NORTH SATURDAY AFTERNOON. JUNE 18. I 1910, NO. 27$ HOME FROM WBRL8 Roosevelt Back on Native 5 Iy 15 Months In ? March 2S. llio?? Balled frjn ? New York on the stehmsblp *| Hamburg, accompanied by ? ?n Kermlt and mambera Of (he ? Smithsonian lastltutloa expedl ? tlOD. ' , * April 4, 1?0? ? Arrtred at ? Ntptaa. : TV # April 5. 1?0?? Embarked on ? steamahlp Admiral, for Mo?- ? ""aJmi II, 1 ?0? ? Arrtred at I Mombassa. terminus at Vgen- ? and a Railway, where the* start- ? ??d for Nairobi. ? April ?4. 1W By? t tkt * night under cm? at Kunltl ? Plains. i- - April 21. lMt-^Satabllahed . camp at Malrohl and plunged la- ? to laaale. VJ ? ? December ||, 190?? Ueft Na- ? Irfcbl on the secoad elage (Or ? journey Into Interior of Africa ? by caravan. ? February 17. 1(10 ? Arrived ? at Oondokoro. after completing ? hunt In Belgian Conco. * February It, 1?10? Hunting * expedition practically o?er. Par- ? ty leeree for Reak. ? March 11. l?l?? Arrived at ? Rank, where the party hcarfc ? ateamer for royage down Nile to ? Khartoum. ? March 11. l?l#? CoL Rooee- ? rait meets hl? wife and daugh- ? tar hi Khartoum. ' , ? Mardl >4, 1?1? ? Reaches ? Cairo, where ho staid oae weak ? and made famous anti-Nation- ? * lMae*H,?,-M?(K-?alled front ? Al^rij. *ffi_ArTlni * April Kaplan. . April L ltU-MakH public* oadeace In which he re- ? tod lea ce at the Vatican ? Aprti Gilford ? Aprirti) ltl?? Oellreri lac- ? tura at Sorkoaae tn Parte. I May 1. 1?1?? OellTera Nobel ? Priae lecture at Christiana. ? May (. 1?J? ? Receives 1 4e- ? *ree o< Doctor of pkOoeophy. * 1W?? Meets Empero/ ? /W ? ? May it. it 10 ? -Acta a. apdr * ? clal atnhaahador of the UulteS ? ? autee the funeral of Kfag,? ? Kay i?, 1?10? Receives de- > jsSftrSSir: ? dotn of City of I-ondoal and de- ? ? llrera famous OnI)?kaU'4*eack. ? ? June T. l?l?? Dellrara laat ? ? European lecture at Oxford tint-1 ? ? veriity and ncvlm degree of ? ? Doctor of Civil Law. ? + Jane 10, ltie ? Sailed for ? ? home on Kaiaerln Augutto vio- ? ? torta. ? June li. 1?1? ? Arrived A ? ? New York. ? New YUrk, June 18.? When the ?tMMhip Kftteerln-Auguste Victoria ?tM npd ilnlr lata New York har bor Uw with Colonel Booserelt And hlh family aboard, and docked at her pter In Hoboken one of tbe moat re markable dad spectacular Journey* ?Tar made by an Bx-Prealdent of the Dolled States or aay private citizen or Uli country, rale to aa end. paly tbe famous European tour or Oeaaral Grant could be In any way compared wtth It. aad this lacked tbe pyrotechnic featuree which char acterised tbe Rooaarait tour. On* year, two moatbs aad twenty-seren days bare els peed since the Bi-Prea Idant tailed from New York (or Afrl oa. apd scarcely a day has pass id that ha haa not hem In the pabllc eye. Only when ha and Us party wan hidden Into the thlekaat Jungles of the Dark Continent, hundreds of miles from s newspaper correspon dent or a telegraph staUon, were the news dlapatchds abbreviated, and ?ran then the killing of an elephant, a lion or aome other denlsen of the foreat by the mighty Nlmrod. waa duly chronicled. DaaptU the predictions of alarm ists that ha would aaeou^sh to fetar or "the poisonous sting ofeoawjoogle Intact, the prorerblal Roosevelt lock remained with him, aad he emerged from the Jungle ly excellent health to that the Ki-Praeldent kid cunUad Ma audience with the pop*, as ac count of certain cttBdfooiu that tfci Vatican lapoead. Thto vaa Qulcklr followed tgr hla refneal to Ttait the f erred on him h r the Tarltma unhrer ?ttlaa The Unlreralty or Cairo ooa ferrM on Mb the hlsheat degree In that Inatltutlon. from King Freder icks Unlreralty at Chrlatlana ha re nearly 1M,M| apeclmena harlng J been gathered. Of aaaiatali ?.8?7 apeclmena hare been aecured, rang HOSIERY WITH VALUE Fact Black pure Lisle Cure) Hose, 25c, 39e.and Pure Silklioae with Lisle I Soles, tL25 value, 98 c. Regular 'I-50 grade. $1.25 j to Mm political situation. could be cepted as false. . ... % . . his European trip. On atturdey. April S. Mr. Roosevelt announced that be had called off hta engagement with tha Pope. owing to tba fact that the Vatican iaapoed certain reetrlc tions on bts conduct while In Rome, which made the aodleooa Impoaalble. Following on the heels of a similar action by Fot?t ? Vice Preal(*snt Fairbanks. It created n considerable t '? wetiied by Mayor Nathan and Am la? lur Lai ?111 pn. The following day he called on Kins Victor, and that evening he and hla family were the gueeta of the King and Queen at the Qulrlnal. The Vatican incident waa seised by the Method late of Rome as a direct alap at Che Pope, aad -fol lowing an Inflammatory atatament is aued by the Method late of Rome. Col onel Roosevelt Immediately cancelled the engagement to hold a reception nt the American embassy. On April ? Colonel Rooaevelt left Genoa for Port Maurixio, where he waa given one of the moet enthusias tic receptions In -Italy. Besides be ing accorded cltlsenshlp honors, a new boulevard in the town waa named after him. Three days later he held the famous conference with Gilford Plnchot in the forest adjoin ing the town. The long heralded nteeting of Km-, pbror WUhelm and Colonel Rooaevelt! took place oa May 10. when theee two famous exponents of the strenu ous life, shook hands on the palace steps at Potedam. Mr. Roosevelt and hla family arrived in the German cap ital at noon, and were the jfnqpts of the Emperor snd Empress for re mainder of the 4a y. The following day he witnessed one of the most atlrrfof v and brilliant spectacles of his tour. Surrounded by the Kaiser and high oflcials of the German Army, be rode on horseback to De berlts. where lor live hours be wit nessed a sham flght waged by the flower of the Ka!eer*a army. Iadden tally. he was the flrst private citlsen that ever the honor of witnessing this gorgeous spectacle. Having accepted the appointment of President Taft to act aa special ambassador to the funeral of Kins Edward VII, Colonel Rooeevelt left Berlin oh May 1? for rinahiag, Hol land. where he embarked for Sag Darin* the mourning period for King udwsrd, Room r el t remained In | naajXialNe obscurity, and his car riage in the funeral proceeslon was? relegated to the rear. Aa soon aa the King was buried, however, "he* ?u^ entertained |p King Oeorge and Queen Mary, and also by the Queen Mother Alexandra. On May l? he received the degree of Doctor of Uva frojn Cambridge University, and on May gO waa given considerable Information on existing political conditions In this country by Senator Root, who met him In London. . Jfri , The first bomb ahelt following the death of the king went oft on May SI. when he delivered his now famous Guildhall .pooch. In which he crltl qlftad England's rule in Bgypt. Thla 'Last night the G?m plsyed to aa other record breaking crowd, the pro* gram' Wing greatly enjoyed by all. A good bill la promised for tonight. "The Merry Widow Takes Another Partner" la a comedy drama from the Vltagraph studio. It's a funny Aim worked out with all the close atten tion to the requirements of the situ ations which characterlsee the Vlta graph work. N "Tt*? Winning of Father" Is a story of how an athletic young man succeeds in Induslng his sweetheart's father to consent to tfca match. This picture maintains interest, from be ginning to end. "Oh! So Stek!" an Essaasy -com edy that keeps the audience laughing and leaves thetn in a good humor. "Under the ftt*rs and Stripes." a war story baaed upon event* during the war with Spain. See the thrill ing ride, of the dispatch carrier, the most feensa t lonkl part. -the' blowing np of a bridge under him. horae and rider plunging. v!nto 'the -water. You can't afford to miss the Gem tonight. Be on hand early. f * Washington went down,>tn< defeat at New Bern yesterday fey the score of 4 to t. The conditio* oC^Ihe grounds was not favorable for' food Playing. NEW OFFICERS j IV. L HI? o? to Bo Sncce?ded bj j R. B. Coweil m VoauMNWr of National Guard Company. I Cspt. N. L. Simmons lwt night took his Imv? of tbe local National 'Quardsmen. with whom h? has serv ed aa the company commander for I the paat 18 months. Captain 81m I moiis' resignation has been accepted , by the adjutant-?eneral, and laat night In a few watl-choeen remarks on "Character,*' he bid hie men fare well, and was cheered lustily for sev eral minutes. Since becoming an officer in the Nstlonal Guard Captain Simmons has received notice from brigade headquarters and the govern or on several occasions and has made record for efficiency seldom equaled by a young officer. He has been pop ular with both tbe officere and enlist- < ed men of the refluent, and the news of his resignation win he receiv ed with regret by his brother officere all over the 8 tat?. Caput n Simmons will be succeeded by First Lieut. R. B. Coweil, promot ed to Captain. Captain Coweil will be succeeded as first lieutenant by Sec ond Lieut. B. B. Roes, and Chas. W. McDevett. regimental color-sergeant, will be commissioned as second lieu tenant." Captain Coweil has served In the Oaftt* for 10 years. In every en listed rating to first eergeent, and as subaltern in both grades. He Is one of the moet popular line officers In the regiment. Lieutenant Ross has served eight years from private to his present rank, and Is sn expert on the army rifle. He\sa? a member of the team from North Carolina at the in ternational meet at Camp Perry, O., in 1908. Lieutenant McDeveU has been in the service seven years, as musician and Instructing trumpeter In tbe infantry and coast artillery', and color-sergeant on Cotenel B ra gs W 8 non-commissioned staff. j The new officers were each the {unanimous choice of the mileUII {men, and they will probably be com | missioned nest week. | BOLD ROBBERY Room Wilt *Bifb*msate. Some of the party that went to New Bern yesterday are today poorer but wiser men. While engaged in the performance of "Sylria" last night some person or persons entered the dresalng rooms of John Smith and Herbert Bonner and t went through their pockets. Smith lost about 96 and Bonner lost a gold watch and about fS.O*. It Is not known who the miscreants were, but the New Bern police are at work on the case and will probably locate the thief. ->?? Before going In the dressing rooms the stage manager offered each per son a key to* their room, however they thought It was unnecessary to take them and today they regret not having done so. <, " * ' A SUCCESS lOJfB Hundred sad Viflj Dollars Tor | Woman's Betterment Association Realised. The demonstration of Wesson Snowdrift OH and the luncheons and teas served this Week under the au*> pices of the Women's Betterment As sociation have been a financial suc dsss. About $150 has been realized aacl this amount placed to tbe credit of the fjpsociatlon will enable tbem to pdt la effect ma ay Improvements con templated. A resolution of thanks shot^ be tendered the Southern Cot tO? Oil Co. for their generosity. ?HnfW UNION ORGAXIZKI). I The delegates from Farmers' Union local lodgee are In the city today or ganising a county union. This will no doubt be a powerful organisation and people from all parts of the coun- ] ty are here today. The organisation will be given later. m n WUHEHDUSE PHflERESSIHG ? " Big Structure to Haw Capacity of 150,0## Pounds of Tobacco- To B? Completed by August 1. In the rtrj Htr future Washing ton will hara oh of the most toa ra odious and convenient tobacco warehouses la Baatern North Csro llna. The bidMIng Is situated on Pierce street between Fourth and Fifth (treats, la ?4?t00 teat and has a Hoot space o ( 11.800 few. One hundred and (ortf-Ujrw thousand fact of lumbar will u uaad In ft* con struction and it win regular til squares of roof lot to oorar it. The Wan and truaa at main floor la ?? feet. There will ba ?8 skylights built in The roof, 94 of thaai toeing 48x48 ? nd .4 S4.48. This wilt aa,ure . Mr. M. M. Jaw, l? the contractor. He began work about June I and ex pect! to hire the balldlng completed by. August l. He hu been ruehlpt the work and it now look* aa If there la no doubt but It will Da ready to turn orer to. I he trustees on time. The build Ins and lot will coat ap proximately $0,040, and should be ot Inestimable Talue to the bullae* In-, tereats Of Washington, and with the APPROPRIATION FOR PUBLIC BUILDING | CoDgressman Small Wire* That Committee Today Reports $31, Mt Increase, Making T otal of )145,NC Tha Dally N?w? U today In racalptl of the following ulacram: Waahlactoa, I>. C-, i* in? '?m U Ma/or Tha How OoaalttM IrlH le ?ar ~?a?t imbUr MUUwa.UU. It will nui 1 mm litnw at Dm. #00 for nkllc bulldtMsi at Wuhliftoi, ? iMag m at ?1?*,?00 ui loaTlac |IM,m far th? build lac. HI, .II trj to got tlO.OOO am. WELL PATRONIZED Pi ewaled la New Ben Last Niqjit to a Larfc AwHem*? Prob* ably L Mt Performance. New Bern la an ideal town to visit, especially no ' when Its citizens are called on to patronlae and give ap proval to some effort put forth by their neighbors. Yesterday It was the good fortune of quite a number from Washington to pay a visit to the chief city of Craven county. "8ylvla" was the chief attraction In New Bern, and be sides the members 6t the company a large number of outsiders took ad vantage of the occaaton and went along to see what this city Is doing towards development. A special train was operated for the occasion, leaving Washington at S:96 p. m. and was scheduled to leave on the. return trip at 11:30 same evening. For some reason un known to the manager of the opera, Mr. Prank A. Wright, the time of de parture for Washington was changed to l o'clock. The railroad officials ataW that sone one gave thaw orders to latd the train until 1 and they did so. judging the orders came from the pi|l? source. Mr. Wrigfct, however. .??* ** of the change and when he ascertained what had been done used every effort to get the railroad to rescind the order, but as no communication could be secured with Norfolk the order to leave at 1 had to be carried out. much to the discomfort of a great many. The party arrt home at 3 o'clock this morning, tired and sleepy. All the party ensconced at the Oem hotel where eveythlng was done for the comfort and convenience of the guests. The Washington Concert Band proved quite an adjunct to the enjoyment, of the occasion. Their music in New Bern was the subject for favorable comment. The Dally News knows of no similar organisa tion In North Carolina Its peer to A large audience greeted "Sylvia" at the opera house an$ the perform ance hit the New Bern folk In the right spot, Judging troi* the amount of applause. The acting of the entire company was all that could be desired by any audience and New Bern seemed trf ap preciate the efforts exerted. Nothing bqt the hlghesr^commendatlon was heard for the performance In Its en tirely and It was deserving. "Sylvia" was a success in Washington, a suc cess" In Wilson, and a success In New Bern. Washington should feel proud of Its musical talent -for they have certainly "delivered the goods" In "8ylvla." The visit to New Bern was a most pleasant one. TONIGHT AT THK GAIETY. Our excelleht picture program to night consists of the following sub jects, ea**h and every one a master piece of its respective kind: "The Stolen Fortune," is a famous S. and A. comedy, and It's a scream from beginning to end. In fact, there's a lsugh In every foot of It. "History Repests Itself." is a little comedy classic, by Carolyn Well, with; a touch of heart interest, in which two young lovers, detected at the moment or their first kiss in the rose garden, prove to the mother that the Incident Is but a repetition of the first act of her own love story. A dainty The cltlsens of Washington will be **ry much gratified to know that this IncratM hu been secured aa It msen* ? public building for Washington la the ri*s. future of which we will hare Just cause to bs proud. And Washington Is also proud of ber Coagreasmsn. The untiring ef fort by him to secure sn appropria tion which would secure a building In keeping with the progress of the city Is receiving commsndatlon from ?rery one. CHILDREN'S DAY lalnwllv Procnua of Mnair h? Recitation. WU1 Re Rendered To morrow night. The following Is the program of the Children's Day exercises to . be rendered at the First Baptist Church tomorrow night: Song No. 2, "With Olad Hosan nas." By school. Prayer. Bible reading. Bong No. &, "Pull or Music." By school. I Exercise. "Jesus snd the Chil dren." Hilda Dally. John Bpeln. Ro tate Spain. Ruth White, Beulah Star ling. Margaret Coxsens, Lena Rae, Zelma Russ. Motion song. No. 9. By Infant class. _ Exercise. "Children's Day." Ruth White. Beulah Starling. Vernon Al Ugood. Iran Leroy, Leslie Doughty, Charlie Weeks. John 8pain, Casste Martin, pannle Ecklln, Margaret Oo?> tens. Song No. 7. "Out in God's Sun shine." By school. Recitation. "A Greet tar. Dear PM Dl?." Mary ?Uo*r CUM NmK Omtir Urtnr. Ka* (1. Doacbty, Pattle WIlMtt. . , Recitation, "Pray be a Sunbeam." Luclle Leroy. Song No. 11. "Scatter Words of Cheer." By school. Exercise. "Rose Maidens." Pattle Wilson. Oreal Week*, cathleen Mor gan, Maggie Doughty. Eliner Swan ner. Gladys Alllgood, Clinton Marsh. Daisy Lockyer. Lillian Peele, Mary Whitley, Estelle Coxxena, Myrtle Draughon. Luclle Leroy, Cassle Mar tin. Roste Spain. Recitation. "The Earth 1$ the Lord's." By Edna Willis. 8ong No. 13, "Welcome Summer Roses." By school. Recitation and drill. "A Cluster of Daisies. " Gladys Alllgood. Luolle Leroy, Clinton Marsh, Daisy Lockyer. Ethel Weeks. Maggie Doughty. Eli nor Swanner, Pattle Wilson. Cathleen Morgan, Mary Whitley. Cassle Mar tin. 8ong No. 15. "Our Fsther Dear." By school. Recitation. "Our Offering." By Ethel Vanbook. Collection. Song No. 20? "Joy Brlngers." By Junior class. Edna Willis, Pattle Wilson, Gladys Alllgood, Clinton Marsh. Ethel Weeks, Mary Whitley, Cassle Martin. Recitation, "The Last Hymn." By Margie 8paln. Song No. 16, "Joytlme of the Sum mer." By school. Dismissal. little story charmingly acted. "The 8tuff That American's Are Made Of." a real American drama, one that stirs the blood and makes you feel proud of the fact that you were born under the Star* and 8trlpea. It's a thrilling story from beginning to end. Prise drawing tonight promptly at 9 o'clock. All next week Hal Mordaunt ft Co. at Brown's Opera House. Prices 10 snd 20 cents. ? NRW ADVnmSBNEm # ? Gem Theater. % ? Gaiety Theater. * ? J. K. Hoyt ? 8 hoes ? ? Jaa, E. Clark Co. ? Hose. * + Home Building & Loan Association r NEW SERIES WILL BE OPENED JULY 1ST, 1910. Par Value of Stock, $100.00 Payable, 25c. Weekly. Thn?P wishing to subscribe see Mr.

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