WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. SA AY AFTERNOON. JUNE 4, < 191*. NO. 264 NO DEFECT IN BIG FIGHTER Washington, Jua ? ? It ?U re ported hem today that President Tsft Intends Inning a lUttment shortly In which he wflt reassure the rail roads throughout .the country that there Is no Intention on the part or the gorerniaeat to treat them other wise than fairly In the proceedings that hare been brought against them or thst msy be Instituted later. It vas also said that the presidents ot a number of more Important roads will ?all on the Preeident next week Mr. w. M. Belt hsld the luck* number at the Gaiety theater last night and recelred a month paas to their shows. Prebebly the most Important mat ter before today's session of the con vention vm the question of oo-ordl natton of municipal and county gov ernment!, t be- discussion of which fol lowed the address of Mayor Thomas W. Hawkins of Charlotte, on "The Economical Co-Ordination of Myalcl pal and County Govern men U " Mr. Hawkias atldla fart: "Mr. President and Members of tfce Association ; The ?abject you hare assigned to me today Is The Econom ical Co-Ordination of Mualoipal And County Government.' I ask that you taha a *ood notice of the subject for f mar sot rarer to it often. >i may follow Ue example of the colored bother him agalfc. * ? "We ma y as well at the cutset rec ognise the fhct that the city gov?l+ meats are entirely dieting aad Mfr pendent governments. ' The county It the unit of' State government and like the State Is protected from .dam ages on account of the sets or omis sion* of Its agfenta. while the city la hot a creature of the State law and with very little power and 09 pro tection. The county owns the cltf; the city la a mere asset of the coun ty - Under our present system of tax ation there can be no co-ordinate -meiMgemeat; of^gr aad rounjy af fairs. however much! we 'may desire it for the constitution aad the law bf the State ' make the city merely an asset of the county. The county of ficials have the aole power to valge property for taxation la the city add couaty. However Inequitable and -In accurate the value may he. the< ct y ia compelled to accept sneh valua ,s the basis oY city taxation because the 'courts hold that there can ha b it oae actual value and that Is the valt a flkad by the couaty ofilctota beeau ?] the county is a part of the State gof-j Our store closes PROMPTLY AT 10.45 - f*5 f /? ??. j5w- * jfv r ? ? on Saturday nights. I during aud im tc walks have been more or less wrecked snd two or IbrM^nnbouHs blown down. ? The Caslaa building At Lakevlew. where a night performance was Jnit conleudlng, waa completely wrecked but the audience escaped uninjured. Every enterprlaa depending on elec-' trie power la tie* w?vl.ll business houses and rea4dencse, adijag current i Mi Lime Kolley tlflt) the lacky njmher at tha Gem theater Mvrtlfcht and received the beat u If u I eaWk plata. turned from Davidson. where he at tended the commencement exercises of Davidson Collage. " TO ATVWD AhOW. Quite a large dumber of our cltl sens are intending to lea re on tha excursion Monday over the Norfolk 8outhera road for Wllaon to attend tha show there Honda? night, pre sented by local talent from this city. ' Miwiitsy Im ?!?' f Amj In Wll. son, Boekj 'Mount and wllaon play las OO that dale. The fare wltt be tl.Xi round trip. Train leaved, here at 11 a. a. and returning leafed Wil son at ^11:50 p, a. cj JOCVKY KILLKD. Two Other Riders Wen la Bad Mix ?Pi Bat Both Eecpaed. ivefend, N. Y.? June 2. ? Jockey Laigao, .mounted on- Stalwart was foatantly killed todaw when aouat tell , on the home, atretch turn !(i tho closing race. Th* race *r|i?- f or 2-year-olds at ?ve aad a bait ferloags and- it horses faeed the The start ?u good and the flald .went oft In a close bunch to the atratch t?t>n, where Warwick, Butwell up, stumbled. and fell. Muff. Da via riding, stumbled over Warwick. Immediately follow ing waa Langan on 8(alwart Lad. He turned a complete somersault orer the prostrate forma of the two horsea and hla mount fell on top of him, kill ing him inatantly. When the big crowd saw Warwick fall a cry of dlamay and horror went up that waa immediately followed by another When Muff and Stalwart Lad tumbled over him. Davis Jumped up fit once, but Butwell lay still until he was picked up. and Langan never moved. Butwell broke hla noae.. but Davis escaped uninjured. Langan waa un der contract to R. F. Carman and rode wfth good ancceea at the Jack sonville meeting laat winter. He had been with' the thoroughbreds only about a year.. . 1 'v: v.* v ? ?v * FRB8BYTKRIAN CHURCH* There #111 be regular 8upday aerv Icea at the Preabyterian Church to morrow. Sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. whole, oppoa$ such legislation?^ Obance UMIn* Tine. He auggeeted further that a partial ! solution of the Question might toe ob tained through a change in the time of tax llatlngJrom. Jane 1 to January 1, giving as a reason that on the Ut of June the fafmer waa as "near out of everything taxable aa one to be. pia cropa In the tteld cafflot be taged and the stock of supplies Mi at he haa on hand haa been reduced 'to ??In witnan >M ? hereunto nt df ? nanaM the Greet ? Bute to lie affixed.' ? tor oU^ee^, lWr &y tba Gov?ftf*K^ ALEX. J. FIBLD. Private Secretary. Raleigh, N. C.. June 4. ? Interest at the cao^tfl is today centered on a call for a special session of the Legis lature to deal with the bond situa tion, issued by the Govern*#.' Chances are even that the call will be revoked and the Legislature will not hare to Meet Treasurer Lacy is advertising again for bids to be sub mitted June ij>. A call for the State bankers to meet with the Council of State on June 8 was laaued today by Secretary Hunt of the Bankers' -Asso ciation. It la hoped in this a way will be found to tattke bonds. Pall ing In this the Legislature will meet, and will, of codrse, deal wltb the sit uation as ft sees fit. But the Gov ernor and Council of State will advise against Increasing the rate of interest in bonds. They say the j can borrow. Tbe Ckm.profnm last night could Aot be surpassed. ? The Hand of Uacle 8am ?u a fine picture. and (roa ljst to laat the audfeAcs showed thWr Ap preciation hy a continuous applause, all or which waa Justly merited. TV> alght this well known playhouse w|H give another spfendld program In keeping with their reputation. Gold In Not All, a pretty Blograph. Such pictures should . assist in creating a ?en ti stent that will place a true value upon wealth In its relation to htomsn happiness and Its Influence upon life. 8mypathetically acted and sdmlrably photographed, this picture deserves the highest conmendstlon. From Beyond Seas is a drama well acted and beautifully photographed, one *ure to create the deepest Interest. For tKose who delight In a ?00d ac tive comedy Baby Bet ha* pleaty of action and a good laugh In ^ every line. Trained Birds, edttcatlonal. and The Servant's Goo d Joke, eeme dy, acted by llax Under, make up the pictures for tonljght'a perform ance. POTATO MAliKKT HMAI,LER. Potatoes were bringing on this markel " today from $1.$5 to $1.60, and receipts were somewhat smaller. Only $0 cars were shipped yesterday Ave of whlcto arrived via Washington A Vandemere triln. HELD m BIGAMY Ht. ft/e^ls Wo'maa A?*qultt?*l of Mfcr der I/ast Night Re?rrJune 4. ? With President Tart sb orator of the oc casion, the equestrian statue of Oen. Custer was unveiled here today. Mrs. Custer; widow of the martyr of Little Big Horn, unveiled the sta tue. A distinguished company was here to witness the unveiling. TONIGHT AT THE GAIETY. The Gaiety has another one of those laughing comedys for tonight, "The Stubborn Lover." a truly Isugh sble courtship, and all lovers of good clean comedy should not miss this one. "Love's Awakening" Is another pathetic love story of circus Ufe snd promises to be one of the best. Also Vintage of Lsnguadoc, an education al picture. Artistic illustrated song will be repeated tonight. Tht management desires to an nounce. that he has secured Baby Ierne, the child with the wonderful voice, and Mille Tina, lightning Chinge artist, for all next week. CDOHR EARLIER. James DAVIDSON WINS Quarter Million Dollar Endow ment Raised. EFFICIENCY IS INCREASED Albemarle Presbytery to the tYoat With Its Full Hharr of -the Amount ? Cheer* of the Htm&mf on Com. Pletlo. of the mf Were lasplrtiic New Bra for Darldaoa. Rev. Mr. Searlght reports teh com mencement one of the moat memor able In the hlatory of the college, aa It marked the successful completion of the.effort to add one-quarter of a million dollars to the endowment of the Institution. Thia opena up a new 91m . of expansion and efficiency to jfrriAMn and the friends of the col tatfle rejoice in its hrlghtN future. It wiM gratifying ta know that Albe i|WM! Jpasbytery came up with Its of the money. Mr. Sea right la both 4 trustee of the college chgirman of the Praabyterys CMtttnl^taa on Endowment. FISHERMAN'S LUCK ?oa* a?n lato Hp) inter* l.jr ? C)r dote, Broke Everything Except the Clock. The_ plantation of Mr. Colon Gran der, an extensive planter, residing tfear Grandy'ln Currituck county, was struck by a cyclone last Thursday and great damage was done. Mr. Grandy's dwelling house was blown from lta foundation and dam aged to some extent. Several out houses were wrecked. A tenant house on the plantation was occu pied by a Mr. Aydlett. This house was struck by the cyclone and was blown Into splinters. The house was atruck by the cyclone and was blown Into splinters. The house was com pletely demolished and was scattered for a . mile around. Mr. Aydlett's household goods were blown Into xnltbe'reeris and some of It has not been- found yet. Btery piece of furniture and break a-bel article la -?ba> I <*-!!?? except the clock/ That waa found about 200 yarda from the site of the house and It was still running, so the report aaya. The hand of Providence seems to have interpoaed and 8aved the Urea of the members of the family. Mr. and Mrs.. Aydlett were away from home, having gone fishing. A little girl wag left at home to tend to the baby. The black clouds frightened her and she went to a neighbor's house before the fury of the storm broke upon the home. Great damage waa done to the for est in tha path of the cyclone, trees as big as barrels were wrung off at the ground and were piled up In con fusion. The informatn did not state whether any other plantations were vlalted by the cyclone. SAVINGS BANK BILL. Will Be Reported ta the House Next | Week aa?l Rushed to Vole. Washington. June 3. ? Representa tive Weeks, of Massachusetts, chair man of the house committee on post offices and post roads, said today that the poatal savings bank bill, agreed on In the Republican caucus Wed nesday night, will be formally called up in the committee next Monday and reported to the house next day. The committee on rules, he added, will be aaked to report a special order to consider the bill. This special order will limit debate and amendments and It Is believed the rote on the passage of the bill may be secured next Friday. The Insurgents hare not decided whether they will vote for any spe cial order that would gage the house, for by voting for such an order, they say. It would atultlfy their position. V. M. C., L Ladles* Day ? Mr. N. L. Hlinmoa* the Speaker. Tomorrow being the first Sunday In June all the ladies are Invited to attend the aervlces in the new Y. M. C. L^ rooms. The foll6wlng Interest ing program has been arranged: Music by the League orchestra. Opening hymn. No. 186. "Draw Me Nearer." Prayer. * Bymn No. 168. "Take Time to be Holy." Scripture reading. Hymn No. 94. "The Story Must Be Told." Collection. Hymn No. 147. "Onward Christian Soldier." Address, "The Passion Play at Ob erammergan. Bavaria." by Mr. N. L Slmmons. Hymn No. 100. "Never Give Up." Benediction. . RKTl'RNKI* THIH MORNING. 1 Her.'*. pMtortrttbe M. E. church In thl? ojtr. Mtarned ttaU iniofnin* fMrt I rtalt to hta parents hn irtMMtMaty.- Tfc?7 T* Dom la MleHMOtk and bl> mother w?. eoo New? wlsfcet MILLIONAIRE JAILED ?g . " If Worth $20,004, OM, Bat Hi* j Money Didn't Save Hin. ^WO MONTHS; FINED $500 Prison Beatence ud Fine for K. g, Jrnninjfa. One of the Big Plttoburg Financier*? |>n*Jty Impowd For I/sing Wealth lo Bribe < V>uncilmen and Mteal L0gi?|atioa. Pittsburg, June 2. ? His many mil lions unavailing and bis great Influ ence powerless to save him. E. H. leanings, president of the Columbia National Bank and of the Colonial rruat Company, two of Pittsburg's big financial Institutions, and also President of the Manufacturers' Light md Heal Company, an enormous gas ind oil corporation, today entered a :ell in the Allegheny county jail and must remain there two months. He must alao pay a fine of $500. This araa the penalty Imposed on him by the court for ualng hla wealth to bribe councllmen and ateal leglsls tlon from Pittsburg. Jennings Is rated to be worth at least $20,000,000 and In addition to bis corporation holdings Is a large oil and gas operator Individually and has been for years In the councils of Btandard Oil. The queatlon now arises whether under the national banking law Mr. Jennings can retain the presidency of the Columbia Bank. He has held steadily to this place, although It Is within the discretion of the Comptroller of the Currency to remove an Indicted officer df a na tional bank. Jennings haa been con victed and is serving his sentence. The action of the Comptroller is swatted with great Interest. A minority element of the Colonial Trust Company tried to get Mr. Jen nings to resign the presidency of that bank when the graft storm broke, but this resulted only In the minority being Itself forced to sell out to the Jennings interest In the bank. Frank A. Griffin, former oasbier of the Colombia Bank, who was tried pm I VIA' Jlhhings. was sentenced to four months In* Jail and a $600 fine. LOST HIS ALL Three Mouses Burned. Lom About ?1.0IO Mnch Delay in Ivocatlng the Fire. Ethelbert Guilford suffered s total loss ot. three tenant houses yesterday afternoon by Are which orlginsted In the building occupied by Frank Pear son. Owing to the high wind which was blowing at the time the fire burn ed rapidly and these people were un able to save their furniture and clothing, and the fire soon spread to the buildings on each side, occupied by R. W. Walker and Henry Bogd, all colored. Boyd's people saved most of their furniture, while Walker was not so fortunate, being quite old he was un able to move quickly. Guilford carried no lnaurance and bis loss will exceed $1,0*0. The loss Is a severe one for him, as he it a day laborer at the Kugler Lumber Co. mill and these buildings were the lavlngs from his earnings. He Is an honest, hard-working negro, and has the sympathy of the entire commu nity. BALL GAME TUESDAY. Strong Aurora Team Will Cross Bats With Local Nine. Tuesday. June 7. the strong Aurora esm will try conclusions with the oca! nine. This gsme promises to be >ne of the best of the season for the ocal boys are In better condition low thsn they have been any time bis sesson. ss they are practicing lally, and with the addition of some iew timber In college players arrlv ng home, are prepared to put up a fame worth seeing. A It is to be hoped the^oys will lave a good crowd out to help root or them. FIRST BAPTIST CHt'RCH. Morning service at n a. m., ser raon by the pastor. Subject, "By the livers of Babylon." Evening service X 8 o'clock. Sermon subject, "A linking man." Everybody cordially nvlted to attend. Sunday school at i:45 a. m. MKTHODI8T CHURCH. Regular morning and evening ser ine. Sermon by the pastor at 11 a. * n. and g p. m. Sunday school at i p. m. ? NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. ? 9 Gem Theater. ? ? Gaiety Theater. ? ? J. K. Hoyt ? Ladles' Hats. ? ? W?. Bract* * Co.? Fire la- ? ? Ai?? . ? ? ? lira. Snomeii' Remedies. ? ? T)?yi> Kidney PUto. ? ? Cardul. < ? ?ttHiiiiiiii