EJERNOON. JUNE ?, 1910. jj flSgsHEggg t? pop at ttrt corner of MMI u4M. He didn't Wilt, bat tUrttd on the rn? fer. the, ??r?BC.; hetroNwWee o? eat wun* ^t 'hi. rm the IllMl St No. ?? MUMt attest. rass*?r?wss MM without bj IfcypfOar lor. and tboee who saw him acamper ?wm pau atria* eartt wouM have ataraated the fKbnMU board Im . It* uw question. R? e*pUined that sjsaja&^ajpi to wou for ao au fro* inuMIt U. n? other ..rM br hud 0D UoPttC^+h*,!. Tho photography awws'acrrrj: sellout kit of Mcbaleai work. ThU ?""? Mother excellent bill for the 0e? tonight, don't ajn it. ci.Ot mrww -JOt jUtM'lWlfcTi. Lo?to?to?, KT.. June ??.? Cloed burete In lb. moutaln. of Buun, KMtuckjr I??t night ceueed duuie ?Cr&T!l children during the period of tkt 20 jrear pooling agreement the trust Kreement shall remain undlaturbed, the husband or wife to have the in dividual privilege of - disposing of their respective Interest a subject to that agreement, the Interests of any child leaving a direct descendant or POLICE COURT? Ttw Hay or state n. J no. wiUoo, cot. tawli ' Ftneit.UMA CMta, total ?*.8t. ! Sute a Joo. Latham. col . trunk ind disorderly. Sentenced to Jail tor It day*. ?? IJW-,'" Stat* 1*. Andrew Herrlag. aaeault. HnWoced to H day* ta l?U. 8UU W. 0?o. Jaekaon, drunk and llMrdtrly. Pined |19 and ooata, to la I llt.W. .t Mb" Stat, t, Jot Wallace and Bob Moore, dlaorderty conduct. Wallace llamlaeed; Judgment auapended aa to Moor* upon payment of com. Stat* re. Chaa. Harris, carrying concealed weapon Bound orer to ?urt. ? ! ? ntsACKBK anoKos to UXHHf. Tlx Rer Wallaca M. short, paator >t the pint Congregational Church, nw of the |argeet and aoat arlato cratlc -churehea oi Sioux City. Iowa, ka* earned a aeeaatiou by refusing to lake part ia a Joint prohibition cru by tha church** of Sloui ??-?j . .... -iPHMPMH ba ?*?* In prohlMUoa. ? He eaya that he aa*. "with a deamte and frMadly pur l>0**. nought to Increase ay acqualn lance among tha taec who are aa laged In tha liquor bualaae*." fear. Short capped the clltnaz when he kxaed thajiartender*- union. He U a regular attendant upon their meat lata, so tar aa hla dutlee will allow. "I bar*" U receat maath* bean In ?aar ealaoaa In aeraral big American aUee," ha an A a aaaal. thla ha* >U created a nine-day wonder, aad the church people are dtrided orer Ihe aueetlon. ? Mnakogee (Okie.) torn inmn. KM r hi a aasd Ti 1 1 1 u.cy Raleigh. N. C.. June *g.? teetbr afternoon and moat of today wee toudW by OoWraor Kltchfc ?n* Treaaarer Laoy i^pmratMl bjr H. C. uxrora, N. C, Jane 27, 1910. Mr. Editor: ? Replying further to the criticisms of Judge Graham by ?friends of Mr. Lee who seem to base their candidate's claim entirely upon geographical linee, I think I have sat isfied all reasonable men that the West would be well represented on the Corporation Commlaaion^H^ the pereon of Mr. If. C. Brown, of Barry county. Now aa to capacity aa a public ear van t. and especially aa a Legislator, we would be glad for Mr. Lee s frfceads to explain hla position oa sev eral public questions. Fin*. I aee from the. files of the News and Ob server, March 6 and 6, 1909, that the bill to tatabllah Inspection of oil In this State, and prevent Imposition of adnltered oils, upon our people, was Introduood by Hon. L. Doughton, of Alleghaiiy, -and. strenuously op txand by Mr. W T. lh. ot lUjrwood, both before the Committee and on the floor of \fee house. He eald, among other things ,'lt w?uld be of no prac tical benefit?f>ut would breed V horde of office holders, appointed by one man, who would unduly pry Into the buatneaa of the merchanta, would cripple or drive out all the Indepen dent companies and raise the price of oil to the consumer. The attorn eye for the Independent companies. Representative L$e, and Mr. J. H. Pou, attorney for the Stand ard Oil Company, all oppose the bill, but Judge Graham and fifty-nine other Democrats voted for the bUl, while Mr. Lee and fourteen other Democrat* and sixteen Republicans voted against it What has boon the reeultT Only ten Inspectors have been appointed, one from each congresalonal dlatrlct, b y the member of the Board of Agri culture from that dlatrlct, the quality of oQ haa vastly Improved; the price of oil haa decreased 1 X-t centa par gallon; the number of Independent oil companies In the State haa la creased from four to fifteen; and the the SUte has received .In eleven monthe, since the law Went lnt\ op eration. $22,500 over and nbgve all expenaer of executing the tow, ajf *Itl FINE INSTRUMENT Jfc iW -J. wll. u .I f*#" Recital Will Bo Una by FM. me Ml He Write* That Orjui U the fines! South of Norfolk. The work U progressing l the pipe organ now being luttIM el Ute First Methodist Church. It is tt. expectation of the orsu committee that the Instrument will be completed by Sunder week an* the rielul will be glren MIW ?* wtt* follow Us b y Prof. Frssman. organist of ts~ St. Jluet Episcopal Church. Wash lngtoa. D. c.. who draw the plans nn< specifications ot the oVgar iow helm Prof. Treeman has rtslted the ?ac tor r ssreral times and writes ben that the lustre? t ns'sse of tb< Sheet, both as to tone and workman ship, south of Norfolk. As soon as the orpi Is ooaspletad a test will be mate by this well knows artist to which arorjrboSr la the ctt] will hs?w a cordial daettntloo. the Victor an Educatoi Schools All Ov?r Unite* , States Are Buying Victors. In the Berkley (CaL) ns sett, is Whore the Victor Is used in the pohltt schools, victortne Hartley, ouperrtsot of music, writes:. "The question has been asked 'Whit ie the nine of the Victor u the echoolroootf Until one under studs the work In school music ol | today the value of the Victor cnnnoi bo fully appreciated. ( 1 ) Good roe Sin the children something worth while, to tblak about, feel end Use with. (*) It aoqualnts then With the world's greatest srtlsu. thi ?rent composer* and their composl Sons. (1) It trains the eer. make* ?stM&swsrin eaves time. (6) It lift# children to i Ad moVal VM menUI \i\AtffkVu .be guile ebutfe of d| **K* ley School we try to have the cUMnt bear and slag only tbe bMt coapotl Imagine Bid* ud boys listen U. Journet and /Daddl In their mitch lees way, and ^?Mly learnlna to knos each voice. * L-* r "In the se Tenth and eighth gradei wj? *dlp* Into orchMtratlons. What doe* the Instrument mean to a person who has never seen or never heard one? With the Victor there ere e* cellent records of orchestra and hand, besides the Individual Instrument oi 'flute, 'celo. violin, trombone and pic colo reproducing the exquisite quality of oach. a ^MIn the upper grades we try to ac quaint tbe children with song forms. Splendid records those? hymns, bal lads, folk songs, national songs and excerpts from opera and oratorio can be purchased at reasonable pricoe. Pattl singing The Last Rose of Sum mer'; Melba, 'Ye Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon'; Ptancon. 'The Calf of Gold'; Da Qosorxo, 'Drink to Ma Only With Thine Eyes' ; Williams,. All ThCo' the Night,' would be Invaluable to our children. r., ? . ? We want all the children .to know tbe great artists of voice* and Instru ment. We wast than to know Bach, Handel, BMthovea, Mendelssohn, Shubert, Schumann, and others. We want them to know "The Messiah. " "The 8prlng Song." "The Barl King," and other classics. How caa we ac complish thlV better than b y the um of the. Victor Talking Machine? With tbe Victor In yaur home, yon can accomplish even more than theM schools, besides giving you and family ially amusement and pleasure. We arc arranging for a 10-day demon stration at our store and we want svery family In town and country to :all and hMr the world's greatest art ist*. Wa will have oa exhibitioa* ma chines frotti #lO to 9200. TheM rbines will be offered on terma to. lult buyer. FamUlM wlehlng to hMr them in their homes. If they will lot as know, we will be glad to lend you >ne with 24 records ot ylonr own ae-| action. Youas reepectfully. I RU88 BROS.. The Talking Machine Dealers. ? ????? ???? ?? # IOEW ADVKKTI8KMK.XTS. # Qta Theater. % J- JUHoyt? LedlasClothlng. . ? Jaa. K. CUrk ? Umbrellas. ? Jefferson Furniture Co ? Piano*. ? Union Grocery Co. ? Oroceries. ? Ellison Bra*. ? Jackson Square ? Coffee. + *. U. O'Qulns. Florist ? Bulb* # BASKUALL YK8TKR1>AY. Vubl?||t?a Lost to Mew Bers bjr the Score of 7 to S. The seme wm foil of life sad look id good for Washingotn up to the ilgbtb Inning wben the New Bern toys connected safely for four hits ,nd won the gaxse. Both sides plsy d good bell sad several good pegs ere pulled off. Washington's- pitch - r worked well except the fate! eighth inlng. Everything was In his fartfr. 'he New Bern boys also -played a ood game. Both teams play here to- ' ay and a large crowd Is expected, he featurea of the game was the laying of Harker and Thomas of Tew Bern, and pitching of the Indian >r Washington. R H B Tashlagtoa 5 6 4 ew Bern 7 6 4 Umpire. Mr. Msxwell. The Bloomer Girls play the Wfcsh tgton team here 8eturday. Every xfy be sure to come out and see le game and help the boys. o put In a haod day training tomor x>w. Jeffries ects to try his speed with the gloves. NEW SERIES WILL BE OPENED JULY 1ST, 1910.