WASHINGTON, NORTH ?i1 .1 ~ AY AFTERNOON, JUNE bright and beautiful daughter of Mr. and lira. A? D. Mac Lean, celebrated her fourth natal day Wednesday af ternoon at her home oa West Main street. she served lemonade from V miniature punch bowl, a birthday rotom where the load. of good things on the beautifully decorated table was very much enjoyed by thest llt^l tie tots. Mary proved herself a most charming little hostess. Those In vlted wore Ltd. Stoddarl, JLooUe Leach, Jene Taylor. ' Ella, Carter, Ba mond Suiman, . Aucull* Simmon* Clark. John Leach. On. Bower*. Joe Taj toe Bowers, Herbert Jenkins, Charlie Tajloe Bowers, John Rod man.' William, Newbold. Louie Mann. ?nctittoi the Iroquois - In Cakad^." 'will be prescuted. The accurate re production of Indian mutators and customs, including dress, arms and the methods of using them are of more than ordinary "fotfertafteoa - These pictures have a great value in reproducing scenes In Indian life and characteristics, making it, a work of much educational importance. "Through the Tunnel".*' Is a farce comedy which will prove one ot the 'popular films of the evening. Other jgood pictures are The Contest For a ^{Handkerchief, the Tongue of Hca%i ,rdal, one of the Vltagraph excellent stories. and Pathe's big art film. The Rival.' It would be Impossible for any production Xo abound In more beautiful scenery than Is shown in this film. So "description could do justice to the picture and it must be aeen^^to J>e^fcpprec>ated- The prixe n. C. BANKERH HOLD / <[> ANNUAL CONVENTION. Wilmington. N. C- Juns 2*.? The fourteenth annual convention qf the North Carolina Bankers' Association convened last night at WrlghtavlUe Beach wfth the largest attendance on recond for so opening session. Tht feat ires of th# night session were the annual address of President J. O. Ellington, of FayettevlUe. In which . he Inveighed against small capitalisa tion. large directorate, and need of bills of lading legislation, ai# some uniformity in taxation. This report of Secretary W. A. Hunt showed a large Increase along all lll?a during CAll 7 ail of the streets ?0Pth h would. mQiu much bene a mo? Apron Check Glnghlm. worth Sc.. !?*t color, tot ? 14c. ? Klllarnaj- Baiting, rtntai PrtM l?o., (or ia.i-ac. ?U l-tc. Qtun Vmu for . . . . . fc,1 Extra lone Corut* ?lo. (rade. *-? >??? ? ; * In his affidavit before the Clerk of the Peace. Vingut said he vu th'.rty elght years old, born In New York had son pf George and Sarah Vlngut. MIm feaynor gave her age u nine teen and Mid her parents were Will iam J. and Augusta Oiynor of Brook lyn. She eald Brooklyn is her birth place. v ? ???:, ??? V* ;>.>$? j'- /The license procured, the couple, i accompanied by Mr. Gray and Mrs. dfeAWWI tf* 9?SV?f 1 ft fault*. ^Tbar Ml When Judge l*ndls st^sti iemurrer but were unw the shock of ttaa^sabM of the court 4a orderfn| grand Jarjr. fcifl .'1 Along with the court's i I report that ^udge Landli id' his Indifferences with the s dm la Is t ration he so| Chicago, June tt.^P^ckers yes terday circulated s new list of prices for dressed beef cuts which showed variations of interest to housewives. The choice cuts were advanced one half cent a' pound, while the cheaper cuts were reduced one-quarter to one cent. Close upon the heels of the change came tho report that 7,000 dreseed hogs had been received in San Fran cisco from China. These hogs are said to be imported by a St. Louis wholesaler, who will dl?trlbute them to all parts of the country. PCBIJ8H CJOXTRJ RUTIONB ONXT AFTER KIJ-XTIO.VH Washington, June 22. ? The House Dill to require publication of cam paign contributions was passed by the Senate today with an amendment providing for publication only after election. riage a reception was tendered the bridal party at the home of the bride. Many useful and costly presents man ifested the popularity of the couple. Still Big Drawing Card ?t Brown's Opera House. To no Bunco Tonight. 7" Ot 19 iP Hal Mordant and Bit- * - . > Vj nor Foater to be mo In , tho great medical and , sclentjfto aattre entitled ? B "TOno Bunco/' tonight. V ' It U me of the tan nleet concocUona lmai Jnlll^. ]t la the atory - 1 ot an old German ph . alclan who haa Inteoted j.'u,? 1 a powder anppoeed to ?? make -the aid i?unj, ' ,.; and Ike melancholy ' - '1 'afc ' ' < J keep the aadta*e?, 'W,' "? ? ;>\ ? JV JJ at *a?.:tl will be one of the Mil >; ^ ^ SJ?* M y ' ^J;-L ' % , . MB*: Tf?aa?>1? ;.affl - ' ?9 hare aome at Ur beat' ' }-. ^ . ' ?> .(] tinting and dancing ? noreltlea tonight and ^ H will hat" an aniy U * # he will say "Rumor." Oire him ? ? the money. If you do not do so ? ? we will take the blood of your- ? ? eelf and son and drink it. We ?! ? hare no moro to aay. ? New York, June 14.? An agent of the. "Black Hand" perpetrated yes terday one of the boldest kidnap pings ever known In this city. A child that the "Black Haed" has been after for throe years ? ever since he was four months old ? was stolen while his father and mother were sitting in their apartment not ten feet away from the kidnapper and plainly within sight. * ? The child" was -Michael Sclneca, son of Dr. Mariano Sclneca, of NO. J Prince street', a well known Italian physlcteBt who has given bis life to the service of his countrymen, in America and whoTs highly thought of to the Italian colony. . i of killing him and stealing or, |kllttn? little Ml.tucI Whtn ho rt~ Uw A rat Mf-turem it over to rthen bead of the Bureau. fhe'chlld Were esVried vout yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Michael was playing in the hallway of the floor of the apartment house above that on ? which he lived. His father and mother sat with the door of the apartment open to see that he did not go down sislra and | Into the street. While they were watching, a man carried the child past the door without their knowl edge. A boy and a girl, each four yoare old, with whom the boy had been playing, gave the alarm. The little girl informed the physician while the little boy followed the kid napper as long as he could In face of I repeated threats of death. Three years ago Dr. Scineca's I prosperity aroused tho cupidity of! some of his countrymen. He received . a letter, bearing a "Black Hand" signature, demanding $1,000. The physician wm told to bring the ra^n Qy to a certain place. In the event th^t he failed to appear with It, he and his family were to be killed with bomb or his son was to bo abduct ed. Dr. Sclneca turned this letter over to Lieut. Petrosino and wan in structed to keep the appointment. He did so but tho men who wrote the letter failed to appear. Other in ters followed this. Each time the ap pointment was kept by Lieut. Petros Ino'a instructions, but each time the men who were to receive the monoy dld not appear. Then, when it became known that Petrosino had been constantly watch ing the Sclneca home and that he was personally interested In the case the fear of the head of the Italian Detective Bureau became uppermost In the minds of the blackmailers and no more letters were received. When Lieut Petrosino was killed the VrH lag was resumed. The building In which the physi cian lives in a five-story apartment house. He lives on the sectokl flob?. the main entrance of hla apartment being opposite the head of the stair way from the first to the second floor. At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, little Michael, who' is three feet tall, weighs about fifty pounds. Is blonde and was dressed In a brown Buster Brown suit, went to the third toor to play In the hallway with VltoPa gaao, four years old, and Maria Jtxa ro, also four. Dr. and Mrs. Sclneca were sitting In their apartment with the door open so that little Michael could not go Into the street without being seen by them. Half an hoar later the little girl Maria, ran Into their apartment say ing that tfc* Utfja boy vito had told her 'to tell the doctor that a man had come up into the hallway, had picked up little Michael and had car ried him away. . She said that Vito. notwithstanding he was ealy tour a brown suit snd a ; and had a big black mi sr dtfr' not Me him they Vlto followed the child to the street door. Mactor, who was en Italian, the children say. mmde Vlto 00 back. The rouosster. with pluck far beyond hie rem hid Mind the door and than Followed the pair to Elisabeth street. At Elisabeth and Prince ettmu the abductor told ytto that If ha did not Bo back he weald j ?????????? Dr. ftciaaee ran e?t aad co*ld not] ?ee his boy. hat la a J| ?treat. Abductor and bay had dte pp?arad.x The physician went to the Italian Detective Bureau and told what had occurred. Detectives Carrao Caetsno went to work on the case Immediately and are still loofklag for the boy and the man who kidnapped him. Lest night every Italian detec tive of the Police Department was set to wojrk and s general alarm was sent out Dr. Sclneca received a blackmail 1ns letter dated April 8. of this year. ] It follows: , Doctor: Today we pray you for the sum of $1,000. If you talk to the pollce/ the worse for you and all your family. We don't give you sn appointment. It would be foolish. We com mand you to speak with your ? friends. They know where they can find us. The person who ( j presents himself Is worthy and mind that you receive him kind ly. We regret to give trouble to your lady.' We hsve a right to live. This letter wss signed with a black j hand, four dsggers and s cross. Dr. Sclneca hsd no chance to re ceive the "worthy" person, kindly or j otherwise." because he did not ap-| paar. Then on April 11 there csme a letter which showed that the Italians who wrote 1 1 real lied they were wounding the msn who had befriend ed them and who had given up his career that they might/ receive the medlcsl attention they could not j for. It folio to shofc* you that we have up our minds about you Md know how well off you are , ?We have waited long enough. We have don% nothing for your lady's sake. Your lady Is kind and benevolent toward us, but ? wajiave a right to lire.' As a go#d friend you must help us. If no money Is sent we will make trouble. WIU have no res r spect for you. We entreat you. Enough said. This letter was signed with" ten daggers and a black hand. Then on May 19- came this blood thirsty epistle: Doctor: The last letter we wrote you we receveld no an swer. Are you perhaps deaf, or are you making a bluff to us? If you' don't sond money you will die and all your family the way we told you In our other letters. We don't want to say much more to you. Think this over well. Must have the money before the end of this week or your life. The signature to this letter was raised to twenty daggers In addition to the black hand. Thiere was this postcript: These daggers are what we will give you and we will drink your bloOd. Mrs. Sclneca is under the care of physicians while tho distracted hu6-| band and all the detectives of the Italian bureau are scouring the eantj side to find Michael. TELEPHONE THE XKW8. The manager of the News would ( appreciate having the people of thej city and county telephone all news! Items, at our expense. If some one is ' visiting at your home or if you are j going away. Let us know It. as we I cannot get all the news without your| assistance. Girls don't take much interest in pugilism, but they will continue to ] train for the engagement ring. 1 ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O ? Jas. E. Clark Co. ? Saturday ? ? Specials. % + ? J. K. Hoyt ? Ladies' Shoes. ? ? i. H. Harris Plumbing ft Supply + ? Ply Co. ? New Arrival. + ? N. 8. Railroad ? Excursion. + ? Wesson Snowdrift Oil. + ? ?????????????? Oxford. ?. C.. June St. 1*U. Mr. Bdttor. I see Mr. J. B. Boone, of Wayoeo rllie. Ui an article In the morning paper attempting to reply to my tot ter of the 17th In regard to the caa Aldacy of Judge A. W. Graham for Corporation Commissioner, In which he positively denies that Mr. H. C. Brown Is a -western man. ''Who knows best where Mr. Brown's domicile Is? Mr. Boone or Mr. Brown himself and his mhnager and friends? I copy verbatim from page 8 to the circular entitled, H. C. Brown for Corporation Commissioner, sent; out by Mr. Brown and hla friends an nouncing his candidacy: . The Voice of Surry County. "Presents Henry Clay Brown to the Democrats of North Carolina for Coropratlon Commissioner. "Henry Clay Brown was oalled to th^ position of ChleC+Clerk of the Corporation Commission from 8urry county, and Surry claims the honor of his great service to the State, and speaks for herself and her section of the State the higher honor of having him choeen by the Democrat* of North Carolina. "In presenting Mr. Brown aa a western man, Su **y county Is well within her r.'ghts. Geographically she Is about 140 miles northwest of Rallegb, and the Alleg^JM^y^npua talns^fotig *+r western fcO'rder" There 8Se only two counttee? Alleghany and Aahe ? between Surry and the Tennessee line. The weet beyond the Blue Ridge hao been presented on jU* Cornell? Ion now twelve years; and from the geographical point of view, we, as western Democrats, submit as a reasonable and just prop osition that the Surry section of the -wostt that Is. the northwestern por* ? tlon of North Carolina, Is now more justly entitled to the honor of the office, so far aa geographical claims can go, than any other portion of the west." This is signed by ninety-four lead ing Democrats of Surry -county' and was circulated by Mr. Brown and hla manager. He was then running against Mr. Lee. for whom Mr. J. D. Boone es says to be champion. When did ?Cr. Brown change His domicile? Judge Graham is not a candidate against Mr. Brown, but air. Lee is trying to use Mr. Brown's supposed location against the candidacy of Judge Graham. The claim that Mr. Brown Is a Wake county man is just as unten able as to say, that, because Hon. J. Bryan Grimes of Pitt, Hon. B. F. Dixon of Cleveland, Hon. Franklin McNeill of New Hanover, and other State officials have resided with their families In Raleigh for many years, they are also Wake county men. How docs Wake county relish this business anyway, charging up against Wake county every office holder whose family resides In Rallegh only while he Is In the service of the State. Why. of course. Governor kltchin also resides In Wake county. S. D. BOOTH. (The above was taken from the Raleigh Times, of June 23, 1910.) Home Building & Loan Association NEW SERIES WILL BE OPENED JULY 1ST, 1910. Par Value of Stock, $100.00 Payable, 25c. Weekly. Those wishing to subscribe see Mr. Jno. B. Sparrow, Secretary