NESDAY AFTERNOON. 1CTNF.R-. mm. . ,. ';n WASHING' k'ft Club or Richmond, Va,. June t.' ? William H. white, prnMnloI the R.. F. and V. railway, today announced the com pel te enccaaa of (ha telephpne dla patching ayaUti Jaat placed In opera Mori between 1 Richmond and Waehlng ton. TeaU ahawad that the allchteai Whlnper can he heard orer the wire "The eyetem la quite diserent Iron the ordinary telephone aerrlco. Six ty-two paaaenger trains and thirty Irtlni irA handled dallv OlM - plect Sailor Suits, made of fine grade of English Reppe. Special at $5.50; this week for $3.98 I ? j ? > ? ?' One-piece Dresses, ot a fine grade Linene. Bul garian embroidery and lace I v yoke; this week $3.98 i A ? . ,?;* ? ! tt lv ?..4 l^BKiHbk&ijsXy Vilteii' SPECIAL. SAU^ OF LADIES' WASH SUITS AND DRESSES THIS WEEK Special lot ot Wflsti Suits, 'J slightly soiled, made o{ best grades, of Linene and $2.98 A tew extra Coats, slight X\ W; soiled, *1.5* vahie for 9?:.; $2.50 value for ] - m . '* H-sajs 1 ME '.VV^. ..- Jt * A .M*V- 1 CA big line' oft Lakes' W??h^ . nSP* deep 1(1 p'ice tQ mi Now ia the time you need tbat ' you can buy them bast "" See window display. . $ ..... j,t, ' /) - 1../5) J, *4 1 SY1VIA j MM left Monday mrfrnlng on the | Norfolk southern excaralon tor WU |?on. for the purpoee of eating th? cum of kail between Hot kj Mount and WItaon and to attend tke opera "Sylvia" presented thva by our local talent at tka Limia theater. Tke train 'left km about 11 o'clock and arrived at Wlkoa about i p. a.. Hop ping at every atalon along Ike Itne ?ad taking eta at each point qvUa 'a large auHtttr of people. kMH tWa cltr and Wilson. Much to the enjoyment of all. the Waehtugton Concert Band rendered .music all along tke roate. After ar riving at WUaoa the band marched down tka principal atreeu aad alar ad. Tfcey made twite a Ant wfcet^' ever tkay ? topped crowde of people voald'gatkar to bane tka One mnetc rendered by |kle well known mualcal orgnnlaatloa. One gentlaaan waa beard 4* remark that It w?a -The beat band that he had are* heard." ; Monday waa ?enaant day In WU aoa. aad tka paaaaat of 1???. woa by tke Wtlana team, waa laag to tke breeie while "Mile" waa re Die rod by our hand. The bandL alno placed eev-1 eral aelectloaa before (Olag to the ?Jalte a large aapaftpr. at our cltl tkeater. ! TCT- : *>jffCT'11 Uf "Betty" mad# . great Ut with the audience, being ipptauM fre quently. i *be pratty "Pamere" Daughter*" Were at their beet. and broeght forth conttmioue ??fcinda of kppkuic from the large an^ apprecia tive aedlenee. "The Cubaoola Ollde" proved to be" the hit of the aeeaoa., , The applauee continued until the en oere was reeponded to aany tlmee. "William" and "Do Lacey" were, ae uanal. equal to. the occaalon. and no better farmer ' oj court gentleman conld be fbond aniwhere. "Arabella" aiC'Mmta,'' lad lee of the court, called "forth pee la of laukhter , "Prince Tobbytum" warn the favorite of all, aad whenever he abowed him self upon the etage hewaa greeted with applauee. All Who attended the ?bow pronounced II the beat amateur performance they had ever wltaeeaed. Wllaon extended, greetlnga of wel come U' all vlgttora aad auatalned their uaual reputation aa on* of tha moat hoepl table towna la North Caro ltaa. All who were bo fortunate aa to be preaent In thTs thriving city lion day are anxiously awaiting the oppor tunity. of rapndhag flaalr vlalt. The train 'left Wlleon at .11. o'clock at Bight and arrived heraat t A-m. Fur aw yeara Mean haa rttsasSssa Ho tner. aor more typical type <* true Sonthern cltizenahlp Is to # be found within the border* of any com munity. Fair and lovely women' and hoapltaffty. dltlaaan of *e J. L5? prfrett type, aad othera, made the hearts 0j Waahlafftoa .m)ln ?!?*, aad It waa with ,the profonndeal gratitude that we can Mw extend tt) them the hearty crip of friendship! Hay they live Ions aad proeper. aad afford ua the opportunity at an earl J time of ahowlng oar gratitude In a more material way. STAVE MILL SOLD. The Atlantic Manufacturing and Stave Company's plant on Runyan'i Creek Wa a aold Monday, by H. C I Carter, receiver. Mr. Frank C. Kugler became the purchaser at 97,31ft. * The property aold Included the mill and all pereonal property. It brought full value and waa well aold. The liabilities will probably exceef the aaeeta by several thousand dol lar!. The News wishes for the new man agement auccess In lta venture. , f The real estate and timber of the concern was sol4 In New Bern ye* frday. ^ v SUPERIOR COURT Criminal M Dispoeed " * iito? .' 'SUte T?, June* Tbgmu, unult with deedlr weapon. Pleads guilty. ^amwra*.. Con Coatendro enured. ' Judgment suspended upon payment of COM*. SUM aa. James Uajrnor, col., car rying concealed weapon. .Heads guilty. .'Judgment euapended upon payment Of coats. - ? ? 8 late n Rick Fmmt. aaaault with deadly weapon. Nol proa. i Bute vi. mo eea Woodhouae. coL, larceny and. housebreaking; three aa***,- Sealenceg* to penitentiary tec I yWra for larceny; Judgment sue peadad aa to housebreaking. Bute va. Chaa. Barber, col.. Ur ceny. Plead entity. Sentenced to the penitentiary foe ? yea re. SUU>e. Chaa. Barber, ool.. aa aault with deadly weapon, carrying concealed weapaa. f. and a. and lar ceay. Plead guilty. Jadgment eva Ai^a . v Sut? re. Jaa. Moore. 1 f? eoL, nuis ance Nol pre* with leave. State ra. Katlld* 8heppard. col., disorderly bouae. Not guilty. BUM t*. Allen Grimes. col., lar ceny. Tried, guilty. eentenced to 1 year on ivmtj roada. Bute re. Will Burnett, col., lar eaay. Triad, guilty, aeatenced to ? months oa the ceaatr roada. Bute va. Jim IXgglna and Andrew Breakers, both colored, affray. Trtbd, guilty aa to Plgglas; Breakers not guilty. Dlgglne flaed 110 tad coau. SUte ra. AndnwJBreekers. Hoary Olarh. Wm. Joeee. tjennle Everett, an colored. ' gambling. Triad, all dTnllty. KUHasl Jtaea - peered - tor Judgment continued : defendant rffh ognlxed for hla appearance at October term. Henry Clark sentenced to SB day* on county roada, Andrew Break er* and borate Brerett aenteaeed to ?0 daya on coaaty roada. aule va. Jao. Perry, col., dleorder^ ly bouse. Not guilty. Bute ra, wm. Lee. col.; for murder of Peter Orlat. ' i ueBvencs hi ? - ? ?v.-- ? JXs \*\ Twewy lour now lm. \4* pjS- ' '***? ' ' HOURS (INSATISFAC FORY WiHirt Afim U?? l?-| It Wtishtagton u further from the lM?ge cities of this country today than | In recent years. The change til sche dule of the Norfoth southern makes all mall matter to and from this city twelve to twenty-four- hours later than before. The News Is In receipt of a letter from a nearby station com plaining of ths mall facilities. For Instance, a letter *ls mailed here to | night to be delivered to some person ? 9n a R;P. D. route from Chocowlnlty. 'say 'eight miles from this city. In ' stead of going to Chocowlnlty on1 the I night express It lays In the offlce here nntll tomorrow at 10:65 and reaches Chocowlnlty after nil R. F. D. car- 1 rlers are gone. It then remains In j the Chocowlnlty postoffloe until, next J day. requiring two days to deliver a ; letter eight miles away. Neither qf , the night tratAs carlfjr mall from this city. The ccfiMule should be changed or the trains required to transport the .'mkli: J . -- ' Ho.. June 7.? j*) M^rfeltlni plant, ? operation at the > (or twenty 7 ears, by Government In I. McHugh. Mold., Mia* and paraphe *tad *Hd two prls tfc ConfeMod having dollars, quar ? McHugh aay.. Mtlary for twan |A handed down oner. The man '^?jnaa, a flra knaaa city, and long-term prla prlaonera ware uttk)a*??urtous colna h* -placed a wat jjjytfrtlie suspected men In the hope mt eatehlng them In ;W counterfeit for quartar dollar*, and the other fori l-??nt pfecea. A ttfcall -platter