^ - WASHINGTOl NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY AFTERNOON/ JUNE 9, ?ll Na.att It -v. WSm Million More Keady if 1 Ralnllb. Jane 8. ? followlm a con ferenee of state bai>in - wlU- lt? Qoraroor and Council of atata. Traaa urar Lacy thla erenlng annoonced there are In bla handa blda for mora than t (0.000 la aaeeee of tbe amount needed to take up the entire laeue. In addition to Ihla be haa a oumbafr of blda in haad that came la the mailt today, not opwiad rat. and which ara not Included. Furthermore, It ffe ? el ope that banhara were prepared to eabacrtbe tor tlO.MO mora than * waro actually taVaa* In erentltahould be found aaramary. It la aatlmatad thtt wban the final blda ara opened tomorrow It wllj" ha fonnd that the blda ara half a million or mora ovec aubecrfbad to. r. Taamrarar. Lacy aaya Ea.^KJ Company, the principal officers of -which SffanriM tikm HCTffC ha felt confident the halapee K ab aorbad readily by baaklnc and other baalnpaa Intaraata of thoMUta. He calla eepaffal attention . to the fact that It raqolard leea tktt >0 mlnutea for the bankera to asbecrlba tor aa .((recta of ?l.?45.IOO thla .afternoon. Governor Kltchln Is en-, thufltsstic .over the resell of the con ferance. declaring It waa a aource of apaclal gratification to him that the bankera reloaded ao generally and adequately to an appeal ha found nee eaaary to mah* to them, their prompt I sctlon hsrlns oblltersted all necessi ty for an e*tra session. | iuu?|Of June 8. ? ?jprernor K itch in. the Council of Bute and fully 1 00 rtpiNMUtlTM of the buka of the State from Ashevllle to^Wllmington. were In conference for three hours today, golpg over the bond situation, . with Che result that ample provision la nwiid for taking care of the re funding bond Issue without bay Ins to assemble the' legislature In session. There was a call for subscriptions by banks Mid individuals. reftreeenUMf and subscription wers registered t| WHW IMUM. ;*% ?H ?d thmt .boat mar* wi. needed, and this Will sll be covered before the opening of the final bids tomorrow. ? The subscriptions ranged from 92,000 for some o* the small coutnry banks to 9100,000 by some *t the banks in the larger towns. In s discussion of the situation by 8tate officers and the bankers leading up to the call for subscriptions, the bankers made It clear that they re garded their first duty they oted to their home customers who required money fpr carrying on 'their business operations, but they realised that tb?ftf-was a gia?e ueod for help in this crisi# of the 8tate's>finanoes and they were willing to do all they poe aibl f could without leaving them selves without the means of meeting the cslls made on them at home for the current business of their patrons. too tfVCB CAT. ? . Wife Harbors 88, Husband Blames Them Wbea Iwd For Happprt. Boa toa, Juno.i.-T-Cats are tb* Idl est destroyer* of happy homes, ac cording to tha testimony offered In ? the suit brought for separate main tenance against Robert A. Pierce, s member of the faculty of Tufts Den tal School, by Mrs. Pierce, a cat fan cier. TBIT unique case was alrtd for ? three daya 10 the Worcester courts. Judge Chamberlain took It under ad visement. The Pierces occupied a handsome residence In Worcester for msny years. Acoerdlog to the doctor's tes timony, his wife had thirty-two oats. They crawled and miwed about the rooms and corridors. They slfept in the bath tub during the day and at night out-earusoed Caruso In the vol ume of melody that they ga ?? forth from their "sllrer throats." Csts ate at and on- the table regularly at meal times; crept. litfo 'coat pockets and established temioiury hemes In hats and other wearing apparel. Ac cordingly, last October, Dr. Plsrce and his wife agreed to break up their home. - 6, ???- ? ? 27 Womkn Swamp 7 Men at Polls defiant yellow btnntr labelled "Votes for Women" or "Twatlon 'Without Representation Is Tyranny." Mrs. Channlng pollock motored up. Mrs. Tully Marshall, wife of tbe actor, had l TOU US IWUIIUDO WIIU 111! |BT?I [call the meeting to order. Up jamm ed one of the -two men ap?. moved that said meeting be adjourned. Hla motion was promptly seconded by the other man. But K was no use. fdi the women . were there to rote. The motion for adjournment was Voted down. Then Mrs. Blntch . srose tc "We women are 'taxpayer* In this diet riot," she said, "and as tfcpayers we don't Intend to hare toVpay for unnecessary expense voted by men own half as much property as we do.' ForCVsruiuiv, m do not Initend to hare these men hoodwink us by holding meetings on the sly and trying to pass measures oyer our heads. We have exactly the same right to rote on all eebool questions as you men, and we are going to I. exercise It. I more that the appro priation for the new school house shall not exceed $ 1,500." la this district there are only pine children, and the men wished to rote an appropriation of at least $2,700 .to erect a school .building for them. They proposed this amount after Mrs. Blatch had offered her motion, and discussion waxed fast and furious. "I believe In our children having the best there Is." said a bachelor. "I thought you women cared for your kids," Intimated another benevolent men, "and yet you're afraid to spend ? " "Yes, we're afraid to spend the tax money we pay pa 'grafters who'll' divide the profits on their bulldlnr contracts with those who held secure those contracts,", retorted one of the women. "If the money Is honestly spsnt, 91. BOO is an smpie sum to build as good a school house as we need." The result was * foregone conclus ion, for when the vote was taken the twenty-flye women were lined up sol idly against the seven men. Theq the women permitted the chairman to adjourn: tUl next Tuesday and walked out, after aweotly assuring their van quished townsmen that "well all meet again next week." l|S|g"lf? '^'rt^?f>EGIAUxSAUE OF . . LADIES' WASH SUITS AND DRESSES THIS WEEK /"vne - piece Sailor Suits, vV made of floe grade of English Reppe. Special at $5. W, this week for $3.98 ?in - - ? i ? ? ,r fvne-piece Dresies, of a Ttf fine grade Linene. Bul garian embroidery and lace vrtke: this week. - S'Vi >eeial lot of W; slightly soiled, it grades of Lii ppe. Price 15.' AH few extra Coats, slig ly soiled. >1.5# v? for 98c.; $2.50 value, for *r? aamu. AtTMted. A lectliig Mr lhi ton of Hulet, N. J., yesterdsy on Wast street, the polio* bellove they hsve pat an end tooths operation* ot *n especially suece*fu! collector of fraudulent damages. . r >, | The prisoner 1* a widow and she waa arrested on a warrant Issued by Judge Crain, ot the court ot gfneral j sessions. The particular offense for ( which she was arrested was the al leged collection of $500 from the N. [T. Central as settlement from the road for Injury which. It Is claimed. I she 414* aot reeeire. ?hralcUns certified that the Injury for wtt * she secured damages was sta old oi The complainant la Frank N. Arnold, secretary of the Alliance for the Pre vehtton of Accident Fraud*. The money .waa paid to her on October It, 1946/ la November of , that year aflkla rlta were flled with the dtatrlct-attor ney setting forth that the woman had received money from .a number I of railroad companies I* the Kast, and it waa claimed that l? all cases the alleged damagea were fraudulent. A warrant wm Issued, but the woman could not he found. Not lohg ago. however. Detectives Russo snd Thomas, of th*;*?il?t-*tt?rBay's of I lc*. learned lk.1 ?h. wu IM( I* she ?h?ttl4 to No# Tor* to a^ tVost her. They found ber yesterday | West street. In the report made to the dlftrict i attorney the. {otlo wing are *ome <}f the dolus which the woman la charg ed to hare made^ataMttt railroad*: * J tine, imr agalnat Pennsylvania i Railroad; collected $1,000. October, 190?. against Manhattan Elevated; no eettle?ent. August, l t?t, against Brie Rail road; collected ISO*. September, af 06, against Brooklyn Rapid Transit Con pan j; collected IM. January, 1907, agalnat Central Railroad of New Jersey; collected $160. March, 1907, against Philadelphia and Reading RaMroad ; collected 9 150. September, 1907. agalnat Lacka wanna Railroad: collected ISO. March, 1*08, agalnat New York, i New Haven and Hartford Railroad; no aettlemenL March, 1908; Against Ixhlgh Val 1 lay Railroad; no settlement t " May, 1908, again* R. H. Maoy ft ' Co.; 41?0. ? : . tlement. i In May, 1908. she brought a sec i ond suit agalhst the Pennsylvania i Railroad. This time ahe claimed that ? she met with her accident In Phlla ? delphla. The officials discovered that I she had been paid money once before t and took no -notice of her claim. VIC AT AN REBELLION 18 GROSSLY EXAGGERATED. Washington. June 7. ? Woyd of the revolt that has broken out among the fTr *11 Yfftf ***?'' .. rfr-f celved tonight by 8enor lie La'Barra* Mexican Ambassador here, from the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Information was in reply to a query made td his government by 8enor Dela Barra. The message he received tonight said that the rebel lion is not serious and that early rumors In regard to the matter were grossly exaggerated, the number of Indians In rebellion not being large. The Mexican government la ttklng active steps "to put It down quickly, and surely, according to Senor Dela Bafra'a advices. JAPAN TO JOIN IN RACE FOR SOUTH POLE HONORS. Yokohama. June 7. ? Lieut. N. Shlrase of the aray reserve, is or ganising a South Pole expedition and hopes to start at the end of July oi the 'beginning of August, in a 150 ton schooner, with auxiliary engines and a crew of fifteen. His proposed route is to Ed*ard VII Bay and thence by sleigh toward the pole. He will take fifteen sleighs and Manchurlan ponies. Lieutenant Shlrase Is a seasoned traveler. He is the sole survivor of Lieutenant Gunjl's Kurlle expedition of 1898. He spent a year among the Eskimos in Altaka twelve years ago. Count Okuma, Marquis Katsura and others are Interacted in the pro ject. hoping tl)at Japan will win the glory of dlacoverlng the South Pole, but funda are atlU Inadequate. * Ml DEFEND FLAG I ?? / " > ?'At tbe FkU Shot Fired Against U. S. Flag I Will .Level Muff", ? ? - COM. HINES WARNS R1VAS Al Pint SUM viltt AfciiUM Aoortfw Fb| or Y?t'C *IU"Wrt BM*. He Warn OomI MlasM n? n*. ???.? o? iH" *??>??? Hit ot America. ftoL ' H? hu warned Coaunaiiler Hlnee that he will pramt hi for**, regard ItM of flax, any further MMls from S Urln( the "harbor. Ia rvaponie to la, the Atoorlca* rommar.d'1 r Im mediate^ aent to Mm Ikrtbon me* ?ar>, which wpald raeam t^? nnnlhl SttM of tho handful : of ^drU troops now remaining In tkl* ' A critical sltuaUon Jttfc jjhus arisei) which may Involve the United State*, bat the American officer*! hare are" of the opinion that J3*i?rat Ritas will aot attempt to mak* good his threat in an effort to o?Mset customs duties. There are constant, fcjmora of threats againat the lire ^f ^Thomas P. Moffatt. the American consul hctoe. and the whole altuation at BluefleldB, Instead of quieting has' Assumed a more, aerloua aspect Washington, June 7. ? The ?n?w? that Commafider Mines threatened ] bombardment of Blhetelda Bluff In caae the Madrja forcea attempted In state Department the Nary Depart ment some days ago Issued compre hensive orders to the commanders of the naval veaaels standing guard off Blueflelds, and the State Department simultaneously served notice on President Madrls that ibis govern ment would not recognise the right of the Madrla government to collect customs dutleai after the Estrada par ty had removed the customs house to the city. . That a clash mlght come sooner or later was the general fear when the .orders were issued. 1 ft- YEAR OLD GILR MISSING PROM HOME NEAR NORFOLK . Norfolk. June 8. ? Almost heart broken and greatly agitated, William Buford, residing on Fortieth street, Lamberts' Point, an employe at the city gas works, went to Central- po lice station last night about 11 o' clock and reported that his daugh ter, Mamie Buford, aged 16, had mys teriously disappeared from the fam ily home durfng the early part of the evening and no trace of her had been found up to th^ time he made his report. The young woman, ac-. cording to the story her father told Captain Dalton, temporarily In charge at the police station, is afflicted and Mr. Buford greatly fears that some bodily harm has overcome her. Miss Buford is described as hav ing. light hair and a scar on one ear, received by a fall when a child. She wore a black skirt. f . COLLECTION OF MAIL? The hours for collection of mail from the street boxes have been changed. The collection of mail In the ntoralag Is the same as before, 6 o'clock. In the afternoon mall will be collected .at l.tO, Instead of *.40 as heretofore. The abov^ change was made necessary by the change of schedule of the Norfolk Southern f trains. AURORA'S GAME Auoni Boy* Com Back MiMf ud Wallop the Local Awipttwi to , the Tune of y to 3. After the |aue of Tuesday which the local* boy* took by the handsome ?core of 4 'to 0 and the classy toov they made on tae grounds iuai aiter qood. {here was lou o t confidence expressed try the home rooter* Chat yesterday > contest would go the aapda^ay ? an easy one lor Wash ington. But atrange fie say some* thing ,??emed to go a miss, and toe )|ome hoys from the very oeglnnlog seemed to be In about aa desperate ?traits as was possible tor nine yfitng huskies to gat In. The- Aurora swatter* would swat the ball hard and often, and then do It all over again. The Washington boys would grab t be ball and then boot It around tor awhile and by time more run* had been accumulat ed by Aurora. Twas a sad sight, and only once did * ray of light penetrate the dark clouds, and that was in the ninth, when they get together and found the speedy Aurora pitcher for a home run and several hits, thereby accumulating four runs, but It waa too late to overcome the long lead of m\ Aurora boys and thu* we have to chronicle the 'hew* of defeat, v While the game was ef a ragged description, yet several gee individ ual play* were e*4e. BapeclaUV is the running catch by rVfreston deserv ing ef favorable motion. ? ? 1 ? ? MUCH INTEREST ? lbM|U ? UrMt | *?'?* Card. Marti 1M?M Judging from the preparation^ be ing made by the Woman's Betterment Association and the Souhtern Cotton Oil Company for the demonstration of Wesson Snow Drift Oil which be gins here Monday, Jane 13, and con tinues (or one week. thla demonstra tion Will be Um greatest thing of th? kind ever given In Washington. The demonstrations will be made In 4 he room Coraftrly .occupied by the/Ciaunber ot Commerce, It Is be ing fitted up wltfc electric lights, elee trlc fanaanri telephone. . Horaei and carriages will be fur nfsBed ;for those unable to walk from ttteir homes, a committee of ladles from the Betterment Association will have charge of -the demonstration each day and they will jaaaie a com 'm!tt?e of ;o??c lallM *ho >111 wait ?m k 'flrtmfcn d?nr uilMd aulr wjf be rendered during each demonstrp tiW.' . . The Southern Cotton Oil Co. are giving an exhibition of this character In Raleigh thfs week under the aus ! 'pices of ttfe Woman's Club. The 'menu yesterday was as follows: MpNU | Cream of Asparagus Soup \ * Cream Chicken on Toast Tomatoes, Mayonnaise Hot Rolls Coffee Ice Tea Extras. ? - - nirhrriiri Snowdrift Cake Strawberries Every one should see the demon-* strati on here next week. "SVLVU" TH) UK REPEATED HERE TUESDAY, JUNE 14. "Sylvia," the local tajent opera which was so successfully presenter In this city and Wilson for the beneO of the T. M. C. L, will be repeatec here on Tuesday, June 14. at the opera house. "The Cubanola Glide" which made such a hit In Wllaon, will be introduced between the acts as a specialty. The Washington Concert Band win furnish the music. The prices will be reduced to 15. 25 and 35 cents. POTATO MARKET. Shipments continue heavy and the price about steady. Good stock is to day bringing from $1.25 to $1.50 l*r barrel. GUII/TY OF MANSLAUGHTER. Two Yeam In the Penitentiary Was the Bentoace. ? Wm. Lee, colored, was yesterday found guilty of manslaughter for the killing of Peter OrlaL Judge Allen this morning sentenced him to two years at hard labor In' the State prison. A lot of Suits made of a good Linene. Special at $3.49, to go this week at only $2.98 Best grade of Reppe and 'Crash Suits, made'i? very ..attractive and smart $3.98 Genuine Ramie Linen Goat Suits, white and colors, special at $7.50; to go at - $5.98 Qpecial lot of 'White Lin ene Skirts, slightly soil ed. For this week's sale they will go at 79c. Eastern Carolina League. Wilson 2, Rocky Mount 1. Fayettevllle 4, Goldsboro 0. Raleigh 2, Wilmington 6. etufc*. Wrx n 1 j\aL T> P Wilson 12 3 '.800 Fayettevllle .'....10 4 .714 Goldsboro 7 8 .467 Wilmington 6 9 .400 Raleigh 5 9 .367 Rocky Mount 4 11 .267 VAUDKVHJJ? AT THE GAIETY. The vaudeville this week needs no oost or comments, It speaks for it .elf. All those who witnessed the performance the last three evening! were more than pleased with thelt work. The songs last evening were all new. Mile Tina had the audiencc going with her lightning changes and no one could hardly. believe It was the samp person. Baby Irene *ras bettor than ever, and her volet pleases all who heard her. She has won great praise In the city and de serves all the applause she receives The vaudeville change* Friday nlghi and ag u a ran tee la assured It will tx as good as the first. New pictures tonight ? no repeat ers ? two new ones. "Her First Ap pearance" and "Aaplnta," which ii a striking story of Old Mexico, full o action and interest. Don't fall to se< our show tonight, a dollar show fo a dime. Vaudeville all the week. A groceryman can usually tell whei his customers begin saving mone for their summer vacations by th way they quit paying him what the; I owe him. Rente Yesterday National League. St. Lools 0. New York Cincinnati U. Brooklyn' t. Flrat ffame ? Pittsburg 0, Boston 4. Second same ? Pittsburg 3, Boston 2. Chicago 7, Philadelphia 3. American Lecgnr. Washington 1/ Detroit 5. Naw York 4, St. Louis 4. (Game called at end of seventh Inning, rain. ) Philadelphia* Ctovelnad 1. Boston 4. Chicago B. ? nwiiis Flrat game ? Greenville 5, Spartan burg 4. Second game? Greenville' 8. Spartanburg 4. First game? Charlotte 6. Greens boro 4. Second game ? Charlotte S. Greensboro 0. First game -Anderson 6, Winston Salem 3. Second game ? Anderson 0, Wlnston-Balem 2. ' f Visit Utnthtmti Cttjr Md Are Kat?r tateetf at AtDkatlc Hotel. : Merehead City, #,* C-. Jane 8.? President E. T. Umo end a number of the official* of the Norfolk South ern railroad visits* the Atlantic Ho tel Tuesday. The special tValn ar rived about 6: SO o'clock In the afty noon. ?t 7: SO a seven-course dinner was served, after which, the guests enjoy ed a musical. . given by EUam's or- 1 chestra. The party was composed of the following gentlemen: VV- H- Hudson. Norfolk, Va.; H. I. Hodgins, Norfolk. Va.; F. L. Nichol son, Norfolk. Vs.; M. Man ley, Nor folk. Va.; M. 8. Hawkins. Norfolk, Va*;. R. S. Anderson, Norfolk, Va.; Virgil Walker, New Bern. N. C.; E. R. Balrd. Jr.. Norfolk, Vs.; J. E. , Oo\Md. Norfolk. Va.; 8. R Matthes. |New Bern, N. C.; F. 8. Baggett, Nor folk, va.; F. K. Mayo. Norfolk. Va. 8everal Asking parties left the ho tel today, among them being Mr? Ji. W. Scott and party fran Qraham, N. G. Mr. Scott is s most sui yarful fisherman and has had phenomenal luck with drum fishing, especially. Mr. and Mrs. W? A* Kennedy, the prize winners of sheephead fUhlr.*. will no doubt beat all former records this season, as the seamen say the schools of fish are unusually large. Quite a number of troi\t and 8pan!sh mackerel are being caught each day. The recent Improvements In the hotel, and. the artistic decorations are proving most attractive and being favorably commented on by all the gvesjp. , Col. Morton feels assured of a splendid season, as the bookings are larger than ever - before since the management of the hotel has been In his hands. He expects a large number of gueats from Georgia, Tennessee, 8outh and North Carolina. HE FINES CLUBMEN Judge) Prf/Ffated the Price at 140# for Organization. THE CASE WAS SUBMITTED Charlotte C lub, mm! Clibara Are Greatly Wixtujhl I'p Over Develop. ?ettt-VoMg Mm Who Carried Hlii Child Awaj From Jurisdiction of Court Returns and is Fined. Charlotte, N. C? June 8. ? Conster nation has been created among the doien or aa re cluba of the city, alt of which were Indicted by the grand Jury in February for violation of the prohibition law, when Judge George P. Pell, recently appointed to the bench, Imposed a fine of four hundred dollars on the Buslnsaa Men's Club today, following a submission to the charge by the club through Mr. Plummer Stewart, bis attorney. 1 It had been predicted that theee cases would never amount to much by not a few cltlsena here, while oth ers were inclined to await develop ments. Today's stand taken by the court consequently has stirred up the other clubs indicted and the opera tion of the locker system will be guarded with exceedingly careful watchfulness In order to avoid any infractions of the law. Aa the club fined today will hardly be able to raise one-half the amount of the fine, as a corporation. It being such, the situation Is.a peculiar. one. and prom ises Interesting developments. The court ordered Immediate Issuance of execution for the collection of the money, and how this fine will be paid is the question that the public is speculating upon. TWO RIOGRAPHH AT THE GEM TONIGHT ? S REELS. Tonight the Qem has two good Blo graphB, His Last Dollar, a delicious bit of comedy representing a young man attempting to do some enter taining upon his last dollar. There Is of course a young lady in the case who desertn him for another after his money has been spent. Many a young man can appreciate this picture to the fullest ?xtenL ? The Smoker Is an other spelndld Blograph. Much clev er acting characterizes this excellent picture. This film has received much attention and well deserves the praise that has been given It by the critics. The Fu?d. one of Kalem's heavy dra mas, has for Its basis a feud over a boUnary. t love affatr to make it lnteretsing. The plcturl Is full of action, and the dramatic fea tureB are so well developed giving the picture that touch of life certain to attract. Other good pictures will be shown tonight. Friday night a beautiful and costly set of china plates will be given away. These are the most beautiful of all prizes the Gem has ever given away. FIRE DRILL HAVES PUPILS FROM HARM .. IViifln Ea&l HnithPrfo^, ft. J., fle Ided to build a new schoolhouse to ake the place of an ol<T iwo-story trick school, many parents breathed asier. because it was said that if here was ever a fire in the old bulld ng. most of the children would burn 0 death. The principal of the school, J. Ogley. demonstrated yesterday hat with his fire drill It would take 1 pretty auick Are to get any of his ittle folk. The old and new building stand ilde by Bide and had eight hundred children in them at 11.30 a. m. yes terday. when smoke was discovered doming from the basement of the old building, where lumber was stored. The jthool gongs were sounded for the flreSirill. Instantly each child dropped books, fell into line and hustled for the stairs? rapidly, but in perfect order. In 50 seconds every child in both buildings wrb out on the sidewalk, still In line and in or der. When the firemen arrived the children were marching away from the building. The quick work of fire men saved not only the old building, but the new one. The damage was about $2,000. The origin of the fire Ik unknown. MOTORBOAT PARADE. The Tar Heel Motorboat Club will give another squadron drill and ma rine parade tomorrow afternoon on Pamlico river. All boats are request ed to assemble at the Black Beacon below the Norfolk Southern bridge promptly at 6 o'clock. Public cor dially invited to witness parade from docks and county bridge. PICNIC. A large number of people left tht? morning on the Baptist picnic. The boat left -Fowle's dock at 9 o'clock for Riverside park, where fhey will spend the day. ? ' NKW ADVERnSKMESTR. ? Geo Theater.- i ? Gaiety Theater. ? J. K. Hoyt.? Coraeta. ? Bloodlne. ? Mrs. Summers.' Remedies. ? Mother Gray Powder* ? Doan's Kidney Pllla. ? -Card til.

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