WEDNESDAY A.FTERNOON. JUNE 1, 1911. ? NO. 262 Washington, D. C . Mar 11. ? The s||i'???li nuuber of e.M| to 100.004 making tlio third; and?thoee of from J5.S00 to* forming the fourth claas Of the Protectant acgregate there were 1.476,145 or T.I per cwt In the ' first, slss* pltleer 1,7 per cent la the eeeoadl l]d 7.4 per cent In the third and fosrtfi clan ror*blneMal br. O^raml by A. p, Canute, thltfe NEW ENTERPRISE The 14orfq4kdnd Southern railroad aa a coepa of'eaglaeara making a aarrey Mf-t apor Into Ua Mortob property the river from Waah lngton .part of which baa been ?ar chaaed by the Vamllca Chemical Co. far the purpoae iff eatabliahla; l heir plant. I Jfpr man/ raaa&na thla la welcome ewfc to Waahlngton. One to. that It o|??n'*i? thla valuable Pamlico rlrar | water ffoot for other mill, gad fa torlea: giving them both rail aad, tar. Heretofore Waahlngton baa , ? 1a bottlbd ap with ao 4balrabl? I water front factory altea. riow that iftaijjjiqiltiiii la about to be relieved eCecul will be noticed. CRAFT FIGHTER ltadB?? Specklee OrgaaJit^i Na-'j S? ' *?anlatiafi to.cteamee v->* l J?M t? Rndelpb ?pr*;k rn^olaea."^bS UHta Chtwrp'??S announced the organisation of a na il otr?l- wide association of reform 19 cleanse politic.. " ? He came here especially to arrange for cooperation with the city's lead em In honest politics In furtherance | of >is national organisation. Spreckles says the organisation to under way and the* men who have been fighting the thieves all over thff| country are drawing together and ex pect to organize an army that win clean UP politic* of thecbun'try and says he Will devote the rest pt his Ufa to the;?ovement. V? JohnTt. 8mall arrived In Us 1 city yesterday to attend thto term of Sfefe' . i I J. 1, Per can't, belonged to^rotsstant hpdiee and 4,7ft,lS6 or fi^.5 per cstat to the Roman. Catholic Chrirch. The luttfr iaocmtlUfftlto had !? these [gUtar'attot 76.Tp?r.ceet of tta eg tire mamberahlp la dtlea of Avar H,< 000 lnhabltaata. 1* tblrteea'of the citiee mere thaa oae half of the commualeanta or membra, t g pee tad haliiayd to Vra* teetant bodlaa, wblU la It the ma 1 "i rr n r 1 n iv ? ? - elfe Chareb. \ ,-Tb* eltlaa abewlag the largeat pre portleaa ot Protaateat ?*m?l4 4 per o?e?! Teledo. TI oaat; Waahlh|tocr, ! Cky, Mt>.. ??i . w?f Mat, aad ladlanapetla. H I per oe?L - ^fhe etttaa rtowtag the Magi per icMtagaa of Roman Catholic oomtnn alcanta are Fill Rlrar. >?.? pat cent; [San Frtrhdaoo. *1.1 par oast; New Orleana. 7t.T per eaat; New Y?rh. T?.? per cent; Providence. Tff.l par eewt; St. Uonli. ?? per centi Boat an, ? 8.7 per cant; Chicago. *1.1 per cent; aad Phllalelpbla. (l.? par eeat. In the flr^MMhf'fMlaa the pro. portion of commtuileaiiu to popula tion waa: New York. 44.T-per cent; Chfcage. Philadelphia, *1.1; ?oaton. ?.?. and 8L.LeeM, 4(.? per cent. It la autad that, tn general, cltlea which bate a relatlrely large Roman Catholic population ahow' a higher percentage of church member! than cltlea In which thla body baa a comparatively ? ma II repreaentatlo*: Jn Pall Hirer St.t per cent of the were Roman Catholloa and the chritfeh memberablp repr wanted ?7.8 per cent ot the population, while In Meat phla, where 14.4 per cent of the ?om munlcants reported belonged to Pro teatant bodies . the church member, ahtp waa only ID phr rent of the pop ulation. ?t' FOUND $50,000 'J I k (l.OOO Bin Which Owner Promptly Perls OS? la ladaced ? to Aitql a Riag. Minneapolis. Kit 1 1 ? Steppfbg out of an elerator at the We?t Hotel on the irar to bla room, John M Mori, found a pocket book containing certificates of deposit, checks, papers .and cask worth ti 0.000. Realising that If the owner of the pocket book was. like blmstlf. ?r trsv ellng as*, he would be temporarily -heel, (>/ tbe Loes Of bis small . Mr. MefU dtst etaalned the papery, then w*nt to the desk and da maadad to aee f. D. aim**, of Butte. o*C ibat w^e.tbe aaoie ?, rnoet of fBemowsV^r^ aoJ was handed bis pocketbook be o?ered to 1.11 cm Mr. Moris' seek. He aaked Mr. Maria to accept ft trine la token of hie .esteem, ear ? i 1,090 MIL He Mt,ltrV Marts tbat to retain ?4>.?00 out of should be court for aay tqsa.aho ?auld lose his pocket book, Sat Mr. Moris declined. w?? Efe'nSfSas ?alllas in the Ua ?old muofl] Mr. ?9*>os| Ma Oncer si 11 rts' band. K to be refused, then drew a ring from Ma L pressed it la to Mr. Moris' -y. was given to htm. be said, by hi* friend. the law, Ma reus oWlj. JT Moria accepted th? ring. It la a seal ring and its Mr. IMttaMf. ' Mr. fll.u.? a tbea~- chained bis pocketbook Jo- Ma parson aad took, the train back to Butte. HKSKRVKU 8BAt8 OlMUi. ReaersM seats (or "?Heta." the attraction at Brava's opera house to rn errew night; Webt on aale this mania* Tbe Qrlces are 5? and IS cents aad- Ik* gallery for children only. It cents. This plsy is presented by some of Weshlngton's bast local talent ?. Sterile* 1M 14 ?7 14 t. *. Bryan 1M l? M 14 O: M. Sanderson.. 44 11 1(1? This handicap applies until July l. jrffcta a hew j6ae will vhs published. Members who bavs not shot this yesr will be handicapped on their skoVe for f?Of. whleh. may be. obtained from the secretary. POLICE COURT a*t m Wilt aid eacho therjl Both DcltMjr *1 [bow at Harbin ftpH pocted to return to1 morrow. Johnson In (Man are if are ex itclaco to laatlc over This great featvfe picture waa. se cured at an enormous expense by the co-operation Of nil the manufacturers licensed by4 the' motion pfoture pa tent# company, the negatives Ravins been made wrifiberry Kearton, of London, who followed Col. Roosevelt to Africa and to, him the American public am indebted for the8e pictures teemed at ||rfeat bodily risk and In convenience. The purpoMr of the ex pedition was that'UT maklffg A Com plete collection of the begata.. apd birds of Africa for our great Smlth sonlon Institution in Washington . D. C- NjyJve wild 'feasts, herds tOgu *n4 droreo of glnC. ana o?t *a* I too i, DI*po?ouml. rhtaoo*r>. f mtnj other wtW Ulmtli, ft picture thiil mrr mu.'wocu ui cW|d Will ????'to w. T?r? ?*?!? at tMt foot eitch, e+?rr toot o( Mb la full of tj ellratit u4 (oWrMt V ? ? MHta* ? ?n*l W*ro??kOut lu I?m>h tr o?? its t?? M' 7 u*1**'. children m e*rlr .bffr before the 11 necessary improvements made. .When com pleted It ahould b?f out among tbe beat hotels in the State. ^ >- r Mr. W. E.. Porch, former manager of the Cambridge at Rocky Mount. | will aaaume management -of the! HITS ROCKS London, May 31.? Ab the Russian steamer Lituania, which sailed from Copenhagen May 24 for Nev York with 1,200 emigrants, was proceed ing very slowly through fog on Fri day evening she struck rocks off Old Head Point, Pentland Firth, between 8cotland and the. Orkney Islands. The ati+a^r held fast, and many of the emigrants. greatly alsrmed. fell oa their knees and prayed. Forttmatty the foe lifted, and af ter ^Upiaaa communication was ee tatlUkM with the wtrahip Beliow at lavergordon and with Copenhagen the eagtoee were reversed and the liner floated o*. The bulkheads kept the water from the main hold and the lituanla ran safely to Tynemouth. ^fcere she Will he repaired. ;Vv NRWfOyATOES ghtywsahi of iSrif potatoes Large, Price* Not t p to A?*rag? M Gate Yeitwdv'i MorweenU The Atlantic Coast Line water de pot pfeeented a scans of much butl nesB activity this morn lag. Eight ?easels were tied up to thrpler either unloaded or waiting their turn at the chute. "? The shipment of new potatoes be gan lnearneet yestordsy, frfcja 1,600 to 2,000 bsrrels were received here. . Eleven carloads came In over the Washington ? V a?^tom ere railroad from the VaoApaaers aad Aurora sec tion. The ?>?!?! potato train over the Coaat Line went out with 86 cars loaded, tltls la an unusually large movement pf potatoes at this time of the year. ? The prices are anything but satis factory and are much below the ever- 1 age. Prices this morning rsnged around f 1.36 to $1.60. _?! OUfc BAND MAKING PROOIIRH8 Members Will Strive to Bring It Ita^k to It* Former Piece la the List of Amateur Organisations. i.,Tfce Washington Concert Band lr rapidly progressing toward perfect-' UL- For eome bm?rtWs^rga4lzathj?i h%? he** playing against lack, paving lost several of ita best mueldaas, and encountered other adversities which discouraged the members, and at one time diabandment was even talked of. It will 1>e gratifying to mus.c lovers .tp learn that fhe band baa affected an improvement, -however, and is destined to become htlll more proficient thau before. The addition of the lost members and several o\tjern will increase its strength, snd new music has been bought. Including some of the-' latest snd best by lesdlng pub lishers, and practice has been Increas ed so that part of the players are practicing, each night. It is hoped that eoon the organisation will regain Ita old time reputation of being the Beat amateur, {>and of its Blze in the 8tate. COMMITTEE Beport u Mbnr Ctarp. I , tmtor Utlait to Washington, June l, ? the resolu tion Introduced la tUe Beasts 8*tar by Senator Larimer ?slM>| for, ?n ^BToaHgatioa concerning the mat ter* Of bribery charges Involving hie election wf reported to the Senate this moralng from the comiplttee on contingent fund. fhe reeolutton wee then referred to the committee Oa privileges and elections, which will consider the matter of ordering an Inquiry. JAIL SENTENCE -- ^ ? PmldfBt of Columbia HUte Baak of Pittsburg to Fay Fine of fOOO mad Ume a Months in Jail. ? ' 1 Plttaburg, Pa., June 1. ? For brlb-| fng city councilman to have his bank] named a city depository, E. H. Jen- j nlngs, president of the Columbia 6(fcte National Bank, was today sen tenced to two months Imprisonment and fined $500. Ex-President Frank A. Orlffln, of (tl bank, was sentenced U> foor months and flued $500 on the same charge. COTTON Market Opens Wronger With Early Advances? i-Iloar Pranure Forces Ijater Decline. New York, ^June 1. ? The cotton tharket opeued 'Unchanged to 7 point h bi*tier. For a time support was llm Iteid io scattered room covering and buying "for Liverpool. ' A fcllght rally took place seon After 'the callbut in creased, off /arced prices back to lowest hi I ti4l level. rf Opening? -June -lirftV Jalr lMtv THE OPERA ftyMOfste of the Opera to be Praarated Tomorrow Kor u. . of the V. M. O. L. Act I. ? Sylvta , tired of her be trothed wanders Into the harfietd where ahe orerheara Betty bemoan ing her late and wlahlnc ahe were encaged to marry a nobleman Inatead of honeat Rrlrla auaaoats lt?t, aa they e< lk tot. they eic?aL-? - * Library of the day, that ?Ma ma.nuerade. ?? the farmer'a daughter and Betty as thOJOaM of honor to t1>e Qvoeq. Bet 4y tolls of a flower callel "Oupld'4 Eye,** which, would blind the poet and the tyaer # the fact that such an oachaage ha* been made, and the twa tfrlu a?t off to find the magic flower sad chance costumes. In the meantime. Betty's compan ion, who had loft her In the hayfteld, returned to find her. The/ meet the far* lads oa-theft- way to the plough flew and hslf promise to meet them ftUe. on. their way heme from workr Ar o)oa&, appears In the sky. which throws the^ into great con sternation as they fear rain, and when Prlnpe Tobbytum appears they bealege hjm to know what the weath er will be. Indignantly, he Informs them who be is and they apologise. He accepts their apology and offers to allow then to kiss his cheek, they pretend to accept but Instead dance about him. pelting him with flowers, until he escapes. 8ylr1a and Betty return, dressed In each other's clothes, and with the magic flower In their possession. Bet ty successfully foots de Lacey. and 8ylvla as successfully fools William. De Lacey and Betty set forth to stroll through the woods and lanes, and William drags 8ylrla off to help him weed the potato patch. Robin sounds the dinner horn, and ' the haymakers return to the hsyfleld I to spend the noondsy hour. Act H.? ' Toward the close of the I afternoon, the haymakers rest from their toll snd stroll to snd fro In Ihe cool of the dsy. The farmers' daugh ters set forth on their walk to the atde. Sylvia. worn out with her experi ences, of the Afternoon, returns to the field, and Befly.ruahes In. having run away from de lacey and a bull. Each girl declares that hereafter she will W content with her own lot and will dot envy the other. They retire to ^haa^e drekses and *o set b* in ??* & ?? poet "the far*MTr U??ortttn?e[y, prank Is likely to have serious consequences, for the Lady Arabella saw 8ylvla carried over the brook by the farmer, and the Lady Aramlnta saw de Lacey and Betty walking arm in arm. and this news la imparted to Prince Tobby tum. wh? resolves to expose the Lady Sylvia that night before the as sembled Court. William, accompanied by the farm ers' daughters and farm tada is searching for Betty, and he runa Into de Lacey who la looking for 8y1v1a.. The two men are about .to come to blows when Sylvia and Betty aeparate them. The Indies A ra bells snd Arsmlots. thinking it possible they may have been mistaken, aak the prince not to mention what they have told him. Prince Tobbytum tries to make mis chief but is foiled. A song of greet ing to the harvest moon, rising over the (reetope, enda the evening, sad aU wend their way homeward. porftK OF JfO RBPRATEM. The Gaiety has tor tonight one of the best cowboy pictures sver shown on canvass. "A Cowboy's Sweetheart" msde by the Kalem film company, a rattling good cowboy love story. ta*m1n j with interest; r/eal cowboys a^A ; Indiana pipy the leading parts. ''The B1U Poeter's Trials" Is an otb^r good comedy, and all wbo like comedy pictures- should not fall to. ?e* this one. AImo "Shaping His Half' Is another comedy and up to tbe stan deed of, all Patha pictures. The orchestra plays tonight and all wbo heard the new music last even ing were more than pleased. A new lllustrsted song each night. The one for tonight Is exceptionally pretty, "1 toldn't Mean to Make You Cry" Is the title. STOCKS K?r Low Price* Made This Morning and Wall fttreet Is Frlgbtosfd . fttockn Pressed For Sale. New York. June 1. ? Conditions closely approaching a panic were caused In Wall street today by the public becoming alarmed by the gov ern me'nt's action In restraining >5 Western railroads from raising their freight rates, throwing Its stock on the market content to take Arst price offered. " In the first half pension St Paul sold off 7 1-2 points to new low ) record of 129 1-4, nearly ID points | \inder high price yesterday. C>tber leading road* lost f^om 2 to| 4 points etch; steel lost 12-4, other | industrials as much as 3 points. . Brokers' oJBcers were thronged I with nervdus clients and trading was | the teatiwt i? months. > WORRY IN WEST * ? Republican Officeholders Were Too Active. NVESTIGATION IS NOW ON rml or CMI Bmrfe* Mm .< Arte jk> l 8Ur Jf, KepabUnu, Q**rttn~Wma f . Ormmt .ml STe*. to be A moil Thorn. He int CMKtM. Asheville. May SO. ? Once again has Aaheville come under the scruti ny of the high officials or the United States government at Washington. Two civil service men. L. H. Flaher. secretary this division, and John T. Doyle, a?cretary of the United States civil service commission at Washington, are here engaged tn an Investigation into the alleged perni cious activity of certain of the em ployes under civil service. Among those whom it Is said are being cate? chlaed concerning their actions, are Assistant Postmaster J. L. Wagner. L. A. "Grant, an employe of the post offlce snd son of Congressmsn Grant, and A. B. Freeman, a clerk tn the reyenue office: Several others havs also been called In before these offi cers who have established headquar ters at the postofflce bullllng. Nothing has been given out for publfcstlon by the officers snd It Is doubtful if they will say anything. It Is claimed that the department of civil service is desirous of knowing If these office-holders have been too active in politics, soliciting of sub arrlptlons for Republican campaign funds, etc. The investlgstlon has caused somewhat of a stir In Repub lican quarter* and It Is said there, haa been a little uneasiness RKAITIPl'L (XWTI HE8. The costumes for the leading char acters of the local talent opera "Syl via" have arrived and will be uaed in the. dreas reheapsal tonight. They were rented from cos turners who mske It a business to furnish local talent playa with beautiful and ap propriate costumes. The management is sparring no expense to stsge "8ylvls" In flfat clsss -style and any who mlsa seeing this attraction will regret it. It is being presented tit th? of the Young Men 'a Chrlatian League to enable them to complete their gym nasium and Install bath rooms. Come out and help a most worthy cause. [Message for You! Every advertisement in this paper is worth while ? is based on ? serious purpose ? car ries facts, clues and suggestions that mean MONEY, OPPORTU NITY to someone. The merchant whose adv. Appears in these columns has some* thing to say to all pros pective store - patrons which he conaMers to : be important? and he for the opportu to get hittaemge :TO YOU. : This paper wants to ; feel sure fhat the mes ! sage IS DELIVERED, : aod. so, urges you to ! receive it, and consider fit TO ORGANIZE Orchestra WOl'Ll) IJKK TO ORGAN IZE ORCHESTRA OF FOL IX>WINO INSTRUMENTATION : 1ST AND 3D VIOLIN A* 1ST AND 3D CLARINETS, 1ST AND 2D CORNET*. TROMBONE (SLIDE), IMHRLE HASH (OR E-FLAT TUBA) AND DRUMS. ONLY THOSE NEED APPLY (BY LETTER CARE OK THE , * WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS), HAVING HAD MORE OR LESS PREVIOUS ORCHESTRA .EX PERIENCE RESPECTFULLY YOURS, L G. Schaffer. IS ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS^ ? ?G?m TbMUr. ? ? OfiMr Tbaitar. ? ? T. K. Hoyt? Bad Sheets. Et*. ? ? McKeol - Richardson Hardwtr, * ? * ? ? ?