fd*j statue C*?t?r: Inr out OT.r are taout., a r.rdict ttove ral of the Train Crew Were In- I E"T ^ Mfrgftjir HHHppiPPmBH Wilmington, Del.. June 4 ? A Rar>| alBlu* ^gnpa^tralnj on tfca Bfrtti. | Railroad Iran Wash ington no New Tork w daniled horn unknown hum .three mile* (ram bar* tonight, reeultlng In the In juring or ae*eral of the train crew. [?No puMKn um Injured V The eipreas went through a ?witch (ram eoae unknown mum and. (h* engine rolled down an .embankment aail . overturned. The ?artlel!* o.erturaed. I A. J. Rubeaach. of Baltimore, wma he engine (M(mere He brarely dime tad reecuara how to g?t him o?t and not 'looe eooactouaneaa. He was i to Ae Delaware Heapltal hew. The doctor* HeUare ha will r? eorer. but he la la a aerloua i tlon. I, Char lee Smith, age* S6. the engi neer. of Baltimore, aacubed a brok |en rib ?n4 aerare laceratlooa of the Oeofge RlttenDerg, of Waehla*tan? M 'l fc aaeeeeaiger. a Phlladelph: were locked In the ?on. of pttdwtelphla. baggage^aater. They cat tfcate war out with an axe gad ware not Injured. V ? GARRETT TO GULF ?he tin ta? r 11 o'clpck Friday T6r baton Rouaa. and will basin her next work whan the water* of the great Mississippi mingle with the waters of ten, purchased the Garrett, add It Is to he used by that system tor trans ferrins trains, thus connecting the Unas from Mexico City to New Or leans. :"??? |S ?' * ... the dlatafcce fro* Edenton to. 9a ten Rouge la aboat I,llt allele. and they hope to trarerse it. in Sla dais The Oarrett went sat ander her 91 wn steam . but wtJl he met at Ocracoke Inlet by the tog "Rescue," vol the Chapman Wrecking Co. and In charge of Captdl* Knight, of Norfolk. The Oarrett earTihd a crew of nine teen? lotir engineers, atx fireman, fenr quartermasters, two deck hands, one mate and one cook, and was in charge of Capt C. E. Willie, ol New York, who la a sea-going captain wboae experience In taking auch boat* makes Insurance companies se cure Jjls serrtces. The Oarrett Is built of Iron, Is Ml feet long, <1 feet wide, ll feet deep, and draw* 6 feet tM water light. When aha passed out the capes at Ocracoke Inlet land will ont.be sight ed. again antll she reaches Jnhlter lighthouse, Palm Beach, Fla.. where Captain Brewlnakl will he waiting to aaeh^^lngbyraU. Anotlier delightful programme la preortaed the patrona of the Oem the ater. tW^reWng. The show Satur day night waa well rend*ed and hlkMy complinfented. All during the Skaly patronised aad thlh coming I week thla place of fn* and merriment haa erery Indication of .surpassing last week's record. Among the films to he exhibited tonight la a iplendld Btograph, The Tenderfoot's Triumph. Nq IntroducOno III necessary when ons from thla flrnl is tb"M shown as their splendid pradnctloas are welt y * : ?- ra? freea and] with the1 adjourn MVMki Aldrich. er on the adopted wlhch widely differ la the **? M1U. streets of the town at all time*' of day and night. Take warning. you are being watched. " \ . * V : 1 ' COMMITTEE. The above letter 'fn received by ma on Thursday* the 2nd day of June. I , wish to thank the, OoxataltUw for their Interest In ay welfare and. to Maul* them thta their recant communication w^a appreciated. While I am grateful to them for th?jlr warning, I moat reepaecfttlly de cline to heed It. 1 hare been a reel-, dent of Washington since birth and Such acta adopted by "Committee" would knife a friend In the dark. If "Committee" will come in broad day light and not shirk about In the dark perhdpe he would be more careful how be given warning In the future. Perhaps my "no risible means of sup port" would beoome more tangible to his vision. The truth Is "Commit tee" lp not. wiell Informed and has some object In writing me such (?) timely advice. 'Vv I *m a law abiding cltlten and I don't propose to be dictated to by those of "Committee's" stamp. But for?the advice of my frlenda I would take no notice of such conduct. 1 publish the note I received to shdw NO NEAR BEER fltocky MoM Aldetaua UcIM TtuU ItetMIMIIIalBtM ? 4a to M loou.< Rocky Mount. Jans ? ? Every near bear saloon and ana tailing naar beer and Uka bereragee la cloeed today and for the Brat time Is year* a ml dent la Rocky Mount uuot sat the ml atuf , or th* naar article. All naar bear applications were Sled he tore the city aldermen laat nllhl, mad It waa thla bodjr that denied the priv ilege or selling. adn thla morning the propria tore of the four eattblleb menta were met at the door hjr an officer who Informed them that they could aot opea, aa the city had de Ined then license There were tour appHeatteaa aad the keepers were WtBlag to par the Ire hundred dol lara tn aa recently decided upon by the aldermen. According to the law reculattng thla matter the ehy fetb era muat paaa oa the application o ? a eery person who dealraa the llcenee. The trouble name about when the proprietor of the preaent eetabllah menta began aelllag a beverage that waa making the dnlnk eome all light, the many offeadera In the Recorders court teatifled taht they got Ircak on "near hear." It became so frequent that recently the Recorder ordered that the proprietor* ha taken by aur prtae and a sample o( all of his atock taken and aent off for aa analyale. The State law aaya that oter three per cent maker near bear Into the real' article, and It waa faaad that ever y man la the bpgtneea waa aelllag the aear article that contained .at leaat three aad a halt and even ap to Ave per cent alcohol. Thla waa a vio lation of the law and according t? the ordinance relative to the Issuance of license these persons abonU MMe been denied the privilege of selling. The entire matter was handled In an executive eeaaloa of the board of al dermen. aad the clerk and the two ofloers who gathered In the beverage were tbe only pereona preaent except the hoard members. During the same executive aeeelon the question of leauance of pool room license waa taken up aad dtopoeed of. There were so ran applicants and only floor landed the neceaaary conaent to o?ea .their plana. The trouble tero am- thc-jaMW-O III! lailhag tie business. and 1t -was afeewft that c6n-' siderable disorder *u allowed and oceiirwd to thoee place* that Uie. Hccpw waa denied. There were ap plication* from three persons who de sired to conduct colored pool rooms, hot it haa been the experience of the (Alice and the officers of the cltr that "much if the crime of the city hss some dating to these places, -and that they Have a tendency to cause a lees law-attdlpg plrlt among the colored rqjMjrtMa of the city. ^ '?*? ? CAH.Mj WORK Mt BEAUFORT BE1M- RAPIDLY PI KHEJ>. Beaufort, June 4. ? The work on the foland wattrwty to being pnahed ratiWOc-snd. _lhe csnnL will he opened for utflc In November. The two dredge boats ere about one mile apart. The United States govern ment dredge Cape Pear la working on the bar. The sand to pumped aboard and taken to sea and dumped. There to abont IS feet of water on the bar. ' ? CHILDREN'S DAY tnteresttofe Program -Carried Oat b y Children of Payne Memorial (ten day School Yesterday. The^fcundsy school at Payne Me morial Church celebrated Children's Da t- on y eater day. The church wai j Ailed and' all enjoyed the entertain-; ment. The chlMrea all carried out their parta well. ' The neat sum of 910 was contributed by the mite boxes brought In by the children. Thto goea toward a school building for girls at Nagoya, Japan. The pro gram carried out was as follows: Hymn. "Hosanna." Recitation. "Welcome." Clara Jackson. Responsive Reading. 8cbool. Prayer. Recitation. "A Cry Por Light." Martha Carmack. Hymn. "Send the Gospel Light." Recitation. "The Whisper." Hai- , tie Carmack. ? Responsive Reading. School. Recitation. "Rock of Agee.'r- Jen nie Jackson. The Missionary Creed. By. school. Recitation. "Our Prayer." By four girls. Hymn. "Awake." No. 111. Recitation. "Prayer Por Children Par Away." By Vita Sparrow. Recitation. "Lesson Prom the Clock,"' By twelve children. Recitation. "A Little Word." Hen ry Doughty. Recitation. "The Whole World." Caasle Lewis. Hymn. "The Banner of the Cross." Responsive Resdlng. School. .Recitation. "Japan." Mamie JEWS' EXPUfiflON TtL ? '' ? Berlin, June 4. ? The expulsion of I in Russia is increasing day by day, according to the dlapetche* re ceived y the Jewish Aid Society here. Up to the. present more then 30.000 Jews throughout the country lave been bxpeUsd from the forbid den territory, end not lose then 7,000 of these reelde in Kiev. In moet of the ceees no notice was given to the people, who were compelled to lee re Ike cities Immediately. sbendonlng their businesses . their houses and be longing* Doctor Bernard Kshn, secretary of the soelety. who Is In consunt com munication with Russia, says that some tradesmen end artisans form the majority of thoee expelled, and It la they who are placed In the moet dire straits. No dstalls hare been received of any facts of brutality towards the Jews, however. Btresms of emigrants a rep roceedlpg to the United Btatee, Canada snd the Argentine Republic, and. Indeed, wherever they heve rela tives but most of them under the guidance of Rabbis, are turning <0 Oriental Turkey, where the Jewls) leaders are making arrangement to establish colonies. ? ' ' VAUDKVTLLK ALL THIS WKKK AT THE GAIETY THEATER. The msnager of the Gaiety haa se cured for this week "Baby Irene, the Child With the Wonderful Voice," and "Mile. Tina, Change Artiat." These two artists are the beet in the eountry snd havjj recently played all the largest cities and are now on their way to the eKith ft Proctor thattrr ot New York City. They will 1 be at the Gaiety all this week and will change their program three times. The picture program for tonight is an exceptionally good ono, and no one should miss this good show. "The Old Fiddler" la- a strong rooMtiUc drama; "Red Hawk's Last Raid" is an Indian tragedy, and "Lo, the Poor I?4lM,'Me a beauttfu! Indian ro asano*. New *leturee wveey might. Come out and Join the merry crowd tonight KKBRIOV. The Board of County Commission ers are in regular monthly session to day. All the members are present. BOARD OF EDUCATION. The regular monthly- meeting of the Board of Education is In session today with. all the members present. f MAW NKORO K N I MRRATOM. Washington. Juno- 4. ? Of the ?5. 000 enumerators employed In gather ing* population aUtiHtics for the thir teenth census- 1 ,6W wtre negiues. Of1 these 1.295 wede In the Southern States. Secretary Nagel said today he had not heard a complaint about thalr work. They wore appointed after ex aminations and thus, he said, a good class of men was obtained. Figures are not available to show the Increase In the number of negro enumerators for the thirteenth cen sus over tohse employed In the cen sus talcen 10 yesrs ago. Officials however, express the belief that the Increase was considerable and point to the fact that South Carolina alone had ill negro enumerators, while 10 years ago It had none. Gaiety Theatre Baby Irene The Child With ?h? Wonrirrfol Voice. STATE DEPARTMENT ACTS WIU See That He la AtcMti W bmI Huum mm* Regular ? Mm tntda's Victory la Nicaragua la '' Complete According U D Received at Waahlagto*. San Juan Dal Bar. Nicaragua, June ? William P. Pltaaa. the Ameri can. who UM the alM at Bluefleld# for the Inaurgenta. was captured by the government troop# and will he tried by court martial. Thla waa made known today fal lowing the receipt by the government of the detatla of the capture of Blue flelda Bluff by the force# of Prealdent Mad rlt. The troop# paaaed to the aaaault over five mines, only one of which waa expfoded. Plttman waa wound ed and captured. It la aald, aa he waa engaged In operating the mechanics) through which the hidden engine# of deatructlon were releaaed. Plttman hall# from Boston. ? * Washington, June 4. ? The 8tate Department baa acter promptly In the caae of William P. Plttman, an American engineer, who la aald to have been captured by the Madrlz force# while operating with the Es trada army. 5, *"* V ' The following 18 a paraphrase of telegram# aent by the State Depart ment today to the American conaul ate at Managua and Blueflelda and to Commander Ollmer, of the Paducah: "There Is a newspaper report from San Juan Del Stir to the effect that William P. Plttman. an American cit Isen, so It If alleged, to hav? laid mine# while operating with the Ha trada force#, haa been made, pxiaoner by the Madrlz fee tee and la about to be tried 1>y court martlaf. It is un necessary to point out th*t Ala gov ernment -win Jealously acrutlnise the treatment accorded him which must be humane and regular. You will Immediately make inquiry and report to the Department." . ? If any further evidence were need ed to confirm . the officials here In their belief that Madrlz la following cloaely the case of Plttman. It la aald Plttman poaalbly may auffer * fate almllar to that which befell Orooce and Cannon laat November. The In timation was clearly given the Madrlz government that oame one would suf fer If ai)y summary or Irregular ac tion should be taken against him. What action thla government will take will depend largely upon the re ports from the United States consults at Msnagua and Blueflelda and from Commander Gilmer. Washington, June 47??' The com plete route of the Madrls forces la shown by belated telegrams received at* the State Department.* These tele grams Confirm the reports of the to tal defeat of the troops which have been operating in the neighborhood of Rama, Nicaragua. A dispatch rec fired today from Consul Moffat at Bluefields, dated last Thursday morning, says that the whole of the Mad r Is forces operating In thp vicinity of Rama had.bandoned their position after several hours of severe fighting and were in full re treat, having left many dead and wounded on the field, and tb*t Gen eral Mena, in command bf the Estra da army at Rama was in hot pursuit. All. dispatches received during the last several days from the East coast of Nicaragua Indicate that the Madrlz armies at Bluefields %ind at Rama practically have ben destroyed and that the .end of the fighting on the East coast, at least, seems to be In sight. 80 far as known at the .State De partment the only force which Ma drlt now has on the East coast, ex cept the few scattered bands now be ing pursued by the revolutionary armies, is on Bluefields Bluff and ft is problematical whether they will not be taken prisoners. Keeks Taft'* Aid. \ Cambridge, Mass., June 4. ? Will lam P. Pittman is the son of Mrs. Rachel Pittman, of 178 Spring street, this city. Tonight Edwin Pittman, a brother of William Pittman, In be balf of his aged mother, sent the fol lowing message to President Taft: | "As a mother, grief stricken over the news of the danger of my boy, William P. Pittman. who the news papers state may be shot 1or his part jln the Nicaraguan reyotutfon, I seek your Interference In his behalf. Re had been for four yeara In the United States government service In Pana ma. I only ask what Is my rtgbt as a mother, but If there is anything you Catr ffti'lTmpIore yni Co do It. "MRS. RACHEL PrTTlf AN." i !?KW AKVERTISEME.VTB. ? ? 0?m Tbwar. ? ? Octet? Tbuwr. ? ? J-.-*. Hort ? Shirtwaists. ? ? Wr Tayloe? Kllonm HuHdm. ? ? Norf