2 [J **A *> 4 WAfeftftqfrdKj NORTH CAROLINA. MOND.tt AFTERNOON. MAY 30, f910 enittnMM ?h<T W?l? It rwt? chief of e?lM? M<Kk?M> IfcetryH ll?u !*?'?? *1 latereeta. la farorable to the project, and the lmmedlatelmi>fo?<>Hi?rt ?f?Vt pro Jeeia la the ?a?e. ?W. not ai 'important, an appropriation la mad* loNfkn o? to'flnCah tKa'pro Ject moet fatorabljr recommended by the AVmy Board IT the ??lneer?' reyort 1? u?f*roraMe the iTMra ??? harbors committee refneca to hare, an^tbloc todhwtth Uie project go, All the ltema In oontrbveray In the preaent bill areoppoaed hj the Mouse confer**. ?br the t+mm the En ?lneera hare either reported adreree lj or net r**orfc4 e?on at alV Mean while. Ipeal Intereata which hare been while. Ipeal lntinati turaW iown b/ the Onftrf State. I s^p ^sasafiK recardleaa of fka ? ? I? n' rape z&vtm rxx&srit that Conjrew a?pro#.ie?e alluvia dollar, tor imrntms andeeerrl ( ON V KOKRAte Vims* AN? KUtCT , *?*? ?* Confederate Veterans" Association ot Beaufort county. May 18, the follow Ins comrade* were elected officers and comtnltteemAn tor the ensuing jmr: Rev. fi. Harding, president. It.' ft: Warfeh. commander. W. -H. Patrick. Tlce president. Alston orlmes, adjutant. r B*r. s. Harding, chaplain. Dr. 5. C. Rodman, surgeon. T. J. leathern, treaaurer. W. H. Call, secretary. H. Cory, T. S; Lathnm.W. H. Stan di? J. W. Latham, E. Tripp, advisory l>6V'. H Call. T. J.'UUham, W. H. - Standi, pension board* LITTLE FAN NIK DUKE ILL. Fanny Bell, the litti. daughter of] Mr. and Mn J. C. DuH*. J>( P.ntpgo,' Is confined to n.r t?d quite til. TKaj Newt int'hvr jn.ny friend, wtih foJ . Mr ? until rtcortrrr. >Ir. J a* Wynn* la .showing t&e ?r?i ?ufu.nb?r ot the nrtfm. rW, tn hfft fc?rd,n on BAt Main ?U(pt, DRYS LOSING? peclally in the'jSoi) ths subjects coAdi annua! co^Moi SUtw Brewers' As mee ts at Washlngtc 0. The aituattAn 'i Ttrlnna - - that thete haa "*11.1 l|wWt< Ips. provement from the brewere*%taad tlona resulted In an aatl-prOhlWtlor. Btate ticket and letfalaWfe Mi| nominated, and'ln the defeat 'oil ' tad prohibition constitutional amendment in< It li Wllered at fka negt 'seaalon st the leglslstnre In Jsnusry State wide prohibition win M repealed In Tenneaeee. Taxu and Florida, i ha brewer* report, there has beerf a chance In sentiment ud llvelr coo teats are now being conducted ? be tween" jrfr* all w?u." in anv home the proWMMW and antl-prohl utMMa force* srs.ebest 4n make a teat at the ?Mtloa at a special eleo tkm. Prom 66.090 to T?.MS jfraons hare elgsed a call tor ?,ae*6l eksr lln. but Qovoraor Haskell refused to call the election EecenOy. how ever, the Supreme coa'rl decided that tke election must be held. and a call probably wUl.fcf issued, la. the^M^r future Jl report* Just Issued h* tke iep*rt Mlt of Infernal revenue for the wSk tt of March. 1 1 1 6, shown a de died lmproremeot In the SMtrere1 ai'tuattaa rnMafch of tMs'jWr the hirrel tax amounted to l4.tft.Yft as do is pa red with lf.rrk.12) In March >m taae >?a k4? . k?? fc* ? ? . March. U05., 3.89MU , March. 1904. > . ,*-f , March. *909. .. *,610^*0 , March; 1901* 3,35T.0Q9 March. ..2.892,670 It la recalled ihat tha be*r talea foj \ he fiscal jemr whl<jh ended June,3^ 1909. showed a decrease pi 4.14 per cent as compared wUh the previous year, the., t&tal amount of beer "sold being 56,303.497 barrels of gal Je*is. The beer sales for the 9 months of*- the current fiscal year (Juhe " 1; 1909 to Match SI. 1910) show hii In crease of 1.876.628 or 4.60 per cent. If the same ratio of Increase Is maintained duttn'g April. May had *June, not only will the detrdtoe'bf the laat fiacar year have been tfta*e up. bnl the total sales for the fiaehl yefr ending June 10. 191*. will a** tually show fin* increase 'of ' 145.777 barrels over the fiscal year which end ed June 80. 1008. which was tha ban nev year of the beer tusinsae la the Up 1 ted States. In ether words. 10 4s for the current fiscal year will con siderably exceed all past records. That "moonahlntng" has Increaae4t4n the varloua Southern prohibition States ha a long' been claimed by the brewers' -aseoclatlog. and this phase of the "dry" movement also Is to be considered at the. coming convention. Commlaaloner of Iaternal Revenue Cabell, before the sundry civil aub commlUee of th$ bouae committee on appropriation, recently admitted tiat there had been a decided lncreaae la "moonahlnlng" whiskey In the vari ous prohibition {States In the 8outh, and that the department had been obliged to enlarge its forces through out the "dry" territory. '/Owing to the fact that a large amount of territory has* ' recently chanudj <Mb*ee?unt of 8tate leglala tjdtfrgrom license to-noj|j|nse terrl tSJ^nwl oi t j^^srittrnftehlnlng ' aB^Mafig I^HncMased enor O'WM'i "Alt *the com-' Ytwe! States prior To theVflftfctment of soch prohibition legislation*** la* Duacn skck and hioh ne*:* MOTHERS-IN-LAW i ' ??> >;? R?. will not l?? Mir for you to ***? ??*?, Hfe. 1 lay upon, the coo science of l| *tr i4aay jouag woman b?ron ms that they aaver bacome Jealous of ^the love that their sweethearts glre to their |koUMi?, It is one 'of the tragedlea of life for a woman, who baa guided every step' of her boy", td aee him place another first lit his affection. Some day yod may taste the bitter ness of that eup. So ydu should lore your raother-ln-taw aa yOu would be beloved/" WXDiillOAimiN MVLOMAS^ fo*towlB>> 0*O*te4 at tfee DaMy New***** > . AffortUy. Kindergarten, Normal Friday even I illneteen hui H.W^1 ^ "" " Mtaa Mary Virginia Bonner, Jf.thla city, !? one at the graduating cl?ML The N'ewi extends congratulation*. " ? Ba?Innljc today t? Waahingtoo * JNMeMiV "ffih&idV ' ?? -achedtfle between Washington and. vahdenlere goes In effect, and will be coatlnued during track ee?4ba"oh1y. " 1 1 Train j}o. 1 letfw vandeWere at > a. m. and i^rlree at Well ington lfc?S p. M-X ^wtVrahit Ifeares Washington at 6V??tH*rrl?ee at Te?dewte'iit*'F reviews Vets Taft the Flrtt Preefcftei* land to Review 0. 'A. li. ?( By Wire to The ftfew*.') New York. May SO. ? Guarded by the heaviest escort of detectives he has ever had. President Taft today reviewed the "Thin Blue Line" of New York Civil war reterans; This Is the first, time any President has reviewed the veterans' parade In New York since Ex-PresKfent CJpveland was 1? "oflce. President Taft arrlred here shortly after six o'clock, and was first taken to ttlfe h6me of'Bts brother, Henry W. Taft. After a short rest he was taken to the Sherman Square Hqtel and. from there under guard of honor to thfe reviewing stand. a 9 ' President Taft wa^ enthusiastically cheered all aiW lb* hotel to the reviewing stand, to wb&fi he from time to time smiled and U+W to r^ppase. > . J% W-4 \ \U ? * BASEBALL l^l^jphla, 2. Boston 3. , NATIONAL LEAGUE. Boston 0, B?ftoklynvl. WT ?la Georgia last year there were 294 11 dlstiUerleg melted and destroyed. HbM ' 30. 1>0J. ?Carotin*. ,-_y. Ihe pro the same. Ip Oklahoma ? there were }radtlcally three times as many artesta and re ports dt violation since the 8tate has j*uiw' dry as there were for the cor responding 'period while the State wis a licensed territory. Boston 0, B?tolUynvl. m ^ increase/' Mr. Tjabell 1-epned. In FAM^ IWSICIAft HltrUllrad for it. ? wo^kwide 'sS-jj trd* hi the 4M|M| rw?(t#d 1#8? he ?waited the prod uc#t<n with c^eosse scepticism hut ? with -liasn Interest. And there were dematfds for It' from all pert* of- the worl#M soon ae it wu prepared In -the- Cotyowlag year. Although experience IM net fulfet wat) not the in ant^nala and that trMtnaisaiotf , from animals to man waa impossible. The English Royal Commission on Tnberculoele in 1904 wholly oppoapg his contention. ^ . ,-.y, iff'M The Ghrrapn government sent fcjtt to South Africa In 1896 and agdln in 1^03 to atudy rinderpest. In 189? ( he InvsdHnted the causes of malarty! In perd^bh East Africa and re'turned yiere InllOS to study tlte sleeping plcktieu. . . ' \ ?' >?> He rl?lt?a thaj^tfed J 9 Of. when he attended the Interna tional Tuberculosis Congress in Phtt ' Roepltallties crowded . so Ta*< oil him 4a rarious ci flee that by the time he rehebed Chleego. he he cMne IH sad was foroed to aaacel all ef Kjteellency. He beeas^ director of the Bacteriological Institute la Beviln 1? iStl. In 19Q*.he fecelved the Nobel prise for achievements in physiology^ lfe served many years qd the Imperial ftoard of Health, as a privy councillor, as a director of the Institute of Hygleqe and, from 1891. as honorary professor and director of the New York Institute for Infectious Diseases. His writings weto. volum inous on bis various resertcnes and he printed several books concerning them. Dr. Koch was bbrn In Klansthal, Hanorer, on December 11, 1$4?. He was graduated from Oottlngen Uni versfty In 1866. HOL'HK OF NO KKPEATKRM. The Gaiety has for tonight three good pictures. .Athletics in India Is a picture all lovers of good sport phpuftl see. India is noted tor .Its ac robats snd oth^t sports and this pic ture is one of life-like presentation: Lorenzo the Wolf is a comedy-drama that fairly teems w(th dramatic 'scenes snd the, comedy in this picture Is the kind , that should go with It to make It one oX the best. C.trl In the BarrWks Is a Vitagraph, and all! know this company'rpjctores 'are sec- ' Ond to hnt few. Thta one Is certainly! up " tth'Aj ;?%>a?4ard of fKeellence<land i ;wlM hof<ftH? Interest of the audience from <J>eglnnlng?to, end. The management han engaged (be orc^eatra.to pfly at this theater be ginning Tuesday night. All lovers of good nuiai^ should not^mjss" this treat, *a4t> W?U known thif lh? nrc'hMJr? of thl> city U fir ?v?nlga. and Mi* now wile tbcj^ni tbU wt will well.rep?y come to hear them. Ship ;y. <? ... , . ; Mra. TrifrP i? Commissioner Not Pleased by Society *??*! Brneai SuclMf oi Wut||li., 'ti- C., Al?l? Bob* " " \ Raleigh, May IS. ? Insurance Com missioner Young uyi his attention h*a just been called to a circular I*, sued by the Secretary of tile Royal Benefit Society, of Waahlsgton. D. C? in. which it is stated that the society ia not now aMklitg any effort to se cure new members, la North Carolina because the ofiklal s.of the Insurance department have not seemed disposed to accord t$. this society the sams privileges of conducting Its business M has been aocofded to other socie Uds or loss character and financial ability ' . lasurance Com mission er Young ?ays that the above statement Is shso lutejy fslse and without any foundsr fftoa. That the Royal Benefit Society ?as boon conducting its buslnsis s a a fraternal order In this State, and thati while ha has not been pleased with the-. warUag of the society, he has had no suftoleat grounds upon which J to revoke their licenss until recently. ; Commissioner Young advises all" persons in the State against paying money to? thlfc society or their repre sentatives. and nil persons srrs warn ed against -rep feeen ting the eociet? In any way, either In soliciting members or. tn collecting end remitting preml utoi either on account of okl or new! <*rtHkstas: / ? ; ; ? NO SKKATE TODAY.. Wsshlngton, Msy 18. ? The Senste agreed todsy not to hold a seeslon owing to ths fact thst It is Memorisl day. Accordingly the further con sideration of ths railroad bill will be postponed until Tuesdsy. The meet ing hbur for Tuesdsy was fixed st 11 o'clock. ,, RUNAWAY Bhinr Demolished, Negro** Ann | , Broken* Market Street All It.fot Kidtnsest. , , haa4**?, . "? ? - ? r ? . - Rp turd ay night Market street .w% s HWjk-en^ df s runaway wbLch catne WME tllUj ? seiluin gffntrr ?? * . ' f Orsnderson Brody, a tenant on the tislfiPtf tMv Joshua Tsyioe, drove to towii* Saturday afternoon. Later In. accompanied ? by adother hCTPotlMI Aco^Sl^p .the1 market house1 wfeifHn and made hls'pnrcMasea. leav ing his companion In charge. Whep j h* returned and stepped In the buggy 1 the horse beeaiho frlgktened and be gan to run.' Brody held' the horse In $heck until th?' lines broke, the negro .with blm then Jumped and his arm was brokenly, the fall. 'Bfody re mained lnt?- the bu^fcy until it wasj overturned. on Jlaln street. t&rowjng' him .out, but he sustained no serious Injuries. Ths. buggy was completely! demolished. . - . Dr. Joebus Tsyioe rendered medi cal aid to the injured ?ian and he is getting along 'nicely. : > TURKIC REKlii AT THE GEM TO* PINGHOT RETURNS S : Will MoT Talk Concerning Interview* 'Ott4 of 'ftp most delightful and In teresting programmes ever shown in this city was that at the Gem Satur day evening. Er^ryope was simply carried aw%y with tB* beautiful Bio graph. by far the best ever shown In ^Washington. 'the theater was packed tt4 the doors the entire evening, every 9n?j eager to witness the performance, i The Gem starts off the weak with an other fine bllL ,Th? Railway Mall iClork. ' a melo-drama, which will catch the public fancy wherever seen. The Kalem Company reproduce these pictures In a masterly way. The Dreamer, a bit of Gaumont comedy. Is inexpressibly funny and contains a number of surprising and wholly un expected features. O'er Crag and Torrent, wholly scenic In character, gives a good ' reproduction of rough crags and mountain torrents. Ama teur Billiards, an amusing farce, shdws amateurs playing billiards. There are many things shown which sre not always Included In the game whlph. are amusing to the extreme. | BlUlard players will enjoy this tra vesty upon" their favorite game. A Honeymoon Through 8n6w to Sun shine Is a Lubln feature film and picture worth your while to eee. With Roosevelt ? Cioes to Washington. * ( By Wire to The New*. ) York* May 30. ? Gilford Pin from Europe today. INVESTIGATION Dry Dock l>ewey*s VgJnp Were opcnrd, But tP^' *e Found ' '? "\1JL The N?w?. )-? - P. I:. May JO. ? The float V ?*d'ry dock Dewey was sunk at her berth in Lai big bay by conspirators against the United State* government according to report current here- aa to partial results of Investigation of her auhmeraloD. ? - * : Valves hare been found to have been unopened, but it la believed a big hole will be found vhen the dock la completely raised. Complete etdry 9f the sinking cannot be learned un til the dock la Raised. EXCITEMENT Pollcrm.. t-M* Htm PUtol to Krtehr * Negro, Speed Increased, e*. caped by Slipping Ls River. Saturday nlgbt in one of the near beer eakoona on -Water atreet Jim Digglns and one Brlnkley. both col ored. became ei*gage<Ma an argument which resulted in a _ fight between, them. Dlggtns waa advancing upon.' Brlnkley with an open knife, and fh, order to protect himself Brlnkley uaed a bottle. At thla stage of the game Pollcemez^ Pedrlck and Dudley, stepped In and attempted to arreat Dlggina, but he made a break for the a pen and succeeded in gaining It. He did not atop to aak any questions tout proceeded dowq Water street toward Mr. E. B. Moore's fish house with the policemen In hot pursuit. They se cured a lantern and began making n search. Digging whf iQ hiding tn a dark comer and succeeded In slipping overboard before being detected by the bfflcers and remained there until I they went. away. He then crawled 'out and made hie escape*. Dlgglnn has not yet been apprehended. The shooting by the officers trying I to frighten the fleeing man Into sur rendering caused much excitement In [that locality, and for awhile numer ous stories were afloat as to the cause of the disturbance. HEAVY ON BUND. TIGERS.. Judge Oook Puts Big Ft nee on Vk?l*t or* of Prohibition Law. Klnston.-May 2$. ? Superior Coort will probably cloae tonight. If the case of*State vs. John Miller, colored,, for the killing of I,loyd Daniel, also colored. Is finished. ^ Thn ease la. hoatly contested and, may go ovenjnto next .week. . , Early in the week J odge* Coffee | nounced that It waa hia Intention to] mak? the running of bljnd tigers In Kinston unprofitable. Thla Afternoon' Judge Cooke announced sentence J upon those convicted of selling beer | and whiskey In violation of the prohl- { bltlon law. He fined Charles Waller $1,000. Walter Field $500, Paul Bbnd j $400 and Will Tuton $50. BABY OPERA Two Hundred Children in Cast and Excel lea t performance Promised. The Baby Opera will appear to night at Brown's Opera House. for the benefit of 'the Children "of *th?f Confederacy, under the ttianagement of Mr. L. 6'. "Tyler, Of Richmond.' The ahow la compoeed of local talent, which la sufficient proof to all thoee who attend tonight (hat they wlH get Uielr moneys wojth, besides helping a great cause. "There are two hundred children In the caat, and they have rehearsed their different parts until they are letter perfect. Thla prom ises to be one of the best opera bhows | ever presented here by local talent, i Nothing like It has been presented here before. The people of Washing-, ton should patronize this opera, for It not only hfelps the Children of the Confederacy, bat shows that they have the sympathy of the people In the great cauae which 'they Represent. Seat* are on aalp at Brown's Drug 8tore. reserved. 35c.. general admis sion. 25c. OOXGBBaS AIMOI RX8 FOR ME MORIAL RAY. (By Wlre-to-The News.) , Washington. D. C . May 3". ? The halls of Cdngress are silent today tn Washington and in all parts of_the country. the statesmen of the nation participated In Memorial Day exerrls ea? An elaborate prograpi was Ar rled out in Waahlngtori. There was a general observance of the d*7 throughout the city. Cong^w setting the example by adjou/nlng Saturday until tomorrow. rooskvki/t-A* imikw. Rx-WealAent Returtia to City anil I* ] ! ' Royally Entertained. ? *'t?y Wire io Th?>'?wa.) , ^ ?iWdGti, aaHBetumtyg ffum In weelt-*nd N.Jlux KftR'a Uheodeee bectan# the- guest .of thje i ^air?<fcpbio?l>clut at luncheon *d beeuvln I riftf: Ttfr luACheon k ?h^S3w taw^xotvy TOW . -w.-? miiittiiinn in' inirrifi t KpfiilB * " ?? ? ? - 1. Um Than One-Half of tto Imm Is Sold. INTEREST RATE TOO LOW Only 9l.ft1A.900 Were Hub.crtJ.ed For o?t of ? to4*i ?r t3.4ao.ooo-! Moo ey Will Have to Bo Borrowed ^to Meet Ofctlgatfcm*? *: iti^ioi Legislature to HtKgMtcd ^ ~ Raleigh. May Mi ? :Aftoe a confer" ence lasting all Uie afternoon. Oovar uor KItchin and the council of atate announced the bids la hand today for the bond laauo. which are accepted, but no lntlaaatlon can be gotten from any member of the connclI aa to what other plana the* have for floating the remaining bonds or meeting the State's bfg bond obllgatloq, <Lup Jul/ 1. State Treaaurer Lacey has receiv ed additional bida that run up the actual bond aalea today to $1.S1$,$0$. It la known that every effort la be ing made to avoid the neceaaity of eailtng tho legislature In extra see alona. and the acceptance of the blda today la taken by many to Indicate that further effort will be made to ?ell the bonda and then borrow what* ever may be neceaaary to take care of the July l bond obligations through the lnalftlty to get the whole laaue of ttio refunding iaaue on tbe market The bids for the $2,450,000 refund ing .40-year 4 per cent bonda to take up bonds falling due July l were opened by the state treasurer at noon today la the presence pf the governor and members of the council of state and a large company of Interested cit Isens in the office of the state treas urer, and It was found that there were bids for only 11,195.000 of the Issue, rh compared with 91.765.000 that was bid for on the first date for the bond aale May 18. when all bids were rejected. This time the bids ranged In batches from $1,000 to $200,000. whereas there waB one $500,000 bid at the first effort to sell the Issue. The $500,000 bid was by the New York Life Insurance Company, and was not renewed. The btda to hand today have $2,234,500 ot tbe laaue to be taken care of In some extraordi nary way. several methods of extri cating the administration from thp embarrassing dllema being under con sideration. One is the calling of the general assembly In extra session to either Increase the rate of Interest above the l?er cegt provldod ao as to ma-apis in the. ordinary way or to aphorize some Ot mv nuHM Ing tfce State over the difficulty until there can be permanent adjustment at the next regular session in Janu ary. Another la to borrow, sell all the bonds that are now bid for or for which bida can be secured before ' July 1 to redeem those bonda that are presented for collection and t<y bor row money to take care of the rest until the regular nesaion of the assem bly, T^ern is a suggestion that tl^e state could get money on the rail road bonds the atate owna as security, or Meet otber financial arrangements that would eave to the atate the $$&, 000 or more expense of an extra ses sion of the legislature. BASEBALL. THURSDAY. f*ronn Morehwd City Team WUI Play Picked Team of Thia CRy. Thursday afternoon. June 2. there will be a game of ball between More head Ctty and Washington. The Morehead City boys will arrive on the excursion from that place to this city on Thursday morning. The game promises to be one of the best that will be seen here this summer, as (he boys are practicing dally and only the, best the city af fords wlft be In the game Reports from Morehead City state thst they have a fast team and are bringing their best men- with them v It Is to be hoped a large crowd will be out and root heartily for the home boys. TO ORGANIZE Orchestra . WOl'LI) LIKK TO ORGAN IZE ORCHESTRA OF .FOL LOWING INSTRUMENTATION 1ST ANI) 21 > VIOLINS, 1ST AM? 2D CLARINETS, 1ST ANI> 2I> COR NUTS, .TROMBONE (^LIDR), HOI' RLE BASS (OR E-FLAT TCRA) ANI> DRUMS. ONLY THOSE NEED APPLY '(BY' LETTER CARE OF fHK WASH I X<;T< >N DAILY NEWS) HAYING HAD MORI^CIR LESS PREVIOUS ORCHESTRA EX PERIENCE. \ RKHPKCTFILLY YOURS, L G. Schaffer.

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