liAROK (mnuasttmrnr or mm" *?*? ? TSin'siT ! Cpow" regulations met With failure today when the court dismissed the so-called Chiles appeal Iron Us docket. fftii. .w V: -v* The question arose In a s?lt which 1. Alexapder Chiles, s negro. brought ?Bit for dsmagee aaalnnt the ChMO peake lUJ Ofcio Railway Company. Chile* bought s through ticket tram WaiHlngton, ft t? Lealn#^ to*. Ky At Aakltod, Kr.. *U. the -? Mwtrfv . ? f-'ti ? Washl??di. Jttts l,? BeptWta ttre Champ Clark. M Mistonrl, the minority leader of the Uouse.J*? Mt Tor hlmeclt %? approximate limit. In pahUc life at a boat 75 rear*. "The people mar aat my time or retire meat Utfeal age limit. with -a MWHNper r "(|*'far as I know the only public man who sat an t|? UaU on his Ser vice and lived up to it was Nathaniel Macon, of North Carolina. Speaker sad Senator." said Clark. "When In bit prime ha aet the exact age at which he would retire. When that day arrived he waa In the middle of a senatorial term? but kept hi* word and resigned. He was one of the greatest men.of-^hat#hC?*V , . . ? ..?>] New Tark, June I. ? Furtehr ll?ut datloa taok plao* ; la th* cotton mats kst this mora lag aad there was a de cline of 4 to 12 points Opea Ingi^J ?*.*?.?? . umwm i i.w wajwwSii. 1 1 1 wr tf*r rv ' ? ! meet oA t5? rmri .Iraa lyTed today zssrsBsi&Tis; the area planted this year Is about \0t. 8 per cent of area plsnted last yeaf which' Is equivalent to about 23. 198,090 kcrt?. ??aaa*a?efLwltb 22 220.009 last year. ^ The condition of the growing crop May 25 was 82 per cenjt of aormsl condition aa compared with- 81.1 at corresponding date In 190* aad 809 syerage condition for the past On years on same date. in New York ( 9j Wire to The New?)*^W ? :Ne? Tor*, June I.-TV PuWIe Berrtce Co?*la#da tbta morning be gan as Inreetlgktloa to ascertain the tauM or icoHfcn bat ween two nb At a kk hour laat night when all t(*l? ware Making ckiee together aad crowdad with [UMaagan to thalr ca?acitjr. and the ??ir atatloaa arere nlledNrltll thoee.waltlng. a rear end coliiBlon koaarrad ta which in paraoaa ware jhart aad aaore than 1.090 thrown Iktaa auta of panic. The tab* waa Wad with anoke Ma the w recked trains which spread alkrm'aaMMg those waiting aad tha uninjured aa Ou ttatas Thta waa tha want aecldent In tha 4tktorr at tha sukwar aad tha lnrea Utfatlon will take M all the deuUa lb order to place the reeponslDllltij WASHIN" mi FRONT ? A large for*? Qf -work men are e*. W'ruih to com- J i?l?tloa'tfai tebMco firthouw ln.rec-1 ord brMklng time, construction I of this warebouM Is to-thp hands of Contractor M M. Joaas. and the ma terial Mini used tip to the present 1 time la the bast. ^ *$.,? Tha erection of tfclft gliding to gether with the ?** sfusd of work men employed by Ute MWer In erect fas the thrae-etor? building of the Jtarrts Plumbing ft Bupplj Co.. and right on top of IWi an Immense building of TJG feat wide by 200 feet deep for 'kk Patalleo Chemical Co., to he erected en tka Marion property, together with mapr dther jobs or ynallar alae. the worMen at Wasb Results Yesterday Shipment* Large ??h1 Further Break la frtoca K?pected. Prices an tha potato market this moraine *re ranting from $1.25 to 11.40. Receipts are heavy. Twenty-two ears waa the shipment via. Coast Line yesterday, eight dt ?blc> Ck?e >l V Waahlaato. .nd Vandemere railroad. ' ~ Receipts are expected to be unusu ally heavy today. ilngton wULfefi as 1S3E2S2 p '? fUl 0| I Hie eae ?f a boom which -*ll| shortly be noticeable to evei&Cthe pessimist. The cltlsans of -WdaSlngton should ?w catch the spirit while thlags are ftoovlng upward aad not only follow up this goOd work, but press to keep thejn moving. lew with a reporter of ?ttn last week. Judge ^KffSpinldn to general that prohl MQjt Jus dona Ashevllle a lot. of harm," he Mid. "We hare been dry tor three jeers now, add as a result. IWorfh I aa a Democrat,. I do not jtfttivtote to ?ty that la my opinion. If B Republican party In North Caro Bna would declare for local option Wtt year. It 'would elect the majority df the legislature, so unpopular haB prohibition become. At the a2me time. I doubt whether the Republican party would adopt auch a plank In lie platform. ( "Of course en attempt haa been matfe to enforce the law. but It has resulted In more perjury than any other one law on the statute hooka. It bee certainty not brought business men til1 Ashevllle. as the* prohibition ists predicted. They prophesied that respect for law end order would In crease to such , en extent that the police force of the city would have to be decreased. On the contrary, there has been so much dlserdsr that, the police force haa had to be Increaeed. They predicted that fewer terms of oohrt would be necessary because of the scarcity of lew breakers to try. On the contrary the govera? extra mod quality worth 8Bc? for... >' MVHI?l\ UXDBRWEAR. CJood Quality Muslin Hemstitched ?ml Tucfced Drawers for 1 8c. Special lot o( Embroidery and Lace Trlauaa+^aw**.*,?* value, at 44c. Wide assortment pt $1.25 and $1.-: 50 Gowns, all styles, for ...... f?Hc. HOSIERY. Special bit of Lad lea' fine, sheer faetblKk Hose at lie. Ladies' Pine Clause Lisle Hoee 22c. ' Mtn's IBc. Sox for . l*t. Strait. Children's Hose . v. . fle TAKES TRIP ? . . - ?. PrrUdnt Tmh Of l?r M Wot 1. Bryi* Mawr. _ - ' ? T? ! ~ ' Washington, June 2. ? !*rapMent| Tatt left Washington early today on | a lour day* trip which will take him ?? ?*?? weit as Jackson. Mich. ? He at tended commencement. exercise at Bryn Mawr College this morning, where his daughter Is a student. ?Othefr pieces he will speak- are Ada, Ohio; Detroit, Monroe and Jackson. Mich. {v. mr. madden ~ ON WATERWAYS Washington, fc. C.. June 1 ? Rep resentative Martin B- Madden, of Il linois. a member of the Rivers and Harbors Committee of the House is an enthusiastic believer In the future of the waterways of the United States. In order that h*? might as sist In the work of developing ?h; In ternal waterway j of ih? country and to bring to the subject intelligent un derstanding. Mr. Msdden withdrew from the Committee on Appropria tions of which he was a member dur ing the Sixtieth Congress, to take a poettlon on the Rivers and Harbore Committee. In speaking of the gen ?? erally meritorious character of thS River and Harbor appropriation Mil now in conference Mr. Madden tfatd: "I think the country Is to be con gratulated upon the systematic plsn outlined for Interior waterway devel opment In the presnt rivers ana har bor* bill. ? - .* "For the first time In' the country'* 1 history the risers and toarbors com mittee has gone into the question )f river Improvement on an extensive scale. This work, followed to Its log- 1 leal conclusion, will In the not far dis tant future lead to results so benefic ial that thfey csnnot be lmsglnnd at this time. "The necessity for river Improve ment now that the grest lake hirborf have already been provided for. be comes apparent to every one who un derstands the sltustlon as a regulator of railroad freight rates. "With the provision In the rail road bill which recntly passed the house, to the effect that railroads shsll not In the future be allowed to reduce rates to drive out water com petition and then after It Is driven out rslse them, makes rlVer Itnprove men t morj .essential than exv.. . _ "This. j>ro vision lis the raw will at tract navigation to the rivers. That navigation will be protected and there will be real competition be tween rivers and railroads that will result In cheaper rates, better facil ities, quicker movement and more courteous treatment on the part of railroad officials to the ahlpping pub ; 11c, Is certain. "The policy of annual appropria tions for rivers and harbors. Inaugu rated by the Rivera and Harbors com ' mlttee of the present Congress, Is a 1 step in the right direction. It Is en fltlted to receive th* support of the American people. And much of the aentlment In taror of the waterway Improvement U largely traceable to 1 the work of the National Rivers snd j Hsrbors Congress, an organisation of the .very flrst Importance. 'The hope of the future genets ' Hons lies* in the' development of the ; rivers of the country. There Is a limit to railroad deveiopiftent. That ' limit had -been almost reached. ' "To carry the products of the fleld, the fsctery, and the otfife to the peo | pie of the nation at' the to*6et cost possible, snd to enabie the people of 1 one section of the country to' deal economically with the people of the 1 other section.- Is one of the para mount duties of the national govern ment.'' * ? ? ? ? I A MOVING MCTUltE fHCNSATlOH AT THli CJAJKTY TOXHJHT. The noit mifniflcent, elaborate, stupendous produo*'oa of a classical dramatic subject ever attempted by a film company. Th1a picture !? a Vi ta graph snd when we say It Is one of the best'we mean It. The title la "Elektra," a powerful tragic story of anrlent Greece that forma the basts of the famous Straus* opera of the same title. Don't miss this great picture. The Bad Man and the 'Preacher Im a Western comedy, the funniest I Western picture ever shown at the Gaiety. The Mistaken Band!* Is. an other comedy and we guarantee this Is the best show ever put on at this theater. The son# for tonight Is "I'm | Afraid of Yon." Illuatrated. sun* by I the 8outhern tenor. mi IN PRIZES S5fe-*w;^. inane flights. THE FLIGHT! AS SUGGESTED Ujriag Plan* For. a Herirs of IUc? That Will Put America ta Um Fore front of Nations From the Aviation Stan point ? N'rw York Paper Offm *?0.000* in Prtcra. "? New York. June l.-r- With $40,000 Hi prizes offered /or flights the lead ing bird-man of America today be fan slylng plans for a aeries of races that will put America In the forefront, j of nations from the avlatloa. stand point. The prizes offered are: 410, 000 for a flight between New York snd St. Louis, approximately 1,060 miles; $25,000 for a race between New Y.orkjin^ Chicago, approximate-"' I ly ?60 miles; $5,000 for a race be tween Indianapolis and Chtcngo. . Blther of the two major flights Is more difficult than 'the flight from London to Edinburgh, for which Lord Northcliffe offered $50,000 Immedi ately after his $50,000 prize for the ixmdon^fanchester flight was won- by Louli Paulhan. The American offers ^1 demand greater ability than tjUt^enlTed for by the principal Prenefc contests scheduled. Glenn H. Curtlss, winner of the New York World's $10,000 for-tne Hudson valley flight from Albany to New York, today declared that he Is | -enthusiastic over the prospects of avi ation In America now. "1 will certainly enter aeroplanes in bdth of the long faces, New York Chicago and New York-St. Louis." he said. "It is possible that 1 will | drive myself, although I may let one of my mechanics take chsrge. "Of course the routes will be de termined largely by the official regu lations of the races, but I believe the best way to Chicago would be to cut across New York State, touching Rochestor and Buffalo, and then pro ceeding west In a straight Jine. "It would be practicable, of course, to go over Pennsylvania through Brie arid on by way of Cleveland, but 1 believe that the mountains on this route would be a handicap. Of course they would test- the skill of the con testants. ' .'T*' ???The period of tvn days has been suggested for the Chicago flight. That to me seems fair, for it would give adequate time for the repara tion of accidents." t lill.LKO XEttRO THIEF. Jackson County FirMy Found Him In His Corn Crib. Wayneaville, June l. ? News reach ed here last night of a tragedy that occurred near Beta In the early hours of Saturday morning last. A Mr. Allen, a farmer living Just over the Jackson county line, heard a thief in his corn crib In the wee hours of the morning. He got up, seized his gun, and went to the crib. Before be reached the door the thief Jumped out to run. To Mr. 'Allen's words, "Stop, thief,** he paid no heed, but began a race for life and liberty. Mr Allen leveled his gun and flred. but the thief (a negro) continued to ran abofit fifty yards when he fell for ward on his face. Upon examination (t was discovered that the- negro was desd. Mr. Allen surrendered to the authorities but was released on hoad. MrtMIWMII.IIMUMI | Message for ? , IToul t,-, . .... ?'?Every advertisement In this papef is worth while? is based on a serious purpose ? car ries facts, clues and .'suggestions that mean MONEY, OPPORTU NITY to someone. The merchant whose adv. appears in these columns has some thing to say to all pros pective store - patrons which he considers to be important ? and he pays for the opportu nity to get his message TO YOU. This paper wants to feel sure that the mes sage IS DELIVERED, aod. so, urges you to receive it, and consider it. <11 ? NEW ADVKRTIsmMNTS. ? ? Gem Tt eater. > ?r ? Oatety Tbnur. ? ? Mrs. Summers' MMIh. \ ? Dou'a Kldner Pllto. ? 4 Card til. ? ???????? ? ?