K. Hoyt's. IF TOO NOCD CROCKKBY AND _ llwnn see E. K. WllUs. mnuni wiiumi MVLum: Jut rtceWed a fresh lot of Ocn eoka And pstmmoutb mullets. Just corned. 16c per dow and np. Gar field CWwiOM, Bart Water, street. Phone i??. < of the 'valuable l?nnM ?l reaionable; writ# for particulars Mat sample lesson. Empire Auto mobile Institute. Rochester, N...T. ? < ' . ' UW-Uao GRKEN RAINCOAT, has name on label In Inside breast ?< packet; was lost or mislaid about tan days afo; any Information re garding same wilt be appieclnted. Phone til. J. H. Bryan. ? fulfill |ftM Wl : - . .Would it U? fouM *0???ro> n?. It ot iu ttli tltmwi WM. BRAG IMImiwIIMI ? ii ii i'.hHi Thm AtMfiwjr In InfllMi The w of tbo worvl attorney da H[n a belated mind. Illeie Hm t, ttta, iimMn tin r?Mn to extat, their title merged bj law Into that of solicitor of the nprma cuort of jndl eeture. ?;? ? oft! tea Ma-Mm'-I M*(l Tlx nam. bad lose beet! eeed aa a term ot abuee. Jukaaoa<*baer*ed ?ef an arwradhNMfc d* not can to apeak 111 Tf any man behind hla back, but M believed the cent* tnan waa an attorney." ArebMattop Trench, tn 190. noted that-fttt word attorney waa cotnc oat of faror and that the lower branch tbo oaa -and defended by 1m naiaai dlkee Holland ~Waa Inhabited by the BatTt In the time of Caesar, wh? made a league with item, it be-' came part at Oaltta BaKka and attar-, ward of tbe klagdonl of Auatrla. Prom the .tenth to' tOa fifteenth century U ana Jtoreraed by'COttnta nnder tbo Oarmaa -ampanora.1 Holland waa a: oaa tlma a Dutch npobiic/ It was (mated a klncdou In 1S08. and Lenta Bo ni parte. fafaer of Napoleon lit. wa* declare* fcMg- ?? (rmtnlatW Mm?]f tbat^hte daughter had forvottaa Iwr #hllom lover. Ooa ?*J, roeaUn? OMt in ? clob, Lord WMtagnlurf MM, "Whit vwkP/ou ill? ?JT gtM ?l, jon W?I* In Jove j Witt a IX&jggfetLftthOT- Inland hU i ?d tlw ?d?lc? of t?! ban' te"yJ^?Z tama ao lrvta that" h? rafttsad to for flvo Un joaag coopla aod. dj*k. b* Q?aatte? in?C hla t>* vwkh to thoU ckttd. iarah.- Io order to a*cor? tb* v Him ? ? ? iVj t of ten It 1 wrrilaramlT or (Cnlaht. _ AW & CO., i la Wuhteftoa, ?. O. II)* parlor o t * ??rtalli Pblted.tphl, hoauhpU to HiJHila a niter for ? onta * r,b"?s-? to at qTtlr.rn.0U, .04 tk. 'lalthr aaked: "1)0 JOB know tk? alphabet. Matter ?jjX ??>?.- V ' : "WW ibt.av.tt tar a?r ? v* Marte twcau rllblj .ooo*b. tat aft ?r ab. bad ?1?? thm or four ktun aba alopprt abort, aaj-tn*. "If jo? pteM*. ma'am. 1 don't think I tmtte nt an* mon." not 7" aaked tba callee. '"2K2i ara not all I kaow.- expiatn ed the youngster; -but, you know, maiama m;i I moatn't M ill knovr gukkly dou* The c?kM arr MfHd from Um sawing room and placed oa ? flat revolving iron table. The lroa broahee off tbe rough particles on tkt aorface. and thrbpttkUon takea a bom flva mlnntee. Than tba slab la at tacked bg'a man with an eater j wheel TLree grades of "emery are OMd, an< lt'? only abont a minute to each grade Next Coma three doaaa at fait, each time the felt growtsg flner In grade The fait la attached In a layer to ? flat wheel, spaa by electricity, and a* It hams yon can aee the marble bo gin to sparkle. Tba finishing toocbac are pat on with the nee of a fine felt rub. oxalic add and oxide of sine The < operator ?Imp!/ a mean the aui face with the mixture, gives a conpH of mbratea* vigorous tarn of the wheel aad the slab then goebto tba pa sarare wU1*?wrtj? cwf? If .bo* too -M tV ?* KOT^h>M,*.'-A WI?J? tortj la ?*, tber avfool K ? i>br?t<-Un," and Ma ture la. a good Ami ot?r fortx and baa ncrer.beim Mml Of lacking Intelli gent*.? Wooda Bntchlnaon, M- D, la Delineator. Tlfceb what could yon locaa new* Paper!" f TSeena to me tbal. 1 cooM disk oot excellent adrtce af none klnd.--Leb??. TtUe.CoorierJunroaL Recant fytb*- Hu?lnean Men'ratiocta thm qf IjatoM. Xan.. pare a good roada "amoker" wbkb w? attended by non tluiu no rtHaena of I be coun ty. Tbe entbofiaaar deraipped loaufea a mi era Ui tbe bonding aid mnlntr nance of good roada lamia' eettkm at tbe abort graaa conntry. *Kb a Meet ing would hare bee? InipoMlbte a few yrmrt tfo kecaoee tt rU tboogbt that tbe Art roaila of mlddl? kod wear em Kaoaae wonld aerer need any part anonbt of care. larreaeUT population, bowantr. boa ibcrwM diSereetlj. awl tbere l"e oow so mue eotbonlaatl. bot H la t? reality a . 0* tbe ran* m tbe : Lrrr4Cr. WT Of Bath, wi li UH.?M7 T?fr^r Mta> Mary 8* M KlMton. r* WtS?Kl yuurday Horn New Yorjl where she has been attending school and Is the |uut of Mr. and Mrs. W I. Pippin, on RMpau street. i*r, John tfks, of Qrlmesland, Is In the city today on business. Mr. B. 8. Lasslter, of Ronte No. 4 Is In the city today. Mr. Hortoa Cutler, of Jeesama, fa a Washington visitor today. Mr. Henry Ormond, ot Bay side was in the elty yesterday. Mr. Samuel Hawkins, of Jeeftama Is In the city today. Mr. T. F. Davenport, of Bufry, ii in the city today on business. Mrs. J ante Johnston, of Beaufort arrived In tba elty 'today and is th? guest of Mr.rand Mrs. E. O. Bright Mrs. Laura Tankard arrived in th< city yesterday from an extended vis it to ber son In Texaa enroute to hei home in Hyde county. Mr. B. H. Qay, of Surry, Is In th< city today. 6 or 6 doses of "?6?" will cure an] case of chills and fever. Price J5c \ ? - Pursuant to the action of the State Democratic Executive Committee, a Democratic County Convention of the County of -Beaufort Is hereby called to meet In-. Washington , N. C.. on Saturday, July 2, at n o'clock a. m. The Democrat; Executive Commit tee of Beaufar^,oounty. having adopt ed "the precinct. plan" aa outlined in the State PUpr of Organltation, pri maries are called to meet as follows! Belhtren and Washington at 8 o'clock p. m., Friday, June 24. Pifcevllle, Beaver Dfcm and Choco wlnlty preclnots at 10 o'clock a. m.. Saturday^jJune 25. All o^?e?? precincts In the county on Satunfity, Jnne 25. at 3 o'clock p. m. This convention Is called /or the purpose of selecting delegates to the State Congressional, 8enat,Qrl*l and Judicial conventions, and ^a,wlll be noted from, the above no. change has been made by the Executive. Commit tee for this pot^nty .with, reference to Ihe holding aof Che "''prectnct- pr^ marlec. ? Immediately after the con vention adjourns a meeting of the Executive Committee will be held for the purpose of electing a chairman for thd ensuing two year*. A full attendance at all primaries is earnestly requested By order of the Executive Com mittee, W. C. RODMAN. Chairman. I haven't said anything about mj equipments for enlarging picture* through the oarers, but Juat keer your eyes on Baker's Studio. I will show you aa wall a* -tall y on In ? t?Jl daye what can be turned out at Bak er'e-Studlb. < No Reason For It When WaahJagtoa CMIIyena Show ?b< Certain Way Out. There can *1^, no* Just reason whj any reader Vfr thls will continue ti jutfer the tortures of an aching back the annoyance of urinary disorders the danger of dMrtyfiee of any kldne'j 111s when relief u. ao near at hand and the moat pdeUtve proof wiver that they can b4 curetf. Read what, a Washington c It lien 'says: .Romulus S. Butler, J19 Harvey at. Washington, N. C., saya: "T am well pleased with the results that folio* -d the use of Doan'a Kidney Pills in my case and can earnestly recom mend this remedy to other kidney sufferora. I was subject to dull paiiu in my back, accompanied by shar; twlngea through by loins. Doan't Kidney Pills, procured at the Wash ington Drug Co., removed my trouble and benefited me In every way." For sale by all dealers. Price JSC cent*. Foster-lfllburn Co., Buffalo 9tata*. Remember the name ? Doan's ? and take lo other. I will be at the City Oerk'a oOce eaeh day from ? a. m. to i p m. dur ing the month of Jus* tor the pur Dow of llettnc the taxea bf pereoae amine property within the city 11 jp Itai - The law makea H ? criminal.?*, fenae not to llat nir Una - Vs! W. B. WtNDufef, Uat Taker. It willbetoyour advantage CRYSTAL ICE CO., WASHINGTON, N. C. -A Victim ef Leprosy. "On my travels to Venezuela." said a Naw Tort man. "I stayed In a hotel wltb a young oian 1o whoee family r** waa tbe talot of leprosy. though apparently did uot hare It. Ona night Bitting at dinner he became ap ery at a waller aod brought bis band down on tbe tuhle wltb full force. Be Instantly realized ibat be did not feel tbe btyw and eat looking at bla band. Wg face whitening wltb horror. *Glrrf roe j btm tba tor?man act bla to give a proof. of Mo skill by bewiag oat a wooden bolt wltb aa^rbopgtnfctotocktbct a atoo*. Tba carpenter accompllabed bla dtScalt taak wltboot marring tbe keen edge af tbe firoadax and iM'fomoan a neatly made bolL Tbrn be brought the ax down with a ten 10c blow tfaaj shattered Its edge upoa tbe atone. **1 can hew fust rate on your chopping block." be hiccoughed, "bat I'll be blamed If 1 can make tbe as attck la It wfcea 1 git through." The atory rone tbat tbe foreman loet no time In em ploying aucb a workman. A*vanta0** ef ? HI#. 1 .Silage keeps young stock thrifty. pro j UM fat beef more cheaply tban does dry .feedaod produce* milk and bu'ter "m?t ?WP.omVoallT. 81lagejsmore conveniently handled tban fixj fodder, prevents waste ef cornstalk* which ooptajn about one-third the. feed valee of enttrt crtp. and >?!*?? palatable feedstuff! that otherwise would not be eaten. It permits a larger number of anlmala to be kept on small area, enable* the farper. to put up feed In rainy season and,6T the moat ecouom leal method of supplying sqecqje^ce lb winter. ' Tbos should the silo bold a prominent place on every farmers es tate. eays Farm and Ranch.' M* fwh'ni tp H**3 hn'tei- that wtl! keep weD tpbMp eply till the butter globui??e in 'jNTSfcbro are about the site of. a. pea. e*ept collecting " or, gathering the lidKr drain off the buttermilk and wash In Ave times the amount of cold waier. 'The smaller thf particles of butter when rtbe. Washing is done the better can (he wash water get among tbem for cleaning. When butter is collect ed In one large mass before washing the water can reach only tbe outside of tbe mass; hence much buttermilk will remain In. tbe butter to cauae It to become rnncld sooner than when it 1* washed clekn. ' V Provide Water Fer Bess. v peekeepers should not forget that water la an absolute neceaslty to the bees' existence Bees are hard drlnk /qrs. and it I* very liqpoftA.nt that tl^y have easy screw* to pldhly of pnre wa ter without having to fly long dls atncea to eednre it. Therefore it should tfc pot where It la readily acceealble. In pm oc Jars, near the apiary. Change the water frequently and put ji little Mb Jk eccealonally . Al*o place botbe pieces of wood In tbe water for the baas to alight upoa-Frfrte and BSfak. ~ war.;** * ?- ' t ? plants r* * jfiZfe Jifjga te^wsssi." "r gg.^?h^"'.yM_)?y j?iioukt 5* ?S^*ezJhl11 y00 ??ed? tontc. to givs the body strength to throw oil ths UImss Ji&a ?^5?irffl.vss Your druggist keeps It " fc-1 STEAMER ASHORE UiK TronMltaatlr Ship Goe* Aground In (lirintlMQA Harbor. Cbrlstlana,?June 4. ? The Norway Danish transatlantic steamer United States is aground in the fjord here. The steamer was coming into this port on the way from Copenhagen to New York when a strong current threw her out of her course and she raa aground. She carries 1,000 passengers, most ly American citizens of Scandinavian birth, who had been on a visit to the Fatherland and had started* home. Many vessels in the fjord hurried to her relief. There is probably but lit tle danger to her passengers, as In any event, they could all be landed safely, but It Is not yet known how badly the ship is damaged. A Woman's Great Idea Is how to make herself attractive. But, without health. It la hard for her to be lovely in face, form or temper. A weak, sickly woman will be ner vous and irritable. Constipation and Kidney poisons show 1$ pimples, blotchea, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. But Electric bitters always prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends. They . regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nervea, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvetry skin, lovely complexion, good haialth. Try them.' 50c. at Dr. Hardy'a Drug Store. . ? v __ HOLUSTKIT* Bscfcv Mssstsis Tsa fciggsh _ 1 >??? mm?mm tee la par. mlscn mmtrt fm mum n?m OR. HARUV'b DRUG 8T?RE AGAINST THE STKKAM ITS HA?I) PI LLING and nowadays with the coat of living going high and higher bne should buy their foods where they can get the highest grade at the lowest pricea. We can tide /ou o\ er the stream . by sharing our proflta with you and giving you the beat quality of foods at as low prices as yon will pay for Inferior goods elsewher* E. L. ARCHILL *Phone 97. , ? ? i We are selling Ladies' and Chil dren's Sailor Hats worth 25 cents at -15 cents. Renfrew Dress Ginghams at 10 Cents per yaid. Mil linery at the lowest prices. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO Oldest Millinery House in Beaufort County. SAVING * MONEY Is comparatively easy .after it is once fairly started.1 Here is a pointer for you: \ * r YOUR SUPPLY checks uptok___ .well. Considering the hearty eat< at your table, it's awonder you ke as well stocked as you do. FOR FINE GROCERIES when ti|e larder is getting empty, come here Our finely assorted stock is .suffic ient, and your trfde is desired. JOS. F. TAYLOE, The Quality Grocer. Tfcofcw 123 and 1^4 "Love's Awakening" A Fadntk Low Story of Circs* MMe. "The Stubborn Lover'' ' A Trmly LMttutble Courtship. "Vintage, Languedoe" RdtcMloMl Md Artistic. VAVDKVILLB ALL SKIT WKBK. \ . ^7 Baby Irene New lllWp. Mile. Tina Chsace Artist. Orchestra Try our ^ GENUINE Potted Tongue 5c. Can. Walter Credle & Co. 'Phone 80. : ??'* * ' ; I row much lipl.t an tlcctric lamp will give without tryirj it The G. E. Tungsten *?> ' ia a standard 16 c.p. bulb gives cwicc u much light as the ordinary lamp | and lues 20% less current. ! Tbe Quality of Lifhc ia Ueswpeeewl We can improve your light ing and save you money. Aak ?? tonlir about Tn|itn> Laap* WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT. Office City HalL ' [ L - ? - -