rift* cash. Apply to A. P. Gur I " - MILK AND CREAM FOB i sale. J. H. Boon. 118 West Third street. 1 4 | NEW COR.NRD PORTSMOUTH J Dressed- Mullete at E. K. Willis*. ; KIN* GEORGIA PKACHKH, FIOHI da tomato**, Indian River ultigfcp plaa, Jamaca bananai, all gain* I cbaap at ~W. J. Rhode. " '? ' VOR HALM ? SO HIJHHfXS UI,A('K peas. Dr. J. T. Nicholson. Bath. N. C. 1? ? ? T? Doa't so around with . a grouch. You make yourself disagreeable to everybody. Tour mental attitude Is doubtless due to some physical ail ment. . Get a package of Holllster's Rocky Mountain- Tea. See how quickly that will banish your trou bles and enable you to see "blighter side." Hardy's Drug Store. | "UTILE ICE (BEAM By degress Roosevelt seems to be winning the Mteem of the folks aero? the crater. Any Kmd.jk Ti Caps and Rubbers for same. Walter Credit & Co. 'Phone 89. (Quotation! furnl.bod by H. B. H*jo > Co-pMT.) "*""U I7e ???? Tallow . Chicken., grown, each Spring chicken! 16 ?1'S* Ducki 20?2Sr Oraeu salt aide*, lb Green bldea, lb Or* hide., lb Wool, free from burra. Ib Wool, burry lOOlt^c 17. . .10? i?e . .16?S0c . . 6 ? 10c . .7d?7fic ROASTED BT OAS. la aald by expert! to be the beat way of baring your awt. rout ed dellcloualy, as you cjn ro? ulau the temperature at your OTar better than by any other procaaa. Equip your kitchen with a ga. range and you will ? avail youraelf of the advantage, to be gained by the Ideal meth od of eooklryc, wh^ch 1. by p* Clean, economical and eOclent. we will connect, your* range FREE thla month. WASHINOTOX UCHT * WATER COMPANT. Naw York. lfr. E. H. Whitley returned thla morning from a bus 1mm trip to Bel baven. Mr. A. D. McLean left thla mom ins tor PJftnoaUi on professional bus Mr. W. H- Baker left thla morning Tor Edenton to spend Sunday with hla family. Mra. W. H. .Morgan and daughter left today for City to vtalt re la tire* and friends. Mra. John Hooten, of Belhaven, la apehdlng the'dpyln the city. Mr. and Mra; El. I. Leary, of Golde boro. who hafn;bean the guests of Mra. Le^ys parenta. Mr. and Mra. Wyatt Laughlnghouse, for aeveral days, left for Bdenton thla morning tp vlalt relatives and friends. Mra. Tom Tooten and Mra. Nat Potter, of Edwarda, passed through the city today enroute to Washing' ton, D. C. Mr. J'. S. Small ,who haa been spending his annual vacation with his x paernts, , Mr. . and Mrs. W. P. Small, left for hlii home In New York thla morning. * Dr. A. K. Tayloe left thla morning fdr Columbia to operate on Miss Sue Wllklnaon for appendicitis. ttery that WIB ie Appreciated by Knights of tha Co*. Calrfn Demareet, tha. amateur bil liard champion, described at a dlnnet tn Chicago some poor billiard tabled. "One summer in the country." he said. "another man and I were over taken by a storm and had to go Into a tavern for abelter. The rain fell steadily. We had three or four long hours before us. Time began to hang heavily on our bands. ? 'Landlord/ MM* I. 'do you happen to have a billiard tabler "?'Sure,' aald the laadkord. Sure. Just ate^ thls way. gants.' "He proudly, w threw open the door of a dark, stuffy room. We saw an antiquated table with a patched cloth, and in the corner waa a rack of crpok sd cues. - x " 'Any ballaT* aald L " *8ure,' aald the landlord, and he unlocked a closet and laid on the ta ble thme white balls, all alike? thera was no spot, you know. " *Bot. see here.' I remonstrated. Txow oo you tell these balla apajjtT* "'Oh. that's all right, said be." T'ou aoon get to know 'em by their shape.'" ? Washington Star. 6 or 6 dosea of "666" will cure an> case of chllla and fevor. Price fie. TVflac Mr play off cool. Don't ka BO Mlaa J up* tool. HP B?eo If WU. Jul ahoold fool you I'M can depead upon Mlae July M rnm Ao?un far MPTMlatloa ot Cry* U1 1 1 ? mc(M WASHINGTON. N. C. OLD BAY LINE FLORIDA, VIRGINIA & ALABAMA I Flnaat United a?M Mall Steam era South of Now York, equipped with United wlralea* Telegraphy ul ?T.rj modern con Tecleuce (or tha pleaeure | and comfort of tba t rani of. Learee dally, exoept Sunday., a. follow.: Porumoutt 6.30 p. M 1 i (.MM ?M 7.10 P. M. Steamer. arrlre Norfolk . 1. 00 A. M. Connecting with all llnaa South and Waat. Ticket, aold to all vpolnu. North, Baat, w?at and Canada. Pot Information aa to tlckata. etateroom reeer-ratlona, ate., apply by 'phone, wlra or letter to J. W. BROWN. JR., Southern Pauenger Agent, ltt Muln ?treat, Norfolk, Va. Or. Neeley's WONDERFDL positively cures Rheumatism Permanent results as sured-not temporary relief. If troubled with this dread disease try one bottle. Prices 50c. and $1.04 per bottle. For sale by DR. HARDY, Sole Agent for Wash ington and vicinity. . /'Personal magnetism*' Is simply 'nervous energy." As Hollltter's [Rocky Mountain Tea enriches the blood and Improves the circulation, naturally It feeds the nerves, also In creasing nerve power and personal magnetism. Sold <by all good drug alsts. Hnrdv'n Drue Store. I will ba a candidate Mm UM Damocratlo prlBarlac and tea MM Domocratlo Dlatrlat OomlM, Car flnt Judicial District of tela state I nntM tea support of an P? ? crata. U nomlnatad and alactad 1 promlaa to dlaekarga tha dattea of MM o?M. fairly aad impartially without (tar or faror. Fabruarr 1, uu. NORWOOD U B1MMON8. RISGS HOUSE WASHIN6T0N, D. C. The hotel "par excellence" o! the National Capital. iu all appoint ments. Opposite the II. S. Treas ury; one Mock from the White House. An illustrated Guide to .Washington will be mailed, free of charge, upon re ceipt of. two 2-cent stamp s , 0. G. STAPLES, Proprietor. ' HOlXtSTSR'w Rocky Mountain 1 m Hugttfj AkmMlditlM Bet? to**. AijIMufer onsili>?tlun, IndL^siion. Llr** P>?pl?fc. Eox*tnk. Impart Blood. Bjul Jr??tfa. HI v??Uh Bowel*, ilfsdacj. Md BMltyh*. I ta Rooagr Monnf.ln Te* In t*.s Vet form. ? itoli * box. Oenulne hj Houjsto Dii u Com taut. JPU. ?OUE* WJGbETS FN SALLOW -eOPU I)R. HARDY'B URCO 8TI.RB The Emergency Remedy . Vlck's Croup and Pnuemonla Salve will mto lickoeM and ?ufTertng and dollars. Get Vlck'a ? the old reliable. aOc, 50c and fl.OO. FOR FEVERISH XrfSS and 1CHIXG ['Whether from Halariou* c? ndltlcns. I Colds or ayerheatlcK. try Ht ;ks* Cap I udlne. It reduoes the feve- and re lieves tha aching. It's liquid ? 10, ' 25 and 50 cents, at drug st< res. POR Whether sch or Norrons will relieve yon. It'a llqu._ ant to take ? act* Immediately it 10. 25 and 60c. at drug stores. ? i? : > NOTICE. ? ? Conductors' excursion! to Norfolk via. Norfolk Southern Railroad June 14. 1910. WILL NOT take on *^aaen fters from Washington. A. W. HAWKINS. Chairman. SAME PRICES: S and 10c. SAME HOURS: | l.ow much light cr. electric !anw will , give rrthcu: tryirj it Hi". . | G. E. Tungsten ?,?> j iRinti rj c.p. 1u!i> jHtw t?occ r? :-.c ?\c o:." -C.:v Jam;. t.J u:;3 2C~C' lcrt c^rrau. I The Qusii*;' c? Light it Ur^rptr-.-cJ V. c can ?* ".yn.tv )our light ing end text .you morrey. - J A?L ui to-dcy nbou* Tuog?teoXac2p? WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT. Office City Hall. 1 ' i ??< i lOO CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTf ! ! On Market and Bonner Streets, Known as the Nicholson Property, Owned by Messrs. Nichol son and Dumay Best Property Ever Offered in WashingtoA, N. C. ' ? ? i . -i > f ?? ? * ? - TUES?m j|^SlE^4f 10.30 A. M. . '? ? : ? i ? 'roBHiV ' v { 2 u : ? 4 * - >-#4 > " .?^OJk? ; V ,T , >; -"??"* . * ?. \' "j ' * 1 "'icN I ? ' ? Sale Takes Place on the Grounds. Liberal Terms eVerclm. Discount for Cash. ; riusic Furnished by Richardson Bros.' Brass Band See Penny Bros. Sell Lots One a Minute c . : _

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