tr Afternoon, june m, i9i?, sa 28 TMa Mill la m smijr tM nral ' '??*??? ? In hi iiilw aad jiTeali fefifeL a4?al>*aiajori? In tM lOVI# of RtprMMlUtiVII tO MB taad witjc; \Rba mint iihi ?x popular MMnt to dIXbnt both la Ita Jafeaaity and (a II* iMivwl ?M Wih to mtj part of tha eoan ?nw , u . .rfJto. Hjad?il aortwat la Repablloaa party la the elect at load 1 oa ik? pert of tha rrsswas^lsira ?aat It. to true that loai aerylce la Coa?reae makaa ? member .Ocl.nt. hot tt to aieo true that auch eervtre do4a? ooa)lM< bUa? a wnMr to _U>a Intelligent w tehee ? ptopla. caiaa tha iaaurgeat aoraaent. Thto awramaat, Itaelf ?a effect of popular dlecoateot, ha. In turn become ? n? eauee of a country- wide la polltteal mattera, i really. ?t the bottom of : MM nrelta'troat" the ttepnbllcaa par ty, aa ahowo In tha alactMna tor Ha?raa#p U II raa tn- Coa sraaa la Maaaachuai York. Whan auch a Maaaachuaette and New uch a moraaaeut be etroot aooach to develop leadere and ahoar Itaalf auceeeafully la Consreea It (aloe aapporlara rap idly la tha country from ifcoee who wara already raatleaa aad 4lae4tlafloi> politically, hat who had wit yet 4a flnad their pqeltloa. "Ia tha racaat apaclal election In tha Rocheeter dlatrlct thli change of attltudo on tha part of tha rotera without tha kaosladca of tha practi cal polltlclana waa moat Birthing. AaUra man. who had a pen I thalr llrea la polltlaa, and who deelred and raal ly triad to look at tha altuatlon with d lain taraa tad Intelligence. wara ua majority eiceedlag 10. sasssSteiSm: -ss,*3it3J2rKS? currdd Ja that otaetUa la (hat die trlct wtU ha fo*o? la any othar dla trlct, hut KWiathtn* or what tiara occarrad may be /expected to any Northern dlatrlct. Than >111 ha tha aaaa political bllqdaaaa to changed poUUcal aaatlnaaot. aad than wl)l ha of that chaage of aaattmant. , whathar It la foraaaaa or aot It to Impoeelble to gey aow whara It auay ba found. Laaat.of all, parbapa, wa would expect la' fad It in Pennayl ranla. bat In 'tha Plttabarf primaries RJfrreaoatatlre DalaaU. with a aorrlco - Id Coafraaa of 1* yaara. la endeavor ing to hold a' trtdtag majority of oatr about 200, la a Republican dlatrlct wh*ra tbdfi drO oewrll.MO Rapott Uoa?to?aa, by 4m aid of a temporary laJMeUM. ' -?> .?V. J .;,r "Tha character of the man pot la nomination by the- Democratic party will hare much to do with tha raaalt ISaAJW'*'' "Tl? Bart OOWM *111 be Demo cratic. Inl it mow be wieely Demo cratic, tor tftera Is work to bo don* which calls tar tbe blaheet wisdom. *??????? If tr<me." -????KrM moii those principles tbe partymett MM tut to Istbe doc trine of Mwl opportunity (or >11 had special prtrfleo (or nooe. Tint MM of party (alth when applied to tW tariff lav ttw euhetaatlal radar tloaa la tbe enormous rata* of dnty wbleb, beclsnln( with the necsssl t tea of tbe clrll war, hare been stead ily Incraaeed as brotf to thaea wko Ornish fundi far Republican cam pa Idas. No hoaeet reristta'of the tariff can. eyer be expected from thoas who bar* mteoeed IU tails ( power tor party parposss. Tboee who haw- called thsmaelras ths ?frtaads of tbe taMT bar* shows teals* Mhetfce awrtsif iw Utn mr Mora, the people 90a this at -ose determined to correct tC THf iM that duties. wtflch grow higher m tbe goods grow ootmr and of lees value, are sot laid for the ban* ?At of labor but In the interest of thm trusts. They know that whei^ the domestic manufacturers get tip gether to form a trust to raiae prices at home, whlla aalllng tbe same goods at laae prlaa abroad, moating there competition with foreign-made gottda ? that the protective dutlea are aat needed on thoao goods to' protect Americas labor, but are demnadad and are obtained and are need to op preea the American consumer and fatten the American trust. They have seen the worst panic, the se verest financial depreesion, occur un der Republican rule and a Repub lican tariff which waa the highest of all high tariffs, and they can no longer be frightened with the false I cry of 'free trade' or 'Democratic ad [the i Red actio* Thet la. Hoeest end Thorough' "Tbe Democratic party will be ready for the rwponslblltty which is to be put. upon It. It will merit tbe eonffdence of the people by an hon est and reasonable reduction of tariff taxes. Such a reduction can be made without Injury to any American man ufacturer who Is willing to sell his goods to hia own countrymen at fair profit 8 uch a redaction can be madb 'without lowering the wigee of any [American workman ?r lessening hie opportunity for steady work. Rather will It give larger opportunities for steady work by reducing tbe coat <* the raw matertala upon which the workman's labor la put, and by thus lowering the coat* of the finished pro duct enlarge ltd consumption and In crease the demand for his lahofr ?The bringing of the Democratic t>arty into power will mean, above aH (Macs, -that' favoritism and pnnleie naat (at out of pollute. , ? ?? Hqwm Bale a t'omerstowe. "The Democratic perty wUl stand true to Its principle of home rule and local eoU-cerernment It will not tolerate encroachments of the Fed eral power upon the powers left with the people ot the Sutee; K will not t of tdtlse by Jhothln, ofj ifchont. W* LiQbtn, Id in* UUl ?ollsrs wu ap-' ? Ue priMnt im- ? ?s. tf continuing ? are incorporated ? ? l Daflnlte, figures containing the ? O^approprtatioas will bo issued O ? from tho House and feenate com- ? ? znlttees within a few1 days. In ? ? so far aa the figures could bo ? ? obtained, from msssures which ? ? underwent change* In the mat + ? hours of the seestoD, the total O ? of the appropriations exclusive of ? ? Continuing appropriation waa ? ? waa m The amount # ? of the continuing appropriations ? ? for the fiscal year was about ? ? 9100.000,000. It la safe to say ? ? that It will not be lees for the ? ? next fiscal yeer, and the grand ? ? total therefore will aggregate at ? ? least *1,084,000,000. ? need of those "The Democratic party will Insist upon the lategrity of Its organisation for party organisation Is easentlal to the beat government. At the same time party organisation never should and never will, choke the honeet ex pression of an honest' Democratic a matter of principle. Organisation by parties and thorough organisation of parties .are equally necessary in popular >O*a?A*0t. No party i s worthy of HHf1 Democratic emblem (a secUanai in Its proclivities or which sqh'ks te foster Industries in Democratic State* or Democratic Jo call ties, or to serve the Democratic party at the expense of the whole State or country, the people have had more thsn enough of that sort 9! legislation from oar opponents. Dem ocratic success will be short-lived if It meaqa merely changing {the party label upon legislative seMshnsss ?<- Ho Waste by Playta* Pvlitin. "Nor. will our party organisation under wise and competent leadership waste its energies Inwhat isknown as politics.' ' Nb party erer served its purpose or Justified Us ex la tea oe in that manner. ^ ? *" "There Is a farther responsibility to. be borne by the Democratic party wKh public duties. Of all responsi bilities this Is of prime Importance, for It Is the foundation of party fcodor and party worth. Honesty. It Is shameful to say, Is aowtometlmes spoken of as 'b?4 fashioned.' but of all forms of dishonesty that which preys upon the public la the most WEALTHY balbioh man COMMITTED 8UICIDE. Charlotte, M.-. JD.r June W. . Wsdsworth, one of the wealthiest anil Kut b.? .... . ..k DROWNED ' Wilmington, June 27.? Mr. LeRoy 'King Smith, captain -of the steamer (City of Fayettevllle, one pf Wilming ton's prominent young men, w?i drowned yeetsrday afternoon a few miles .below the city, He was com ing to the city in a launch and fell from t hv boat. He waa an expert swimmer and it is believed his head ?truck the aide of a boat stunning him. The deceased *as 28 years Old. LIST OK LETTERS. The following leties* remain un called for in this office for the week ending June 25. 1,910: Gentlemen ? John M. Bonas, Jos eph M. Frasler. M. J. Hilyound, John Hawktea (2), R. R. Harrell, Edward Lorlng, Lenard Loomas, J. J. Moore, William Reddick, Oeorge Simmons, John Tilmon, James A. Ward, John Whltehurst, Richard Whitahurst, R. A Whitley. C. 8. Wallace Ladles ? Miss Bertha Adams, Miss Annie Clark. Miss Annie L. Daniels, Fgnnte Kllison, Miss Fannie Gower*, Mrs. Randolph leathern, Miss Settle Oliver, Mies Florence Pa ton. Miss Carro Sharpy (label Tankard, cbl., Mistt-^lllnare Wallace. . These letters wfll be sent to tbs dead letter office July 11, i?it. If not delivered before. In calling foi the above, please aay advertleed. giv ing date of list. OONVBNIKXT SCHEDULE. Tk* WMbintton .nd VaMeaen achedule has bMn changed perma aently. IU train. leavo Washington at 4:1S p.m. Instead of |:t? as be tan- TiiI I've the people from the south aide of the rlrer almoat an boor Imw In Washington and therabr enable them to tnnaact mora business. OUT AGAIN. Mite Mattle Week, wa* out r? tordar after aa lllneae of aireral during., which ah* haa been ooo fined to t ha hoiSk ? v - CANNON LAUDS CONGRESS More Ddwe. Decile Rule Fight, Than at Any Ottxr K ver Sat la. Washington, June 38. ? Igtiktr Cannon toalght declared that the preeent Congre*s had doQfl mora and D*tt*r work than any of which b? lad bean a l**Mb*r during hi* thirty - Ira nm at aarrtca la the Hoom 'Thiw work of legWatloa." he ?aid. "ha# con* on quietly but effec Jraly. whole thoee who rlew Con irees (com a dUtuc4 hare been ** ?umlng that the Hotue wwe doles nothing bat changing It* rule*. . The ?hangee of ruM> ban contributed to *? pleasure and perhape th* power >f eooe individual. In th* Houae. but he current or legislating lt**lf baa a?r** ok. aa usual. with little dla- ' fertaac* on account or a lew ?ew c kathode aad with little adiaitui herotrom. -It kin mrely occurred thai a Coa- ' pre** enacting a new tanc hw baa I MompUsbed much el** ?*? hand le* the tpproprlations for th* Oor mrm*at Thla Cengreea haa not only ?*!*?? Lb* tarl*, wltka.t disturbing ?ylii^? > bat it. kH enacted taper- j tat legislation, aaaendlng tH* IaWr- I Mat* Cadairn law. making that aw??M(? (abctlm. giving th* later itat* Oonkane Commleelon gr*at*r ?*er and creetls* a Court of Com ?em, ead thla without eerloualy af ectlng th* boalMM of the railroad* if checking their lncr**e* of wage* M their Mkployee. Tbl* eeeiae to rn* lo meet tM definition of atatoeman ihlp In leclalktlon. "Thin Congreaa haa alao enacted a Postal Barings Bank law, which In ntlreiy, new laglatatlon , biasing a ?ew trail In lawmaking in thie coun try In our judgment thl? I* th* b*at llluatratlon or party legislation we hat* bad In laaay yeara, and It fully Justifies th* n*c*Hlty tor party acUoa la a great legislative body. If tfcar* had not h*en party eoUdarlty on this hill th*f* would have b**n no teglaU tion creatine HMtal savinga banks M AMATEURS k -y> flood. Otoa* P*ifo? aasai-e Adasss t : Tent W*U ^>10 Maud. mrlaanf awfritalpmwnffc la-ouc-city la st night. The large tmit *u fair ly crowded end the entertainment judging from the applause, which *u plentiful, wee enjoyed by all present and many were heard to ex press themselves as saying It was the beet 10 cent show they ever witness ed. This show tt In no way connect ed with the carnival, but is owned solely and managed by Jaa. Adams and has a splendid reputation through North Carolina, South Caro lina and Georgia, as the cleanest ahd beet ahow on the road today. The show is strictly high-class, all per formances warranted up-to-date In every respect, catering to lad lee, gen tlemen and chlldrey. with an entire change all the way through every night; one show nightly and one mat tlnee Saturday afternoon, 3 o'clock. All wishing a hearty, clean, whole some entertainment with many a laugh, lasting one hour and forty Ave minutes forlO cents pay this at traction a visit. Located on the Coast Line lot, one week. Below we give an extract from Cartesville men, Certersvllle, Qa., af ter the company had remained there one week, signed by the Mayor: To Whom It May Concern: This t* to certify that the James Adams 10 Cent 8hows have been showing In this city for one week, and have given most creditable per formances, which has pleased the Sblic very much. The best endorse .nt the show could have Is the ?ge and enthusiastic crowd that thronged their tent at each and ?v ery performance. The management of th* show la all that could be de sired, and each add everyone con nected with the show hare conducted themselves whilst in oar city In such a way and manner aa to meet the ap probation of everyone. Their show ts nice and clean and all their per formances have been moat pleasing and creditable. ? Yours truly. PAUL OlLRBATH, Mayor. Doors open ever night at 7:&9, curtain rises 8: SO sharp, rain or ahlne. Come try to get in, absolute ly waterproof. 10 cents to all. R ETU R^WTOOM BRIDAL TOUR. Mr. a?4 Mr*. Herbert Stllley re turned yesterday from Wfcahlngton City and other points of Interest vis ited by them while away on their bridal tour. They will reetde with Mr. Stllley's mother on East Second ?treet. SHOCK WAS FATAL. Raleigh. N. C.. June J7.? While Vernon Bynum, an employe of the ctty ftft alarm system, was sitting to day oa the croee bar of an etoetrle pole ),S00 volte of electricity paeeod through hi* body. He bectme en tangled among the wires at the top oT the pole, whence some otherr work men extricated h**.>*JHe llred for three hours after th^.accldent. His home ?u IB Wlj?*P. thU 8t?t?. A wnUu ne'xM hit much tilth tn the ftmtlr phjtsiean unleee he oi Ml her what to 4o tor her ilcklr WAYLAID, rp George GmiImt jfaniVail Ifianlliss "By ? M?(ro ? Parse Contain! ag Orlenta. N. C., JuM 27.? Mr. 0#o. Qardner, a traveling niioui for t?e Southern Furniture Company, <of Washington. N. 0.. waa knocked on the head by an unknown negro it thia place last Saturday night ?uo arhlMMn an unconacloua COndlUM ?n robbed of (IS. Mr. Gardner hi <1 Mw out id attend tha John R 8m I h ~?iniral Conptar which ?u ?zhl > tlnihere at that time ul had )u it ?ft %acar*lY?J irousla to ratal a a IKiRhi at tha koM whaa I a raa aaaaattad. Hla aaaallaat atrut k i la a haavr Mow on the back of tl a i <>?il which knocked him out (or I 'aw mlautae and whaa ha revived I ? tlacovarad that hla pockatbook whl< > onlalned ?IS. waa aalaala? Searc 1 raa made for tha robbar but M , lardnar 'could lira a* deBalte A ? orlptloa of kla aad k? waa not a| irebended. Quit* a crowd of tfrla left f& tarda r iftiraaaa- oa tha gaaboat Alwin U r m< afternoon of pleeeare aad fun o , ha pfctalleo. two of tha' 'Baada r atoM Caacker. (an tkla dallfhtti I rt? dirt tha tlyar to tkatr achoUr . r&'d H faithful workara In' the Bp i - ^_aehW; 'ifcd'paptjr w??mpoe< I Irtbtaan JaUr roun? ladlae. ckal ? jonad by (Mr Uackara. Mra. W. V . laUerthwaUe and Mra, settle Ma/ . , A atop waa aada at tha Pat i ahera (aaaaa and bathing wai lorad. Refreehmenta war* aarrad oil ?ha war hack. It la aaeleaa to aa> hat all lad a dallchWaJ Use, for an sccaalon of (hla ktad la alwara art larad. Tha trip will ba lone remem Mrad br alt who attended. to ncruiur fight. Reno. Juaa Tha tight to ae eare a pictorial report of tba "battla of tha oebtttfr" will coat rtoaa tb That la aa aatlnuta baaad oa tha prteee of their reapeetlwe aharea. a?r?ad apqa br J?tfHea.: Johnaop and. Promoter Tax RtckariJ J** Olaaaoa, Klckard'a partner In ata*inj tha bl? l?ht, la aald to ha the only one of thaaa Intaraatad if \WKas his atataraent of TfeVVOT? mgiK was premature, TeJf Rlckard baa announced definitely the aale of hla and Jeffries Interests In the .picture# for 9100,000 oaah, that aum having; been placad on deposit In a Reno bank pending 'the fulfill ment of a algned contract. Jeffries Is to receive two-thirds and Rlckard one-third of the fcl00.000. According to the amended fight ar ticles, Jeffries and Johnson are Joln4 owner* of the picture rlghta. and each la hound to turn over to "the promoters one-third of the profits each receives therefrom. With the picture rlghta split between rival syn dicates, It la likely that two aets of films will be made. Baseball Yesterday NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia 2, New York 0. Brooklyn 3, Boaton 2. St. Louis 3. Pittsburg 7. Cincinnati 2. Chicago 0. AMERICAN LEAGUE. First game ? New York 4. Wash ington 3. Second game ? New York 1. Washington 2. First game ? Boaton 2, Philadel Dhla 6. Second game ? Boston 1, Philadelphia 3. Cleveland 7, Chicago 2. VIRGINIA LEAGUE. Danville 6. Portamouth 4. Lynchburg l, Richmond 2. Norfolk 6, Roanoke 4. CAROLINA LEAGUE. Charlotte 2, Spartanburg 7. Flint game ? Anderson 8. Green ville Second game ? Greenville 7. Anderson 1. , Greensboro 8. Winaton-Saelm 4. KAHT CAROLINA LEAGUE. Wilaon 4, Wilmington 0. Fayettevllle 8. Raleigh 2. Ooldeboro 3, Rocky Mount 1. NOW IS THE TIME at All ?h? Din Yom Wmmt Fran ttac city Stmt m? Of oo*??mc Ounnlm.?L< Fan* to Provide ???efcet Hub* of Carte. The Neve wu la error wkli It ?Utad tli* order to |ht ?i; tM llrt from the itroete had been re In Justice to the ImproYement Committee the true state of Attain ihould bo given Tho Btroot Com alasioaer had requeated that ho ho lOrxolttod to um tho Atrt oft tho (troou (or making repairs. Ho was lotlttod to ho TO tofta'm4f to aovo t Friday morning, ho felled to pro 440 su flic lent carta to rmmorm It. to to accurate for tea* and carta wore unlabel to move tho dirt d?g ap (bout SO bob. Saturday tho CoM|? IfiMT M(Uao carta there, aad to la* one la doing duty for the city, rhfc* there ohould be tweaty or hlrtf. Washington will not again hare inch an opportunity to repair aad ?ulld up ito etreeta at oo little ooet ao tas Just poeeed. Who to to blaaoo? 'ho Street Ooutaeiooor says be waa lot authorlaod to hire carta to do thta rorh. tfth AYWtkm UH ctrrm mw? *in ?max." New iTork. JJt?- ta.? Tke dine ore of tho Yttfh Avenue Bank yee arday declared a qaatrerly dMdeod >f 16 por oOnt and aleo a apodal do* :1a ratio a of lit par oeat oo tta cap ut of fitt.toP. The took, whleh ftas a aarptua of M,0*n.0iw. baa for many yeera led tho banking tnetltu J one of thla city in the largo dirt lead return* made to ha stockhOM ira, among whom are Jamoe Q. Cao ion, vice president Fourth National Bank; John D. dimmlne, the con tractor. and Henry R. Ickelheimer of tho international banking house of Heldelbach, Ickelheimer ft Co. Mre. Rusaell Sage la also a large stock holder In the bank. The dlrtdeada- juet declared, u'|? announced, are out of th? proflta of not. P?r tho last eight years the bank to HI por oft* , 0. and a fOw^aj* ago i sold fee ti.lO*. It 1 ?lttf* per coat, nothiarf atftj 1907.1BO per cent." total for year S60 per cent; 1908, 160 per cent, total for year. 260 per cent; 1?0|, HO par cent, total for year. 230 per cent The Flrat National Bank, a Morgan Inatltuton,. two years ago paid a spe cial dividend of 1,600 per cant BROKE ARM Fell From Tree ud Broke Her Arm ? Medical Aid Rendered-^VUl Sooa Be Oat. Little Miss Rita Warren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Warren, had the misfortune to fall from a tree Sunday and broke her arm abore the elbow. Drs. D. T. and Joshua Tayloe rendered medical aid, she U confined to the bed but is doing well and will soon be out. NEW BKRX VS. WASHINGTON. The New Bern baseball team ar rived this morning and while the Dally News Is going to press they are playing the Washington team. They will play the second game tomorrow. Everybody should go out and root for the home boys. ? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. f 9 Gem Theater. 4 ? Bloodlne. + ? Ellison Bros. ? Jackson Square ? ? Coffee. ^ ? J. K. Hoyt ? Summer Goods. f ? Pamlico Beach ? Opening. + ? Municipal Light Plant? Elee- ? ? trlcity. ^ ? Joe. F. Tayloe ? Fruit Jara. Ac. ? ? J. L. O'Qulnn. Florist ? Bulbs. ? ? Mrs. Summers' Remedies. + ? Chesapeake Steamship to. + ? Doan's Kidney Pllla. * ? CarduL a Home Building Sc Loan Association ds NEW SERIES WILL BE OPENED JULY 1ST, 1910. . Pat Value of Stock, $100.00 Payable, 25c. Weekly. Those wishing to subscribe see Mr,

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