NO. 27 THURSDAY AFTERNOON. JUNE 1*. 1 91%, ditatry In tha United Statea, corvine annual pro*! action. ralue of lint per pound, consumption. ?! porta, 4 ha# Import*. Mm it?o. la iHren I* ofla of the Mia. .While the eeater of production tor tka crop I* 1?*? Imu not bm definitely d? WtaUMLIt is haoarn that, >iihm of the relatively jreatar lota Is the crop went bf the' MtaeUalppl It will be prlofra of cotton and tboee of Uo two leadlnc'feia^l*, corn ?4 wheat.for ?elected aw ahowa la a 41a ?? and j.n??qt an InterMtlnf re fareaca In coyaetten. wltH.Utt devel opment and the preaent atatos of a? rtcalfiiWlo thla conntrr. The ?a ssttwrsttft? pouaA'far MUoaela t??t. tl.-i wnta per hoafeel fw <*ra la UM. and 4?.l centa iWr- budHaf for Wheat In int. It la atate*'th*f *hea the ralnme of the prejehl prlcea of tlm product* tbaarare tha tnailafc atapja prodaeta liUeat Since 1W3, Bat Most sr Produced. SUM* prior to Tl?. tM Indo.trj *M not >r Imnaruim belore 1S7Q Ttal? w?T? T of tesnaifSM 150 iB the pntm the eftmlng of In 1900; 1*. 01 3.000 bales In 1008; 1S.S12.000 b*le? In lt#7; 10.042, 000 bales la lftgt; 16. 747.000 bsles In 1005; and 18.898.000 bale? la 1904. The average production of cotton far the world during the last six years was 17,802,010 bales, or about 1.80S;909 bales more than the pro duction In 1900. it ' ta cautioned that the flgurqg concurs the world's mill consumption of cotton and not the tolal produc tion. la 1000 the United States con tributed 60.0 per cent of the com mercial cotton; British * India,. 81 S per cent; Egypt. 5.5 per cent; and Russia, 4.8 per cent. , The world's production In 1000 amounted to about 8,070.000,000 pounds, raltsed at about $1,000. 000.090. The third part of the bulletin re lates to the supply and distribution of cotton for spOclfted periods In 1900 and 1010. It reviews the bu isnu's compliance with a jotnt resolu tion ot Congress, approved February h 1006. under which W>rU hare been compiled slnce ^hat yosr. ?bOW: ins tor ft* S; ypar on4*g ? Asgust M, ^he ouptfrof coUau made up of that that ginned during Che year, and that On hand at the beginning of the year. ^PfC3AL VALUES IN Wanted Fabrics ? 39 Inch Cross Barred] Flaxon, , 3* in^h. Plain Flsxon, 18 and 25c. M Inch All Linen, natur al shade, -V ?" 19c* H 86 Inch 'Heavy Ramie r te Coat Suits add Skirts, W> 39c. Hfc** Oil for No. tttand you ill get a Mercerized Black Poplin nowhere else equal ed.' Price f \ 25c. Wash Chamhrays, with woven stripes, wort' 12 1-2 cents, for ^ , ; Regular 12 l-2c. Bleach ing for Friday and Satur day, not over J5 yards to 9c. 1 tkera were Wa, or tl.t per east. nmiM la tbta country: 4.; Ula. g?'?.riir Mt. u ported: wUk t.4??K? fcalaa. or ?4 par cant, reaalaad la U? United state. at the cloaa of tka period. Aufuat'Sl. IMr. tbe proportion oon alant ?% M.778 balea 01 6?o pounda (?ch.tand thl. cotton w*, r?Uuwt at M.BOO.m. or tbm ImpaiU.^ J* MW Pound*. mM u MK.Mi, caaie from P**<i;ij|44dll poo?i1 valued at tUi.Wf! tram Chtn?: and 441.S15 pounda. Yilu?d'kt\|4l.7?8. from India. the remainder. 41,14*. ?SS pounds. Yarned at |7, <71.1*1, practically reprtaents the quantity ??d value o < Egyptian ootton trnixjrt ed during the period. ' * . The conaumptlon of cotton during the six-month period eliding Febru ary 28. 1^10, amounted to 2,533^99 running bales, distributed according to locality as follows: Cotton-grow ing states. 1.232X89 bales; New England states. 1,050.770 bales; and all -other states. 255.940 bales. ^ . Included In the statistics of the tojal consumption for. the six-month period are 79.718 bales of foreign cotton, distributed a^Jfollowa: Egyp tian. 68.991 bales pf 500 pounda each; Peruvian. 7.154 bales; Indian. 5,062 bale*;. 'and Chinese, 611 bales. The quantity of llntir cotton con sumed during the six-month' period an* Included in the atatlitlce apounta to 91.097 bales. . ' 1 ht<xk? el Cottsn February 38, 19lO. Of the total stocks of cotton In the country at the close of baai^ess Feb ruary, 28, 1 999, 24.6 per cent was held hytasaauffccttrers, and 42.5^ per cent in independent warehouses, and 22.9 per cent by other holders. These proportions Compare with the" fol lowing for February 28, 1910; 28 2 per cent was held by manufacturers, 42.9 per cent In Independent ware houses and 1 8.9 per cent in- the pos session of other holders. Practically, the shine 'proportion of the -stocks of the" country In each year was stocod tn warehouses, bat a slightly larger proportion was^ held' this year by manufacture ra. Only three of tho stateft show Increases this year In the holdings Of the Independent ware houses: wHaasschusetts, with an tn crease of 2,584 bales; Mississippi. 11,879 balea; and New Yortc. 19,554 bales. The last part of the bulletin briefly covers the investigations ot the gov ernment with relation to cotton. It states that the expenditure* made, b# the Nationhl Government and by, the several cotton-growing states' had other local subdlvialona. In tbe inter eat of cotton,' nqt including the cost jof educational work in schools, col leges. and Institutes, amounted to ap proximately $1,000,000 annually, jand ft is probable one-thtfd- ir devot jied td ^cotton at the experiment sta tions; 6he-thlrd to statistical inqulr iea. afid the remaining one-third to special, phaaes of the plant and Its enefnids. It states that a number of bureaus In seferal of the depart ment* of the National Government are now charged *ith work relaUve ind?T tadtoatM lfhe^wreld^i and lo.porua? of th?n MdMTOT. W l . .1 . .'iV' W* *^6:?P!WLirere th* r9cl' ? ~yr Wro'? aiffi" rontly 1 woddlnt prMenU. atfeatln* the high mlxerm of tlMir man? friend, The out-of-town luesti at the wedding ware Mix slilt A.H) ?rton. of ParU. Va.; Mm. J. K. Wilton, of Now York; Mr,. AUyn Hunter and daughter, of Ckrlitianbur*. Va\ and Mr. Edward TarWngton, of BaUT. N. C. THREE RESITS AT THE OEM. Tonight the following are the pic tures to be shown at tile Gem : "Thp Girls of the Rsnga " one of those snappy Western pictures, so many which come from the 8ellg Btudto. There Is plenty of action, plenty of dask and go which assists foaterially In making these pictures popular. "The TroubadousV Is a hand-col ored fairy story, the chief attraction Is the daintiness with Which the de tails are worked out and the artis tic beauty of the settings for a dra matic production. "The Fxile" is far above the aver age, which brings out the msny good quadtree* of the story In a touching manner. \ "Bear Hunting in the Rockies" is something new In wild animal pic tures, the camera man having- joined a hunting party in the Rock? Moun tains, giving a perfect reproduction of tfee Journey irom the first start of Che trip, camp life as it really Is in the wild and wooly West on the track of big game, etc. This picture Is rery realistic and can be appreciated j by all lovers of out door sports. PRIZE POTATOES. Master Marvin Hodges on yester day presented the Editor of the New# with eight of the finest Irish pota toes we have seen this season. The fOmblned weight of the eight vat ixore than six pounds. y Marvin is only about seven years bf.lnK+ and the son of Mr. T. R. Hoiger.' a member of the County B64rd of Education. He always fotnee out on top as lie Is a bright ftiid energetic little fellow and Is a welcorn# visitor at the News office. MR. moorc otnr again. The many friends of Mr. E. B Moore will be delighted to know that he" Is able to be out again. Whlie not itrong enough to walk, he waton the streets today la a rolling chair. Mr. Moore has been confined to bis home ^several months. The News loins his many friends In wiiblhf loir him continued Improve ment. ' V MllmflH POSITION. - . ? ; ? Mr. Andrew Lathiin. who has been with the Southern Furniture Com pany for the past several years as salesman, has accepted a position wtth the Jefferson Furniture Com ? Th? K.w. Mr. L.tb.n, Streams Afi , . Over State Are Sm patteraa. A. clrl who baa a naw dreaa to wN op can't bpip spreedlajr lb# Pdllm oot the mionte aba rata It. IMI every other woman la tbe ofllca becomes Interested. Not h Jn* la aa dja^jaahrtag to women clerk* aa pattern* Nothing takes op more time t^fit balooga to tbe firm, ?o jou really can't blame tbe boeeea fog putting a baa on pattern a. "?New York rr?m. ? .4 , . I'rJ1 ?SSSSs t world of tbe fcegflafc'hlT'MiiCTht coloring of bodlee. OftlWIi the" ffiitf'reSfroal.y beautiful Bloe *UyftP ^MartT "Wom paaaad on all ?ttee b y lefty mountain#, tbtfr lower nttupae lutartantly clothed wltb rardWe down to fbe >dge Of tbe ?atatf ac *d adtefted with many See for. ?* treaa. while tbeir higher acciuttlee ue girded In a mantle of aternal not, tbe Uttle lake, needing In It* deep hot low bealn and proracml from winds dad storms. 1m qujie etartllnjr In Its Mtraege beeoty. The water, although really pore and color Hpe, epfteam to he of a mwr vivid aod Menae ?ky blue. And Ita f? nape reocy rbat a email nickel eata UttH into Ik* ??* In the confer of tbe take ran be me prit IBs diMlvnnt until It reeebeo tbe bot tom. apparently motv tbao a hundred itb. Raleigh, N. c.. June H ? The Idea Voothor bureau atatlon baa bMi eondlag out flood warnlnge today particularly to polnta alone the Cap Feon, Roanoke and Tar RlTera. The Capo Fear b expected - U roach the flood itage of js foot to d*y. and will 10 to ?( foot br to narrow at Fnjettorlile. . Tha Roanoka baa paaaad the 10 foot mark at weld on and win go to 4* by tomorrow. ' f T *fc?'.'I%r Hror baa rlaon 26 toot at wWcb la g foot above the MB* Adge. ahd 'la 17 foot high at [flroeoiin* botaa ? foot abore the mxxMk-'i 5 - .i [iy**':lMao:*ro boaod' upon nvorta bof tho continued *olh tha aoadltloaa a SBVlHi. *?? Tb I Al Srtpirf' ?.t tila fedbVbt _ trow on the' ploa aide of tha tortim. oW-t matn ot nb hart fallen tbla month, and It rained evfcry day 'for the-pelt A?%t daya. - i.-. - ft n f ' Tft ,? \*.;f ? ; ?; , | -tOUlfd AHD Mr. Mr P. letfertna wont to Got lugabta today. yiV* v ,.-;.**ee Mary Louise A rob bell Nft ttrta nqoroUg on po extended tour to Itfly and otfce* European placee of latareet. Wa? Arcbbell especte to M away ior several months. _Mr. Jease'O- Mayo, of South Creek, waa In the city thla morning. Mr. At-chle Ivea, of 8outh Creek, Is ta the city. ? ? aMt*' John Meesls. of South Creek, waa In thi^clty today. with job com pa Japan'* National Bev?r?ee. Bake la th r aatloaai b evpraffe of Ja? pan. It (mm a peculiar flavor not coin parable to Any European drink, te made from ferment ad rice by an Intri cate pro i? a lo wtiteir fime and coo talna from 11 to 14 par coat of aleoboL It * ? nacaaaary conatlfoent of every ceremonial Japeneee Abbot, la eerred la little, ampulla- Ilka Jnra aw) drank wttb much forafottty froett oqnat. ear leoa aake cape eataUlatfM ?Hrfoyiina* ly about two ouiflfta. " Tb Oa Btimpeaa palate It taataa aoor at flcat, bat ? preference for It la raaftly acquired. CurieuaJj enough, It baa a'moch aoore powerful effect on tbe Japeneee than cm European*. A atronger variety, ahocha. roil la I na from 20 to SO per coot of aleobol. Another form, mlrtn. la asore or leaa a Hqoeoor.? London Lao Nl ? , T|?a NaMi y The coommo peanat, beloved of tbe ?dm boy. grows la a way feat Is dis tinctly original. Tbe VttW plant eeoda INTEREST INCREASING IVmMalntiM Room Crowded Wltl latomlli Visitor* ?? l?rtiana. Md Tmm Aw Well PatfoaM. Nothing la months has proven m popular m the dally dempnstratlom In tho DMi'of Weuoo Snowdrift Oil being conducted dally by the South era Cotton Oil Company at 1*8 Main street. under the auspice* of the Woaaan'a Betterment Aseoeistlon. la order to famlllartse the public In gen eral ahd the women In particular with the results obtalAfcble through the use of wesson 8nowdrlft Oil. when Intelligently used for rowing and talad making, the Southern Cotton Oil Company sent sn expert crew of lemonatratora to Washington. A neat snd attractive combination kitchen and dining room ' has ' been It ted up where dainty luncheons ahd teas are served dally for1 ?B cents, proceeds to gb to the funds of the Women's v Betterment Asaotfhtl&n. raw.. a?nr; m>tt t? ??:'*. tot >64r. ?n4 "toV 'Ai77* p. ?a. b? ' dw.onrtr.uii -ar? raratrlar romra of Wa*tlra?oa t*d* taarhlnf in tb. art of ?li?n>.uH t.u? mnmbni?.M'? wta xm S??w<Mft-Ott 4k lUHM XtUr. ardnaoQ' *uata.ita? ttr Bl M.oHra all U tH. Lw W..1 .1 Ion of otmiiIk aird wkw .l Mlsktftih. traaalntn. ~r ' *1'* * 1 ' , T?k all. ikM to p*r?, Mlkrlaa* and tuuku. to'akoT ta ike! ) reparation of tfce'dAlnty footf which l aerrM there, to the Visitors, In the orm of luncheona, throughout the tar.< ; -1 ? ? *> ? f No better weapon to be'tieed-ln the Ight to reduce the coet ofr Hvtng has een found by "the wAme?i' of Wafcb ngton than Wesson - Snuwdrtft Dji rhlch Is -leas expensive ifid at the imr time more healthful and better. . A cOrdlsl invitation is extended very one to attend this demonstra te WH APPOINT ED. (^wing to the Itorm^ ^either yeb S-diy the cokamitiefc not able o get mat ?eft ornba. and' many nests will be tftappoUtel today, fcftfrevtr. a telegram hal beeft re elved assuring a shipment which will rrlve In time Tor tea tomorrow even ig. .There will be a sufficient quan Ity to serve all. o!wwhi Tmamcrr ? mB PICTURB8 ' ; The picture program last svenlng as one of the best ever seen at the iaiety and those who saw the show rere -more than pleased with the hree good reels which were shown, onlght the four following pictures 111 be ahown, "Mario's Swan Song." drama filled with emotion and aym athy. showing the love of a child for s father. "Paying Attention" Is a lively com dy and sure to please all. "Solving the Puzzle" Is a mystery nd a good one. "The Potters Wheel," an induatrial Icture. This is one of the beat pro rams ever ahown in Washington, le sure and come to enjoy good seats nd a good Bhow. Vaudeville all next reek at Brown's Opera House, under lanagement of the Gaiety theater. FIFTY TON CAPACITY. Washington has one.induatry do ng an enormous business about rhlch little Is heard. The Crystal Ice lompany la running full capacity to ay and has an output of 50 tona of ^e per day of 24 hours; the average ally capacity is about 20 tons. This ompany manufactures Ice from pure Istllled water which is an assurance, f purity. The new mfccagement haa used rhite paint quite extensively and to great advantage, and the entire ilant presents not only a pleaaing ap earanee but a sanitary one as well, 'he atorage capacity has been in reaaed considerably. One distinctive advantage they tave* in selling In large quantities la he alze of the blocka being larger han the average, the lose Is leas. Thin bualnesa has steadily grown rotn one of email proportions to lt8 resent magnitude. The present nanager, Mr. 8. C. Carty. takes pride d showing the plant. REFUSED V . . 47 Vanderbiit Trustees Elected WILL NOT RECOGNIZE THEM ml Queetloaa. Naahvllle, Tena., June 15. ? By s rot? of 19 to s. the Board of Trnatta* of VanderbUt Unl?emlty thl* aftar ooon refuaed to raoofnlsa tbm ftliiin men elected bjr the Oeaeral Confer | eooe of the H. K. Church, Boatli, at 'the Aihertlle meeting, to all the va cancies oa |he HIM. The rejected candidate* tjre flat. B. Harria. Adna ta. Oa- A. Ov&t+T. TltifUa. antf A. W. Blip. KenpbU. TaM.: "I " The Board of Trust -* nlll W,.?no?a: a. r. gfWSWSK ???: B?e*opW. >. M?. MWt Altaa *. Ctmtt'LMftUlat _ ? .. ?Uaa'?. Cartaiv] sywwwiti m? I CMtemM -A.* %. t WUaoa tea l a^i mill n aa a MMrtf _ _ .. ?which vai acoeptad. By rMaHafta r*co*nl?e t*K selections aMrtfUa Methodist Coafarence. \be tuadNTbf trttuee put Itself 6n r?or* aa ? land tag for a eelf perpetuating Ward. The baard at lta" ta^e^ln^ (Ma morning repealed a clause In tin br law* which provided thatelectlonir to Iti membership must be approved br the General Education ofrU? Methodist Chhrch, In'takftji 7-&la step the majority of the b&fa ' sd that the clause had already 'bM& null fled by the; Q*nera I Conference t^roribfh th% ct>drs& pWli^ ^t lie Asfcevflre fo&ttirtg. * _%? bf iuh>Hae to see J the Inatltta'tlotii Of B^dMtm proceed Mtji ? Cofc^gl the bttfd ^tfnst to "a* Mtm ife+s those men designated as such by the Oeh^ral Conference^ J. Ak A ?*- - ? ? ? - ? ? - * i?&A&3B?m9} | ? Wuhlnfton Li^nt A Water Co.* ? ? Norfolk Southern Railway ? Ex- ? ? cursion Rates. # ? Rum Bros. ? Phonograph Ree- + ? ordft. Etc. ' + ? Home Building ft L?in Assoc la- ? ? tlon ? New Series. + ? J as. E. Clark co.^New Fabrics. ? ? Win. Bragaw & Co.? Fir? la- ? ? su ranee. ? Geaa Theater. 4 ? Gaiety Theater. # ? Mother Gray Powders. 7 + ? Doan's Kidney Pills. - + ? Card u I. ? Edison Records fo July NOW ON 8ALK AT RUSS BROTHERS' 20 Amebrol and 15 regular records this month, are truly representative of what the Edison catalogue Is re ceiving In monthly additions. Every Phonograph owne rshould add every one of the June records to his out fit. There are at least some that you cannot afford to miss. Record 449, Motor IKng March (Henry Frantcen) 1s by the New York Military Band. It Is s stirring march of well defined rhymth and ample volume, with a bells solo as s feature. Record 4 50* Casey Jones (Eddie Newton), by Bil ly Murray and chorus, a comic song song in four verses and choruses, la described as a "comedy railroad song." just now the bit hit of the Co han and Harris Minstrels. The ad ventures of Casey Jones, the engi neer, In hi strip to the "Promised Land" 1b set to a rollicking air. with orchettra accompaniment. J. K. Hoyt WASHINGTON'S GREATEST STORE $5,500 WORTH OF LADIBT. MKN'H AND CHILI>RK3T8 Low Shoes ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FOA 2 D\YS ONLY t . .4 91.60. 13.00 and 11.50 Ladles' Dorothy TJM# Slippers . ft 4ft 1.50 to 91-00 Grades Ladles' Slippers 1J? 1.15 to 41.50 Grad+? L*4??s' Slippers .9* 1.00 and 91.15 Grades Children's Slippers ? .7# 1.6ft to 91.75 Grades Children's Slippers 1.10 MKVH lATW SfftORH, STANDARD MARKS * Wlo a> |?.l? i.a*ln Calpp's Low Show MM *.40 to Udwln CUM'I Low Shooa *?* 15# to $4.00 eroaoMU. ill itjlw, IM I SALKflAaH j

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