' is now one of the most~?t 'tractive homes In the elty. ? 1 Vj Carolina League, ion Is between the \A "Wilmington, this evafflte^;^ unlabeled. -They analyzed par cent 4.4 1. 4.80, !.*?, b.7?. iH. 4.4T. *.? ???> I3T mwinlr. The tbree bot U? M Schllts fan 'ovt ? I II, 4.47 MM 4.7 J. Q. B. 8- Spectsl mna ti 4*?Jh* Md '??;k I* one of the ?stoic productions cum Also ? mv IT the Southern ten >ra Malone," with Tin atnaitr wishes t ?vine to tb? ill' Bore, the vaudeville >p*ar as advertised. ever shows on Illustrated mi or, entitled '<11 beautiful slide*. L It te the Intention ol the J. 11 Har ris Plumbing * Supply Company to hwve their new bulldlnn now being erected constnoUd of plate (las* on the front.' Thle building win be a credit to I rowing WaaWlltton' when completed. >?v ? BABY SHOW June l Br prj eatest dare isss to be one or tho the history of Waah f the babies and the Sensed On that date to he toother babr ?bl? In th* tak tsurteat will assemble matlon thr parade- will march up Main etrfcet to the Methodist Church green, where the prise* will be awarded. Last year s slmllsr con test was held, and It proved a great success. If 1b to be hoped the forth coming one' will prove equally as euc ceesful. Already elsborate prepara tions are being made for' the occa sion. , TOBACCO * The pro?p?cU Are Host Propitioni for a Good Ibrkel hi Washington. Everything RMtdy $i|it?yvechool of the Flrat Presbyterian Church will hare their annual picnic at the llteh Villa to morrow. The tat will leare Fowle's wharf promptly at t o'clock, Resides the Sunday-school, a large number of the ntlrnis of the church will at tend. The Dally News wishes them a pleasant outing. --A/' MHH. H1NTON HKRIQrlLY ILL. The News' 1? In receipt of Informs tloixth^t His . "Irtfe of Prof. Hlntoh, pfffcetpel ollf -Belfoavtn schools, was on Saturday night stricken with an attnek of spioal meningitis, which it ta feared will prore fatal. A spoedy recovery la hoped for by their many friends. Mr. 4. o. Spencer, who ? has been | confined to hfa home with Ulneas for 1 the past week or' more, ta how able! to be out again, to the delight of hi> numerous friend*. One uncdm(or table thing about a little money is all the things you know you can't afford that a- man without any think, he e.n. Batde. MARES SPEECH IN HOUSE WaaMagtoh. May II.? Denouncing Mi? Payne-Aldrlch tariff law as a "transparent humbug." attacking the Urlff vie we of Its author. Represent ative Sereno Payne. Republican. New Tocfcf and vigorously sssalling Presi dent Tall for his support of that law. Mrwmttlhre Champ Clark, of Mia souri, leader of the Democratic mi nority. today delivered In the House what la regarded as the Demorcatlc keynote speech of the coming con grew ton el campaign Mr. Clark had prepared his add r see with great dre and spoke a\ length, giving facts and Mgmrm In support of his contention that the tariff had not been hoaestly revised, and that the Republican ma jority In Coagreee bad endeavored to trlch the people. Mr. Clark also paid his reepecta incidentally to the $250. 000 Item In the Sundry civil appro priation. bill for the creation of a tar iff board. Re said In part: "During this debate we ha vu wit nessed a spectacle without, perhaps, parallel In the annals of Congreee. First, we heard the gentleman from New York. Mr. Payne, chairman of the Ways and Means committee and the Republican floor leader, make a vitriolic attack on the speech of the Hon. Jonathan Pretitiss Dolltver. a Republican Senator from Iowa, re cently delivered In the city of Des Moines. "The neat dsy we hesrd the gon tlemsn from Mlchlgsn. Mr. Fordney, who Is s Republican of high degree, deliver a most bitter snd vicious as sault upon Senator Beverldge, the Republican boss of Indiana, on ac count of a speech delivered recently st Indianapolis. "Ia makln* a speech In defense of bis taTlff.blll. Mr. Chslrman Payne appeared to be performing a disa greeable stunt. He did not exhibit bis old time enthuslaam or his old time faolllt? of expression. He ap peared to be in about as cheerful a frame of mind as a ladryer appoint ed by the court defeading without fee he feels certain will be was to him a repulsive Job. but It hid to J>e gone threngh with some way. He appeared to be In the frame of mind of Macbeth when about to mur der Duncan: "If It were done, when 'tis done then 'twere well It were done quickly.' "Mr. Chairman Payne was evident ly In a very fretful state. He also seems to be afflicted with a new dla ease "intermittent forgetfulness. " He remembered with great vividness the soup- houses or 1893 and 1894. but when it came to the soup houses jof 1907. a very recent occurrence and the soup houses of -1872 his memory failed him utterly. It does not need a psychologist or phrenologist to ac count for this state of mind on-hla part, the reason being that the soup houses of 1873 and 1907 were under Republican administrations and un der tariff laws paaaed by the Repub lican party, while the soup housee of 1893. through the outgrowth of a panic caused by a Republican tariff Mil, sprang up when a Democratic president was In offlce. "The gentleman declared they put up the tariff on hoelery and as a con sequence the price of hosiery has gone down. He declared they put up the tajlff on wines snd sa a conse quence the price of wines lias gone UP., He seems to be playing both ends against the middle, for It muat be apparent to any sane man that. If putting up the tariff on hoelery made the price of hosiery go down'&ea. by the same logic putting up the tariff on wloe would have made the price of wine .go down. 'Consistency, thou are a Jewel.' " SEE COMET The Hky- Wonder Seen by a IjirR# Namper of !*eopl?> ? IXuppoint^l * la Not HeHax the Tall. The long looked for comet ap peared In the western sky Saturday night and was seen by a large num ber of people. The star waa only ris ible lt\. Washington for thr comet was midlife Its tad. Last night another effort was made to see the comet, but on account of tbe cloudiness it war not visible. - -ft -to <4 be hoped that a great many hare at last had tbelr curiosity sat isfied. - TO RKHKARHK IN OPKRA HOl'HK After tonight those rehearsing for the operetta "Sylvia" will practice In the opera house. Tip to this time theyvliate been using the Young Men'* Christian League rooms. This ^traction will be placed on the boards at an early day. l,T 1* 1 " 1 v ; ? ? rMr 7i ? 18 ouiumtbs * . H will be welcome nWtrs to the many friends of Dr. JObm Q. Blount to arcvrtaln that he to convalescent from hto recent BODY ISjplTEO The Bogus Lord and Bigamist , Bemfori v-;-' HIS IDRNTITY FRUITLESS i Bodf wwMMUb 'rnaa A?W. *.<. u Ywh Will Be Don With "Ok. v _ Body WiBlahHy Wall Pitmnid. 1 r Waahlngton. O. C-. May Jl ? All that waa mortal or Sidney Laacelles, I the bogus lord Leresford, who la aald to have been a bigamist ao many I time* over that efforta were made by l thowmen to obtain hie body after he died, waa reduced to aahea at the un dertaking establishment and crema tory of Wm. J. Lee, 122 Pennaylva nta avenue, today. The embalmed body of Lascelles, which waa received here yesterday from Ashevllle, N. C.J where It had remained at an under taker^ for the laat eight rears, waa placed In the crematory thla morn ing. Arrangementa for the crema-i tlon were aald to have been made by the first wife of Laacellea. who Is a member of a "well known N*w York family." * Who the woman was who had the body brought here from Ashevllle and cremate'd still remains a deep , mystery. Where the ashes of the dead man will be placed Ja also a mystery. All Inquiries at the undertakers were I met with the statement that Mr. Lee [did not know who had gUon him the commission to cremate the body and that he did not know what disposi tion was' to be made of It. It wss learned, however, that the myaterlous "they" Inquisition re ferred to the persons who had given the order for the cremation, had visited the undertakers early this morning, given instructions and left. It seems to be a reasonable conjec ture that "they" were the woman who came here from North Carolina, referred to in the dispatches from that place as Mrs. T. J. Summerfleld, a alater-ln-law of the Aral Mrs. Las celles. and Dr. McPheraon Chrlchton whom the body was consigned to by the undertakers who shipped it from sAahevllle. A permit was obtained last even ing from Coroner Nevltt to cremate the body here. JDf. Nevltt aald today tbat the application for the permit was JDfdf fit Mr/ Lee. the under taker. that dqtth certificate was correct In form and that he Isaued ? - The mysterious Mrs. Summerfleld/ or .Watson or whatever her name may br. has managed bo far to con ceal her identity. r It haa been aug geated that the "Mrs. Watson" that called up Lee's early yesterday morn ing wished a body cremated right away was the woman In charge of the body of Laacelles. It has been suggested, too, that this woman was herself one of the wives of the much married Laacelles and that she is seeking to keep her Identity a secret because of the notoriety that would be given her If It became known that she wss caring for the body of her former husband. The body of Laacelles was wonder fully well preserved. After eight >eara It still retained a recognisable appearance before It was cremated today, though the skin was somewhat wrinkled and dlacolored. Many persons visited the undertak ing establishment last night and this morning and asked permission to see the body. All were told that the body was not to be exhibited, aa strict or ders hsd been given to keep the caa ket closed. j , . CONVICTION FOR VIOLATION OF CATTUO QUARANTINE I In order to prevent the spread of this disease known 6? Southern, splenetic, or Texas fever of cattle, and to further the work of eradlca-* ting the ticks which convey this dis ease. the United 8tates Department of Agriculture maintains a strict quarantine on the infected region and endeavors to enforce this quarantine by court prosecution when necessary. In a recent case in the United States court for the Western district of North Carolina at Asheville, one W. W. Anderson entered a plea of guilty to a charge of violating the law and regulations, and a fine of flOO and coats was Imposed by the court. The offense consistent In driving on foot certain cattle from Fannin county, Oa.. through Polk county, Tenn., I which two counties were under quar antine, Into Cherokee county, N. C., which county was outside the quaran tined area. ? +Z CHRISTIAN CHURCH. A largo congregation was present at the Christian Church last evening and heard a ihost excellent sermon by the paster. Rev. Robert Hope. The topic of tne discourse was "The Truth Unmasked. " It has been a long while since the members of this church heard s more Intellectual and and thoughtful discourse. Two persons connected ^themselves with the church ? one Uy letter and one by profess-' Ion. f A man haw get tangled up with whisky and pall himself out again, but when if* politics he's in beyond Vv.\I I THE STATE 80BtIS : New- Y?k Syndkate WooU Bar Them From E&duage. THE HISTORY OP THE ISSUE ? . OmrmBTB of the Bowls of 19m. After Haey Vrmk tltmm At teaps to RMllae Upon Than, Ap t i I to the Stock lfir>?ip *? I? IHw? the FortbtMyif Imm. Ralelgb, May 33. ? Governor Kit chin and other State officers received today clippings from a numbers of Northern financial Journals giving a statement signed by John O. Carlislsi and two other members of the N?W* York syndicate to force collection of the North Carolina repudiated special tax bonds. The statement Is an- open letter to the New York stock ex change insisting that North Caroli na's forthcoming $3,430,000 bond Is sue should not be listed, on the ex change and that bond buyers should bsve nothing to do with them. The statements purpose to review the history and status of the repudi ated speclsl tax bonds, representing that they were Issued by the State government In i860 and duly listed on the New York exchange and that a political change put a hostile party In control of the Legislature and brought about the repudiation. Ef forts to collect are reviewed and the statement made that at leaat two States are seriously considering the question of successfully prosecuting North Carolina for blocks of these bonds thst have come Into their pos? session. The Stste officers do not believe that this attempt to bar the impend ing refunding bond iasue will have any serious effect and assert that the outlook is very bright In spite of the unprecedently flooded condition of the general bond market at this time. CROSSES CHANNEL French Aeronaut Made Trip In Mono plane Despite Dangers of * * Heavy Fog. Dover, Eng.. May 21. ? For the second time within a year the Eng lish channel was crossed today by an aeroplane, and again the honor rests with France. Count Jacques de Lea se ps. a grandson of the late Ferdi nand de Leaseps, the celebrated French engineer, driving a mono plane of-the same model as that wit?* which Louis Blerlot first conquered the straits July 25 last, duplicating I his countryman's feat In a dense fog 'this afternoon, starting at Calais and landing safely at Winston Court i Farm. Fifty minute^vere consumed jln the Journey. Bleriot's time was thirty-three minutes. M. de Lesseps intended making the trip from Calais to Dover and return without alighting in an effort to win the Rulnart prise of $2,500, but the mist compelled him to descend. He .expects to resume his flight at day light. Sl'I'KRIOR COURT. The May term of Beaufort county Superior court opened this morning at the courthouse. The first two weeks will be devoted to the trial of civil causes. The third week Is for the prosecution of the criminal dock et His Honor Judge Furgeson, of Waynesvllle, Is presiding. PEOPLE TKLL EACH OTHER , ABOUT GOOD THINGS 8ixteen years ago few people In the world knew of such a preparation m a Powder for the Feet. Today after the genuine merit of Allen's Foot Ease baa been told year after year by one gratified person to anotehr, there are millions who would as soon go without a dentifrice as without Al len's Foot-Ease. It Is a cleanly, wholesome, healing, antiseptic pow der to be shaken ' into the shots, which1 h*a given rest and comfort to tlred^'and aching feet In all parts of the^world. It cures while you walk. Over 30.000 testimonials of cures of smarting, swollen, persplrng feet. It prevnts friction and wear of tht stockings, and will save In your stocking bill ten times its cost each year. Imitations pay the dealer ft larger profit, otherwise you would never be ofTered a substitute when you ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, the original powder for the feet. Imita tions aren ot advertised because they are not permanent. For evey genu ine article there sre many imitations. The Imitator haB no reputation to sustain ? the advertiser has. It standi to reason that the advertisod article is the beat, otherwise the public would not buy it and the advertising could not be continued. When you ask for an article advertised In thll paper, see that you get It. Refuse Im Miss Lillian Beach returned to her home In Greenville this morning. ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ? ? Gem Theater. 4- ? | ? Gaiety Theater. ? ? Crystal tee Co. + ? J. K. Hoy r? Millinery. + , ? Jas. E- Clkrk Co.? Hose. + ? Hyomel. 4 ? J. L. O'QuInn , Florist ? Bait*. ? ? Woods' Seeds. ? ? Chesapeake Steamship ^?. ???????????????