V . llM Of Bastaun'a kodaks ud'iun drtea. Waahlnito a-0 VllMl Store, WANTED? LATIN SCHOLARS BUR. lxa nuwr; Urrn niwitle. Ml? BUaakath Warren, Wasblag Inn N r from ?1S.?? to JJ5.00 par >Hk wortlnt for m* anleUy Id bar own home locality. Tkla'la, a btaaSde offer ? one which will pap jou to InTaatlfate, eyen If yon Mo only spare two boars par day, No In Te*t?int required Turn your apara time into money Writ* me at one* tor particulars. Addrasa Mary B Taylor, box SO. Woman's Building, Jollet, llUaola. NOTICE. ? rhere will be a called meeting of the stockholders of the i^rst National Bank of Washington.^!. C., Tuesday, May 14, 1910, at IS o'clock, noon, for the purpoae of Toting- epom an in crease of the oapltal stock of said hank. A- M. DUMAY. Cashier. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD SPECIAL WAg?KaroN AKI) INTERMEDI AL* STATIONS TO NORFOLK Sunday, May 29 th, 1910 ' Leave Washington B.30a.m. Arrlte Norfolk 10.40 a. m. Returning leave Norfolk ? p. m., May ft. - ? VISIT CAPk HENRY AND VIRGINIA BEACH. Vu? from Waahlngton and Inter mediate stations, Including Mackeyi Ferry, ?H Blili Trip. Tickets good on Special Train only. No ba?(a?* will be ebaekat. H. 0. Hudglns, General Paaaenger ?H. C. HUDOINS, General Passenger Acent. W. W. CROXTON. Asst. General PaasanfW Alt e 0 1 B. T. LAMB. ?; President and General lfmaier. "Imitation la tfea slncerast lat tery." Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea baa M*r Imitators, but tken is aoUlns "Just as good." as tkoiaMrta ?f man sad wane* bam learned within the past thirty years N.r^r sold lb balk, or by the pound, Be nn mm '?? wnlaa. , Hardy. HOSPITAL II "T | "J utxti pqpp ? ?? ^ ? A well-appointed Sanitorfum for the treatment of all surgical cases in a sanitary and up-to date method. Skilled physicians and nurses. All the latest appli ances in vogue. For informa tion write DR. D. T. TAYLOE, . ! Chief Surgeon. Yes; the Merchant Who Adver tises Can Afford to Sell It For Less ! ? ? ' > . ; No matter what tb? irtlcle la. uhleaa It ahould b? eoxoetblng vhoM ealllna price la u fixed aa that of a poatage Hup. I be merch ant who U an enterprise adrertleer la aura to Mir It for leea than the merchant tla dooa sot advertlee. rot. ta aplta pf bla adrnatagee IS buying? buying In large ' quantltlaa. for caeb or a Wort credit, taking" Inetant adnntai* of buying OPPORTUNITIBB? bta e.lllng-a<l rentage la the dectotre fac tor. ror he la enabled to co?W bla profita oil ? Mrs* a?gra?ate of ?aha not compelled to aeenra 1Mb from a PBW &A1JE8. for ha -would then bo tail a* a email number of cuatomera with tha entire tot hla builneai J f ? ? -' >jn A atoer that mnkaa a net profit of ?1M la a day from Mian to throe hundred cuatomera, la anre U> eell wch ot thoae cnntomera o na cloaer margin of profit than la t*a non-adretrlelng alar* that la COMPELLED to make enough to cower a dally uxpanae of ISO oat of ? made to fifty cuatomera. If rob are one of th. >e/dnlly cuatomire if tha merchant who l paying but one three hundrdth part of Ma atora ? ? ij you trill quickly Mtl?a IB Norfolk, Vs.. raurte). . v :.,V? h,L. - - ? . ? , Mr. John Hooten, of Belhaven. ar rt|?d la the cltj this moraine. ? ? Mrs. 8. Parker, of Pinetown. l? in itbe city today on business. ? ? Mr. Charles Ricks returned this Bar. M. T- Plyler expect* to leave tomorrow moraine for Raleigh to at tend a meeting of the trustees of the Raleigh Christian Advocate. -This meeting is called for the purpose of electing an editor to succeed Rev. Dr. Ivey who has been selected , to edit the Nashville Christian Advo cate. Mr. A i L. Bell, of Belhavep passed through the city this morning en route to his home from Durham. ly arrived In the Try This for Catarrh Get a Hyomel (pronounced Hlgh o-ine) outfit today. Pour a few droys from the bottle into the! nhaler that cornea with each outfit, and breathe it in 4 or 5 time* a day. Immediately you will know that Hyomel Booth ei and heafa \he In flamed and' Irritated membrane, the meeting. All through the exhibi tion' emphasis has been laid upon the Importance of a sense of Individual and community responsibility. It Is nA that "they" muat do something, but that "we" must dn something. Before the exhibition fcpadquarterr are broken up there will be "followed up" meetings for the whites and5 for the negroes. The eghlMUoa man agement endeavors to leere behind definite ldeaa as to work to be under taken even after the xhlbttloa has been forgotten by everyone In town. .Bfit Hyomel dues Tore than soothe and heal, It kills the germs, those p?t severing pests, thatVre at the foot of a)l catarrhal conditions. year I suffered terribly with catarrh, t need one bottle of Hyo mel land aly catarrh wsJ better." ? Mlae Helen M<;Nair, Loyalton. (Sal. A complete Hyomel ontfft, tneldd lAg A kott|e of Hyomel. n hard rub ber packet Inhaler and simple dlrec tfM* tier ? eee, ooets only fi.OA. If yon now own n Hyomel Inhaler, you ?m? get an extra' bottle of Hyomel for only H eeats at trncglats every where aad nt Brown's J>rng Store. Quaraateed to cure catarrh, or on p. (aaUssa aad iore threat, dr money W - ?I I . 'Phone ,? : CRYSTAL IGE CO, WASHINGTON. N. C. , AftJIO CLUB PON WOM IN. Exists In FranMt When Womtit ) are Ardent Balleenleta. rrench ?(umd are Mi particularly k*M la the matter pf athletes. bat If a apart prtmu a r^l element of da> ??r their delight know, bo boaada Thue ballooning threeteaa to beeome a fadwlth the members of the wealth ier classes. and the number of women holding certttoatea showing that they are able to navigate' a balloon la riry large. There ia already an Aero Club for dies. some of whom' have achieved ?cord ascents. lime. Surcouf waa the first woman who received a eartl ftcate, and the celebrated the even* by starting on an aerial trip with Mile. Qache. The two ladiss were the only occupanta of the car and landed safe ly. ? ?Another famoie member of the Aero Clnb, aaya the Gentlewoman, la lfma Burette AM? Hm? M and Mme. Bachelard, she went from Ha* re to Cabourg. acroaa the Chan nel. Borne French 'aportawomen 1a their case after excitement bloaeom Into moders Atalantaa. Mme. dn kGast ia one of them, and her perllou* '.performance In the Parte-Toulon mo tor boat race la atlU In everybody's memory. ? Then there la Mme. Laveeslere, spfcudld shot who in seeking a com panion to go tiger shooting. Dnforta* aately, the companion la not eaay to find. Her husbsnd died long ago, and her relatives and frlenda are all men of peace, and therefore not anxloua U travel a few thousand miles to rlak '.heir lives In the^Jungle. The "||n|" le Here. Although much p ret eat waa made taet Winter about the reappearance o! the ''bang" cross the forehead. It lems to be rather firmly Intrenched oar. The majority of women will wee* ft this winter. In large, measure it will be becoming. Tt will Orap^pSroo* am to lift- tram their foreheade thai fashion, and substitute It with a tiny. Vt Is absurd to Cut the hair to maks this bang. One can bay tt by the piece In any hair shop and attach It under one's owa hair by an Invisible hair pla. - One should be extra carefal not ta gat tt thick or atralghL The poodle banc, once ao faahlon* ble In the eighties of the nineteenth century, aleo promises to return. 11 has already dooe so in Paris, but there It. like the wavy fringe. oaly accom- ( panlea the flattened pompadour. Both of tSeee have been introduced to give eoftnees to a forehead from wblch the hair has been lifted, and also to glvs a showing of hair under -the -bat Tbey should nev*r be worn with the | hair severely parted In front toftehell Ego*. The production of soitahslled KK> miM much anoyanoe and loss la feany poultry-yards. Booh ?CP art ealueleee for any purpoee ut? bom* mm*. a* they cannot produce chicken? and they cannot be sent to market ea$s the American Cultivator. Tiers are three causes or softs belted eu*. the commonest of which Is an lnsuffl dent aop|>ly of shell forming material Laylh* bens require a generous pro portion of Hme In their food, as la i04 ordinary sl&ed sees there ase mors than 20 ounces of pure lim* Finely broken oyster shell Is an excel lent end a chtfap form In which to eup ply the neceeeary ttms. Fright some times causes a ben to lay an egg *1tb out a shell, but this Is not so serious a matter, and Is only temporary. Ths third cause Is doe to a derangement of the en organs, and If the abundant supply of hme has not the desired ef fect more drastic measures are ^need ed. AH food of a stimulating nature should be stopped at cooe. end an aperient glreo. consisting of oae'gialn of calomel and ctoe-tweifth grain o? carter emetic. A little Iron should ?e added to the Arfoklnc water as s Ionic, and ths food sbeuld mainly ?os rtst of belled rlea. For the Stomach Hera'a an Offer To. Hhoald \ot Drapepala Tablet, ramad) tka L For the Stke of t; Oth^TS. 'rjj^ OpmMm f* Her Do* to M. 1 write this for pabltaeUoo with the hop e that It will tmtvmm other* who cUw W 2 4<4 to try Um |t?M Root Juloo i MM tj. Thm woMeifol ?MdkiBf hM dOOO M WMk good f* OM fetel iMftW 4ltf .to t?U It. For r?fn I apeat a li f# of misery, hut thanks to tie great disco ve ry, I mm now frM from ?f#ry ache or polo. Ir like many others, wu Tory skepti col when the papers first told ot the Buy hundreds of t-orea Root Juloo WOO maklus. but off ? ?log several people that wore using It 1 concluded . to try it, although I felt that every organ of my body was almoet worn out. My liver was torpid, my kid neys were weaV and ta^y stomach was In a horrible condition. At times it felt like It was full ot rocks. A great deal of gas formed and I had week spells frequently and was badly con stipated. My appetite was ?ery poor and ores In hot weather my hands and feet were cold. I was using some kind of medicine most of the timer, without much benefit. After taking ths Juice a few days I began to Improve. I have used four bot tles and am feeling better thsn I have for twenty years, and I believe the remedy, has permanently -cured me".? Mrs. J. A. Colbert, R. R. No. 7, Ft. Wayne. Ind. The great remedy has done worlda of good here, as any one can learn by calling at Hardy's Drug Store. Root Juice Is sold for $1 a bottle, or three for $2.5<). Oreat Falls, Mont.? Cbas. Qeisser Of this city aays: "Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea has been a great help to me. I have used It for two years and can recommend It as a good hlnort purifier." Hardy's Drug Store. As ths Viewed It, Mrs. Dlinpleton? Why don't you get your life Insured? Dlmpleton ? Whst'a the use? I'm well enough, sod I'll probably outlive you. Mrs. Dlmpleton ? Well* you always did look on fbe dark side. FOR FE VER18H3? i?88 and ACHING Whether from Malarious oonditlona Colds or overheating, trypHlcks' Cap udlne. It reduoM the fever, and re lleves the aching. It's liquid ? 10. SB and 60 cents, at drug stores. Dr. Neeley's WONDERFUL Wintergreen positively cures Permanent results as sured-not temporary relief. If troubled with this dread disease try one bottle. Prices 50c. and $1.M per bottle. For sale by DR. HARDY, Sole Agent for Wash ington and vicinity. NOREPEA folio iv the Merry Crowd ? Try our GENUINE Potted Tongue 5c. Can. Walter Credle & Co. ?Phon* M. wiukjui "Jinj iVi f ?p{ j G. E. Tungsten wi> .in _m standard 16 c.p. bulb prmm. twice as much light as the ordinary lamp and uaea 20% 1cm current. Tke QmBtr milAgM >? thwnHi.i ? We CM tmfrxjv* your light J ing and /?w you monty. Aak *e t*-4ay at** Tss|.m 1 WASHINGTON KUECTRIC PLANT. _? Office City HalL 1 Hicks' CAPUDINK Curee Sick H?hu> Alao Nervous Headacbc. Traveler*' Headache and acbee fiom Grip, 8tomacn Trouble* or Fema^i trou biee. Try CapudJno? U'c HquM? effect/ Immediately. Sold br drug gists 10, 25 and 60 ceq^ W ] "Ironclad" Galatea yy C 4^C11 Cloth at 15 cts. per yard; Flaxon at 17c.; Linon at 10c. A full iine of Standard Dress Ging hams at 10c. Oldest Millinery House in Beaufort County. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO SUPERB SERVICE To Baltimore via Chesapeake Steamship Line NEW BAY LINE "COLUMBIA" and "AUGUSTA." Dininrrooma on ISaloon Decks. El?g#nil?blt D'Htu Liner 75 cents; Club Breakfast, Ji5 to 4# cents. Polite attention and ihe very best service In everyway lWe solicit cr It iclt in of outlet vice. Leave Norfolk, foot of Jsc fcson at., ?daily except Sunday 4.15 p. m.; arrive Baltimore 7 a. m.. connecting with rail linea for P hila., N. Y., and all points East and West. For all informs ?lon and reservations addreaa C,l. Chandler. G. A.; F. R. McMilii0,T.- P. A., Norfolk, V?. SAVING ? MONEY Is comparatively easy after it is once fairly started. Here is a pointer for you: YOUR SUPPLY checks up tolerably well. Considering the hearty eaters at your table, it's a wonder you keep as well stocked as you do. CSV * FOR F|NE GROCERIES when the larder is getting empty, come' here Our finely assorted stock is suffic ient, and your trade is desired. * JOS. F. TAYLOE, Tht Qu*l*r Grocer. 'Pboow 123 and 1 ^

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