AY AFTERNOON, JUNE 21, 191#, , 1P|? Mrs. Taft Outdoes I m Society Leadtf. VERDICT WAS UNANIMOUS Wsshlngton. Jane 10. ? The flrmi ?octal MMoa of Mr*. William H. Taft wife of the president of the United State*, which came to a cIon Satur day. when she departed (or Beverlj (or the raamer, has beea a great suc cess. This It the verdict unanimous ly rendered by oftclal. reside ntlal and rial ting society. Mrs. Taft has also atected mort chance* In the White House thai any preceding chsteisine. Her greSt est triumph. In the opinion of soci ety. Is the ell m Inst ion bf social feuda In carrying this out. Mrs. Tafl has nowhere shown her hand. Bui the word has gone forth that social strife Is not desired at the WhlU House, and all who have private scores to settle must settle them be fore they can expect to he made de sirable company. Mrs. Taft slso has done much foi the wlfb oft the new ' Congressmsn whose social posltidn Washlngtor would never determine, either foi herself or Itself. Mrs- Taft has shown no favoritism. either because of Mra Congressman's husband's politics, o< beeause her place of reeideac* Is on Use Rural Free Delivery route She has ratMSA to tbelr side with, no little enthuslssm sad has Introduced them to leaders who have beer charnmd hy their ingenuity and stock of fresh gossip and conversation. - Mrs. Taft Dfetthee Om#. For Mrs. Taft. a woman eseen tlally agatnat the equal rights flfovemenl and all that teade to remove her from the MotM. dislikes gossip of the Mra Orundy hind; but fairly rsrfh in con Orf one ocedHfn the P tea Idaat abo^l th. ! dsj "I suppose they weia foot storlsa." Tmfl M. uillMt, "but tha > I heard are ann4Sm to ka ?tori* .bout Ik* lovable |M. of Ui.ll men and their wark. It va* Ac this. occasion that Mr. Nlckotae L&}? 98c. StocJIftjgi ?fct?wn in town at the price ? 15c. Special Gauze Hose for La dies at 121-2c Faacjr Top Sox for Chil dren .... , 15c. and 25c. /&/> , L S7T COUNTY INSTITUTE County Supt. W- L. Vaughan will ?end tfu In a tew days the following letter to 101 the public schttl teach - ere of Bee u fort county: V Washington. N. C . Jane 18. VilP A County Institute for teacher* will be held at Waahlngton. N- C . beginning July 11, end continuing two weeks. Beetlon 41?T of the School Law says : "AH public school teachers of any county In which such institute and school is conducted are hereby required to attend the same continuously during Its seealon, un leee providentially hindered, tno fail ure to attend the biennial Institute sod school shall ddbar any teacher so falling to attend continuously from teaching In any of the public schools at the State for a pfertod of one yqar, >r until such tea?ker shall have at tended according to law some eonnty institute and school as ' herein pro led for In some other county." Tod are require*' to bring alt the >f the text-books used In the public! schools, through the primary and In termediate grades, as' the Institute ?rlll nartake largely of the charactef of a school. For the primary work being la addition to the renders, soma tablets and a pair of sotaeors. J. Y. JOTNKR, Supt. ot Public Instruction. W. o. VAUGHAN. County Superintendent. - The lnatltute for white teachtri; will be conducted by Prof. J. Henry Hlghamlth. assisted by Miss El*& t'ulghum, and will be held In iH Public School building. An Institute for the colored teachers will be con* dueted by P. W. Moore, priaclpal of the Colored Normal of Elisabeth City, supervised by Professor HlghsmUh^ This institute will be held in the Colored Graded School building. Those teachers who attend a repu table summer school for teachein Will Dot be required to attend the lnsti tnta. . >' PAYING WUi DCTIM New oYrk. June 21. ? Although Colonel Roosevelt, as speolal amlMN sador to King Edward's funeral, fifl good technical right to enter, tl* United States without examination of bis baggag* by customs, inspectors, h? Insisted tfcathe comb In aa a mere dtlsea aad pay full duties. Hie a* typewritten awn describing what be had purcbaaed abroad. In all there warn seventy pieces of bag gage. but the duty all told was net more than $806. BACK FKOWh 1AKVG ORRK. Mr. Hugh Styroa. a well-known Waahlngton boy. la home, after a long cruise' to the Orient^ covering over a year. Mf.Styron was boat swain's mhte Cm one of the.larasst steel salting Alps on the sew,- a BrU Ish i issil. Bis outward trip was via Cane or Good Hope. Southern Africa, returning by the opposite route. The porta of call fa eluded many of the Baat Indian, japeneee aad Chinese ports, the flnsl destination ou{ being Heag JLoag. He says that the Amer ican colors. bate almost On U rely dis appeared from the high seas. - * ? - ' once has there been a Wall from some disappointed American Woman who found the portals of the capital's so ciety closed so that ehe could not even peek In. She has bad every chance to see from the Inside, sad through the Introduction pf Mrs. TafL ?*' One of the successful women of the Congreasionsl circle had this .to say about being the wife of a Con^raae, "New congressmen's wives aVfe^tlMt humble cabbages of the social rief4h here. You see. there ? are so members of the Diplomatic which Is governed by laws ienti its- own, because they are notvAmer Ican officials, who hive no dnti?rt& ward their official friends. The -po^, sltlon of the fourth secretary evep.ls assured. It Is the system. Thdn there is the class of worthy Aiqj^ leans who come to Waahlngton every winter just because It Is becoming more and more like Baropean capK tals, and can quickly get along with the titled foreigners hbre. Senatorial and Congressional members , .whosfc positions through their committees make theni better known thantythose of their less fortunate or yotmgefc^? In service? confreres have an ea$y time of It all around. The Shpr^me Court has a'deflnlte social atatu^, thpi mpst exclusive, while the other Judgeships have no stnnding socially. The army and navy sets have a little Quota of representatlvea In society, but for the greater part form their own sets and pay no attentldn-gp, outsiders. In fact. I am Inclined to! believe that the army and navr peo ple are amonk the least sociable ex cept among themselves. Wsshlngton has -taken very well to the subtle change In Its "Social1 life. It has been so gradual thpt few were aware of It while U "waa taking place. But the lnptders are giving Mrs. Taft the credit for- It. tyrs. Sherman and jril the other la dles are getting their share of It. but in epeeklng of Mrs, Tnft they mean her as well as the circle she wen H.r lllnes. daring tb? KUDU hll GOVERNOR RESIGNS OFFICE S*rf*u Wlp?d Oat aed Call N44* cm K this month. 3* tar u discover able. the dMl WMrrtj the Liberal*) ire to hare eighteen of the lifcliiii M the Congr cm. sad the CoWservm gvse the iwmglnlng ten. hold* food, the opposition has del ire red, bow ?ver. some telling Mown to t|* com bination. Principal of '{bete tn the resignation of Geo. Pedro A. Dint as Qoverny of the Province pi Peru ma. Qen. Wax came out flalfoote^ the other day In his declaration thnt Act ing President Mendoxa 1*^ using the Presidential offlce Illegally to perpet uate hi met If In power. *He fkgave Mendoxa the following reason tpr re signing: "First. X cannot continue as ?or# ernor inasmuch as I am nLiit Is In a posi tion to afltas that President Taft hae been appealed to directly to take 'cog- ( Sisance of the threatened overriding of the Panfcma constitution, and the disaster which may result If the American government dogs not again ; interfere in the election. '** J Mated la my s last letter, there Is # powerful, though ^-wmero ua, element among the mors ^ifluentlal and oon-j sarvstKe wbite4 "that deems Ameri STORE ENLARGED L 1. Cox A Co. laerease Their Store WuhlnitM can bout of more pod Mores than an y town In North arollna of the population. Messrs. l. J. Cox & Co. have Just completed ?prarements to their etore at the orMr of Market and Watot streets rhlch will enable them to dUplaf tock at ?aeh bettor advantage. They have Ihcroaaed (he taae to al ioat double lta former capacity by smovlng the partition from the ad rtnlng ||vUdloi formerly occupied y D. B. Adams * Son. Their store i now one of the largest groceries in tie city. DKtTHK. OUT PLUCKKJ). Liverpool. Q., June 18. ? kThein Mrs. James Burnet, of Holi ay's Cove, Hancock CouAty.-W. Va.. drew out some spoiled blackberries, er four hens feasted on them and ecaroe helplessly drunk. Mrs. Burnet thought they \were ead and thriftily plucked them clean or the feathers. Next morning she Fas astounded to find the hens, shlv rlng from cold, racing about to keep rarm, and naked as she had plucked hem. Mrs. Burnet made blankets for her ?atherless hens. ate. the opposition leaders expect list such tactics to be pursued. It rill be well to remember that in thU tepubllr the "police force" Includes Jl the soldiers deemed necessary to Iujntaln public order. The regular rmy was dlabanded^Vhen Oen. Huer as attempted to use it. a yetr after he independence, to overthrow the liinador administration. Another embarrassing situation or President Taft Was caused last reek by the toaat Attributed ?o Judge Collins of the Canal Zone when Men low was on a campaigning tour te ?olon. Judge Collins was quoted ai wopoelng the health of "the. Pital lt ?u>A vill M." -n? ntfrt at Vths IltttMi the American so vera meat; 11 to take as authoritative ind official in matters political the ittersnoes of any canal worker, be te commissioner, governor. Judge oi team shovefmsn. Raid os Reserve. The financial condition of the re public, as well as the unrest which he race question In the Presidency tas .kicked up. Is bound to cause rouble before long. At the close o1 he administration of the late Prest lent Amador there was left a sprpliu if Sl.300.000. In less than twojneart hat has been run through and the government has sent to New York foi i?50,000 of th? luoney deposited here. This criticism was met by the txplanation that this was only a loan o the government bank; at 4 pat ient, but already It ha? withdrawn 10,000 pesos ($46,069); SiWilliiH y*pdeviUe Last Night Wm the Be?t Ever S^ert'Here. Good Program Tonight. ti to be otrered by Miss FMlfr and Hal Mordaunt t^nlishi and- it 'ieals with the tsfcgv and , tribulations Of a jroulfr'VnrrlM bouple aai niT(r/alU to keap tb? audience In roars of laughter throughout , ? ?* \ , Mile fcenielle baa all r.ew changAe* and In addition to her *1 elnglng and|j|anclng hits ahe will presant a new "Moon Act." Three mammoth raudarllle acta and now real* of pictures will be 1 1 ren nightly, and Washington -t baa tar goers have . a treat In store for them this week at any rat*. '? "The floral Airship" and "Hal ley* a Comet" are hkre and will be head-llna featarea daring this week at Brown's opera bona*. Do not miss either of them. . Oaf picture ggparam for to night constats ofiJSwo excellent pictures ? a Vita graph and a Paths. "The Closed Dior." Is a Vltagraph drama, one of the strongest we hare vrar showed, 1 Intensely h?frt appealing ? show ing how a mother's loss redeems a jrayward woman. Thla picture Is nothing less than asrmon la ltMlf, aria points out a moral 1 5 ^ GOV 'T LAUNDR l'arle Bam 1? Trying Out a Harbin Thnt May H*vc Lwg? Hums Aaaaall y. Washington, June 20. ? Unci Jam's money laundry is getting a try >ut In the United States Bureau o Engraving and Printing. Director J [>. Ralph is on the job watching witl nterest the renorator of dirty bllli lo its duty. The machine on trial li me invented by Prank B. Churchll ind was submitted by him. along witl others of different makes, for trial !t Is now being demonstrated In tht mreau. The machine now in use takes bllli ind spreads them on a screen. Thii tcren Is revolved rapidly through t iolutton of soap and water, whlcl akes off the grime. The next diet akes them through a strong solutloi >f disinfectant, which removes thi terms. A third disc removes th< traces of the other two waters ant tends the bill out onto a plat read: !or the "plater." The "plater" L :he same roller used press new mon jy. It is this machine that gives nei noney Its crlspness. After the wssh sd-out bills are run through th< 'plater" they are comparatively nen ? the ink colors having been brough jut again and the dirt removed. It Is Mr. Ralph's Idea that the llf Df a banknote will be extended abou 80 per ceht b> the new method. Th machine which he wants will cost be tween $800 and 11,000. It will sav from 9500,000 to $1,000,000 annual [y. Only treasury notes that are no torn and not so badly worn that th liber Is broken will be renovated This money Is now chopped up. Th expense of manufacturing new mone Is enormous. The laundry Idea 1 one of the economics put into prat tlce by Charles D. Norton, now Secrc tary to President Taft, and formerl Aslstant Secretary of the Treasury. STREET MATERIAI Tw Barges Arrival Yesterday li loading Today. . Yesterday Afternoon the steam tu These barges were loaded in Bait more with about 1400 tons of grar lte to be used In paving the street! They are lying at the pier next to th county bridge and discharging th cargo on the vacant lot adjoining will" probably require- eight or te days to unload. Other material is ei peered to arrive at an early date. A CARD What wouldn't you give to heai right in your own home, any soai hymn, march, overture or operatl selection, whenever and as often a you wished? It la just possible that you ma have a false Impression regardin the Victor by reason of having hear records played by som? one whoa choice of selections Is entirely dlffei ant from what yours would be. an who may have also entirely ovei looked the Importance of the prope tempo. You will never know, until yo, have a Victor in yoar home, how per fectly the music you like can be play sd on the Victor. Let us lend to you, for one nlghl to use In your home, a Vlctor-Vlctro ta, with 2 4 records of your own se lection. No obligation to buy. Al we ask is that you invite your frlendi !o call and help you enjoy the goo< nusic. A full Hat of 10-Inch double 'ace records to select from. Respectfully, RUSS BROS. ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 9 Gem Theater. ? Oalety Theater. ? J. K. Hoyt ? Ladles Shirtwaists. ? Ruse Bros - ? Graphophones. ? Mother Oray Powders. I Doan's Kidney Pills. ? Cardul. USE SPRINKLER > ?, IXut From City ('art. a HtUM io Heal tli ? No Kxcom For Preaefct Methods of Hlwt Cleaatag. This morning the business portion of Main street presented the appear ince of being visited by s dust storm, st points where the city carts would i top one could not psss without !?*? ing their egps, ears, nose, throat Ad Nothing filled with dust froatf1, the llthy refuse swept in piles on tfce itreet The city owns s street sprinkler ' )ut apparently It Is for display pur poses and not for use when needed. Two of the city carts, one on eacL tide of the street, were working down Main street this morning taking up itreet sweepings which had not been iprinkled and were dry enough that when disturbed a cloud of dust ?o lense as to be stifling would rise and lost across the street and sidewalks, the drivers were using their shovels is if they were handling coal with no regard for the pedestrians on the itreets. The health of the city should be safeguarded and unless more precau tion is taken In clearing off th,e streets Washington Is subject to have an epidemic of disease which would cost its citizens hundreds and pos sibly thousands of dolisrs, to say nothing of the loss of time. Such methods ss was in use this morning should not be tolerated and can be avoided with no extra expense. Use the street sprinkler before load ing the refuse, or lesve It and use a hose to wash the streets. POLICE COlfRT Two Charged With Wife Beating? Other Offfimw Same CHd Story. The Mayor's court was in session yesterday and today. Only one of fense was tried this morning, he had Imbibed too freely of the near beer, or the reel beer, and today he 1s minus several dollars. gftate vs." Nelson Perkins and Lanler, both colored, drunk and dis orderly. Lanier waa dismissed and Perkins was adjudged t*v par the costs j 12.75 was the price. State vs. Claud Satcbwell, colored, assault on his wife, Reaa. Satcbwell fined $2 and coats; total. $5.76. State vs. Wn. Ebon, coloredt as saulting and choking his wife. Pined 92 'and costs; total t6.80. State vs. Matthew Lewis, drunk snd disorderly. Pined $2 and costs. He was called upon to produce the sum of |?.55. ALL FKATURK PROGRAM AT THE GKM TONIGHT ? 3 RKBLS, S.OOO FKKT FILM. Another excellent program started off the week at the Gem last night. Aft Is customary, the house was well patronised regardless of counter at tractions, all were well pleased w)th the fine pictures. Another prise drawing tonight. "Cupid and the Motorboat," a beautiful Vita graph film, will be shown. This fascinating sketch of love and bravery shows that Vita graph productions csn give the touch of realism while depicting the strong er dramatic qualities and st the same time detract from neither. Its a pretty summer Idyl all should see. "The Forager," a Kalem war drama of great strength and beauty. The picture is teeming full of beau tiful Southern scenery that will make even* one's heart beat with pride for the home land. "The Newly Born," a fine comedy drama, depicting a practical joke played upon a husband as an induce ment to return home after being mis treated by his wife's mother. This will make you scream. WOULD NOT 1HKBCT LORIMKR INQUIRY TO PROCEED. Washington. June 20. ? The last preliminary step looking to an Inves tigation of the charges against Sena tor Lorlmer. of Illinois, was taken by the Senate today. The Senate adopt ed a resolution providing for the lu lulry. Senator Borah sought to have the ?esolutlon so amended as to direct :hat the inquiry shall proceed, but lis motion to that effect was voted lown. Home Building & Loan Association STEW SERIES WILL' BE OPENED JULY^ 1ST, 1910. Par Value of Stock, $100-00 Payable, 25c. Weekly. Those wishing to subscribe see Mr. . IfiO. B. Sparrow, Secretary