* A.Y *Fr?R NOON, JUNE 23, 191*. New York.* June *J.? Carrying mm rry-makera at a spefd or seventy miles oq hour two cars on the swliek RWw? ride at Cooer Island Jumped I th? track Mr ly today, fllxteda per sona were hurled to the ground from n height of sixty feet and atx of ths Tied to are dying at the Conor Ialand Hospital. The fatally Injured: Minnie Cobalt, Teeale Erricson. Richard Raddermacher. Roeo Wilson, Manuel De Colo, aU at Brooklyn; Harry Fletcher. Los Angeleo. Cel. All of the others of tho alrteen Were seriously Injured. The Rough Riders ride haa seven Inclines run ning from tho Bowery to tho beach. The highest of these Is sixty feet Knd It waa from this that the victims were hurled. Owing to the Intense heat a large number of persons spent the night on the sands of Coney Island, do at tho time of the accident there was a large crowd at the reoort. Two cars fastened together, each containing eight laughing persons, started from the Brat Incline. They wore in charge of Cyrus pinto of Coney Island. Af ter leaving the first incline and mak ing a swift deeosat the eara shot up again to the top* of the sixty foot In cline and began to rush down 1L At this point Pinto lost control, of the brakes and could not check tbejspeed. On the am turn MM cart swung STREET FAIR Jus* 17. Waah I niton Will tan on* tMk at carnl Thc J?o. ? Ui a ?l*u, reapectable ahow la promised to >tt >kO attend. Mr. Snflth V akowv were praaenteO In Washington a?T*ral Mara ago. - a. c. u mm* ovsmemtb. 1?. c. Tba AUdntle Coaat Line U eon ?tructlB# hbout four mllea of, double track lino from Weldon to %Gary? burg. N. ??. by elevating v the track I through the town at Wel4 level ^of -.the Roanoke river, and. tkore "will be^re^ulred la ltf cohktrncUoo?^Krat,2ir yards of ' coricretfle' and totfi Bf kteeir.rrtefe' *et?d pa Meager ? Station platform , surface lever of the Seaboard Air Line track. Baggage and expreas'wlll be conveyed to* the Vtlantlc Coaat LJne level by elevator?. By means of this viaduct all grade crossings In the town of WehJon #1U be avoided. The work involves an pntlrely new line, bft thlrf will In no wise affect the operation of trains. OBOAX ARMmiah' " The pipe organ* which will be In stalled in tho Methodist Church has arrived, and the erector (a expected tomorrow and the work of putting It In place will begin at once. When completed It will be the handsomest church organ^the clty,,# J . HKAVY BKWTRXC? FOR , , AH K LECTION CBOOK. PottarlU*. Pa., June 11. ? Tour 7**ra and atx month. In prison. to tie coat ol proMcaUen and U* COM of oM4ltton from and to for*T?t r ' lag public ofllc* In waa the amttnee on M M. Caff, an elaetloa oBoer In 8h*nandoal*. con Ticted of * charge ?f| making a falae return at tl)? primary election in Jua, tut year. , * ' I JUMPS THICK ia? ? a?M of Mull Mile. A* *? I*>at <>?trol M UK Car u II ta? ud It Juiped ttw Track at tbr ? 1 Claar oi the Oar Bat tUi Wan wi.-. * ? ? toxi cants and another 1100.008 tpr lem onade and soft drlnka. '?* i j/CSMiifctJStlh ? V $3.50, $4.00 and $5. 12.98. |f id Nettleton Che UPRISING SERIOUS ' w "2ZL2t??Z!rww Del Wo. Bonorm. Max.. June U ? The uprlaiuc la Boaort agalnat the national joTirnaent u warivK-' rioue proportloaa. It U aliased i>r lsdv> 1 tlcn that luuiKlaa bit been a hipped Into Mexico tram P9111 lOTBtahee. Naco a ad other IrhoM towaa. Rvralea tan aeiaed In C&n aaea >.000 roaada ol ammunition. Many rite. ban been cohBacated from Mexican* cau?kt la tba hula near Votla Verde. J*?t eouth at the Aaertcaa boundary line. The pria onera are belt at Wool ? HAD HIDDEN GEMS Armtod M Charse of fhaaayltng, PttUock Bad $0,000 la CM* aatf Trinkets la Small Plum New York, -June 22. ? Isaac Pol lack, a wealthy milt' and cloak mer chant In this city, who wm a fellow voyager of Theodore Roosevelt on the Kaiserin Auguste Victoria, found himself a Federal prisoner yesterday before United States Commissioner i Rush In Hoboken on a charge or smuggling. Jewels worth more than 1 5,000 had been found on his person when he landed Saturday, Including a la Yglllere chain and pendant worth $3,000, which was In a secret com partment of a small para*, that Pol lack had shaken before the eyes of the Customs Inspectors only a mo ment before so they might hear the coins rattle and prove his assertion that It contained only small change. The merchant furnished $1,0,00 cash ball for his appearance next Fri day. He declared vehemently that he had no intention o( evading the laws. Pollack's chief clerk slipped away from the pier ahead of his employer and thus attracted the suspicion of the authorities. He was followed to his home tn Brooklyn by inspectors and frightened into declaring articles worth $750 which he had failed to mention oh the ship. ? - r When Pollack arrived his declara tion showed only a articles. ant even on theee Inspector George W* Harnisch felt convinced the prices were udder values. Deputy Survey ors Rasesklewlcz and O'Connor In vestigated and the baggage of Ppl* lack was sent to the PaWlc Stores. * . was searched. In one pocket were two gold dlatnond-studkled mesh bass containing diamonds, rnbleV and emeralds' worth $i;500; two gold watches with SwIsb movements. worth $150 each; two long gold neck chains, & gold Mty-ae-you-enterl change purse, a powder puff caa* at tached to a pearl chain and a brace let with solid gold Jinks, with a small watch in one of them. He denied having anything more land brought out a small leather p.traa and shook It, saying It contained 'small change only. In It the search ers found the la valliere. The pen dant was a pear-shaped diamond of three carats size set with rubies. ' Mr. pollack was ordered to sppear at the Customs House .at 10 a. m. yesterday. When he did not apnea r a warrant was issued and he was ar ? / I XO RING RVIaK. If you do not attend the primaries don't say anything about ring rule because thl primaries la the place where the people express their wlahea. VOYAGE A GREA' Iftly. The Msnntaelm heee places ed to view m first aer I/. June St. ? taken by aerial er NMrvlce was bunt Zeppelin's Mi. landed here PHOIH'CK MAHKKT. ? The potato market has dropped to 'a price which will not Justify ship ment. Prices are ranging today from 40 to 60 cents per barrel, with prac tically no demand. The cucumber crop has been very poor thus far. as the yield Is below the average. Prices are good. OOXFISKI) lO Hdl'ttU. The many friends of Miss Mattle Week 8 will regret, to know that she has been confined to her bed for sev eral days quite 111. and wish for her a ] speedy recovery. ? ? * - i an hour n of Count Prie4flikahAf?&. M.-ThaSfst part great dirigible at 3 o'clock this i mile trip to 1 la, the inventor, and there were twrat# ] *fd The ship was brilliantly lighted throughout her length of t 8 5 feet as ?ho arose to cheeN ftMr started on r course, mor! coarse lies over Stntt( |?ad Cologne. At each < crowds are already gatl the passage in the iUr < fat 'liner. The big did able of making 85 but It was not the lnti Zeppelin to preea her j day. The passengers **4 ftaveling in a threat cabin somewhat resembling a sleeping car of a luxurious model. It is carpeted and Inlaitf with mother of pearl. There are targe windows on both sides and a -tffcstaurant sup plies jfood and drtat, The limit of the voyage is fixed at 700 miles and there , are three motors. Whose total horsepower is something over 300. The faree are moderate consider ing that this is the Jkrat trip in the car for a ship of kind. Tbey range from $26 The new liner could have ? filled many times over from til* lists of those who msds applications for enerva tions. Thirty-thread aaHles sn hour Is the average speed ?f the new air liner. 8he was burg-A mar lean Land the German ay Jointly. for the Ham Company | k Com flHtfi 1 1 in tes hoars. This was tfc* on of ttfe first part of the 7*0, alia Josmey which the airship has begun. The count was Jubilant over ~kla success and his twenty passengers de clared they bad enjoyed thft whole Journey. " * Weather conditions were ideal. Another Big Feature Bill at Gem Tonight The pictures at the Gem lest night were Mid by men y to here been the beet ever presented In this' home. Every one wee simply carried away by the pretty Indten story, Ramona. Tears were brought to many .an eye. While with the next change of ft lift, faithful, brought forth Mich screams Of laughter one forgot, everything but the pictures being projected ' up on the canvas before them. Picturee that show their worth aa those of last night, are truly wonderful, and Well perform their mieslon. p Another VMptlfvl Biograph for tonight The Gorilla. Bcnee are laid In the South land is positively the most Intense dramatic subject yet produced by the Btogpfph Co. A Drama of the Mountain Pass, ' by Oaumont. The story poimum1 much of Interest, the mountains are picturesque and rugged and ferra an attractive portion of the Poetry of Waters, a plQtpre like this Is beyond description. Scenes ?re from the southern coast of France, representing early morning, brilliant noontide and darkening evening, a picture like this jwfU lin ger long in the memory. , Review of U. 8. Troops at Fort Leavenworth Is a picture of much in terest showing the trqpps In some deeperate charges, dangerous drills, acrobatic work. etc. Prise drawing tonight. INDIVIDUALS' GOOD THING CITY'S LOSS Dif t Taken From Street! Being Paved Should Be Placed Upon Unpaved Thoroughfares. ? ( - . ? t *?' FOLK ACCUSES Hurloun iUked (or I?ickla?on. I Ueei. Kjmm, Morftm, Wtckrrnham, Gug genheim., Mlfa^ AUaU. fu> It. ? Ttot the cabi net of PrwMMt Taft r?pr?MQt? only ?peel*} interests and that no mamber of it to In sympathy with the people, except Secretory of Agriculture Wll m, *u the oUUnent made by Jos eph W. Folk. ex-Governor of Mli ?ourl, and regarded u a Democratic pootfbUlty for Prseident. Mr. Folk, who come to Atlanta Co speak y eater day at a meeting to ratoe monoy for a great institutional church, left (or hone today. i He declared that Dtcklneon was appointed at the request of Harrl man, before the death of the railroad magnate ; that the steel industry hsd practically appointed Knox, that the Morgan Interests named Wickerahsm and that the Ouggenhelms named Bailiager. Mr. Roosevelt, he said, would be forced to Indorse the Taft admin istration and to get behind him for re-election, because Taft was the mai\ of his making, and that he could not go book on his own creation. NAGELHOLDS THE LID DOWN He Will be in Charge at Washington While Taft is At Beverly Hummer Home. Washington, D. C., June 21. ? When President Taft goes to Beverly soon after Congress adjourns he will leave Secretary Charles Nagel of the Department of Commerce and Labor, who Is' six feet three inches tall and weighs one hundred and sixty pounds to "sit on the lld."\ This means that Secretary Nagel will be the "senior officer present" In Washington rep resenting the President, to whom as sistant secertaries In charge of other departments will go for advice and counsel. President Roosevelt used to lesve Mr. Taft, then Secretary of War," to "sit on the lid" When he was away from Washington. Secretary Nage! has not the weight qualification for the position, but he to clesr-headed and bright-eyed and no one fears for the result of his stewsrdshlp. He has never deserted a "Ud" which he was left to hold dowfe* Postmaster General Hltch c9ck. w||ltfdso be in Washington a short time hfter the President leaves brt>regoln? on a vacation trip in ? Five of the nine members 'ofthe Cabinet will make long inspection trips. Secretary Dickinson Is going to the Philippines and around the world. L^e In the summer Secre tary Nagel' will look over immigra tion, lighthouse and other stations lender his department. morn choice. Vote for your choice for Corpora tion Comtniasloner, Supreme Court Judges and Solicitor at the primaries. f THK TWO \KfT STATES. New Mexico. Organized as a territory, Sep tember 9, 1850. Population. 450,000. Area In square miles. 122.580. Produced In gold and silver In 1908. 9514.000. Arizona. Organized as a territory. Feb ruary 24, 1863 Populatlon, 200,000. Aria in square miles. ir3.020. Produced in gold and silver in 1908. 94.000.000. Vote In Both MUitex. ; Republican vote In 1908, 27. ' 6t)6; Democratic vote. 1908, 37.217. Republican major ity. 708. j New Mexico was organized as a territory on the day Cali fornia gained 8tatehood. Since that date 15 8tates have been admitted, the last (previous to New Mexico and Arizona > be ing Oklahoma, November 16., 1907. It had 1,490.000 popu lation on January 1, 1910, a Jump from less than 150,000 ten years previously. For President, In 1908, Ok lahoma gave Bryan 11,889 plurality, and elected a Demo cratic Governor by 27.345 plu rality. Jt ranks with the best corn producing States, raising 132.000,000 bushels in 1908. Ita other agricultural products are enormous. Its assessed valuation of property on a 1 00 per oent basis Is $1,000,000. 000, while that of New Mexico and Arizona combined Is ap proximately 9600.000.000. Ok lahoma's bonded debt la only 91,460,000. That of Arisona's 93,006,000. and of New Mexi co, $1,000,000. T Ttttgga ^p~ THINGS TUFT WIT?8, EOT, Olflll'T GET Latter Included Unprecedented Aggregate of Approp* I riatioDs, tor Which He Must Share^BJ^^t**1 \ All In All. Prenldeat'a Kim Vmt Wm < 'rei, ? Ulalaka Credit For 8obm Victories tad Hume of Hto PM PUM Failed? He Nut Take His Part of Cwdng For Excessive Kxpeadlt ?rea ? Federal lacorfor. Htloa Act and National Conserve ttoa Plana Anong the Fall urea? No Chaugr In Alaakan Government at Preaent. ? Washington. June 22. ? What Pres ident Taft requested Congress to snact into law at this session: A federal corporation law. Separate statehood for Arizona and New Mexico. Establishment of poital savings banks system. I A court of commerce and many amendments to Interstate commerce law. A plan for conserving the nation's natural resources. A new form of government for Alaaka. An act to expedite legislation In Federal courts. An investigation of the Balllnger Plnchot controversy. An act limiting utilization of in junctions. The issue of reclamation certifi cates. . Modifications of Sherman anti trust law. The publicity of campaign contri butions. The program for two battleships. What President Taft Is Taking the Credit for Having Accomplished. Separate Btatehood for New Mexico and Arizona. A postal savings bank system. A court of commerce and revision of interstate commerce law. 8TOXJ-: THK PASTOR'S 'PANTS.* Thief Considerately Lplt One Pair, So Sermon Wm Delivered. Atlantic City, N. J.. June 22. One lone pair of trouaers was left to the .Rev. Herbert M. Gesner. pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, by a thief who ransacked the parsonage a few hours before church time on Bunday morning last and stole bIx pairs of the pastor's trousers and a lot of valuable silverware. ? Although the thief had consider ately made It possible for the mlnls ister to appear lu the pulpit, the po An Inquiry Into Balllnger-Plncliot controversy. The Issue of reclamation certifi cates. The publicity of campaign contri butions. The two battleahlp naval program. R*rommeiMUtl4M? Made by President Taft Which Onwidm Kither I? noml or Failed to K timet, A federal Incorporation act A detailed plan for conserving the nation's natural resource?. A completed form ofrlvll govern ment for Alaska. Legislation to expedite litigation in federal courts. A bill to limit issue of Injunctions. Comprehensive chariges in Sher man anti-trust act. A ship subsidy bill. A bureau of public health. Codification of postal laws. What President Taft Did Not Kecom . .mend. But for Which He Must Htiare the Blame With Congress. The figures already In sight clear' ly indicate that the appropriations for the next fiscal year, beginning July 1. will reach the enormous and unprecedented aggregate of $1,083, 859,693. This Is <39.000.000 In ex cess of the total appropriations made last year. lice began a hunt for the man, and arretted Charles McGurk while at tempting to dispose of a part of the "plunder. He was held for trial. * NEW BKRN VS. WASHINGTON. The ball team from New Bern Is expected to arrive Friday morning and there will be a icame between them and the local team. The New Bern Journal says: "If 1b more than probable that the Washington bunch will receive another drubbing from the New Bern team." AT JfflQWN'S,; OPERA HOUSE S - ' V?g, " ~ ... Hal Mordaunt. Elinor Foster and Mile. Nennelle Are Breaking Records for Advanced Vaude ville in This City. Never before have the amusement lover* of th!a city enjoyed saclv thor oughly high class offering &h are being presented by The Gaiety management this week. The Airship last night was an immediate hit ? and Mile Nennelle won laurels with her singing and danclhg. "The Talkative Wife," by Mordaunt & Foster was a classic In the realm of refined comedy. Tonight's changes. "Fol low the Car Tracks." "What's the Matter With Father" and novelty burk and wing dancing by Mile. Nenelle. and "The Vesper Chimes'* by Hal Mordaunt and Elinor Foster. This act Ib one of the most sen sational dramatic novel ties in vaudeville, taken from a real Incident in life and handled wi;h a deli cacy of treatment that serves to bring out all Its ? rrr? salient points. Mr. Mordaunt is responsible for this playlet and he will be seen as the minister In the Rev. Norbert Dean, and Miss Foster as sumea the role of Margaret Fairfield, the wife of his best friend. ^The moving pictures are the flne*t that money can procure, and new reels and subject are shown nightly. A visit to Brown's opera house to night will be the proper thing. Follow the crowd, the new fans keep tiro place cool as an Iceberg. A dollar show for ten and twenty cents. Home Building & Loan Association NEW SERIES WILL BE OPENED JULY