MONDAY AFJERNOON, JUNE 2#,' 1910. LI bUMta ttUMt HHIUEIU CK HTEAHBOAT WHU^B MAfiK PAKDKMOKirM A8 ?? PWUDHN* COMKS DP THE HAY. AND TEARS FU4. BIS EYES WHEN BANDS PLtAV "BOMS. HWKET HOME" vi'1* ' ? '' ~ > ' Hon Tumalt >? H. Motm Alma Win U W?toe Parade. M? HI. Wa U? p- Bro.dw?r t? aetirnn Two Uhj of Hum*nJtj Fire MOea ix?( ? Boaatifal WeUbw Ufta Ju*t Loo* Iteouch to ??>* "Boooetolt Lac*."? !? Little effaced Franlht lUii Who Hailed For Africa PW taea MontlM Ago. .? h ? ? Theodore Roosevelt set his foot on American toll one* more Saturday. JfiatfMd the .eyes of the Conner President as he supped on the bulkhead of aPttr A nt the bat tery. while the roar of thousands oi voices and the shrieks of hundreds gf stesmboat whistle* drowned out the soft strains of "Home. -Sweet Home." The center of attraction In 4' -water . pageaht that iwept Up the bay from Quarantine to Fourteenth" rtreeTViid then down the North River a sain to the Battery, Colonel Roosevilt later rode bahind h?? Rough \RMerS through five miles ft (tenons, cheer lag In one continuous roat, thS( reached from Rettery Park to Cen tral park Plata. \ . Fully a Million and a Half i? the - Crowd. Fully a million and a half persona stood and waited for the moment when, in ship or in carriage, the re turning Roosevelt should come vTTthln their field of vision, and when he did, ? the noise broke loose. Bands blared, cannon crashed and sirens screamed, hut above their din rose the steady, continuous thunder of -human Wei come: "Oh. yqu Roosevelt.! ."Good old Vreddj!" *?ng the flve-mlle chorus, *nd through It ill he, rode barehead ed. flushed with the- pride il hero worship, bdving* to right and Ipft picking out here and there some en thusiast for special notice, a wave oi the hand or wide smile. ' 77- '? Theodore Roosevelt IS little chang ed from the man who sailed for Af rica fifteen months ago. A little jnoro ^flN^RE^V^^uscle-formlng etren > uoubness of big game hunting. He's the Same Old Roosevelt. But the flat-tppped h??ad was Hun? back "hs defiantly as when of old he faced an audience, the glistening teeth flashed as brightly under th< gold rimmed glasses, the blue gray eyes smiled' out with the same mag netic brilliancy, and the stiibby, sun scorched fingers gripped lh hand shake with all the tensity of yore. Ideal weather marked the paEsinf of the s"how. "Roosevelt luck," hli admirers called it, and not until th? parade had disbanded and Rougi Riders and Spanish War .Veterani had dispersed did the sky open its flood gates and drench the streeu with a furious downpour. The here of the day was caught in thfc storm and wet to the skin before he <^ould reach . shelter. But Roosevelt Daj was over thon to all intents and pur: | poses, and the crash of thundor anc blase of lightning were deemed bj many to be only the closing salute ol the clouds. Colonel Roosevelt sped fast throuit the city when the exercises of th< day- had ended. Last night he slepl In his home at Oyster Bay, but not un a til his progress there had been made the occasion for neighborly greeting! that extended from lx>ng Island Cltj - to his home town. . It was Just 6:30 when the presi tug J. K. Qllklnson sighted the In coming steamer, and a few mlnutei afterward a'salute.of twenty-one gum boomed forth from the gray battle ship South Carolina. Fire torpedo boat destroyers, the Flusser, Reld Smith. Lamson and Preston, wen hovering round as a naval escort foi . the liner; becked out from stem to sten with flags of every color and nation, the Kalserin dropped her anchor oC Quarantine at 7:65. Another aaluU for Colonel Roosevelt had boomet from the mqsx^es of Fort Wadsworth and he stood jaslng till tha last flick er of smoke had died away. Am nHtg hfl.^ ?K, liner Cel. RooaaraU crasped his hand and exclaimed : ."Hallo Dotyl-. Tbl, Is like the old Albany days." A. mlnntes afterward It* w*a welcomed by William Loeb, his form er, aeofatary,' now Collector ol the Port, and Adjutant general V?rb?ck. setit by Governor Hufbea with a ?Ke . "Nick" Ther*. ?Ute "c titter "Manhattan, alflaie ' wltfc bimting, 'bustled , !& fflHW Wery point o#-t " were com tng ^on ^ to wit the Manhattan. The air rever berated with the shrieks of steam whistles and a ripple of cheers could be hoard on every Bide. All eyes werc cn the silk-hatted, frock-coated fig ure of Mr. Roosevelt. "IJon't Forget My Overcoat I ** As the gangplank was made fast l he looked uj> and beamed at the row .of committee members leaning ot^er 'the Xndroscoggin's side. Suddenly | he made a dash toward Collector | Loeb. ' I "Hefr, Billy, Billy!" he cried, start ling his former secretary with the jsuddenesa of the call. "Don't forget 1 my overcoat:" ? A little -laugh went around the boats as the faithful Loeb took charge of the coat, and then, while another salute of twenty-oire guns split the ears from the South Carolina. Mr. Roosevelt made his way to the deck of the Androscoggin. A cheer that was taken up by thounauda of throats on the nearby vessels rang from end to end of the committee boat. Cor nelius Vanderbilt. as chairmin of the committer met the home-come hunt er at the starboard gangway. *? Colonel Roo?eve)t extended his hand, but Mr. Vanderbilt held back for a moipenu Received n Gold Medal. "As chairman of the committee ap pointed by Mayor Oaynor to receive you on your return." said Mr. Van derbilt in a. quiet tone, while every other vol<* on board was stilled, "I have the honor of presenting you with this badge cn behalf of the com mittee." ? - Mr. VBQdftrbllt opened a little black case and took out a gold medal similar to the badges worn 1>y mem bers of the committee. This he pinned on the lapel of Mr. Roosevelt's coat, and then he shook the Colonel's hand. The Rx-Presldent bared hia head aad his sun-tanned cheeks glowed with pride, With the Incisive man ner that characterises . his speech. I punctuated by snaps of the square Jews, he replied: ? "I'm pure I am glad to thank you WITH VALUE Fast Black pure Lisle Gauze j. How,' . >* : 25c., 39c. and 50c. Pure Silk Hose with Lisle Solea, $1 J5 value, 98c. Regular $L Stockings shown in town at the price? 15c, Special Gauze Hoaefor La dies at 121-2c -faacy Top Sox for Chil dren H ??*? ? ? ? ?' ' ? ? s ?' 1 These was a. large gathering, of the farmer* here last Saturday. The pur pose of the meeting was, as -has al ready been published In this paper, to set up a Farmers' County Union. The meeting was called to order by County Organiser G. C. 'Hedgep,eth, \who Introduced the State' organiser, fMr. J. Z. Green, of Marsh vllle. N. C Mr. Qreen spoke for about one hour and a half. His speech was enjoyed and highly appreciated by Beaufort county farmers. .Mr. Green discussed the history and object of the Farmers' Educa tional and Co-operative UQion of (America. During his address he 'proved to the farmer* that they were; | spending $12,000,000 per year right | here in North Carolina for commtr-ij clal fertiliser when by co-operating with one another ' and sowing peas tfcey might sove $6,000,000. The farmers of this county seem .to l^e very much interested In the Onion work and from the way they express themselves It now seems that 'this county win ^ ** thoroughly organ* ised as any otter county hi North Carolina. But 'ft is only right that the farmers should be organised, and being organised they can accom plish a / great deal that will promote their interests. After Mr. Green fltfJ lshed speaking Mr. Hetfgepet^ an* nou need that' the meeting would stand adjourned for thirty minuto.j at which time those, who belonged to the Union would reasseiphle- in the] | courthouse and set iip tMtr Courier; Union. Mr. W. B. F. Patrick., of- Choco winlty, was elected president of thel County Union. Mr. w.A. Cratch, of Blount's Creek, was eleeTed /secre tary and treasurer, and Mr. >C?' -<3. Mayo, of Seuth Creek, was ekfetedj [chairman of the executive commits! !t0e for the County Union. vMr. F. B. Hooker, of Aurora, vwaa elected dele ^atsr^t-large to tW> State convention which convenes 4n-Balelgh, July 26/ ,1910. The meeting then ^adjourned subject to call. ? ... * . , ? ? - UhT or ii*,' ' --r?t' The folltwlBK WIMKIMIILIM Ending June 18. 191". Gentlemen ? -13. Ajmbell, W. A. Deflbaugh. Henry Ooddard, Wart. Gibs, R. C. Judson,.!. R. Loyd, W. H. McMaster, S. Peterson, Harry Newton Roberts, W. E. Shepherd, J. M. Sasser. Owen Sprull, I. H. Will lams. B. G. Windham. Ladles ? Georgia A- . Brr.ddy, Miss Annie Dondy, Miss Sophia Holly, Misc [Alllce Jphnson, Miss Annie Wallace.) These letters will be sent to thej .dead letter office July 4, 1910, if no^ delivered before. In, calling for the] above please nay advertised, giving date cf list. I " Ready to Serve," Says Roosevelt New York. June IS. ? Replying to Mayor Gaynor. Colonel Roosoveli said: ' "I thank you. Mayor Gaynor. Through you I thank your commit; tee.and through them I wish to thanU the American people for their greet ing. -1 am moat deeply moved by the reception given me. No man could receive such a grnetinp without beinft made to feel both very proud and very humble. "I have bsen away a year and a quarter from America and I haVe seen strange and interesting things alike In the heart of the frowning wilderness in the capitals of the mightiest and moBt highly polished of civilized nations. I have thor oughly enjoyed myself,' and now I am more glad than I can say to get home, to be back in my own country, back among people I love. "1 am ready to eager to do my part so far as I am able' in helping solve problems which mast be solved If we of this, the greatest democratic republic upon which the sun has ever shone, are to see Its destinies rise to the high level of our hopes and its Opportunities. "This is the duty of every cltiseii, t It Is peculiarly my duty, foj- any who has ever been honored by made President of the United is thereby forever after ren the debtor of the American and 1s bodnd throughout hia fife to remember thU as his prime obligation and In private life a* mucfc aa/fo public life so to carry himself [ttiat the American people mar pever feel cause to regret that they once [placed him at their head." fWE PRAOHB8. ? The News is indebted to Mr. John K Cotton, of Banyan, lor ? baaket of azcalleiu poachea. . Mr. Cotton tu had a aacoaaaful aaaaon with hia pooch crop. and to aao you. I appreciate all th* committal! han done- 1 cannot ax preaa myaalt with anOclant emphaals and appreciatiou." ?V' | f Ath?U" a "h**r* m*.rkJf4 th" ??? for the RUSHED Ground was broka In preparation for pal The Work Is under of Clky Engineer IX H began at the intersect Bonner streets with s IS mm* which win J 40 tomorrow. Tks;^ Ins the surface will b4 wa*d down Main atree to Market street. *w *?< '.' Barges are ; expects night loaded with ra curbing and gutter w nd eighteen inches o cpmposed df cfenctete sttion. This will me considerable In the < and will glT^ the fti even appearance wtyM erwlse be obtained?** this morning I the streeU. i supervision Packard. He i of Main and ?res of 15 or. increased to rk of remov Xtended esst nd then back it arrive to *tal for the t, The curb Utter will be folded in po '? saving of L of paving, Jft a smohth, C?u M not oth **ri iwvmws Asm }?+ ATKB MOVUfl IIKH. Hal Motlbut KUimr and We< Tlwj Ijrs.lcrs In VniHlrvlllr. Her* MM Katlrc Wl*k. Prwntlnc NerfWrtilflalitl) . j ?r ? The' iwhMMh^ht. of Ac- Gaiety theater has succeeded inclosing a deal with* thf above vaudtfrillo head line? to ops* iu this cjUr tuntght, and owing to (he magBBltucflt/f the at traction-. it hsbesstfR to play them in Brown's opera hqflk so tjiat thslr frt -PrAacJvfrft TTi b is'gfKt". and the admission during the week will be children under ten years of age. ten c?nts, and all others twenty cents. The special feature acts for tonight will be "The Girl in the Moon" act. with special scenery and mechanical effects, by Mile. Nennelle Thli Is one of the cleverest concoctions of the season. > Following this Mile. Nellefle . will present another singing and quick change act, and In this number will render several of ^he lsteet Nee York musical hits. * H Hal Mordaunt and Elinor Poster will present one of the classlist so ciety comedy acts entitled *Golng Some," or "Tamlhg a Father}" In tills act Miss Fotter makes \ three complete change* of costume, aid her koting has proved a treat to theater goers everywhere. Igal Morda knowrfTiage personalities frfijo the legitimate field now devoting his best efforts to vaudeville work.i 1 During the week he promiaas us the "Airship Act" and "Halleya Cpmet." Also "Matrimonial Tribula tions." "The Talkative .Wife, "Tha Vesper Chimes," "Tono-Buaco," "The Strategists," and many others. Go to Brown's opera house Uftlghl and then you will ^nd yourself there every night. It's the season 'a om beat bet. Two reels of pictures. , changed dally, gad three big vaudeville acta Think It over-? *nd only 10 and II CONDITIOXg tO TOBACCO CROP Raleigh, Jcufce.lg. ? It la eatlmttad that tbrt tobaooo crop la North Car? an la 160,000 acres. Tta weather has 4 the crop. Ifca condition ai [FREIG Icoal Or 1 HT DERAILED Coal Gar Derailed, Train* Delayed Klght Houre? No One Injared ? Cmmwc of Accident Not Known. Saturday evening a car loaded with coal and attached to the local freight train between Washington and Ral elfh was derailed, a short distance west or Wilson, on a straight track and no apparent cause for the accl dent was found. No oae was Injured. Tlie car belnlg a very heavy one an unusually long time was consumed In getting It back on the track. The through express train, due here at 1:35 a. m.. was delayed and did not arrive until 9:30 yesterday tnornlng, and the Sunday excursion train from Raleigh to Morehead City scheduled to leave Chocowlnlty at 9:1)0, did not arrive until 11 o'clock. EXAMINATION High School Teacher's Certificate Five Year State Teachers* Certlfl- 1 cate? Regular County Ortifirnte. An examination for High School Teachers certificate and Five Year ; State Teachers' certificate, respec tively. will be held by County Super- j In Undent W. L. Vaughan, In Wash lngtoo, on July 14 and 15. 1910. The i law reqqlres all applications for eith er of these certificates to be filed with the Stale Superintendent of Public Ift&tructlon, who, upon request, will funilsh blanks lor this purpose. Any j Information In regard to this matter | can be had by writing Superinten dent J. Y. Joyner. Raleigh, N. C. The regular County Examination lor teachers' certificate will be held j jfcy the Superintendent on the ffenie j idates. July 14 and l5\for both r\l- | fored snd white teachers? AllpirPgns I wishing to be examined must be pres- 1 [ent and take the regular examination, as the law forbids private examlna- ] tlons except In cases of -necessity. J. Y. JOYNER. 8upt. Public instAictlon.' W. L. VAUOHAN, County Superintendent. Be 6uro mid go toJfeo^Beto tonight, j There will be socuj *tne pictures shown and a p'rree dVa wing, 'too.' The] management ? are having additional electric fans installed, which will make this popular playhcuse the coolest place in Washing on p -ch I night. This week h beautt.v.l >.-.f will be given away. Coupor s l&tv.'d 1 are good only for the one nipht or. j which they are issued. Tonight villi be show "The Minotaur." a Yitagraph production of tfce old Creek legend of The*?*!". every bool: lo ver is fa- 1 miliar v/Mii this oM .Ifi:; rd of I Them.-; by 1.: sweetheart | slays Mi:nir a r: ?: : r In human forir wills a l"*!3\s Ir.v-.'. :.\elng Crete and A' iron: ii c monster'a ox^ predion. Tl' ? ? L." . ? \ .lis wcftidcr f::l prodietio: ? ; v;;s tonlghQ at the (Jem will h.. . an c .jportunlty to brush uy th* Ir I -Jge of GreeK mythology. If i l.ave Been, and Sentimental S im are both good com odles from the limine of Lv.bln. The Li'.bfn comedian? are funuy ar.d in these two pk-tmvs thfey perform their parts to perfection. -Other good pic tures will be shown tofiight. MMMOXS-MtlT 'I.I. KIIS. Announcement ci the l-iiu iiicnirnt vl ! Popular Young Couple. There will be great au:env a large circle of friends In the follow ing: Dr. and Mrs. J. J. L. McCulleri?. of McCullers, X. C.. have announred the' engagement of their daughter. Miss Claudia, to Mr. Norwood Lee S'th mons, of Washington. N. C- The wed ding Is to take place the latfer^part of July. / x THBSOUCITOI^SH IP. Our contemporaries at Elizabeth City are very persistent in their ef fort to convince the people that the portion of the First district on the north aide of Albemarle sound is en titled to the office of Solicitor. These people forget what they have had In the past and what tfcey now hav?i For many years before Judge Ward was appointed to the Superior court bench he was Solicitor for this Dis trict ^nd so long aa he remained So licitor no effort waa made to bring the office to the south side. How ever, after Judge Ward went on the bench it waa Khought best by party leadera that the Solicitor should be a man residing south of Albemarle aound and' Nothing has arisen since that time to change the situation. Th? News does not attempt to say that Beaufort . county la entitled to the honor more than any other coun ty, but since there are no candidates from thla section except those in Beaufort, than we aay the voters of the entlrp District should nominate one of Beaufort's candidates, either of which would make an efficient of floer. t ? LARCH! POTATOES. mm On Saturdi 0? Bunjm, I SIGNATURE OF MR. TIFT MIKES ' RAILROAD RILL A LAW-FINAL APPROVAL RY THE HOUSE STATEHOUD HI IX ALSO EMWRSKD BY HOC**! AND LACKM ONLY I'K K.SI DENT1 AL SANCTION ? TWO MOHT IMPORTANT MKAS I RK8 OP ADMINISTRATION FINALLY AITKI^TTPON. Irlzoua and New Mexico May Become States Upon Their Adopting Con stitution* Acceptable to Presldtnt and Congresnltallroad Bill is Sub stantially in Accordance With the President'* Message l>emandln? Amendments to the Interstate Commerce Laws ? Creates a Commerce. Conrt and Broadens Scope of Jurisdiction of Interstate Commission. Washington. June 18. ? Two of the most important of the administration measures, namely the railroad and statehood bills, were acted upon Anal ly by Congress today. ' This action was taken by the House, the Senate having previously lisposed of both of the measures, it was accomplished practically without ilebate and in record time, not even i roll-call, being required in the whole procedure. Itallroud Bill First. The railroad bill was the first to receive consideration. Chairman Mann of the committee on interstate and foreign commerce, called the conference report from the Speaker's table. Brief speeches were made, imong them several by Democrats in expression of their opposition to the railroad legislation as perfected in conference. About the only exceptions are that It does not legalize holding agree ments made by railroads, permit mer gers ^ or regulate the issuance^ of stocks and bonds. It creates u com merce court and broaden* the scope 3 1 the jurisdiction by the Interstate Commerce Commission as l-egarde regulations and practices by rail roads. It also brings telegraph, tele phone and cable companies within that jurisdiction. Supervision is given to the com* nlssion over increases of rates, and Jiis section as well as one making provision foj- the investigation of the three Parsons Hcpotud Killed With Heavy laiss to Property-? Many Natrou Escapes in Accidents on Water? nDetails. New York. June 1S>. ? On the heelf sf the reception to Theodore House veil today came the deluge two hours after the parade that escorted -him up i .fth avenue hud diabuuded the a hole Metropolitan district v. us swept by tlie most violent storm in months. In twenty minutes .GO ?ii an Inch of rain fell while the wind at tinier at tained a velocity of 5?s miles an hour. .Three deaths were reported earl> tonight . four other person* arc be lieved to have drowned in the capsiz ing of a Jishinfc smack off Long Is land. whil scores of others had nar row escapes In accidents on the wa ter, from lightning and* in being itruck by trees, cornices and heavy signs hurled' to the ground by the wind. Baseball games were Abandoned md for a while panic threatened tin ier the tents of a circus, showing in the upper part of the city. The storm bvoke almost without earning, preceded by a gust of wind hat uprooted 'trees, sent street signs lying and toro into tatters the elab orate decorations hung out In honor Df .Mr. Roosevelt. Then came the iownpour, almost a cloud burst in violence. In a moment streets were flooded and the crowds still lingering iown town were soaked and bedrag gled. For an hour and a half the storm continued causing great lamage. Passengers on excursion boats w imong the -worst sufferers. Several boats were hung up in Hell Gate by the storm, not daring to face such '.reacherous currents. From all along the water fronts came reports of icores of rowboats and sailing craft !>eing capsized with probable loss of life. Small craft in the harbor and far out en tbe Long Island coast also juffered. In Brooklyn Frank Ross. 62 years | stock and bond quesTion will go Into I effect Immediately upon the bills be | ing signed. Other provisions, and I they are extensive, will take effect i within sixty days from the date of ap proval. # Will Take Time. It cannot be stated definitely when Arizona and New Mexico will come Into the I'nlon under this legislation. It requires that the constitutions adopted by the proposed States must be ratified by Congress and approved by the President. Conceding that th? statehood bill will be In force within a few days it will be necessary for the Territories to hold constitutional conventions which will require many weeks, submit the constitutions to the people of the Territories for adoption and return them to Wash ington. Provision la made against joint elections for the adoption of the constitution and lor the nomination or election of State officer?. It Is Im possible. therefore, to specify when jthe people of the two Territories will enjoy the benefits of statehood and many beJieve that it will not be be fore the presidential election of 1912. l^rrnident Signs Railroad Bill. President Tali signed the railroad bill at 10:13 o'clock, shortly after hts | return fro;n Fe? nsvlvauia. The : measure, as bM the statehood bill. had been passed by the Hooae hu(L| ng UlaodA v~a* struck by ; lightning and JaMtfc .loska, T6 years I old, who had sought refuge in Its 1 branches with his two small sisters, was killed. Lightning was aleo re sponsible for the death of Pietro Sant&maurlto. forty years old. an en gineer of a Long Maud brewery. The bolt lopplei! eve;- the hug1 smoke >iiek and tl" engineer was buried under tons of Tire* that fol lowed caused a hv-ss ??l $?()t000. OYEItM'LES l?i:. Ml P.KEIl or* tut; Top.Act o tiust. lieeidcs .lin> Musi IVm* < ti Wuie Krunte: Ttilia.'rn Damage Suit. Asheillle. V t . .1 m.o h, ? Judge* I H. (J- Ce:.i.r>r, at l;;.|i*ig'i Jmlay over 1 ruled the demi.i vt ?h the American l Tobacco- Company to th bill of cor.i 1 plaint In the suit for one and one | half million dollar* damage brought 1 against it by the Ware-Kramer To jbacco Company . In this cane the j plaintiff company .-.liege.-. ihe destruc tion of its cigarette busln ?s at Wil j son, X. C.. and Norfolk, Va.. through trust methods whi< h crushed compe tition. Judge Connor rules that if all the allegations of the plaintiff as set out in the bill are made good, tin- case t* clearly one on which a jury should pass. He cites the allegations that Carter, manager for Ware-Kramer Company,, was made a "decoy duck" bv the American Tobacco Company til the management of the plaintiffs bus iness, and the charges that the Amer ican Tobacco Company persistently sought to destroy the foreign busi ness of the Ware-Kramer Company. I The judge holds that all these things, If proven, would clearly constitute a violation of the nnti-trust law. ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. f ? Gem Theater. 4 I ? Gaiety Theater. * ? Baltimore Clothing House ? ? ? Sale ? j# J. K. Hoyt -Ladies' Hata. * Home Building & Loan Association NEW SERIES WILL BE OPENED JULY 1ST, 1910. Par Value of Stock, $100.00 Payable, 25c Weekly. Those wishing to subscribe see Mr. Jno. B. Sparrow, Secretary.